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CllY COU~Cll MIEEr~NG DAlE FelbU"UJallry 19,2008
PAL Chapter FeasIbIhty
Report by Paul McCreary Parks and Commumty Servlce5 Manager
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ReceIve report and determme If the need for a youth fee assIstance
program eXIsts If so, dIrect Staff to prepare a hIgher servIce level
for OptIOn 2 for consIderatIOn as part of the FY 2008-2009 budget
The estlmated first-year cost to the CIty ranges from $221,180 (OptIOn
1 Form a PAL Chapter) to $20,120 (Option 2 Begm Fundrmsmg for
CIty Fee ASSIstance Program for Youth)
DESCRIPTION The CIty CouncIl establIshed a medIUm prIOrIty objectIve to explore
the fcasIbIhty ofestabhshmg a Pohce ActIVItIes League (PAL) program m DublIn Members of the Parks
and Commumty SerVIces and Pohce ServIces Departments have conducted an analYSIS and review of the
CalIforma PAL orgamzatIOn and the requIrements for establIshmg a chapter III Dublm Ba~ed on the
analYSIS It would be feaSIble to establIsh a PAL program, however addItIOnal staffing resources would be
reqUired m both departments AddItionally, the level of commumty support for a PAL program m Dublm
IS uncertam Followmg I~ an overVIew of the findmgs of Staff
The Police ActIVIties League (PAL) IS one of the oldest cItIzen-bUIldmg youth programs m the natIOn
PAL began m 1914 WIth the VISIOn of bUIldmg a bond between cops and kIds by creatmg safe
commumlIes and enrIchmg young lIves CalI form a PAL IS the statewIde branch of the natIOnal PAL
orgamzatlon TheIr mISSIOn IS to umte law enforcement officers and commumtIes by provIdmg youth
programs that develop dIscIplme, pOSIllve self-Image, mutual trust and respect Throughout the year,
California PAL sponsors a WIde range of athletIC, educatIOnal and youth leadershIp events for
partICIpatIOn by the PAL chapters These events mclude sportmg tournaments for softball, basketball
soccer, martIal arts and boxmg to name a few A vanety of excurSIons are also planned to places such as
the snow and amusement parks
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G \COUNClL\Agenda Statemenls\2008\2 ] 9 PAL Program I easlbllll\ doc
PAL youth are given the opportUnIty to expenence new thmgs and to travel to vanous locatIons
throughout the state TypIcally a maJonty of the costs such as transportatIon and lodgmg are covered by
California PAL, whIle the local chapter IS responsIble for coverIng the other costs through fundrarsmg and
SUbsIdized user regIstratIon fees ThiS provides the opportumty for youth at all economIC levels to
partiCIpate m PAL events
In addItIOn to bemg able to partiCIpate m CalifornIa PAL events, local chapters are also able to offer their
own programs, events and tournaments Many commUnItIes use the PAL chapter as a vehicle for secunng
donatIons to help SUbSidIze the costs of after school programs, sports leagues and teen speCIal events
ThIS IS espeCially valuable to commumtIes with limited finanCial resources, but a SIgnificant need to
Implement low-cost programs that help to keep youth occupIed and reduce cnme
Based on the reqUirements of CahfornIa PAL, the CIty would need to take the lead m formmg a non-profit
organIzalIon With 501 c3 status WIth the State The Dublin PAL chapter would also need a local Board of
DIrectors, which would be responsible for conductmg fundrmsmg and provldmg mput to the City on the
types of programs and services to offer WIth the PAL funds TypIcally the Board IS compnsed of
commumty stakeholders such as busmess leaders, faith-based leaders, elected offiCials, retaIlers, coaches,
school dlstnct personnel, and adult and youth members at large
In additIon the Board would mclude representatIves from the Police ServIces and Parks and Commumty
ServIces Departments InitIally, Staff would need to establish articles of mcorporatIon and bylaws,
establish bank accounts and finanCIal procedures, recrUit mterested board members, conduct a Board
on entatIon and goal settmg retreat, and conduct electIons for officers Once the organIzatIon IS
established, Staff from both Departments would need to contmue to prOVIde staff support to the
orgamzatlon and the monthly Board meetmgs ThIS would reqUIre the same amount of tIme that It takes
to prOVIde Staff support to an AdVISOry Committee or CommISSIon
Three needs were IdenlIfied as part of the study that could pOSSIbly be met by formmg a local PAL
chapter The first two needs were IdentIfied as part of survey conducted by the TrI-Valley Adolescent
Health InitiatIve The first IS the need for more recreatIOnal programs to serve as preventatIve measures to
support the phYSIcal and mental health of youth The second was the need to prOVide low-cost and
affordable recreatIonal programs It should be noted that the City has been proactive m provIdmg
affordable mc1usIOnary housmg, WhICh may mcrease the need for affordable recreatIon programs
The third program need IS related to JuvenIle cnme With the mcrease of populatIon m DublIn and the
TrI-Valley, there has been an mcrease m JuvenIle related CrImes Most of the CrImes commItted by
Juvemles are relatIvely mmor m nature and mclude offenses such as vandalism, trespass 109, school
dIsclplmary Issues, curfew VIOlatIOns, and dIsorderly conduct Other more senous offenses that are
common relate to tobacco, alcohol and marIJuana WIth thiS Increase there are more demands placed on
polIce, school admmlstratIon, Juvemle probatIOn and local SOCial servIce agencies
StudIes have shown that recreatIon programs can have a pOSItIve Impact on the commumty by reducmg
CrIme For example, Kansas City, MISSOUrI, reported a 25% decrease m the rate of JuvenIle apprehensIOns
compared to the prevIOUS year In the areas abuttIllg recreation centers 10 whIch MIdmght Basketball
programs were added In Fort Worth, Texas, CrIme statIstIcs supplied by the Police Department mdlcated
m a one mile radIUS of the communIty centers where late nIght sports programs were proVIded, CrIme
dropped 28% At five other communIty centers where these programs dId not eXIst, cnme rose an average
of 39%
Provldmg recreatIOn, educatIOn or other actIVItIes IS tradItIonally not a functIon of the Pohce ServIces
Department However, the Department has already taken many steps to address thIS Issue mcludmg
partnenng With the Dubhn Umfied School DIStrIct to provIde two school resource officers and conduct
classroom safety trammg for teachers, addmg a Youth Officer to aSSIst WIth the mcreased number of
Juvemle cases, as well as gang preventIon and mterventIOn, conductmg DUl awareness and educatIon
programs, and, provldmg a vanety of commumty specIal events such as bIke rodeos, excursIOns and the
NatIonal NIght Out
The Parks and Commumty ServIces Department has also been addressmg these needs and respondmg to
the findmgs of the Tn-Valley Adolescent Health ImtIatIve Currently the Department conducts after
school recreatIon and homework assIstance programs at both mIddle school campuses The Department
conducts monthly teen specIal events, and a varIety of special mterest classes that appeal to teens ThIS
year the CIty has added several new low-cost teen sports events III flag football, kICk ball, and dodge ball
In addItIOn there WIll be an mter-generatIonal golf tournament that WIll serve as a fundraIser for future
youth recreatIOn scholarshIp programs For the mental health needs, the CIty has also created the
www DubTownTeens com websIte that proVIdes local youth WIth resources and hnks to these types of
servIce proViders
Although the CIty IS already offermg a vanety of teen recreatIOn programs, all of the programs are fee-
based In dIscussmg teen activItIes WIth the Youth AdVISOry CommIttee, the Y AC mdlcates that cost IS
the number one bamer to partIcIpatIOn Consequently there may be a need to proVIde a means for further
expandmg the aVaIlabIhty oflow-cost teen actIvItIes as a way to support the health and wellness ofDubhn
teens and decrease Juvemle cnme Formmg a Dublm PAL chapter IS one of the possIble methods to meet
thIS need
The goals for the first year would pnmarIly focus on establIshmg the Board, organIzatIonal goals and
obJectIves, and begIll fundrmsmg Staff from both Departments would begm meetmg WIth a varIety of
communIty stakeholders to gamer IllPUt on the organIzatIOnal goals and obJectIves After the Board
begms functIomng, the Pohce Services Department would begIll mtroducIllg mtake programs for at-nsk
youth that would proVIde a preventatIve hnk between the youth and aVailable recreatIOn and dIverSIOn
programs In addItIon dunng the first two years, the organIzatIon would start to take advantage of the
eXlstmg PAL sports tournaments and excurSIOns, provIdmg new and affordable expenences for Dubhn
youth AdditIonally the program would focus on cstabhshmg a scholarshIp program to SUbSIdIze
regIstratIon fees for recreatIon programs for youth who are dIsadvantaged
In future years Staff enVISIOns utIhzmg the PAL chapter to expand the number of CIty sponsored teen
programs and events, as well as contmumg to take advantage of the tournaments and excurSIons offered
by CalIfornia PAL Dependmg on the level of support and mterest from the Board and communIty, the
PAL chapter could become mtegral to fundraIsmg for long-term capital needs such as mobIle recreatIon
programs, recreatIonal facIhtIes on school campuses and needs IdentIfied by the TrI- Valley Adolescent
Health ImtIatIve
In order to establIsh a VIable PAL chapter m Dublm, addItIonal staffing would be needed for the Pohce
ServIces and Parks and Commumty ServIces Department The PolIce Services Department would take the
lead on program admImstratIOn and matchmg at-fIsk youth WIth the program's resources The Parks and
Commumty ServIces Department would take the lead m plannmg and conductmg the varIOUS recreatIonal
programs, events and excursIOns offered by the PAL chapter The Board would take the lead m
For the PolIce ServIces Department, thIS would reqUIre a full-tIme, sworn Youth ServIces Officer, who
would be the prImary CIty lIaIson to the PAL Board The Officer would work a 40 hour work week, WIth
a fleXIble schedule to allow for attendance at school functIons and recreatIOn programs The PAL Officer
would be responsible for conductmg mtake assessment meetmgs WIth parents and Juvemles, and
recommendmg programs that would serve the needs of youth especIally those deSigned to prevent
delmquent or cmmnal behavlOr He or she would make contact and develop relatIonshIps With youth who
meet the at-rIsk cnterIa The Office would also mamtam contact With publIc and prIvate youth servIce
prOVIders and faCIlItate collaboratlOn
For the Parks and Commumty ServIces Department, formmg a PAL chapter would reqUire mcreasmg the
RecreatIon Techmclan for teen programs from %-tIme to full-tIme status ThIS would prOVIde the
necessary tIme to coordmate partICIpatIon m CalIfornIa PAL events and excurSIOns, and expand teen
recreatIon programs and events sponsored by the DublIn PAL chapter The RecreatlOn TechnICIan would
also assIst the Board WIth fundratsmg events
Based on the current salary and benefit costs, addmg the necessary staffing m both departments to support
a full-fledged PAL chapter could potentIally mcrease the CIty'S costs by at least $221,180 m the first year,
of which $31,600 are one-tIme capItal costs Due to the uncertamty of the commumty's support for a
local PAL chapter, It IS hkely the CIty may not recoup much of the staffing costs from the PAL chapter
A second optIon would be to start smaller by focusmg on fundralsmg for a CIty operated youth fee
aSSIstance program, and Improvmg collaboratIon between PolIce and Parks and CommunIty Services For
thIS optIon the City would not form a PAL chapter The Admlmstratlve ServIces Department has
mdIcated that the IRS conSiders charItable donatIons to a mumclpalIty as tax deductIble (as long as no
servIce or product IS receIved m exchange) Therefore the City could accomplIsh many of the objectIves
of a PAL program WIthout havmg to form a chapter and non-profit board However, the CIty could not
partICIpate m tournaments and excursIOns sponsored by CalIfornIa PAL
Implementmg an annual fundralsmg campaign and Implementmg a youth fee assIstance program would
reqUIre mcreasmg the RecreatIon TechnICian for teen programs from %-tIme to full-tIme status ThiS
would prOVIde the necessary tIme to
o Partner WIth the PolIce ServIces Department and coordmate an annual fundralsmg campaign for
donatIons from local mdIvIduals, busmesses, and non-profit organIzatIons
o Coord mate an annual fundrmsmg event and apply for grants
o Coord mate the youth fee aSSIstance program
ThiS approach would better leverage eXlstmg CIty resources and the strengths of each Department, and
would be less staff mtenslve It would expand access to eXlstmg youth servIces and prOVIde a means for
PolIce ServIces to refer at-nsk youth of all economIc abilItIes to eXIstmg Parks and Commumty Services
programs as a CrIme preventIon tool It would also help determme the level of communIty mterest and
support for youth CrIme preventIon programs If there was conSiderable support and the annual amount of
fundmg exceeded the demands of the fee assIstance program, then the CIty could utIhze the excess
donatIons to hIre more part-tIme staff and mdependent contractors to expand youth and teen programs
Based on currcnt salary and benefit costs, addmg the necessary Staffing to support thIS option could
mItIally mcrease the Clty's annual costs by approxImately $20,120 per year
The Parks and Commumty ServIces CommIsSIOn consIdered this Item on January 22, 2008 The
CommIsSIon unanImously recommended not formmg a PAL chapter at this tIme, but Illstead purSUIng
Optron 2 to secure fundIng for a youth fee assIstance program Some of the comments receIved fTom
CommISSIOners IndIcated that a PAL chapter would be more SUItable for metropolItan areas, and that the
CIty was already dOIng a good Job of addressmg youth cnme prevention and planmng recreatIonal
opportumtIes for youth It was noted that purSUIng a youth fee assIstance program would be a good
startmg pomt
ThiS analysIs shown there IS an opportumty to Illcrease the collaboralIon between the Pohce Services and
Parks and Commumty ServIces Departments to further address the wellness of DublIn youth and prevent
Juvemle cnme It shows that a PAL program could be feasIble, however the creation of a non-profit
orgamzalIon and the amount of tIme necessary to support the Board would be sIgmficant, and beyond the
current staffing resources of both Departments
Based on the current economiC condItrons In the State and the potentral for a reduced amount of general
funds avaIlable to the CIty m the next few years, Staff does not recommend movmg forward WIth a PAL
chapter at thIS time AdditIOnally SInce there IS not documented support for such a program, Staff does
not recommend that level of fundmg at thIS time However, If the Council concurs WIth the CommISSIon
and supports OptIOn 2, then Staff would determIlle If fundmg would be avarlable when preparIng the
FIscal Year 2008-2009 Parks and Commumty ServIces Department budget
Regardless If fundIllg IS aVailable, Staff from the PolIce and Parks and Commumty ServIces Departments
WIll contIllue to Illcrease collaboratIOn on the plannmg, promotIOn and ImplementatIOn of eXlstmg
programs and servIces, as well as conduct quarterly meetmgs to enhance commumcatlon between the
RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the CIty CouncIl receIve the report and
determme If the need for a youth fee aSSIstance program eXIsts If so, dIrect Staff to prepare a hIgher
service level for Option 2 for consideratIOn as part of the FY 2008-2009 budget