HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.14 Ord Dub Rnch Storm Drain CITY CLERK File # D~~[Q]-[~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 4, 2008 SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 06-07, which Created the Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain Benefit District (which Includes the Property within the City's Territorial Limits East of Dublin Ranch and Fallon Road) to Include an Interest Component in Accordance with the Subdivision Map A~~to~ Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Dir::;r l' . : ATTACHMENTS: I) 2) Proposed Ordinance Ordinance No. 06-07 RECOMMENDATION: /1 AV Waive the second reading and adopt the Ordinance to Amend ,/\{/y" Ordinance No. 06-07. . 'l,: ., FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There will be no cost to the City for operation of the District. The Dublin Ranch developer has financed and constructed the storm drain facilities and will be partially reimbursed for the costs of construction by other property owners in the District who benefit from the facilities, through reimbursement charges collected by the City pursuant to the proposed ordinance. The City will retain I % of the charges to cover its costs of administering the Benefit District. DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain Benefit District, created by Ordinance No. 06-07, consists of approximately 1,120 acres, of which 420 acres are within the eastern portion of Dublin Ranch. The remaining 700 acres within the City limits to the immediate east are in the area commonly referred to as the Eastern Dublin Property Owners area, which contains II parcels. The land in the District drains to a major storm drain line along the north side ofI-SSO that is referred to as the G3 Line in the Master Drainage Plan of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7. The Dublin Ranch developer, the Lin Family, constructed the drainage facilities for the G3 line ("the' Improvements") as part of the improvements for Dublin Ranch. The G3 Line drainage facilities have COPY TO: Page I of2 ITEM NO. 'fIt{. G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIV A TE\Dublin Ranch\East Side SO Benefit District\Agst adopt Updated Ordinance 030408.DOC C- been designed and sized to accommodate, in addition to the Dublin Ranch East Side properties, the increased drainage from the proposed development of the 700 acres of the East Dublin Properties. The total cost for the G3 line drainage facilities is $4,594,090. This amount is based on the actual construction cost with markups for design, surveying, construction administration and City-related processing costs. The cost does not include value of the right-of-way for the line, nor does it include the amount reimbursed to the Lin Family by Zone 7. On April 17, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 06-07, which created the Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain Benefit District as a means to require development within the Eastern Dublin Property Owners area to reimburse the Lin Family for the Improvements with additional capacity that benefits the Eastern Dublin Property Owners. Under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, the Lin family is entitled to be reimbursed for the costs of the Improvements "including an amount attributable to interest." Ordinance No. 06-07 contains provisions to increase the reimbursement amounts for interest following its adoption; however, the Ordinance did not account for interest during the period between the completion of the Improvements and the adoption of Ordinance No. 06-07. At the request of the Lin family, the proposed Ordinance adjusts the reimbursement amounts to account for interest during the period between the completion of the Improvements and the adoption of the Ordinance. For administrative convenience, the Ordinance also includes greater specificity about how the annual automatic interest calculation will be made. On February 19, 2008, the City Council held a Public Hearing regarding the proposed Ordinance. Following the Public Hearing, the City Council waived the reading and introduced the Ordinance. Staff recommends that the City Council waive the second reading, and adopt the Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 06-07. . Page 2 of2 ORDINANCE NO. - 08 I ~ ;(l) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********** AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 06-07, WHICH MADE FINDINGS, ADOPTED A LOCAL DRAINAGE PLAN, AND CREATED THE DUBLIN RANCH EAST SIDE STORM DRAIN BENEFIT DISTRICT, A LOCAL BENEFIT DISTRICT, TO LEVY AND COLLECT CHARGES, AS A CONDITION OF DEVELOPMENT, TO REIMBURSE DEVELOPERS WHO CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL DRAINAGE FACILITIES THAT BENEFIT PROPERTIES OTHER THAN THEIR OWN RECITALS A. On April 17, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 06-07, which made findings, adopted a local drainage plan, and created the Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Drain District, a local benefit district to levy and collect charges, as a condition of development, to reimburse developers that construct and install drainage facilities that benefit properties other than their own properties. B. Under the authority of the Subdivision Map Act, and in particular Government Code sections 66485 through 66489, the City required the developer of Dublin Ranch to oversize certain storm drain facilities ("the Improvements") to provide adequate capacity for other properties within the relevant drainage shed; the Improvements were completed on or before January I, 2005. C. By so doing, the City obligated itself to establish a mechanism to reimburse the developer for the portion of the capacity in excess of that required for the Dublin Ranch project, plus an amount attributable to interest. D. Ordinance No. 06-07 established such a mechanism, and it requires the owners and developers of property within the area benefited by the Improvements to pay the City a specified benefit charge to allow the City to reimburse the developer of the Dublin Ranch property for the costs of constructing the oversized improvements. E. Ordinance No. 06-07, in accordance with the Map Act provisions, also includes an annual adjustment to the benefit charges to account for interest following the adoption ofthe ordinance; however, the benefit charges set forth in Ordinance No. 06-07 did not account for interest between the time of completion of the Improvements and the date of adoption of Ordinance No. 06-07. F. The purpose of this amendment to Ordinance No. 06-07 is to provide a mechanism to adjust the benefit charges to account for interest in the period between the completion of the Improvements (January I, 2005) and the adoption of Ordinance No. 06-07. G. The City Council hereby finds that the development of property in the Benefit District identified in the Engineer's Report would require construction of the Improvements, and the charges imposed on properties by Ordinance No. 06-07, as amended by this ordinance, are fairly apportioned within the area on the basis of the benefits conferred and costs incurred. -:1l-e...\'Y\ 1* J.t' 14 dJLI jOt!! ~ 1 A IT ACHMENT 1.E o? ~ ,;('1 THE DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 06-07. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 06-07 is amended to read as follows: "SECTION 5: OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED. Upon the approval ofa Land Use Entitlement for any Benefited Property in the District, the owner, developer, or other person with an interest in such property shall be required, as a condition of approving the Land Use Entitlement, to pay the applicable benefit charges for the property, as set forth in Figure 6 of the Engineer's Report as thereafter adjusted for interest in the manner set forth below. Payment for a Benefited Property within the Benefit Area shall be required at the time the City approves aily final or parcel map on that property or at the time the City issues a building permit on that property, whichever is earlier. To account for interest during the period between the completion of the Improvements and the adoption of this Ordinance, the charges listed in Figure 6 of the Engineer's Report shall be increased by amounts that would have been applied, using the interest adjustment procedure described below, if the charges had been adjusted for interest each July 1st following the January I, 2005, completion date of the Improvements. These amounts are as follows: 1.87% for the July I, 2005, adjustment; 3.42% for the July I, 2006, adjustment; and 4.94% for the July I, 2007, adjustment. Following the first such increase, each increase shall be applied to the previously adjusted benefit charge. Beginning with the interest adjustment to be effective July I, 2008, the interest-adjusted benefit charges shall be increased automatically at the beginning of each fiscal year by the rate of return that the City earns from its Local Agency Investment Fund ("LAIF"). The annual increases will be calculated as follows: a) On or about'each July 1st, the City Finance Department will prepare a schedule setting forth the revised Benefit Charges for the particular Fiscal Year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the schedule has not been prepared for a particular fiscal year, the applicable fee shall nonetheless be based on the adjusted amount. b) The adjusted Benefit Charges shall be determined by multiplying the Benefit Charge from the previous fiscal year by the average return earned by the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), calculated using the average of four (4) quarters ending the previous March 31 st. (LAIF Quarterly rates are typically not available until one month following the end of the quarter.) c) Example. The following example of the interest adjustment calculation is for illustrative purposes only: I. Determination of Interest Adjustment Rate July I, 2007. AIF UARTER ENDING une 30, 2006 Se tember 30, 2006 ecember 31, 2006 arch 30, 2007 VERAGE 4 UARTERS UARTERLY RATES 2 c3 ~~1 2. Amounts owed as described in section 5 would be increased July 1,2007, by 4.94% provided they were paid prior to June 30, 2008. Unpaid amounts would be adjusted again each July 1st in the same manner." SECTION 10: EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on this 4th day of March, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Janet Lockhart, Mayor Attest: City Clerk G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIV ATE\Dublin Ranch\East Side SO Benefit District\Ordinancc Amending East Side SD Benefit District 021908.DOC 3 it ~~'1 OIIDl!NANCJE NO 06 - 07 AN Ol!IDIlNANCE OF 1'lHllE CI'IT OF mJBLl!N ***..******........***. MAKJlNG Flll'IDl!NGS, AJl)OPTl!NG A LOCAlL DlRAllNAGE PLAN, AND CRlEA TllNG TlHllE mffiLlIN RANCH EAST SlIDE STORM DlRAllN BENElFll1' mS1'RllCT, A \LOCAL BENEFllT llnS1'lRllClf 1'0 LEVY AND COLLECT ClIllAlRGES, AS A COl'IDll1'llON OF DEVELOPMENT, 1'0 REllMlBlURSE DEVELOPERS WlIllO CONSTRUCT AND lINST AlLL DRAllNAGE IF ACllLll1I'lIJES TlIllA1' BENEIFllT PROPER1'lllES OTlHllER 1'lIllAN 1'lHllEllR OWN !FllNJ[)lINGS A Large pomons of eastern Dublm are presently bemg developed, have approved development plans, or are likely to be developed III the near future Pursuant to Mumclpal Code Section 9 16110 and Government Code Section 66485, the City has reqwred the Dublm Ranch developer to construct and dedicate to the City stormwater dramage facilities that will benefit property outstde theu: Dublm Ranch development, pnmanly by contalIllng suffiCient capacity to convey stormwater dramed from adJacent properties TIns Ordinance IS adopted as parttal unplementatIon of the Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan, mcludmg partIcularly Secttons 11 32 and PoliCies 102, 103, 105, 106, and 10 8 B On Apnl3, 2007, the City Council held a properly noticed public heanng at wlnch It considered the adoptIOn of a local drainage plan that would define the necessary storm dram facilities for a portion of eastern Dublin (the "Dublm Ranch East Side Storm Dram Benefit Dtstrlct" or "Benefit District") and the obligatIOn of each benefiting property Wlthm that area for dramage That obligation would be payment of a charge equal to the dollar-value of the benefit to each property of the faCIlities constructed by the Fmancmg Party Such charges would be calculated based on a formula descnbed m the plan and used to reunburse the Fmancmg Party C At that public heanng, the COlillcll receIVed an Engmeer's Report, prepared by MacKay & Somps, dated March 16, 2007, and attached as Exlublt A (hereafter the "Engmeer's Report"), that descnbes the public dramage faCilities that have been constructed m eastern Dublm to serve the Benefit District (hereafter the "Improvements") D The DublIn Ranch East Storm Dram Benefit District benefiting properties consists of the temtory and property depicted on the Map m Figure I of the Engmeer's Report F The Engmeer's Report further sets forth the costs of constructmg the Improvements and the portIOn of the costs attnbutable to each property m the Benefit District, based on the methodology set forth therem G The City COlillcll hereby fmds that the development of property m the Benefit DIstnct Identified m the Engmeer's Report would reqUire construction of the Improvements, and the charges unposed on properties by t/us ordmance are farr1y apportIoned Wlthm the area on the basiS of the benefits conferred and costs mcurred 1 wmrw~~~wrr k !;'0f~'1 H Therefore, the City Council further finds, pursuant to Dubhn Muructpal Code secoon 9 16 110, that the charges Imposed by tins ordmance and the benefit dlstnct created by tins ordmance are reasonably related to the costs of the Improvements and the propertles benefited by the Improvements THE DUBlLllN cny COUNCIL DOES OlRDAllN AS ]FOLLOWS SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of tins ordmance IS to create a local benefit dlstnct, pursuant to Cal1forma Government Code Sectlon 66487, to provide for the levy and collectlon of charges as a comhtJon of approvmg the development of propertles Wlthm the Benefit Dlstnct that w1l1 neceSSitate, and " benefit from, the constructlon of storm dram unprovements The owner, developer, or other person hold1Og an mterest m property 10 the Benefit Dlstnct shall be requrred to pay the City charges equal to therr share (accordmg to the benefit analYSIS) of the actual cost of constructed linprovements Charges for already-constructed unprovements shall be an amount equal to the proporttonal benefit to the benefited property of unprovements constructed With supplemental capacity that Will benefit or be used by the benefited property SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS For the purpose oftlus ordmance, the followmg words and phrases shall have the followmg mearnngs "Benefit Dlstnct" means the DubllO Ranch East Side Storm Dram Benefit Dtstnct, wluch mcludes the area descnbed m ReCital D oftlus ordmance "Benefited Property" means a property WltIun the Benefit District winch receives benefit from the constructJon of an Improvement "Fmancmg Party" means a property owner, developer, or governmental entity that IS reqUIred to mstall Improvements wluch benefit properties Wltlun the Benefit District "Improvement" IS defined m ReCItal C oftlus ordmance "Land Use Entitlement" may mclude any of the followmg a pernut or approval granted by the City for the development of property, a conditional use pernut, final SUbdiVIsion map, a tentative sulxhVlslon map, a development agreement, a gradmg pernut, and a sIte deSign reVlew approval SECTION 3 ADOPTION OF LOCAL DRAINAGE PLAN Pursuant to Government Code SectIOn 66483, the City Council hereby adopts the Engmeer's Report as the local dramage plan for the Benefit Dlstnct SECTION 4 CREATION OF LOCAL BENEFIT DISTRICT Pursuant to Its authonty under Government Code Section 66487, the City Council hereby creates the Dublm Ranch East Side Storm Dram Benefit DIStnCt, a local benefit dlstnct conststmg of the benefited properties labeled Parcels 1 through II as shown m FIgure 4 of the Engmeer's Reporl.ldentlfied by theIr Assessor Parcel Numbers 2 o ~o( 7 listed m Figure 6 of the Engmeer's Report, and those remammg portlons of the Benefit DIStrIct referred to In the Engineer's Report as the Dublin Ranch Dramage Shed SECTION 5 OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED Upon the approval ofa Land Use EntItlement for any Benefited Property 1n the DISlnct, the owner, developer, or other person With an mterest In such property shall be requu:ed, as a conmtlon of approvmg the Land Use EnntIement, to pay the apphcable benefit charges for the property, as set forth m FIgure 6 of the EngIneer's Report Payment for a Benefited Property WithIn the Benefit Area shall be requu:ed at the tune the City approves any final or parcel map on that property or at the time the City tssues a bUlldmg penrut on that property, wluchever IS earher The charges listed In Figure 6 of the Engmeer's Report shall be mcreased automatically at the begmnmg of each fiscal year by the rate of return that the City earns from Its Local Agency lnvestment Fund (LAlF) SECTION 6 USE OF CREDITS With respect to faclhtles necessary to provide dramage to a Benefits Property that have already been constructed, are under Construction, or are a condition of developmg another property, no charge shall be leVIed on a Benefited Property If the Fmancmg Party for those faclhtles has mdlcated In wnnng to the CIty that a cremt should be granted to the owner of the Benefited Property In that event, the total reunbursable owed to the Fmancmg Party for faclhtles construCUon shall be reduced by an amount equal to such credtt SECTION 7 USE OF CHARGE REVENUE Charges collected from owners of Benefited Propertles shall be used to reimburse FlOancmg Parties pursuant to a relIIlbursement agreement approved by the City Manager 1D accordance With SectIon 9 SECTION 8 RECORDATION The City Manager IS authonzed and drrected to record 1D OffiCial Records of Alameda County a Notice of Establishment of Benefit DistrIct In substannally the fonn of Exlublt B Idenufymg properties Included m the Benefit DistrIct With an appropnate map m order that owners of Benefited Propertles shall be on notice regardmg the benefits and obhgatIons of the Benefit. DIstnct SECTION 9 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENTS The City Manager IS herby authonzed to enter mto reimbursement agreement With FmancIng Partl.es conststent With the terms oftlus Onhnance, Government Code SectIOn 66485 et seq ,and the adopted Engmeer's Report ' SECTION 10 EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING ThIs OrdInance shall take effect and be In force tlurty (30) days from and after the date of ItS passage The City Clerk of the City of Dublm shall cause tlus OrdInance to be posted m at least three (3) pubhc places m the CIty of Dublm m accordance With SectIon 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Call forma 3 ( 1d21 SECTION 11 ExmBITS Exlublt A Engmeer's Report dated March 16, 2007 Exlubit B Notice of Estabhshment of Benefit District PASSED, AlP'PROVE\!ll, AND ADOP1rE\!ll BY TIBDE CIIT COUNCiL OJF TIBDE CIT'l/' OlF l!1il[JBILJIN on tlns 17th day of Apnl, 2007, by the folloWIng vote A YES Councllmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbrantl, Scholz & Mayor Lockhart NOES None ABSENT None ABSTAIN None G CC-MTGSI200714-17 0710RD 6-07 dramage benefit dJstnct G \DEVELOPMENT PRN A TJIDubhn Ran.hlE..! S.d. SD Ben.fit D15b1ot\ORD ben.fit d.m.ot do. 4 t 1021 ~U\!IG~U\!IlEE~j5i ~lEIPORi CIty of Dublin Alameda County, California lIlUJJ3UN RANCH E~~t Sfid~ Stl!}Il"rrnn ]J)Il"~filID 1B~lIDdfit ]J)fi~tIl"ftd March 16, 2007 WD@(B[%@17 ~ ~mOill[P~ ENGINEERS PlANNERS SURVEYORS UHIBIT A q~j7 City of Dublin Alameda County Callforma ][J)UBUN RANCH IEall~[ Sn<<1le S[(!])Irll1lll Jl))Irallnll1l JEell1leJIU Jl))n~[Irnd Table 01 COll1ltents Summary Page 2 ExhibIt A DescnptlOn of Work ExhIbit B Plans for The Improvements Exhibit C -Summary of Cost Exlublt D -Methodology Page 3 Page 4 PageS,6& 7 Page 8, 9 & 10 Attachments FIgure I General Locahon Map Figure 2 Area of Benefit Map Figure 3 East PropertIes Land Use Map FIgure 4 East Properties IndIVIdual PropertIes Map Figure 5 East PropertIes Land Use Table FIgure 6 ASSignment of Total Improvement Cost Figure 7 Dublin Ranch Master Dramage Plan Data Page II Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page IS Page 16 Page 17 L \R T AIMISC\2007\Dublm Ranch Phase I 0 l BD Engmeera Rcpon(Updalcd 2.07) doc Page 1 0117 lDilUBJLnN RANCH 1E2I~\t Si~~ S\t<<Dll"m ]])ll"21JiIlll JB~m~fn\t ]])Ji~\tll"Jid I S'dlImm211l"yl A portIOn of the constructed master stann dram system for Dublm Ranch '1be Improvements proVldes supplemental capacIty necessary for the development of other properlles that he to the east of Dubhn Ranch An Area of Benefit (AOB) IS therefore estabhshed 10 IdentIfY propertIes benefitmg from the constructIon of The Improvements Upon the formatIOn of thIS DIStnCt, propertIes outsIde of Dubhn Ranch whIch benefit from The Improvements arc required to relmbu",e the Dubhn Ranch Developer (1be Lm FamIly), who has constructed The Improvements, for a share of the Total Improvement Costs The general locatIon of the Area of Benefit IS shown on FIgure I The AOB boundary encompasses the dramage shed currently wlthm the CIty of Dubhn CIty Lumts that contnbutes runoff conveyed by The Improvements The dramage shed boundanes were IdentIfied as part of the CIty approved Dubhn Ranch Dramage Master Plan The construction cost of The Improvements together WIth the followmg Items, shall be consIdered the Total Improvement Cost DeSign Plan checkmg Bondmg Surveymg Construcllon AdmtmstratIon Inspecllon CIty Admtmstral10n Total 75 % 10 % 15 % 20 % 55 % 30 % 10 % 21 5 % of ConstrucllOn Cost The Improvements are consIdered a slDgle element of mfTastructure That portIOn of the Total Improvement Cost that IS assigned to each of the major dramage sheds wlthm the AOB (the Dublm Ranch and East Dubhn PropertIes dramage sheds) IS based on each shed s Developable Acreage In relation 10 the total Developable Acreage (resldenllal, mIxed use commercIal busmess and mdustnalland uses) wlthm theAOB The AOB boundary (dnd the major dramage sheds wltlun It) as well as the locatIOn of The Improvements are shown on Figure 2 The developer of Dubhn Ranch has paid for the construcllon of The Improvements and does not requIre an allocation of the Dubhn Ranch portIon ofthc Totallmprovemenl Costs 10 mdlvldual propertIes wlthm Dubhn Ranch Cost allceallon wlthm the East PropertIes Dramage Shed IS based on an assIgned value of percent of unpervlous surface coverage assocIated WIth each anltclpaled land use L \R T AIMISC\2007\DubhD Ranch Ph"", I G l DO EDgm=> Repon(Updalc:d 2.()7) doc: to ~02rl Page 2 at 17 ElCtublt A DrnU.KN RANCE lEad SMle St([j)]],llllll ]j))]]'anlffi JEell1lefnt ]j))n~tll'lld ID>e$Cll'njp>nOlIll of W oJrIk The Improvements mclude approXImately 1500 Imeal feetofa double l2'x9' concrete box culvert, 730 Imeal feet ofa double IO'x9' concrete box culvert, 1800 feet ofa 14'x9' concrete box culvert, and 110 Imeal feet ofa 8'x9' concrete box culvert The Improvements also mclude access manholes, access ramps, transItIon structures and other appurtenances The cost of Rights of Way are not lDcluded lD The Improvements L \R T A 1MISa2007\Dubhn Ran.b Ph...l G ~ BD EnlPo.... Rcport(Updal<:d 2 07) do<: 1/ ~ o?'7 Pago 30t 17 IElthllboi: IB lInJBUN RANClEII lE~.u~t ~llcle ~ti!llIrm ITDIrallrrn JBerrnefnt ITDlldIrlld llP'nallD.~ f@1l" 'JI'nneJIllD.llJP>Il"@vellD.llellD.t~ I The locatIOn ofTbe Improvements IS generally shown on Figure 2 The Improvements are descnbed ill detail on the constructJon plans entJtled "Improvement Plans - Dubhe Ranch - G3 Box Culvert" approved by the City of Dubhn on 3/18/04 and on file With the City of Pubhc Works Department L \R T AIMISC\2007IDubh. Rancb Pb"" I G 3 DO En8,..... Rcport(Updatcd 2 07) doc f ;;Z ~021 Page 4 of 17 /2 '1 ~7 IE}(MIIB~T C lIJlllJIlJUN RANCH JE2~lt ~ndlte ~lt(f))jrmm Jl))1l"2nrrn JEterrntefnlt Jl))n~ltll"nd I, S1lllmmary of CO!it The costs shown m tins summary are the reported actual constructIon cost as proVIded by the Lm Farruly L \R T A \MISC\2007\Dubhn Ranch Phase I 0 3 so Engineers Rcport(Updatcd 2 01) doc Page 5 of 17 Dublin Ranch East SIde Storm DrSIn Benefit OIstr1ct ExhibIt C Summary of Costs /4 ~e;Q'7 Item Quantity Unit Description Unit Price ConstructJon Amount ment - Gradl" 26 359 CY Channel/culvert excavation $ 500 $' 131795 1 lS Clear & Grub_ - $ 1078000 $ 10780 1 lS H droseed $ 378700 $ 3787 1 LS Erosion Control $ 720000 $ -7 200 " Street SubgradePreparabon 3645 SF $ 050 $ 1823 I-- - 3 A C pavement Including 3645 SF $ 250 $ 9113 5GBI coats and conforms - - - --- 3845 SF 12" Class II Aggregete Base $ 100 $ 3645 15820 SF Pavement removal - - $ 045 $ 7119 420 IF Remove curb $ 1200 $ 5040 ~I EA Remove sacked concrete Inletl , 500 1500 1--' EA Access ramo cate I $ 850 00 $ 850 1 EA 16 Double hunQ Qale 1 $ 1 00000 $ 1000 24 360 SF Gravel roads $ 080 $ - 19488 1 lS Utility Relocation $ 25 430 00 $ 25 430 80 IF ChaH'lllnl< fence $_1.5O.Q ~ 2000 270 IF 6 Chalnhnk fence mounied $ 1800 $ 4860 on wall 230 LF w:. Culb $ 3500 $ _8}~ _ ~OOO IF ~~e Vinyl Fence $ 1 $ 3000 1 ~S- 96 ~.....n Inlat $ 11000 $ 1100ji - - Concrete I- 4 EA Field Inlet $ 260000 $ 10400 Tie-in stnJcture from triple 14 194 CY Ix 9 boX culvert to dbl 12 x 9 $ 850 00 $ 164 900 box culvert Inoodlng opening 1 lS Access ramD - - "!'Jl,3J!0J!0 $ 71300 1525 IF Double 12 x 9 box culvert $ 1 049 00 $ - 1599725 Storm Drain 41 EA 136" Manhole on box culvert I $ 3200001 $ 12~ Water - I--- I ~ ICap end abandon w811!~ 45001 -...,MQQ Su~Total for Seament I $ 212$ 604 So ment II Grading 13180 CY Channel/culvert excavation $ sliD $ 65 900 1 lS 1Clear & Grub $ 540000 $ 5400 1 lS H droseed $ 189300 $ 1893 1 lS Ero&lon Control r+-- 3MOOO $ 3600 1 ~ ----J(\"""BS '!!!!J!.llate $ 85000 $ 850 11670 SF ffiraVSI roads $ 080 $ 9338 1 - LS UWlty Relocation $ 1273800 S 12738 Concrete -- 2 EA FIeld InJet $ 2 600 00 $ 5200 I Transition structure from dbl 56 CY 12' IC 9 box culvert tD dbl 10 $ 85000 $ 47600 --712 Ix 9 box culvert LF ~~UbSe 10 IC9 boxeuiVert ,- -91900 T 654 328 1 EA 4 x 12 Hatch $ 1800000 $ 18000 StDnn , 2 EA 36 Manhole on box culvert $ 3200001 $ 6400 Sub- Total for SeAment II $ 831 245 11267.Q5\Oublln Ranch Phase I G 3 BO cost estimate Jbm(Updated 2-07) xIs Page 6 of 17 Dublin Ranch East Side Storm Dl1l1n Benefit Dlslnct ExhibIt C Summary of Costs Item I QuanUty Unit Description UnIt Price ConstnJctlon Amount Seament III Gradlna , 336!l~ Cy Channel/culvert excavation $ 500 $ 166 405 1 LS Clear & Grub $ 1360000 $ 13600 1 LS H droseed $ 483900 $ 4839 , 1 LS Erosion Control $ 920000 $ 9200 i- 1 EA 20 Double hUM gate $ 1 750 00 $__ 1150 I 30 990 SF Gravel roads $ 080 $ ~7..?2 , 1 LS Utll Relocation $ 32 553 00 $ 32 553 170 LF 6 Chamllnk fenca mounte7:'-- $ 1800 $ 3060 on wall 130 LF Barbed Wire Fence '$ 1100 $ - 1430 -- Concrete - 2 _E!- - --Field Inlet $ 2 600 00 $ - 5-200 1 LS 27 x 30 Sacked Concrete $ 1100000 $ 11000 InletStrucluru 1 LS Sacked Concrete Inlet at 12 x $ 1100000 $ 11000 6 OD8nlna - - Transition atructl,lre from dbl 57 CY 10 x 9' box culvert to 14 x 9 $ 75000 $ 42 750 box culvert TranslUon structure from 14 x 28 CY 9 box culvert to 8 x9 box $ 115000 $ 32 200 OJlvert 1 LS Access Ram. $ 74 10000 $ 74100 ~8oi LF 14 x 9 box culvert $ 81000 $ 1 464 480 109 LF 8 x 9' box culvert , $ 672 00 $ 73 248- I 1 --- EA 4 x 14 Hatch 1$ 200119]10 $ 20000 Storm I 61 EA 136 Manhole on box culvert I $ 3200001$ 19200 Sub-Total for Seament III $ 2 013 007 !- ''i\.~- ~t ""'" umma , m. Total Construction Coat Sub- Tota1 for Segment I Sub-Total for Segment II Sub-Total for Segment III $2 125604 $831 245 $2013007 54 969 856 $1 088 519 Sub-total Constnlcllon Coate 21 5% Engineering InapecUon etc Total Zone 7 Reimbursement Total Improvement Coat $6 038 375 $1 472 448 $4 565 927 )5~;P1 Page 7 of 17 [E)(hibli ID Dl!ffilLJlN RANCH JEa!ii~ Sfidle S~Qj)Irm ~IrafilID JBelIDefn~ ~fi!ii~Irfid Me~llnl[J)lllll[J)nl[J)gy The methodology for defirung benefit and aSSlgrung that portJon of the Total Improvement Cost to each benefitmg parcells done m the followmg steps I) IdentJ.fy the developable land area ("Developable Acreage") wltlun the AOB 2) Dlstnbute a portion of the Total Improvement Cost to each major dramage shed based on Developable Acreage 3) Idenlify mdlVldual propertJes wlthm the East Properties Dramage Shed wluch IS to reimburse a portion of the Total Improvement Costs and the Developable Acreage for each land use wlthm each parcel 4) Dlstnbute the portlOn of the Total Improvement Cost to each mdlVldual property Wlthm the East PropertJes Dramage Shed based on the amount of ImperYlous surface related to the land use plan for the property (1) Developable Acreage Wlthm A 0 B The boundary for the "Area of Benefit" (AOB) represents the entlfe dramage shed that hes wlthm the City of Dubhn and contnbutes to the runoff conveyed by The Improvements The smgle exceplion to tIus IS the I 3:1: acre Maynard property wluch hes on the east Side of Fallon Road between Croak Road and the westbound Highway 580 off ramp Development potenha] of tIus property IS currently uncertam The boundary IS diVided mto two major draInage sheds (The Dubhn Ranch Shed and the East PropertJes Shed) The AOB boundary and the major dramage sheds Wlthm It are shown on the attached Figure 2 "Developable Acreage" IS defined as Identified reSidential, nuxed use, commercial, bus mess or mdustnalland uses Schools, parks, agncultural, rural resldenhal, pubhc/senu-pubhc and open space land use deSignations are not mcluded m Developable Acreage L IR T AIMISC\2007IDubbn Rancb Phose I G 3 DO EnSIn""'" Rcpnn(UpdaIed 2.()1) do< I ~ ~& lJ Page 8 of 17 11~~7 Developable Acreage WIthm Dublm Ranch IS Identified m the Dublm Ranch Master Dramage Plan Tills Master Plan IS used to defme the Developable Acreage wlthm the Dublm Ranch Shed Tables showmg Developable Acreage wItlun Dublm Ranch are ' mcluded as FIgure 7 of thIS report The Dublin Ranch Master Dramage Plan also estunated land uses Wlthm the East PropertIes Shed However, more recent land use entitlements proVIde a better defimtlon of the anticIpated land uses for these propertIes The Phase One Planned Development Zonmg deSignatIOns for the land Wlthm the East Properties Shed IS used to defme the Developable Acreage wlthm t1us shed These Land Uses are shown on Figure 3 The Developable Acreage Wlthm the AOB and a breakdown of the Developable Acreage m each dramage shed IS as follows Dramage shed Developable Percent Acres Dublm Ranch 420 6 acres 375% East Properties 700 0 acres 625% Total 11206 acres 100 0% (2) DistrIbute Cost to MlIJor DraInage Sheds Based on the data presented m (I) above and the Summary of Costs (Exhibit C), the Total Improvement Cost IS allocated to each dramage Shed based on Its Developable Acreage as compared to the Total Developable Acreage wlthm the AOB as follows East Properties Shed $4,565,927 x 62 5% = $2.853.704 DublIn Ranch Shed $4565,927 x 37 5% = $1.712.223 (3) IdentIfy indIVIdual PropertJes Figure 3 (map) shows the Land Use DeSignatIons WltIun ihe East Properties Shed Figure 4 shows the mdlVldual properties WltIun t1us Shed and Figure 5 presents the mformatlon mapped m Figures 3 and 4 m tabular form Because the Lm farruly patd for the construction of the Improvements and does not reqwre an allocation of the Dublm Ranch portIOn of the Total Improvement Costs to mdlVldual propertIes wltlun Dublm Ranch the mdlVldual properties m the Dublm Ranch Shed are not Identified m Figures 4 and 5 L IR T A \MISC\2007\Dubhn Ranch Phase 1 G l BD Englll<C" Rcport(Updalcd 2 07) doc Paga 9 of 17 (4) Cost Dlstnbutlon Figure 5 also presents the percent lDIpervlOus area assigned to each land uses (based on generally accepted engmeenng values and observattons of land development that has already occurred m East Dublm) and that portton of the totallDlpervlOus area contamed wlthm each IndIVIdual property The percent lDIpervlOus factors are chosen to reflect the fact that more mtense development of the land WIll result In more tmpeMOUS surfaces, roofs, roads and hardscape) which generates more storm draInage nmoff to be conveyed through The Improvements resultIng m more benefit from The Improvements The percent l1I1jlervlOus factors chosen are as follows ~ l!.mldI ttb ~ Low Density Resldenttal LDR 58% MedIUm Densltv Resldenttal MDR 70% MedIUm HIl!h Densltv Resldenttal MHDR 80% Mixed Use MU 90% General CommercIal GC 90% Commercial Office CO 90% Industnal Park IP 90% Figure 6 assigns a portton of the Total Improvement Cost attnbutable to the East Properties Shed to each parcel With tlus shed based on Its tmpervlOus surface as compared to the total tmpervlOus surface for the East Properties Dramage Shed Because the Lm fanuly paid for the constructton of The Improvements and does not requITe retmbursement from current or future owners wltlun the Dublm Ranch Shed for the costs attnbutable to those propertIes, (due to Its prevIous ownership of those parcels), Figure 6 does not assIgn costs to each parcelm the Dublm Ranch Shed L \R T A IMISC\2007\Dubbn Ranch Phase I G ) BO Engln"'''' Rcpnn(Updalcd 2 07) doc I~ ~o?1 Page 10 of 17 UTIi1b\(5~17 ~ ~@!ill?~ 1<tlO k([~S PVoNIJCrrs $UQV""'f IH'O . ~ 11'1- cP7 East' ~ ~ ii \..\~t. ~ ~ ~ ~ Cou~ ~ SiJ>. ~ ~ iRJ>. cO ~ ~ ~ii \..\~t. COI'l .... Cou\'\ -;.:p'w,t.OJ>. DUBLIN DUBLIN RANCH <l: Q: <l: ..., <l: Vl Vl <l: I- BOULEVARD Q: o <l: o z w U <l: :r ;p '" m :: _Jt<I> .. _ U"O\ ___.,.__ __f. !l. - .., 1-580 o Q: Q: <l: :r 0 U <l: ...J 0 wO:: STORI BENEf 'J '!l N I,.."., ,ul !l. .... cm#~~ ['500:t 2-12.g Boa Culvert ~~ -- MEA \\l~EAST PROPERTIES fUl\\lNG GH DUBUN RAllO! ON A lDIPORAR BASIS ') / / "- ---+- , \ I \ --~ \ I I \ I A I I \ - --.;:- I! I! OFDRA/N~AREAS './ \@ , I I , I I BENEflT I I BOUNDARY ... __J J /~TY lINE (T'IP) I . \ I \ . \/ I. II ~~ ''-- HOt 1800 t 8.9 80. Culvert 7JO:t 14.9 80:11 Culvert 2-10.9 Box Culvert ____CIol.M East 1 ~ CD t [i&\@cmv &x @@fiiili7l@ _ ___ .-It.. East Properttes i..;Ind U5e Map FIGURE 3 Dublin Ranch East Side Storm DralD Benefit DIstrict LEGEND DfYELOI'ABU! "CJU:..\llt OTlIt.Rl.ANPUSE. k..t.Y LAND USE .,/'CO Ind'lIlalr.NC:illlpu'om..'f oac:o OcflcnIeom. telaltc..npu.orr, DC Ocntr lComlllCrd t MU tot edUtr L LoowDmll/)'l,uldl u.l M MellI DclIIl17ILa...'1 Mil McdJ~lIIl1l&/lDc-N17Il.~1Itl1 51' Scm '04111, liS f.lCIa.muy$choul NS "d~Sq._ HI' Nd~~ CP Com. I1Part! IWA a~ I kcsldcM II "pubu OS Op.- JpICC TOTAL 61J ,>1 nl .. 40H 601 '" 'J '" .. ". IIJ 1419 Jll.l 100.0 .". '!i. A I ~.o! r;;\ ~ NP @ .. L "" q~ .... M w< .l "(<;'0 "L~O ac/co - ~ OCICD -. 650 1300' 2600 CC/CO - Co .... o I FIGURE 3 " Psgs 13 0' 17 \ =a .........., FIGURE 4 Dubhn Ranch East Side Storm Dram Benefit DI~tnct ~ ,c:21 1JiJiJ&\@~17 ~ ~liiii1lfJ@ """" - - East Properties IndIVIdual Properties o Fallon Enter,,",~ Inc -..., Ill~ w:. o 8r;ddoc;k .. ~an 'r<4"'W~ 0 0 Cro~1l. ",,=.... f'r3t Amencom Title Co ~,~ a~ IS #G u...l!_f'I.q;a\" ~.a)r:() ~27<<r1 1'1'''32'1'''':: J7-' J< . j I ~ J , s 'I 0 e 0 ~hctt' BrOln:oJU h J 1.0::t5(l~.ooo1 0.... 47& J( 3900 N:. ""<<121002 IU"_1l: o o G Monte VI,u Propert.lC5 ""Mf~as Ea; Part.nel'5 l P 9850027004 ~, '" Mdcrson """""'.. "UOt~ Anderson 985 0027-005 1':\, I' II; \V @ o I 650 1300' , 2600 '" IFllGlURE 4 Pag.14 of 17 ffiJ@ffi~l1 fJ! ~@WJ[P~ ENGINEERS PlANNERS SURVEYORS ~ Z ~~~ IF][GlURlE 5 ID>lLffilLJIN JRANClHl IE~~t ~ftlIlte ~t<<JlIl'mm IDIl'~nllll JEellllefnt IDft~tIl'nl.Ct IlEall!lt Pll'OIlJHerrtnle!llLallHIl<<ll1U!l1e 'JI'alllblle* , lii}o ~ ~ji~"4)~KY "',\ J! ~ "~.J''' ~ it'!:t ',;De~~.i 0) lkiiU r=2! LORx MORx MHORx VCx l Assessor's Parcel GC Name Number No LOR MOR MHOR MU GClCe IP/Ce Subtotal 058 070 080 090 Failon Enterpnses 1 985-0028-<102 184 7 1847 10713 985-0027-<106 First American Title 2 965-0027.()07 460 234 196 64 976 2784 1638 1584 576 Chen 3 965-0027.()02 40 806 846 320 E B J Partners 4 965-0027 '()04 11 11 Anderson 5 965-0027-005 04 04 Braddock & logan 6 905-0002.()03 555 555 3219 805 0002 001.()1 Croak 7 905-0002 002 1154 104 1258 6693 726 Anderson 6 905-0001 006-03 70 342 412 480 Righetti 9 905-0001-005-02 96 165 215 496 672 Branaugh 10 905-0001 004-04 97 305 402 679 Monte Vista 11 905-0001.()04-03 ~ 93 't>\"""-'~"'.r~ II!\. ,"" y .#' ~" ~- 'I u,"'1I"...J'.} ~ 1;olaldn ?". J 0 700 D Data Taken from land Use Summary Fallon Village (modified 1113012005) ~ '" m ~ '" Q, ... [ffif\ffi~u ~ ~@[ffi[P0 ENGlNEERS PlANNERS SURVEYORS ]F][ G1U1RIE 6 lI)l'l[ffiLIlN IRANCH lEa~t Sndlle St([J)]]'!llIll I!))]]'anll1llBleIl1lleitM I!))n~t]]'nd ~pe""ii\i!D8liCH'pUan ( l"'r .ol$'-'~A'''''''''' % of total ~~ bJ Assessor's Parcel unpeNIOUS surface ~\.1 < 't.., Name Number No (500 Exhlbrt 5) Coot Aooilaluno Fallon Enterpns8s 1 985-0028-002 220% $ 628 445 17 985-0027.006 Fllst Amencan TiUe 2 985-0027.007 135% $ 38812719 Chon 3 985-0027.Q02 174% $ 49711969 E B J PO_IS 4 985-0027.004 02% $ 5 807 75 Anderson 5 985-0027.005 01% $ 211191 BIlIddock & Logan 6 905-0002.Q03 86% $ 18883978 905-0002.001 01 Croak 7 905-0002.002 153% $ 435 35811 Anderson 8 905.0001.005-03 73% $ 20931355 RlgholtJ 9 905-0001 005-02 88% $ 250 613 09 Branaugh 10 905-0001 004.Q4 70% $ 200 885 92 Monto Vista 11 905-0001 004.()3 17% $ 49 101 86 1000% r ~ If IId't ..1Il'J;. Totil COIl' nod to EooItJ!iilporU~$ 2 853 704 00 , , <:XLI ~1 Figure 6 Pago 18 of 17 WJ&\@~17 [& ~@[]ill[P@ ENGINEERS FlN<NERS SI.<M;YORS cQt *:27 lFJIGUJRE 7 ]])lUJBlLJ[N RANCH lEalst Sfide StOIl'IrIIR ]j))1l'a1m $ennefnt ]j))fistll'lld DUlBLIN RANCI8I MASTER D\RAJ!NAGE PLAN DATA. DRAINAGE AREA TABUlATION SHEET (ACRES) Developable Area Non Developable Area Total Drainage High Medium Medium low' DeveJopabl Open Space Area DenSIty High DenSIty DenSity Commeroal Streets eArea CP N* 5ctloo15 land use H MH M l OS,RRA ES HS C1 14 14 9 C2 OB 13 3B B9 0 367 4B 115 C4 71 71 C5 59 1B 77 C6 75 14 B9 0 15 15 OA 17 17 OB 13 13 ClC 22 22 C8 421 42.1 64 10 el 1B 1B ell I I C10 6 4 10 CIO 1 39 39 CI02 3 3 C103 49 49 CII 34B 348 Subtotal 35 B 0 59B 375 391 28 2002 154 10 0102 258 156 IS 564 794 03 454 454 04-4 2 0 1017 05 79 95 174 648 D51 98 98 06 69 22 19 11 2 061 29 301 41 371 233 D7 , D DB 9 9 59 Subtotal 0 791 352 IS 323' 245 1861 330 2 0 K1 22 2.2 K2 46 46 K3 275 275 Total 0 0 0 D 275 68 343 0 0 Total Dublin RaItCtl5hed Developable Area 420 & -Data taken from Dublin Ranch Master Dnunagc Plan Figure 7 Pag8170f17 Recordmg Requested by and when recorded rnallto 02G <;:fo/1 CIty Clerk City of Dub 1m 100 ClVIC Plaza Dublm, CA 94568 Notice oft' JEstabnnsllnmerrnt oft' IDlunbRm JRarrnclln JEast Snde Storm IDlrmm Rerrnefit IDlnstrnct Nolice IS hereby gIven as foJlows 1 EXlSti,ce ~f Benefit Dlstnct. On 'I /7 07 , the City Councll of the City ofDubhn adopted OrdInance No b ~ ~01 estabhshillg the Dublm Ranch East Side Storm Dram Benefit Dlstnct ("Benefit Dlstnct") pursuant to Government Code Seclion 66487 Coptes ofthe OrdInance can be obtamed from the Public Works Department, City of Dublm, 100 ClVlC Plaza, Dublm CA (925/833-6630) 2 Area of Benefit Parcels Wlthm the Area of Benefit ("Benefited Properties") hsted as Parcels 1 through II of Exhibit A attached, WIll be reqwred by City to pay therr pro rata share of the cost of certam publIc storm dram Improvements benefitmg those parcels all as set forth more parlicularly 10 the Engmeer's Report 3 Time of Collection Re1IIlbursement to the financmg party IS requrred upon Issuance of a butldmg peI1llit for a development project or before a final map or parcel map IS approved for recordation that contaIns the final lots/parcels that wlll be used for reSidential development on a Benefited Property 4 InquIrY Any mqulry regardmg the Benefit Dlstnct shaJl be drrected to City Engmeer, City of Dublm, 100 CIVIC Plaza, DublIn CA 94568, Phone 925/ 833-6630 City of DublIn BY~ ~~ ;be Name RIchard Ambrose Its City Manager and Authonzed Agent Pursuant to Ordmance No OCA - 01 <-J~9/~07 - Date G \DEVELOPMENT PRN A TElDubhn RaneblEast S.de SO Benefit OlStnctINoOc< of Eslabh,bmenLdoc cXt1/BIT .6 @~n.Oli"@~Ii\'ID&. Li.\U-IP'I!1.I~j)l>@$~ Li.\@~OO@IMll'n.I1!IID@!;ljJ~OO'ii' - -~_.- - "" ~- . l7'O .mr cJ1ojo?1 ~- _A =- State of California County of A \ lUNle. d./L On Aptl uq, '1.007before me Cato () personally appeared t"..l c..ha-r d P 50+-0 No ~x JatlllOOEt NotatyPub11c1 PII'bl ;c, NCllne(e)of SlrJl1U((S) ~ ~ ... ~ CcIlmiV " ~QImtM.~~a.:!;!Il tperSOnallY known to me o (or proved to me on the baSis of satisfactory eVidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is/are subSCribed to the Within Instrument and acknowledged to me that hefsheMley executed the same In hlslherflhelr authonzed capaclly(les), and that by hlslherMl8lr slgnature(s) on the Instrument the person{s), or the entity upon behalf 01 whIch the person(s) acted executed the Instrument WITNESS my hand and offiCial seal Place Notary s.., AbovG ('~ L /- >;vt SIIlnature 01 NOIlll)' PubliC OPTIONAL Though the ,nformatlon below IS not requtfed by law II may Prove valuable to persons rely,ng on the documenl and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of thiS form to another document DeSCription 01 Attached Document _ Title or Type of Document at.lf. ot c:."'\-u.\'hsLtl'Vl~ t ,,{ P"bh", "S-\-tll'"W' 1"0..,"1 Be.'I e f..t ,G I C; Document Date ApI" 1 \"7, ':). 0 () 7 Number of Pages Slgner(s) Other Than Named Above 5s.t ~l e.. Capaclty(les} Claimed by Slgner(s) Signer s Name o IndiVidual o Corporate Officer - Title(s} o Partner - 0 limited 0 General o Attorney In Facl o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other 'fop of Ihumb here SIgner s Name o IndiVidual o Corporale Officer - Tille(s) o Partner - 0 umlted 0 General o Attorney In Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Other Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing Signer Is Representing ,....,.-...~~.......=""-~ -.- - -.,........,...".-~~ -~-..- ---., ~ ~-..... -".",., .~ ~ 2'006 National NOlaiY AssoclatlOl'I S1350 De Sola Av& PO Box 2402 Chalswm1h CA 111313 2402 Item No SOO7 Reorder Call Ton Fros , 800-8166827