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KTGY G~OUP, ,"C, -,... ~".I ....RCHJT~_~':._UR_~___ ~CA_N__..-'__"'___G ~~ ~-'i 17."2 MITCHELL SOUTH , R " IN!, C A L , ~ 0 R N I A "2 e I . ~gl".")B.,...33 FAX (".,,)8.I_e,.. ~...... "".. m "'"~ ""~ ~ ~ -1 I fIGY No: 2006-0143 Late: 1/01/08 . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .-. . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I t-------------------- - <t!:====~====:0 II II II II II II ' II II ___II II II II II II .!J k\. if rr II II II II II II II II II II W II II II II II II II II II II II <tf====:::z:F====i:'J --,-, ~ I CBS-)>Z Vl=::JO -'-00 - 0. d! -. (I) ~VlO:'; =': 0 -< C O::r -, -(l)~3. 0'32<1> <;. (j) 0 n - ~::r 9o~c(l) ::J 0 ii3 3 (Qov>~ V> o:f .. ...., =.: V> - - a 3 o )> Z - ~ C II> 0 ::r (I) :l - n r- 0 on c: r- ~ (I) )> -< 'tl 0' ::::u Q. -< 'tl C :l ~ -I ::::u C 0 -I C ::::u m ~ o ., ... 00 - '" o P'~!'-'" !'-'~:;: Al""Al--<<"mC (j);:.... """"'<-x- (j) 0 (j) -. 0 ~ (I) n -TO :J=-CD:::::!. CD 0 C - () :J. 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C~LIFORN1A ~2.,~ IUB) 8".2133 FAX (Ug) 8.'."'8~ \ ~ ~ <:;'9"9 HLR1GHTSRESEllVEl>~ '1J -3 12'-0" .... .u._.u..... ... ....... ~-..................... .1 Anderson Property - Braddock 4: Logan KTGY Group, Inc, 1/07/2008 #200GO/43 Shingle * Fascia I Stone Scheme Stucco I Stucco2 Stucco3 Stucco4 Trim Doors I Veneer Roof (rear stucco) Shutters I SW 283G SW 28 I 5 SW 2843 Saddleback Gray Brown 2 SW 28 I 3 SW 283G SW GOG2 SW 7037 SW 7042 SW 702G Rust,e Ledge Range 4G87 3 SW 28 I 5 SW 28 I 3 SW G / 23 Notes: Paint: Sherwin Williams Roof: Eagle Roofing Stone: EI Dorado Stone Scheme I: Bldgs 3A. 7B. 9 B '" Community Scheme 2: Bldgs I A, 4B, GA'" 8B Scheme 3: Bldgs 2A, SA'" lOB ~ ~ )> ~ ~ ~ Ul ~ ~ 2' "" "" () ~ R Ul R ~ ~ :::r 8 8 (b I:) () I:) 3 ~ :::r -l>.. (b l\) I\) ~ (b '\\\. "- 3 t- Ul (b ~ ::r Ul :; ~ LI\ ~ EP I:) -... )> ::::i ~ ::s Ul ~ ::JI ~ ~ ~ "" 2' 2' () (b " ~ :::r -; 8 & & (b Ul I:) I:) 3 0 l\) I\) ~ (b ::s f\) -0 -; 0 '3 ~ (b B' -; :;, ~ (\) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ul 2' 2' "" () \J\ ~ :::r (\ & R (b ~ 8 >; "- I:) I:) 3 ~ & l\) I\) ~ (b ().l ~ ~ ~ \J) "- --- ~ ~ J ~ <::: :s- i? !'i \i1 ~ ...:J ;8/ 18./.7 AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 12,2008 SUBJECT: 07-037 Anderson: CEQA Addendum, General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, PD,Planned Development Rezone with Stage I Development Plan Amendmen: and Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit apartment project. Reporr Prepared by Jeff Baker, Senior J~lanner ATTACHMENTS: I) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a CEQA Addendum to the 1993 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, the 2002 East Dublin Property Owners Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, and the 2005 Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact Report f{,r the Anderson Residential project. 2) Resolution recommending the City Council approve a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the General Plan and Eastern Dubl.n Specific Plan land use designation for the 7-acre residential pOltion of the Anderson property to Medium-High Density Residential (14.1-25 du/acre) with the draft City Council Resolution includ,d as Exhibit A. 3) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a PD-Planned Devdopment Rezone with an amended Stage I Development Plan and a Stage 2 Development Plan for the 7-aere residential portion of the Anderson property with the draft Ordinance included as Exhibit J\, 4) Resolution approving Site Devdopment Review to construct a 108- unit multi-family residential project on the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property loelted at 3457 Croak Road with the project plans included as Exhibit A, 5) City Council Staff Report date July 17,2007 without Attachments 6) City Council Meeting Minutes from July 17, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: I) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Receive public testimony; 4) Close the Public Hearing and ddiberate; and 5) Adopt the following Resolutions: a) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a CEQA Addendum to the 1993 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy TO: Property Owners File ITEM NO. <0. \ Page 1 of 12 G:\PAlf\Z007\07-037 Anderson GPA SPA PO SDR\Planning Commission\PCSR Anderson GPA SPA '0 SDR 2.ll.08.doc Attachment 7 Plan, the 2002 East Dublin Property Owners su:~e~e3;f&/7 Environmental Impact Report, and the 2005 Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact RJport for the Anderson Residential project. b) Resolution recommending the City Council approve a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property to Medium-High Density Residential with the draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A, c) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a PD-Plannell Development Rezone with an amended Stage I Development Plan and a Stage 2 Development Plan for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property with th'l draft Ordinance included as Exhibit A. d) Resolution approving Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit multi-family r~sidential project on the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property located at 3457 Croak Road with the project plans included as Exhibit A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Background The 50.3+/- acre Anderson property is generally located north of Interstate 580 and east of Croak Road near the eastern City limits in Fallon Village and included within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (please refer to Map 1 to the right). Access to the project site is provided via Croak Road and the Fallon Road interchange with 1-580. Please refer to Table 1 for a description of the surrounding uses. '" ,.1/ ,. .'" !'!"'~,! .. Ul.!I\" \~ ,','U. Hi!; T..1.:: ~'.,_,__~,'. .l~.'\'_:7"- L SUlJ HT ,;_" sIn .\-;--, ~ :-.":'~~.."", . -. ~~~>" .- " ,'\) .. I 0/' : ~ 01' I \"1'. ,,' ...' .'. 1.510 LOCA nON ZONING I GENERAL PLAN CURRENT USE OF LAND USE PROPERTY Project Site Planned Development (PD) Medium Density Resid,mtial Vacant Norlh PD Low Density Resider tial Vacant South -- -- 1-580 East PD Medium Density Residential Vacant West PD Open Space Vacanl Map I: Anderson Vicinity Map Table 1: Surrounding Land USI'S The project site contains hillside terrain, with steeper slopes located ,n the northeasterly portion of the site and are primarily covered with grasslands with stands of trees in the lOuthern portion of the property. The elevation of the site ranges from 375-feet to 515-feet above sea level. A former quarry is located on the northern 7-acre residential portion of the project site and an older single-family dwelling and several associated outbuildings exist on the southerly portion of the property Page 2 of 12 The Anderson property is currently vacant and includes a closed qualTY that will be filled on the ~~riJe~ Rill 7-aere residential portion of the site, The older single-family dwelling and associated outbuildings on the southern portion of the site would be demolished as part of the Projee:. However, there is no development proposed on the southern 43 acres of the overall site at this time. Prior Planning Approvals In December 2005, a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (Resolution No. 223-05), and Stage I Planned Development Rezone (Ordinance :\10, 32-05) were adopted by the City Council for all of Fallon Village which includes the Anderson propelty. The following General Plan and Specific Plan land use designations were adopted at that time for the Anderson property: ' Table 2: Existin General Plan/Eastern Dublin S Land Use Desi nation Medium Dt:nsit General Commereial/Carn us Office o en S act: Total eeifie Plan Land Use Designations Acrea e 7 ac 34.2 ac '>.1 ac 50.3 ae Positano Affordable Housing Obligation Braddock & Logan's Positano development is located east of Fallon Road within the northern portion of Fallon Village (please refer to Map 2 to the right) and consists of 1,043 single-family detached residential units. Braddock & Logan prepared an Affordable Housing Proposal to address the affordable housing obligation for the Positano development. The Affordable Housing Proposal was presented to the City Council on October 18, 2005 and included construction of 88 affordable apartments on the 7-aere Anderson property to satisfy a portion of the affordable housing obligation for the Positano development. The City Council reviewed the proposal and directed Staff to work with tht: Applicant to integrate market-rate units as a part of the proposed 88 affordable units on the Anderson property. - ---/-'1 / ( ... ~.. ~'f4n?-4.--..-- ;.;"~U:;; ~~"'"' (:. I '."" rUr ..'~ ",~,' --r:.... Mil " /~,,~~'!.::tl.....~ 1 I , \ ;.Y;::;~ I!?'. ~I"~"" "",(' ,/ ,>,,/f , ,/( mi PLEA$A.VTO." Map 2: Positano Vicinity Map As a result, Braddock & Logan proposed a 108-unit project on the Anderson property to address the direction by the City Council to construct a mixed-income projee.:. The proposed project (\08 units) exceeds the maximum density pennitted for the existing Medium Density (6.1-14 dulac) land use designation. Therefore, in July 2007, City Council initiated a Generd Plan Amendment (GPA) and EDSP Amendment (SPA) Study for changing the residential land use designation to Medium-High Density (\4.1-25 du/ae) on the residential portion ofthe Anderson property (<\ttachment 5 and 6). Current Request The Applicant is currently requesting approval of the following: 1. GPAlSPA to change the land use designation of the 7-aere r,:sidential portion of the property to Medium-High Density (14,1-25 dulae); 2. Planned Development (PO) Rezone with Stage I Developrrent Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan for the 7-aen: residential portion ofthe proper:y; and Page 3 of 12 3, SiIc DcvelopmcnI Rcvicw to gradc thc (wcralI 50.3+/: acrc A,ndcrson propcrty and to c:H1S,truc~ a ] o8-,g4q/J Ut1lt apartmcnt proJCCI on thc 7-acrc resIdential portIon of the propcl1y, consIstIng 01 78 allordable ,.f units to satisfy a portion of the [nelusionary Zoning obligation li)r thc Positano development. IOd.j,/ affordable units to satisfy the Inclusionary Zoning obligation for the Anderson propcl1y, 19 market rate units and] manager's unit, and related site improvcments. ANALYSIS: Generall'lan and Specific Plan Amendment Braddock & Logan's Afli.wdable Housing Proposal ineludcs 88 aftimlable uniIs on Ihe Anderson property, As prcviously discussed, the City Council directed Staff Io work with the Applicant to create a mixed- income project that integrates market rate units into this proposed atlbnlable project. Braddock & Logan is cllll'ently proposing to construct a lOS-unit apartment project in order to address the Council's direction to create a mixed-income project. However, the residential portion' of the Anderson property has an existing Medium Density (6,] -14 du/ae) land use designation which pcnnits a maximum of 98 residcntial units (please refer below to Table 3), Braddock & Logan is currcntly requcsting a GPA/SPA to change the land use designation li)r the residential site to Medium-High Density (14,1-25 du!ac) in ordcr to accommodate the proposed lOS-unit mixed income projcet. Table 3: Land Use Desil!nations ,--"". ..- ...- .. -, i\lin-Max Oe~sjty I General Plan/Specine Plan Land Use Acreage Density Range ~~dium Den~ity (exist~I1,g designation) ~ ac 6,1-14,0 units/acre 42-98 units ...-_.-' -- ---- ..-.--- Medium-Hidl Densitv (llrollosed designation) 7 ae 14,1-25.0 units/acre 99-17 5 units The residential portion of the Anderson propel1y is located to the cast of the Fallon Village Center which serves as the social and economic hub for Fallon Village (the Fallon Village Center is outline in blue on Map 3 to the right), The overall Fallon Village projeet area includes a variety of residential land use designations with higher residential densities lbeused primarily around the Fallon Village Center in order to activate the Village Center and promote a pedestt'ian oriented development. At the hub of the Fallon Village Center is a Neighborhood Square that is surrounded by a land use designation of Mixed Use, which includes ground lloor retail and residential units above, and ivledium- High Density residential units, The proximity of the Anderson property to the Village Center and the proposed density of devclopment will f'urther promote the pedestrian orientation of the Village Center. The Anderson propel1y will continue to provide a transition of land uses from the more intense Village Center to the less intensc uses surrounding the Village Center. Ftlllon Village Cenlcr Map 3: Fallon Village Center ;\ draft Resolution is includcd in Attachment 2 recommending the City Council approve a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson propel1y to iV1cdium-I'ligh Density Residential. Page4ofl2 Planncd Dcvclopmcnt Rczonc Stage J Devc/opl1lem Plan Amendment As stated above in the Background section, the project area was the subject of the Fallon Village Stage 1 Development Plan, The Stage 1 Development Plan implements the General Plan and EDSP , policies, Therefore, it is necessary to amend the Stage 1 Development Plan in order to ensure consistency with the proposed GPA/SPA, /85::{ ~JY The proposed Stage I Development Plan Amendment would change the land lise of the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property trom i\'lcdium Density (6.1-14,0 duiac) to Medium-High Density (14.1-15 dufae) with an associated ehangc to the site plan and densities as shown in Map 4 to the right. The proposed Stage I Development Plan Amendment is included as Attaehmcnt 3, Exhibit A of this Staff Report. Map 4: Stagc I Sitc Plan Stage 2 Del'c/opmellt Phlll The proposed Stage 1 Development Plan has hecn prepared in accordance with Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance and applies to the nOl1herly 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property, The proposed Stage 2 Development Plan (Attachment 3, Exhibit A) includes: I) statement of compatibility with Stage I Development Plan: 2) statement of proposed uses: 3) Stage 2 site plan; 4) site area and proposed densities; 5) development regulations; 6) architectural standards: and 7) preliminary landscaping plan, As stated above. the project site area that is subject to the Stage 1 Development Plan is the northerly 7-aere residential site, The proposed density of the site is Medium-High Density wbieh is consistent with the proposed GP A/SPA and Amended Stage I Development Plan, The proposed site area and densities shown in Table 4 below are included as part of the proposed Stage 2 I'D Ordinance, a) c : roposc( ~an sc Proposed Stage 2 I'D Land Use Plan I.alld Use Designatioll G,.(x.;s Net NUll/her Gross Net ./1 eres Acres o(Ullit,\' Densitv DelISi/)' ._---- - -, ,'vtedium-High Density Residential 7,0 6,9 108 I 15.4 15.7 , Total 7,U 6,9 108 du , 15.4 15,7 ! T II 4 I' II d U Residential site development standards generally include: ITlmlmum'lot standards, setbacks. separation requirements between residential buildings, maximum lot coverage, and usable yard requirements, Residential Site Devclopment Standards have been proposed t()r multi-family residential development on the Anderson property, The standards in Tablc 5 below imd associated notes have been prepared and arc included as pari of the proposed Stage 1 I'D Zoning Ordinance f()r this project which is included in Attachment 3, Exhibit A. Page 5 of 12 Table 5: Development Regulati,ons (81. c;QF7 Minimum Setbacks A B Buildin to Buildin Building to Parking/Carport/Private Street/Drivewa Buildin to Public Street Ri Maximum Lot Covera e Minimum Common Usable Outdoor S ace Maximum BuUdin Hei ht Parkin S aces Re uired Residential Units Leasin Office 15' 10' 20' 50% 100 sf er unit 45' and 3 stoies A. Encroachments shall be allowed to project up to three feet into building separations and must be at least 36" from property line (or comply with VBe standards, whichever is more restrictiv<:), See item B below, B. Encroachments include, but arc nm limited to: roof overhangs. eaves, architectural projections, fireplaces, log storage, media niches, balconies. bay windows, exterior stairs,. window ledges: second floor overhangs, decks, porches, trellises, and air conditioning equipment. Air conditioning units can nOl be in highly visible areas unless no other option exists. All utilities including air conditioning units are to be screened from view via walls, enclosures, roof placement, landscaping, etc. The proposed project meets the parking requirements established in the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The parking standard for a multi-family apartment is a minimum of one covered space plus one unreserved/guest space per unit. Ea<:h unit within the proposed projed is provided one covered space and one unreserved/guest space as requircd by the parking standards. Tte development standards referenced herein would become part of the Stage 2 Development Plan. S10uld this Applicant or any future Applicant propose modifications to these standards, a revised Stag{' 2 Planned Devclopment would be req uired, A draft Resolution is included in Attachment 3 recommending the City Council approve an Amendment to the Stage I Development Plan and a Stage 2 Dcvelopment Plan for the development of the 7-acre Anderson site for the development of 108 residential units. Site Development Review Site Plan The Site Development Review materials begin with a Master Site P ,an (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Site Development Plan) showing the location of the residential buildings, parking and circulation, and recreation areas. The site layout has been designed with attention to natural drainage and hillside preservation. Materials for thc landscape, hardscape, and structur~s emphasize natural materials and colors. The project design integrates pedestrian connectivity to the Fallon Village Center which is intended as a pedestrian oriented social and economic hub of Fallon Village. The residential buildings located on public streets would wrap the project frontage to create an articulated building fayade framing the northeast comer of Croak Road and future Monterosso Avenue. Various techniques are employed to reduc{) the perceived mass and scak of the buildings through varying rooflines, articulated building elements, and building footprints. The Applicant believes that the project provides an interesting street scene through the variation in the two building elevations, the proposed color schemes, and the extensive frontage landscaping as further disclssed below. Circulation elements within the project will include a loop drive aisle through the project. Covered and uncovered parking will be provided on both sides of this drive aisle, The Applicant proposes a total of Page 6 of 12 219 parking spaces as shown in Table 6 below. Exhibit A. Table 6: Please refer to the Parking Plan in Attachment 4, /[611 c;U'l Covered Reserved Parkin Uncovered Unreserved Parkin Leasin Office Parkin Total Parkin!: Summary Required Spaces Provided 108 s aces 108 s aces 3 ~: aces 219 s aces Parking Project Access and Circulation Croak Road is a two lane road extending east from Fallon Road and then north to its current tenninus on the Positano project site, The Fallon Village Stage I Development Plan anticipates that Croak Road would eventually be improved to provide a through connection to the futur~ Positano Parkway. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan also anticipates that Dublin Boulevard would be extmded from Fallon Road east to the City Limits with Alameda County, and that Central Parkway would be eXlended from its current temiinus at Fallon Road east and intcrsect Croak Road to the north of the project site. Access to the project sitc will be provided from a driveway on Croak Road and a driveway on the future Monterosso Avenue (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Site Development Plan). The Applicant will be required to make interim improvements to Croak Road in order to aecommodat,) public access to the project site. These access improvements include a through connection to the future Positano Parkway for purposes of secondary access. The improvements to Croak Road will include ultimate frontage improvements along the project site. Monterosso Avenue will be construded to the eastern project boundary with the Righetti property and is the main access road into the project. Grading Plan As part of this application, the Applicant proposes to grade the ov,'rall 50.3+/- acre Anderson property which includes the northern 7-acre residential project site (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Grading Plan), The grading activities that are proposed to occur within the northern 7-acre residential development area will accommodate the proposed apartment project and related road;; and utilities. The majority of the grading would be filling in an existing quarry. The fill would create ,I relatively flat pad that slopes down to the roads on the west and south edges of the development area. Sl')pes on the north and east edges will be graded to provide a smooth transition to existing contours on th" adjacent properties, The disturbed areas would be hydroseeded and planted to control erosion and match pre-grading conditions. Grading activities proposed on the southern portion (area south ofth" 7-acre project site) of the Anderson Property would accommodate planned land uses, roads and utilities pursuant to the EDSP. The overall grading concept is to excavate dirt from the center of the property and move it north and south where fill is required, Along the southern edge ofthe property fill is required to create a flat development pad that sits at an elevation slightly higher than Interstate 580 to allow proper gradients for utilities to gravity flow to existing City drainage facilities. The Conditions of Approval (Attachment 4, Condition 31) require the Applicant to complete a tree survey prior to grading, The Applicant i1, further required to mitigate on a 3: I basis for the loss of any heritage trees on the site, Additionally, minimal grading would occur on the knoll located on the western edge of the property just south of the 7-acre project site to accommodate improvements to Croak Road consistent with the EDSP, and to create a smooth transition from the development pad into the <)pen Space Knoll. Proposed grading activities are proposed to extend on small portions of the adjacent Righetti property to the east in order to ensure that proper gradients arc maintained between the two properlies. All proposed grading would be Page 7 of 12 consistent with eXlstmg City of Dublin policies include the Gen,jral Plan, EDSP, and Mitigation Measures. adopted EIR I g~1 df7 Landscaping The landscape design and plant palette was selected to provide year r.)und interest by incorporating layers of flowering and evergreen plant material throughout the site. Tree:; and shrubs are proposed along the perimeter of the project site to provide dense green plant material year round (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Overall Landscape Plan), Accent trees are included at the project entrances for variety and color and to highlight these locations. Accent concrete has also been incorporat.jd into the project entries to further enhance these project entry points. The landscape treatment at the comer of Croak Road and Monterosso A venue combines trees and shrubs with stone monuments to provide a focal element at this intersection, A double row oftrees is proposed on the east side of the project to prcvide shade and to screen the parking areas from adjacent properties. Clusters of oak trees are also proposed on the slopes in the ,northeast comer of the project site to promote the rural feel of the project area. A central common space area is adjacent to the proposed community building and swimming pool. This common area includes a play area with a play structure, picnic area with BBQ and picnic tables and shade structures, and enhanced concrete at the circular pathway connections. The Applicant has identified a location for public art that will be located to the north of the communty building (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Community Center Landscape Plan) Community Building The proposed project includes a community building located in the center of the project site (Attachment 4, Community Center Landscape Plan), The community building will be located within a landscaped area and will also be located next to the community pool. The building will feature offices to support the project, a general community room and kitchen and a fitness center. Mail boxes will also be centrally located on the east wall of the community building, The design of t1e community building is similar to the design of the apartment buildings with a consistent architectural theme, materials and colors and is further discussed below. Building Architecture Two different building designs are incorporated into the project, including a 9-unit building and a 12-unit building (Attachment 4, Exhibit A), Each building is three stories1igh with roof heights ranging from 36-feet to 42-feet. Each building shares a consistent architectural theme that unifies the buildings within the project. The design of the apartment buildings includes a variety of architectural elements and details to promote an attractive design, Specific details include balconies with raised pwels, decorative iron railings, wood finish shutters, and eaves with wood finish corbels which are used to '~mphasize the roof structure and the roof overhang of the building. The roofing materials are flat concrete tiles with a slate appearance. The buildings will also include a stone base with cap and a stucco wall finish. The Applicant believes that the proposed mixed of materials and architectural elements provide for an interesting and attractive development. These details are best viewed on Sheets a.l and a.3 of <\ttachment 4, Exhibit A, The massing of the buildings has been broken up into five forms, On the end of each of the buildings, a tower element has been provided with a gable roof. This element prcjeets approximately three feet away from the main wall of the building. Stairs have been incorporated in:o these elements on one side of the building. The open design of the stairwells will promote safety and \'isibility. The middle portion of the buildings also has a raised roof element to give a grander scale to the building. Stucco finish columns have been included to further accent the middle portion of the buildinr, , Page 8 of 12 Utility closets have been provided at eaeh end of the apartment buildings. These closets will screen from view the utilities including gas and eleetric meters and fire risers, The project has been conditioned (Attachment 4, Condition 20) to indude a stone base and cap around these utility closets consistent with the base of the buildings, I~CJ '!( ~ 17 As previously discussed, the community building is designed to be consistent with the residential buildings and uses the same architectural treatments, including a stone base with cap, stucco wall finish, wood finish corbcls to accent the roof overhang and concrete tile roof material. A tower clement has been integrated into the building design to highlight the building entry. The color palette includes warm color tones to complement the building architecture and the colors used on the Positano development to the north. The Applicant has proposed three different color schemes within the color palette that will be used throughout the buildings in the project site. Please refer to .-\tladlmcnt 5 for the proposed color samples. Carports have been integrated into the project to provide one covered parking space per unit. The gabled roof of the carports is finished with a concrete tile roof to match the residential buildings. The Applicant proposes to use wood posts to SUPPOlt the carport roof structure. Four trash enclosures are provided for this development. The ext,:rior wall of the trash enclosures is finished with stucco. A gable roof with concrete tile roofing ha:; been provided to mimic the roof structure on the residential buildings. Floor Plans Consistent with the Applicant's Affordable Housing Proposal, all ulits within the proposed project are two bedroom/two bathroom units (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Sheet:; a.2 & a,4). Each unit will be 984 square feet in size on a single level and each unit has a kitchen, gr"at room, storage, washer and dryer, dishwasher, and private balcony. Access to each of the units is pnvided via an exterior corridor (the corridor can be viewed on Sheets a.l-a.4 of Attachment 4, Exhibit g, Parking for each unit is detached from the unit and includes one covered space and one unreserved/gue~,t parking space. The distribution of buildings and units within the project is provided i1 Table 7 below: able 7: Num cr 0 BUt m~s we IhlZ nIts Building Type # of Buildings # of Units 9 Unit Building 4 36 (All units arc 2 BR 12 Bath) 12 Unit Building 6 72 (All units are 2 BR 12 Bath) Community Building I -- TOTAL 11 108 Total Units T b f 'Id. &D I U' Views Nearby scenic routes include Interstate 580 (1-580) to the south and Tassajara Road to the west. The residential portion of the project sit" is located on a relatively flat portion of the project site behind the southern knoll on the Anderson property, The Applicant has prov:,ded cross sections (Attachment 4, Exhibit A, Visually Sensitive Ridge Land Restricted Development Plan and Sections) which demonstrate that the residential site has limited visibility from 1-58(' with direct views blocked by hills that are located between the proposed development and 1-580, The site is not visible from Tassajara Road. Therefore, the project does not create any obstruction of protected views, Page 9 of 12 Development Agreement ;CJO'7!fc2/ '7 In accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Section 11.3,1), the Applicant shall enter into a Development Agreement with the City. Staff is currently working with the Applicant to prepare this Development Agreement for the Anderson property, The Develcpment Agreement will be brought forward to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council once the draft agreement has been prepared, Affordable Housing Agreement As previously discussed, the Applieant's Affordable Housing Proposal includes 78 affordable units to satisfy a portion of the affordable ohligation for the Positano development, 10 affordable units to satisfy the affordable obligation for the Anderson property, 19 market rate units and I manager's unit. Staff is currently working with the Applicant to prepare an Affordable Housing Agreement (AHA) for the Anderson project based on the direction from the City Council. This Affordable Housing Agreement will be reviewed by the City Council onCll the draft agreement has been prepared. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The existing General Plan/Specific Plan land use designations for these propertics were adopted by the City Council with the GPAlSPA for Fallon Village on December 6, 2005 (Resolution 223-05). A Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was prepared fe,r the Fallon Village GPA/SPA and certificd by the City Council on December 6, 2005 (Rcsolution 222-(5). The SEIR studied development at the midpoint of the residential density ranges. Since the 108-unit project exceeds the anticipated number of units that were studied a, a part of the SEIR, a CEQA Addendum has been prepared for the proposed GPAlSPA to change the land use designation to Medium-High Density. The CEQA Addendum studied the development of 108-units rathcr than the midpoint of the proposed density range. Therefore, development on the Andcrson property would be limited toa maximum of 108-units unless further cnvironmental review was completed, The City prepared an Initial Study to determine whether there could be significant environmental impacts occurring as a result of this project beyond or different from those already addressed in the Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH#200506WIO) certified by the Dublin City Council on December 6,2005 (Resolution 222-05). The Initial Study coneluded that the proposed project could no': have a significant effect on the environment, and no significant infOlmation has arisen for this projecl during the preparation of this Initial Study that would require further environmental review, Therefore, an Addendum to the SEIR was prepared documenting these facts. CONCLUSION: The City Council directed Staff to work with the Applicant to study the feasibility of incorporating market rate units into the proposed 88 unit affordable project on the And,::t'son property, The Applicant has proposed a 108-unit mixed income project consisting of 88 affordable units, 19 market rate units, and I manager's unit, which exceeds the permitted density of the project sitt:. The proposed project is consistent with the proposed GPAlSPA and amended Stage I Development Plan to change the land use designation to Medium-High Density in order to permit up to 108 units on the Anderson property. The Applicant is also requesting approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan for the northern 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property and Site Development Review for the proposed ap'lrtment project. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve the Site Development Review; however, any approval would be contingent upon City Council approval of the GPAlSPA and Planned Page 10 of 12 Development Rezone with amended Stage I Development Plan, and a Stage 2 Development Plan. The findings of approval for the SDR can be found in Attachment 4, Pages 2-4, I q r/ '':{ d? J '7 RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that the City Council: I) Receive Staff presentaLon; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Receive public testimony; 4) Close the Public Hearing and deli1:erate; and 5) Adopt the following Resolutions: a) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a '::;EQA Addendum to the 1993 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, the 2002 East Dublin Property Owners Supplemental Environmental I:npaet Report, and the 2005 Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Andersen Residential project; b) Resolution recommending the City Council approve a General Plan/Eastern ('ublin Specific Plan Amendment to change the General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan land use designation for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property to Medium-High Density Residential with the draft City Council Resolution included as Exhibit A; c) Resolution recommending the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a PD-Planned Development Rezone with an amended Stage I Development Plan and a Stage 2 Development Plan for the 7 -acre residential portion of the Anderson property with the draft Ordinance included as Exhibit A; d) Resolution approving Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit multi- family residential project on the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property located at 3457 Croak Road with the project plans included as Exhibit A. Page II of 12 11~ c::I :2-/7 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: Jeff Lawrence Braddock & Logan Services 4155 Blackhawk Pla;:a Circle, Ste. 201 Danville, CA 94506 LOCATION: 3457 Croak Road (APN 905-0006-00 I) EXISTING ZONING: PD - Medium Densit:r Residcntial EXISTING GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS: Medium Density Residential (6,1-14 dulacre) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: City prepared an IniLal Study to determine whether there could be significant mvironmental impacts occurring as a result of this project beyond or different from those already addressed ill the Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH#200506201O) ;ertified by the Dublin City Council on Dccember 6, 2005 (Resolution 222-05), The Initial Study concluded that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environmcnt, and no significant information has ariscn for this projcct during the preparation of this Initial Study that would require further environmental rcview. Thercfore, an Addendum to thc SE IR was prepared documenting these facts. SURROUNDING LAND USES: I LOCATION I ZONING I GENERAL PLArl I CURRENT USE OF I LAND USE PROPERTY Project Site Planned Development (PO) Medium Density Residential Vacant North PD Low Density Reside1tial Vacant South -- -- 1-580 East PD Medium Density Residential Vacant West PD Open Space Vacant Pagel20fl2 DRAFT !Cj3~ 2/'7 "DRAFT Planning C01n1nission Minutes , Tuesday, February 12, 2008 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, February 12; 2008, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair Schaub called the meeting to order at 7:00 p,m. Present: Chair Schaub, Vice Chair Tomlinson; Commissioners Wehrenberg and Biddle; Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager; Kit Faubian, City Attorney; Jeff Baker, Senior Planner; and Debra LeClair, Recording Secretary. Absent: Commissioner King ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA - NONE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - On a motion by Cm, Wehrenberg, the minutes of January 22, 2008 meeting were approved as modified. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - NONE CONSENT CALENDAR - NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8.1 07-037 Anderson: CEQA Addendum, General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, PO-Planned Development Rezone with Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment and Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit apartment project. Jeff Baker, Senior Planner presented the project as stated in the Staff Report. Cm, Wehrenberg asked Staff to confirm the zoning designations of the adjacent properties, Mr. Baker pointed out the zoning designations on the site map. Cm. Biddle asked about open space in the project and how they connect to the adjacent properties, Mr, Baker answered that there are a number of knolls that connect the other properties and the open space, Cm, Biddle asked if the quarry site at the north end would be under the apartment buildings. Mr. Baker answered yes the Applicant would fill the quarry. Pfannina Commission 1<.(9"14r ~Me.eting 'f'c6ruary 12, 2008 Attachment 8 DRAFT Chair Schaub asked if Dublin Blvd would be extended as part of this project. Mr. Baker answered that the extension of Dublin Blvd is not part of the proposed project but would be extended when development occurs on either side of Dublin Blvd, Chair Schaub asked if it was standard to grade a site with nothing being prop~sed for that site, Mr. Baker answered that in this case the land use is known; therefore, it would be preliminary grading and would be consistent with the current land uses. He continued that when a development proposal is submitted the grading would then be refined to be consistent with the proposal. 11 t.; ~:Jjl Chair Schaub asked if the knolls would be graded or not since the City does not know what will go in that area, Mr. Baker stated that there would be limited grading on the west side to accommodate improvements to Croak Road, He continued that when Dublin Blvd development occurs there would be some refinement, but, at this point, there would be no grading on the south face of the slope. Cm, Biddle asked if there would be underground utilities associated with the grading of the site, Mr, Baker answered that was correct. Cm, Biddle asked if the temporary plan would be to install utilities along the frontage road, Mr, Baker answered there would be interim utility improvements along Croak Road to service the site and in the future the utilities would run under Dublin Blvd, and then the temporary utilities would be abandoned, Chair Schaub asked if it was anticipated that when the project is done, and the utilities are in place, will the project stand alone until other projects in the area are completed knowing that over time it could change. Mr. Baker answered that was correct, but the improvements would be at the Applicant's expense and the project would be able to support itself with the utilities and access as shown on the plans, Cm, Biddle asked if Staff knew of any activity on the surrounding properties, Mr, Baker answered no, Cm. Biddle asked Mr. Baker to point out Positano on the map and asked if that was the closest project to this project. Mr. Baker pointed out Positano on the map and confirmed that it was the closest project to the proposed project. Cm. Biddle asked about the access to the project. Mr, Baker answered that there are two access points, one along frontage road to Croak Road and Positano Parkway, Cm, Biddle asked if the eventual location of Croak Road would change between the proposed project and Positano. Mr. Baker stated that with the development of Positano the developer would be required to do some interim improvements to Croak Road. He continued that the ultimate improvements to Croak Road would occur when the Croak property is developed, Mr. Baker stated that the Planning Commissioners were given a letter from the Applicant, Braddock and Logan, with an attachment for an elevation proposing to change the currently proposed shingle siding on the third floor of each building to a board and batten siding, Chair Schaub stated that he had talked with the Applicant on two occasions regarding technical aspects of the project and had nothing to do with architecture or layout of the project and at no time did he go over the submittal or talk to the Applicant about specifics of the project. CP{anning Commission 1:?f9Uhl.r !Meet ing 2 'Fc6rnary 12, 20lJ8 ,/Qt;'cl2-17 DRAFT DRAFT Cm, Biddle asked about the tree survey and commented that there is very little native vegetation in the area, Mr. Baker stated that there are not very many trees in the area and that he is not aware of any heritage trees, but the Applicant would be required to do a survey before cutting down any trees, Cm, Wehrenberg stated that the tree survey mentioned some heritage trees that would be replaced. Mr. Baker replied that would be subsequent to the tree survey, if it is determined that there are heritage trees on the project site the Applicant would be required to mitigate on a 3:1 basis with on-site planting. Cm. Wehrenberg referred to Sheet 2 of 7 on the civil plans which mentions that Phase 1 of the Fallon Road interchange will be complete in late 2009, she asked if that would be an issue if it was not completed within this project schedule, Mr, Baker stated that the way the project is designed it would be able to function with the existing Fallon Road and the improvements that will be done in the future and they don't foresee any problems. Cm. Wehrenberg asked what the possibility was of the properties to the east requesting a zoning change similar to the proposed project which could double the traffic in the area. Mr, Baker stated that Staff has worked with the property owners with some concepts over the last few years and the concepts have been consistent with the current zoning. He stated that there are some topography issues to the east that could make it more difficult to increase the density of those sites. He continued that would not preclude the property owners from requesting a change but it is not anticipated and if there was a request there would need to be additional environmental review which would include traffic impacts, Chair Schaub opened the public hearing. ~ Jeff Lawrence, Braddock & Logan, Applicant spoke in favor of the project. He thanked Staff for their hard work Mr, Lawrence stated that this project was conditioned to provide affordable units of which some would be provided on-site at Positano and some off-site on the Anderson property, This concept was approved by the City Council on 10-18-05 with the condition to provide some market rate units as well. He stated that he thought it would be- a simple project but found that the project was over the limit of the General Plan designation for the number of units, He stated that it was important for this project to be a stand alone project and that Braddock and Logan had worked on the other grading and development concepts for the Righetti and Branaugh property and worked with Staff on the conceptual and specific grading plan for all of those properties. The Applicant is concerned about the cost associated with some of the project design elements as well as the longevity and maintenance of those items, He stated that Braddock and Logan is not asking for any additional funding/ assistance from any City, State or Federal Agency. He stated that he is concerned with the rock veneer that goes all the way around the building, especially the part of the building that backs up to open space and the concrete caps and felt that he could work with Staff and the Commission to find some alternatives, He stated that he was comfortable with all of the Conditions of Approval for the project. Chair Schaub stated that one of the issues that he and Jeff Lawrence had talked about is if it wOl!ld make a difference in the profitability of the project if a number of the affordable units were converted to market rate rentals, and if so, he felt that it would be a question of trading off P(anning Commission ~ffluf4r !Meeting 3 'Fc6roary 12, 20118 DRAFT some of the units for a better looking building, increase in rent of 10 units would help in architecture, / CIJ kJ a-f ,,2 17 I5RAFT He asked the Applicant if it is possible that the mitigating the extra costs for the enhanced Mr, Lawrence answered that the project was designed to be affordable and did not expect a profit because it is an expense associated with those units that are being built and sold, He stated that this project is a stand alone project based upon the site review and it is actually a condition of a bigger project that has some affordability units that are single family residences in the "very low income" category, He mentioned an item that came before the City Council regarding individuals who are own BMR units and cannot resell them and are asking the Council to rent the units. He felt that the process that the City uses to qualify families for the BMR units, which are based on the size of the families, could be changed to be based on the number of bedrooms. Chair Schaub stated that a discussion of the qualifications for BMR units does not come to the Planning Commission. He stated that the Planning Commission would look at land use and architectural items but that the City Council would make decisions regarding housing. He also felt that it was important to explore the Applicant's concerns because it helps the City Council with their decisions, Cm, Tomlinson stated that the affordable requirement of 78 units related to Positano and 10 units related to the proposed project and asked why an affordable project would need more affordable units, The project is approved for 108 total units, with 78 affordable units, another 10 affordable units with 20 market rate units, He felt that it should be the required 108 total units, 78 affordable units at Positano, and 30 market rate units, and then the affordable requirement would be based on those 30 market rate units and not the entire project. He continued that 12 '12 % of 30 is 3,75 or 4 units, so rather than having the project generate 10 extra affordable units the requirement should be 4, He concluded that with his calculation there should be 26 market rate units rather than 20, He then asked the Applicant if that would enhance the economics of the project. He stated that architecture endures, and with the project being across from the Fallon Village Center, it is important to have a quality building, Mr, Lawrence stated that the cost for the additional details (additional rock veneer) would be approximately $1 million to $1.2 million. He felt that some of the additional details only related to the longevity of the project and Braddock and Logan will own the project and manage it in- house, Mr. Lawrence was concerned about drainage, water penetration, venting, and down time based upon how the buildings are constructed, He stated that generally any relief to the number of affordable units would be helpful but could not be specific in regards to what that number would be. He agreed with Cm, Tomlinson's calculations and stated that if there is a number that the Planning Commission is comfortable with he would be open to hearing it. Cm. Tomlinson stated that the Planning Commission would make a recommendation to the City Council and then it would be up to them, He stated that the concept of affordable units to offset affordable units doesn't make sense, Cm. Biddle asked how deep the fill at the quarry site, where the buildings will be, is, Mr, Lawrence stated that the old quarry went down approximately 30 to 35 feet therefore there P/tmniUfi Commission '%nufar'Meeting 4 Q;c6ruary .12) ZOOS 71(t. 01 ~J7 DRAFT DijAFT would be in excess of 100,000 yards of fill that must go into the quarry to bring it back up to the natural grade, Cm, Biddle asked if one of the reasons for the excavation of the entire site would be that the southern portion of the site creates the fill for the quarry, Mr. Lawrence answered that they will need to bring in more fill and that is not the reason for the excavation of the entire site, Mr. Lawrence stated that it made sense to do the grading of the entire site in anticipation of future development on this property and there are some conditions on the Righetti property that the Applicant would like to address now and obtain easements for, He continued that he must obtain a permit from the US. Fish and Wildlife Service who is reluctant to issue any permits on any of the projects unless entitlements have been issued. Chair Schaub and Cm, Tomlinson stated they had no non-architecture questions, Cm. Biddle stated that he thought of this project as part of Positano which is the reason for the BMR units and if they are not at this project site they would have to be at the Positano site. Chair Schaub stated that the project is 10 units over the required amount of affordable units and that is the issue. He also felt that the site was the appropriate site for this affordable housing project. Cm. Tomlinson agreed with Chair Schaub and stated that he also thought it was an appropriate product type as well, Cm, Biddle asked the Applicant if he was comfortable with the project being isolated for quite a while with no other projects adjacent to it. Mr. Lawrence answered that he thought the project had a very unique setting, but that security would be important and will ensure that there is on- site security. He continued that the real issue for the project and improvements is that upon approximately the 400th unit at the Positano project the developer must provide a secondary access which would be from Croak Road. Chair Schaub asked Mr. Lawrence to explain the requirement for the approximate 400th unit. Mr. Lawrence answered that it related to when the approximate 400th building permit for the project is issued at which time he must provide a secondary access, Cm. Wehrenberg asked if the adjacent projects must be complete before they could open their project as in their previous project at Alcosta and San Ramon Road, Mr, Lawrence stated that there are no such restrictions and they have covered the affordable requirement for the first phase of the Positano project in the existing agreement, but they will need to do a subsequent agreement that will fold this project into the Positano project. Architecture questi~ns Cm. Tomlinson asked what aspect of the project requirements is the Applicant unhappy with, He mentioned that from Mr, Lawrence's remarks he was unhappy with the stone fa<;ade facing open space and he understood his reluctance on that issue. He stated that he would be open to looking at where it would be appropriate to remove the stone. PfanTling Commission 1?~fJllfar !Meeting 5 IFcomory 12,2008 DRAFT 11 '<i o:t- ~'7 DRAFT Chair Schaub mentioned that as long as the open space would remain open space forever he would agree to remove it from that part of the building. Cm, Tomlinson stated that he likes the detail in the railings, the colors, and the wood as it relates well and creates less of a feeling of a gingerbread house, which he would be willing to support. He felt that the roof overhangs seemed to be short and felt that something wider, approximately 24" to 36", would give the building more of a cap at the roof. Mr, Lawrence stated that he could add a foot of overhang increasing the overhang to 24", Cm. Tomlinson asked if the building will have rain gutters. Mr. Lawrence answered yes, Chair Schaub mentioned that the building is supposed to be an agrarian type of building, Mr. Lawrence agreed to work with Staff to add some additional overhang, Cm. Tomlinson asked what material the concrete caps would be. Mr, Lawrence answered that they are pre-cast concrete cap, He stated that he and Staff struggled to come up with different material types and that Staff has a good feel for what the Planning Commission is looking for. He continued that he had struggled with the idea of a rock veneer around the entire building, He stated that the site will sit approximately 30 feet above Croak Road and that there is landscaping on Croak Road, The rock on the building will run 3-4 feet in height and will not be able to be seen from Croak Road, He stated that he and Staff discussed alternatives and Staff suggested installing stone on the 2nd and 3rd stories of these buildings. Mr, Lawrence had concerns about longevity, as well as liability. Mr. Lawrence stated that the rock is very expensive material that has a lot of weight; and if it is chipped it would be hard to replace, ' He stated that the reason for solid balconies is for acoustic reasons which was part of the environmental report and for visual protection from stored items, Chair Schaub commented on the reason the Planning Commission came up with the idea of rock. He stated that buildings with stucco from top to bottom tended to be destroyed by people running into it. The Commission decided they would like to see a base, a body and a cap which is a simple architectural standard, He stated that the Commission had the same discussion with other projects regarding the 4-sided architecture, He stated that the Commission could look at the project and determine if there were any spots for architectural embellishment, however, the Commission wants to see good, substantial bases to all the buildings. He felt that, as an owner, they would want to have a base that would be easier to maintain, Mr. Lawrence agreed with Chair Schaub and stated he had no problem with the rock, but that having it in some areas doesn't make sense because it won't be seen, but the railing would be an opportunity to get relief, Cm, Tomlinson asked what the Applicant would prefer as an alternative, Mr. Lawrence answered that they normally put wood on the railings with a reveal so that it extends out with a double stack effect. Cm. Tomlinson commented that considering that the balcony railings are all on the outside of the project, and will be seen from a significant distance away, he agreed with the Applicant's concern about maintenance and the potential for a water intrusion problem, and if there is a potential to save on the railings he felt that it could be accommodated. He stated that he would like to see the stone higher on the street side of the building, especially along Croak Road where there is landscaping, He felt that it would be a long time before the trees mature enough to rj>[anniug Commission ~f!Juwr :,l1eeting 6 q.'r:6ruory .12, 2008 1'0Q'if. ;211 DRAFT DRAFT shield the building. He felt that the stone on the two corner elements of Building A would make it richer looking from a distance. Mr. Lawrence clarified what Cm. Tomlinson said that he wanted to take the two outside tower elements and bring the rock up to right below the wood, where the stone is now; basically creating bookends which will have a more substantial look on either side, Mr. Lawrence stated that if he could move the same amount of rock material that is on the buildings into locations where they would have the most effect he would support that. His concern is getting the rock up high on the building. Cm, Tomlinson stated that in other projects the same thing has been done and it looks dramatic from a distance, He agreed that the stone at the low level is very important and that there are sight differences with this project. He would support taking the rock from the center of the building and instead install it on the corner elements creating the bookend effect and enhancing the view of the buildings from a distance. Mr. Lawrence asked if Cm, Tomlinson was referring to all the buildings or only the buildings where there would be the most impact, Cm. Tomlinson stated that he was primarily concerned with how things look from a City standpoint and that he is concerned with the street side elevations of the buildings along the two streets, Mr, Lawrence stated that the project needed to be detailed so that it fits this area but his job is to balance with economics and there are 88 units that are forever affordable, and the economics become painful. He continued that the bids, today, for the rock installation are approximately $80,000 per building; with 12 buildings which means that there is a $900,000 cost for just the rock. He continued that it is a lot of money and if there are tradeoffs he's willing to do that. Cm, Tomlinson asked about the utility vents and stated that he understands the reason for not wanting to penetrate through the roofs, but was concerned with 4 vents per unit, X 12 units, = 48 vents on the outside of the building and was concerned about how that will look. Mr. Lawrence answered that each unit is a fully contained unit and has a pack system between the floor joists, He continued that they would align the vents so that they are not all over the building but would give more of a symmetrical look and the dryer would be vented through the wall. Cm. Tomlinson was concerned about a lawn for a play area. He suggested moving the community center and pool building closer to the street which would free up more space for the play area, Mr. Lawrence agreed that was a great idea. Cm. Biddle commented that he liked that the mail boxes will be centrally located at the community building instead of having kiosks scattered through the development. He asked if Mr. Lawrence thought that it would create a problem for the residents, Mr. Lawrence answered that he found that it works well in other projects. ;pfanniufi Commission 1!.J[1uf4r !?dc!!ting 7 IFevruory 12, 2008 ~~iddle continued that he likes the look of the community building because it i~il::f I '7 dominated, He continued that he'd like to see as much done architecturally as possible with this project because it is a part of Positano and the first project in the Fallon Village area, Cm, Wehrenberg suggested an alternative to the stone would be to buy the landscape materials early and allow the plants and trees to grow so they are more mature when installed. She continued that she likes the detail of the building with the wood and did not care for the shingle. She stated that she likes the colors and materials being proposed, Chair Schaub listed where he thought the Commission was; The Commission supports the following: . increasing the roof overhang, realizing that there could be architectural issues if they extend them out at the roof line; . additional rock detail, but the rock will need to be redistributed, pull it off of some areas and bring it up in others to make it more dramatic; . pre-cast stucco cap vs. wood cap for the railing cap on the balconies themselves, Mr. Lawrence answered that dimensionally there will be no difference, the difference would be the concrete cap has a reveal or crown type molding to it and the wood would be offset so that there would be a shadow line but no crown molding feature, Chair Schaub asked if they replace pre-cast cap with wood would it look the way Staff requested. Mr. Lawrence answered yes and that he would work with Staff to achieve consensus, Chair Schaub and Mr. Lawrence agreed that those were the issues that were being discussed, Cm. Tomlinson cautioned not to put a 2X6 on top of the railing because the rain water collects in it, and becomes a problem, He suggested using a thicker piece of wood to give it a flow to the sides so that water drains off it and keeps the wood from warping, Chair Schaub asked the Commission how they wanted to make a decision about where the rock will be distributed on the building, Mr. Baker answered that it is important to achieve the Commission's intent and asked the Planning Commission to determine the locations of where they wanted to place the rock on the buildings and then he would write the conditions to clarify that. Chair Schaub agreed that the Commission should go through all 12 buildings and determine the placement of the rock. He stated that the two buildings on Croak Road, the three buildings on Montorossa, and 5 buildings where the facades face Croak Road are the buildings where the Commission would like to take the rock up on the two end caps tO'the wood and then eliminate the rock that is in the center piece of the building at the base, Cm. Wehrenberg disagreed with the other Commissioners stating that she thought the balconies separated the two buildings. (pfenniug Commi,,'sian rJ:?r;.qufar ;/y!eetin,fJ 8 lFe6ruary 12, ZOOt cZo/ ~:< /1 DRAFT DRAFt Chair Schaub stated that he was not sure that they wanted to change the rock but wanted to discuss it If they brought stone up on the two ends, the only rock that they would remove would be the rock in the middle, Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager stated that she thought the concern of the Commission is to achieve the rock design on the street frontage elevations. Chair Schaub wanted to discuss that issue and stated that the Commission would look at every side of each building and decide where to place the rock. Mr. Lawrence stated that the rock is expensive and a big endeavor and would be happy to provide the Commission with copies of the bids that he had received. He felt that there are things that could be done to the building that would look great but it is an affordable project and already a nice looking building. He asked the Planning Commission if there can be some kind of defrayment of the costs, He continued that Gregory Shreeve, Building Official set the valuation for the project at $18 million for strictly building costs today and that does not include fees, land, interim improvements or grading, He stated that when all costs are accounted for the project would cost approximately $30 million, Chair Schaub suggested that they not take the rock up the sides because he could not see where it would wrap around the sides and stated that he didn't see any way for the Commission to change the rock except to approve what is before them tonight He stated that they could not determine where the most logical place would be to wrap the rock around the building, Ms, Wilson commented that if the Commission feels that to approve the project and make the findings for the SDR that they would need additional architectural enhancements on the building that Staff could, after hearing your discussion, create an additional condition relating to architectural elements to be added/modified. She stated that the Commission has heard from the Applicant regarding his concerns about cost, but ultimately the Commission must make the determination to make the findings for the SDR which includes the siting of the building, the circulation, parking and architectural design. Staff could help on how to wrap the rock material on the building. She suggested that in order to put additional rock on the building it would go on the end cap areas and wrap it around the two sides and go up the two stories to the base of the board and batting design, or the rock could be added to the middle elements of the building for enhancement, Cm, Tomlinson stated that he thought the bookend idea was a better idea but the reality is that this project is a cost of doing business and the part of Positano and it will never make economic sense standing on its own. He mentioned other affordable projects in nearby cities that were sold for $30 million. He mentioned that it depends on how much you are concerned about how the building looks, Chair Schaub had the same concern. Cm. Tomlinson stated that he thought the Applicant has a legitimate argument to the City Council to potentially get six more market rate units in the project, but it was up to the Applicant to pursue that to the Council. He stated that he tried to work with the Applicant {Plcmning ('ommtysinrJ, 1<rgUt..lr ~,}fet'ting 9 IPc&ruary .12) zoot? c9JJ;<' 0:1 ~ 17 DRAFT DRAFT regarding the railing cap, etc. to get a better "bang for the buck" and some of the project does not have that and trying to add the bookend idea is a much better idea, Chair Schaub asked the Commission if they would take a straw vote for replacing the pre-cast cap railing with wood, The Commission agreed. Chair Schaub stated that the Commission agreed on the extension of roof. Chair Schaub suggested that he didn't think the Commission could make a good decision as to where the rock placement would be, but felt that the end caps with rock going up would be dramatic in the areas where it will be visible, but did not know how it would relate to where it is not visible, Mr. Baker suggested that with the buildings that face the street you could include the stone on the front side of the building that Staff could show some logical locations to wrap the stone, Cm, Tomlinson stated that Building A and Building B are similar in that they both have bookends and a center element and felt that the Commission did not need to go through each building. On all of the buildings along the street, on the end caps of those two buildings, the rock would be taken up to just below the batten wood and then wrap around the corner two or 3,feet. He felt that it wasn't necessary to take the rock all the way back to a wall turn and felt that it would give the project good curb appeal. He proposed directing Staff to work with the Applicant on those five buildings. Cm. Biddle stated that it is the buildings on the frontage road that are important because it is the first project in the area and concurs that it does not make sense to put the rock lower when it will be out of site. He also concurred that the rock could be removed and placed somewhere else on the building, He agreed that he does not like the concept of stucco all the way to the ground. Cm. Wehrenberg asked what the setback from the road is and felt that the landscaping will cover the majority of the rock, and didn't see the point of moving the rock and making the bookends, etc, Mr, Baker answered that it is 25 feet at the corner of Montorossa and Croak Road and the grade lessens as you go north then it transitions down. Chair Schaub stated that you would be looking up at the buildings, Mr. Lawrence appreciated the concession on railings and wants to be proud of this project, and is willing to work with Staff to come up with a solution that gives direction to how to treat the stone and how to put the stone on either end of the tower elements. He stated that he would also like to pursue a recommendation from the Planning Commission to City Council on how to adjust some units in order to recover some of the costs, He suggested redirecting the placement of the stone in the most visual places in regards to the permanent open space behind the project. He suggested doing some other enhancements to the front of the buildings, but not the rear of the buildings that opens to the permanent open space area. {J>{anni"9 Commission 1?ffJur.:r ~l1eetinfj 10 'F,"rnary 12, 20IJ8 DRAFT cXo3 Q/ ~/7 DRAFT Chair Schaub noticed that the front elevations on the project plans are not marked properly on the plans, They agreed to call the elevation with the balconies as the back of the buildings and the front where the people come into the buildings, Mr. Lawrence and the Commission agreed that they would not change the front of the building, Mr. Lawrence agreed to work on the tower elements and look specifically at buildings that are located on the site where it might not make sense to carry the stone all the way up as it might not be seen, Chair Schaub asked Mr, Baker if he was confident that he and Mr, Lawrence could work out the items discussed without bringing it back to the Commission and take it to the City Council. Chair Schaub stated that the Commission is in support of the wood vs. the pre-cast caps on the railings, and on those facades where Staff is requesting stone to be installed up to the wood fa<;ade on the end caps, He felt that would make the look more dramatic, but that means loosing the stone from the middle, He requested leaving the fronts as is with all the entrances of all the buildings to stay with the stone. He continued what hasn't been resolved is what the cap will be on the rock. Mr. Lawrence stated that it would be a pre-cast concrete cap, Chair Schaub stated the Commission is in support of that. Mr. Baker asked to clarify that the Commission would like to install the stone on the back of the building and remove the band of stone in the center of the all buildings that back onto the streets, Chair Schaub stated that he was referring to the five buildings that back onto the street. Ms, Wilson asked if the Commission also wanted the stone on the edge of the building along the circle drive, Cm, Tomlinson stated that the only part of the stone would be on the end and it doesn't make as much sense, Chair Schaub stated that as long as the stone is on the front side of the buildings there is no need for the stone to be on the back side that fronts to the open space. He continued that the most critical thing is what people see from the road. Ms, Wilson added that the Commission typically likes to see 4-sided architecture and asked if the Commission, being sensitive to the cost, wants to focus the material on the front of the two buildings that face Croak Road and not wrapping the stone around, She stated that the three smaller buildings or the B Building does not have the same feature and it makes more sense to wrap the stone on those corners on all five buildings, not touching the building along the north property line or the internal buildings and leaving the base on the building within the middle of the project (Le, not facing Croak Road or Monterroso Rd.), Chair Schaub agreed, Cm, Tomlinson stated that if the Commission wanted to mix it up having the stone on the bookends of the B Buildings and on the A Buildings put the stone on the center element he would be in support of that. Cm. Wehrenberg stated that she agreed with what the Commission is trying for, but felt that they are "messing with success" and that they will run into issues with finishing and wrapping other edges and would rather let the landscaping cover the bottom of the building. Wlonnil11J Comnti\'sion ~Rufar ~.\1eetinB 11 'Fe6ruary 12, 201M DRAFT c9..04 ad ::< /1 DkA'FT Cm, Biddle emphasized that the landscaping is important and can cover a lot of things, Chair Schaub stated that they have tried before covering up with landscaping but the problem with that is that it dies, Cm, Wehrenberg stated that the landscaping would protect the building with the current architecture, won't fall apart, and won't be a maintenance problem. She stated that she agrees with Cm. Tomlinson that the stone would be a nice feature, but she thought that the Commission would be emphasizing something that would look odd. Chair Schaub asked Cm, Wehrenberg if she was referring to just the 5 buildings, Cm, Wehrenberg concurred, Chair Schaub asked if there was anyone else that would like to speak Mr, Pat Croak, property owner commented on the project. Mr. Croak asked Mr. Lawrence if the color palette would be the same as the project in Blackhawk. Mr. Lawrence answered no, the palette is different, Mr. Croak stated that he owns the property across the road and to the north from the project and would appreciate attention to the rock treatment on the building on the northwest corner because it will be fairly visible from his property. He stated that when his property is developed it will have a totally different product type (low density) right next to this project and would like to encourage whatever could be done to enhance the project. Cm, Tomlinson stated that the elevation which is closest to Mr. Croak's property is a left elevation which is Building B, and pointed out to Mr. Croak what he would see from his property , Cm. Tomlinson stated that there is a stairwell which is open, then the wood and would not be an easy place to wrap the stone. Chair Schaub asked to have Mr. Croak's concerns noted in the comments regarding the public realm, Mr. Croak wanted to make sure that the visuals from the south are of concern to the project. He also commented on the lighting at another development in Dublin and stated that he did not care for the fluorescent lighting in the development and was concerned about the lighting at the proposed project. He also agreed that the trees and the groundcover are a good idea, but it takes a long time to mature, Chair Schaub restated Mr, Croak's concerns are the fa<;ade on the end building, and fluorescent lighting. Chair Schaub commented regarding density, he stated that the Commission struggles with the density issue, He stated that Cm, Wehrenberg asked if the density in the adjacent properties would change and was told by Staff that there is no indication at this time that the density would change. He felt that the issue is that the number of buildings will be high, the density (j>(armiufJ Commission :J<fgu&rr ,5Uedill,q 12 I}~{wuary 12, 20U8 c20'-5 dd) 17 DRAFT DRAF1' might not change, but the mass will be there and with environmental or geological issues some of the area would be deducted because of those issues and the property owner would end up not being able to build on half of the property, The designation may be medium density but it may end up as high density because of those issues, Chair Schaub closed the public hearing, Chair Schaub asked for help in wording the condition of redistributing rock. He felt that was the only area where there was still an issue, Ms, Wilson stated that Mr, Baker will go through the points made by the Commission with a few clarification points, Mr, Baker started with the stone; to clarify that the Commission would like to incorporate stone on the 5 buildings, 3 on Montorrosa Avenue and the 2 on Croak Road and to look at the 6th building that will face the Croak property, He continued - on the shorter buildings, the Commission wanted to have stone at the corners, and asked if the Commission wanted the stone in the center or on the corners on the longer buildings, Chair Schaub answered that he would prefer to have the stone on the center. Cm, Tomlinson agreed with the center area. Chair Schaub asked if they wanted to keep the base stone on the outside corners, Ms. Wilson asked if the Commission would like to keep the band of stone wrapping all the way around the building, in addition to the stone going up the building and that the Applicant wanted to shift the stone rather than add more stone, She asked if the Commission wanted to take the stone up the middle element and she did not know what the total square footage would be of the rock as proposed. Mr, Lawrence responded that if the stone is only on the front that would work and suggested they may need to look at how it would be wrapped inside as welL Mr, Baker stated that it appears that if you remove the stone on the outside elements there is a natural spot for it to stop at the corner, so it would be easy to remove the stone from the corner elements and keep it on the base of front of the building. Cm. Tomlinson felt that the two bookends looked better than the middle and people walking around and driving in the main entrance will see the stone wrapping around the entrance, He also asked if the straw vote had reached consensus regarding how the Commission felt about the stone and that he felt Cm. Wehrenberg did not agree with the stone placement, Cm. Wehrenberg was concerned that the discussion of taking the rock and shifting it is getting away from the intent of putting the stone at the bottom in the first place and agrees with the problem of cost. She stated that she would still like to see mature trees and landscaping rather than the stone, She stated that she likes the concept that Cm, Tomlinson has been talking about, but she felt that the Commission needs to be cognizant of what the developer is proposing. Chair Schaub commented that the straw vote could be to leave the plans the way it is now, f.Pfanniu9 Commission '1?fgu[dr ~l1.eetin8 13 IFc6ruory 127 2008 DRAFT Cm, Biddle stated that he would agree to leave the plans the way they are. Commission was tinkering with minor issues and architectural renderings, 0< 6 {, a-t;;W] DRAF"T He felt that the Cm. Tomlinson stated he would like to change the plans. Chair Schaub was uneasy with where the Commission was going with this project and wished they had more architecture on the buildings, He also stated he was very uneasy with adding things on the ends and it concerns him very much that the Commission is talking about removing architecture from units for a project that is a part of Fallon Village, and he felt that it was frustrating that the City of Dublin has not been able to have projects submitted that look right so that the Commission does not have to compromise again and again, Cm. Biddle stated that he does not have a problem with the architecture of the project, although he would like to see things improved where we can, but he generally likes the concept and doesn't appear the stucco dominates, the buildings have enough variety and the colors are reasonable. Chair Schaub stated that the Commission would make no changes to architecture with regard to stone and the Commission has also discussed extending rooflines where we can and realized that there could be issues that would keep the developer from making those changes. Mr. Baker asked if the Commission wanted to see a maximum of two feet or two feet in addition to what is on the plans now for the overhang, Cm. Tomlinson answered that it should be a minimum of total 24" and if it went to 36" would be OK. Mr. Baker asked if that was just on the tower elements or generally all around the buildings. Cm, Tomlinson stated that it should go all around the buildings if they can, Mr. Baker stated the new condition is as follows: Modify the plans as shown to include replacing the shingle siding on all of the buildings on the third floor with the board and batten siding as proposed by the Applicant; The roof overhangs should be increased to a total of 24" at minimum; Replace the stone cap on the balconies on the rear elevation with a wood cap; and Shift the community building south and increase the lawn area to the north of the community building, All of these items are to be reflected on the building permit plans when they came in to build the project Chair Schaub stated that the only other thing the Commission was going to do was recommend to the City Council that they would consider and understand the developer's position on mort; affordable units and still meet the obligation of 78 Positano units. He stated that there is an issue of the 10 extra affordable units that weren't necessary because of the Positano project (j?fanning Commi~'sion 1I,'flufar 9.teeling 14 1J:C6ruary12,2008 ~7 M- c2/1 DRAFT DRAFT Ms,Wilson asked if the Commission is recommending to the City Council to take that type of action or are you suggesting this opportunity to the Applicant, The Commission acknowledges that there is an opportunity to make this project more attractive. Chair Schaub felt that any project is more attractive if there is a balance of market rate and below market rate units and still meet the obligation. Ms, Wilson asked the Commission if by reducing the 10 units to be market rate versus affordable is to achieve a greater mix in the product type not necessarily ,to gain more potential profit. Chair Schaub agreed, On a motion by Cm, Biddle and seconded by Cm. Wehrenberg, and by a vote of 4-0-1, the Planning Commission adopted: RESOLUTION NO, 08 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE 7-ACRE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE ANDERSON PROPERTY TO MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (APN 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 RESOLUTION NO, 08 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 108-UNIT MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT ON THE 7-ACRE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE ANDERSON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3457 CROAK ROAD (APN 905-0001-006-03) PA 07-037 RESOLUTION NO, 08 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PD- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE WITH AN AMENDED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 7-ACRE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE ANDERSON PROPERTY (APN 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 15 O!(onnil1fJ Commissian !J<.~gll~lr ::Mecting 'Fc6mary 12, lOON DRAFT ~~ O;/~) '7 DRAF'f( RESOLUTION NO, 08 - XX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A CEQA ADDENDUM TO THE 1993 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND SPECIFIC PLAN, THE 2002 EAST DUBLIN PROPERTY OWNERS SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND THE 2005 FALLON VILLAGE SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ANDERSON RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (APNS 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Ms, Wilson reminded the Commissioners of the Volunteer Dinner on Friday, 2.22,08 and reminded them to RSVP to the City Manager's office, Ms, Wilson also reminded the Commissioners that we have scheduled the Joint PC/CC Study Session on the refinement of site plan for the Blake Hunt Lifestyle Center on March 4th in the Regional Meeting room. This will be a working dinner. Ms, Wilson also asked the Commissioners regarding the Planners institute scheduled for the end of March in Sacramento and which of the Commissioners would like to attend, She asked them to email her or call her, Ms, Wilson also asked the Commission to set aside to bring to next meeting their Historic District Specific Plan, so Staff can replace the updated pages. p{anninf} Commission ~fnufar :M.eeting 16 (Fc6nwry 12, 200?( DRAFT OTHER BUSINESS ';:UJ q o..f eX /7 DR:(FT 10,1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from the Planning Commission and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by the Planning Commission related to meetings attended at City Expense (AB 1234). ADJOURNMENT:' The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p,m. Respectfully submitted, Bill Schaub Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Mary Jo Wilson, AICP Planning Manager G: \MINUTES\2008 \ PLANNING COMMISS10N\ 2,12.08,doc PFannir19 Commission 'R.t:guwr ;M,ct:tinfJ 17 IFc6ruary 12, 2008 /i" C & /0 O-jt??/1 RESOLUTION NO, 08 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A CEQA ADDENDUM TO THE 1993 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND SPECIFIC PLAN, THE 2002 EAST DUBLIN PROPERTY OWNERS SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND THE 2005 FALLON VILLAGE SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE ANDERSON RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (APNS 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 WHEREAS, the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan on January 7,1994. Both plans have been amended a number of times since that date, to provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development of the eastern Dublin area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a Program Environmental Impact Report ("Program EIR") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 (SCH No, 91103064) that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference, The Program EIR was integral to the planning process and examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy alternatives, and area-wide mitigation measures for development within eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the East Dublin Property Owners (EDPO), requested annexation and prezoning of the EDPO Annexation Area, which includes the Anderson property, into the City of Dublin, In connection with the annexation and prezoning request the City Council certified a Supplemental EIR (SCH No. 2001052114) by Resolution 40-02 that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. In connection with the 2002 Project approval, the City Council adopted supplemental mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statement of overriding considerations, and a mitigation monitoring program, All adopted supplemental mitigation measures continue to apply to the Anderson project area; and WHEREAS, in 2005, the current Applicant, Braddock and Logan, on behalf of the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO), requested a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Development (PD) Rezone with a Stage I Development Plan, and reorganization of an area of approximately 1,134-acres known as Fallon Village which includes the Anderson property, In connection with this request, the City Council adopted Resolution No, 222-05 on December 6, 2005, certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) to the Eastern Dublin EIR and the SEIR for the Fallon Village Project area which is available for review in the Community Development Department and is herein incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) Study to modify the land use designation of the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property from Medium Density Residential (6,1-14 du/acre) to Medium- High Density Residential (14.1-25 dulac); and WHEREAS, the Applicant, Jeff Lawrence, on behalf of Braddock & Logan Services, submitted an application in 2007 requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, PD-Planned Development Rezone with Amended Stage I Development Plan, and Stage 2 Attachment 9 C<f,J 1 D<r1 Development Plan, and Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit multi-family Project on the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property located at 3457 Croak Road. These applications are collectively referred to as the project or proposed project. The application also requested a Development Agreement and Affordable Housing Agreement. These applications are collectively referred to as the project or proposed project; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the proposed project exceeds the number of units and density of what was previously studied for the Anderson property, Based on the project's current General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium Density Residential (6,1-14.0 du/ac) and on the prior EIRs, the project site is currently approyed for 70 units, The applicant wishes to construct 108 residential units requiring a General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25,0 du/ac); and WHEREAS, an Initial Study dated January 2008, and included as Exhibit B to this resolution, was prepared to determine if additional environmental review was required pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, Based on the Initial Study, the City determined that the potentially significant effects of the project were adequately addressed in the previous Program EIR and both SEIRs. The project remains subject to all previously adopted mitigation measures applicable to the project and project site; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for this project, as no substantial changes have been proposed to the project or the conditions under which the project will be carried out that require major revisions to the previous EIRs, No new significant environmental impacts have been identified and no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts has been discovered, The project remains subject to all previously adopted mitigation measures, as applicable; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164, an Addendum, dated February 12, 2008, incorporated herein by reference and attached to this resolution as Exhibit A, was prepared which identifies the project changes and their relationship to the analysis in the Program EIR and both SEIRs; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a propcrly noticed public hearing on February 12, 2008, at which time interested parties had the opportunity to be heard, to review the draft addendum, the 1993 Program EIR for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, the 2002 SEIR for the East Dublin Property Owners and the 2005 Fallon Village SEIR prior to making a recommendation on the project; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated February 12, 2008, was submitted to the Planning Commission analyzing the Project and recommending approval of the CEQA Addendum and the Project applications; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all reports, recommendations and testimony before taking action on the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution, 6( I Q ;f cQ 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the Addendum dated February ]2, 2008 and the Initia] Study dated January 2008, together with the ]993 Program EIR for the Eastern Dub]in Genera] Plan Amendment and Specific Plan, the 2002 SEIR for the East Dub]in Property Owners and the 2005 Fallon Village SEIR (which are available for review during normal business hours and on file in the Community Deve]opment Department), BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the CEQA Addendum, including the related Initial Study, attached as Exhibits A and B, to the 1993 Program EIR, the 2002 SEIR and the 2005 SEIR for the Anderson project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this] 2th day of February 2008. AYES: Schaub, Tomlinson, Wehrenberg and Biddle NOES: ABSENT: King ABSTAIN: Chair Bill Schaub ATTEST: Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager o?L(3 i&I'7 RESOLUTION NO, 08 - 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN AND EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR THE 7- ACRE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE ANDERSON PROPERTY TO MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (APN 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to modify the residential land use designation from Medium Density to Medium-High Density for the northerly portion of the Anderson property located at 3457 Croak Road. The Applicant, Jeff Lawrence on behalf of Braddock & Logan Services, submitted an application requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, PD-Planned Development Rezone with Amended Stage I Development Plan, and Stage 2 Development Plan, and Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit multi-family project on the site, These applications are collectively referred to as the project or proposed project; and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was originally adopted on February II, 1985, and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Environmental hnpact Report for the original General Plan was prepared and adopted in 1984 and subsequent environmental reviews have been undertaken in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the various General Plan Amendments which have been approved over the years; and , WHEREAS, the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan on January 7, 1994. Both plans have been amended a number of times since that date, to provide a comprehensive planning framework for future development of the eastern Dublin area. In connection with this approval, the City certified a Program Environmental Impact Report ("Program EIR") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 (SCH No, 91103064) that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference, The Program EIR was integral to the planning process and examined the direct and indirect effects, cumulative impacts, broad policy alternatives and area-wide mitigation measures for development within eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the East Dublin Property Owners (ED PO), requested annexation and prezoning of the EDPO Annexation Area, which includes the Anderson property, into the City of Dublin, In connection with the annexation and prezoning request the City Council certified a Supplemental ErR (SCH No, 2001052114) by Resolution 40-02 that is available for review in the Planning Division and is incorporated herein by reference. In connection with the 2002 Project approval, the City Council adopted supplemental mitigation measures, mitigation findings, a statement of overriding consideration and a mitigation monitoring program. All adopted supplemental mitigation measures continue to apply to the Project area; and WHEREAS, in 2005, the current applicant, Braddock and Logan on behalf of the Eastern Dublin Property Owners (EDPO), requested a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Attachment 10 tRl.Lf ~ cQ )~7 Development (PD) Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan, and reorganization of an area of approximately 1,134-acres known as Fallon Village which includes the Anderson property; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2005, the City Council certified a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) (SCH #2005062010) by Resolution No. 222-05, and adopted a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for the Fallon Village project area, which includes the Anderson property, by Resolution 223-05 which resolutions are incorporated herein by reference and available for review in the Planning Division; and WHEREAS, the General Plan currently identifies land use designations and densities, and the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure I-Ia) that shows the location ofland uses within the City of Dublin planning area; and WHEREAS, the Land Use section of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan currently includes text related to Specific Plan Land Use Designations, and the "Land Use Map" map (Figure 4.1) that shows the location ofland uses within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, the project's current General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium- Density Residential (6,1-14,0 du/ac) allows for a maximum of 98 residential units, The applicant wishes to construct 108 residential units requiring a General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25,0 dulac), With approval of the requested land use changes, the proposed project will be consistent with the General and Specific Plan land use designations; and WHEREAS, the proposed 108 unit project exceeds the amount of development assumed in the prior EIRs and established in prior approvals. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15162, an Initial Study was prepared by the City to determine whether there could be significant environmental impacts occurring as a result of this changed project beyond or different from those already addressed in the prior EIRs. Based on the Initial Study, the City prepared an Addendum to the prior EIRs. The Planning Commission reviewed the Addendum before making a recommendation on the requested land use changes and adopted Resolution 08-_ recommending that the City Council adopt the CEQA Addendum; and ' WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on said Project on February 12, 2008; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated February 12, 2008, and incorporated herein by reference, recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth, including the Addendum and prior EIRs, and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission, based on the findings in the attached draft City Council Resolution, recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution attached as Exhibit A, which Resolution approves a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan 2 eX / 6 <;f oZ/'J Amendment for the 7-acre residential portion of Anderson property which includes the following as described in the attached Resolution: I) Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Map (Figure l-Ia) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Maps (Figure 4,1); and 2) Amendments to the text and various tables in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of February 2008 by the following vote: AYES: Schaub, Tomlinson, Wehrenberg and Biddle NOES: ABSENT: King ABSTAIN: Chair Bill Schaub ATTEST: Mary Jo Wilson, Planning Manager G:\PA#\2007\07-037 Anderson GPA SPA PD SDR\Planning Commission\PC Reso Anderson GPA SPA.DOC 3 O?/~' ~ 02//7 RESOLUTION NO, 08 - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PD- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE WITH AN AMENDED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 7-ACRE RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE ANDERSON PROPERTY (APN 905-0001-006) PA 07-037 WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment (GP A) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to modify the land use designation from Medium Density to Medium-High Density for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property located at 3457 Croak Road, The Applicant, Jeff Lawrence on behalf of Braddock & Logan Services, submitted an application requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, PD-Planned Development Rezone with Amended Stage 1 Development Plan, and Stage 2 Development Plan, and Site Development Review to construct a 108-unit multi-family project on the site, These applications are collectively referred to as the project or proposed project; and WHEREAS, on December 20, 2005, the City Council approved a PD rezone and related Stage 1 Development Plan for the Fallon Village project area, which includes the Anderson property and provided for 70 residential units on the project site (P A 04-040), Ordinance 32-05, inc~rporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, PD Zoning districts are required to be consistent with all elements of the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8,120) the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and make a written recommendation to the City Council regarding Zoning Ordinance Amendments, Following the Planning Commission's recommendation, the City Council shall hold a public hearing and may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and WHEREAS, the project's current General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium Density Residential (6.1-14.0 du/ac) allows for a maximum of98 residential units. The applicant wishes to construct 108 residential units requiring a General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation of Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25,0 du/ac), With approval of the requested land use changes, the proposed project will be consistent with the General and Specific Plan land use designations, By Resolution 08-_, dated February 12, 2008 and incorporated herein by reference, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested land use changes; and WHEREAS, the proposed 108 unit project exceeds the amount of development assumed in the prior Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) and established in prior approvals, Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15162, an Initial Study was prepared by the City to determine whether there could be significant environmental impacts occurring as a result of this changed project beyond or different from those already addressed in the prior ElRs, Based on the Initial Study, the City prepared an Addendum to the prior ElRs, The Planning Commission reviewed the Addendum before taking action on the project Attachment 11 c9q 102;,1 and adopted Resolution 08-_ dated February 12, 2008 and incorporated herein by reference recommending that the City Council adopt the CEQA Addendum; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on said project on February 12, 2008; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated February 12,2008, was submitted, and incorporated herein by reference, recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment, the PD rezoning with related Stage I Development Plan Amendment and proposed Stage 2 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein' above set forth, including an Addendum to and prior EIRs, and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission, based on the findings in the attached draft Ordinance, recommends that the City Council approve the Ordinance attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, which Ordinance approves a PD rezone including the following related amendments to the Stage I Development Plan and a proposed Stage 2 Development Plan for the Anderson property as described in the attached Ordinance: I) A revised Stage I Site Plan with the Medium-High Density zoning designation for the 7- acre residential portion of the Anderson property; and 2) A Stage 2 Development Plan for the 7-acre residential portion of the Anderson property with a Medium-High Density Residential land use designation, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Ith day of February 2008 by the following vote: AYES: Schaub, Tomlinson, Wehrenberg and Biddle NOES: ABSENT: King ABSTAIN: Chair Bill Schaub ATTEST: Mary 10 Wilson, Planning Manager G:\PA#\2007\07-037 Anderson GPA SPA PD SDR\Planning Commission\PC Reso Anderson Stage 1 and 2 PD.DOC 2