HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Valley Christian Ctr GP CITY CLERK File # D~[2J[QJ-[2][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 18, 2008 SUBJECT: Request by Valley Christian Center to Initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for a 1.4 Acre Site At 7500 Inspiration Drive Report Prepared by Jeri Ram, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter from Valley Christian Center dated February 29, 2008. 2) Minutes from City Council meeting of May 20, 2003. 3) Property Vicinity Map. 4) Proposed Stage 1 and Stage 2 PD Plan. 5) Resolution Initiating a General Plan Amendment Study for Valley Christian Center. 6) Resolution Denying a General Plan Amendment Study for Valley Christian Center. RECOMMENDATION: ^ wI) ~ (\LMF22) 3) Receive Staff presentation and receive public testimony; Deliberate; and Adopt a Resolution Approving the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study; or 4) Adopt a Resolution Denying the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The costs of preparing the Study would be the responsibility of the Applicant. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In October, 2001, the City Council initiated a General Plan Amendment Study for 1.4 acres of Public/Semi-Public Property for Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25-0 dwelling units per acre). The request was part of a larger master plan for Valley Christian Center. The site is a small undeveloped portion of the approximately 51-acre area owned by the Valley Christian Center which operates an approximately 118,300 square foot Christian school, church and associated facilities at 7500 Inspiration Drive, north ofI-580 and Dublin Boulevard in the western hillside area of Dublin (refer to Attachment 3 and 4). In May 2003, the City CounCil approved the Master Plan for Valley Christian Center, but did not approve the requested General Plan Amendment. Anhe City Council meeting there were concerns expressed by adjacent property owners and the neighborhood about the circulation in the neighborhood. In particular, concerns were expressed about the intersection of Inspiration and Dublin Boulevard. At that time, there was a signal planned for that location, but it had not yet been installed. The City Council determined that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: In-House Distribution Property Owner/Applicant G:\Agendas\2008\CCsrVCC GPA3-18-08.doc Page 1 of2 ~.I ITEM NO. /1 the General Plan Amendment for the 1.4 acre site should be postponed until after the signal was installed and the traffic issues were no longer a concern. In early 2005 the signal was installed. In February 2008, Staff met with Bryan Tebbutt, Executive Administrator for Valley Christian School. Mr. Tebbutt indicated that Valley Christian School wanted to pursue the General Plan Amendment now that the signal was no longer an issue. On March 3, 2008, Staff received a letter from Valley Christian Center requesting the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1.4 acre site. The request is consistent with the previous application (Public/Semi-Public to Medium High Density Residential) (Attachments 1 and 4). Should the City Council initiate the General Plan Amendment Study, Staff would: 1. Examine whether the density requested is appropriate for this site; 2. Examine existing studies to determine if additional work is required; 3. Perform any additional studies that may be required; and 4. Prepare an analysis for the Planning Commission and City Council. Notice ofthis public meeting has been sent to the surrounding property owners in California Highlands and the Hansen Hill neighborhoods. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation and receive public testimony; 2) Deliberate; and 3) Adopt a Resolution Approving the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study; or 4) Adopt a Resolution Denying the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study. 2 ~ 2. '}~;L v~~I~~r February 29, 2008 Ms. Jeri Ram, CD Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Re: General Plan Amendment Request Valley Christian Center, Dublin APN 941-0022-004 Dear J eri: Please consider this a formal request for a General Plan Amendment for a portion of our property located at 7500 Inspiration Drive. Our request is for an approximate 1.4 acre portion of the property designated as "Parcel 2" in the attached "Stage 1 and Stage 2 PD Plan" dated 7-26-02. We request that land area be re-designated "Medium/High Density Residential (14.1-25.0 du/ac)". This designation is consistent with the multifamily property immediately to the east. Thank for considering our request. Please give me a call at 560-6215 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~, D. 3~ B~D. Tebbutt Executive Administrator BDT:isj 1"it~ ' 11AR 0 3 2008 DUBLlN PLANNiNG Valley Christian Center 7500 lnspiration Drive Dublin, CA 94568 www.dublinvcc.org [925] 560-6200 [925] 828-5623 -r-i~ifg./ 2>/,g(oZ 4 Att~{'hment 1 dojJ~ And authorized the Mayor to execute Addendum T to the mc Joint Exercise of Powers Agreements and amending Resolution 89-98 establishing a 1VID Fee for future Developments within the City of Dublin. ~ PUBLIC HEARING VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER EXPANSION & MASTER PLAN - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING STAGE 1 & 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, PA 00-017 7:29 p.m. 6.2 (600-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Senior Planner Janet Harbin presented the Staff Report and advised that the Valley Christian Center was requesting approval of a Master Plan development program consisting of a Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan (Stage 1 and 2) for the expansion of several buildings; a General Plan Amendment for 1.4 acres for future development of multi-family housing (to be heard as a separate agenda item); and an Environmental Impact Report. The requested entitlements would allow the expansion of the existing 118,300 square foot religious facility and school on the site by 187,000 square feet. The site lies north of the 1-580 freeway and Dublin Boulevard and west of the terminus of BetIen Drive at 7500 Inspiration Drive, and contains approximately 50 acres of land. The proposed GP A and PD rezoning request is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Dublin Zoning Ordinance, and the project will accommodate the future growth of the church and the related school campus, and provide necessary semi- public facilities for use by the community and residents of Dublin. The proposed General Plan Amendment will be considered under a separate agenda item, in order to consolidate it with the Eden Housing GP A application and minimize the number of general plan amendments for this calendar year. Ms. Harbin discussed the traffic mitigation and monitoring program as well as neighbor concerns, advising that VVC would be required to enter into an agreement with the City, which would state that an independent traffic consultant would monitor peak hour turning movement at the driveways on a typical school day and a typical Sunday prior to the approval of a building permit. Monitoring would also be performed six months following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each building to check for increased illegal turn movements. The Applicant would reimburse the City for the cost CITY COUNClL rl,HNUTES VOLlJivlE 22 REGULAR lVlEETiNG 1'+ Ii. ., n. ., (l,O" iH3)' .;uU,!...u .) PAGE 285 Attachment 2 3 ~ 0101 of the monitoring and deposit monies to pay for any potential mitigation measures that might need to be constructed or put into effect because of increased traffic and increased illegal left-hand turns. The deposit should be a sufficient amount for the monitoring and any mitigation measures and improvement costs, and submitted prior to issuance of building permits. Mayor Lockhart asked how the amount of the deposit would be determined if the traffic mitigation measures were not known at this time? Ms. Harbin advised that the Public Works Director would look at the size of the building and the square feet added and determine a rough estimate of the possibility of physical mitigation measures being implemented. Cm. Oravetz advised that a fix for the problem needs to be discussed now, not when there is a problem. Ms. Harbin stated that a large enough deposit would be requested to cover any mitigation measure. Cm. Zika asked if the City gives VCC entitlement for three-story building now, can it be knocked down to two-stories, if necessary, during Site Development Review? Ms. Harbin advised that we could restrict the number of stories in the SDR. The actual Ordinance has a chart that shows the maximum heights that might be allowed, and it also notes that it would be based on a visual simulation analysis. It is possible that during SDR Staff may say that the visual simulation shows a building that is too high and create an adverse impact on the visual landscape. em. Zika expressed concern if these were hard and fast entitlements. Ms. Harbin advised that the entitlements are subject to change. The residential development area would still go through the Stage Z and SDR process at Planning Commission and Council. Many more site specific studies will need to be done before then. Mayor Lockhart asked if the requested entitlements show the maximum limits. Ms. Harbin advised that the numbers showed the maximum, so it could go down depending on the visual impacts. CITY COUNCIL fvHNVTES VOI,VJ\;lE 22 REGULAR rl/tEETING M. 'r,Y'" 7(} 2n.l~1i. ;., . ~\lJ' .- '1 U~)....... PAGE 286 if o;f ad Cm. Sbranti asked if any of the heights could go beyond the listed maximum? City Manager Richard Ambrose advised that some could, but only those noted. Accessory structures such as spires and steeples could go higher, as well. Vm. McCormick asked what firm conducted the traffic survey conducted on January 12, 2003? Ms. Harbin advised that Fehrs and Peers conducted the survey. Vm. McCormick asked if the public portion of the buildings would be open to other Dublin residents or just for parishioners? Ms. Harbin noted that they would be open for mostly parishioners unless special arrangements were made. The chapel, for example, might be rented out for weddings. Cm. Zika asked if the mitigation measures for traffic would be based on the fact that Schaefer Ranch, whose permit expires in 2006, will be built? What happens if Schaefer Ranch is not built or doesn't build until 2006? Who would pay for the traffic mitigation? Ms. Harbin advised that VCC would still have to contribute their fair share of the widening of Dublin Boulevard. If Schaefer Ranch is reduced in size, it could require a traffic study update at that point to determine if the widening is still necessary. Cm. Zika asked if their contribution would change at that time. Ms. Harbin agreed that it could. Mayor Lockhart advised that, after VCC's presentation, public comments would be limited to 3 minutes. She asked that all speakers be respectful and polite; everyone will be allowed to speak. Ray Noah, Senior Pastor at VCC, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed project and reminded the Council that the Master Plan had been prepared at the City's request. He indicated that many people in the audience were here to show their support for the project. The presentation reviewed the history of VCC, and emphasized the vital role VCC has played in the community through their ministry and schools. Several social programs in Dublin and the community have had their start through VCC, such as the pregnancy center and Shepard's Gate. VCC wants to be good neighbors and are being CITY COUNCIL IVHNUTES VOLliIVIE 22 REGUI..AR lVIE ETING IVhlV 20, 2003 '" PAG E 287 6 ~o?02. sensitive to neighborhood concerns and needs. Before the Council tonight is the completion of a dream that began 40 years ago and the culmination of distilling that dream into a master plan. He thanked the Council for its consideration. Jerry Loving, Loving and Campos Architects, continued the VCC PowerPoint presentation outlining specifics of the Master Plan and proposed architectural design. The plan before the Council tonight has come at the cost of several thousands of dollars and thorough consideration. He assured Council that the proposed reader board would not be visible off site. He discussed the hypothetical layout of the proposed residential units, indicating that they were proposing the same density as their neighbors, California Highlands, and would be for-sale housing. The wetlands area impacts a small portion of the residential area and would be dealt with at Stage 2, along with driveway locations and housing density. Soil stability is a major issue, which will require much more study. He noted that the proposed Alzheimer Care Facility was no longer being considered and no 24/7 uses proposed. Regarding traffic issues, VCC is proposing that the left-turn out/right-turn in restrictions and monitoring were prohibitions imposed upon themselves. Regarding the two new signals on Dublin Boulevard at Silvergate and Inspiration Drive, City's Traffic Engineer's comments are right on and clear at the Planning Commission level. The street widening along Dublin Boulevard is another component, and the fact that they will be charged the TIF fee, which will be VCC's contribution to citywide parking issues will be part of the traffic mitigation plan for this campus. This fall, VCC plans to try student busing, carpool activities and on -site queuing to avoid back up on the street. Construction traffic would be directed to Dublin Boulevard, not in other directions. Traffic was only an issue during the two Vz hour periods when school begins and lets out; Sunday is a non -peak time. Mr. Loving advised that VCC is in agreement with Staff's extensive conditions of approval. The only issue VCC is concerned with is ParcelS, which is cut off from the main site by Inspiration Drive. VCC has represented to its neighbors, and agreed to at the Planning Commission level, that no structures would be built on the "conservation easement." However, they would like to have the opportunity to do overflow parking in that area, if necessary, for major events such as Easter and Christmas. He also suggested landscaping of the flat portion of the area, such as a picnic area to take advantage of the overlook or unlighted tennis courts, etc., which all would be available to the community at large. It is an important piece of property, and VCC would like the opportunity to have do that. They will go back to Planning Commission with those issues. Cm. Sbranti asked how a new three story building could be built without being higher than the existing two-story structure? CITY COUNCIL NUNtJTES VOLUlV1E 22 REGULAR lVIEET1NG 1\1ay 20, 2003 P,ti"GE 288 o @j~d Mr. Loving agreed, advising that Building #4 is a two-storey building raised up one floor plus, sitting on a higher level. Building #B would start one floor down, so it won't break the skyline of the existing buildings. Cm. Zika referred to Parcel 1 and asked if VCC was under the impression that, if the Council approved what was before them tonight, that's the bottom line-the number of square feet, the number of stories, etc. Mr. Loving agreed and indicated that there is still the SDR process to get through, and they are not hard and fast on every square foot, but a lot of money and thought has been put into the planning. VCC really focused on the buildings on the campus and studied them carefully. Cm. Zika asked if they were aware of the problems VCC ran into with big boulders, etc., when building the gym and the ball field? Mr. Loving was aware of problems and hoped that they would not have to come back for changes. Cm. Zika requested confirmation that there was no visual impact from the three-story building from the freeway or downtown? Mr. Loving confirmed that there was no visual impact. The reader board would not be visible from anyplace outside the facility. David Kruss, President of the Hansen Ranch Home Owners' Association, stated that Hansen Ranch HOA has 180 homes in the area that are going to be significantly impacted by the proposed development. The HOA has no problem with expansion of church and school; however, the traffic that is generated as a result of the construction will be a problem. He challenged the Councilmembers to do the trip during school hours. He has frequently counted up to 60 cars in the southbound wing waiting to get through the stop sign. This problem will not improve until a traffic signal is installed at Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. People are constantly making illegal left turns. There are houses directly behind the conservation easement, so any development on that area will be directly impacting the quality of life of those people below the project. This issue needs to be considered at this level, before the Council approves the plans. Cm. Oravetz asked if he was speaking on behalf of the HOA or as an individual? CITY COUNCIL l\1INUTES VOLUJVIE 22 REGULAR l\.'1EETING IVlay 20, 20tH PAGE 289 1~dd Mr. Trust stated that he was speaking on behalf of the 180 homes in the HOA, which is objecting to the additional traffic that will be generated by the project. Cm. Oravetz clarified that the HOA did not object to the expansion project, only the traffic, and asked if a solution was developed would they be okay with project? Mr. Trust indicated that they were looking for a solution to the traffic problem; the church has been good to them, and they would like continued good relations. However, the HOA will suffer if they continue their development and the traffic flows back through their neighborhood. Brent Wood, Dublin resident, objected to the driveway coming out of the residential area. He disagreed with Mr. Loving, indicating only two of the three driveways currently prohibited left turns. Cars going into and out of VCC pile up on his street and back up into the through traffic lane. Bay Laurel is about a 9% grade, and during wet weather it is very dangerous. If VCC can mitigate the turns, they are good neighbors. He supports the church and the expansion, but the traffic is the problem. Steven Cox, California Highlands Development, has no problem with the expansion except for the traffic issue. His major concern is Dublin Boulevard being a two lane road. Even with a traffic signal, it needs to be widened to four lanes and it cannot wait for Hansen Hill to happen, or not happen, to do that. The traffic study needs to be readjusted on that. Dennis Ackley, Cranford Lane, advised that he lives near the High School and has a couple of ways out of his neighborhood also. He wouldn't dare go past the High School at 7:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. He would think that the people who live in the Bay Laurel area would use Bay Laurel and leave Inspiration Drive for the schools. The church that is tucked away does not present an aesthetics problem. Till Ricci, California Highlands, agreed with the traffic issues brought up. Not only is there a traffic concern, but a concern for safety. California Highlands is at the very end of Dublin Boulevard. If there were any catastrophe, they would be the last to be evacuated. There is only one way to go in and out of the property. She expressed concern that the construction of 22 residential units would be an intrusion of California Highland residents' quality of life. She asked the Council to deny the approval of the residential units. Eric Raasch, Cedar Crest Terrace, advised that he served on the California Highland HOA before he moved to Dublin Ranch, and is a graduate of VCC. What hasn't been pointed CITY COUNCIL MINUTES "v'OLliivIE 22 REGULARI\1EETING l\/lay :W, 2003 PAGE 290 9 ~'02c2, out is that VCC strives to be an excellent school with excellent students. Approval of the plan is imperative for VCC to continue to be a school that produces excellent students who come back into the community as active participants. There is a lot of traffic, but the mitigation measures input into the plan would do more than their fair share to alleviate the traffic problems. He noted that, during the winter when a water main broke, there was no line of traffic when the construction flag man was at the base of the hill directing traffic through the intersection. It worked as a successful traffic signal simulation. Kevin McGuire, Valencia Street, attends VCC and values the resources and people there. He is aware of the traffic issues and difficulties. VCC has been here for 40 years and located themselves in an area which would allow them to grow. Dublin will continue to grow, along with the traffic problems. Each of the concerns have been diligently studied to mitigate the concerns within the guidelines of State and local land use regulations. He supports the expansion. James Jarzak, Inspiration Drive, advised that he was the Vice President of the HOA, but is here as an individual citizen. He is happy to have a neighbor like VCC. He is a professional traffic planner. Traffic is not good in that area and needs to be mitigated. He encouraged the Council to find a way to get the Center to stager start times to reduce peak loads. Mr. & Mrs. Arace, Manzanita Lane, did not wish to speak but indicated their support of the VCC expansion and Master Plan. Gary & Nancy Cantrell, Landale Drive, did not wish to speak but indicated that they are members of VCC and are in favor of the building plans and would like to see them approved. They think their church is a positive contributor to the people of this community helping to meet needs. Mr. Loving indicated that the summation of the public testimony indicated a need for the traffic signals, and he would like to hear the testimony of the Traffic Engineer on that point. He asked that the chairman of the VCC committee, traffic engineer Chris Kinzel, rebut some of the issues. Chris Kinzel, 1JKM Traffic Engineer and member of VCC, noted that his firm did not do the traffic analysis and, as a member of VCC, his objectivity might be clouded. The studies point out that there is currently a lot of traffic, and that growth in traffic will be fairly modest. The number one issue seems to be the two traffic signals. They were pleased to find out that the City is on top of it, and the both of the signals are included in CITY COUNCIL IVUNUTES 'l,lOII 11' ~ Ill'E' 2' ~ ~ ,IL. V ,. ",i .(" REGULAR lVIEETING J\1ay 20, 2003 PAGE 291 {I ail ~ d. ;'1 the CIP. This is a long term master plan, so a bunch of traffic will not immediately materialize. The signals will probably go in before the project begins. Once the signals are installed at Inspiration and Dublin Boulevard, it will be the most attractive way to get off the hill for VCC people and residents alike. Once the signals go in,illegalleft turns should stop. He noted that school start times are already staggered. A bus program implementation should help with this problem, as well. Mayor Lockhart asked how seriously the busing and carpooling programs are being taken? Brian Tebbutt, VCC Staff, advised that the busing program has promise and might work. The route is currently being examined. Carpooling will be explored in the next school year. Mayor Lockhart asked if VCC has given any thought of having someone monitor the driveway to discourage illegal left turns or to take license plate numbers of vi~lators. This idea could be included in the traffic plan and would be relatively inexpensive. Mr. Tebbutt stated that it was an excellent idea, which they have considered. The program would probably start in the next school year, with monitors standing at parking lot exits gently pursuing those inclined to make a left turn not to. Mayor Lockhart asked how long VCC envisioned the entire project taking? Mr. Tebbutt advised that the project was expected to happen over the next 5-15-20 years. Even if funding were in place now, it would take three years to get the first building off the ground. Mayor Lockhart asked if they had a phasing plan of what they would like to do first, second, etc? Mr. Tebbutt advised that the priorities would probably be the high school building first, senior activities building second, and sanctuary third. However, final decisions have not been made. Mayor Lockhart asked if they were prepared for an answer that might indicate that landslides or wetlands will prevent the residential units'! CiiTY COUNCIL IVHNUTES VOLU!V!E 22 REGULAR ivlEETlNG f\1ay 20, 2003 PAGE 292 10 r~~02 Mr. Tebbutt stated that the area subject to landslide is on the opposite side of Inspiration Drive. His generally understanding is that the soils analysis for the proposed residential area showed the soil as stable. The wetlands, as described, is a drainage area. Mayor Lockhart asked for confirmation that VCC was prepared to deal with that situation as a separate piece of the project, if needed. Mr. Tebbutt agreed. Vm. McCormick referred to the proposed busing program and asked what percentage of students come from Dublin? Mr. Tebbutt advised that approximately 1/3 come from Dublin, and indicated that VCC thinks it can reduce trips by busing on 1-580 and 1-680. It appears to be financially viable and they will do a feasibility study in the fall. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. em. Oravetz asked Staff the cost to install the traffic light at the end of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard? Mr. Kuzbari advised that it would cost approximately $190,000. Cm. Zika noted that new requirements indicate that VCC would be required to mitigate significant traffic increases, and asked the definition of "significant." Mr. Ray stated that there was no criteria or threshold for "significance." Any increase in the number of violations, is good enough to say that something needs to be done about it. Cm. Zika stated that criteria was needed, and expressed concern about increased traffic on Bay Laurel Drive, especially on Sunday, which should be less than weekday traffic. He felt that it was not appropriate to let the Sunday traffic come up to the level of weekday traffic. Cm. Sbranti asked how many cars could get through a stop sign vs. a traffic signal in one minute. Mr. Kuzbari advised that on an hourly basis approximately 450-500 cars can come from Inspiration Drive. Now, there are about 550 cars in 20-30 minutes trying to make that turn, which causes a back up all the way to the school site. Staff has done field CITY COUNCIL iVHNUTES VOLU~r1E 22 REGULAR l\1EETING ~' ~' ',n, """'.0"" N~av "'U~ .luU-, ",,' .' PAGE 293 II ic201 observations that shows that traffic bottlenecks because of the stop sign. A traffic signal could more than double traffic capacity up to 1,000 an hour from Inspiration Drive. Cm. Zika asked, assuming that Schafer Ranch does not get built, would there still be a need for 4 lanes all the way up? Mr. Kuzbari indicated that, based on traffic studies for Schaefer Ranch and VCC, the need for widening Dublin Boulevard is only between Hansen and Silvergate. East of Silvergate, there is no need for widening to 4 lanes. If Schafer does not build, there is no need for widening between Hansen and Silvergate. Mayor Lockhart asked VCC representatives if adult care was still in their plans. Mr. Loving advised that adult daycare, not Alzheimer's care, was still an option. Vm. McCormick noted that none of the proposed activities were reflected in increased staffing, which only shows 20 additional staff people. Mr. Loving advised that additional staff might refer to part-time staff, which would add up to 20 full-time equivalent staff. Mayor Lockhart referred to Exhibit A of the CEQA document, page 6 of 159, and read Impact 4.5-2 regarding expansive soils and landslides, which read, "Soils in the Project area are potentially expansive soils which can result in damage to buildings with improperly designed foundations. In addition, historic landslides on the site may not have been properly remediated to support buildings and structures." She asked Staff what and when we are talking about in that paragraph? Jerry Haag, Planning Consultant, prepared the EIR, and advised that when the EIR was done there was a preliminary soils report done for the property approximately one year ago. The information in Impact 4.5-2 was revealed in the soils report. It was not a detailed report, just a general reconnaissance report of entire site. One of the conditions of approval would be a specific detailed geotechnical report for each building to make sure the landslides had been properly compacted and the foundations would not be subject to damage from expansive soils. It is a fairly standard condition. Mayor Lockhart asked if this was a condition at that time that these may not have been properly remediated to support buildings and structures? Would it have been the same thing at that time? CITY COlJNCIL LVHNUTES 'lOlL l n\/l E~ , ., Ul'.J:i.'. ~..... RlLC,r<'1ir..- Ai. D l'!),/'i'l!:'lr'TI"'7H'1 1 !b\l_w 'U L.'-'!l.h 1 'i',!J. c. L. A.l'i Wu l\'l~~v 20. 2003 " , PAGE 294 102 ~07d Mr. Haag stated that he was not sure the current buildings were constructed when Dublin was a city; however, presumably, the existing buildings were properly designed in terms of geotechnical requirements. Any future buildings, as part of the master plan, would have to have future studies done to make sure the ground under them was properly compacted. Mayor Lockhart referred to page 7 of 159 which stated that future residents of the project could be subject to short-term construction noise, and asked what "short term" means? Mr. Haag advised that it would be some limited short-term noise related to construction activity such as a bull-dozer, which could continue over the length of time needed to construct that building. It would not be an ongoing operational noise expected day-in day-out. Mayor Lockhart indicated that she assumed there was baseline information on sound issues as they relate currently to VCC, when talking about adding a field or play space. She asked if there was a comparison? Ms. Harbin advised that there were other schools that have play areas that they have added, as well as a baseline for existing noise level. So far noise is not an issue because the property buffers the play area and the housing development. Also, there are no night time activities because there is no lighting. Mayor Lockhart noted that VCC is tentatively proposing tennis courts and picnic areas in locations right above other homes and asked if that situation already exists up there on the other side? , Ms. Harbin advised that the play fields are not exactly over homes. At one side they overlook Inspiration Drive as it goes into housing development, but it doesn't actually overlook homes. Mayor Lockhart asked if the proposed Parcel C would be a different situation than exists right now. Ms. Harbin indicated yes, there is a part of the development that wraps around underneath Dublin Boulevard that would be below that Parcel C. The concern was if there was anything built up there. CiTY C01JNCIL rVHNlJTES VOLUI\lE 22 REGULAR I\lEETll\lG "v1<:>."" "0 2(M)3 1 lU,{.fi.,J J,7f , VV P' AGE 295 /3 ~,,),) Cm. Zika noted that Parcel 1 was being worked as a Stage 2 approval; however, Parcel 2, where the housing was proposed, was at a Stage 1. Does that mean the City is telling VCC that it is okay to pay the Inclusionary housing fee or does that happen at the Site Development Review stage? Ms. Harbin advised that it would be at the next phase. Cm. Zika stated that he was not in favor of paying fees; he wanted to see the units. Mayor Lockhart asked if, as far as the housing was concerned tonight, the City would be approving VCC to move to the next step which would be the studies that would be required before any housing was actually approved, or would the City be approving housing if the studies come back okay? Ms. Harbin advised that the Council would be approving a change in land use designation from Public/Semi Public Facilities use to Medium High Density Residential. The Stage 1 is just setting certain restrictions on the development of that property for the rezoning. It doesn't actually approve which units or what type of units or where they are located; that would be the next stage. This would be a preliminary approval of the concept. Mayor Lockhart confirmed that tonight's decision would not approve any number of units or location of units. So, as an example, if the wetlands studies came back indicating that only 5 units could be built there, then the Council could limit it to 5 units? Ms. Hardin indicated yes. City Attorney Elizabeth Silver clarified Cm. Zika's question regarding the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and advised that it would be applicable to projects of 20 units or more. Cm. Sbranti asked the procedure used if the Council approved the Stage 2 or all of the improvements with the school and the sanctuary, but did not approve the concept of residential on that Phase 2 parcel? Ms. Harbin indicated that it would require a revised resolution to remove references to the residential portion of the project, and indicate that it would remain an agricultural use or something to that effect. It would also change the General Plan resolution that would be approved with Eden Housing under another Agenda item. CITY COUNCIL lVHNUTES VOLlJf\i1F 22 R=C1l'a A." M'VET"'NTG' . k.. ',~..H..J.t"'.l..1.{ lllL. ',,11 ' lVlay 20, 20tH PAGJE 296 14 ~dd- Mayor Lockhart expressed concern that, until seeing what is happening with development on top and how the traffic is mitigated to see how it effects the existing and future situation, she is hesitant to move forward with housing because it could only complicate the matter if the City does not correct the problem that exists today, and it will exist with the future development of the church and school. She asked if the Council did not move forward with the housing at all now, could VCC approach the City about that piece of land again when the issues are resolved? Ms. Harbin indicated yes, VCC could return with a GPA, PD rezoning and Development Plan for that property in the future. Mayor Lockhart realized that the City asked VCC to do a complete plan, but she is also hearing that there is a tremendous amount of concern about the traffic issues and mitigating the problems that exist and the problems that are expected with the school development and expansion. Perhaps those issues should be addressed, since VCC has indicated that those buildings will be constructed first, and reserve the housing for when the other issues have been resolved. Cm. Oravetz asked if it was the Mayor's intention to bifurcate the decision? Mayor Lockhart indicated yes. Vm. McCormick asked if the busing program, carpooling program, and driveway monitors could be made Conditions of Approval? Ms. Harbin advised that there were some limitations on traffic management plans and whether the City could require that a particular project proponent establish something like that. The Traffic Engineer would be better suited to answer that question. em. Sbranti suggested periodic police patrol of the area during the time in question, as is done at Dublin High School. It doesn't happen every day, but the people are aware of the presence. Vm. McCormick stated that it wasn't enough. John Bakker, City Attorney's Office, referred to page 9 of 159, the condition dealing with left turns from driveways, a part of which reads, "If it is determined that the expansion has resulted in increased violations of the existing left-turn restrictions on to Inspiration Drive, other measures such as the installation of physical barriers to redirect traffic toward the signalized intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Inspiration Drive may be CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUrVIE 22 REGULAR MEETING . ~. ....D zoor" jovnay /. v, ,t_'l PAGE 197 /.{ ~dd required..." Additional examples could be listed of measures that might be imposed on VCC in order to require them to limit the number of left turns, such as monitors or other traffic controls. Vm. McCormick asked if there could be a limit on the number of cars, or do something that would encourage the carpooling and busing programs to move forward? Mr. Bakker advised that, per the Traffic Engineer, there are some restrictions under State law concerning traffic management programs, which have not been evaluated by Staff at this point. It would have to be a voluntary program at this point until State law has been fully analyzed. Mayor Lockhart asked if a moveable barrier or a bollard could be placed in the street to prevent the left turn? Mr. Bakker felt the condition envisioned just that; it would be temporary and moveable to, perhaps, switch directions in the morning and afternoon. Ms. Silver advised that the specific traffic measures would be determined with the SDR for each of the proposed buildings. The condition as proposed, which requires the agreement, is general and will require the determination of the specific measures. Even without the SDR approval, under the Code, the City is allowed to impose conditions dealing with traffic. It is difficult to be specific about the conditions at this point in time. Cm. Sbranti stated that there were two aspects: 1) it was indicated that if the signal was put in the 2004-05 Capital Budget that it will beat any major traffic impacts because VCC won't have buildings out of the ground. 2) good faith efforts can be implemented at this time such as self patrol, busing and carpooling, which combined would be fair mitigation on the traffic. Cm. Oravetz agreed with Cm. Sbranti that a traffic light is needed quickly. He assured VCC representatives that he felt the expansion is a great idea. He concurred with the Mayor and the folks from the Highlands regarding housing and agreed to bifurcate the housing issue and approve the church with the traffic mitigation. Mr. Loving asked the Council to think of the planning that VCC has done at Council's request and the many options they have considered on the residential site. The Church has, in good faith, moved forward with the plan of market rate housing, with a Staff Report that recommends approval of the housing. VCC is just at Stage 1, which is conceptual, so the Council has tremendous control over that piece of property. The clear CITY COUNCIL l'vHNUTES \rOLlJIVIE 22 REGULAR 1\1EETING Mav 20~ 2003 p" ,i; -r" '[" ~; Ifl D ,_ .c-';.,~~JI~ ~7C~ J & ~,Jd understanding is that residential seems to be the correct land use, so can the Council please not bifurcate the approval tonight. Please approve Stage 1 with any qualifications the Council deems appropriate because it must come back for Stage 2 approval and than an SDR approval. Traffic, wetlands, drainage, and grading are fairly standard issues for any development in Dublin. The Church site is isolated and if it can be developed, it will be a great funding mechanism for a non-profit entity. It is very valuable to VCC in their financial planning. Mayor Lockhart stated that she has considered it very strongly, but it was a matter of timing. Many residents support the VCC project; however, these same residents need to be supported on the traffic issues before moving on to the second issue. It is not a one or the other, but the City needs to consider things that will relieve the current problems first. Vm. McCormick indicated support of the expansion of the church and education facilities, noting that the traffic issues could be mitigated. She advised that she would not support the housing because, in her opinion, it is not part of Dublin's vision. Dublin is trying to get cars off streets, not add more on. She stated that housing should not go in secluded areas accessible only with autos, and felt this was a strictly commercial venture. Cm. Zika supported the expansion of the church and school, but was concerned over traffic. He advised that he supported leaving out housing for now. It seemed that the Council's general consensus, at this time, would be to approve Parcell as submitted, do nothing on Parcel 2 and approve Parcel 3 for no development. Ms. Silver advised that everything has been prepared to include the General Plan Amendment, so there are two options: 1) Continue the item and ask Staff to come back with revisions at the next meeting; or 2) Continue the item to a later part of the agenda to see what changes are necessary to the various documents and determine if those changes can be made tonight. The Council agreed to continue the item to a later part of the agenda in order that Staff can make the directed modifications. 10:40 p.m. At this time) the Council returned to its consideration of Public Hearing Item 6.2 Valley Christian Center Expansion & Master Plan - Planned Development Rezoning Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan and Environmental Impact Report, PA 00-017. CITY COlJNCIL lVHNUTES VOLUiVIE 22 REG lJ LAR~vIE E TlN G lVIav 20, 2003 ., PAGE 299 J7 of ;J~ Ms. Harbin distributed copies of the modified (red -lined) resolutions and proposed ordinance and reviewed the proposed changes, advising that Staff had, per Council direction, stricken the residential portion of the project which would leave the 1.4 acres of land as Agricultural zoning. There would be no General Plan Amendment for that particular area. Mr. Bakker distributed the red-lined versions of the Findings to the Council and reviewed the changes made to the Findings to reflect the actual approval the Council might make tonight. The Council will still be certifying the EIR tonight if the Council were to approve the project; however, the findings would be different because the approval was changing. Cm. Sbranti asked if, with these changes, VCC would need to do a new EIR as it pertains to this site and the residential units if they were to move forward with the GPA at a later date? Ms. Harbin advised if VCC were to return with a GP A for that particular site, Staff would need to review the EIR to make sure it covered all of the issues, and the develop new findings, as well as a new mitigation monitoring program those mitigation measures related to the residential portion of the project. The EIR would then need to be recertified and the findings and mitigation monitoring program adopted. Cm. Sbranti confirmed that VCC would not have to start from scratch; they would be able to work off of this to make findings as it pertains to the residential development? Ms. Harbin agreed. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. McCormick and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted . . RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 03 CERTIFYING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND ADOITING RELATED MITIGA TION FINDINGS, AND A MITIGA TrON l\:10NITORING PLAN FOR THE VALLEY CHRISTINA CENTER EXPANSION/MASTER PLAN PROJECT FOR PA 00-017 and On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted, as modified CiTY COUNCfL rvHNUTES VOlUIVIE 22 TllEI' '" T~ ,. <<'!I 1\,flr' fi<~r'ING fi'V'UL.f'U.... i"~L"-' . ,]I" l\1ay 20, 2003 PAGE 300 ,g,cr( J)d- l" RESOLlJl10N NO. 93 - 03 A RESOLUTION lv1AKING fINDINGS RELATED TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) STAGE 1 AND 2 REZONING AND DEVELOPl\tlENT PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 49.7 ACRES OF TIlE VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER LOCATED AT 7500 INSPIRATION DRIVE and On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Vm. McCormick and by unanimous vote, the City Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance, as modified by Council, amending the Zoning Map to rezone property and approve a related Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan for 49.7 acres for PA 00-017 Valley Christian Center located at 7500 Inspiration Drive. ~ 9:55 p.m. Mayor Lockhart called for a 5 minute break, after which time the Council would consider Item 6.3. 10:04 p.m. The City Council reconvened with all Councilmembers present. ~ PUBLIC HEARING EDEN HOUSING - DOWNTOWN CORE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING STAGE 1 & 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, PA 03-003 10:04 p.m. 6.3 (600..60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Planning Consultant Jerry Haag presented the Staff Report and advised that the proposed site is located within the rear portion of the former Dublin Branch Library located on Amador Valley Boulevard. The project includes construction of 54 apartment units with 53 of these units targeted to low-income senior households in Dublin. The project architect has designed the senior housing building to be complementary with the design ""''!\Tv C' Oll' [NeIL 1\/"I~Tl'TE' L. n. l ..-'.... U l' Ji, ' .l:j ttl'l . ; _ _ _ "I-..J V. n i U'il-'ll T,' .. 2 ,'; "'-' iV}:.j2,.t.. n lDr:' If nr ,~n ~.!!rEvTTNiG r,-L'-.u u L..""i..i~ lV.E._,~r-J. . l.l - ' . ~lay 20~ 2003 PAGE 301 I tt ~ ~~ VICINITY MAP Valley Christian Center Project Site Attachment 3 020 '1 d ~ ,- -, INTERSTATE~ e~~ , . t;;:; >- ,. _ 0 '.'\o,/tr:l ~- ,>- ~ Z~ ~ o tr:l N ." l>l n = r r r ~~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ! C i~ i Ii C i~ ~~ 1111 I Ii I i ~ I IIII . i II ~i i i i 8 ~8 . . . . S S i i i i i I t . . . i S i i I t S C i i C . . . . . . . . . 'Iii . C i cUI 'I !! II . . . I ~I t . II ! !i Ii I . . . 8 8 I I~ I~ I~ I~ . Ii 'I !! I i II ii~ iii in i II Ii ; ~ ~ '" ~ ~ . '< i s I EJ~ i ~ I .. VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER Dublin, California r"~~&C~~~ClflTE~~~. L..I :;:=;.-- .==~~ _ ARaIn1'.C1lJRIl OOERIOU L -.J Attachment 4 RESOLUTION NO. d I , del- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~ ******* APPROVING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER PROPERTY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Valley Christian Center for an undeveloped 1.4 acre site located at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive; and WHEREAS, the property is currently designated as Public/Semi-Public Facility in the General Plan which does not permit Medium High Residential development; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment to a Medium High Residential land use designation would be required to facilitate multi-family residential development; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, site development review, tentative parcel map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council approve the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and supports the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1.4 acre Valley Christian Center site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 18th day of March 2008, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G :\Agendas\2008\ VCCGP AStdyResoapprove.doc ATTACHMENT 5 RESOLUTION NO. dd~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ******* DENYING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER PROPERTY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by the Valley Christian Center for an undeveloped 1.4 acre site located at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive; and WHEREAS, the property is currently designated as Public/Semi-Public Facility in the General Plan which does not permit Medium High Density Residential development; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment to a Medium High Density Residential land use designation would be required to facilitate multi-family residential development; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, site development review, tentative parcel map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council deny the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and is opposed to the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the initiation request ofa General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. \ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 18th day of March 2008, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G: IAgendas\2008\ VCCGP AStdyDenyReso,doc ATT ACHMENT 6