HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-1984 84-046 Payless CUP & SDR 09-04-1984 CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMI:,SION AGENDA STATEMENTjST.\FF REPORT Meeting Date: Septerrber 4, 1984 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff ~ SUBJECT: PA 84-046, payless Conjitional Use Permit and and Site Development R3view for an outside display of live plant naterials GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT: A request by Payless for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review approval for an outside display of live plant materials APPLICANT & REPRESENTATIVE: Andrew Anderson 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite 2 Lafayette, California 94549 PROPERTY OWNER: payless, Incorporated 9275 S. W. peytor Lane Wilsonville, Ore~on 97070 LOCATION: 7201 Regional Street Dublin, California ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-305-16 PARCEL SIZE: 5.5 acres EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: C-l, Retail Business District Payles~; and Retail Shops SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: Commercial <:-1 Commercial <:-1 Commercial <:-1 Commercial <:-1 ZONING HISTORY: 1969 - Dublin Plaza Shopping Center approved, S-293 1971 - Sign p=ogram revision approv,~d, S-423 1978 - ConditLonal Use Permit approved for an outside display of live plant :naterials C-3456 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 8-48.2 states that the outside display of plant material:; in a C-l District requires a Conditional Use Permit. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEH NO. 7.3 Section 8-94.0 states that conditional uses must be analyzed to determine: 1) whether or not the use is required by the public need; 2) whether or not the use will be properly related to other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, 3) whether or not the use will materially affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity; and 4) whether or not the use will be contrary to the specific intent clauses or peformanc(~ standards established for the district in which it is located. Section 8-94.4 states the dpproval of a Conditional Use Permit may be valid only for a specified term, and may be made contingent upon the acceptance and observance of specified conditions. Section 8-95.0. SITE DEVEL')PMENT REVIEW. Site Development Review is intended to pr'Jmote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development; recogniz! environmental limitations on development, stablize land values and investments, and promote the general welfare by preventing establishment of uses or erection of structures having qualities which would not meet the specific intent clauses or performan~e standards of this Chapter or which are not properly related to their sites, surroundings, traffic circulation, or their environmental setting. Where the use proposed, the adjacent land uses, environmental signficant or limitations, topography, or traffic =iruclation is found to so require, the Planning Director may establish more stringent regulations than those otherwise spe=ified for the District. ENVIRONHENTAL REVIEW: Categorically exempt NOTIFICATION: Public Notice of the 9/4/84, hearing was published in the Tri-Valley Herald, mailed to adjacent property owners, and posted in public buildings ANALYSIS: Payless is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to establish an outside display area for live plant materials. The proposal includes the provision of a new sidewalk, an extension of the existing canopy and a reduction in the existing "No parking" lane. The plant materials would be displayed on the walkway underneath the existing overhead canopy. To compensate for the loss of walkway space, the applicant is proposing to create an additional walkway within the existing "No Parking" lane. The width of the "No Parking" lane would be reduced from 10' to 4' 7" to provide room for the new sidewalk. Staff can support the request Frovided that several modifications to the proposal are made, modifications to the existing landscaping and signa~e will also be necessary. There is presently 45' between the building face and the concrete curbing around the lardscaping adjacent to the travel lanes. Under the applicant's proposal, this area would be divided into two 10' travel lanes, a 4'7" no parking lane, a 5'8" sidewalk, a 2'4" planter and a 12'4" display area. The proposed layout results in the following 2 problems: 1) the travel laneE (10') and the sidewalk (5'8") become too narrow; and 2) the new sidewalk is adjacent to and at grade level with the travel lane, which produces a potentially dangerolls situation. It would be more desirable if the 45' was divided into two 11' travel lanes, a 2'8" landscape planter, an 8' sidewalk and a 12'4" display area. Under this approach, the width of the travel lanes and sidewalk would be increased and there would be a physical separation between thE' travel lanes and sidewalk. -2- The planter adjacent to the travel lanes can contain breaks adjacent to the main entrance~;, so that customers with shopping carts can gain access from the store to the parking lot. This alternative proposal is acceptable to the Dublin San Ramon Services District F:_re Department. With respect to signage, there are two signs which present a problem. The first sign is the freestanding sign in the parking lot which stands approximately 45'. The Dublin Sign Committee recommended that the maximum height of a freestanding sign should be l~;'. Staff would suggest that the size of this sign be reduced to be consistent with the Sign Committee's recommendations. There is also an excessively large wall sign a':tached to the Payless Building. It would be more desirable from an esthetic standpoint if this sign was replaced by individual letters mounted to the roof of the bu.Llding. Concerning landscape improvements, the parking lot is in need of additional trees and qround cover to soften the appearance of the parking lot. ,Areas for shopping carts are also needed. Staff suggests ':hat additional landscaping be provided as part of this application. It should be noted that the r'~cently approved Bedford addi tion at the ex-Liberty HOl1se site on Dublin Boulevard contained extensive landscaping in the parking lot and the removal of the pylons for the freestranding sign. The Bedford stores (Orchard Suppl:r Hardware, Ross, Sofa Factory, Levitz and the new addition) '.ill have no freestanding sign. RECOMMENDATION FORMAT: 1) Open public hearing and hear staff presentation 2) Take testimony from applicant and the public 3) Question staff, applicant and the public 4) Close public hearin~ and deliberate 5) Adopt Resolution re~arding the Conditional Use Permit ACTION: Staff recommends that th.! Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution (Exhibit A) which approves Payless' request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to allow an outside display of live plant material. ATTACHr1ENTS 1) Exhibit "A" - Draft Resolution 2) Location map 3) Site plans 4) Applicant's statement COPIES TO City Engineer Fire Department B.LD. Applicant -3- EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PA 84-046, A REQUEST BY PAYLESS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVAL FOR AN OUTSIDE DISPLAY OF LIVE PLANT MATERIAL AT 7201 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, Andrew Anderson, representing Payless, filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review to establish an outside display of live plant materials at 7201 Regional Street, and WHEREAS, the Planning COITmlission did hold a public hearing on said application on September 4, 1984, and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law, cmd WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act and has been found to be categorically exempt, and WHEREAS, a Staff report WclS submitted recommending the application be conditionally approved, and WHEREAS, the Planning Co~~\ission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony as hereinabove set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.vED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: a) The use is required by the public need to provide live plant materials to the general public, b) The use will be properly related to other land uses and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity as daytime activities will be commersurc.te with present use of properties in the commercial Zoning (,istrict; c) The use, if permitted, under all the circumstance and conditions of this particular caEe, will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be materially detrirr.ental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvemEnts in the area as all applicable regulations will be met; d) The use will not be ccntrary to the specific intent clauses or performance standards established for the District in which it is to be located, as the outside display of live plant materials, with limited impacts, is consistent with the character of the commercial district; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby conditionally approve said apFlication subject to materials labeled Exhibit "B" on file in the D~blin Planning Department and subject to the following conditions. DP 83-20 Unless otherwise specified, the following condition shall be complied with prior to issuance of building permits. Each item is subject to review and approval by the Planning Department unless otherwise specified. 1) The 45' between the building face and the concrete curbing around the planters adjacent to the travel lanes shall be divided up as follows: two, 11' travel lanes, a 2'8" planter with 6' concrete curbing, an 8' sidewalk and a 12'4" display area. The curb adjacent to the new sidewalk shall be painted red. Openings in the curb will be provided adjacent to the main entryways. Revised plans depicting this layout shall be prepared. 2) A landscape plan for the existing and proposed landscaped areas shall be prepared. Additional 15 gallon trees, shrubs and groundcover shall be planted in the parking lot area in locations determined by the Planning Department. The parking lot may be redesigned and restriped to provide small car stalls to accommodate the additional landscaping. Areas for shopping carts shall be provided. 3) The existing freestanding sign shall be reduced in height to 15' maximum. 4) The existing wall sign shall be replaced by individual letters mounted to the roof. 5) A color and materials pallet shall be prepared. 6) Sidewalk and garden wall details shall be provided. 7) Damaged sidewalk along Regional Street and Amador Plaza Road shall be repaired at the direction of the City Engineer. 8) Handicap ramps shall be installEd at the driveway locations as directed by the City Engineer. 9) Comply with standard Site Devele'pment Review conditions (attached) . 10) Sign a Standard Landscape MaintE,nance Agreement (attached) . 11) The outside display shall be lindted to live plant materials only. 12) The canopy shall be extended over the entire sidewalk. 13) This approval is valid until 9/',/88, and shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8-90.3 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1984. th day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: PLanning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Planning Director \ ' -, ' \ , , , \ , ,\ \ \ ,\ , \ \ \ , ~ ,- \ \ . , - ,\ ,- , .,' \ .. \ -. , \\ ,\ , \ " \ , '., '.&, , , \ \ \ \ " . , \ .. ~ z .. ~ c o z ". ATTACHMENT ~ L oc.o...+ io 1"\ PD.,! /e.SS M ().. P CuP ------- $ca...le.. I at = 400 ~ ~----------- " -. C ANDREW P. ARC H I (< , DlJ ANDERSON TEe T. 3799 MT. DIABLO BOULEVARD SUITE 2 LAFAYETTE, CALIFORNIA 94549 TELEPHONE (4151 284 . 4870 DATE ?-)ug. 6, 1984 TO City Of Dublin Planning Commission 6500 Dublin Blvd., Suite D Dublin, Ca. 94568 REF Proposed Garden Sales Area Pay Less Drug Store Building 7201 Regionc:\l Dublin, Ca. WE ARE TRANSMITTING TO YOU: ATTACHED X INFORMATION BELOW : X Members Of The Commission: ~'Je are proposing the utilization of an e>:isting 12'-8" >: 120' concrete walk area as a Garden Materials tisplay/Sales Area. This area occurs at the Western Face of the existing Pay Less Drug Store Building. It is proposed to delineate this arei:l with a low (40") concrete masonry wall utilizing the same materials as the wall of the structure. At the request of the staff, and with the approval of the Fire Department, we propose to install a new 5'+ pedestrian walk, 2'-4" planting area, and e>:tend the existing canopy as a weather protection over the walk/planting areas. The delineation of the Garden Area with the masonry wall will assLlt-e an organi zed di !:;pl ay and el i lIli nate interference between normal pedestrian traffic and display items. The proposed new pla~ting aFea and the plant display will Eerve to relieve the monotony of the existing blank masonry surface, and provide color in lieu of grey concrete. A irr ACHMENT 4 DlJ ( ANDREW P. ARC H I C' .. '" .,. ANDERSON TEe T 3799 MT. DIA8LO BOULEVARD SUITE 2 LAFAYETTE. CALIFORNIA 94549 TELEPHONE 14151 284 - 4870 The Garden Area will provide a proper envi-onment for plant materials which cannot be maintained withi, the structure, and for seasonal items such as Christmas Trees. The project will require no public expenditures~ and will i, fact~ through sales benefit the tax base. The proposal h3s been thoroughly discussed with the Fire Department to assu-e that no hazard will occur. merit, and that you will agree. ANDREW P. ANDERSON AF:CH I TECT CC: PROJECT MANAGER AF:CHITECT -\ '. -:, . .., SITE DEVELOPl-lENT REVIEW STANDARD CONDITIONS CITY OF DUBLIN All projects approved by the City of Dublin shall Ire':!t the follo.ving standard conditions unless specifically exempted by the Planning IEpart:rrent. 1. Final buildinq and site developrent plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planninq Depart1rent staff prior to the issuance of a building pennit. All such plans shall insure: - a. That standard ccmrercial or residential sea.:rity requirerrents as established by the Dublin police Departrrent. are provided. b. That ramps, special parking spaces, signing, and other appropriate physical features for the handicapped, are provided throughout the site for all publicly used facilities. c. That continuous concrete curbing is provided for all parking stalls. d. That exterior lighting of the building and dte is not directed onto adjacent properties and the light source i~; shielded fran direct offsite viewing. e. That all rrechanical equifIIE!lt, including electrical and gas rreters, is architecturally screened fran view, and that electrical trans- fomers are either undergrounded or architecturally scre='Jled. f. That all trash enclosures are of a sturdy ffi3.terial (preferably masonry) and in harrrony with the architect.rre of the building (s) . g. That all vents, gutters, downspouts, flashi::1gs, etc., are painted to match the color of adjacent surface. h. That all materials and colors are to be as approved by the Dublin Planning Depart::rrent. Once constructed or installed, all :iIrprovarents are to be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. lIDy changes which affect the exterior character shall be resul:mitted to the Dublin Planning Depart::rrent for approval. i. That each parking space designated for cat'lfact cars be identified with a paverrent marking reading "Snall Car Only", or its equivalent, and additional signing be provided if necE:?saxy. j. That all exterior architectural elerrents visible fran view and not detailed on the plans be finished in a style and in materials in hanrony with the exterior of the building. k. That all other public agencies that require review of the project be supplied with copies of the final buildinq and site plans and that caupliance be obtained with at least theix rn:inirnum COOe requirerrents. DP 83-13 . .' ! ~ 2. Final Landscape Plans, irrigation system plans, tree preservation tech- niques, and quarantees, shall be reviewed and apI=roved by the Dublin Planning Depart:rrent prior to the issuance of the building pennit. All such sutroittals shall insure: a. That plant material is utilized which will bE, capable of healthy grCMth within the given range of soH and climate. That prop:)sed landsca];:€ screening is of a height and density so that it provides a positive visual impact within tlu:ee years fran the tiIre of planting. That unless unusual circumstances prevail, ai: least 75% of the prop:)sed trees on the site are a minimum of 15 gallons in size, and at least 50% of the proposed shiubs on the site are minimum of 5 gallons in size. That a plan for an autanatic irrigation system be provided which assures that all plants get adequate water. In unusual circumstances, and if approved by staff, a manual or quick coupler system may be used . That concrete curbing is to be used at the e:lges of all planters and paving surfaces. That all cut and fill slo];:€s in e.'\{cess of 5 feet in height are rounded both horizontally and vertically. That all cut and fill slo];:€s graded and not constructed on by Septeml::er l, of any given year, are hydroseeded with p:re.rurial or native grasses and fla,.;ers, and that stock piles of loose soil e...a.sting on that date are hydroseeded in a similar manner. That the area under the drip line of all existing oaks, walnuts, etc., which are to be saved are fenced during cor..struction and grading op:rations and no activity is f€XIIIitted unc,er them that will cause soil canpaction or damage to the tree. That a guarantee fran the o,.mers or contract:ors shall be required guaranteeing all shrubs and ground cover, all trees, and the irrigation system for one year. That a pennanent maintenance agreerrent on a_llandscaping will be required fran the o,.mer insuring regular ixrigation, fertilization and ~ abatement. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 3. Final inspection or 'cx:cupancy permits will not be qranted until all . construction and landscapinq is complete in accordance with approved plans and the conditions required by the City, or a bond has been posted to cover all costs of the unfinished w:>rk, plus 25%. . i; THE CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dublin. CA 94568 (415) 829-4600 STANDARD PLANT MATERIAL, IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I agree that all plants (trees, installed in accordance with landscape plan for project) located at (address) . All plants will be replaced in kind as per the approved plan at such time as they are fcund to be missing, diseased, damaged, or dead, for at least one (1) year from the date of their installation. (property owner) do hereby shrubs and ground cover) will be the City of Dublin's approved (name of I further agree that all plants will henceforth be irrigated, fertilized, weeded and tended on a regular basis such that they will maintain a healthy and weedfree appearance. I further agree that the irrigation system will be installed according to the irrigation plans as apprcved by the City of Dublin, and that said system will be kept in good working order for at least one (1) year from the date of the landscaping installation. This agreement is binding against this and all property owners of record. Signed: Date: Form 83-05 1/83