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PC Reso 01-04 PA00-036 Tassajara Creek II VTmap/SDR
RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE VESTING TENTATIVE MAP AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR TASSAJARA CREEK PHASE II - GREENBRIAR HOMES COMMUNITIES, INC. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PA 00-036 (Tract No. 7279) WHEREAS, Patrick Costanzo, Jr., on behalf of Marjorie Koller and Carolyn Adams (Applicant/Developer), has requested approval of a Planned Development Rezone, Stage 2 Development Plan for Phase II of the Tassajara Creek residential project, a Vesting Tentative Map and Site Development Review to allow for the subdivision of a 7.96 acre parcel of land into 46 residential lots and for the construction of 46 single family residential units, with public and private open space, and a regional trail along the Tassajara Creek stream corridor, in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on file in the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, the Applicant/Developer has submitted Vesting Tentative Map and Site Development Review project plans for Phase II (Exhibit A to Attachment I), Sheets 1 through 58, dated received February 16, 2001, except as modified by any condition of approval; and WHEREAS, the Applicant/Developer already received a Planned Development Rezone, Stage 1 Development Plan, for the project site (PA 98-062 Tassajara Creek Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. Residential Development Project); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the City has found that the project is within the scope of the certified Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Program EIR (Program EIR) and the approved Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the PA 98-062 Tassajara Creek project. Both the Program EIR and the MND adequately describes the impacts of the proposed project, and there have been no substantial changes or new information which would necessitate supplementing the Program EIR or MND pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21166 and CEQA guidelines Section 15162. The project as proposed, conditioned and mitigated will not have a significant environmental effect (City Council Resolution 31 - 00); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application on March 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission approve the Vesting Tentative Map and Site Development Review, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, a Development Agreement must be requested and approved prior to recordation of Final Subdivision Map for the project as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding General Plan and Specific Plan consistency: 1. A Planned Development Rezone application have been proposed along with the Tentative Map and Site Development Review applications, and are recommended for approval based upon the reasons stated in the Staff Report and Planning Commission Resolution (Attachment 1). Upon City Council approval of the Rezone, the land use diagram would be changed for approximately 7.96 acres to reflect the Medium Density Residential land use. 2. With the change to the land use diagram, the proposed project is consistent with the adopted Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposed project is also consistent with the goals, policies, and implementation measures of the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Vesting Tentative Map: 1. The Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances. 2. The design and improvements of the Vesting Tentative Map are consistent with and conforms to the City's General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan policies as they apply to the subject property in that it is a subdivision for implementation ora residential project in an area designated for Medium Density Residential Development and Stream Corridor/Open Space. 3. The Vesting Tentative Map is consistent with the Planned Development Rezone proposed for this project and is, therefore, consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 4. The project site is located adjacent to major roads on relatively flat topography and is, therefore, physically suitable for the type and density of development. 5. With the incorporation of mitigation measures from the previous EIR, action programs and policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, mitigation measures of the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Conditions of Approval, the design of the subdivision will not cause environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat or cause public health concerns. 6. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The City Engineer has reviewed the map and title report and has not found any conflicting easements of this nature. 2 7. Required fire and water service will be provided to the subdivision pursuant to the requirements of water and sewer providers, if standards and conditions are met and fees paid. Sewer service for this subdivision shall be provided pursuant to an agreement between the applicant/developer and DSRSD. School capacity for the residents of this project will be provided pursuant to a school facilities mitigation agreement between the developer and the Dublin Unified School District prior to issuance of building permit, as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/EIR. 8. The City of Dublin has considered the effect of this project on the housing needs of the region in which it is situated and finds that the public services are available for the project and that impacts to environmental resources will be mitigated to a level of less than significant pursuant to the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan EIR and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project. 9. The City of Dublin finds that this project does not discharge waste into an existing community sewer system in violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California regional water quality control board pursuant to Division 7 of the Water Code because the Dublin San Ramon Services District has provided conditions of approval which assure that its standards will be met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Site Development Review: 1. The approval of this application (PA 00-036), as conditioned, is consistent with the intent/purpose of Chapter 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance in that it will promote orderly, attractive and harmonious site and structural development, resolves major project- related issues, and ensures compliance with development regulations and the PD Zoning District. 2. The approval of this application, as conditioned, complies with the policies of the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Planned Development Rezone Development Plan for the project that allows for residential development at this location. 3. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with regional transportation and growth management plans because road improvements to Tassajara Road will be made and other road and infrastructure improvements will be made pursuant to a Planned Development Plan, Tentative Map conditions and a related Development Agreement. 4. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare as the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 5. The proposed site development, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety, and similar elements, as conditioned, has been designed to provide a harmonious environment for the development. 6. The subject site is physically suitable to the type and intensity of the approved development because it is relatively flat and has suitable soils. 3 7. The visual impacts of the project were reviewed in the Eastern Dublin EIR and the project is consistent with applicable scenic corridor policies for Tassajara Road. 8. The project has been designed with architectural considerations (including the character, scale, design quality, and the relationship among buildings), along with Conditions of Approval, in order to ensure compatibility among the design of this project, the character of adjacent uses, and the requirements of public service agencies. 9. Landscape elements (including the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, provisions, and similar elements) combined with Conditions of Approval have been established to ensure visual relief and an attractive public environment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve the Vesting Tentative Map and Site Development Review for PA 00-036 subject to the following Conditions of Approval and subject to the adopted Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning, Vesting Tentative Map and adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for PA 98-062 and City Council approval of the proposed Planned Development Rezone, Stage 2 Development Plan and Development Agreement: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Department of Community Development review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [BI Building division of the Community Development Department, [DSR! Dublin San Ramon Services District~ IF] Alameda County Fire Department/City of Dublin Fire Prevention, [FIN} Finance Department, [PL] Planning division of the Community Development Department, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works Department. VESTING TENTATIVE MAP NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: GENE~L CONDITIONS 1. Approval. PA 00-036, Greenbriar Homes PL, PW Approval of any Communities, Inc. - Tassajara Creek, Vesting plan Tentative Map 7279 is approved to subdivide an existing 7.96 acre parcel into individual lots for 46 detached homes, lots for future development and open space, a stream corridor and a regional trail. This approval shall conform generally to the plans, text, and illustrations contained in the Planned Unit Development Plans Sheets 1 through 58 including the Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan, and all other plans, texts and diagrams submitted as part of the subdivision proposal unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 2. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable Various Various times, but fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, no later than including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building Issuance of fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Building Permits Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; specific plan ~mplementation fees and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Building permits issued subsequent to new or revised TIF's shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised fees. 3. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall Various Various times, but obtain all necessary permits required by other no later than agencies (Alameda County Flood Control District Issuance of Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Building Permits Army Corps of Engineers, State Water Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall submit copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. 4. Infrastructure. The location and siting of project PL, PW Approval of specific wastewater, storm drain, recycled water, and Improvement potable water system infrastructure shall be Plans consistent with the resource management policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 5. Solid Waste/Recycling. Applicant/Developer shall ADM On-going comply with the City's solid waste management and recycling requirements. 6. Refuse Collection. The refuse collection service PL Occupancy of any provider shall provide a letter confirming that building adequate space is provided to accommodate collection and sorting of petrucible solid waste as well as source-separated recyclable materials generated by the residents within this project. 7. Water Quality Requirements. All development PL, PW Approval of Final shall meet the water quality requirements of the City Map of Dublin's NPDES permit and the Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program. 8. Removal of Obstructions. Applicant/Developer PW Issuance of shall remove all trees including major root systems Grading Permit and other obstructions from building sites that are necessary for public improvements or for public safety as directed by the Director of Public Works. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 9. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW Approval of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable Improvement City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Plans through Approval (Attachment A). In the event ora conflict completion between the Public Works Typical Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall prevail. 10. Development Agreement/Expiration. Prior to Final PW, PL On-going Map clearance the developer shall apply for and have approved a Development Agreement pursuant to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Tentative Map shall expire at the standard time of two and one-half (2 1/2) years as set forth in the Dublin Municipal Code and in the regulations of Section 66452.6 of the Subdivision Map Act. In the event of conflict between the terms of the Development Agreement and the Conditions of Approval contained herein, the terms of the Development Agreement shall prevail. 11. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project B Through construction shall conform to all building codes and Completion ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. 12. Action Programs/Mitigation Measures. PL Approval of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable Improvement action programs and mitigation measures of the Plans through Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific completion Plan and companion Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that have not been made specific Conditions of Approval. 13. Ordinances/General Plan/Policies. The Developer PW, PL Issuance of shall comply with, meet, and/or perform all Building Permits requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, City of Dublin Subdivision Ordinance, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the City of Dublin General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, City of Dublin Standard Conditions of Approval, Public Works Policies and City grading ordinance unless certain Public Works requirements are modified by the Director of Public Works. 14. Clarification and Changes to Conditions. In the PW Approval of Final event that there needs to be clarifications to these Map and conditions of approval, the Director of Public Works Improvement has the authority to clarify the intent of these Plans conditions of approval to the Applicant/Developer without going to a public hearing. The Director of Public Works also has the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a 6 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: public hearing in order for the Applicant/Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this project. 15. Preconstruction Survey. Applicant/Developer shall PW, PL Issuance of comply with all Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR Grading Permit mitigation measures for mitigating potentially significant plant and animal species impacts. Within 60 days prior to any habitat modification, Applicant/Developer shall submit a preconstruction survey, prepared by a biologist (to be approved and hired by the City prior to commencement of the survey.) Said survey shall examine whether any sensitive species exist on or adjacent to the site and, if any exist, shall include recommended protection plans, including any modifications to site design, for those sensitive species that may be discovered as a result of the survey. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the cost of the survey and staff review of the survey. The significance of any discoveries and adequacy of recommended protection measures shall be subject to the discretion of the Director of Community Development. Said protection plans and measures shall occur at least 21 days prior to anticipated habitat modification. Any updated surveys and/or studies that may be completed subsequently shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. 16. Conditions of Approval. In submitting subsequent B, PW Issuance of plans for review and approval, Applicant/Developer Building Permits. shall submit six (6) sets of plans to the Engineering Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached a copy of these Conditions of Approval with responses to conditions filled in indicating where on the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. A copy of the Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval shall also be submitted which has been marked up to indicate where on the plans and/or how the condition is satisfied. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval and Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Improvement plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions and standards attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies. 7 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 17. Street Sign/Naming Plan. A street sign/naming PL Approval of plan for the internal street system shall be submitted Improvement and shall be subject to approval of the Community Plans Development Director. No single street may intersect any other street more than once. No continuous street may change direction by 90 degrees more than once without change a street name change for subsequent changes in direction, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. 18. Street Name Sign Content. Street name signs shall PW Issuance of display the name of the street together with a City Grading Permit standard shamrock logo. Posts shall be galvanized steel pipe, break away posts. CREEK RESTORATION - BIOLOGICAL MITIGATION 19. Slope protection area. Immediately prior to PL Immediately prior construction (within 3 days), the slope protection area to construction of will be surveyed thoroughly for Red-legged Frog the slope (RLF) by the Ecological Monitor (EM). Ifa RLF is protection area sighted, all work within 100 feet of the sighting will cease until the biologist verifies that no RLF are present in the work area. Individuals surveying for frogs will meet the requirements contained in RLF Mitigation Measure # 1 of the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for PA 98-062. The constructio area will than be hand cleared and a further survey made. At the conclusion of that survey, the construction area will be fenced with erosion control fabric held in place by t-posts and buried 4 inches in the surface to create a barrier to RLF movement into the construction area. The barrier will be inspected daily to ensure it maintains its integrity. Weekly surveys of both the construction and preservation zone shall be conducted to more specifically define RLF locations and movement areas and ensure that RLF do not move into the construction zone. 20. Ecological monitor. During construction, an EM PL During shall be on-site twice weekly to educate the construction construction crews as to the importance of the habitat on-site, ensure unintended impact do not occur, and that construction practices minimize temporary construction-related impacts. 21. Fencing of riparian zone. The riparian zone shall be PL During fenced at all times during construction with bright construction orange construction fencing. The fencing shall be NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: installed at an off-set 10 feet from the edge of the riparian canopy to ensure no intrusion occurs in these areas. 22. Revegetation. Following construction, the areas PL Following around the "disturbed" areas will be revegetated with construction of native species to restore riparian habitat. Species to be bridges planted upland include valley oaks, coast live oaks, cottonwoods and red willows for overstory cover and the native blackberry, creeping wild rye, and Santa Barbara Sedge for understory cover. DEDICATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS 23. Public Service Easement Dedications. PW Approval of Final Applicant/Developer shall dedicate 5' wide Public Service Map Easements adjacent to the right of way on both sides of Courts A, B, C, Barnsley Place, Old Westbury Way, in all cluster courts as shown the Vesting Tentative Map 7279 dated 2/15/01 prepare by Ruggeri Jensen Azar & Associates (RJA). Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a minimum 10 foot wide Public Service Easement along Creekview Drive and Court "D' and over any needed joint utility trench lines and storm drain lines to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Applicant/Developer shall also provide Public Utility Easements per the requirements of the Director of Public Works and/or public utility companies as necessary to serve this area with utility services, utility structures and allow for vehicular and utility service access. 24. Dedication and Improvement of Emergency Vehicle PW, PO Approval of Final Access Easements over Courts A, B and C and Map/Approval of proposed Barnsley Place. Applicant/Developer shall Improvement dedicate and improve an emergency vehicular access Plans/Completion easement that will allow a vehicle to traverse Courts A, B of Improvements and C and proposed Barnsley Place as shown on the Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7279, dated February 15, 2001. The grading, paved access and improvements shall be constructed in accordance to City street standards and approved by the Director of Public Works and ACFD. 25. Dedication and Improvement of Emergency Vehicle PW, PO Approval of Final Access Easement Old Westbury Way. Map/Approval of Applicant/Developer shall dedicate an emergency Improvement vehicular access easement that xvill allow a vehicle to Plans/Completion traverse between Street "D" and Street "B" as shown on of Improvements the Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7075, dated September 2. 1999. The access shall be approved by the Director of Public Works. 26. Dedication and Improvement of Fire/Emergency PW, F Approval of Access. Applicant/Developer shall provide adequate Improvement access and turn-around for fire and other emergency Plans NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: vehicles (42 foot minimum radii for cul-de-sacs) per Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) standard requirements in all public streets and Courts. Internal private streets and drive aisles shall be designed for fire and other emergency vehicles to conveniently pass through ( 20 foot minimum lane width) and have access to all buildings. 27. Abandonment of Easements and Right of Ways. PW Approval of Final Applicant/Developer or current landowner shall Map obtain an abandonment from all applicable public agencies of existing easements and right of ways not to be continued in use to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 28. Location of Improvements/Configuration of Right PW Approval of of Way. All public sidewalks, handicap ramps, or Improvement other street improvements in the curb return area Plans shall be located within the public right of way. The location of improvements and configuration of right of way shall be in accordance with the approved Vesting Tentative Map 7279 dated February 15, 2001, prepared by RJA and unless approved by the Director of Public Works prior to construction. 29. Improvement and Dedication of Creekview Drive. PW Recordation of Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin Final Map and the road labeled as Creekview Drive (or alternatively Approval of approved street name) for public street purposes (varying Improvement minimum width of 44.5' up to 48.5' wide right of way) Plans and shall improve the street to a minimum width of 36' to 40' curb to curb, as shown on the said Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7279, dated February 15, 2001. A 12' wide meanderiag path is required to be constructed on the west side of the road within Parcel "D' as shown on said Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7279. Applicant/Developer shall construct a local trail (an 8' wide asphalt path with 2' gravel shoulders on each side) along the west side of Creekview Drive along Parcel "E" from Somerset Lane to the northerly end of Creekview Drive. A 20' wide emergency access gate shall be installed at the new driveway access to Lot 129 on Creekview Drive that shall be used for emergency access only. 30. New Southerly Entrance to Lot 129. PW Recordation of Applicant/Developer shall install a new asphalt paved Final Map and 20' wide southerly driveway entrance with a new Approval of chain link gate to Lot 129 of Tract 7075 extending Improvement from the existing edge of pavement of Tassajara Plans Road to the extended right-of-way of Tassajara Road (approx. 45' in length) at the location shown on the 10 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: Tassaj ara Road Signing and Striping Plan prepared by MacKay and Somps Civil Engineering, dated March 3, 2001, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 31. Improvement and Dedication of Courts A, B, C, and PW Recordation of proposed Barnsley Place. Applicant/Developer shall Final Map and improve and dedicate to the newly formed RIVA Approval of Homeowners Association roads labeled as Courts A, B ,C Improvement I and Bamsley Place (or alternatively approved street name) Plans (44.5' width with parking, with a 26' driveway right of way) and shall improve the street and parking to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, as shown on the said Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7279. 32. Improvement and Dedication of Old Westbury Way. PW Recordation of Applicant/Developer shall improve and dedicate to the Final Map and RIVA Homeowners Association roads labeled Old Approval of Westbury Way (or alternatively approved street name) for Improvement public street purposes (35' right of way) and shall improve Plans the streets to a width of 30' curb to curb, as shown on the said Vesting Tentative Map Tract No. 7279, dated February 15. 2001. A 4.5' wide sidewalk is required to be constructed on east side of the road. 33. Improvement and Dedication of Court "D". PW Recordation of Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin Final Map and the road labeled as Court "D" (or alternatively approved Approval of street name) for public street purposes (50' wide right of Improvement way) and shall improve the street to a width of 36' curb to Plans curb and bulb curb radius of 42', as shown on the Vesting Tentative map for Tract No. 7279 dated February 15, 2001. A 5' wide sidewalk is required to be constructed on both sides of the road and around the bulb. 34. Improvement and Dedication of Tassajara Road. PW Recordation of Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin Final Map and the area as Tassajara Road for public street purposes Approval of (varying width right of way as determined by the Director Improvement of Public Works) and shall improve the street to the Plans satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, as shown on the said Vesting Tentative Map for Tract No. 7279 to the configuration shown as per the Precise Alignment of Tassajara Road prepared by Mackay & Somps, dated August 31, 1999 and City Council approved. 35. Private Water System Improvements Within PW Recordation of Creek Corridor. The Applicant/Developer shall Final Map and/or obtain Zone 7 approval for construction and Approval of operation of any private water system improvements Improvement connecting the existing well on Parcel D and E or Plans obtain approval from City of Dublin for lines in Creekview Drive. 36. Parkland Dedication - The developer shall be ' PL Addressed in 11 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: required to pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amounts Development and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution Agreement No. 60-99, adopted by the City Council on April 6, 1999, or in the amounts and at the times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee, as implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-99. No credit against the dedication requirement shall be given for open space within this project. 37. Trail improvements. The regional trail shall be PL, PW, ' Acceptance of constructed on the east side of Parcel "D" and on the EBRPD, improvements south side of Parcel "E" to the East Bay Regional ZONE 7 Parks District and Zone 7 Standards, including a 12' wide paved trail with one 4' gravel shoulder and one 2' concrete ditch per Zone 7 standards, fencing, bollards, and/or gates for unauthorized vehicle control as shown on the said Vesting Tentative Map tbr Tract 7279. Thc regional trail shall cross Somerset Lane at Creekview Drive at the intersection. The future creek trail crossing can be reduced to 6' in width when included on the north side of thc future bridge. The Applicant/Developer shall reserve a future 7' wide trail easement along the south side of existing Parcel "E". Modifications to reduce the trail width may be considered by the Director of Public Works if necessary to preserve mature Oak trees on site. Safe road crossings from the future development to the trail shall be provided all appropriate intersections. This all weather surface shall be provided and maintained on a continuous basis for vehicular access to the open space and trail system, to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Community Development Director, and Zone 7 until such time EBRPD accepts the trail for maintenance. The trail improvement may require modification to prior erosion control measures that were performed during Phase 1 in Parcel D. Channel details indicating plan, profile and cross-section delineation consistent with the hydraulic calculations should be provided. 38. Trails/Access. The regional trail, pedestrian PL, PW, Final Map pathways, access roads, bicycle lanes and access EBRPD, points shall be provided as illustrated in the Stage 2 ZONE 7 Development Plan, Site Plan, Vesting Tentative Map 12 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: and Trails Plan approved with this project. 39. Design. Design details of trail, pedestrian pathways, PL, PW, Approval of access roads, bicycle lanes and access points are EBRPD, Improvement subject to the review and approval of City Police, ZONE 7 Plans Fire, Parks & Community Services, Planning, and Public Works Departments, Zone 7, and if applicable, EBRPD. 40. Trail construction. Trail construction shall be PL, PW, Approval of coordinated with any restoration work required under EBRPD, Improvement the Stream Corridor Restoration Program. Developer- ZONE 7 Plans provided bond or other financial security mechanism may be required. 41. Tree Planting and Trail. Tree plantings shall be PL, PW, Acceptance of located a minimum of 4 feet away from the regional EBRPD Improvements trail. 42. Stream Restoration Plan. This project is subject to PL, PW, Acceptance of the Eastern Dublin Comprehensive Stream EBRPD, improvements Restoration Program. The Tassajara Creek ZONE 7 Subdivision Tassajara Creek Restoration Plan prepared by Zentner and Zentner dated April 28, 1999, and as represented on approved project plans for the first phase, PA 98-062, sheet PUD 17 of 17 dated received September 2, 1999, shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Dublin. Creek restoration work (e.g.: removal of exotic plantings, supplemental native plants, etc.) shall be determined prior to construction by a biologist retained by the City and shall meet the requirements of the Eastern Dublin General Plan and Specific Plan EIR and the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project. Restoration work shall be completed according to the timeframe contained in the Restoration Program. 43. Modifications to Creek. Any proposed PW, PL Approval of modifications or alterations to Tassajara Creek shall Improvement be approved by the City of Dublin and any required Plans permitting agencies, and shall be consistent with the policies of Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and EIR, the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project, the Eastern Dublin Comprehensive Stream Restoration Program, and the Master Drainage Plan. Any flood control improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy of the homes. 44. Decorative Paving. Applicant/Developer shall not PW Approval of construct decorative pavement within City right-of- Improvement way unless approved by the Director of Public Plans 13 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: Works. The type of decorative pavers and pavement section shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of Public Works. Decorative pavement across entrances to all private streets shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 45. Decorative Paving Plan. Where decorative paving PW, ADM Approval of is installed in public streets, a Decorative Paving Plan Improvement shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Plans Public Works and shall be maintained by the Home owners association. Pre-formed traffic signal loops shall be used under the decorative paving, and sleeves shall be used under decorative pavement to accommodate future utility conditions. Where possible, irrigation laterals shall not be placed under the decorative paving. Maintenance costs of the decorative paving shall be included in a homeowner's association or other funding mechanism acceptable to the Director of Public Works. 46. ADA Requirements/Handicap Ramps. All PW Completion of handicap ramps shall comply with all current State Improvements ADA requirements and City of Dublin Standards. 47. Storm Drain Connections. Applicant/Developer PW Approval of shall not be permitted to make a direct connection of Improvement private storm drains into the stream/open space Plans corridors without proper permits of agencies having jurisdiction. 48. Storm Drain Improvements. All storm drain PW Approval of improvements and mitigation measures identified in Improvement the Updated Creek Study and/or specified by the Plans Director of Public Works shall become requirements of this subdivision. 49. Updated Master Drainage Study. Applicant/Developer PW Approved prior to shall prepare an updated Master Drainage Study Issuance of (originally prepared by RJA, ) that will include all parcels Finished Grading in this phase and previous Phase 1 and Parcel 129 Permit adequately. 50. Reservation for future improvements in Parcel D PW Recordation of and Parcel E. With the dedication of Parcels D and E Final Map to Zone 7, the Applicant/Developer shall reserve the right to construct bridge and embankment improvements need to construct the each proposed bridge crossing Tassajara Creek that will occur with the future development of parcel 130 shown on the Vesting Tentative Map No. 7279 dated February 15, 2001 to the satisfaction of Director of Public Works and Zone 7. 14 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 51. [Offsite]Storm Drain Improvements. All offsite storm PW Occupancy of any drain improvements needed to serve the subdivision and building required frontage improvements to the project, as shown on the Tentative Tract Map 7075 lbr Tassajara Road, shall be constructed and accepted for service as directed by the Director of Public Works. 52. [Offsite]Water and Sewer Lines. All offsite water and PW Occupancy of any sewer lines needed to serve the subdivision, as shown on building the Tassajara Road improvement plans, shall be constructed and accepted for service as directed by the DSRSD. 53. Utilities Phasing. The construction of the utilities PW Occupancy of any shall conform to the phasing of construction and building access shown on the Master Utility Map and Phasing Plan or as directed by the Director of Public Works. 54. Streetlights. Streetlights on arterial and City streets inside PW Approval of project shall be the City Standard cobra head luminaries Improvement with galvanized poles. Either standard City cobra head Plans luminaries or approved decorative lights may be used on residential private streets. Decorative lights shall be designed so as to not shine into adjacent windows and shall be the same lights as approved for Phase I. All decorative street lights shall be maintained by the RIVA Homeowners Association. A street lighting plan which demonstrates compliance with this condition shall be submitted prior to recordation of the Final Map and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Public Works. The type of residential streetlights used shall be located only on private streets and private court and shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. 55. Overhead Utility Line. All existing overhead utility PW Occupancy of Any pole lines within the subdivision and/or along the Building Tassajara Road frontage shall be placed underground to the satisfaction of PG&E and the Director of Public Works. 56. Stream/Open Space Corridor Dedication and PW Approval of Improvement. Applicant/Developer shall dedicate to Improvement Zone 7 and improve the stream/open space corridor Plans/ Parcels "D" and "E" to provide adequate hydraulic Construction of capacity, insure that the velocity in thc stream will not Improvements exceed the scour velocity of the existing stream banks, prior to Occupancy provide erosion control and provide landscaping, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. of Any Building Applicant/Developer shall design and construct all storm drain channel improvements to consist of natural creek bottoms and side slopes with natural vegetation where oossible and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Applicant/Developer shall install the landscape improvements for the stream/open space parcel 15 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: concurrently with the construction adjacent residential parcels. 57. Graded Slopes/Erosion Control. All landscaped PW Acceptance of and graded slopes in open space and creek areas shall Improvements be hydroseeded and treated with erosion control measures immediately upon completion to prevent soil erosion. The hydroseed mix shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works. 58. [Offsite] Traffic Signals. If not constructed by PW Occupancy of the previous phase the Applicant/Developer is First Building responsible for installation, modification, or signalization at Tassajara Road and Somerset Lane to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works: 58 a. The signal improvements shall accommodate conversion to serve a four-legged intersection to the extent possible, minimizing replacement or relocation of improvements. The cost of the signal shall be the responsibility of Applicant/Developer, with no TIF credits given for (the signal listed above. 58 b. Applicant/Developer shall agree to cooperate with the City of Dublin, the neighboring Development Shea Homes improvements to Tassajara Road, and other property owners along Tassajara Road in the installation of the traffic signals. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for constructing and/or funding improvements as allocated under the terms of an agreement among the above parties for installation of the signals. 58 c. At the Tassajara Road/North Dublin Drive/ Street D intersection, the Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the installation of a four-way traffic signal. The Applicant/ Developer shall be responsible for 50% of the cost of the signal, with the remaining 50% to be provided by Shea Homes. The money shall be collected by the City and paid to the developer when the developer bonds for the improvements. 58 d. The cost of the signal shall be the responsibility of APplicant/Developer and/or Shea Homes, with no TIF credits given for the signals listed above. 59. Creekview Drive and Somerset Lane Intersection. PW Occupancy of any ApplicanffDeveloper shall install a 3 way STOP sign at Building the intersection Somerset Lane at Creekview Drive as 16 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: recommended in the traffic study prepared by TJKM traffic report to the satisfaction of the Director of Public works. 60. Old Westbury Way and Somerset Lane PW Occupancy of any Intersection. Unless previously constructed, Building Applicant/Developer shall install STOP signs at the intersection of Old Westbury Way at Somerset Lane as recommended in the traffic study prepared by TJKM traffic report for the PA 98-062 Greenbriar project. 61. Stop Signs. The following mitigation measures PW Issuance of outlined in the Traffic Report prepared by TJKM Grading Permit dated January 4, 1999, shall be improved to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. All parking spaces located in each private Court shall be unassigned and available to all residents and visitors alike. 62. No Parking. Applicant/developer shall install no PW Approval of parking anytime signs or painted red curbs on west Improvement side of Tassajara Road along phase one and two Plans project frontage, on both sides of Somerset l.ane between Tassajara Road and Old Westbury Way to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 63. Cluster Residential Parking. On the cluster PW Approval of residential parking areas in private courts shall not be Improvement designated to individual homeowners. The Applicant Plans / Developer shall install signs or striping identifying that no parking shall be allowed any where else over the cluster residential areas except in those designed parking areas. 64. No Parking Along East Side of Creek View Drive. PW Occupancy of any Applicant/Developer shall designate no parking along Building east side of Creekview Drive from Somerset Lane north to the end of the street and within 50 feet of all intersections, as recommended in the traffic study prepared by TJKM traffic report, and as directed by the Director of Public Works. 65. Tassajara Road/1-580 Interchange Improvement PW Recordation of Cost Contribution. Applicant/Developer shall pay a Final Map pro-rata share of the design and construction cost of interchange improvements at the Tassajara Road/1- 580 interchange, as determined by the Director of Public Works. Developer shall receive credit towards the subdivision Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) for such contribution to interchange improvements in 17 CONDITION TEXT TIF credit policies. g. A detailed fencing/wall plan for the 6-foot [ walls along Tassajara Road shall be submitted the improvement plans. The design, height, and location of the fences/walls shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development. Wall sections shall be separated by pilasters. Graded Slopes/Erosion Control. All landscaped and graded slopes in open space areas shall be hydroseeded and treated with erosion control measures immediately upon completion to prevent soil erosion. The hydroseed mix shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works. RESP. AGENCY PW, PL WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Improvement Plans Acceptance of Improvements Wells. Any water wells, cathodic protection wells or exploratory borings shown on the map that are known to exist, are proposed or are located during field operations without a documented intent of future use, filed with Zone 7, are to be destroyed prior to any demolition or construction activity in accordance with a well destruction permit obtained from Zone 7 and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Services or are to be maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection ordinances. Other wells encountered prior to or during construction are to be treated similarly. Landscaping and Street Trees. The Applicant/Developer shall construct all landscaping within the site, along Somerset Lane, Creekview Drive, along the project Tassajara Road frontage from the face of curb to the site right-of-way, and all street trees proposed within the public service easements, to the design and specifications of the Specific Plan and City of Dublin specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development. Street tree varieties ora minimum 15-gallon size shall be planted along all street frontages and shall be shown on the Landscaping plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. The proposed variety of trees to be planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted for review to and approval by the Director of Public Works. Root shields shall be required unless otherwise determined by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. Landscaping in Open Spaces and Stream Corridor Zone 7, PW PL, PW PL, PW Issuance of Grading Permit Completion of Improvements Occupancy of any Parcels. The landscape improvements for creek open spaces and stream corridor parcels D and E shall be Building 18 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: installed by Applicant/Developer concurrently with the development of the adjacent residential parcel unless otherwise specified by the Director of Public Works or the Development Agreement. Restoration/establishment plans and monitoring programs are required for all stream corridors and open space areas that are proposed to be planted with trees and shrubs and shall be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Community Development Director. 71. Open Space Management Program. An Open PL, PW Program approved Space Management Program shall be submitted for prior to Approval approval by the Community Development of Final Map/ Department. The Management Program for Open CC&R's submitted Space areas shall be in addition to any Fire Buffer prior to Zone and shall address noxious weed control and fire Recordation of control. Standards to ensure the healthy establishment Final Map and and survival of all Open Space plantings shall be approved prior to designated in the Open Space Management Program Occupancy of Any and shall be subject to review and approval by the Residential Unit City at Applicant/Developer's expense. The program shall include provisions for mowing and removal of cut plant materials, debris, and other miscellaneous trash items. The requirements of this program shall be included in the Maintenance Association CC&R's and shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director. Any necessary restoration of Open Space plantings shall be the responsibility of the Maintenance Association, and shall be completed according to the time frame contained within the Management Program. If the Open Space plantings are not maintained according to the standards established by the Management Program, the City will have the right, but not the obligation, to take corrective measures and to bill the Maintenance Association for the cost of such maintenance and corrective measures plus the City overhead costs. 72. ~ Landscape Maintenance and Easement PL, PW Approval of Final Dedication. Applicant/Developer shall maintain Map/Completion landscaping after City-approved installation until the of Improvements appropriate homeowners association or maintenance association is established and assumes the maintenance responsibilities. This maintenance shall include weeding and the application of pre-emergent chemicals. 73. Landscaping at Aisle Intersections. Landscaping at PL, PW Completion of aisle intersections shall be such that sight distance is Improvements 19 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these ~reas. 74. Landscape plantings. Establishment and PW, PL Acceptance of Maintenance of required and/or optional landscape improvements plantings shall be the responsibility of the developer. A bond or other assurance may be required to ensure survival of plantings. Utilities 75. Utilities Service Report and Plan. PW, PL Approval of Applicant/Developer shall submit a utilities service Improvement report and plan to the satisfaction of the Public Plans Works Director and Community Development Director along with documentation that domestic fresh water, electricity, gas, telephone, and cable television service can be provided to each residence within the project and when such service will be available. 76. Utilities Boxes shown on Landscape Plans. PW, PL Approval of Applicant/Developer shall show all utility boxes or Improvement structures over 3 feet square on the Landscape Plans planing plan showing how the utility boxes will be screened and blended in the proposed landscape of street parkways and other areas. Also the boxes shall be placed not to interrupt spacing of street trees and other landscape features to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director and Community Development Director. 77. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. PW Occupancy of ApplicanffDeveloper shall construct all joint utility affected units trenches (such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults, electric transformers, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any appurtenant utility items thereto shall be underground and located behind the proposed ~idewalk within the public service easement, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and any applicable agency. All conduit shall be under the sidewalk within the public right of way to allow for street tree planting. Utility plans, showing the location of all proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground transformers) behind the sidewalk shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Location of these items shall be shown on the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Any above ground utilities of boxes over 3' x3' shall be screened from public view to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Applicant / Developer shall install 2 - 3" underground 20 CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: conduits for signal interconnect and other City uses along project frontage of phase one and two of Tassajara Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. DSRSD Conditions. All in-tract potable and recycled water and wastewater pipelines and facilities shall be constructed by the Applicant/Developer in accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. Applicant/Developer shall also comply with all of the following conditions: General Conditions DSR Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities," all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and policies, and all Recycled Water Design and Construction Standards. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate future flow demands in addition to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. Issuance of Building Permits of Building Permits Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present value 20-year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with Applicant/Developer for any project that requires a pumping station. Approval of Improvement Plans Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for residential tracts or commercial developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead-end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practices. Approval of Improvement Plans 21 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: e. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be Approval of located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to Improvement the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, public sewer or Plans water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. f. The locations and widths of all proposed easement Issuance of dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to Grading Permit and approved by DSRSD. g. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by Approval of Final separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by Map offer of dedication on the Final Map. h. The Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by Approval of Final DSRSD for easement locations, widths, and restrictions. Map i. All utility connection fees, plan-checking fees, inspection Issuance of fees, permit fees, and fees associated with a wastewater Building Permits discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. j. All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed Issuance of by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement Building Permits plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, Applicant/Developer shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. Applicant/Developer shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. k. No sewer line or water line construction shall be permitted Issuance of unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued Building Permits by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after and all DSRSD all of the DSRSD conditions herein have been satisfied, requirements 1. The Applicant/Developer shall hold DSRSD, its Board of On-going Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from completion of the project. 22 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: m. The project lies within the area annexed to the District in Issuance of 1995 as DSRSD Annexation 94-1. All properties within this Building Permits annexation are subject to District conditions that restrict the availability of services. All parcels which seek service with the District within this area are also subject to a Condition of Annexation requiring an Areawide Facility Agreement which regulates the manner and timing of services by the District. n. The project is located within the District Recycled Water Completion of Use Zone #1 (Ord. 276), which calls for installation of Improvements recycled water irrigation systems to allow for the future use of recycled water for approved landscape irrigation demands. Major recycled water facilities are described in the DSRSD Eastern Dublin Facilities Plan Update, dune 1997. Unless specifically exempted by the District Engineer, compliance with Ordinance 280, as may be amended or superseded, is required. Irrigation water services as necessary for this development shall connect to any off site extension and stub out to the property line adjacent to the irrigation service tap, to allow for conversion when recycled water is available. Improvement plans shall include required recycled water improvements. o. The parcel proposed for development has been excluded Final Map from the Water Service Area of the District by special condition imposed at the time of annexation to the District. Removal of this condition and inclusion of the parcel into the Water Service Area of the District requires independent action by the DSRSD Board of Directors. The subdividing area shall be included within the Water Service Area of the District prior to approval by the City for recordation of the final map. 79. Construction by Applicant/Developer. All in-tract DSR, PW Completion of potable and recycled water and wastewater pipelines Improvements and facilities shall be constructed by the Applicant/Developer in accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. 80. Responsibilities for Subdivider. DSR, PW Approval of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all i Improvement implementation "responsibilities for subdivider" as Plans outlined in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 of the "Wastewater Service Matrix of Implementation Responsibilities" and Table 3 "Storm Drainage Matrix Implementation Responsibilities of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan dated January 7, 1994 for water systems incorporated herein by reference and the Water Efficient 23 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: Landscape Regulations (Chapter 8.88). 81. LAVTA. Applicant/Developer shall cooperate with the PW Approval of Final LAVTA to provide convenient access to public transit, to Map and enhance local and regional mobility and integration of Improvement LAVTA with other public transit systems, and to locate Plans bus alignments, turnouts, service stops, bus shelters and other transit amenities. The cost of procuring and installing the necessary improvements to meet the requirements listed above shall be paid by Applicant/Developer. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable requirements of LAVTA and as required buy the Director of Pubic Works. 82. LAVTA bus stop. If not constructed by previous phase PW Occupancy of any Applicant/Developer shall construct one bus stop and Building shelter on the west side of Tassajara Road as required by LAVTA at location approved by the Director of Public Works. The Developer shall install a concrete pad, passenger bus shelter and trash receptacle to the satisfaction of LAVTA. 83. Salt Mitigation. Recycled water projects must meet Zone 7, On-going any applicable salt mitigation requirements of Zone PW 7. 84. Requirements and Fees. Applicant/Developer shall Zone 7, Issuance of comply with all Alameda County Flood Control and PW Building Permits Water Conservation District-Zone 7 Flood Control requirements and applicable fees. 85. Tassajara Creek. The subject property is located on Zone 7 Ongoing Tassajara Creek (Line K). This portion of Tassajara Creek is included in Zone 7's "Project 1" Area, therefore, Zone 7 cannot reimburse for any channel improvements but can take ownership if improvements are made to Zone 7 satisfaction. The District generally prefers to accept ownership and maintenance responsibility of an entire channel, but since this project is being done in stages, the District will accept the eastern portion only. 86. Tassajara Creek - Joint Use Agreement. If the Zone 7 Ongoing intent is to use the access road on the easterly side of the proposed project on Parcel D as a multi-use trail as indicated on the Restoration Plan, the City of Dublin must institute a joint use agreement with Zone 7 for such usage. The locations, spacing and irrigation of the proposed new valley oaks and native shrub clusters will be subject to further Zone 7 review and the terms and conditions of the joint use agreement. A 12' wide access road shall bc constructed on the east side of Parcel E in accordance 24 CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: with Zone 7 standards. Improvements. All improvements shall be to the satisfaction of Zone 7. Zone 7 Prior to construction Fire hydrants. The Developer shall provide DSRSD standard steamer type (1-4-1/2" and 1-2-1/2" outlet) fire hydrant(s). Bollards shall be provided for the protection of fire hydrants subject to vehicle damage at the request of the ACFD. Fire hydrant location markers. The Developer shall identify the fire hydrant locations by installing reflective "blue dot" markers adjacent to the hydrant 6 inches off center from the middle of the street. Fire apparatus roadways. Fire apparatus roadways shall extend to within 150 feet of the most remote first floor exterior wall of any building. Fire apparatus roadways shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Roadways less than 36 feet wide shall be posted with signs and shall have red curbs painted with labels on one side. Roadways less than 28 feet side shall be posed with signs and shall have red curbs painted with labels on both sides of the street. The labels shall read as follows: "NO STOPPING FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1" Weight. Fire apparatus roadways must be capable of supporting the imposed weight of fire apparatus and must be provided with an all-weather driving surface. Only paved surfaces are considered to be all-weather driving surfaces. Turnarounds. The Developer shall make provisions so that fire apparatus roads in excess of 150 feet in length have approved apparatus turnarounds. Fire access prior to vertical construction or Building permit F Building permit Occupancy F improvement plans F Building Permit. combustible storage on site. Fire access roadways and water supply must be in place prior to vertical construction or combustible storage on site. A plan showing the access and water supply shall be submitted and approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to issuance of a building permit. Weed abatement program. The Developer shall provide a weed abatement program before, during and after construction for vegetation within 100 feet from combustible construction and 30 feet from the 25 Building permit NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: street and property lines. 95. Wildland or open space interfaces. If Development F Grading permit interfaces with wildland or open space areas, a separate landscape plan for vegetation fuel modification and/or buffer zone(s) featuring fire resistive and drought tolerant varieties is required to be submitted and approved by the ACFD, City of Dublin, Fire Prevention Division, prior to issuance of grading and building permits. The zone(s) shall be shown/designated as separate lettered lots. The plan shall include dedicated easements for emergency and maintenance access to these zones. The maintenance, m perpetuity, for the zones and emergency/maintenance access ways shall be assigned to a homeowner's association or other approved agent. These responsibilities shall be disclosed to property owner(s) by way of deed restrictions and/or covenants, conditions and restrictions. 96. Fire flow and hydrant location. The Fire F Improvement Prevention Bureau shall approve minimum fire flow plans and fire hydrant location. 97. Mowing of weeds. The Developer or a lighting and F Ongoing landscape maintenance district and/or maintenance association shall ensure that weeds and grassy areas adjacent open space areas (with the exception of the creek) are mowed every 6 months. 98. Street Names. All new street names and addressing F Final Map shall be submitted for approval to the Administrative Mapping Division of the ACFD, City of Dublin, Fire Prevention Division and the Alameda County Planning Department. 99. Gates. All gates across Fire Department access ways F Building Permits shall have a minimum 12-foot clear, unobstructed linear width and a clear vertical height of 13 feet 6 inches. All locking devises shall provide for Fire Department emergency access. All gate plans shall be approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to construction. 100. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. F Issuance of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda Building Permits County Fire Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and standards, including minimum standards for emergency access roads and payment of applicable fees, including a City of Dublin Fire Capital Impact Fee. 26 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 101. Wildfire Management Plan. The applicant shall PL, F Final Map comply with the City's Wildfire Management Plan for covering long-term maintenance of the urban/open-space interface. The Plan requirements shall be incorporated into the CC&R's for the project. If a Wildfire Management Plan has not been adopted prior to approving the CC&R's for the project, the applicant shall provide a project specific wildfire management plan and shall submit this plan prior to recordation of the Final Map. 102. Driveways. A driveway access serving one F Improvement dwelling/structure shall have a minimum 12 foot ~lans unobstructed linear width providing all portions of the first floor are within 150 feet of the required standard 20-foot wide minimum access road. A driveway serving two dwelling/structures shall have a minimum 12 foot unobstructed linear width. All driveway accesses shall meet Fire Department standards for distance, weight loads, turn radius, grades and vertical distance requirements. Approved turnarounds shall be required for distances over 150 feet from approved access roads. Other mitigation shall/may be required in addition to those listed. 103. Minimum number of access roads. The minimum F Occupancy number of access roads serving residential developments shall be based on the number of dwelling units served and shall be as follows: a. 1-25 units, one public access road. b. 26-74 units, one public access road and one emergency vehicle access road c. 75 plus units, at least two public access roads. 104. Secondary Emergency Vehicle Access Route. In PW, F Approval of accordance with the ACFD requirements, for all Improvement phases of development in excess of 25 lots, Plans Applicant/Developer shall provide secondary emergency vehicle access routes into all proposed residential developments. In all phases of development in excess of 75 lots, Applicant/Developer shall provide a second street access into all proposed residential developments. Applicant/Developer shall demonstrate how emergency access requirements shall be achieved on the Improvement Plans to the satisfaction of the City and the ACFD. 105. Address numbers. Approved address numbers shall F Occupancy 27 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: be placed on all new and existing buildings. The address shall be positioned as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 106. Resid~h~ihi 7 rity. p;oj ¢i shall c~mplywith PL, B Occupancy of the City of Dublin Residential Security Requirements Units and the Conditions of Approval for the Vesting Tentative Map. 107. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be of the type and PL, B Occupancy of situated in locations to maximize observation of Units properties while providing the desired degree of aesthetics. Security planting materials are encouraged along fence and property lines adjacent to open space areas. Landscaping to the rear of back yard fences on lots abutting the regional trail shall have barrier foliage installed. Security landscape materials should be used for areas between parking stalls and the rear yard fence of a lot or residence when parking stalls abut the rear yard fence or fence. 108. Alarm systems. Residences not having front door PL, B Occupancy of entries visible from the street shall have prewired Units alarm systems. 109. Gate locking/latching devises. Side gate PL, B Occupancy of locking/latching devises shall be mounted on the Units inside of the gate at a height that makes it inaccessible by reaching over the gate. 110. Graffiti. The Tassajara Creek Maintenance PL, B Occupancy of Association shall keep perimeter walls clear of Units graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Graffiti-resistant materials and foliage should be used. 111. Perimeter fencing height. Perimeter fencing for the PL, B Occupancy of project shall be a minimum height of 6 feet. Units 112. Business Site Emergency Response Card. A PL, B Occupancy of Business Site Emergency Response Card shall be Units filed with the Police Department commencing with the initial phases of construction. Current information shall be maintained until the completion of the project 113. Projected Timeline. Developer shall submit a PO Issuance of projected timeline for project completion to the Building Permits Dublin Police Services Department, to allow estimation of staffing requirements and assignments. 28 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 114. Asbestos. PL, PW Prior to renovation a. All regulated asbestos containing material or demolition of (RACM) shall be removed prior to the renovation ;tructures or demolition of structures on the property that could impact or disturb RACM. Any asbestos- containing material (ACM) that is friable, or may become damaged or friable during repairs, renovation, or demolition shall be removed prior to those destructive activities. b. Prior to removal of ACM an asbestos Prior to removal of abatement/specification shall be prepared which ACM sets forth the guidelines for proper and cost effective removal of ACM. The project specification shall outline the performance parameters for hazard remediation work standards, contamination control, health and safety, contractor qualifications, regulatory compliance, clearance and release criteria, and other requirements specific to this project. c. The design/specification shall be prepared by a Drior to removal of qualified firm and shall be to the satisfaction of ACM the Director of Public Works. Ongoing d. Only qualified asbestos abatement contractors licensed by the Sate of California and registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health shall remove ACM. e. The Applicant shall obtain an EPA generator identification number if greater than 50 pounds of Ongoing friable/hazardous ACM will be removed and disposed of. The number can be obtained by calling (916) 324-1781. f. An on-site monitor qualified as in "d" above shall During ACM observe the removal of ACM by the contractor to removal ensure compliance with accepted industry standard practices and regulatory standards. g. A final visual inspection and clearance air monitoring shall be performed by a firm qualified Prior to re-entry of as in "d" above to certify that industry clearance the asbestos standards are met prior to general re-entry of the abatement area asbestos abatement work area. The inspection 29 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: and clearance shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. 15. Lead. Lead paint was found on the project site PL containing lead at or above the "action level" of 0.5% by weight or 5,000 mg/kg. a. The Applicant shall disseminate a copy of the Prior to contractor ProTech Lead Survey and Evaluation report dated bidding on work August 29, 1997, as well as any other lead-related information to all prospective contractors bidding on work at the subject site. Ongoing b. Contractors shall employ HUD developed; lead safe work practices if lead coated surfaces are to be impacted or disturbed. These would include methods for controlling lead dust; properly controlling, collecting and disposing of lead waste; worker training, monitoring, and protection; and environmental monitoring. c. The Applicant shall establish baseline soil and Prior to grading dust levels at the project site. Contractors permit performing work at the site shall be required to leave the site .... ' ' ' clean relative to pre-emst~ng conditions as established by baseline sampling. 116. Best Management Practices. Applicant/Developer PW Issuance of shall demonstrate to the Director of Public Works Building Permits that the project development meets the requirements of the City of Dublin's "Best Management Practices" to mitigate storm water pollution. 117. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). PL Issuance of The Developer shall submit the project/homeowners Building Permit association and maintenance association CC&Rs for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Map, and shall be ~ finalized to the satisfaction of the City Community Development Director & Director of Public Works prior to issuance of the first building permit. The CC&Rs shall address maintenance of private streets, open space, including fire buffer zones; wildfire management plans; stream restoration landscape areas; Tassajara Creek flood control and slope 30 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: maintenance; community and neighborhood entries; landscaping, parkway areas, monumcntation, private lighting, signagc, walls, and fences, street trees, street signs, walks, street furniture, and thc potential impacts that Camp Parks will have on the future residents (i.e., the CC&Rs should include a Camp Parks disclosure statement). The Declaration will specify that, as it pertains to the maintenance of the site improvements described by the Development Agreement, it cannot be amended without thc consent of the City. Thc CC&Rs shall ensure that: a. A Homcownars Association is established for lots 127 through 147, complete with Bylaws, that will monitor and provide oversight to the ownership and maintenance of private streets (including any decorative paving on private streets), private drainage, and private street lights. Alternatively, these lots can be annexed into thc Pdva at Tassajara Creek Homeowners Association established for Lots 49 through 126 in Phase I (Tract 7075). A separate Maintenance Association made up of all Lots in Phase II shall be established for maintenance of landscaping within Tassajara Road and Somerset Lane rights of way, and will also monitor and maintain creek setback landscaping, thc regional trail (unless thc regional trail within Parcels D and E owned by Zone 7, is maintained by EBRPD), and urban/open space interface and common areas as described above and elsewhere in these conditions relating to project improvements and obligations. Alternatively, the Phase II Lots can be annexed into the Tassajara Creek Maintenance Association established for Phase I (Tract 7075). In the event that any area falls into a state of disrepair, the City will have the right but not the obligation to take corrective measures and bill the appropriate homeowner and/or maintenance association for the cost of such repair and corrective maintenance work plus City overhead. These requirements shall be included in the project CC&Rs. b. There is adequate provision for the maintenance, ~n good repmr and on a regular basis, of all commonly owned facilities, property and landscaping, including but not limited to private open space areas, lighting, landscape and irrigation facilities, fencing, and drainage and erosion control improvements. c. The parking of recreational vehicles between a building and a public street and along a public street shall not occur. Recreational Vehicles are defined as a motorhome, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living area overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power. d. The landscaping and irrigation on individual parcels developed with a single- family unit shall be maintained and kept in good order by the resident and/or owner of each residence. e Private streets shall be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22658, Sections 1 and 2. Fire lanes shall also be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 22500.1. 31 CONDITION TEXT WHEN REQ'D Prior to: Affordable Housing Agreement. An Affordable Housing Agreement shall be entered into by the Developer and the City of Dublin as required by Section 8.68 of the Dublin Municipal Code. PL Final Map Soundwalls. The Developer shall construct six-foot tall sound attenuation barriers along Tassajara Road as recommended in the Noise Study prepared by Charles Salter Associates, dated December 29, 1998. Sound Barriers and Mitigation Measures. All sound barriers and mitigation measures included in the noise study prepared for this project and shall be incorporated into the improvement plans. Berm/ soundwall combinations shall be used for required sound barriers along Tassajara Road to reduce the apparent height of the walls. The berm and soundwall shall be designed and improved to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. Sound-rated windows. The Developer shall install sound-rated windows with a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of at least 29 for the second floor facades of Phase II homes on Lots 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, and 163 to 167' having a line-of-sight to the Tassajara Road travel lanes over the noise barrier. The Developer shall also provide sound-rated windows with an STC rating of at least 26 for the second floor facades of Phase II homes on the aforementioned lots facing away from Tassajara Road. The Developer shall also provide STC 26 rated windows for the second floors of Phase II homes on Lots 128, and 136'. * Note that these are lot numbers as shown on the Noise Study dated 12-29-98. These conditions shall apply to corresponding lots on the approved Phase I1 development plans, which may have different lot numbers. Mechanical ventilation. An alternative source of ventilation (i.e., mechanical) shall be required for the homes listed in the condition above if necessary to satisfy Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. This requirement shall also apply to Phase II homes on Lots 132, 137 and 162'. *Note that these are lot numbers as shown on the Noise Study dated 12-29-98. These conditions shall apply to corresponding 32 ?L ~ PW PL PL Occupancy of the first unit of Improvement Plans/Issuance of Building Permits Occupancy of the first unit Occupancy of the first unit NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: lots on the approved Phase II development plans, which may have different lot numbers. 123. Construction Noise Management PL and/or Issuance of Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. PW Grading Permit Applicant/Developer shall conform to the following Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. Construction shall be conducted so as to minimize the impacts of the construction on the existing community and on the occupants of the new homes as they are completed. [24. Construction Noise Management Program/Construction Impact Reduction Plan. The following measures shall be taken to reduce construction impacts: 1. Off-site truck traffic shall be routed as directly as practical to and from the freeway (I-580) to the job site. Primary route shall be from 1-580 along Tassajara Road. An Oversized Load Permit shall be obtained from the City prior to hauling of any oversized loads on City streets. : 2. The construction site shall be watered at regular intervals during all grading activities. The frequency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Watering should include all excavated and graded areas and material to be transported off-site. Use recycled or other non-potable water resources where feasible. 3. Construction equipment shall not be left idling while not in use. 4. All construction equipment shall be fitted with noise muffling devises. 5. Erosion control measures shall be implemented during wet weather to assure that sedimentation and erosion do not occur. 6. Mud and dust carried onto street surfaces by construction vehicles shall be cleaned- up on a daily basis. 7. Excavation haul trucks shall use tarpaulins or other effective covers. 8. Prior to the acceptance of improvements a 3-foot high two-rail fence shall be constructed along Tassajara Creek between the regional trail and the riparian corridor. 9. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Replanting and repaving should be completed as soon as possible. 10. Houses will be constructed in phases such that most of the construction traffic can be routed into the subdivision without traveling in front of existing homes that are 33 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: occupied. 1. Construction of the Tassajara Road widening will be performed such that a minimum of disruption of traffic flow will occur. 12. After grading is completed, fugitive dust on exposed soil surfaces shall be controlled using the following methods: A. Inactive portions of the construction site should be seeded and watered until grass growth is evident. B. Require that all portions of the site be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. C. On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph. D. Use of petroleum-based palliatives shall meet the road oil requirements of the Air Quality District. Non-petroleum based tackifiers may be required by the Director of Public Works. E. The Department of Public Works shall handle all dust complaints. The Director of Public Works may require the services of an air quality consultant to advise the City on the severity of the dust problem and additional ways to mitigate impact on residents, including temporarily halting project construction. Dust concerns in adjoining communities as well as the City of Dublin shall be addressed. Control measures shall be related to wind conditions. Air quality monitoring of PM levels shall be provided as required by the Director of Public Works. 13. Construction interference with regional non-project traffic shall be minimized by: A. Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non-peak travel periods. B. Routing construction traffic through areas of least impact sensitivity. C. Routing construction traffic to minimize construction interference with regional non-project traffic movement. D. Limiting lane closures and detours to off-peak travel periods. E. Providing ride-share incentives for contractor and subcontractor personnel. 14. Emissions control of on-site equipment shall be minimized through a routine mandatory program of low-emissions tune-ups. OTHER CONDITIONS 125. Postal Service. Applicant/Developer shall confer PL, PW Approval of Final with local postal authorities to determine the type of Map mail units required and provide a letter from the Postal Service st~rfing its satisfaction with the units proposed. Specific locations for such units shall be subject to approval and satisfaction of the Postal Service and the Director of Community Development ! and Director of Public Works. A plan showing the locations of all mailboxes shall be submitted for 34 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: review and approval by the Director of Public Works. 126. Dust Control/Cleanup. Applicant/Developer shall PW On-going ensure that areas undergoing grading and all other construction activity are watered or other dust control measures are used to prevent dust problems as conditions warrant or as directed by the Director of Public Works. Further, Applicant/Developer shall keep adjoining public streets and driveways free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials and debris, and clean-up shall be made during the construction period as determined by the Director of Public Works. 127. Hours of operation. Construction and grading PL On-going operations shall be limited to weekdays, Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Director of Public Works may approve work on Saturday and hours beyond the above mentioned days and hours with the understanding that the developer is responsible for the additional cost of the Public Works inspectors' overtime. 128. Archaeology - Should any prehistoric or historic PL, PW, B Final Inspection of artifacts be exposed during excavation and Grading construction operations, the Department of Community Development shall be notified and work shall cease immediately until an archaeologist, who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA), is consulted to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures, if deemed necessary, prior to resuming ground breaking construction activities. Standardized procedures for evaluating accidental finds and discovery of human remains shall be followed as prescribed in Sections 15064.5 and 15126.4 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 129. Stationary Source Emissions. Applicant/Developer PL Issuance of shall ensure that stationary source emissions Grading Permit associated with project development are minimized. The requirements of Mitigation Measure 3.11/12.0 of the Eastern Dublin EIR shall be accomplished by the following requirements: A. The houses shall be designed to meet or exceed the requirements of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (energy efficiency requirements). By meeting or exceeding these requirements, the houses 35 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: will require less energy to heat and cool, thereby reducing the emissions created in the production of electric power and created by burning natural gas. B. The subdivision will utilize curbside recycling, which will reduce the mount of solid wastes from the subdivision, which would be deposited at a landfill site, thereby minimizing the amount of nitrous oxide emissions from the landfill. C. During rough grading construction the construction site will be regularly watered to contain dust, and after construction the front yards and street landscaping will be installed, thereby minimizing the amount of air pollution caused by airborne dust from the site. 130. Rodenticides and Herbicides. The use of PL Issuance of rodenticides and herbicides within the project area Grading Permit shall be performed in cooperation with and under the supervision of the Alameda County Department of Agriculture and will be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, to reduce potential impacts to wildlife. 131. School Mitigation Agreement. The Developer shall PL i Building Permit enter into a School Mitigation Agreement with the Dublin Unified School District. 132. Hold Harmless. The Applicant/Developer shall hold PL, PW Ongoing the City harmless for all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by the City or held to be the liability of the City in connection with the City's defense of its actions in any proceeding brought in any State or Federal court challenging the City's actions with respect to the Applicant/Developer's project. 133. Federal and State Permits.. The Applicant PL, PW Prior to any Developer shall receive all necessary permits from grading of the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or State project site. Department of Fish and Game prior to any grading of the project site. 134. Kit Foxes. Should any Kit Foxes be discovered on PL, PW Issuance of the site either during the Preconstruction Survey or Grading Permit during project construction, the Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for complying with the Kit Fox Protection Plan. 36 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CONDITIONS NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 1 Approval. This Site Development Review approval PL On-going for Tassajara Creek Phase II of the Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. project, PA 00-036 establishes the detailed design concepts and regulations for the project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review generally shall conform to the Development Plan sheets 1-58 dated received February 16, 2001 and Architectural Plans prepared by Kaufman Meeks Inc. for single family homes dated received February 16, 2001, the Tassajara Creek color schemes book dated received March 22, 1999 (from the previously approved Tassajara Creek Phase I project, PA 98-062, on file in the Department of Community Development, and other plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site Development Review, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. 2 Standard Conditions. The project shall comply PL, B Through with the City of Dublin Site Development Review Completion Standard Conditions. 3 House Numbers List. Applicant/Developer shall PL Issuance of submit a house numbers list corresponding lots Building shown on the Tentative Map. Said list is subject to Permits approval of the Director of Community Development. 4 Term. Approval of the Site Development Review PL Approval of shall be valid for one year from approval by the i Improvement Planning Commission. Ifconstruction has not ' Plans commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void. The approval period for Site Development Review may be extended six (6) additional months by the Director of Community Development upon determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated findings of approval will continue to be met. (Applicant/Developer must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Site Development Review.) 5 Revocation. The SDR will be revocable for cause in PL On-going accordance with Section 8.96.020.I of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this approval shall be subject to 37 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: citation. 6 Air Conditioning Units - Air conditioning units and B, PL Occupancy of ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view Unit with materials compatible to the main building and shall not be roof mounted. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non- movable materials to be approved by the Building Official and Director of Community Development. Air conditioning units shall be located such that each dwelling unit has one side yard with an unobstructed width of less than 36 inches. 7 Automatic Garage Door Openers - Automatic B, PL Occupancy of garage door openers shall be provided for all Unit dwelling units and shall be of a roll-up type. Garage doors shall not intrude into the public right-of-way. 8 Interior Walls and Fences. All walls and fences PL Occupancy of shall conform to Section 8.72.080 of the Zoning Unit Ordinance unless otherwise required by this resolution. Construction/installation of common/shared fences or walls for all side and rear yards shall be the responsibility of Applicant/Developer. Construction shall consist of solid wood fences and masonry walls as shown on preliminary landscape plan. 9 Perimeter Walls and Fences. All perimeter walls PW Approval of and fences shall comply with the requirements from Improvement the Tentative Map Conditions of approval. Design of Plans the masonry soundwall along Tassajara Road shall reflect the design concept shown on Sheet PUD 16 of 17 of the approved Tassajara Creek Phase I project (PA 98-062). Installation shall be to the satisfaction of the City of Dublin. The wall shall be constructed to ensure its long term utility and appearance. 10 Wall or Fence Heights. All wall or fence heights PW Approval of shall be 6 feet high (except in those locations where Improvement Section 8.72.080 of the Zoning Ordinance requires Plans lower fence heights). All walls and fences shall be designed to ensure clear vision at all street intersections to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 11 Level area on both sides of fence. Fencing placed PW, PL Issuance of at the top of banks/slopes shall be provided with a Grading minimum one-foot level area on both sides in order to Permits facilitate maintenance by the property owners. 38 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 12 Parking. Applicant/Developer shall provide parking PL Completion of ~n compliance with the PD Rezone Development Plan Improvements (Exhibit A), dated February 16, 2001. 13 lecreational Vehicle Parking. Recreation vehicle On-go~ng (as defined in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance) parking shall be prohibited on public streets. Signs shall be ~osted to that effect. 14 Residential Security. The project shall comply with PL, B Occupancy of the City of Dublin Residential Security Requirements Units and the Conditions of Approval for the Vesting Tentative Map. 15 Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. PL, PW Issuance of Applicant/Developer shall submit a Final Building Landscaping and Irrigation Plan, conforming to the Permits requirements of Section 8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise modified by Conditions of this Resolution), stamped and approved by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. Alameda County Fire Department approval is also required where this project is adjacent to wildfire areas. That plan should generally conform to the Preliminary Landscape Plans dated received February 16, 2001. Plans must reflect any project design revisions approved for subsequent Site Plans, Vesting Tentative Map or stream restoration program. 16 Final Landscape Plan Review. The plant palette PL Issuance of varieties shall be shall be subject to review and Building approval of the Director of Community Development Permits and reviewed by the City's Landscape Architect to determine compatibility with reclaimed water use, where appropriate. An irrigation plan shall be submitted with Final Landscape Plans indicating that the system is designed for reclaimed water, where required by DSRSD. 17 Landscaping required. All front yards and common PL Within 90 days areas shall be landscaped by the builder or of Occupancy homeowner within 90 days of occupancy of each unit, unless prohibited by seasonal/weather problems.. 39 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 18 Street Trees. Street tree varieties of a minimum 15- PL, PW Issuance of gallon size shall be planted along all street frontages Building as shown on the Landscape Plan. Exact tree Permits locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. Trees planted within, or adjacent to, sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development for review and approval by the Director of Community Development and the Director of Public Works to determine the need for root shields. 19 Fire-resistant or drought tolerant plant varieties. PL, F Issuance of Fire-resistant or drought tolerant plant varieties shall Building be required in the plant palette. Permits 20 Monument Signs. Design of any monument signs PL, PW Completion of within the development shall be approved by the Improvements Director of Community Development to assure compatibility with design elements of the project and by the Director of Public Works to assure unobstructed traffic visibility. 21 Ba¢ldlow Devises. Backflow devises shall be hidden PL Issuance of from view by means of fencing, enclosures, Grading landscaping and/or berms. Permits 22 Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. PL, PW, Approval of Applicant/Developer shall ensure that the Final DSR Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan conforms to the Landscape City's Water Efficient Landscape Regulations, Plans including dual piping to facilitate future recycled water. 23 Health, Design and Safety Standards. Prior to final PW, PL Occupancy of approval allowing occupancy of any new home, the Unit physical condition of the subdivision and the lot where the home is located shall meet minimum health, design, and safety standards including, but not limited to the following: 23 a. The streets providing access to the home shall PL Occupancy of be complete to allow for safe traffic movements Unit to and from the home. 23 b. All traffic striping and control signing on streets PW Occupancy of providing access to the home shall be in place. Unit 23 c. All street name signs on streets providing PL Occupancy of access to the homes shall be in place. Unit 23 d. All streetlights on streets providing access to PW Occupancy of the homes shall be energized and functioning. Unit 40 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 23 e. All repairs to the street, curb, gutter, and PW Occupancy of sidewalk that may create a hazard shall be Unit required or any non-hazardous repairs shall be complete and bonded for. 23 f. The homes shall have a backlighted illuminated PL Occupancy of house number. Unit 23 g. The lot shall be finish graded, and final grading B Occupancy of inspection shall have been approved by the Unit Building Department. 23 h. All sewer clean-outs, water meter boxes, and PW Occupancy of other utility boxes shall be set to grade to the Unit approval of the Director of Public Works. 23 i. The homes shall have received all necessary B Occupancy of inspections and have final approval by the Unit Building Department to allow occupancy. 23 j. All fire hydrants in streets providing access to F Occupancy of the homes shall be operable to City and ACFD Unit standards. 23 k. All streets providing access to the homes shall PW, F Occupancy of be improved to an adequate width and manner Unit to allow for fire engine circulation to the approval of the Director of Public Works and ACFD. 23 1. All mailbox units shall be at the back of the PL Occupancy of curb/sidewalk as appropriate. The developer Unit shall submit a mailbox design and location plan to indicate where mailboxes and associated lighting will be accommodated. The Postmaster shall be consulted for design criteria. Architectural enhancements should be provided to community mailboxes where visible from the project streets. 23 m. Exterior lighting shall be provided for dwelling PL Occupancy of entrances and shall be of a design and Unit placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties. 23 n. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be PL, PO, B Occupancy of adequate to provide for security needs. Unit (Photometrics and lighting plans for the site shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development and Dublin Police Services for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits). 41 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 24 Glare/Reflective Finishes - The use o£reflective PL Issuance of finishes on building exteriors is prohibited. In order Building to control the effects of glare within this subdivision, Permits reflective glass shall not be used on all east-facing windows along Tassajara Road. PHASED OCCUPANCY PLAN 25 Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy is requested PL, B Prior to to occur in phases, then all physical improvements Occupancy for within each phase shall be required to be completed any affected prior to occupancy of units within that phase except unit. for items specifically excluded in an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor hand work items, approved by the Department of Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development for review and approval a minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any unit covered by said Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the subdivision approval. No individual unit shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, provided with all reasonably expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional construction activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated improvements. 26 Acknowledgment. Applicant/Developer shall obtain PL, ADM, Sale of any a written acknowledgment (secured from the B unit within a individual property owner) acknowledging the phase continuance of construction activity within the unoccupied phases of the project. The written acknowledgment shall include a statement that the property owner has reviewed and understands the following: a. Phased Occupancy Plan. b. The proximity to the Department of the Army Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, County Sheriff training facilities and associated noise from the bomb detonation facility, firing ranges and emergency vehicle training. c. Restrictions for parking on streets within the 42 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: subdivision. No Parking areas, as established with the improvement plans, towing, and other traffic safety regulations shall be described. Additional parking restrictions (e.g.: red curb areas) may be applied in the future if traffic safety or circulation problems arise. b. Special standards for this development regarding yard setbacks for accessory structures. Said acknowledgments are subject to City Attorney review and approval. Applicant/Developer shall keep a copy of said written acknowledgment on file and shall submit the original signed acknowledgment to the Department of Community Development within three (3) days upon request of the Director of Community Development. If Applicant/Developer fails to comply, the Director of Community Development may require the submittal o£the written acknowledgment prior to release of' occupancy of any future units and/or future phases. 27 Plot Plan. A plot plan for each single family PL Issuance of residential lot shall be submitted and approved by the Building Director of Community Development before Permits approval of building permits for the respective lot. Said plot plan shall include pad elevations, unit number and type, dwelling unit outline, air conditioning units, setbacks, lot drainage, and street ~ utility locations. 28 Plotting Plans - Plotting Plans for each phase of the PL Issuance of project shall be submitted by the Developer to the Building Department of Community Development for Permits approval by the Director of Community Development prior to submitting for building permits in each respective phase. 29 Rear Yard Setback for Lot 136. - The rear yard PL Issuance of setback for Lot 136 of Tract Map 7279 shall be a Building minimum of 15 feet. Permits ARCHITECTURE 30 Residential Units shall comply with the architectural PL Issuance of drawings submitted by Kaufman and Meeks Inc. Building dated received February 16, 2001, and shall generally Permits conform to the colors and materials book dated received March 22, 1999 for the Tassajara Creek Phase I project PA 98-062, on file in the City of Dublin Department of Conununity Development. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS 43 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: 31 Development Agreement. Approval of this Site PL Recording of Development Review is subject to Development Applicant/Developer securing approval from the City Agreement Council of a Development Agreement as required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 32 Infrastructure Sequencing Program. The PW, PL Recording of Development Agreement shall include an Final Map infrastructure sequencing program and shall be recorded. 33 Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable PW, PL Final Building fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, Permits including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Public Works Traffic Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Un-issued building permits subsequent to new or revised TIF's shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised fees. 34 Parkland Dedication - The developer shall be PL Addressed in required to pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amounts Development and at the times set forth in the City of Dublin Agreement Resolution No. 60-99, adopted by the City Council on April 6, 1999, or in the amounts and at the times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee, as implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-99. No credit against the dedication requirement shall be given for open space within this project. 35 Soundwalls. The Developer shall construct six-foot PL Occupancy of tall sound attenuation barriers along Tassajara Road the first unit as recommended in the Noise Study prepared by Charles Salter Associates, dated December 29, 1998. 36 Compliance With Requirements. F, PW, Approval of Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable PO, Zone Improvement requirements of the Alameda County Fire 7, DSR, Plans Department, Public Works Department, Dublin PL Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, and Dublin San Ramon Services District. 37 Building Permits. To apply for building permits, B Issuance of 44 NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: Applicant/Developer shall submit six (6) sets of Building construction plans to the Building Department for Permits plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the ~ annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to issuance of building permits. PASSED, APPROYED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of March, 2001. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Cm. Johnson, Musser, Jennings, Fasulkey, and Nassar ~p m~n~ Director ~61o~u~i~g ~_~n)/nission Chairperson g:\pa00-036\PC tentative map and SDR Reso 45 TASSAJARA CREEK II PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT February, 2001 OWNERS: CAROLYN ANGELA ADAMS 5378 TASSAJARA ROAD DUBLIN, CA 94588 THE MARJORIE R. KOLLER 1993 LIVING TRUST 5374 TASSAJARA ROAD DUBLIN, CA 94588 APPLICANT: GREENBRIAR HOMES COMMUNITIES, INC. 4340 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 240 SAN JOSE, CA 95129 (408) 984-5900 CONTACT: KATJA KAMANGAR PLANNERS & CIVIL ENGINEERS: RUGGERI - JENSEN- AZAR & ASSOCIATES 6601 OWNS DRIVE, SUITE 155 PLEASANTON, CA 94588 (925) 227-9100 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THOMAS E. BAAK & ASSOCIATES 1620 NORTH MAIN STREET WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 (925) 933-2583 TABLE OF C� • Vicinity Ma • Aerial Phot PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPME TASSAJARA CREEK II - TRAi CITY OF DUBLIN, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL ALAMEDA COL)MY ... ............. Nr AFN 985-OGOI-Dol-SO ...... .... pmw X*t, MM7 fm I f AM .. ..... LOT 130 yy .. ... .......... .......... T A S-S A J A 0 A Rr. E: R A 0 T 7 0 .. J LpT Q9 ........ ...... ........... .. . .. .. .. . . ........ .. .. .... .... SITE INDEX MAP .. F r� r 3 six f r �- 9 t zm=l I } GRAPtQC SCALE o N we ma Land Use Summary Land Use unls Glut Ac % AC Censky Rea,denbal Singh Famiy Cluster Homes 21 1.8 22% 1raftonal Singh Family 25 2.7 33% g 26 32% .._ .. Open ..... -_. (Mr I pace (IntlrWea Muted IWKISMPRV) ROW (Public & Privatel 1.1 13% ,men . w n Preled Total CB 8.2 1 f k ✓ ! kk I l it _.. 7A as 34 T_ � _. sa a2 ai w \ as so ; . alr y lei �'� �. !II 5'il44 42 __i t _t �....-I....... .._ .. .,..., ._ h..+ I ....I l I•I ti, aI as I I 82j ` I r. Ez jes ----------------- IN y .� � r I �-• 11a � � 11Y }I}t0ehl__� 'I � ... I l _...� llk....l, 1 �; tool r. 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T A S S A J A R A R 0 A D AB AccAEC M AC A5111Kr coqwRpo L w<L1111AMc' aF H1c aeoM rEAr1GrI. CW f �� A Wrraw or wAu cyr eowRrrtA TO r(TA! Pwte A 6 _ - _ -r r - 5 d a CWe trArra r wrarr aPF . '� ��awre -: -; _- 1 Erc FAo KnrlcAc EapK '--h- - EW FrRCEVCY tErwar A=W TA f ! .r 1 FC FACE OF ol19 M FW94P W" R RaD wrcr a Fear lwAT j !� MA6NFAR w MAW >F �zT .r .AGI Paver wv Nl"r EriYA am 1P L" a r PAT P AIT ACCM Z4SEWNr PCC POwr K coupo RiO an A:1C Paver Gr C01APOUA0 KRIK+V. ❑WW 0 eaa 4a0 x F rvL r SITE INDEX MAP arc Paver Ir Aereww awns FRrC Paver or lxNM E K RX& cww SCmk 1'2w' 1 w rCT 1 PIDT MWW SMW DPA EAa1EMr 1 - 2W n Pg P%MW 4RIrfJr TAS 19VT Pte Pa lnlM a 0-T rpf �e "�" e —r . e I k I WQid .P'a. I II I '1 N Grilll!(��Cf N9Yf1 � I j. , � iYOatIt � a Willi I k li pAkt.r - s TWESTOMIC PIOLi In PWIC y ® � PllQii v+me: ei Y M E .. Y 'n _UCTRIQUER NOTES- I, ALL MATERIAL AND WOWUANSHIP SHALL FULLY CONFORM WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF OUBLIN_ 2. ELECTROLIERS ARE TO BE LOCATED NO CLOSER TRAM 3' FROM 141E EDGE OF DWVEWAYS OR S FROM HYURANTS- 3. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE FROM ME ELECTROLIER TO P.G. & E. SERVICE BOX AND TERMINATE CONDUIT AND WIRE IN BOX AS DIRECTED BY P.C. & E. A. CONDUIT AND FIT INUS SHALL BE U.L. APPROVED. CONDUIT DELOW MAUL SHALL BE MINIMUM 1 1/2" SCHEDULE AO PV.C. U.O.N. MINIMUM RADIUS BENDS SHALL BE la_ USE RIGIO STEEL METALLIC CONDUIT FOR ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS. (FOR CONDUIT DEPTH SEE DETAIL) 5. CABLE TO BE AW.G- NUMBER 8, (OR LARGER AS NOTED) 7 - STRANO COPPER, TYPE THHN OR APPROVED EWAL. fi_ CIRCUITS MATH TWO OR MORE ELECTROLIERS SHALL RE MIRED TO BALANCE THE LOAD, (SEE MIRING DIAGRAM.) 7_ .LNCTION BOXES SHAWL MEET THE REflDIREMENfS FOR STATE NUMBER 3 1/2 PULL BOX WITR COVERS. COVERS TO BE MARKED, 'STREET LIGHTING- AND SECURED WITH BRASS ROW DOWN DOLTS- 8- FUSE EACH POLE WITH WATER PROOF IN -LINE BREAK AWAT FUSE HOLDERS AND AT EACH ADJACENT JUNCTION ROX. 9, ALL SPLICES SHALL BE MADE IN HANDHOLES OR JUNCTION BOXES ONLY ALL SPLICES MUST BE PER CAL -TRANS SECTION 55 10. CONTRACTOR TO PLACE POLE NUMBERS ON ALL STREET LIGHT STANDARDS ALL NUMBERS ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WIIII P_G- & E. STANDARDS. O SYMBOL LUST P.G. & E. SERVICE PLANT (SECONDARY ROX) �^ EX)SDNC ELECTROOER -- PROPOSED TYPE 15 70 MATT "PS ELECTROUER DON_ I❑ PROPOSED 100 WATT HPS POST TOP ELECTRWER U-ON_ f3 1/2 SPLICE BOX W/ GROUND ROD & FUSE KIT 0 POLE NUMBER H A$ PROPOSED 1 1/2' PVC CONDUIT 2 /8 CU W/C U.O.N. { METER PEDESTAL ® IRRIGATION CONTROLLER FIRE HYDRANT U.O.N. UNLESS OTHERVISE NOTED ME III AF SERVICE FOR IRR. CONYRg LEN MAN BREAKER 27 IRO AMP_ O ❑ CONTRACTOR'S 6" ALL WEST SWITCH SIDES F 2' KIN, P.Y.C. 2A CONBUfT 1/2 r 8 GROUND 2,500 P.sI •24"-�� CONCRETE F+ l+ " PEDESTAL R:SCO 210W lB5 OR EWAL u BLACK $ WHITE � REO I 1 \q .1 °, ��t� Iry m PROPERTY LINE FENCE X TACK STRIP (TYPICAL) E-FAB LATTICS PAS [ 4. 11AA. TOP • BOTTOM S'FERCIM - OVERLAP T •' POST * V4r O.C. SPACING PTOF 12' KICKER PTOF IMA. CORCRETt FOOTING L WOOD TO BE ROUGH SAWN REDWOOD EP PENOE A ALTE11 PANEL +MIOTH AS —.CESSART TO CORP— TO GRADE. 2Xi CAP 211 (L-SHAPED) W/ iX1 NAILER 1'ar' PLANKS W/ 1' OVERLAP 4'14' POSTS * S' Q-C. MAX" PTDF .i 2'%4' BOTTOM RAIL (U-CHANNEL) WI 2'fa2' KICKER PTD4e FINISH GRADE S' DIA. CONC. FTO- b ON 4• SAND BASE • ALL WOOD TO BE,ROUGH SAWN REDWOOD PROPERTY UK FENCE F— F— H C= m LJ 7 d 4- CD C7 cu Lo rn LU b CT7 O 7 0 z L LL- 1] ro x k 3M= RIB/S1MR NTH CURTAM RED ® 1R k 15 — — WT. TEI.P. R5. if P c M� ze I -)BATH£; BEDROOM #3 I WE- DEEP By ,w rlgE CLEAR SPNX I L RX66 uMii • i 1R k 15 PROME CASED WEH'G c— TTOF NAIER — — — — — — 2X6 SIM AIM SHOP DUCE gg PLMD 0" rJ sA 0 ...... ,..d, �c .... 2 m Ema PAMT �I h 1 BEDROOM #2 I �— LMPET SOFFT AT Y-7 AFF. I 11 I SH L— --�t -- _-- E ----- "_' RBELOx j 2'-F ME1ER \/ 6 sIRUCTURE -7 -7 FYl]d'X35 STOP �A� t+ SNOS j r 11 I I {2) 14 X 5 U LOUWERED MIS MRtl1X 12' a ��5 F LOOR 11 BOOM ARD D91 HTATER I i I GARAGE iasa s 7 I I I MY. aoam I" SLOPE 2525 2 I APPLY 51r ME Y GYP. B0. TO I I R I I I$ I 1UI1.SA Cfll1NG ANO ALL SUPPIXt11NG MEMBERS AT GARAGE AOJOR+ec A11 I I j RABTABLE AREAS, (APPLY DOIIBIE UYTR MERLE FRAUMMC Fx4�05 Ifi O,G� H MrIS-ZPAIC—E M M R SWnT AT .i 7--7AFF. `-T. OFFIT AT Y-V AFJ J6• Hm r IL MAS GOARGRAE J'. ter. R. k CAR• LOFT m �`�-� B• �_,� 0.G X PAN AND _ .� _ _ lME Al R 2A6 STUDS I \ I � RBOYE� B A — 3 SOFFIT AT C-O• AF.F. NOOK L1 V `L -2X6 SRAS KITCHEN a t 9-o OG 1RIR S,"I AT �S-3• 2-O' �SORT AT -6. AFF.Z I orr 1 ...,1.. Y Ir-O' All cl- Tr LLJ >Z t Y 0 0 CD C1J cm cu 1� CT7 t*7 C7 7 O Z L LL. E QI 3 co CLT ft F.F. TaP� LIE OF FFN� SIDE ELEVATION SCRE I/i=1'-O' ATTIC YENTA ATION MAIN ROOF ROOF YENT1LATiON NOTES ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 1im SO. FT. AREA / 300 - 528 S0. IN. VENT AREA REWIRED I. USE "D'HAW7W CLOAKED VENT TOE' NON PERMGALY SR. GABLE VENT 2 AT 118 . Wm Sa *L VENTS. VERIFT LDCARON WTI STA/CIITRAL ENGINEER.O'HAGIN VEN SAVE VENTS 1 AT IDO - %DO 6 AT 47 - 282 SO. N. sa N. SEE ROOF LENT CALL FOR SLOWED WdWL TOTAL YENTWAIICN PRO"DED- T S0. L IFSE 3 I/�- z 223 /B' NON PEEING GALY. SIL EAVE 1EN15, 4� 4e�T LOCATION NTH STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. p RtfHT CJ9L FOR REDIARED NLYBETL ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 143 SOL FT. AREA / 300 - 59 S0, IN. VENT AREA REWIRED 3 ',RK OF THE REWNED YETITEAITPN SHALL DE PROY90 BY O'NATw VENT SAYE VENT T AT TOO - 100 1 AT 47 = 47 SD. AL SO. M VENTILATORS LOCATED N THE UPPER PORTION OF THE ATTIC AND AT LEAST THREE FEET AEIWYE TIE SAVE AND CARE R TOTAL VENATION PROVIOED- 4 N VENTS. TnC VEN-nLATT P ALL FIGURES ARE NLT FREE AREA 35 50. FT. AREA / 150 34 SO. IN. VENT AREA REWIRED EAVE VENT 1 AT 47 = 47 So. N. TOTAL VLNTILATON PRONOEO= 47 so- WL 8' MIA AT HEAD. 4' TRW AT SIDES AND 2'TY YLOR 4' TRY AT SILL 71ILE 12'.49' VIDEO SIMTIERS — - , Pl.ms__ F ,, 8' TRY AT HEAD 4' MU AT� AkW AND 2A2 BELOW 4' FF. TRU AT SILL TTP. UELD MTREAR ELI L>5 SCALE, I/i -1,-If D I I AM oG �sRaDT DOO TWJM F40Li MIDGE 1 © RICE I ROOF LlE BULDNG LNE 1 AIL bar A YN_ C RWOWFL I aax S PROVIDE I ry S2 ZAD 4. PROVIDE 8 S. CONTRAL CODES I L DS J r TYP RAIQ 8. GUTTERS AS SNOB IDS 5/12 60YM 5/1z � I"T1P. Zn WOOD FASW " IV-O' S' OGU GUTTERS AWY ROOF PLAN DDW"w°m TV. Ii z18' GL LOUVERED ATTIC VENT NTH 2'L2" 11. FLAS•WNG AT ALL B' TRY AT FEAa 2A7 OFlON ABOVE I" TE41 AT 13 4 Y SLUE 7/A'=1'-0' ROOF ID WALL 1' TRYe��A�T��SYLL� NTI 14ilfio' MEAD, N TRY AT SAL -5 tr RI NiERYCTOHS TWP. WOOD SHUT ji,( ( ) �E5 AND 2"xY BELOW i TRY AT Su 2K8 WOOD RAKE � TTP. u.x.a \ \ 3 \\ ~ -4 f OP. n 4a / TapT.aP_ T _ _ r-r.—I 0 o ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AY( C7 ALL FIGURES ME NET FREE AREA (u 143 SQ. FT. AREA / 30D = 69 SD. IN, VENT AREA REDuaE0 GABLE VENT I AT 118 I16 SQ. N. 0i LAW VENT 1 AT 47 = 47 S0. N. ti TOTAL VENTMTM I RONDED- 165 Sa !L FT7 r>7 0 Z WxIE' GL LOUYFRo ATTIC VENT "II 2'x2' AB04f 6' TRW AT L 4' TRW AT LL_ Am 2*.7, LOw iTPoY AT SILL cm 3 � � � Cl7 TDR - II—�s� \ 70P TCP IIIIIIIIIIL Fti Q cc LiJ 0- CD CS O cu O In 6i O Cf] m 0 0 Z L L.L_ Cn 3 ru rp r � BEDROOM #2 ------ ----- NlLLL BEL[RY J 1 7 7-s' tYP. BOARD O laiL W-VMA r' -T eta MWn L 7 I SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. 'B' SCALE: Ile - r-D• BEDROOM #2 �I s wAu aaow J GYP. BM OVER IJ WOW SNW AT 4T A. SOFFIT AT r-O- A.F.F. LOFT UTIL T(—as ir-0' G4 MM VADI MASTER BEDROOM IT-c CLL CARKI .. A MASTER BEDROOM N-r as CMKI ;;dl X&GE Q w EZ x 0 0 ry Nt v [T'i n cri c*� 0 0 z L TL C71 3 V TOP, ROOF PLAN 'r TR01 OHM 4• mug GL R,t9a,G AT AU W �! • W000 9A ROOF TO WAIL TYP. U.Ha --- WTUUCTM� M,S Ter. W. W WOM RARE Ter. uxa _ T.O P}II� FOP. ii F IT1P F Lu a Y O d O cu to Ln CTi CD CT7 CY] Q 7 C) L LL. Q� 3 a UP CD - r Li 7 O TOP M E_ LLJ 12 i Y O Ell v 0 E*7 C� CD 9 CD Z L LL t QT 73 U a) to 5 T.O.P. F.r. 6 SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: ,/4•.,•-e ATTIC VENTILATION AAAfN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 1151 SG. FT. AREA / 300 - 537 S7. M. VENT AREA REWIRED 1, •O1HApH CLOAIfED PENT TIE' NON PEIING GALY STL. CABLE VFT1T 2 AT 216 - 4.12 50. Rl, VENTS, VEIHIFY LOCATION NTH STRUCMEAL ENtiNLER. CAW ANTS 6 AT 47 - 287 SO. N SEE ROOF %ENT CAL/L�'FOR REQUIRED MiA1BFR TOTAL VENTILATION PRO DCD- 714 so. N 1 3 L/2' 22 31r NON 51�RUC4ALV. SE EAV ATTIC VENMATION ROOF AT USE IURAL EN1,9 SEE ROOF �aVENT FjIL4' FOR NEOLRiDD NDLHR. ALL nGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 143 Sa Fr. AREA / 3DO = 69 50. IN. 'ANT AREA REOURED S 50% OF RE REWIRED VFHTLAIM SHALL BE PROVIDED BY CABLE VENT 1 AT 215 - 216 50. W, VENTRATLOCATED INTE UPPER PORTION OF THE ATTIC DRS FAVE VENT 1 AT 47 a 47 AND AT I MT THREE FEET ABOVE THE EAVE AND GABLE TOTAL VE]lTUTON PROVIDED- 267 SO. Ru. YENTS. I.D,P 6. 3 M AT HEAD, 4' TRY AT AM AND SRl W. U.N.O. 0• TRY AT NIAD, 4• TI AM® YY sLL " 24 woos smim — 2'-o' DS DS DS - pg — — — — — — ------------- � }}NN I }} I� f RIX>: RACE o'\ Ds SS�OKN oewu L OS to Iz 14 I2 DS 1 .. ROOF PLAN B' IEmI O KA41 4' IB'NJO' Cl. LOINFAEDI.. 13 SCALE.I/6'=1 O' SILL YRI00 SIN ATTIC VENT NTH 6•5 TTP. UIH.O. ------ TRY AF HEAD WI H SILLSHAPED TRIM AT .L \ \ I.O.P. \ T.Op T O.P. I=F=l T I cr L11 m Y O O O tU CID 1U Q' O CT Y In O 7 O Z L LL- a �1 To rl] CAJ it 1i-r i (2) to IR 6 CL LWYEPEO SCREENED m CDk4MTM APR YEJNTS IWTNW 12' U LER➢RG AND FLOUR 1B PIPE __,,Y I D-1 BaiARD� I 1E� -----LW OF SEOM s 1 lRE/11FR FLOOR ABDYE EIECTPoCAI SUB-PANLL._....- I APPLY S/B� 1YPE 'R' W. W.70 0_ I WALLS, CFI N1G Nil ALL SUPPORNIG T NFLHAR RS AT GAGE AGAOING ALL NAHTABLE AWAS. (APPLY DOUBLE LAYER i WAX FRAWIG EXCEEDS I O.C.). I REFER TO OENIM NOTES FOR I NRRTNWAL REUMEMENITS. GARAGE I ry ------------ I I I COW STOOP W-Y m iTRI1CTURE D-7 D-7 R---a 36'X76' SOF:IT AT E -D' I 6056 A r STOOP IRE OF GAB. ABOVE 4DWSL 2A6 STUD WALL— 1/2' GYP. BOARD ovEx 1 PLYWDOO ' I (2) 14 X 6 Q. LOWERED SCREENED y, I cOLLBUSTNIN Alt VENTS VATNEFI 12' or SEAT A 2D' A.FF. I COM NO FIOGB SWnT ABY. GO. D.W. SOFFIT AT B'-O'er ---I -- - - - - - - 16' BmOLLNm CNAILIS , KITCHEN, A2 2 BRKFST. I geWAtEB 1 IEA,FA D'-or CU. ' YL 9-G' LLG 3 -SLM 21/2' j 'u 3'-IY S-C QARAGE 51�1BC-P� I I APPLY 6/B' WEIII'IC MP. BD. TD D- PANW i WALLS, CEIIFIC ALp All SUPPDRr1NG ' + m r; N[►IBEILS Af cAR IE: Ao,loEmNc Au a NAPITABLE AREASI (APPLY BWBIE LAYER _ _ P rr L F— CZ w d -F i Y CD E:) LC7 O frI m CD CD z LL • ED Tp Ell cu x T.O.P PIASTER SDFTIT to .i a F.F. SIDE ELEVATION DS SCAIEL, 1/4•=Y-a' ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION_ NOTES ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA T201 SD. FT. AREA / WO - 57fi SO. IN. VENT AREA REOuRFD 1 USE 'OTU N CLUM PENT 1RE� NON PEaM GALV Sk. O`HAON VENTS 3 AT 100 NIo Gn W. VENTS. VERRY LOCATPOR NITH STRUCRM fNC4FFlR. EAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 • 329 SQ W. SEE ROOF VENT Mr FOR REDUMFD H ARFA TOTAL VENTAATION PRONGED- 629 SO. N. 2- USE 3 1//2,y 1 22 31W NON PEEEPNG Cxv STL CAVE ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF Al GARAGE VENTS. 9FAFr LOCATION VATH SEFRICnR11 NCRAEEA. ALL FIGIRES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROOF SENT CLLG FOR REMMED NUMIDL 79 SO. FT. AREA / 5O0 yet SO. W. VENT AREA REOUIRED 1 5OS OF RE REOUREO VENTLARDN STALL 4E PROAM BY GABLE VENT t AT 200 - 200 SO. N. vDnLAiT2i5 LOCATED EP THE. TIPPER PwnaN OF RN: ATRE SAVE ANT I AT 47 = 47 SO. N. AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE EASE AND GABLE TOTAL VPNTLATION PROKDM- 247 SO. W. VENTS. T.QP. uE OF TERM '4b ZZ11jI` f ROLE o El Eli r I y_ owN -.E 6/1z w DO 6 WN Y 6 !2 g "}hee r 'I L c�, .4 ROOF PLAN G.L OMET SIDDIE e B 1. e TIP. ]. )- O'EE OFFIT y. DOF LNE 4_ MINK 111E S. EAVE } EAK OGEE COTTER AND DOWNSPOUT C WN AT HEM r WOE AT Su w/ 3 [O cu LC? H LiJ Y O O CU V di O Ci tT7 C? 7 L • Q1 3 SO M • cu. I �Flr-, I 1 I BEDRM. #3 e'-0• u GRPLE !I REdI. BEDRM. #2 C, Me BATH GARAGE e'-D•AG. I CARPET Lr ------- fjIRPET 1 I -N 7` 7 7 SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. '0' SUM 1/4• - -D- I BEDRM. #3 I •I• g-D• ac. 1 I CAR I�� L_ CHASE BEDRM. #2 1 e'-D• as. M, BATH GMPLt I •C• 1/2. GYP DDARD 0�4R I/f FARPL7 PLY11M SFW A7 2r AF.F. GARAGE L--------------- Imo FG 2mo FG 2M s SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: I/4•=I'-O• ATTIC ,VENTILATION MAIN ALL F1GMES ARE NET FREE AREA ROOF 1201 S0. FT. AREA / .300 = 576 SO. N. VENT AREA REo111RED D'HAM VENTS 3 AT 1DO - 300 SO. Ri EAVE VENTS : 7 AT .7 329 5O. N. TOTAL VENTMAMN PROAIOED. 629 So. N. TTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE ALL POPES ARE NEl FREE AREA 79 S4- Ft AREA / 150 75 SO. N. VENT AREA REgwRFD EAVE VENTS 2 AT 47 - R4 SO. N. TOTAL VENTRA00N PROVDED. 94 s4 N. ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF ALL FNGURES ARE NET FREE AREA AT PORCH 49 so. FT. AREA / 150 47 SO. N. VENT AREA RTOLIIRED EAVE VENT 1 AT 47 - 47 SCL N. TOTAL VENTEATIOR PROVVEP� 47 So. N. I to-n' GA CHa SADDLE In ROOF VENTILATION NOTES L USE'DTiAON CLOAKED VENT TW NON PEELM OAlY. STL VETI 141GF'! LOCADON WTR STRUCRAM ENGUM. SEE 1EN7 CALC. FOR REOVRED NL%413L 2. 115E 3 I/Y if 22 3/E• NON PEMM GALY. STL WE MEt11� 4ERFY LOW1 M1TR sIRUC1IML CNQIF.EP. SEE kOOF 1ENT CALL. FOR REGIREC MILIffIt S WX OF THE REG WO i0WATLEFI %Wl BE PRDYM BY THE UPPER PORMN OF THE AND AT LEAST THREE IFEETT ADM THE ME " GA$E ATTC VENTS FOP O'HAGYf VENT TTP_ ROOF PLAN sruE t/e=t'-o 4- rRll AT IIEAB 4• TRW AT SILL R/ LOP, 4• TNN O.N.O. — Q w CL Y 0 0 O CV Lf7 CV Ltl O C:) 7 O Z L L.L_ Q1 3 03 cu LC] T.Q9 T.QP T" I- 12 2 LL) k Y C:) CD O Cl3 LL-7 Ln Lb CD CT] CD Z LL cp 3 u CD a F.F. W.P. 9 F.F. T.O.P. O Z LLLJ•I j j F.F. F.F, T.4P - _ z - -3 •i pp. •I F F.F. FF. SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: I/4%l'-O' ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL HGUHES ARE NET ME AREA 1227 90. FT. AREA / 3DO � 569 SC, IN VENT AREA REQUIRED I, USE •O)NAM4 CLOAKED VENT TFF NOT PEELimG GALY. STL VMAON VENTS 3 AT 100 . 300 SD. N. VFNNTS. YFRFY LOCATIW RIM STM1C1511iA1 FNGNEflt. EhVE VENTS 7 AT {) - !29 S0. w. ROLE VENT CA{. Eql REOUIED NUIIBEA. TOTAL VENTILATION PRD'ADEO- 579 50. N, Z USE 3 12' % 22 !/� NON PtIlll'G GALY. SR fAVE ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE 1ENT5. �� LOCAf101t MM STMICTURAL DITNM ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE R" VW CALrNUMBER.. FOR REOUIRED NUMBER. 79 S0. FT. AREA / 300 - 3N SO IN. VENT AREA REQUIRED a 50.S OF i E R(OIAREP vami.IRON SHALL RE PROVOED RY GABLE VENT ENT CAVE V T AT 200 - 200 I AT TT = 47 S0, N. S0. N: MNT ATORS LOCATDI IN THE UPPTR PORnON OF THE ATTIC AED AT LEAST TIWEE FEET ABOVE THE LAVE AID GABLE TOTAL YENTLATION PROMDE➢- 247 SO *. VINTS LINE OF FEN D'HAGIN VENT TYP, DS U59.6- ROOF PLAN IB-O- SCAlE: 16-%!0' ARCHED TOP G.I. G. LOUVERED ATTIC VENT W/ B' o i Al B' TRIM At HEAD W. TRBA AT HEAD AND SHAPED TRw 4' TRIM AT 9LL W AT SILL W/ 18'.60' WOOD (1 SHUTTERS Gt. CHIMNEY SADDLE 2xS WDOD RAKE TYP. UN.v. T 0.P. TOP T.O.P. d w >S z t 1 Ti T.OP T.OP. l-- H s E_L LLJ d E } O 1 O jr C'u cn O a � 0 y S o F Z f 1 EFAt SL �_�..... ... --»__ SELL ClIAY � JO FG 1 R ! 1S- -- TECH k w.I L' 1R A IS ` I'}iA9E �sy v cm �I W.I.C. 1 CMIP «I BEDRM. #2 M. BEDRK W.I.C. i x-r Aa CARPI B'-D" CLS B'-G' 0.L:. rulPEr k CAAPCE ry ' I c: PROM CAW OPENC 2ABB is , SOFFIT AT T-D• Arr. BEDRM. #3 AND SHOPCAADE A/B PLYNB DOOR R/ "AB'-D' FlN. LIITC I I NECK CHASE ' A Cur a G. ET DOW PM7 L _ 5 1Rh I 61 2'-A' Yn Sr 6._8. SOFFIT AT 3WO TM/SRMR T-O" AF.F. SOFFlE AT R/ANTABF ROD O A OFF. My CLASS I r - EN0.0� 2668 111_� F.AU. a ♦3r HIM E) = L o SHMU PAN M/ TR.E TOG At F-V a'-O' AG 32 ' N 3 ns wm AA 3 E) BA—. R ovu Trir3 o M. BATH 3 ' I e-D ss GARP, RG. -F' CA.11ol SH r 1 y e T 1 lexlf' .kT 2M ACCESS TEW. 2 FURRpVT kT UMM LM YECIL A•-Icr I I SOT Al NI ODR I I T_p-FFIAF.F. g I g IN I I ~ I I BEDRM. #4 F 1 A'-O" CM L I 1 I CARPET SOFFIT AT Y-O' A.TI. 1 I i I I I I I I I I I20S SH 2W 9I� Ir I I t I I L � L I I I 1 { 11 F� , t ;-S -1..-Ir I `• + { 6-2' T IO' . IA•-O. i'14 T-d 3'-O" Y-O' IRE OF CABPETS AWE SOFFIT ADM CAWTS AT fr-O' DINING RM. 9'-V = CARPET LIVING RM 1 I � J I IOPTIOIIAL PRE-fAB 1EEAL I I ACAS MERACE DVT I� ^ IBr 'AIPWOR` %M I IRBy-3MM - ACLA. II :JG2970DtS OR EQUAL ARTH Ij � II I7LE HFAR7HJS11RROIRq I Y-B" . z'-IC E Y-IW 1-- f— H Q LJJ 7 177L k Y O Q CiD 011 r— Ln 4 LT1 IT T o y CD Z H B" TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT JAMB AND SILL WITH 24"K36" WOOD SHUTTER 11 F.F. METER PANEL ANO COMBUSTION AIR - OPTIONAL BRIGS VENTS VENEER LOCATION AT B"y AT HEAD LOT 138 ONLY 4" TRIM AT JAM13 8' TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT SILL AND 8' 7RIM AT HEAP t!` TR JAMB MTH 18"K36" 4' TRIM AT 9L1, TRM WOOD SHUTTERS VMTH 1B"%BO" JAMB 1Y000 SHUTTERS WOW GARAGE SIDE ELEVATION SCAM' 1/4"4-0' ATTIC VENTILATION MON ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FNA.RES ARE NET FREX AREA 1319 S4 FT. AREA / 3GO 633 SQ. N VENT AREA REOIARED I. USE'O'NACA1 CLOAKED VENT TEE' W% PEELNG GALV. STL OHAGN VENTS 4 AT IM - 400 SO, IN, VHITS, VFRFY LOCATION VAIN STRUCTURAL ENOBM. EAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 .. 329 s4. IN. SEE ROOF VENT CALG FOR REO!JM NUWU. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED— 729 S0. IN. 2 USE J 1/2" T 22 3/B" NOy PEQRIG GALV. SIL SAVE YEN vERSY AT1DN "'� SAL E"� ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROOF VENT CALL FON REOUIRED NWBFR. 182 SO. FT. AREA / 150 175 SO W. VENT AREA RLMAREG S SOi OF Rff REQUIRED VEA A,ION SHALL BE PROYM BY EAVE VENTS a AT 47 - 1813 SO. IN, VENTILATORS LOCATED INTHE NPPFR PGRIIM OF THE ATTIC AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE EAW AND QMXE TOTAL VENTILATION PROWLED- 188 SQ. IN, VEXES. D" TRM AT HEAD 4 THM AT JAMB AND SILL MTI4 — — 24"%6O" WOOD SHUTTER i B" TRIM AT HEAD B" WTRIM AT HEAD 4" TRIM AT 9LL 4 TRIM AT SILL MTH TB"A60" MTH 24'X6O' WOOD SHUTTERS WOSHUTTERS OPTIONAL CHIMNEY VATH G.I. CRICKET AND SADDLE I.D.P. T,O.P, HEIR. al al 2A8 WOW RAKE TYP. U.N.O. F.F. F. TO,P, TO,P. — _ HM d I � 0 B" RAKE Os — TYP, U N_0, os O'HAGIN Os 1 VENT TYP. ❑ S G.I, I 0- TYP + CRICKET(& I DON El 6I17 RIDGE AND SADDLE I i 672 I 1 12" CAVE ❑ — TYP. U.N.O. DSOS Dam BUILDING 6%12 LINE METAL ROOF II I ROUE LINE E MTH PATINA I FINISH o I I OCEE GUTTER 4 2 I T9 8a I AND � SPouTs Y I�S ------ DS os — — — — — — os < ROOF PLAN I I 7 D QI n TOP— T T.O.P. IR Tm T AA H E_ m LLJ a Y O d O Eli [Zl CFI 7 0 Z .ti L lL r Ql T� U ❑3 i0 8' TRIM A7 HEAD 8" TRIM AT HEAD 8• TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT JAA6 4' TRIM AT JAMB 4• TRIM AT JAMB AND SHAPED TRIM AND SILL MITH AND SELL WMTH AT SILL WITH 24X36' WOOD 24X36' WOOD 18"X60" WOOD SHUTTER SHUTTER SHUTTERS r:r �3 I�LC� F.F. METER PANEL COY13US110N AIR LOCATION AT YNTS B' TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT SILL MATH 24'XW WOOD SHUTTERS T.O.P. _ IDR z 2X8 WOOD RAKE TYP. U.N.O. i m F.F. F.F. T.O,P.— NOR. d 0 F.F. F.F. 2 8' RE 2X2 ABOVE B' TRIM AT- TYP UKNO HEAD 4' TRtM AT JAMB LOT 11B GILT 95 AND SILL TYP. D,",°. 2X2 ABOVE B' GARAGE SIDE ELEVATION — OS TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRRM AT JAMB SUED 1/4'.I'-D' — — — •� •-' "'� •� "� •"• T — T — O'HAGIN Or 1 I VENT T'P. ATTIC VENTILATION MIAIIM ROOF VENTILATIONI $ TrP, G.I. A11 FIGURES ARE MET ERLi AREA 1319 SO. FT. AREA / 300 6]] Sa RR. ANT AREA REOJPED — OHAaN VENTS 4 AT Im . 400 SO. IN. I. USE'DNASINN CLOAKED VEN1 1E.E' NPI PEETJIHG GALV. m I pWp1 - RIDGE CRICKETe AND SADDLE EAYE YNTS 7 AT 47 329 s0. IM. VENTS. VERIFY LOCATION MAIN STRUCT1RMl ENGINEER. SEE ROOF VENT Mr FOR REOIIREO NUIDEA. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVDm- 729 SO. IN. 2 usE 1 I/2 X 22 Sf8• NON PF£UNG GALY. SAL EAVE OPTIONALIw TYP. 6 ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE YE11f� vFNFY 1pCAlXN 1MTk STRUCTURAL FJNINELt gE R" vmt CALr- FOR NEOURED NUMBER. C141UNE`T I 3E I \ - S ALL FILIWEME NET FREE AREA ET -8 CLOWN 1NL2 SO. FT, AREA / ISO a 175 50. 9{ VENT AREA IiE0UBE0 I SOS O' THE AEpAREO VENTIATION SNAIL BE PROVIDED BY CRICKET CRICKET .S 6/52 EAVE VENTS 4 AT 47 a 180 SO. IN_ VEIITRATORS LOCATED RL THE UPPER POTION K THE ATTIC AND I v 1 Ir EAVE AM AT LEAST THREE FELT ABOVE T1E EAVE AM GAME Yfj;M SADDLE - Tw U.N.p_ TOTAL VENRURON PROVIDED- 1B5 50. IN. ❑ DS �DAN BUILDING S I 6/i2 I LINE METAL ROOF ROOF LINE NTH PATINA FINISH 2 y$ I OCEE DS GUTTER INS I AND DOWNSPOUTS METAL ROOF WITH I TW_ PATINA F1Nlg1 8' TRIM AT HEAD B' TRIM AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT SILL — AND SLLAT JAMB COVEREDRCO ECESSII 1' DEEP IJ D01M1 i5 )0^ I — --- v 1B•X6O• WOOD SHUTTERS 6 /12 c 6 T2 , �f I Ds L _. _ _ -- — — 8" TRIM AT HEAD 2X2 ABOVE B•4" ROOF PLAN TRIM AWWTHMB ;S'-T• ._I• TRIM AT HEAD AND SILL I SHAPED TRIM AT I { 2CMD' WOOD I SEE WITH WX60' SCALE: I/8'-1'-O' SHUTTERS r WOOD SHUTTERS T.O.P. _ T_o.P_ 1.0 P. _ j��� F-- Q cr L1J a 0 0 0 cu IT 0 Ri �i M 0 y Cl z L L.L. DUM 9' LM cr- LLJ cl- O 1Z) 0 (V ClJ V tll I ir1 m 0 a O Z I QT 3 T� ro I ET Q 6' TRW AT HIM 4- TM AT SILL AND AM w/ 24'.60' 'ROOD BHI1f1ER - I.O.P. T.aP T-QP_ - HDR. tu ® •1 2 -4 Ff. Fi. I.F. 1.OP. T,0.➢ T.0.P._ _ I 1 SIDE ELEVATION SCALE T/4'-v-0' ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN RODE ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FIGURES ARE NET TREE AREA 1315 so. FT. AREA / 30u - 631 90. IN. VENT AREA RrWRED L USE 'D.HAGN CLOAKED VENT TIE' NON PFFIING GALV. 51L F.ARLE VENT 1 AT 207 .. RE su R. VENTS, YERIFY LOCATION YAM STRUCTURAL INOWEEH. M ANTS EAVE VENTS 2 AT 100 - 20D 7 AT 47 - 329 SO, N. so. R. SEE ROOF VENT CALL FOR REQUIRED REMHR. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED- 736 61, 2. USE 3 1/2' A 22 !/6' "ON PFIIHIG GALY. 5TL LAVE ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT_CARAGE 1EKRts, {fRIFy LOCA7KY1 YAM S7ntJL ITAL ENGINEER. SEE RDDF YENT CALC. FAR REIMR D NUMBER. Att Flc11RE5 ARE NET TREE AREA 247SC. FT. AREA / 150 - 236 SO. IN. VENT AREA REQURM 3 5M OF THE REQUIRED VENTI.ARON SHALL BE PROVIDED DY D'NAM VENTS 3 AT T00 = 3M YENTWORS LOCATED N DIE HIPPER PORTION OF THE ATTIC AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE SAVE AND CABLE VENTS. TOTAL VENTLAT30N MOWED- 3DO SO. w_ ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT LOWER ROOF ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 2I SO. FT. AREA / 150 - 20 S0. 1N. VENT AREA REQUIRED EAVE VENTS I AT 47 - 47 SQ M. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDEO- 47 SD. w, 6' TRIM AT HEAD 4- TRIM AT HEAD AND 4'TRW AT Ell AND JAMBS 4' TRIM ABOVE JAMBS W/ 24.42' 2"xf TRW AT SL L %OClD SHUTTERS � — — — 1 if EAYE -3 1w. p5 I I4P2 4/12 011AON VENT TT � I I g10GE ROOF LKNE I�n 63 I BIRORG LINE53 ii I B 2 B' -3 TIT L_ - ooAN ooTMI _ - 4%12 N17 5 B H{P HIP _! OIAI�TTER ' ti ❑ I \ — AND DOMMSPAI7 _ B3 'N _ I DOWN 8 L--------� 5 - ROOF PLAN SCAB I/B'-I-O" Q w CL Y SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. 'B' SCALE: v.- . V-T FIRST FI SOLL. 1/4' - r-o- O O O C'V LO O n c5 c*i m 0 a 0 z L Ll- 7 17.0, P. �lI � nLr=� TOP TAR _ 0 0 0 Cu O O &i rr) O 0 Z L Li CD 7r rp CT7_ im PARTIAL GARAGE ALT. ELEV. 'C' SCALE: I/4' - V-0' PARTIAL GARAGE ALT. ELEV. 'B' SCAL. I/A' - V-0' R---r S7R73CIURL 1�41DI RB B 1 B -7 7 (2) 14 X 6 6L LOUVERED SCREENED 1A6 STUD WALL. COMBUSTION AN YEAS MLTHN 12" OF I CEBANC AND FLOOR E I GARAGE I I n SLOPE 2 1/2, I APPLY 5/B' TYPE -X CYP. BD. TO WAI.LS� CUBNG AND ALL S1IPPOR7NC WE3NBER5 AT GARAGE AOJCININC All HABITANI AALAS, (APPLr D0.1AE LAYER I WHERE FAA" ❑IGEEDS ib' 0 C.). I REFER 10 OEERAL NOTES FOR I AOCITIONAL REQUIZENERTS. 3fi�176" (2) 14 R 6 GJ. LW ENO SUCENED / COMIS➢ON AIR VENTS p1HN 12' OF CUBING AND R)DaR ly r� 16 PIPE D-1 BOl1AR0 GARAGE R WATER D-1 HEATER OHMS AT EDT N ONLY UF�FR STAIRS: PROVIDE I'RE 'X GYP BD AT APPLY 5/B" TYPE 'IC CYP. BD. 10 WALLS Alm CBLIIG'-- WAll$ CEILING AND ALL SUPPORTING Sm WF1AM AT CARAGE ADJONNTIG ALL 7 PAa HABITABLE AREAS, (APPLY DO)BLE LAYER YAIERE FRARRNG EXCEEDS Ir O.C.} AM TD CDC14 NOTES FOR ADDT[NAL W211I.1LENTS, RRO'ADE��AIS C— DRCNG ROOM 9 -0 0.G CARPET I, SOFTYT—/ 2R6 STUD E_ LZ w 7 d Y O O O EV cu 0 m ET] Ca 7 0 z L LL i CD fD CD m. ft e TM AT HEMi TNN AT AM AND SIIT. W/ IY.W WOOD SHUTTERS T,OP_ TAP TAP. TOP. _ t LLLJE b e F.F. _ -3 F.F. Ff. T.OP.— IDR UK OF FENCE SIDE ELEVATION stALE 1/i -Y-o' ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FaiKs ARE NET FREE AREA ljao SO. FT. AREA / 3O0 662 S0. RL YENT AREA RETAARED I- ug 'DNAM CLOAKED VE41 TLE' NON PmAIC GALV. STL O'HAGIN VENTS 4 AT 100 - 400 SD. IN. VENTS, YEAFY LOCAnow VATH STRUMMAL ENI7NEER. CAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 - 319 so N. SEE ROOF VENT FALL. FOR REOUNED NUWBER. TOTAL VENTILATION PNOWOED- 729 SO. Y. 2 USE } 1/2' I( 22 3/8' NON PE[LNlG GALY. STL TAPE VENTS, YEPoFY 4AGTIDN WITH SIRIICIUPFL EIGINEEA. SEE MOF YETI GILL f01! BEDEWED XUYaER_ 3- Sn OF THE R(WM VENTWATDN SMALL BE PROADED 8Y yENTiATOM LOCATED N THE uPPEI PORTION OF TE ATTIC AID AT LEAST 7HM FEET ABOVE THE EAVE AND CAKE VENM W TRY AT WF 94APED TOM A 24i@0' WOW TAP. C Tm AT SW WO00 TI' TRY vu W/ %fj"o OTTAGN YCRT RE TTP. - 05 DS SOS I I Sm ROOF LNE NgDNGI 6/12 a ND DOHN B/i2 EA O 5 I _ LtT fi AM — — — , OWN.- �1 DOWN IDOWNSPE 6/12 /12 G1. cm - SIB ,FY1 DS SAME TI' RAKE TYP. — — — U.NO. OS DS ROOF PLAN ' EAV SCALE I/8'=I,_O' 7A8 WOOO FASCIA YIN 5' OGEE GUTRFS AND DOM91OUTS T1P.— 8- TRY O HEAD 4' OVER W/ SHAPED TRY SILL W/ I1f.W0 WOW SMY."S FLASHNG AT ALL V TO WAIL T.D.P. MSFCDONS (T) - — - 0.PI T.O.PIBM - r\ IEEE.' ARCH S UTI 0 0 0 cu rn m m 0 m m 0 a 0 z L LL Q1 b N �I LO UP, T.O.P H cc rr L.0 0- Y O O O [U V LC7 t• O C�7 m O 7 C] Z L.L. ra ro Lo Nr BEDROOM #3 K-a' = W(KI BEDROOM #3 0 -a• ac. OFRKT L- -----IMS - - eat��v SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. `Sw SCAU; 1/C - 1'-9' BEDROOM a-, B'-a' ac. MASTER BEDROOM CAWET I I I 1 f -�I BOOR ABY. EO70 SF�OT. GNi. dt _ I --I 2 d 113 sZ Y CD O Q EL O (�Yi O E*7 c-I m 0 a 0 Z L Tl_ LT a) • ET7_ TF* CLL CIUIMEF MEN MEN ■E■ ■■E SIDE ELEVATION SCALE. i ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FXMWS ARE NET FREE AREA 1380 So. FT. AREA / 3DO - 662 SO. W. VENT AREA REUMm 1, DSE'DHAGIN CLOAKED VENT TER- NON PFFLNG CALM. STL OiOtpN AN 4 AT WO - 400 SD Ix, yENF& VEUry LOCM An NTH STRuClAAL @N2REER SAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 379 SO. IN. SEE ROOF VENT GLZ FOR REWP.EO NuuBER. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED- 729 So. N. L ME 3 1/2' A 22 3/8' NGN PEELM GAILY. STL EAH %IrllT£ wm LocAnoN NTH SPWTURAL ENGINEER. ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT PORCH A FlCAJRES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROTE VENT OIL FOR REQUIRED NWBEIL 149 SO, FT. AREA / 150 143 so. PL VENT AREA REOUREA 3. SOIL OF THE REOLIIRED VETIMLATgN $HALL BE PROVM B7 CAVE VENTS 4 AT 47 - 198 so. IN. YENTLATORS LOCATED N THE UPPER POR11TM1 OF THE ATTIC ATA AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE 7W FAME AND GME TOTAL YMLATIO14 PROVIDED.. 1Be SO. RI. � T.OP. 4' TR WWD TOP T.DP FF. 4' 11AF AT HEAD 4' IM mm AI Su W/ 24-Ci1' WOOD SHUTTERS O'HAI>el WXY REAR ELEVAi OS DS SCA1L I/4'-I'-C �Ie ROOF LINE 4 DOWN2 fi/t2 I--] ❑ ❑ DOMN DIWLR7G LINE 1 12' TTP. -fi EAVE ROOF ROOF I '. OTHERSS, 2 AA NINE r 5 6/12 I � SHOW. gg DDU GLUIER 3. PROVIDE G.I OAND 4 PROVIDE G.I 6 AOYAI�WT S. CONTRALTO CODES iWt CL CINEI' E6 O_YM oowN — SADDLE e. A5 SHO5AJ T 2 6/12 2 a DS — — Ds T.OP S^ 2-- J05 B'RUE -fi TTP. U.IED. ROOF PLAN SCALE: I/e'=T-0' 2Ae TI000 rAS13A NTH 5' ME WTIEAS AND 4' TRIM AT HEAD 4' OONMVW 11P� MU AT SRL W/ IB',EO' WOOD SHATTERS T.OP. O O O T:U m m 0 m 0 ca z C— LL. A O7 cY7� Lo F- �-L Q is W Y 0 C7 C? CIJ Cxl m Is 0 CT] C7 0 Z L.L. 01 3 U lu M. in F.F_ T f.O.P. SIDE ELEVATION SCALP L/4'=1-a' ATT1C VFNIIL.ATION EIAAEN HOOA ROOF VENTILATION NOTES A1L FIa1RE5 ARE NET EREE AREA t3B05O. FT. AREA / 30O 662 Sa. UA VENT AREA REOURED 1. USE CLOAKED "T Ur NON PEELNG CALY. STL 014AQN VENTS 4 AT too - 400 SO IN- YEN Y LOCATION VATN STRUCTURAL FNGIN ER VEWF SAYE VENTS 7 AT 47 - 3212 so. IN. SEE ROOF VENT MC. FOR REW M NOYBER. TOTAL VENTILARON PROVIDED- 729 Sa. W. 2, USE 3 1/2' II 22 3/8 N.tlr PF.EUNC GALY. S1L FAYE SEATS, VERIFY LOCATION ATH STRUC7LIRAL ENGINEER sa RD6 SENT GI.C. FOR REOUMEA MMER. 3. 50S or IIE REOUIREO SENTRATION SHALL BE PRONOFD BY YERTBATORS LOCATED N THE uPM PORTION OF TILE ATTIC AND AT LEAST 11BEF FEET ABOVE Wt SAYE AND CABLE YI NIS A" TRIP AT HEAD POT5IELF A7 SILI 1B' w ram SF T.O.P. T.Dr f.F. ULF FJ". T.OA 4' I M SURROVBO w/ 24'.3C WOO SNUM B' TWA All MEN AT SLL B/ In WOW SMTIERS LM L B' TRW AT If AO 4' AT 6L w/ 24K54' WOOD SHUTTERS 1111EN PERT REAR TV. DS DS SCALE 1/4'=I'-( L ROOF LINE 0 BUILDING Lill RUCE ~'O t 12' TIP, � Dorn+ s/Iz I [AYE oloa�CA {I 62 5 I cum rM / AD DONIYPWT 2 wN < DO o tr L CIEBEY � — a5 4/I2 14/12 — ..- -- SAX DS RAKE TTP. — U.NO. D5 S DS i ROOF PLAN SCALE: DIa WOW TAMA MM B' TRL AT READ 4' TRN AT 5' UGEE CUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS TIP. SBL w/ IB'M60' WDW SHMERS OVER WOOD POTSIEIF Fd If TFAI AT MEW 4' T AT Sri w/ IlrAOr WOOD 51 S11fIER5 TLA9919 AT ALL W- FL VINO AT AIL ROOF SO 6 MOOD OF TO WALL WALL NIERSECIMS (TIP.) SNHIDVBOAM TRSECTIONS (TW.I WOW RA QP T.OP. _ ri i E cr LU 9 0 0 0 cv Elo r-i rn 0 y 0 z r. L W SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. 'C' st+f- +!: - r-o- FIRST FLOOR PLA W.&F, I/{' - ; -0' ff LLJ L- i Y 0 4 O CV Q c� TT7 O 7 CD L Ll- cn ` 3 U U m� to v r TOM AT HEAD 4' TRIM 6` If4IM AI MEAD 4 TRIM AT SILL W/ I8'40' W= AT SILL AND JAMS W/ SHUTTERS 2L'ACO' YIODD SHUTTERS 1 f■■I 0 1 a MEN � N� • � ■� ■® ME .� ■■ i �� >m..® �•• �i° 1 Eli e ■■ 6' TRIM AT FEUD 4' 7RPJ— AT AL AND JAMES SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4'=I'-0' ATTIC VENTILATION WAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 1750 SO ET. AREA / 300 - 640 SO. N. VENT AREA REQUIRED I. USE 'O'HAGN Q OAKEA SENT TILE' NOTE PEEL NC GALV. STL O'HAON VENTS S AT 100 . SOD SO N. ANTS. VERIFY LDGTH14 TRTH STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. EATS VENTS 9 AT 47 423 SO, N. SEE ROOF VENTCARD FORK(P 10 NUMBER. TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED- 923 `+O. IN. 7 USE 3 1/27 x 22 31W NOW PEELING DALV. STL. EAVE 0"IEFA. ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARACE RENTS, WJWY LouTM MTH STRUCTURAL Si ROMF HINT CALL FOR REED NUMBER , ALL iIGlMES ARE NET FREE AREA lD so FT. AREA / ISO 67 SO. M VENT AREA NEUA4ED 1 5a OF THE KCIU10 LENIAAAON SAL. BE PROVIDED BY LAW VENTS 2 AT 47 - 94 SO IN VENTLATORS LOCATED N THE LPPER PORTION OF IF[ ATTIC BO AMC AT LEAST THREE FEET AVE IK EAW Am CABLE 1EHi TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED- 94 SO. IN. 9' TRIM AT FEAR 4' - TRM AT SAL W/ 24'150' NJ00 SLITTERS Ir TRW AT HEAD 4' TRIM AT SLL AND JAVBS W/ 24'A60' W" SLITTERS DI ..r.. . ` . PROVIE A TOWIED-ON MOMFED BITUMEN MRDF16AYMENT AT ROOF/ VALETS Be" RG1LWA ROOF. ON SLOPES LESS THAN 4' I FulaN@ PER 12'. USE SWERtD -- ❑ YAM FLADW4S I FORMED M THE SLOPE ALL SOLDER JW4TS LUST D0A71 BE CONIRIIJ0US AFID I { El6•'-•12 WAT07M. VALLEYFLASIWCS , MUST BE I '� a CAREFULLY FORM TO ALL SURFACES. „ DOWN f ODIMH I ROOF PLAN RDR 2'A2' TIFIP LIVER r Timl AT READ rxr 1RN BELOW C FRY AT SILL A' Troy AT .IAMBS r.r DRIP DYER 6' TRW AT NM i.2' THIN BELOW 4' TRY AT SILL 4' TRN AT AALRiS E' IM AT HM r.r 6' 11i•1 AT NEAU Y.Y nm1 BELOW 4- TRY AT TM BELOW 4' TREA AT SILL W/ WNW WOOD SILL 4' VM AT JAMBS W/ SHUTTERS 2i>EO' WOOD SHUnE S IOU MR I 46 I o I I I ! SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: I/4'cl'-T ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FlOVRES ARE NET FREE AREA I T5o SO. FT. AREA / ]DO . W S4 N_ VENT AREA REQUIRED 1. USi •ONACN CLOAKED VENT TIE' NON PEOM GALV. SIL O'HAGINvEmrs 5 AT 423 MNM VERFY LOCATION N1H STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. E VE 9 Al 400 SSO_ IN, SEE ROOF VENT EALC. FOR REtlfPED N WA TOTAL VFNiIUTION PROVDEO- 925 sa N. 2 USE 3 1/2' A 22 7/R' NON PMW CALV. STL SAVE ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE wlTS, VERFY LOCATION I11H STRUCTURAL ENGNEER. ALL FIGURES ARE NEE FREE AREA SEE ROOF VENT GALL FOR REFIRED NIAEER 70 SO. FT. AREA / 150 57 50, N. VENT AREA REWIRED 1 rWX OF n[ REQUIRED AOITILAInI SMALL BE PROVIDED BY EAVE VENTS 2 Al 47 - 94 s0. IN. VENTILATORS LOCATM N THE UPPER PORION OF THE ATTIC AM AT YEAST THmi FEET ASIA AE EAVE AND CABLE TOTAL VLNnLAION PROVIDEO- 94 SO N, S' TRY AT WAD r.r TRY BELOW i TRU AT SRL W/ 24',W HOOD SHUTTERS 6:12 — — — — — — — — — � I PROVIDE A TORIM-ON I NODFIFD BIORIEN UWERLAYLENT AT ROOF/ VAUEYS BONID I a ROIMA ROOF. ON SLOPES ILSS THAN 4' ! RNOE PER Ir. vs( sa.Dm ' DOYAI < ❑ VAUEY FIASHIMM I & 12 FORM TO TIE SLOPE ALL SCLM MUSH I oolN ,LTN15 WNIIAKAIS AIID ❑ $ 6:12 WATERT1011Sal"mT. vAllLr FL I 5 / CARCFFRLY FafNEL 10 CAEr%L' FORMED ALL SURFACES DDW1 S' TRN Al HEAD s r.r TRY ABOVE 6' TRN AT ELL AND TRIM AT HEAD 2A2' JAMBS W/ 24'.60' TRIM BELOW 4' TRY AT WUCO SMMTTERS SILL 4'TRY AT JAMBS L�l 95 HIP �gr will son in m loom HEHIlillimli! I TIP. z L ----J 06 12' TVP. EA& ROOF PLAN $CALL � i '� � -�„' 9'-0• CLG. NN 6o•x,r pwAl 111[I ° .o q'X74• i - BEDROOM #6 54•X54. FOERG ASS 940WER PAR w! TILE 4• AF E TO WX AND Wr1P. 2460 5 w 9 RPEETT°' 6L ENC S MASTER 9GRPCELTG. c BEDROOM CARPET SOFFIT AT yi6 S1L0 1 e-0. 01. WALL +IR k 1S IR k !S 2• FURROW T`4 -6' S'-2• 5'-6• - I S-8• 4'-r A90YE unntpR •� S tiJ wi I�X 22-IM W.I.C. IF IR k f5 ry I. Ar➢C 9'-0• CLCrr I ¢ - ACCESS CARPET " MUG IM/wi S LA-197R I J n H a� CURTAIN RO OPr. qw, LL [N4S ~---'--1R! 1s ---- 226 STUI) WALL -I +S6• -I r.l)ARptIVL '-14 Y-4•t. 5-10 2• 5-4' Y-41 C-1p' SOFFIT AT }TALL " 6-G AF.F. D C } 9'-0• CLG © h BA. #2 4- © d M- A4 2CARPET wAILZ. S� p4} � F - IF---_ __- LZC.� s' VINYL G. 71' pRYFA L= --• - - oPr. un. 45- 5 b O p s D-I f.AU. zs6n �UTIL. AAIl �4-� Y V''-0. 0.G. •i 9'-D• CLG. ✓� VINYL r c •i - (l1 3' BA. ' VINYL 2[166 SOFFIT r• ' y 9"-0' CLG.ff-G 4- VINYL r.AU. 2X6 Sim WALL IR ! IS AT IR k 15 _ LD 1R 68 _ _ _ _ n — — AFF. 5066 SL WARD. k IS •� — — �-. 5WIR A WARD. CT l 5069 Sr WARD, OATFA 7'EWR SEE TO DS.A, Oft 5'-D• '-0 2-9 39'-10 r-,• 5'-I' S•-6• {_71" 1 30X60 ll)n/SHWA m 0 "'" WAIN ROD $EDROOM #3 BEDROOM #2 CDEw0.S OPT. T6P. CL 9'-U' CLG. 0 W-0• CLG. . Z CARPET CARPET it BEDROOM #5 l.L i Z.ill b I I V-0• CLG. }J CARPET c I LL_ 1GI Co SH s . •i ra— ro S; — — — — — — SORIT SEE — — -----___------- I I vl FuvAna CD .N EGRESS Q TpP 7MlkMid i M C - 1 2X WALL SO AH I' K AT ,_Cr 1'-7C D] I G TNR AT WAD 4'TRM AT SILL Alp JAMBS W/ 15-Ao- WOOD SHUTTERS SIDE ELEVATION SCALL ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN 139 F ROOF ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA VENTILATION NOiER 1779 SR AR FT, EA / ]oo = BM 50. M. VENT AREA HEONRED 'Il SAT Tp0 o SIN) sm FE. I. 16E NAJ71 I79AK[D'ENf TILE' NON PFIIlIC LALV. 5R VENT$, VLRRY LOCATION WIM STRUCTURAL TNT3 M. CAVEVENTS EAVE VENTS 9 AT 47 = A2] 5I1 R. SEE ROOF VENT CALL. MIT REO1IRED NLAIBEIt TOTAL VENTILATION >ROVIDEO= 923 so. IN. L USE J 1/2' K 22 5/B' NM PM-W GALY SIL SAVE ATTIC VENTILATION RQQF AT GARAGE IF T GU ALL FIRES ARE NET FREE AREA SISE ROOF FORTLkEQMW RgER�+. 50 SR FT. AREA / 150 53 SO. IN. VENT AREA FICankED S 5m OF THE REOLNNED WHIUTION SNAIL BE PROVIDED By CAVE VENTS 2 AT 47 g4 So. IN. "TLATOtS LOCATED IN THE L.PPER PORTION OF IRE ATTIC AND AT LEAST DUNCE FEET ABOVE THE EAK AND GAINS TOTAL VENTILATION PROVIDED- 94 SO. IN. iBTS 2'.2' ORP MR A' TRPA AT HEW 4' SUM AT SILL W/ [B'.6v MUTTERS - _- TRW AT HEAD TAM AT %i AND as GL i DOW ❑ ❑ DL1YM ROOF LAW EA "04 LINE OGEE CUTTTR I -2 AM DOMIS-WT ONACN B 'ENT TIP. _ I 1 A 290 L 4Y 4m I o I P DOnN 0S 6/122 Or 4 AWE ROOF PLAN f.O.P SGLLE: H Q CL ]C O O Cu CL O (T O O Z L LL F— W 0- CD Ea C7 Ell LCT m tT7 L� a 7 Q z LL- Q1 3 iJ Ty �I T1a' D!8 OFAR r TRY Al HEAD r'.Y — Teel Ei_LV1T {' TRY AT SILL a Im! AT AMBS w/ 2{'.: AOOD SHUTTER _ ®® l.OP. T.O.P ■ m 4_ 7'd' GRIP OVER E" TRY Af r':r" DYP OVER f NY hl HEAD Ta' TAY FIf1DW 4' TRY HEAD T.Y TPoM BEIOIf 4' lPoIT z AT SILL {' IRY AT UlBS W/ AT SILL {' ?M AT ^M W/ iF. Yi .W TYOD STRITIIX r{'AST HOOD S1 TERS T.9_P._ � — T,O.P 1 I 46 I FF. FF- SIDE ELEVATION I i SEAT, T/4'-1'-0' I ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES 5 T I ALL FICORE5 ARE NET FREE AREA 1759 SQ. FT. AREA / JW - SAS Sa M. PENT AREA REOIARED U 115E '�tm CLOAKED VENT TILE- NON PEELING CALM STL e CABLE VENTS ' A AT II$ _ 472 SO. K WXTS, VTRFY tfXA110N WITH SWJCTLPAL ENCNEEIL EAVE VENTS 9 AT 47 - 423 SO, IN. SEE ROOF VEIIT CALL FOR NEOMM MUHBEFL TOTAL VENTILATION PROMO- B95 SRA W. Z TUSE 3 1/� A rr ] pON PEEING CALM. STL PAVE I ATTICyMTILATION ROOF AT CARACE ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA HOIT$ IiF78FT L0lION TITH sTtuenC AL ENGIMML 5EE ROOF VENT CALL FOR REMM KNOM I R 61 So. FT. AREA / 150 _ 59 SO. IN. VENT AREA REWIRED 1 5M OF THE REMITTED KNRATIM SNAIL BE PROVIDED ST EAVE YFNIS 2 AT 17 . 4+ 50. H C l�VE AM ATtA T THREE FELT ABOVE THE LAVE RIErn 6 TOTAL VENTILATION PRoVIOEo- 9/ SO. IN, VENTS ROOF LINE I - ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT PORCH ALL FIGURES ARE LET FREE AREA BI,ILDNC LNE OC7I I _� 151 so. FT. AREA / 150 = 145 SU. Y. VENT AREA REQUIRED AND � -T FAVE VMTS A AT 47 . 1$B So. IN. TOTAL L'ENTILATNj.N MDVIDED- 1B8 50. N. D Dow T.2' DRIP OVER B' TRY AT HEAD T.2' TRY BELOW /' TRY AT SILL 4' 1RY AT TrY DRIP OVER r TM AT HEM 2'.2' TRY BELOW Co'7M AT SI — — -- — — — — - •T JAMS W/ V.W WCO � _ � I DS OS WTTiR ® 7 E `Ih TYP. �---SL--� - i I I B, TDP ROOF PLAN T.DP. ToP. r 1RR1 AT HEAD 4' TRY Al TILL AND JAMBS N/ 24'160' WOW 94RIM TAW d Y b 2 F.F. T.F. T.O.P. I,py T.O.P. _ NOR. 1 ,L — — -- ——— _ -- I. I DS i'— AN Q SIDE ELEVATION `412 44%o+� �TP. LL 1 I c E SGALIw I/4'=E-0' � I ATTIC VENTILATION] MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES I ALL F)GLWES ARE NET FREE ARCH RIDGE 13 SO. FT AREA / 300 = 631 SO. M. VENT AREA REOVE" L USE 'D11ACN CLOAIOA VENT TAi MTN PEEMRIG CAM S1L 13GABLE VENT I AT 207 = 2b7 SO. IN, yEN�S, 1EIVIFI LOCAAOM wM STRUCTURAL FMWLFfR I i OVACIN VENTS 2 AT 100 b 20D SO. N. gE ROOF 1pI CAM FOfI RERIEEB NUWM ROOF LINE g ][ EAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 a 329 50. RL TOTAL VENTILATION PROVADEO= 736 `'O. N. 7. IJ9r 3 22 3/� Vox PEEIR4G CALY. SIL EAY£ LLL�G L� ATTIC VENTILADON ROOF AT GARAGE v�Rv LOOATIOMI wM siRucnnAL 41TLEEIL I ALL FICORES ARE NET EASE AREA SEE ROOF 1E11T MC. FOR REOU00 RUBFR. I { ` I Q 24] VENT SO FT_ AREA / 300 - 11E SO. IK T AREA REOUIMO 3 EDR OF THE REo1.TIEER MQFTIIATION 9TA L BE PRUVW 6Y ,ayi r 2 RARE OHAGN VENTS 1 AT IO0 - TOO SO. K VENTRAICRS LOCATED EI THE UPPER PORTION OF THE ATTI6 I .1T" Y' Cll SAVE VENTS 2 .T 47 - 94 sO. N AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE TE EME AND Wfi1L L c �0 +� oaww lr7 TOTAL VENTAATON PRO`ADEO� 194 50. M. �� HIP ¢ HP _/12 4/12 1 CDATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT LOVER ROOF Om RE f 4u MUMS ANET FREE AREA VENT O 21 50. FT AREA / 150 = 20 S0. IN. AREA REWGLEO 4E `� _ — ADS 1 I2' EA r EAVE vEN15 I AT 47 - 47 S0. N. DD'M�OOT ry _ / - TYP. ❑ I c-1 TOTAL YENTAAIIDN PRON0E0- 47 50, R/, I bPAN a%1z �rz I i DS O 9 .6 Y O 6' TRN AT HLAD 4 TRIY 4' IM AT WAD AND TAMA. AT SEL NO JANRS W/ JAMBS 4' TRIN ADM 13 ROOF PLAN 24' .42' VM 98TTEAS Y.2' Tim AT TILL _ -6 L SCALE LL_ 14 C77 -6 T.p P. To e TRY AT HEAD 4' TRY AT M AID ABS W/ 24'xW WDOO SHUTTER w l MOM � SIDE ELEVATION SCALE' ATTIC VENTkLAT1ON MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL Flf.T1RE5 ARE NET FREE ARLA Ij13 SO_ FT. AREA / 3O0 - 631 SO. IN. YENT AREA REONREO I. USE'OHAON CLOAKED YEWT TW NON PFFLNRG LILY. STL O'NAON VENT 4 AT 100 - 400 SO. w_ %UIS VERIFY LOCLTDN V17H STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. EAVE VENTS 7 AT 47 — 329 S0. N. SEE ROOF VENT CALL FOR REQUIRED WJWBM TOTAL Y[NTLARON PROVIDED- 72P S0. N. 2. USE 3 1 f2' Y 22 3/A NOR PEED NG GALV. STL EAVE YEN1$ VEN'7 LOLAION wTN STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE ALL FTGIIRES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROOF VENT CALL. FOR REOUFED NUMBER. 247 SO. FT. AREA / 300 11e SO. IN. VENT AREA REOLIREO S 5= or THE REOUM VEJIIRATIEN SRALL BE PRONDED By O'HAON VENT5 EAVE VENTS + AT IDO a WO 2 AT 47 94 SO, N_ SO. N. VENTILATORS LOCATED N THE IAFER PORTION OF THE ATRC AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE IM EAVE AND GABLE TOTAL VENTLANON WNONOED- 144 SO. N. VENTS. ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT LOWER ROOF ALL MORES ARE NET FREE AREA 21 SO. FT. AREA / 150 - 20 SO. sm. VENT AREA REWIRED EAVE VENTS 1 47 47 - 47 $D. N. TOTAL VENTRATH]N PROVIDFC- 47 SO. N. TAP LO.F F k 2 1-4 _ Ff. T.OP. TOJ Ifl 1 pl p! ROO{ BIAd e' TRY AT HEAD 4' TRIV AT SILL AM ALMS W/ ROOF PLAN 24.742' TD00 SLITTERS SCAIE i/9'-1'-0" _ Me. \111� T.OP. T.0 i F w 12 LLI M C1 t Y d O O ry IT 0 v CY7 7 O Z L LL_ Q1 ra £LI � LO Q 4.-0. 3'-4. 3'-4. 0 i •i �i s/a' TYPE IS eo. Ar ALL w ARo cEIuRG I STAIRS - LNING ROOM i a 9'-D' FLQ n j CARPET o 0 i SOFFIT H AT 8'-0' A F.F. •� 3'--f0' - 5'-4' 1' 0' tj ---r I r I IRh15 v r---y FOYER i �v S'-0' 0.G. n nLE SOFFT AT l010 CL Y. _� TO GL. 0 - 6._6.--- --4-4` PORCH h 7 , i SOFTIT SEE CLEVAT04 � N - F E—I Im CL W E Q t Y CD 0 O C1.7 Lo Q I a--1 CT7 c-I I rT-T 1) Z L li IM 3 T7 03 Clu LO fF. R' TRY AT RFAO 4' TRM AT SILL AND JAMBS W/ IB'.60' WBOO SHUTTERS LOP. C TRW AT SRL AN0 LUMS W/ 24'IB6' SIDE ELEVATION SEAEEr 1/4'=1'-0' !' TRM AT 14A0 C TRIM AT SLL AND nt NAP AWE C HNI AT WAD rKr IRM BELOW i TO AT SILL i TRY AT JAMBS i"Ij WLNIR_AI UN MAIN ALL FICIIRES ARE NET FREE ARE+ MUUr RPM jIfNTILATIDN NOTES 139a SO FT. AREA / 30C - 607 SO- IN. VENT AREA REOLAREO I. VSE'TK&GIN CLOAK® VENT 7RE' MON PMLW SALV STL CABIF VENT 2 AT 207 - 414 SO. N. VTEM VUdrY LOCATION VATH STRUCTURAL EIIUIEER EAVE VENTS 6 AT 47 - 376 54. IN SEE RM AENI CALL. FAR REOIRU HMWR TOTAL VEN,4 ANON PRONOEO- 790 so. M. i USE 3 1/2 2 22 1�A- NON PEiIR�a MV. M EAVE 'IENTS nT�cFr LaEa"raN >rTN sFR� MAL ENGME . R" VENTILATION R" AT PORCH AT PORCH ATTIC ALL MIRES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROOF %ENT CALL FOR REQLRMM FRNMEFL 64 SO FT. AREA / 150 61 SO- IN. VENT AREA REMAM 1 50x OF THE REOMRFD VENTILATION SHALL BE PROMED III SOTTIT VENTS 2 AT 47 - 94 5a. N. VENRATORS LOCATED N TIIE TIPPER PORIM OF THE ATTIC AM AT LEAST TOM FEET ABOVE THE EAVE AM CABLE TOTAL VMHATION PRVVIUE0- 94 SO W. 4F.NIS ATTIC VENTILAIJUN a" AFL FIOMRES ARE NET FREE AREA AT CARAGE 161 SO. FT. MCA / 150 - 174 50, IN VENT AREA REWIRED — O'NAGN VENTS 2 AT 100 - 200 S0, N. TOTAL VENTILATION PROWOEO- 200 SO. H. 4' TNI AT SILL W/ 2iAW WOOD BUTTERS IDS r 1— —— — — — — — — OWN �/GOWN d �z R13GE RIDGE 4�. 5 ROOF LINE E A BLwONO LME ME CIIfiFA F'� 4/t2 Duffia011T ♦/,2 ICIS 4/12 sm — B OOWN OowN DS I — OUT ❑ 4 ,2 — I S ROOF PLAN scuE, VNIM111mm, OPT. ®milm ® Illlll ® m a SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEV. 'C` SCALE E/<' . I'-u' FIRST FLOC SGif- 1/4' = 1'- 6' TRW AT HEAD 4' ✓r TRY AT HEAD i lF. AT SILL AND TO AT SLL AND JANBS N/ N'WO' ASS N/ t451RF WOOD WWI "m 9NTIEA ens ATTIC VENT. AIION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES ALL FOUNES ARE NET FREE AREA 139450. FT. AREA / 3OG - 669 — SO. IN, VENT AREA REQUIRED 1, ITSE 'O11ACN CtOMED VENT TILE' NON PEEING GALV. SIL O'HAGIN VENTS 4 AT 100 - 400 So. 1N. VENTS, VM V LOCATION NTH STRNOIURAL DIO EER SAVE VENTS 6 Al 47 - 376 SO, RI, SEE ROOF VENT CAL]. FOR REOTARFD MUBE1R 1DTAL VENITILATION 7RONDEO- 776 50. Nl 2 ITSE 3 1/i % 73 3%E� .. PEENO CJLV. SIL EA4E AT A2 R AT P�� 50 EHp1FFA Egu,2 ALL FICVRIS ARE NET FREE ARIA � ROOF VEVE lE CAM FORM RI ED WWBEAIMAL 61 SO. FT. AREA / 1M 59 SO IN VENT AREA REQUIRED 3. 3GX OF M KOJM VENMATION SWILL BE PRO'AOED By PAVE VENTS 2 AT 47 - 94 SO N VEWT ATDRS LOEA7" N THE UPPER PORTION OF THE AM AND AT LEAST FREE FW A074E W FAVE AND "BEE TOTAL VENILAU114 PROVIDED- 94 S& N. Zim ATTIC VENTELATION ROOF AT GARAGE ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA 174 M FT, AREA / 150 t 167 SO, IN. VENT AREA REQUIRED O'HAGN VENTS 2 AT 100 - 200 SO EL TOTAL VEN1LATIM PROYLDEO- 200 SO m 6' 1RN AT HEAD 4' IRN AT SLLL AW'"BS N/ TB'.60' NOfAJ STUTTERS YsY DPW GYM d Ift YQ' DRO om C flow C TRIM AT WAD Ya' At W-4 2W TRW 1>QDW AT LEAD Y& TAW BELOW TRY MOW C THIN AT 4' W W AT SLL , iRN AT a TPoY AT 9LL 4' TRY AT SILL 4' TRW AT ,NABS JAMBS W/ 21VA W000 JANOS W/ 24.41r WOOD 9111TiR SHUTIFTL T,OP. T.O.P T.O.P. ® d (CMAL EQUAL 'i '� i 1 II I EQUAL L EpIAA FF._ _ FF. T.O.P. SA_P TOP. El r � 1 i i b FF. I I FF. F.F. OS r� DS F— SIDE ELEVATION r= I Lu :2 ATTIC VENTILATION MAIN ROOF ROOF VENTILATION NOTES I RIDGE ALL FIGURES ARE NET FREE AREA R 1560 SQ. FT. AREA / 3DO + 70 SO- IN VENT AREA REQUIRED B CZ 1. VSE •o VW OLQA16Y1 VENT TSTR SMONTRUCTURAL AL EWI I Lv. s11. I + GAME VENTEHTs S AT 47 540 SD. w. SEE YTAIFT rALC N R R STRVI) HURL TNFiFfR. I � EAVE VEN15 9 AT {7 � .176 SQ. N_ SEE R00( YFJI7 EALL FOt REGlA16D LILOMIIIER_ � _ I S 1I 2. 119E S 1/2' X 22 3/g NON PEELWO GALV. STL SAVE BI l LINE I m b I y/ TOTAL VENMUMN PROYTDEO- 916 5p. WI. 1t00F 111E I ^' ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT PORCH YEN 75 uERIFr LOPJipI wTH 4TJA CTURAL ENCRNEER. O ALL FNRIRES ARE NET FREE AREA SEE ROOF TENT CALC. FOR REOIRRED N111W. ocg I I y� I CD 74 SQ. FT. AREA / 150 71 SO. IN. VENT AREA REWIRED 3. 3X OF 114E REOJIRED VEN71ATKN 91ACL BE PRIMW BY QSTIER p EAVE VENTS 2 AT 47 - 94 SO W. VEHMAtORS LOCATED FA DIE UPPER PORTION Of RfE AM AND — — — — e CV AM AT LEAST THREE FEET ABM THE LAVE AND GABLE DaWFePaJT OWN � OWN — — TOTAL VENTILATION PRONDED- 04 SQ IN VENTS. m ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF AT GARAGE us I DS ALL F";URES ARE MET FREE AREA - — — — LH 174 S0. FT, AREA / 150 - 167 S4 IN VENT AREA RTWRED ---I WHACIN VENTS 1 AT 100 - 100 50. W. EAVC VENTS 2 2 AT 47 . 9A SQ_ w, I I m TOTAL VENTILATION PROV10E0- t94 SQ, w. I y, B/�I DDwrt € _ 6 17 t. O 2'.Y DAP DYER S' TRW AT HEAD SHIPM TRW AT HEAD 2'.E' WOW B' TRW AT WAD 2'.2' TRW 01 Y.Y REM BELOW C IBM AT SILL YxY IRY OVER 4' IRLL RAXE BELOW 4' IRN AT SU W/ L — tiE C3 4' MN AT JAMS W/ I6'.60' AT SLL 2P.60' 1TDV0 SHUTTERS LL 1- ROOF PLAN C TI 14 SCAJL 1/8'-C-0' T.D.P. T.OP T.OP. _ H N �I r mom ®®I L L= E L1J m a Y O O C? Cu U] O L16 m 0 7 O Z L LL- R F cc LL3 E a O O C1J 0 IT LO C* i m k � y 0 z LL- cm Tt'7� • LC? TRY AT HEAD I TRIM AT S11L AND AV185 B• TRM AT WAD r TRY AT SILL MJ 18•,60• ROOD 7-11 ------------ SIDE ELEVATION Apr, )&NTILATI MMN RODE VENTILATION NOTES ALL FiCuRES ARE NET FREE AREA ALL t 754 SO I-T. AREA / 30D _ 540 SO. IN. VENT AREA REWRED 1 USE•OHA01N CLOAKED VENT DIE• NON PEELING GAILY STL VHAGH VENTS 5 AT 100 _ 500 In RL "rVEIBIY LOCATION WM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CAVE VENTS 9 AT 47 - 423 SQ OL SEE ROOF YENT CALL FOR REOUIR D NLYBOL TOTAL VENTILATION PROVQEB_ 923 So. ft 2 USE 3 1/2• % 22 7/E• NGN PFIIWC CILLV. SR. EAYE vETTM �r YM STRUCNRAL ATTIC VENTILATION ROOF ALL RGuRES ARE NET TREE AREA AT GARAGE LBGA�ION DCDIEER. SEE ROOF YFNT CALL FOR REWIRED NDIBEIL 70 SO. FT. AREA / 150 67 S0. IN. VENT AREA REOLARED 1 50X Of TINE REQUIRED VENTILATION 91ALL BE PROVIDED BT EAVE VENTS 2 AT 47 - 94 SQ. IN. VENTILATORS LOCATED R TIE UPPER PORTION OF 11[ ATTIC AND AT LEAST THREE FEET ABDVE ME LAVE AND GABLE TOTAL VENTEATM PROVIDED- 94 SO. ft If TRIM AT IEAD 4• TM AT 4L AND MAM R/ 24 kw R009 SMlTM LQP T.9P. e b - TAP r — — ,oft DS DS I 4:12------------- I T I PR9WE A Tp109D-ON UNUETRAM39T ATMODIFIED EIRRIEN RODF/ VAEIFR BEIM ROTaUA NOW. ON SLWE5 LISS 1HAN 4• I „ ❑ ME I PER 12'. USE SOLDERED I 4b oorE+ - I VALIEY RA944G4 Fa" ALSYEo TRs$pUE 0.UST k 4.12 WCONTINUOUS AM NATEPTTWT T. VALLEY I1 S < ❑ I O*HAal RASHIMM MUST 8E i ,Tg ,� 5 I Vw TV. CAREFULY FaaED TO ALL SURTACfSOCEE *M2 I GUTIM y 4. 12 I AID OS FODM11 I D011NSROUT RODE L1IIC Yv-_ �+ 4a BUIIDNG LINE MP 5 I ' -3 4 X/o ooMN - � FASLIAt1000 li L 1 12- rw. -3 FAyE TTP_ -3 RANI ROOF PLAN NOR. TM7 SCALE I,8•_t•_D• -