HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Analysis 09-24-1969 S-286 E. Anderson
ApplIcatIon for SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW on a site located on Regional Street. west side,
approximately 1601 south of Amador Valley Boulevard. D~blln Area.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Subject to final recommendations of referral agencies, approval
per design and condItions of "Exhlblt B. 5-286".
proposed Development: A four tenant commercial building of approximately 6,000
square feet of floor area with store. office. barber shop and beauty shop uses
proposed. Twenty parking spaces would be provided along with a 121 x 351 landscaped
area. along the Regional Street frontage.
Site: A relatIvely level. rectangular site. ~17.575 square feet in area. presently
ZonIng: C-l (RetatJ BUSiness) District.
Adjacent Development: To the north Is a service station; to the east Isa restaurant
and offIce buIldIng by the same developer; to the south and east lIes undeveloped
commercially zoned land.
General plan DesIgnation: Low DensIty Residential.
proposed developnent would be of a slmtJar architectural character to that of the
exIsting multI-use offIce but1dlng and restaurant: adjoining to the west and
fronting on Amador Valley Boulevard. Driveway arid parkIng areas would 1 Ink the
two sl tes.
. .
Twenty (91 X 201) parking spaces are proposed. ~,minimum of seventeen parking
spaces Is requIred by zoning ordinance.
Access and manuverlng space on the site Is adequclte.
Only landscaped area proposed for the sIte would be withIn the 400 square foot
landscaped area along the Regional Street frontage. Two extra parking spaces should
be deleted and additional landscaping as indlcatE~d on Exhibit liB" should be installed
withIn the parkIng area to break up the expanse of paving and add to the appearance
of the area.
Applicant proposes to Install Identification signs for each tenant
provided for tenants of the adjoIning development. Signs would be
single faced boards which would be back-lighted ClOd pale yellow in
would be 21 in height and less than 40 square fe<<!t in area. These
in sca Ie wi th the structure. would provide consi ~)tency between the
and would meet all ordlnanc~ requIrements.
simi lar to those
wa I I moun ted
co lor. 5 i gn s
signs would be
two developments
Ora Inage would be dl rected into the system exi sting on the site.
recommendatIons are pendIng.
Flood Control
Regional Street has not been accepted into the County Road System since the
entire segment has not been completed. Acceptanc:e of. Regional Street into
the Road Sys tem mus t be requ i red as a cond' t.' on of approva I of th Is app' I cat I on
so that this parcel would ~et the frontage requ:irement of the zonIng ordinance.
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