HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 Prelim Budget 08-09 CITY CLERK File # D[!]~~-~~ SUBJECT: A TT ACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: 1. ~: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Public Hearing: Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager 1. Draft Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan 2. Preliminary Budget and Financial plan (provided under separate cover) 4. 5. 6. Open the Public Hearing Receive Budget Overview from Staff Review the Preliminary Budget by Major Program Area (General; Public Safety; Transportation; Health & Welfare; Culture & Leisure; Community Development) including Higher Service Levels; and ask any questions regarding the proposed budget activities. Receive public comments. Close the public hearing. Determine which Higher Service Levels should be funded for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Discuss any modifications which should be made to the Preliminary Budget and the preliminary proposed uses of the Projected Net Surplus for Fiscal Years 2008-2009. Determine if reductions in the Budget should be identified at this time, to be enacted if necessary as a result of State Budget reductions. Adopt Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Budget. 7. 8. 9. Operating Budget $ 55,727,286 Capital Projects 38,826,018 Internal Services Fund 1,394,827 Appropriations to Reserves . General Fund $ 64,545 . Restricted Funds 3,583,035 TOTAL APPROPRIA nONS TO RESERVES $ 3,647,580 TOT AL 2008-2009 APPROPRIATIONS $ 99,595,711 COPY TO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of3 ITEM NO. lo.3 DESCRIPTION: 2008-2009 Annual Bud2et & Financial Plan The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan recommends appropnatlOns of $99,595,711. The Preliminary Budget is funded by $73,782,028 in current year projected revenues. The Budget also includes the use of $21,936,950 in restricted reserves for various projects. A total of $3,876,713 in General Fund reserves. This includes: $1,755,875 for the Historic Park Project; $814,737 for the Civic Center Expansion / Design; $1,120,000 for the Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf); and $186,101 in CIP General Fund carryovers for the combined Accounting / Permit Computer system. The Budget has been prepared in accordance with the direction provided by the City Council during this year's Budget Study Session. Community Group/Or2anizational Requests For the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget Process at the Budget Study Session on March 31, 2008 the City Council received presentations from various organizations. The City Council requested that funding for these groups be shown as a Higher Service Level, with the exception of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded requests, which were included in the Current Service Levels. A Summary of the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Community Group Recommended Funding totaling $227,898 is shown on pages 20 and 21 of the Preliminary Budget document. Of the total requested for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the budget amounts can be categorized as follows: SUMMARY OF COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING (By Funding Source) Funding Source Amount Requested Amount Recommended General Fund $ 144,264 $ 131,975 Affordable Housing Fund 34,215 34,215 Measure D Recycling Fund 2,000 2,000 CDBG Fund 59,708 59,708 TOTAL: $ 240,187 $ 227,898 Hi2her Service Level Bud2et Requests A total of 39 Higher Service Levels are identified on pages 18 and 19 of the Preliminary Budget. The Higher Service Levels reflect: a) the cost of implementing the City Council High Priority Objectives (identified in March, 2008); b) contributions to community organizations; and c) additional costs necessary to expand services to keep pace with the growth of the City; and the impact of reducing contributions which the City would have received from Dublin Unified School District. As noted above the Community Group funding was also presented in Higher Service Levels, (with the exception of nine programs funded from CDBG allocations). A total of 13 of the Higher Service Levels are Community Group Funding requests. Funding these Higher Service Levels will result in a decrease of $47,380 in General Fund Revenue resulting in a net budget impact of$676,619. Proiected Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Surpluses Staff projects that the City will have a General Fund surplus in Fiscal Years 2007-2008 of $3,450,000. On pages x of the City Manager's transmittal letter in the Preliminary Budget document, this surplus is discussed and possible uses are described. This surplus is a projection and is subject to change as the City closes its books at the end of the Fiscal Year. Therefore, any allocation of these funds would be finalized Page 2 of3 at year-end when the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Audit are presented to the City Council. The proposed Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget has been constructed with a very modest contribution to General Fund Reserves of $64,545. Essentially a balanced budget has been prepared. As discussed on page xi of the City Manager's transmittal letter in the Preliminary Budget document, there is a level of uncertainty with regards to impacts from the State Budget. This may require that the City Council will need to revisit appropriations later in the year when more is known about State Budget impacts. The City Manager has included recommendations for reductions which would offset potential negative impacts of approximately $254,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is Staffs recommendation that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Open the Public Hearing 2. Receive Budget Overview from Staff 3. Review the Preliminary Budget by Major Program Area (General; Public Safety; Transportation; Health & Welfare; Culture & Leisure; Community Development) including Higher Service Levels; and ask any questions regarding the proposed budget activities. 4. Receive public comments. 5. Close the public hearing. 6. Determine which Higher Service Levels should be funded for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 7. Discuss any modifications which should be made to the Preliminary Budget and the preliminary proposed uses ofthe Projected Net Surplus for Fiscal Years 2008-2009. 8. Determine if reductions in the Budget should be identified at this time, to be enacted if necessary as a result of State Budget reductions. 9. Adopt Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Budget. Page 3 of3 RESOLUTION NO. - 08 1tJ/; ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************************** ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin is desirous of establishing an annual Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 2008-2009; and WHEREAS, the Dublin City Council has reviewed and considered the Budget documents and has received input from the public; and WHEREAS, the Summary of Appropriations (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, reflects the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Program Budget for the City of Dublin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby find, determine, declare and resolve as follows: 1. The Dublin City Council does hereby adopt the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget for the City of Dublin, as outlined in Exhibit A. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make expenditures and appropriations in accordance with the Budget as adopted, with the exception of those expenditures which require prior Council approval, in accordance with the adopted City ordinances, rules and regulations. Such approval shall be procured as described, except as follows: I) The City Manager is authorized without further approval to transfer funds from the Contingent Reserve (Activity 10800) to operating department salary, salary related, and health and welfare accounts, when required due to employee turnover or change in status; (2) City Council approved funding for increases in employee salaries and benefits; and (3) City Council approved funding for increases in contractor labor rates. 3. The City Council does hereby allot a projected Appropriation to Reserves, in an amount of $64,545; estimated as the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 General Fund Surplus. These funds will be specifically designated as reserves in accordance with Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of June, 2008. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk H:\Budget\Agenda Statements\4.1_Resolution - budget adoption08-09.DOC ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS Program/Activity GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council City Manager/Clerk Central Services Legal Services Administrative Services Building Management Insurance Elections Non-Departmental TOTAL-General Government PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services Crossing Guards Animal Control Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Disaster Preparedness Fire TOTAL-Public Safety TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration Street Maintenance Street Sweeping Street Tree Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance TOTAL-Transportation HEALTH & WELFARE Waste Management Child Care Social Services Housing Programs TOTAL-Health & Welfare CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service Heritage & Cultural Arts Park Maintenance Community Cable TV Parks & Community Services Parks & Facilities Management TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning & Bldg/Safety) Engineering Economic Development TOT AL-Community Development TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General Community Improvements Parks Streets TOT AL-Capitallmprovements Total Internal Service Fund (Cash Basis) Dublin Information Inc. TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES Restricted Programs / Projects (General Fund) (Special Revenue / Capital Project Funds) Total Appropriations to Reserves TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS H:\Budget\Agenda Statements\4.1_ Resolution - budget adoption08-09.DOC RECOMMENDED SERVICE LEVEL 2008-2009 $ 292,096 1,231,303 602,646 904,879 1,865,327 881 ,409 527,781 106,120 111,120 6,522,681 $ $ 13,654,687 100,622 400,670 683,475 137,701 10,427,376 25,404,531 $ $ 1,144,148 422,572 145,605 165,277 1,260,289 3,137,891 $ $ 1,796,701 18,500 106,633 3,942,094 5,863,928 $ $ 855,380 535,744 2,074,027 78,445 3,979,955 221,263 7,744,814 $ $ 4,955,860 1,818,572 279,009 $ 7,053,441 $ 55,727,286 $ 1,653,001 578,570 12,186,418 24,408,029 $ 38,826,018 $ 1,394,827 $ 0 $ 95,948,131 $ $ 64,545 3,583,035 3,647,580 $ 99,595,711 ADOPTED SERVICE LEVEL 2008.2009 21J'~ i of u lin (=!enter reliminar 4lP 4lP an Inanel - Fiscal Year 2008-2009 CITY OF DUBLIN California Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 June 2008 Janet Lockhart, Mayor Tim Sbranti, Vice Mayor Kasie Hildenbrand, Councilmember Tony Oravetz, Councilmember Kate Ann Scholz, Councilmember SUBMITTED BY Richard C. Ambrose City Manager CITY OF DUBLIN California Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 T ABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION Budget Message ................................................................................................................................. .... i Budget Summary by Fund...... .... ........ ....... ..... ..... ..... ...... .......... ..... ... ........ ..... ........ ............. .............. ...1 Historical Comparison of Revenues by Source ................................................................................. 7 Historical Comparison of Expenditures by Program.....................................................................16 Summary 2008-2009 Higher Service Level Options .......................................................................18 Summary 2008-2009 Community Group/Organizational Budget Request ...............................20 Position Allocation Plan .......................... ......... .... ............ ... ... ............. ........... ........... ........ ............ .....23 Appropriations Limit.... ........... ....... ... ....... .................. ................. ........... .............................. .............. 28 City of Dublin Organizational Chart. ....... .......... ................ ........ ...... ..... ........... ....... .........................30 GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council.... ............ ..... ..... ........... ....... ..... ....... ........... ........ ... ............ ..... ............ ............ .......... ..... .... 31 City Manager/City Clerk ......................... ...... ............. ........... ....... ...................... .............. ...... ........... 36 Central Services......................................................................................................................... ...........39 Legal Services.......................................................................................................................... .............43 Administrative Services... ........... .............. ... ........ .... ............... ....... ... ... ......... ..... ...... ....... ........ ............47 Building Management.... .... ............. ........... .... ....... ...... ........ ................. ... ........ ..... ...... ............. .... ........50 Insurance... ....... ........ .......... .... ......... ............ ... ............. ........ ........... ..... .... ...... ............... ............. .... ..... ... 55 Elections........................... ............ ............... .................. .......... .......... .......... .... .................... ..................57 Non-Departmental... .......................... .... ........... ........ .......... ....... ....... .......... .... .... ..... ......... .......... ... .....59 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services..................... ..... ....................... ......... ................ ................................................. ...........61 Crossing Guards .......... ............ ........ .......... .,................. ..... ........................................ ...... ...... ............... 69 Animal Control......... ... ................. .......... ..... ...... ....... ...... ........ ......... ..... ............. .................... ... ...... .....71 Traffic Signals & Street Lighting... ............. ................... ........ .......... .......... ............... ............. ............73 Table of Contents - Page 2 Disaster Preparedness........ ....... .................. ..... .......... ...... ... ....... .... ............. .......... ...... ...... ..................75 Fire Services.......................................................................................................................................... 78 TRANSPORT AnON Public Works Administration................. ............... .... .... ............ .......... ........ ..... .... ............... ...... ........ 83 Street Maintenance............................................................................................................. .................86 Street Sweeping........................................................................................................................... .........88 Street Tree Maintenance .... ..... ...... ................. ............. ..... .............. ........... ............. .... ......................... 90 Street Landscape Maintenance ....... .......... ................ ...... .................. ....... ....... ......... ... ....... ............. ... 92 HEALTH & WELFARE Waste Management.. ... ... ..... ......... .......... ......... ..... .... ......... ......... ............ ... ....... ..... ... ......... ....... ........... 95 Child Care ..... ...... ....... ...... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... .... ... ........................ ..... ... ..... ..... ...... ........... ....... ...... .... .100 Social Services ....................................................................................................................................1 03 Housing Programs.............................................................................................. .........................:.....109 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Services... ...... .... ............... ...... ..... ......... ... .... ....... ......... ....... ......... ............... .......... ... .... ... ........119 Heritage & Cultural Arts.. ..... ........... ..... .... ..... ..... ........... .... ...... .............................. ............. .............121 Park Maintenance....................................................................................................................... ...... .131 Community Cable Television.... .... .... ............... ............. ............ .... ....... ..... ........ ..... .......... ...............137 Parks & Community Services .. ...... ...... ........ ..... ................. .......... .................. ........ ........ ................. .139 Parks & Facilities Management ....... ................... ........... ......... ..... ............ ........ ..................... ...........157 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Development............................................................................................................... .161 Engineering.............. .... .......... ..... .......... ....... ..... ...... ... ... ........ .......... ...... .............. ...... ............. ..... ....... .170 Economic Development .... ........ ...... ...... ............. ... ........ ...... ..... ....... .......... ...... ...... .................. .... ......176 ENTERPRISE FUND Dublin Information Inc ............. ............... ............ .... ....... .................. ........ ............... ...... ........ ........ ...183 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Capital Projects Overview Fiscal Year 2008-2009 .........................................................................185 General Improvement Projects ........ ............ ... ........... ...................... ...... ..... ............ ........................187 Community Improvement Projects........ ...... ......... ......... .... ..... ..... ....... ...... .... ....... ....... ... ........... .... ..188 Park Projects....... ................... ........ .................................... ...... ............. ........ ................ ................ ...~..189 Street Projects........... ....... ......... ........................ .... ...... ........ ..'... ............. ............ ......... ...................... ...190 Table of Contents - Page 3 INTERNAL SERVICES.............................................................................................................................191 IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT.. ......................... .... .... ............... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...............193 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Adopted 2004 City of Dublin 10 Year Strategic Plan (2008-2009 Update) ................................195 2008-2009 Preliminary Adopted Goals & Objectives ...................................................................203 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives Final Report ... ........ ..................... ................. ........ .......................... 209 CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 Website: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us June 9, 2008 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: It is my pleasure to submit the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Preliminary Budget for your consideration. This year's Budget is a balanced budget. The Budget relies only on those reserves which have been previously designated and set aside for Capital Projects, such as the expansion of the Historic Park; Civic Center Expansion Design; and the Artificial Turf at Fallon Sports Park. Including the use of these reserves, totaling $3,876,713, Net Operating Transfers of$17,230 and repayment from the Fire Impact Fee Fund of $218,746, Staffprojects a net year end surplus of $64,565 in the City's General Fund. 2008-2009 BUDGET OVERVIEW Total recommended appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $99,595,711. Total recommended net expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $94,553,304. The difference between total appropriations and net expenditures is attributable to the following: a) Internal Service Fund expenditures (cash basis) which are funded by charges to the City's operating departments and are already reflected in each respective Activity Budget in the amount of $1,394,827 and b) Recommended appropriations to Reserves for all funds in the amount of $3,647,580. Of the amount recommended to be allocated to Reserves, $3,583,015 is from Restricted Funds and $64,565 is from the General Fund. As shown below, Fiscal Year 2008-2009 recommended net expenditures reflect an Increase of $16,564,984, or 21.2% compared to estimated net expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Estimated Recommended 2007-2008 2008-2009 Difference % Operating General Fund $ 45,344,946 $ 47,722,094 $ 2,377,148 5.2% Other Funds 4,671.338 8,005,192 3,333,854 71.4% Total Operating $ 50,016,284 $ 55,727,286 $ 5,711,002 11.4% Capital General Fund $ 6,496,646 $ 9,518,588 $ 3,021,942 46.5% Other Funds 21.475,390 29,307,430 7,832,040 36.5% Total Capital $ 27,972,036 $ 38,826,018 $ 10,853,982 38.8% Total $ 77.988.320 $ 94.553.304 $ 16.564.984 21.2% OPERATING BUDGET The recommended Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 totals $55,727,286. Of this amount, $55,098,047 is required to maintain the Current Service Level for all City programs, and $629,239 is recommended to fund Higher Service Levels (see pages 18 and 19). The recommended 2008-2009 , Operating Budget exceeds Estimated 2007-2008 Operating Expenditures by $5,711,002 or 11.4%. The major factors contributing to this increase are discussed below: Area Code (925) · City Manager 833-6650 . City Council 833-6650 . Personnel 833-6605 . Economic Development 833-6650 Finance 833-6640 . Public Works/Engineering 833-6630 . Parks & Community Services 833-6645 . Police 833-6670 Planning/Code Enforcement 833-6610 · Building Inspection 833-6620 . Fire Prevention Bureau 833-6606 Printed on Recycled Paper GENERAL GOVERNMENT The total recommended expenditures for General Government are $6,522,681 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This represents an increase of$701,414, or 12.0% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Significant changes in General Government for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs. 2. Funding for equipment that will enhance the delivery of video from City Council meetings in order to continue Video-on-Demand service. (Budget No. 10100) 3. Funding for two Higher Service Levels to provide for: 1) Dublin High School Dry Grad Night; and Red Ribbon Week activities at both public and private schools in Dublin. (Budget No. 10100) 4. Full year funding for the City Clerk position which was vacant for most of Fiscal Year 2007-2008. (Budget No. 10200) 5. Transition costs associated with the retirement of the City Manager. (Budget No. 10200) 6. Full year funding of a part-time, .50 FTE, Administrative Analyst position in the Central Services Division added in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and increased training and recruitment costs necessary to support the city-wide departments. (Budget 10210) 7. A decrease in the need for legal services due to a decline of housing market activities and the associated legal services required of new development projects, as well as, anticipated reductions in litigation. (Budget No.1 0300) 8. Funding for two Higher Service Levels to provide for: 1) Legal services associated with the development and implementation of a Social Host Ordinance; and 2) Legal services necessary to enhance residential green building requirements by creating a mandatory self certification process as part of obtaining a building permit. (Budget No.1 0300) 9. Full year funding of a full-time Network Analyst and Finance Technician pOSItIons in the Administrative Services Department which were vacant for a portion of Fiscal Year 2007-2008. (Budget Nos. 10400-10410) 10. Inflationary increases for supplies and contract services, and a number of minor building improvements, including electrical and generator repairs at the Civic Center. (Budget No.1 0500) 11. Funding for two Higher Service Levels to provide for improvements in the Council Chambers: 1) Replacement of the dais chairs; and 2) Improvements to the video projection system to improve the visibility of presentations. (Budget No. 10500) 12. Funding for a Higher Service Level to relocate the City's. existing Corporation Yard to a larger leased facility to accommodate growth. (Budget No. 10500) 11 13. Funding to conduct the biennial elections for Mayor and City Council, which will occur in November 2008. (Budget No.1 0700). 14. Funding of a contingent reserve of$100,000. (Budget No. 10800) PUBLIC SAFETY The total recommended expenditures for Public Safety are $25,404,531 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This represents an increase of$I,582,278, or 6.6% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Significant changes in Public Safety for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs. 2. Increased contract costs associated with Dispatch services, and increased service and supply costs associated with support of Police Department operations, including costs associated with the creation and implementation of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. (Budget No. 20100) 3. In addition, funding has been included for two Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) Costs associated with two Officers becoming certified trainers for "The Parent Project"; and 2) the impact ofthe City waiving the $40,000 contribution towards School Resource Officers, that was provided in the past by Dublin Unified School District. (Budget No. 20100) 4. An increase in Dublin's proportionate share of Animal Shelter operating costs and in Animal Control Field Service use (Budget No. 20300) 5. Increased costs due to the addition of street lights and traffic signals. It is further anticipated that the City will incur inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance for traffic signals and street lights. (Budget No. 20400) 6. Increased costs associated with the Staff training for Disaster Preparedness and renewal of a service agreement to provide the ability to make emergency notifications to Staff and the community. (Budget No. 20500) 7. Funding for one Higher Service Level to update the City's Emergency Management Plan to assure conformance with the elements required by law. (Budget No. 20500) 8. Increased contract costs associated with Alameda County Fire Department Services as well as replacement of appliances at stations and safety improvements. These cost increases will be partially offset by a reduction in the cost allocation for shared expenses as a result of Alameda County Fire Department adding Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to its service area. (Budget No. 20600) III TRANSPORTATION The total recommended expenditures for Transportation are $3,137,891 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This represents an increase of $275,132, or 9.6% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Significant changes in Transportation for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased City and contract employee salary and benefit costs. 2. Full year funding of a Public Works Manager position which replaced a Senior Administrative Analyst position in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. (Budget No. 30100) 3. Inflationary increases in Street Maintenance activities. In addition the Budget provides drainage maintenance costs for an average storm season as well as the cost of maintaining the G-3 box culvert. (Budget 30200) 4. Decreased costs attributable to completion of street tree activities that will not need to be repeated in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. (Budget No 30400) 5. Increased costs due to inflationary increases for maintenance contract work and utilities, as well as a number of proposed street landscape improvements throughout the City, including major landscape renovation in the Stagecoach Road Assessment District areas. (Budget No. 30500) HEALTH & WELFARE The total recommended expenditures for Health & Welfare are $5,863,928 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This represents an increase of $3,149,007 or 116.0% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. Significant changes in Health & Welfare for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased salary and benefit costs. 2. The annual rate adjustment for garbage collection services. (Budget No. 50200) 3. Funding has been included for three Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) Evaluation of recycling and disposal activities of other public agencies located in the City of Dublin (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.); 2) Development and implementation of a recycling outreach program focused on multi-family housing and the commercial sector; and 3) Funding to support the Alameda County Green Business Program. (Budget No. 50200) 4. Funding for a Higher Service Level to provide support to the Child Care Links program. (Budget 50300) IV 5. Funding has been included for three Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) A grant to Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) to provides services to residents with disabilities; 2) A grant to Axis Community Health to support the construction of a Women's Health Clinic; and 3) Funding to Eden I&R an information and referral service for residents seeking social service information. (Budget No. 50400) 6. Funding of $2,949,629 in loans associated with the redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing Project. (Budget No. 50500) 7. Funding has been included for three Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) Increase in Housing Program Staffing by modifying a .75 part-time Administrative Aide position to full-time to keep pace with the City's Affordable Housing activities; 2) Funding for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to provide homebuyer education and follow-up services; and 3) Funding for a contribution to a rental assistance program administered by Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity. (Budget No. 50500) CUL TURE & LEISURE SERVICES The total recommended expenditures for Culture & Leisure Services are $7,744,814 for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. This represents an increase of$358,390, or 4.8% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. Significant changes in Culture & Leisure Services for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased salary and benefit costs. 2. Increased costs associated with operating and maintaining the Dublin Public Library. (Budget No. 80100) 3. Funding has been included for three Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) Funding to offer a new Film Series and Volunteer Holiday Tea Program; 2) Development of a website which will focus on the Heritage Center and the City's public art; and 3) Provision of a contribution to provide operating support to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. (Budget Nos. 80110-80130) 4. Labor rate adjustments for park maintenance contract services; cost increases for utilities; a full year of maintenance and utilities for Piazza Sorrento, Devany Square, and Dublin Square Shopping Center (this is the future expansion of the Historic Park and costs in the prior year were part of the Building Management Budget); and an increased number of improvement projects at various parks. (Budget No. 80200) 5. Funding has been included for two Higher Service Levels which provide for: 1) The planting of Bermuda grass seed to replace the turf in the Large Dog area of the Dougherty Hills Dog Park; and 2) The purchase of field identification flags that can be used to mark soccer fields at the Dublin Sports Grounds and Emerald Glen Park. (Budget No. 80200) 6. A decrease of $40,589 due to an additional funding request made by Tri-Valley Community Television in FY 2007-2008, which is not being requested in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. (Budget 83000) v 7. Increased utility costs for recreational facilities; full year funding of full-time staff in the Sports and Teens programs which had vacancies for part of Fiscal Year 2007-2008; and six months of operating expenses associated with the new Shannon Community Center. (Budget No. 80400-81000) 8. Funding of six Higher Service Levels in Recreation to: 1) Increase a part-time Recreation Technician to full-time to establish and implement a Youth Fee Assistance Program; 2) Provide financial assistance to the Dublin Unified School District (DUSD) in the following areas - (a) elimination of the reimbursement by DUSD towards the cost of school use of the Dublin Swim Center; and Stager Community Gymnasium; and (b) fund one full-time School District groundskeeper; 3) Develop a summer Nature Day Camp, which will begin in June 2009; 4) Increase the Pre-School Instructor to full-time to effectively administer the growing program; 5) Implement a volunteer carpool program for transportation to and from the Senior Center; and 6) Expand the City website to promote Senior Center events and activities. (Budget No. 80400-81000) 9. Staff costs estimated at $117,565 associated with Parks & Facilities Management will be assigned to the capital project, which reduces the impact on the General Fund which has historically absorbed 100% of this cost. (Budget No. 82000) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The total recommended expenditures for Community Development are $7,053,441 for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. This represents a decrease of $355,219, or -4.7% compared to estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Significant changes in Community Development for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include the following: 1. Increased salary and benefit costs. 2. Planning Division costs will increase based on Full-year funding of positions which were vacant for a portion of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and continued work on multi-year projects such as the new Downtown Specific Plan and the Housing Element. These increases are offset by decreases in contract services in the Building and Safety Division, as a result ofthe slowdown in new construction. (Budget No. 90100-90200) 3. Engineering costs allocated to the General Fund have decreased due to: 1) Increased staff time allocated to Capital Improvement Projects in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 as compared to Fiscal Year 2007- 2008; and 2) Reduction in Engineering Staff time allocated to private development. The total staffing for the Engineering Department has been reduced by one full-time position which is currently vacant. (Budget No. 90300) 4. Funding for a Higher Service Level to conduct a traffic study in the vicinity of Amador Valley Boulevard at Brighton Drive, to determine whether the installation of a traffic signal is warranted. (Budget No. 90300) VI 5. Funding of four Higher Service Levels to: 1) Provide a contribution towards the Tri-Valley Business Council's Vision 2010 Project; 2) Provide a contribution towards the Livermore Valley Film Commission; 3) Support Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE); and 4) Provide a contribution towards Employment and Training Services offered to Dublin residents and businesses by the Tri- Valley One Stop Career Center. (Budget No. 90400) , DEBT SERVICE There is no outstanding debt service related to City activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The City has one 1915 Act Public Improvement District (Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District) which currently has outstanding improvement bonds. These bonds were originally issued in 1992 and are scheduled to be fully repaid in 2012. No City funds are at risk and the City merely acts as a conduit for monies collected on the property tax bills of properties benefiting from the District. The funds are transferred to a trustee who makes payments to the bondholders. Therefore, all debt service associated with this Improvement District has been excluded from the Annual Budget. A section on Improvement District has been included in the budget document for information only. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS A new Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2008-2013 has been prepared. The first year of the CIP (Fiscal Year 2008-2009) includes projects totaling $38,826,018. The financing of the projects proposed in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Capital Budget is comprised of the following revenue sources: FUNDING SOURCES OF PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 CAPITAL PROJECTS General Fund Revenues General Fund Reserves Intergovernmental Revenues/Reserves Development Impact Fee Revenues Development Impact Fee Reserves Total $ 5,641,875 3,876,713 3,384,214 11,501,833 14,421,383 $38,826,018 Please refer to the 2008-2013 Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program for a more detailed description of the projects proposed for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. REVENUES Estimated Revenues (net of adjustments for Internal Service Fund Equipment Charges) for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 total $72,656,844, if the City Council adopts the recommended Higher Service Level Budget. This represents a decrease of $5,423,493 or -7.0% compared to estimated net revenues for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are estimated at $53,192,558. This represents an increase of $313,746, or 0.5% compared to Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The most significant changes in General Fund revenues are as follows: VB 1. An increase in Property Taxes ($808,146) due to new development and the increase in assessed valuation. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the City's property tax estimate is net of a payment of approximately $1,115,343 to Alameda County in accordance with the City/County Tax Exchange Agreement. 2. A decrease in sales and use tax (-$599,232) due to economic conditions and the loss of the Ford car dealership due to the manufacturer decision to consolidate sales outlets. 3. An increase in License and Permit Revenues ($634,941) due to a projected increase in commercial and residential projects expected to obtain building permits. 4. A decrease in Facility Rental revenue (-$97,523) primarily due to the proposed HSL which eliminates the payment by the School District for the school use of the Dublin Swim Center; and the reduction in rent from tenants at the Dublin Square Shopping Center due to the relocation of all tenants with the exception of US Bank. 5. A decrease in Intergovernmental Revenues (-$34,969) due to the receipt of one time grant funds in 2007-2008. The City received $409,609 in Workforce Housing Grants which were appropriated for the Shannon Center Reconstruction Project. This decrease is partially off-set by a Stormwater Project Grant which is expected in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 6. A decrease in Charges for Services (-$463,223) which IS primarily due to fewer fire and engineering plan check and inspection fees. Revenues for Special Revenue. Capital Proiect and Assessment District Funds for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 are estimated at $19,167,883. This represents a decrease of $5,715,712, or 23.0% compared to estimated Fiscal Year 2007-2008 revenues. These are restricted funds, which can only be used for authorized expenditures. The most notable variances in City Special Revenue and Capital Project Funds are as follows: 1. A decrease in Development impact fees and housing in-lieu fees of approximately $4,979,388. This is a combination of factors including a significant one-time Traffic Impact Fee advance collected in Fiscal Year 2007-2008, for the construction on the Fallon Road and Interstate 580 Interchange, partially offset by a projected increase in the Public Facility Impact Fees. 2. Increased federal transportation grant funds (SAFETEA-LU) totaling approximately $1,091,913 more than estimated for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, to be received for the West and East Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement Capital Improvement Projects. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $170,632,158. Those recommended appropriations which are funded by "Proceeds of Taxes" total only $41,132,528. Therefore, the appropriations subject to the limit are $129,499,630 below the City's limit. The proposed limit is included in the budget document (pages 28 and 29), as required by State Law. Vlll STAFFING LEVEL The proposed Position Allocation Plan (see pages 23 - 26) for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 includes a total of 216.25 positions to support the City's Current Service Level. The total recommended staffing for Fiscal year 2008-2009 including Higher Service levels, but not including temporary part-time Recreation Staff, is 217.00 FTE. The Higher Service Levels add .75 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) positions to the staffing necessary to fund the Current Service Level. Staffing recommended for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 represents a net decrease of 5.45 positions compared to Fiscal Year 2007-2008. One of the major reasons for the decrease in staffing is due to the slumping economy and slowdown in development. For example, 5.5 positions that performed work to support development activity or construction of new capital projects have been eliminated in Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. Some staffing has been reallocated to other program areas which are funded by sources other than the General Fund which more accurately reflect the time be spent by those positions. FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 GENERAL FUND RECAP When the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget in June 2007, Staffprojected General Fund year-end surpluses as follows: . Fiscal Year FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 Total Pro.iected Amount $8,409,041 $2,676,571 $11,085,612 Based upon Staffs revised projections, the City will likely realize the following year-end surpluses: Fiscal Year FY 2006-2007 (Actual) FY 2007-2008 (Projected) Total Amount $ 7,527,876 $ 3,450,736 $ 10,978,612 The most significant single reason for the increase in the projected reserve for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was a lower acquisition cost for the expansion of the Dublin Historic Park. This savings was partially offset by lower than anticipated General Fund Revenues and increased costs associated with Contract Public Safety Services. FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET ISSUES 1. Finalize Funding of Community Service Groups A total of22 Community Group Requests (see pages 20 - 21) are recommended for funding in the amount of $227,898 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In addition to these requests, in March 2008, the City Council tentatively supported funding a request by Dublin Unified School District in the amount of$117,135 for a total of $345,033 in IX Community Group Requests. The General Fund would fund $249,110 of the total amount, while the balance of these requests would be funded by Special Revenue Funds. The Preliminary Budget provides funding for all those Community Group requests preliminarily approved by the City Council in March 2008. 2. Determine which Higher Service Level Options (see pages 18 -19) should be funded. A total of37 Higher Service Levels costing $629,239 are recommended for funding in the Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The adoption of these Higher Service Levels will result in a loss of $47,385 in revenue resulting in a total net cost of $676,619 for the recommended Higher Service Levels. All Community Group requests not funded by the Community Development Block Grant are included in this Higher Service Level total. 3. Finalize the priority of the Capital Proiects proposed for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. A total of $9,518,588 in Capital Projects are funded from the General Fund. Ofthis amount, $5,337,355 will be funded from the Capital Project Reserves and one-time Project Specific Revenues. General Fund Operating Revenues in the amount of $4,188,233 will fund the balance of the Capital Projects. 4. Determine the appropriate use of the proiected year-end net surplus of $3,450,736 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. In June of 2007, the City Council supported the use of the projected year-end surpluses as shown in column one of the table below. In March 2008, when the City Council received the year-end Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007, the City Council designated the actual 2006-2007 year-end surplus as shown in column two of the table below. Based upon the Council's previous actions, it is recommended that the City Council preliminarily designate the year-end surplus for 2007-2008 as shown in column 3 ofthe table below. City Council Actual City City Manager PURPOSE Priority June Council Action Recommendation 2007 March 2008 June 2008 Civic Center Expansion $ 2,000,000 $ 1,200,000 City Maintenance Facility / EOC 1,500,000 1,500,000 Fire Department Retiree Medical 1,000,000 500,000 $ 500,000 Emerald Glen Park (Indoor Pool) 2,500,000 2,500,000 Historic Park 2,500,000 3,180,000 Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) 1,000,000 1,120,000 East Bay Communication Systems 500,000 450,000 (Emergency Radios) TOTAL $ 11,000,000 $ 7,500,000 $ 3,450,000 As indicated in the City's 2008-2013 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program, some of the Capital Projects proposed to be funded by these reserves (i.e.: Emerald Glen Recreation Center/Aquatics Complex Phase, the Civic Center Expansion and the City Maintenance Facility/EOC) will still require significant additional funding to be completed. x 5. Determine Action To Be Taken if City's Budget is Impacted by the State. As indicated in the Budget Summary, the City Council has been presented with a balanced budget with a projected reserve of $64,565. The Preliminary Budget does not include any budget impacts that may result from the State Budget deliberations. To date, potential items that have been discussed by the State Legislature which could impact the City of Dublin's budget include elimination ofthe COPs Grant ($100,000/year) and reinstating booking fees ($154,000/year) charged to cities for booking arrested persons at the County jail. The final State Budget impact on the City could be more or less than the amounts identified above, and will probably not be known until after the City adopts the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. If the State adopts the measures identified above, which would impact the City in the amount of approximately $254,000, it is recommended that the City Council consider the following modifications to the Preliminary Budget: Defer the San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation Project One Year Budget Amount Eliminate the School District request to fund a School Groundskeeper Budget Amount $ 211,640 TOTAL $ 53,000 $ 254,640 LONG TERM FINANCIAL PROSPECTS Sustainability has become a popular term and is used in a variety of contexts. One of these contexts is fiscal sustainability. For the first time in a number of years, the City's General Fund Revenues have become stagnant. These revenues are projected to be less in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 than they were in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Sales tax, which has been the bedrock ofthe City's financial success since incorporation, is projected to be lower than the City's actual sales tax received in Fiscal Year 2003- 2004. Staff has been working on a Five year Financial Forecast which will not be completed at the time the City Council considers the 2008-2009 Budget. Enough work has been completed on the plan to determine that the City's sales tax revenues will not increase significantly until Fiscal Year 2010-2011 at which time two major retail projects will be completed. In the meantime, the City's cost for services will increase as the City's population grows and the cost of maintaining new infrastructure such as the Shannon Community Center, Dublin Historic Park, Fallon Sports Park, and new roads are added to the City's Operating Budget. As indicated in the Preliminary 2008-2009 Budget, the City anticipates a very small year-end surplus ($64,565) at the end of Fiscal Year 2008-2009. On the bright side, the City is funding in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 nearly $4.2 million in Capital Projects from its General Fund. The City's ability to utilize its General Fund to fund Capital Projects in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, and possibly future years will significantly diminish, if not disappear. Therefore, it is important that the City Council cautiously examines its ability to fiscally sustain new programs before they are added, as well as its ability to fund the operation and maintenance of new Capital Projects even though funds are available for construction in the future. Xl CONCLUSION I would like to thank this City Council, as well as its predecessors, for giving me the opportunity to serve the community for more than 26 years. During that time, the City's services to its citizens have been enhanced and numerous municipal and recreational facilities have been constructed which our residents and visitors have enjoyed. Despite the challenges that all local governments, including Dublin, face in the future, I believe an excellent foundation has been laid to address those challenges. The City has an excellent Staff who strive to do their best to serve our community. I would,also like to express my appreciation to those members of our Staff who have contributed to the development of this year's Budget. It has been my honor and privilege to have served the Dublin community. Respectfully submitted, ~J(.k# Richard C. Ambrose City Manager xu CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service Impact Fees Other Revenues Special Assessments TOT AL CURRENT REVENUE Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities Historic Park Civic Center Expansion Design Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOT AL OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS General Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects TOTAL APPROPRIA nONS TO RESERVES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Supp. Criminal Vehicle Law General Activity Abatemnt Enforce. Fund Fund Fund Fund TOTAL 001 200 201 202 22 920 050 22 920 050 17792587 17.219328 2 304 675 2304675 335 900 13 8 900 4399846 2.555 078 1074 5914 8 4 152 526 1 002 700 30 000 100 000 8 594 363 5.779709 10 963901 1486193 1272 118 2.000 831 987 3,074\ 35,9141 100,0081 73,782,028\ 53,192,5581 21936950 8766 1,755,875 1,755,875 814,737 814,737 1,120,000 1,120,000 186,101 186,101 218.746 23 850 17230 (23 850) (20) fl7230) 18,6841 100,0081 99,595,6911 57,305,2271 11,8401 6522681 6332761 25404531 24.248947 11 840 100 100 000 3 137891 2298841 5 863 928 65 425 7744814 7.744814 7053441 7031306 1001 100,0001 55,727,2861 47,722,0941 11 ,8401 1 653 001 1 638 137 578 570 328 570 12186418 5881201 24 408 029 1 670 680 38,826,0181 9,518,5881 1,394,8271 100,0001 11,8401 1001 95,948,1311 57,240,6821 3,647,580 64,545 18,584 8 3,647,580 64,545 18,584 8 99,595,7111 57,305,2271 11,8401 18,6841 100,0081 -1- 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET State Measure Traffic Gas Meas. D Safety Tax CDBG ISTEA B Recycling Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 205 206 209 210 217 224 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property 329 727 Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures 197000 Use of Money & Property 3578 63,974 11,765 254 Intergovernmental Revenues 812,900 66 308 1 373,664 213 946 Charges for Service Impact Fees other Revenues 4500 Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE I 200,5781 876,8741 66,3081 1,373,6641 341,4921 218,7001 Appropriations from Reserves other Activities 71 092 493037 373 878 113 708 Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Civic Center Expansion Design Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out (6,600' TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 271,6701 1,369,9111 59,7081 1,373,6641 715,3701 332,4081 OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety 271 670 35,000 Transportation 387,651 Health and Welfare 59 708 205 408 Culture & Leisure Services Community Development 6000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES I 271,6701 428,6511 59,7081 1 1 205,4081 CAPITAL PROJECTS General I I 941,2601 1 1,370,SJ 715,J 127,0001 Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS I 1 941,2601 I 1,370,8211 715,3701 127,0001 INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) 1 1 I 1 I 1 I TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES I 271,6701 1,369,9111 59,7081 1,370,8211 715,3701 332,4081 Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects 2,843 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 2,843 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 271,6701 1,369,9111 59,7081 1,373,6641 715,3701 332,4081 -2- 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Waste Garbage Management Sales Tax CMA EMS Service Service Measure B TIP Tax Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 225 226 227 228 230 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property 109 507 134 025 Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property 19.931 15559 3346 intergovernmental Revenues 133000 Charges for Service 1615400 impact Fees Other Revenues 166575 Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE 1 1,615,4001 19,9311 125,0661 133,0001 303,9461 Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities 70 068 Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Civic Center Expansion Design Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1 1,615,4001 19,9311 125,0661 133,0001 374,0141 OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety 374014 Transportation Health and Welfare 1.591 293 Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES I 1,591,2931 I 1 I 374,0141 CAPITAL PROJECTS Generai I I I 96,7J 133,0001 I Community improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS I I I 96,7631 133,0001 1 INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) I I I I 1 1 TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES I 1,591,2931 I 96,7631 133,0001 374,0141 Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects 24,107 19,931 28,303 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 24,107 19,931 28,303 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 1,615,4001 19,9311 125,0661 133,0001 374,0141 -3- 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Traffic Hwy Safety Traffic Facility Congestion Traffic Red Impact Impact Public Relief Bond Fund Fee Fee Art Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 240 241 300 310 311 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses. & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property 8892 65 770,678 249,213 9.414 Intergovernmental Revenues 420 008 . Charges for Service Impact Fees 1 556741 8915787 Other Revenues Special Assessments TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE I 428,9001 651 2,327,4191 9,165,0001 9,4141 Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities 17 157 841 240.586 Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Civic Center Expansion Design Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1 428,9001 651 19,485,2601 9,165,000 I 250,000 I OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government 5 125 4100 Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I I 5,1251 4,1001 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS General I I I 19.480,13J 148MI 250,0001 Community Improvement Parks 6,178~17 Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS I I I 19,480,1351 6,193,0811 250,000 I INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) 1 I 1 1 1 I TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES I I I 19,485,2601 6,197,1811 250,000 I Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects 428,900 65 2,967,819 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 428,900 65 2,967,819 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I 428,9001 651 19,485,2601 9,165,0001 250,000 I -4- 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Fire Housing Dublin Impact Noise Info. Fee Mitigation Inc. Assessment District Funds Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 320 380 601 710 711 713 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other Than Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property 397 769 5596 1483 2614 Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service 74070 Impact Fees 218746 272 627 Other Revenues 5000 Special Assessments 259914 68 073 99 582 TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE 1 218,7461 744,4661 I 270,5101 69,5561 102,1961 Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities 3.371 703 16 293 5998 Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Civic Center Expansion Design Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances (218746) Fund Transfers In 6,600 20 Fund Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I I 4,122,7691 201 270,5101 85,8491 108,1941 OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government 180675 20 Public Safety 253 569 Transportation 83 144 105 489 Health and Welfare 3,942,094 Culture & Leisure Services Community Development 4270 2,705 2.705 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I 4,122,7691 201 257,8391 85,8491 108,1941 CAPITAL PROJECTS General I I I I I I I Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 1 I I I I 1 I INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) 1 I I I I 1 1 TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES I I 4,122,7691 I 257,8391 85,8491 108,1941 Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects 20 12,671 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 20 12,671 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I 1 4,122,7691 201 270,5101 85,8491 108,1941 -5- 2008-2009 SUMMARY BY FUND RECOMMENDED BUDGET Assessment Internal District Service Fund Fund Funds 716 717 830-832 CURRENT REVENUE Property Taxes Taxes Other J:han Property Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money & Property 5218 8020 260.403 Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Service 1 125 184 Impact Fees Other Revenues 36 000 Special Assessments 246 273 158145 TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE I 251,4911 166,1651 1,421,5871 Appropriations from Reserves Other Activities 13 980 Historic Park Fallon Sports Park (Artificial Turf) Civic Center Expansion Design Capital Project Carryovers Pass through Grant Payments Repayment Impact Fee Advances Fund Transfers In Fund Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 265,4711 166,1651 1,421,5871 OPERATING EXPENDITURES WITH HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS General Government Public Safety 109391 Transportation 262 766 Health and Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development 2705 3750 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES I 265,4711 113,1411 I CAPITAL PROJECTS General I I I I Community Improvement Parks Streets TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS I I I I INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (cash basis) I I I 1,394,8271 TOTAL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES I 265,4711 113,1411 1,394,8271 Appropriations to Reserves Economic Uncertainty First Time Homebuyer Program Restricted Programs / Projects 53,024 26,760 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO RESERVES 53,024 26,760 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I 265,4711 166,1651 1,421,5871 -6- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 GENERAL FUND #001 PROPERTY TAXES Current Year Secured $ 14.599.552 $ 16.500.000 $ 16.150.000 $ 17.000,000 $ 17.000,000 I n Lieu Property Tax 3.034.577 3.350.000 3.352.904 3.550.000 3.550,000 Current Year Unsecured 950.885 945.000 995,000 973.550 973.550 Prior Year Secured 269,252 225.000 368,000 370.000 370.000 Prior Year Unsecured (14.717) 5,000 10.000 10,000 10.000 Supplemental Property Tax 1.139,824 1.000,000 1.050,000 875,000 875,000 Pilot Tax 60.909 59.200 41,000 6.500 6.500 Property Tax Penalties 106,460 110.000 145,000 135.000 135,000 Sub-Total $ 20.146,742 $ 22.194,200 $ 22.111,904 $ 22,920,050 $ 22,920.050 TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 10,532,379 $ 10,675,000 $ 10.750,000 $ 10.369.770 $ 10.369,770 In Lieu Sales Tax 3,493,490 3.715.000 3.712.860 3,493.858 3.493.858 Real Property Transfer Tax 596,533 540.000 450,000 322,000 322.000 Hotel Transient Occupancy Tax 800,773 775,000 811.000 796.000 796,000 Franchise Taxes 2.111.281 2.095,635 2,234,295 2,237.700 2,237,700 Sub-Total $ 17,534,456 $ 17,800.635 $ 17,958,155 $ 17,219.328 $ 17.219.328 LICENSES & PERMITS Building Permits $ 2.258,224 $ 1,315.051 $ 1,400,868 $ 2.008,720 $ 2.008,720 Animal Licenses 5,647 4,900 5.000 5,000 5,000 Encroachment Permits 86.323 23.200 49,372 20,377 20,377 Construction and Demolition Permits 28.146 36,794 36,494 76,626 76,626 Business License 143.654 146,500 145,000 146.000 146,000 Fire Permits 50,075 38.200 33,000 47,952 47.952 Sub-Total $ 2.572.069 $ 1,564.645 $ 1,669.734 $ 2,304,675 $ 2,304,675 FINES & FORFEITURES Other Court Fines $ 56,222 $ 68,000 $ 50.000 $ 50.000 $ 50,000 Other Fines & Penalties 5.235 4.000 16,400 4,400 4,400 Parking Fines 78.778 71.000 84.500 84.500 84,500 Sub-Total $ 140,235 $ 143,000 $ 150,900 $ 138,900 $ 1~,900 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2.605,008 $ 2.078,549 $ 2.329.339 2.321.521 $ 2.321.521 Interest - Box Culvert 0 12,835 12.254 12.254 Interest - Cemetery 2.596 2.979 2,433 2.362 2,362 Rents & Concessions Sports Facilities 57.737 78.640 98.715 77,800 77,800 Buildings 21.294 18.510 23,671 28,996 28.996 Pool 19,457 14,600 19.125 21.010 2,420 Heritage Center 2.307 3,100 1.769 2,100 2,100 Community Gym 26.719 23,920 24.800 25.025 21.285 Senior Center 42.716 43.546 43.353 44.340 44.340 Dublin Square 108.611 105.031 42.000 42,000 Sub-Total $ 2.777,834 $ 2.372,455 $ 2,661.071 $ 2.577.408 $ 2.555,078 -7- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES - STATE Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Tax $ 261,276 $ 190,000 $ 197,000 $ 207,000 $ 207,000 Off Highway Vehicle In-Lieu Fee 0 0 0 0 0 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 181,030 180,000 182,000 190.000 190,000 Workforce Housing Grant 707,454 409,609 409,609 0 0 Stormwater Project Grant 0 249,060 249,060 605.700 605,700 Sub-Total $ 1,149.760 $ 1,028,669 $ 1.037,669 $ 1,002,700 $ 1,002,700 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Zoning & Subdivision Fees $ 1,969,393 $ 1,572,099 $ 1,694,941 $ 1,688.909 $ 1,688,909 Plan Check & Inspection Fees 2,576,754 2,180,000 1,926,091 1 .434,304 1.434,304 Sale of Maps & Documents 14,352 11,687 13,809 11 ,500 11,500 Special Police Services 31.115 123,500 74,850 78,000 78,000 Fire Service Charges 1,281,903 694,200 731 ,569 710,000 710,000 Recreation Instruction 168,941 152,620 129,090 132,320 132,320 Preschool 103,515 115,080 119.465 128,950 128,950 Special Events 154,769 144,880 159,285 160,670 160,670 Playgrounds 226.883 263,730 268.900 290,900 305,850 Teens 61,250 66.430 73,207 78,110 78,110 Building Use Insurance 4.146 4,360 4.427 4,560 4,560 Zone 7 Drainage Fees 6.493 5,148 8,885 8.988 8,988 Adult Sports 45,781 51,880 43.633 45,110 45,110 Aquatics 175,748 182,010 195,645 208,090 208,090 Seniors 83.488 90,850 84,027 87.323 87.323 DUI Program 1,441 2,160 0 4,300 4,300 Youth Sports 177,299 163,420 184,939 191,030 191,030 Booking Fees Recovery 155,928 4.122 4,121 0 0 Solid Waste Fee 138,215 137,000 137,500 152,500 152,500 Interment Fees 3,820 6,260 1,795 4.695 4.695 Heritage Center 2,693 8,620 7,804 9,300 11,200 Annexation Charges 19,835 4.000 37,273 0 0 Fire Plan Chk & Insp Fees 399.001 153,000 154,000 138,600 138,600 Cable Support Fee 64,593 63.200 69,000 71,700 71,700 Cultural Arts 97,177 104.000 118,676 123.000 123,000 Sub-Total $ 7,964,533 $ 6.304,256 $ 6,242,932 $ 5,762,859 $ 5,779,709 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ $ 1,000 $ $ $ Contributions 150,513 125,100 132,100 127,050 87,050 Miscellaneous 118,763 65,000 65,250 19,330 19,330 Reimbursement 607,910 1.415,087 648,800 953,905 953,905 Reimbursement-Public Damage 51,518 10,000 6,337 11,163 11,163 Reimbursement-Sorrento @ DR 0 34.825 0 0 0 Community Benefit Payments 0 0 193,960 200,670 200,670 Sub-Total $ 928,704 $ 1,651.012 $ 1,046.447 $ 1.312.118 $ 1,272,118 TOTAL- GENERAL FUND $ 53,214,333 $ 53,058,872 $ 52,878,812 $ 53,238,038 $ 53,192,558 CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FUND #200 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 1,149 $ 1,182 $ 1,580 $ 1,074 $ 1,074 Sub-Total $ 1,149 $ 1,182 $ 1,580 $ 1,074 $ 1,074 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Property $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Miscellaneous 3.404 0 7,000 2,000 2.000 Sub-Total $ 3.404 $ 0 $ 7,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 TOTAL- CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FUND $ 4,553 $ 1,182 $ 8,580 $ 3,074 $ 3,074 -8- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND #201 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 5,702 $ 6,960 $ 5,977 $ 5,914 $ 5,914 Sub-Total $ 5,702 $ 6,960 $ 5,977 $ 5,914 $ 5,914 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE-STATE Vehicle Abatement Subvention $ 27,727 $ 29,000 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Sub-Total $ 27,727 $ 29,000 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 TOTAL- VEHICLE ABATEMENT FUND $ 33,429 $ 35,960 $ 37,977 $ 35,914 $ 35,914 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND (#202) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 667 $ 4 $ 401 $ 8 $ 8 Sub-Total $ 667 $ 4 $ 401 $ 8 $ 8 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE State Police COPS grant $ 100,000 $ 100.000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Sub-Total $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL- SUP. LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND $ 100,667 $ 100,004 $ 100,401 $ 100,008 $ 100,008 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND #205 FINES & FORFEITURES Vehicle Code Fines $ 201,863 $ 195,000 $ 197,000 $ 197,000 $ 197,000 Sub-Total $ 201,863 $ 195,000 $ 197,000 $ 197,000 $ 197,000 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,819 $ 5,762 $ 7.047 $ 3,578 $ 3,578 Sub-Total $ 6,819 $ 5,762 $ 7,047 $ 3,578 $ 3,578 TOTAL- TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND $ 208,682 $ 200,762 $ 204,047 $ 200,578 $ 200,578 STATE GAS TAX FUND (#206) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 93,565 $ 95,842 $ 85,558 $ 63,974 $ 63,974 Sub-Total $ 93,565 $ 95,842 $ 85,558 $ 63,974 $ 63.974 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE State Gas Tax (2105) $ 255,107 $ 274,117 $ 265,800 $ 274,000 $ 274,000 State Gas Tax (2106) 166,483 178,805 167,700 172.900 172,900 State Gas Tax (2107) 341,037 371,706 349,000 360,000 360,000 State Gas Tax (2107.5) 6,000 6,000 6.000 6,000 6,000 Sub-Total $ 768,627 $ 830,628 $ 788,500 $ 812,900 $ 812,900 TOTAL. GAS TAX FUND $ 862,192 $ 926,470 $ 874,058 $ 876,874 $ 876,874 -9- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND (#209) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL CDBG Grant $ 140,929 $ 70,471 $ 70,471 $ 66,308 $ 66,308 Sub-Total $ 140,929 $ 70,471 $ 70,471 $ 66,308 $ 66,308 TOTAL. CDBG FUND $ 140,929 $ 70,471 $ 70,471 $ 66,308 $ 66,308 SAFE, ACCOUNTABLE, FLEXIBLE, EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT: A LEGACY FOR USERS (SAFETEA.LU) FUND (#210) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL SAFETEA-LU Funds $ 2,843 $ 389,000 $ 281,751 $ 1,373,664 $ 1,373,664 Sub-Total $ 2,843 $ 389,000 $ 281,751 $ 1,373,664 $ 1,373,664 TOTAL. ISTEA FUND $ 2,843 $ 389,000 $ 281,751 $ 1,373,664 $ 1,373,664 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (#212) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - FEDERAL Disaster Assistance $ 1,097 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 1,097 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL. FEMA FUND $ 1,097 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MEASURE B FUND (#217) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales & Use Tax $ 325,161 $ 348,000 $ 317,046 $ 329,727 $ 329,727 Sub-Total $ 325,161 $ 348,000 $ 317,046 $ 329,727 $ 329,727 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 15,369 $ 14.153 $ 13,699 $ 11,765 $ 11,765 Sub-Total $ 15,369 $ 14,153 $ 13,699 $ 11,765 $ 11,765 TOTAL- MEASURE B FUND $ 340,530 $ 362,153 $ 330,745 $ 341,492 $ 341,492 MEASURE D RECYCLING FUND (#224) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 23,128 $ 35,504 $ 13,423 $ 254 $ 254 Sub-Total $ 23,128 $ 35.504 $ 13,423 $ 254 $ 254 INTERGOVERNMENTAL State Grants $ 14,047 $ 22,000 $ 34,667 $ 13,946 $ 13,946 Recycling Fees - County 219,582 235,300 200,000 200,000 200,000 Sub-Total $ 233,629 $ 257,300 $ . 234,667 $ 213,946 $ 213,946 OTHER REVENUE Miscellaneous 9.995 9,000 21,742 4,500 4,500 Sub-Total $ 9,995 $ 9.000 $ 21,742 $ 4,500 $ 4.500 TOTAL- MEASURE D FUND $ 266,752 $ 301,804 $ 269,832 $ 218,700 $ 218,700 -10- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 GARBAGE SERVICE FUND (#225) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,121 $ 0 $ 3,467 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 2,121 $ 0 $ 3,467 $ 0 $ 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Garbage Recycling Fees $ 1,426,447 $ 1,508,362 $ 1,490,000 $ 1,610,000 $ 1,610,000 Penalties 4,359 5,400 12,800 5,400 5,400 Sub-Total $ 1,430,806 $ 1,513,762 $ 1,502,800 $ 1,615,400 $ 1,615,400 TOTAL. GARBAGE SERVICE FUND $ 1,432,927 $ 1,513,762 $ 1,506,267 $ 1,615,400 $ 1,615,400 WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE FUND (#226) USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 21,241 $ 19,931 $ 19,931 Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 21,241 $ 19,931 $ 19,931 TOTAL. WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE FUND $ 0 $ 0 $ 21,241 $ 19,931 $ 19,931 SALES TAX MEASURE B (FUND 227) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY Sales Tax Measure B - Bicycle and Pedestrian $ 107,882 $ 112,862 $ 105,296 $ 109,507 $ 109,507 Sub-Total $ 107,882 $ 112,862 $ 105,296 $ 109,507 $ 109,507 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 9,804 $ 14.392 $ 12,520 $ 15,559 $ 15,559 Sub-Total $ 9,804 $ 14,392 $ 12,520 $ 15,559 $ 15,559 TOTAL- SALES TAX MEASURE B $ 117,686 $ 127,254 $ 117,816 $ 125,066 $ 125,066 CMA TIP FUNDS (FUND 228) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE CMA Tip Funds $ 0 $ 289,000 $ 0 $ 133,000 $ 133,000 TOTAL- CMA TIP FUND $ 0 $ 289,000 $ 0 $ 133,000 $ 133,000 EMS FUND (FUND 230) TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY EMS Excise Tax $ 117,642 $ 123,400 $ 126,100 $ 131,500 $ 131,500 EMS Excise Tax Prior Year 1,502 1,680 1,900 1,900 1,900 Penalties 329 680 910 625 625 Sub-Total $ 119,473 $ 125,760 $ 128,910 $ 134,025 $ 134,025 REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 409 $ 0 $ 5,588 $ 3,346 $ 3.346 Sub-Total $ 409 $ 0 $ 5,588 $ 3,346 $ 3,346 OTHER REVENUES EMS District Reimbursement $ 157,013 $ 161,723 $ 161,723 $ 166,575 $ 166,575 Sub-Total $ 157,013 $ 161,723 $ 161,723 $ 166.575 $ 166,575 TOTAL. EMS FUND $ 276,895 $ 287,483 $ 296,221 $ 303,946 $ 303,946 -11- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF PROGRAM (#240) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 28,707 $ 17,856 $ 12,571 $ 8,892 $ 8,892 Sub-Total $ 28,707 $ 17,856 $ 12,571 $ 8,892 $ 8,892 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE State Grant $ 264,310 $ 0 $ 0 $ 420,008 $ 420.008 Sub-Total $ 264,310 $ 0 $ 0 $ 420,008 $ 420,008 TOTAL- TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF FUND $ 293,017 $ 17,856 $ 12,571 $ 428,900 $ 428,900 HIGHWAY SAFETY I TRAFFIC REDUCTION BOND (#241) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,457 $ 65 $ 65 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 3.457 $ 65 $ 65 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - STATE State Grant $ 701,859 $ 701.759 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 701,859 $ 701,759 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL- TRAFFIC REDUCTION BOND FUND $ 0 $ 701,859 $ 705,216 $ 65 $ 65 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FUND (#300) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 811.213 $ 595,335 $ 756,704 $ 770,678 $ 770,678 Sub-Total $ 811,213 $ 595,335 $ 756,704 $ 770,678 $ 770,678 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ 2,816,044 $ 12,913,874 $ 13.426,684 $ 1,556,741 $ 1,556,741 Sub-Total $ 2,816,044 $ 12,913,874 $ 13.426,684 $ 1,556,741 $ 1,556,741 TOTAL- TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FUND $ 3,627,257 $ 13,509,209 $ 14,183,388 $ 2,327,419 $ 2,327,419 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND (#310) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 623,011 $ 520,780 $ 389,196 $ 249,213 $ 249,213 Sub-Total $ 623,011 $ 520,780 $ 389,196 $ 249,213 $ 249,213 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ 5.322.422 $ 2,527,095 $ 2,5~7,095 $ 8,915,787 $ 8,915,781, Sub-Total $ 5,322,422 $ 2,521,,095 $ 2,521,,095 $ 8,915,1,81, $ 8,915,781, TOTAL. PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND $ 5,945,433 $ 3,047,875 $ 2,916,291 $ 9,165,000 $ 9,165,000 PUBLIC ART FUND (#311) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 6,313 $ 18.131 $ 10,033 $ 9.414 $ 9.414 Sub-Total $ 6,313 $ 18,131 $ 10,033 $ 9.414 $ 9.414 OTHER REVENUES Public Art Contributions $ 112,544 $ 125,000 $ 125.000 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 112,544 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL- PUBLIC ART FUND $ 118,857 $ 143,131 $ 135,033 $ 9,414 $ 9,414 -12- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007.2008 2007.2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND (#320) OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements $ 180,621 $ 149,603 $ 22,583 $ 218,746 $ 218,746 Sub-Total $ 180,621 $ 149,603 $ 22,583 $ 218,746 $ 218.746 TOTAL- FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND $ 180,621 $ 149,603 $ 22,583 $ 218,746 $ 218,746 HOUSING I NOISE MIT. FUND (#380) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 604,093 $ 575,054 $ 470,573 $ 397,769 $ 397,769 Sub-Total $ 604,093 $ 575,054 $ 470,573 $ 397,769 $ 397,769 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Housing Services $ 31,115 $ 123,500 $ 164,773 $ 74,070 $ 74,070 Sub-Total $ 31,115 $ 123,500 $ 164,773 $ 74,070 $ 74,070 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursements-General $ 3,140 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Noise Mitigation 5,888 6,900 1,891 4,391 4,391 Affordable Housing Fee 0 1,473,000 1,341,180 268,236 268,236 Non-Residential Housing in Lieu Fee 180,752 129,000 0 0 0 Sub-Total $ 189,780 $ 1,608,900 $ 1,343,071 $ 272,627 $ 272,627 TOTAL. HOUSING I NOISE MIT. FUND $ 824,988 $ 2,307,454 $ 1,978,417 $ 744,466 $ 744,466 STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND (#710) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 5,461 $ 4,712 $ 4,323 $ 5,596 $ 5,596 Sub-Total $ 5,461 $ 4.712 $ 4,323 $ 5,596 $ 5,596 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 2,026 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Sub-Total $ 2,026 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments - Current $ 213,056 $ 252.112 $ 247,917 $ 256,848 $ 256,848 Special Assessments - Prior Years 2,196 2,140 2.109 1,991 1,991 Penalties 483 900 1,318 1,075 1,075 Sub-Total $ 215,735 $ 255,152 $ 251,344 $ 259,914 $ 259,914 TOTAL. STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT $ 223,222 $ 264,864 $ 258,667 $ 270,510 $ 270,510 DISTRICT FUND (#710) LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#711) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 2,419 $ 2,006 $ 1,882 $ 1,483 $ 1,483 Sub-Total $ 2,419 $ 2,006 $ 1,882 $ 1,483 $ 1,483. SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENT Special Assessments - Current $ 63,590 $ 65,620 $ 65,620 $ 67,707 $ 67,707 Special Assessments. Prior Years 388 350 175 247 247 Penalties 58 100 147 119 119 Sub-Total $ 64,036 $ 66,070 $ 65,942 $ 68,073 $ 68,073 TOTAL. LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT $ 66,455 $ 68,076 $ 67,824 $ 69,556 $ 69,556 DISTRICT FUND -13- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#713) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 3,909 $ 3,631 $ 3,267 $ 2,614 $ 2,614 Sub-Total $ 3,909 $ 3,631 $ 3,267 $ 2,614 $ 2,614 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 1,194 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 1,194 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments - Current $ 92,816 $ 95,957 $ 95,966 $ 99,009 $ 99,009 Special Assessments - Prior Years 211 300 473 373 373 Penalties 70 200 299 200 200 Sub-Total $ 93.097 $ 96,457 $ 96,738 $ 99,582 $ 99,582 TOTAL- LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT $ 98,200 $ 100,088 $ 100,005 $ 102,196 $ 102,196 DISTRICT FUND SANTA RITA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#716) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 9,858 $ 8,563 $ 7,390 $ 5,218 $ 5,218 Sub-Total $ 9,858 $ 8,563 $ 7,390 $ 5,218 $ 5,218 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments - Current $ 209,144 $ 223,233 $ 223,761 $ 245,341 $ 245,341 Special Assessments - Prior Years 704 700 378 378 378 Penalties 139 200 796 554 554 Sub-Total $ 209,987 $ 224,133 $ 224,935 $ 246,273 $ 246,273 TOTAL. SANTA RITA ASSESSMENT $ 219,845 $ 232,696 $ 232,325 $ 251,491 $ 251,491 DISTRICT FUND EASTERN DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (#717) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 4,716 $ 7,194 $ 5,602 $ 8,020 $ 8,020 Sub-Total $ 4,716 $ 7,194 $ 5,602 $ 8,020 $ 8,020 SPECIAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS Special Assessments - Current $ 131,950 $ 143.505 $ 143,046 $ 156,384 $ 156,384 Special Assessments - Prior Years $ 1,128 $ 458 $ 2,270 $ 1,264 $ 1,264 Penalties 211 250 950 497 497 Sub-Total $ 133,289 $ 144,213 $ 146,266 $ 158,145 $ 158.145 OTHER REVENUES Reimbursement-Public Damage $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 '$ 0 $ 0 TOTAL- EASTERN DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING $ 138,005 $ 151,407 $ 151,868 $ .166,165 $ 166,165 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (#830 - #832) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 159,014 $ 260,403 $ 269,612 $ 260,403 $ 260,403 Sub-Total $ 159,014 $ 260,403 $ 269,612 $ 260,403 $ 260,403 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Equipment Usages $ 1,161,639 $ 1,138,641 $ 1,140,875 $ 1,125,184 $ 1,125,184 Sub-Total $ 1,161,639 $ 1,138,641 $ 1,140,875 $ 1,125,184 $ 1.125,184 -14- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF REVENUES BY SOURCE CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROJECTED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 OTHER REVENUES Sale of Real & Personal Property $ 0 $ 14,400 $ 15,768 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 Reimbursement- Public Damage 15,771 8,400 32,550 10,000 10,000 Sub-Total $ 15,771 $ 22,800 $ 48,318 $ 36,000 $ 36,000 TOTAL- INTERNAL SERVICE FUND $ 1,336,424 $ 1,421,844 $ 1,458,805 $ 1,421,587 $ 1,421,587 RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS (#840) REVENUE FROM USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Interest $ 229.457 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 229,457 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Retiree Health Charges $ 625,333 $ 543,416 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sub-Total $ 625,333 $ 543,416 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL. RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS $ 854,790 $ 543,416 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS $ 70,930,629 $ 80,323,555 $ 79,221,212 $ 73,827,508 $ 73,782,028 LESS EQUIPMENT USAGE ISF $ (1,161.639) $ (1,138,641) $ (1,140,875) $ (1.125,184) $ (1,125,184) LESS RETIREE HEALTH CHARGES (625,333) (543,416) TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE- $ 69,143,657 $ 78,641,498 $ 78,080,337 $ 72,702,324 $ 72,656,844 . Does not include Interfund Transfers, or use of Reserves -15- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET LEVELS RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council $ 320,925 $ 304,891 $ 262,786 $ 284,546 $ 7,550 $ 292,096 City Manager/Clerk 1,042,480 1,128,643 1,055,914 1,231,303 1,231,303 Central Services 438,786 573,400 527,322 592,646 10,000 602,646 Legal Services 927,811 665,123 987,900 892,279 12,600 904,879 Administrative Services 1,593,028 1,844,459 1,679,454 1,865,327 1,865,327 Building Management 707,317 796,873 755,944 739,909 141,500 881,409 Insurance 474,542 538,541 531,462 527,781 527,781 Elections 25,555 2,500 977 106,120 106,120 Non-Departmental 9,858 39,194 19,508 111,120 111,120 TOTAL-General Government $ 5,540,302 $ 5,893,624 $ 5,821,267 $ 6,351,031 $ 171,650 $ 6,522,681 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Services $11,764,175 $ 12,663,631 $12,914,612 $ 13,649,487 $ 5,200 $ 13,654,687 Crossing Guards 86,639 98,648 97,484 100,622 100,622 Animal Control 251,957 351,192 345,995 400,670 400,670 Traffic Signal & Street Lighting 590,191 669,225 607,909 683,475 683,475 Disaster Preparedness 79,827 99,888 92,818 127,701 10,000 137,701 Fire 9,375,521 9,756,413 9,763,435 10,427,376 10,427,376 TOTAL-Public Safety $22,148,310 $ 23,638,997 $23,822,253 $ 25,389,331 $ 15,200 $ 25,404,531 TRANSPORTATION Public Works Administration $ 909,152 $ 1,094,862 $ 1,047,841 $ 1,144,148 $ 0 $ 1,144,148 Street Maintenance 318,310 432,133 340,461 422,572 422,572 Street Sweeping 139,992 138,000 135,298 145,605 145,605 Street Tree Maintenance 170,697 172,827 172,010 165,277 165,277 Street Landscape Maintenance 1,188,448 1,266,309 1,167,149 1,260,289 1,260,289 TOTAL-Transportation $ 2,726,599 $ 3,104,131 $ 2,862,759 $ 3,137,891 $ 0 $ 3,137,891 HEALTH & WELFARE Waste Management $ 1,547,663 $ 1,671,581 $ 1,623,365 $ 1,686,701 $ 110,000 $ 1,796,701 Child Care 18,500 18,500 18,500 0 18,500 18,500 Social. Services 60,035 78,358 78,358 59,708 46,925 106,633 Housing Programs 458,257 3,994,884 994,698 3,887,787 54,307 3,942,094 TOTAL-Health & Welfare $ 2,084,455 $ 5,763,323 $ 2,714,921 $ 5,634,196 $ 229,732 $ 5,863,928 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES Library Service $ 809,630 $ 836,571 $ 797,640 $ 855,380 $ 0 $ 855,380 Heritage & Cultural Arts 477,716 526,740 513,987 511,931 23,813 535,744 Park Maintenance 1,808,688 2,016,692 2,019,871 2,067,517 6,510 2,074,027 Community Cable TV 128,881 127,980 119,034 78,445 78,445 Parks & Community Services 3,344,683 3,691,778 3,612,661 3,871,021 . 108,934 3,979,955 Parks & Facilities Management 304,997 330,083 323,231 221,263 221,263 TOTAL-Culture & Leisure Services $ 6,874,595 $ 7,529,844 $ 7,386,424 $ 7,605,557 $ 139,257 $ 7,744,814 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Comm Dev (Planning & Bldg/Safety) $ 5,038,858 $ 5,601,580 $ 5,121,223 $ 4,955,860 $ 0 $ 4,955,860 Engineering 2,424,099 2,343,411 2,016,266 1,796,672 21,900 1,818,572 Economic Development 252,496 294,720 271,171 227,509 51,500 279,009 TOTAL-Community Development $ 7,715,453 $ 8,239,711 $ 7,408,660 $ 6,980,041 $ 73,400 $ 7,053,441 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET $47,089,714 $ 54,169,630 $50,016,284 $ 55,098,047 $ 629,239 $ 55,727,286 -16- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM CURRENT HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET LEVELS RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET General $ 408,133 $ 1,517,284 $ 699,873 $ 1,653,001 $ 0 $ 1,653,001 Community Improvements 113,253 578,578 240,904 578,570 578,570 Parks 10,744,848 14,322,819 11,705,929 12,186,418 12,186,418 Streets 13,667,462 33,350,739 15,325,330 24,408,029 24,408,029 TOTAL-Capital Improvements $ 24,933,696 $ 49,769,420 $27,972,036 $ 38,826,018 $ 0 $ 38,826,018 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BUDGET Totallntemal Service Fund $ 9,244,029 $ 1,367,138 $ 558,509 $ 1,394,827 $ 0 $ 1,394,827 TOTAL EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 81,267,439 $ 105,306,188 $78,546,829 $ 95,318,892 $ 629,239 $ 95,948,131 Less Intemal Service Fund Expenses (9,244,029) (1,367,138) (558,509) (1,394,827) (1,394,827) NET TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $ 72,023,410 $ 103,939,050 $77,988,320 $ 93,924,065 $ 629,239 $ 94,553,304 -17- SUMMARY OF HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS Net Amount Associated Budget Cost Recommended Revenue Impact General Government City Council 1. Dry Grad Night $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 0 $ 4,000 2. Red Ribbon Week 3,550 3,550 0 3,550 Total City Council $ 7,550 $ 7,550 $ 0 $ 7,550 Central Services 1. Video Newsletter $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Total Central Services $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Legal Services 1. Social Host Ordinance $ 3,705 $ 3,705 $ 0 $ 3,705 2. Mandatory Self Certification - Green Building 8,895 8,895 0 8,895 Total Legal Services $ 12,600 $ 12,600 $ 0 $ 12,600 Building Management 1. Replace Council Chamber Dais Chairs $ 16,500 $ 16,500 $ 0 $ 16,500 2. Improve Visibility Of Presentations in Council Chaml 25,000 25,000 $ 25,000 3. Relocation of Corporation Yard 100,000 100,000 $ 100,000 Total Building Management $ 141,500 $ 141,500 $ 0 $ 141,500 Subtotal - General Government $ 171,650 $ 171,650 $ 0 $ 171,650 Public Safety Police 1. The Parent Project $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 0 $ 5,200 2. Dublin Unified School District - SRO $ 0 $ 0 (40,000) $ 40,000 Total Police $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ (40,000) $ 45,200 Disaster Preparedness 1. Emergency Management Plan Update $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Total Disaster Preparedness $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 10,000 Subtotal. Public Saf~ty $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ (40,000) $ 55,200 Health & Welfare Waste Management 1. Analyze Jurisdictional Partners $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 0 $ 20,000 2. Multi-Family & Commercial Campaign 88,000 88,000 0 88,000 3. Green Business Program 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 Total Waste Management $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ 0 $ 110,000 Child Care 1. Child Care Links $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 $ 18,500 Total Child Care $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 $ 18,500 Social Services 1. Community Resources For Independent Living $ 11,925 $ 11 ,925 $ 0 $ 11,925 2. Axis Community Health 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 3. Eden I & R 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Social Services $ 46,925 $ 46,925 $ 0 $ 46,925 -18- SUMMARY OF HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS Net Amount Associated' Budget Cost Recommended Revenue Impact Housing Programs 1. Increase Administrative Aide to Full Time $ 20,092 $ 20,092 $ 0 $ 20,092 2. TVHOC - Homeownership Education 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 3. ECHO - Rental Assistance Program 9,215 9,215 0 9,215 Total Housing Programs $ 54,307 $ 54,307 $ 0 $ 54,307 Subtotal - Health & Welfare $ 229,732 $ 229,732 $ 0 $ 229,732 Culture & Leisure Services Heritage & Cultural Arts 1. Heritage Center Program Expansion $ 1,988 $ 1,988 $ 0 $ 1,988 2. Heritage Center WebsiteNirtual Tour 11,825 11 ,825 11,825 3. Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Operational Support 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Heritage & Cultural Arts $ 23,813 $ 23,813 $ 0 $ 23,813 Park Maintenance 1. Dog Park Turf Replacement - Seed $ 3,510 $ 3,510 $ 0 $ 3,510 2. Sports Field Flags 3,000 3,000 3,000 3. Dog Park Turf Replacement - Sod 60,490 0 0 Total Park Maintenance $ 67,000 $ 6,510 $ 0 $ 6,510 Parks & Community Services 1. Youth Fee Assistance $ 20,135 $ 20,135 $ 0 $ 20,135 2. School District Support 54,805 54,805 (22,330) 77,135 3. Nature Day Camp 12,737 12,737 14,950 (2,213) 4. Preschool Expansion 3,077 3,077 3,077 5. Senior Center Carpool Program 9,474 9,474 9,474 6. Senior Center Website 8,706 8,706 8,706 Total Parks & Community Services $ 108,934 $ 108,934 $ (7,380) $ 116,314 Subtotal - Culture & Leisure Services $ 199,747 $ 139,257 $ (7,380) $ 146,637 Community Development Community Development 1. Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan $ 50,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Community Development $ 50,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Engineering 1. Traffic Study - Amador Valley Boulevard/Brighton Dr $ 21,900 $ 21,900 $ 0 $ 21,900 Total Engineering $ 21,900 $ 21,900 $ 0 $ 21,900 Economic Development 1. Tri Valley Business Council $ 19,000 $ 19,000 $ 0 $ 19,000 2. Livermore Valley Film Commission 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 3. Dublin Partners in Education 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 4. Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 Total Economic Development $ 51,500 $ 51,500 $ 0 $ 51,500 Subtotal - Community Development $ 123,400 $ 73,400 $ 0 $ 73,400 TOTAL COSTS FOR HIGHER SERVICE LEVELS $ 739,729 $ 629,239 $ (47,380) $ 676,619 -19- 2008-2009 COMMUNITY GROUP I ORGANIZATION BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY All requests in the General Fund, Affordable Housing Fund and Measure D Recycling Fund are shown as a Higher Service Level (HSL). GENERAL FUND AMOUNT AMOUNT BUDGET GROUP REQUEST REQUESTED RECOMMENDED LOCATION Axis Community Health Operational support for a Women's Health $25,000 $25,000 Social Services Budget Clinic 50400 (HSL#2) Chabot-Las Positas Operational Contribution: Economic Development Community College District (Tri-Valley One-Stop Career Center) $15,000 $15,000 Budget 90400 (HSL #4) Child Care Links Program Funding - $18,500 and Spanish Child Care Budget Translation Services for existing workshops - $23,500 $18,500 50300 (HSL #1) $5,000 Community Resources for Operational support for services to residents $19,214 $11,925 Social Services Budget Independent Living with disabilities of all ages. 50400 (HSL#1) Dublin Fine Arts City of Dublin's portion of the Operating Heritage & Cultural Arts Foundation: funds for Dublin Fine Arts Foundation for the $10,000 $10,000 80110-80130 (HSL #3) Tri-Valley "Art Takes Place" Program Dublin High School (Drug Dry Grad Night Contribution - $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 City Council Budget Substance Abuse Council) 10101 (HSL#1) Dublin Partners In Operational Contribution $15,000 $15,000 Economic Development Education Budget 90400 (HSL #3) Dublin Unified School Red Ribbon Week $3,550 $3,550 City Council Budget District 10101 (HSL #2) Eden Information & Operational Contribution - Telephone $10,000 $10,000 Social Services Budget Referral resource referral service 50400 (HSL#3) Tri-Valley Business CouncilOperational Contribution $19,000 $19,000 Economic Development Budget 90400 (HSL #1 ) Sub Total General Fund $144,264 $131,975 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND Eden Council for Hope and Support for Rental Assistance Program $9,215 $9,215 Housing Program Opportunity Budget 50500 (HSL #3) Tri-Valley Housing Support for Housing Opportunities Program $25,000 $25,000 Housing Program Opportunity Center Budget 50500 (HSL #2) Sub Total Affordable Housing Fund $34,215 $34,215 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBGl FUND All CDBG Community Group funding is shown in the current service level of the Social Services Budget 50400 Axis Community Health Operational support for a Women's Health $3,488 $3,488 Social Services Budget Clinic 50400 Bay Area Community Social, educational and pre-vocational Services (BACS) - Valley training and group activities for low-income Creative Living Center and residents with psychiatric disabilities. Community Resources for Operational support for services to residents Independent Living with disabilities of all ages. Eden Council for Hope and Support for Rental Assistance Program Opportunity Open Heart Kitchen Distribution of week-end box lunches to residents of Dublin Housing Authority Arroyo Vista complex. -20- Social Services Budget $4,757 $4,757 50400 $3,488 $3,488 Social Services Budget 50400 $3,488 $3,488 Social Services Budget 50400 Social Services Budget $9,514 $9,514 50400 2008-2009 COMMUNITY GROUP I ORGANIZATION BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY Senior Citizen Meals on Wheels Program Spectrum Community Services Senior Support Program of Case management including home the Tri-Valley counseling, information, and referral services. Tri-Valley Haven Tri-Valley Haven Domestic violence shelter and homeless services Contribution towards rehabilitation of Sojourner House homeless shelter. Sub Total COBG Fund MEASURE D RECYCLING FUND Alameda County Green Business Program Support to provide environmental performance certification Dublin Green Businesses Sub Total Measure 0 Recycling Fund GRAND TOTAL -21- $5,307 $9,968 $14,271 $5,427 $59,708 $2,000 $2,000 $240,187 $5,307 Social Services Budget 50400 Social Services Budget $9,968 50400 $14,271 Social Services Budget 50400 $5,427 Social Services Budget 50400 $59,708 Waste Manangement $2,000 Budget 50200 (HSL #3) $2,000 $227,898 This page intentionally left blank. -22- FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions 2007-2008 City Manager City Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 City Clerk 1.00 1.00 0.00 Secretary to the CM/Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 0.00 Office Assistant I (Temp) 0.25 0.25 0.00 Sub-Total 6.25 6.25 0.00 Central Services Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst 1/11 0.84 0.84 0.00 Administrative Technician 0.50 0.50 0.00 Sub-Total 2.34 2.34 0.00 Administrative Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 Services Finance Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 GIS Coordinator 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Finance Technician 1.00 1.00 0.00 Finance Technician 1111 2.00 2.00 0.00 Office Assistant II 2.00 2.00 0.00 Information Systems Technician 1/11 1.00 1.00 0.00 Network Systems Coordinator 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 12.00 12.00 0.00 Bldg Mgmt landscape Foreman 0.59 0.59 0.00 (MCE) landscape laborer I 0.59 0.59 (0.14) landscape laborer II 0.00 0.00 (0.10) Sub-Total 1.18 1.18 (0.24) Police Services Commander 1.00 1.00 0.00 Lieutenant 2.00 2.00 0.00 Sergeant - Administrative 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sergeant - Training 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sergeant - Patrol 4.00 4.00 0.00 Sergeant - Traffic 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sergeant - Detective 3.00 3.00 0.00 Officer- Patrol 28.00 28.00 0.00 Officer - Detective 6.00 6.00 0.00 Officer - Traffic 3.00 3.00 0.00 Officer - School 2.00 2.00 0.00 Secretary 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sheriffs Technician 2.00 2.00 0.00 Senior Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 0.00 Office Assistant II 3.00 3.00 0.00 Community Safety Assistant 2.00 2.00 0.00 Sub-Total 7.00 54.00 61.00 0.00 Disaster Administrative Analyst 1/11 0.33 0.33 0.00 Preparedness Emergency Prep & Community Outreach Mgr 0.17 0.17 0.00 Sub-Total 0~33 0.17 0.50 0.00 -23- 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions 2007-2008 Fire Services Landscape Foreman (MCE) 0.04 0.04 0.00 Landscape Laborer I (MCE) 0.19 0.19 (0.06) Landscape Laborer II (MCE) 0.07 0.07 0.07 Landscape Laborer III (MCE) 0.12 0.12 0.00 Firefighter/Paramedic 12.00 12.00 0.00 Fire Engineer 12.00 12.00 0.00 Fire Captain 12.00 12.00 0.00 Fire Marshal 0.18 0.18 0.01 Deputy Fire Marshal 1.00 1.00 0.00 Plans Checker 0.18 0.18 0.01 Code Compliance Officer 1.00 1.00 0.00 Fire Inspector 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 1.00 39.78 40.78 0.03 Public Works Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administration Public Works Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst 1111 1.00 1.00 0.00 Secretary 2.00 2.00 0.00 Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 0.00 Office Assistant I 0.50 0.50 0.00 Maintenance Superintendent 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Maintenance Supervisor 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 6.50 2.00 8.50 0.00 Street Maint Landscape Foreman 0.12 0.12 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 0.31 0.31 0.00 Landscape Laborer II 0.18 0.18 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 1.18 1.18 (0.15) Sub-Total 1.79 1.79 (0.15) Street Tree Landscape Foreman 0.07 0.07 0.00 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 0.20 0.20 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer II 0.11 0.11 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 0.31 0.31 (0.15) Sub-Total 0.69 0.69 (0.15) Street Landscape Landscape Foreman 0.79 0.79 0.00 Maintenance Landscape Laborer I 2.25 2.25 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer II 2.06 2.06 0.00 Landscape Laborer III 2.35 2.35 (0.50) Sub-Total 7.45 7.45 (0.50) Waste Mgmt Administrative Analyst 1/11 0.33 0.33 0.00 Sub-Total 0.33 0.33 0.00 Housing Programs Housing Specialist 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Aide 0.75 0.75 0.00 Community Development Director 0.40 0.40 0.40 Secretary 0.50 0.50 0.50 Sub-Total 2.65 2.65 0.90 Library Services Landscape Foreman 0.26 0.26 0.00 Landscape Laborer I 0.15 0.15 0.00 Landscape Laborer II 0.02 0.02 (0.02) Sub-Total 0.43 0.43 (0.02) -24- 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions 2007-2008 Heritage & Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Cultural Arts Heritage Center Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 Landscape Foreman 0.03 0.03 0.00 Landscape Laborer I 0.13 0.13 (0.02) Landscape Laborer II 0.12 0.12 0.03 Landscape Laborer III 0.21 0.21 (0.05) Sub-Total 2.00 0.49 2.49 (0.04) Park Maintenance Landscape Foreman 0.94 0.94 0.00 (MCE) Landscape Laborer I 3.83 3.83 0.13 Landscape Laborer II 2.34 2.34 (0.08) Landscape Laborer III 2.81 2.81 0.32 Sub-Total 9.92 9.92 0.37 Parks & Parks & Community SVC5 Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 Community Parks & Community Services Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Services Recreation Supervisor 2.00 2.00 0.00 Recreation Coordinator 5.00 5.00 0.00 Preschool Instructor (PT) 0.75 0.75 0.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 Office Assistant II 2.00 2.00 0.00 Recreation Technician 1.75 1.75 0.00 Sub-Total 15.50 15.50 0.00 Parks & Facilities Parks & Facilities Dev. Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Parks & Facilities Dev. Coordinator 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 2.00 2.00 0.00 Community Community Development Director 0.60 0.60 (OAO) Development Planning Manager 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior/Associate Planner 4.00 4.00 0.00 Assistant Planner 2.00 2.00 0.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 (1.00) Administrative Aide 1.00 1.00 0.00 Secretary 1.50 1.50 (0.50) Office Assistant II 2.00 2.00 0.00 Office Assistantl (Temporary) 0.50 0.50 0.00 Building Official 1.00 1.00 0.00 Plan Checker 0.50 0.50 (0.50) Building Inspector 6.00 6.00 (4.00) Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Plan Checker 1.00 1.00 0.00 Permit Technician 1.00 1.00 0.00 Administrative Technician 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 20.60 6.50 27.10 (5.40) Engineering City Engineer 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Civil Engineer 3.00 3.00 0.00 Associate Civil Engineer 0.00 0.00 (1.00) Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 0.00 Public Works Technician 1111 1.00 1.00 0.00 Engineer Part-time 1.00 1.00 0.00 Engineer (Contract) 1.35 1.35 0.00 Public Works Inspector 3.00 3.00 0.00 Public Works Inspector (Contra~ 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 10.00 2.35 12.35 (1.00) -25- 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Allocated Allocated 2008-2009 Difference City Contract Allocated Compared To DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Positions Positions Positions 2007-2008 Economic Dev Economic Development Director 1.00 1.00 0.00 Sub-Total 1.00 1.00 0.00 TOTAL 89.50 126.75 216.25 (6.20) SUMMARY (CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL) TOTAL 2007 -2008 2008-2009 DIFFERENCE City Employees 90.50 89.50 (1.00) Contract Employees 131.95' 126.75 (5.20) TOTAL 222.45 216.25 (6.20) RECOMMENDED HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL PERSONNEL CHANGES City 0.25 0.25 0.25 Increase .75 Preschool Instructor to Full Time (80550) Increase .75 Recreation Technician to Full Time (80600) Increase .75 Administrative Aide to Full Time (50500) TOTAL 0.75 SUMMARY OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2008-2009 89.50 126.75 216.25 City Employees Contract Employees TOTAL Contract 0.00 HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 2008-2009 90.25 126.75 217.00 TOTAL DIFFERENCE 0.75 0.00 0.75 NOTE: All of the designated personnel perform duties directly from City facilities. This listing does not account for the temporary part- time Parks & Community Services Department Staff which varies between 50-100 additional employees. It also does not include all contract personnel who perform work under contract to the City of Dublin at offsite locations including Contract Engineering, MCE Corporation (Public Works); Alameda County employees performing Police, Fire, and .traffic signal maintenance services; or legal services provided by Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson, and intern hours. It should also be noted that the 2008-2009 Approved Positions shown above includes those positions approved as part of the Final Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget and subsequent position allocations changes approved throughout the Fiscal Year. -26- This page intentionally left blank. -27- 2008-2009 - CITY OF DUBLIN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Limit) In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. This limit may also be referred to as the Gann Limit or the Proposition 4 Limit. The City of Dublin has calculated a Fiscal Year 2008-2009 limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and the recognized methodology for calculating adjustments. The details of this calculation are shown on the following page. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the City Council. The law only limits the appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of taxes." State law narrowly defines "proceeds of taxes." Interpretations from judicial rulings have also influenced the methodology used to calculate the application of the Appropriation Limit. State law establishes a formula to be used to calculate annual a9justments to the limit. The formula includes optional factors to be selected by the City when the adjustment calculation is completed. The first option is based on changes in population. The City may either select the change in the City of Dublin population or the change in the County Population. For Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the City population growth of 7.34% was larger than the Alameda County population growth of 1.08%. The second option allows the City to use either the increase in the State per capita income or the change in local assessed valuation due to "non-residential construction." The approved formula for calculating the change in the assessed valuation compares the total change in assessed valuation to the amount related strictly to non-residential improvements. In May 2008, the County Assessor provided preliminary data related to Fiscal Year 2008-2009 changes in assessed valuation attributable to non-residential construction. Based upon the preliminary information available, the assessed valuation factor is greater than the growth in the State per capita income (4.96% versus 4.29% respectively). In the event that the final data from the Assessor suggests a material difference from the preliminary figures, Staff will propose the adoption of an adjustment once the information is available. The two factors for growth are combined to arrive at a growth rate for appropriations. This growth rate is factored with the Appropriations Limit for 2007-2008 to arrive at a new limit for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Appropriations Limit is $170,632,158 as shown on the following page. The recommended Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, including recommended higher service levels, contains appropriations of $41,132,528 that would be categorized as funded by proceeds of taxes. Therefore, the appropriations subject to the Appropriations Limit and contained in the recommended Preliminary Budget are $129,499,630 below the allowed amount calculated for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. -28- CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Limit) A. SELECTION OF OPTIONAL FACTORS 1. Population - City vs. County a. Change in Population, City of Dublin 01/01/2007 01/01/2008 % Increase 41,308 44,342 7.34% OR b. Change in Population, Alameda County 1,523,746 => Selected Factor #1 = City of Dublin Population Growth 7.34% 1,540,240 1.08% 2. State Income VS. City Non-Residential Buildinq a. Change in State Per Capita Income: 4.29% OR b. Chan~e in Non-Residential Assessed Valuation: 4.96%** * (Based on preliminary tax roll information available from the Alameda County Assessor May, 2008. The final tax roll figure may be different. ) => Selected Factor #2 = Change in Non-Residential Building 4.96% B. CALCULATION OF GROWTH LIMIT ADJUSTMENT The formula for calculating the adjustment is as follows: Selected Factor 1 + 100 = X 100 Selected Factor 2 + 100 = Y 100 (X) * (Y) = Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Appropriations Limit Adjustment Factor 7.34+100 = 1.0734 100 4.96+100 = 1.0496 100 Adjustment Factor FY 2008-2009:1.0734 x 1.0496 = 1.1266 C. CALCULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Adjustment Factor Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Appropriations Limit $151,457,623 x 1.1266 $170,632,158 -29- ~ <C J: o ...J <C z o ~. ~ z <C C) ~ o z - ...J m :J c u. o >- t:: o .: .c ~ C .... o UI - c: Cl) "C .- UI Cl) 0:: -u C ::J o U ~ U >. >.a> _C "_ L- 00 - - <( c O).Q c C/) -- C/) c-- c E ~E 0..0 o L- a> 0) cc c cc ~ ~ C3 ~ C ::J c EE .C/) .Q a> C/) 0.2"~ ocE ~a>E C/) Cf) 0 ~ 0 cc 0.. ~C/)C to a> <( '00 0) - C/) cc cc'- :c:;E a>::E I::JO 00 ~ II).Q Cll C Cll U g 5> >. 00 :!::: ~ 0 U w.E o C o o W -30- .... Q) 0> cc C cc :2: ~ G II) (1)-> II) CllCI- Cll C Cll .2 Cll -g E ~ ~o",Cll.o CllCroo>ro C/) ro c. ro () -:;~lij>. ~lI)o..~:!::: _ C'" C C_CllCll::l Cll _-E () ~~E .~:s 0 o () - c cc - .~ C/) ~ Cll .... .... i::' Q) .Q .& 0 ;:: c c en "E- Q) .- cnQ)>E U~O () Q) .c i::'.& -SO:!::: o'~ E >-~E <(0 u C/) a> ~ L- "- U:::C a> 'Cf) C/) ~ L- o S .2 :0 ::J 0.. a> > +::C/) ~ a> _u C/)"- 'c c .- a> ECf) ~ C/) a> u .~ ~a> C/)Cf) ~>. L-- cc"c 0..::J E E o o - ~c "_ a> c E ::Ja. E 0 E Q) o > ua> Q C/) a> u .~ a> Cf) a> .2 o 0.. C II) .Q C ~e Cllg u:::~Lt~ Cll Cll ... c. 0.. 0 e Clle ECll ~ g 'm 1I)00cO>~~Cll ~ro.!;; ro.!;; Cll o>g ro C 1: ~ 5r e .!;; ro c.2>o>- Cll'- c.c,!;; roC/)::Jc>roroCll'" ~ 0 .m C/)> ~ 0 e Cll 0>:E Q) ~ _ Cll {g 'm ~ croCll_CllCllC~.- ._ ... l:: Cll Cll ... ro C ;g1-C/)~l::~...J~w ::l _WCll-ro m C/) ~~o.. -... Woo Cll[5-.>- 0.- II) 0> c1OE.Q roECllO C..._C u:::.E ~i3 C W Cll - I- e E 1I):g...>.0> c~:e2Q;~ .Q .~ .;:; ~ Q) II) Cll 10 Cll t5 () E .~ Co ~C/)<{CllCll~() o ~ro O>() 0 '0 Cllro...roCro= 0:::'" ::l:!:::.-LL.r. :93Q;:gol:l() ...J()IOII) ..l<:: ... ro 0.. z- 2 ~O>O> .....!;; C "" c.iij o>C::l C.!!! 0 go.. I ::l CD _II) 0'0 ... ... -ro 'Cll C ::l o O,n .- () '-' (5 - 0> o..roc E"iij .- II) ~e () co o o N --. <0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL The City Council consists of the Mayor and four City Council members elected at large by the voters of Dublin. The City Council is responsible for enacting legislation, establishing policies, and providing guidance and direction for actions that affect the quality of life in the City. Local elected officials also represent the City at a variety of forums at the County, Regional, State and National levels, in order to make certain the interests of the City of Dublin, and cities in general, are promoted. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $262,786. This is $42,105 or 13.8% less than budgeted. Expenditures in Community Promotions were less than anticipated. Expenditures in Consulting services were also less than anticipated because a portion of funds for the 2006-2007 City Audit budgeted for in Fiscal Year 2007-2008, was paid out of Fiscal Year 2006-2007 funds. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for City Council activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $284,546, an increase of $21,760 or 8.3% more than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. The proposed Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget includes funds for the Day on the Glen festival. Funds have also been included for contract services to maintain the Council meeting Video-on-Demand service on the City's website, as well as an encoder to improve the streaming process for Council meetings. The proposed budget includes memberships and dues for the following organizations: Alameda County Mayors' Conference National League of Cities League of California Cities (including costs associated with Grassroots Network) East Bay Division - League of California Cities Association of Bay Area Governments U. S. Conference of Mayors Dublin Sister City Association Sister City International In addition to the Current Service Level, two (2) Higher Service Levels (HSLs) have been included. As part of the Preliminary Goals and Objectives Process for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the proposed HSLs were part of the Community Based Grant Funding Process. HSL # 1 provides funding for the Dublin High School - Dry Grad Night for a total of ($4,000). HSL # 2 provides for funding of Red Ribbon Week activities in both public and private schools in the City of Dublin for a total of ($3,550). The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 including the Higher Service Levels is $292,096. -31- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL -10100 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL 5.00 General Fund (001) $ 284,546 Councilmembers This budget includes Mayor and Councilmembers salaries and fringe benefits; the City's independent financial audit; Councilmember attendance at various meetings and conferences on behalf of the City; the Mayor's attendance at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter (Washington, DC) and Spring/Summer (Providence, RI) meetings; attendance by one Councilmember at each of two National League of Cities meetings (Orlando, FL and Washington, DC); an encoder to improve the streaming process of City Council meetings; and necessary supplies, postage, cellular phones, printing/binding, books, publications, legal notices, and office equipment for the Council to effectively perform its responsibilities. In addition, the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget includes funding for a number of community promotion activities, including: - Day on the Glen - Dublin Pride Week - float for the St. Patrick's Day Parade - Volunteer Recognition Event for Citizen/Organization of the Year - Dublin 101 for the Community -32- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CITY COUNCIL CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. $ 44,900 $ 46,685 $ 46,685 $ 49,302 Retirement 7,039 6,613 6,613 7,138 Group Insurance 31,853 36,532 35,042 40,232 Workers Compensation 155 240 93 89 F.I.CA 651 677 677 715 PARS 262 272 272 289 Total Personnel Services $ 84,860 $ 91,019 $ 89,382 $ 97,765 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 638 $ 850 $ 675 $ 1,100 Postage 622 900 835 1,000 Operating Supplies 240 0 0 0 Communications 1,525 1,900 1,076 1,200 Advertising 870 1,500 587 1,500 Printing & Binding 1,083 1,200 140 1,200 Book & Publications 252 125 195 125 Memberships & Dues 26,984 29,546 29,295 32,131 Travel and Conferences 13,521 23,000 20,100 23,000 Training 408 0 0 0 Legal Notices 0 200 0 200 Community Promotion 81,817 81,250 70,000 62,875 Internal Service Charge 19,746 18,651 18,651 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 147,706 $ 159,122 $ 141,554 .$ 124,331 CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services $ 87,161 $ 54,750 $ 31,850 $ 50,450 Total Contract Services $ 87,161 $ 54,750 $ 31,850 $ 50,450 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment 1,198 0 0 12,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,198 $ 0 $ 0 $ 12,000 -33- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL - 10100 Dry Grad Night FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ $ 288,546 Council members 5.00 This event is held the evening of the Dublin High School graduation and is organized by the parents of Dublin High School students. This event offers graduated seniors a safe, alcohol and drug free atmosphere in which to celebrate their graduation. The requested funds would be used to defray a portion of the cost associated with this event. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. $ 0 $ 49,302 Retirement 0 7,138 Group Insurance 0 40,232 Workers Compensation 0 89 F.I.C.A. 0 715 PARS 0 289 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 97,765 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 1,100 Postage 0 1,000 Communications 0 1,200 Advertising 0 1,500 Printing & Binding 0 1,200 Book & Publications 0 125 Memberships & Dues 0 32,131 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 23,000 Legal Notices 0 200 Community Promotion 4,000 66,875 Total Services/Supplies $ 4,000 $ 128,331 CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services $ 0 $ 50,450 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 50,450 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 12,000 -34- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL -10100 Red Ribbon Week FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 3,550 $ 292,096 Council members 5.00 This Higher Service Level would be used to fund activities and events in all the schools located in Dublin (both public and private) to promote drug prevention and awareness in the schools. . HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries P.T. $ 0 $ 49,302 Retirement 0 7,138 Group Insurance 0 40,232 Workers Compensation 0 89 F.I.C.A. 0 715 PARS 0 289 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 97,765 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 1,100 Postage 0 1,000 Communications 0 1,200 Advertising 0 1,500 Printing & Binding 0 1,200 Book & Publications 0 125 Memberships & Dues 0 32,131 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 23,000 Legal Notices 0 200 Community Promotion 3,550 70,425 Total Services/Supplies $ 3,550 $ 131,881 CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services $ 0 $ 50,450 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 50,450 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 12,000 -35- CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK The City Manager is appointed by the City Council as the City's Chief Executive Officer. This includes the responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City's Operating Departments and implementing all policies adopted by the City Council. This office provides support to all areas of City operations including: the enforcement of City Ordinances; supervision and evaluation of employees; evaluation of all contract services; recommendations to City Council on ordinances and policies which address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations for the City Council; preparation and administration of the City's Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program, as approved by the City Council; and representation on behalf of the City before intergovernmental bodies and organizations. In addition to the responsibilities described above, the City Manager's Office will continue to provide support services to the City Council and Economic Development and will directly supervise the Central Services function. The City Manager activity also includes the City Clerk function. This position has the responsibility for: administering municipal elections; maintaining conflict of interest and financial disclosure records submitted by public officials; preparing and maintaining minutes of City Council meetings; coordinating City Commission "appointments; and maintaining the official records of the City. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $1,055,914, which is $72,729 less than budgeted due to the salary savings on a vacant position. Th~ budget required to continue the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,231,303. This is an increase of $175,389 or 16.6% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This increase is primarily attributable to full year funding of the City Clerk position which was vacant for most of Fiscal Year 2007-2008, transition costs associated with the retirement of the City Manager and salary and benefit increases. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,231,303. -36- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008;.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK -10200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 1,231,303 City Manager Assistant City Manager City Clerk Secretary to City Manager/ Deputy City Clerk Senior Office Assistant Secretary Office Assistant I (Temp) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 This budget provides the funding to maintain the current level of services of those programs included in the City Manager/City Clerk Office. This is accomplished by funding the positions identified above; services and supplies necessary to support the City Manager's Office; maintenance of the City's Law Library; the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Clerk's participation in their respective professional associations; training and conferences for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and City Clerk and Office support Staff, including attendance at the International Association of City Managers Conference in Richmond, Virginia and City Clerk Conference in Chicago, IIinois; and contract services associated with codification services and management support functions. In addition to providing administrative and City Council support services and oversight of completion of all Citywide Goals for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, this budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following City Council High Priority Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Develop comprehensive community-wide diversity plan. 2. Work with the Dublin Unified School District and Dublin Partners in Education to develop a Local Government Career Day. -37- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 650,527 $ 701,717 $ 613,486 $ 784,998 Salaries P.T. 33,129 21,611 93,952 20,306 Salaries O.T. 316 2,665 1,158 1,211 Retirement 153,574 156,968 137,473 166,159 Group Insurance 84,792 98,633 82,591 103,657 Retiree Health 42,276 49,783 43,786 52,899 Workers Compensation 2,364 3,670 1 ,445 1,126 F.I.C.A. 6,567 7,088 6,657 7,681 PARS 497 324 1 ,409 305 Total Personnel Services $ 974,042 $ 1,042,459 $ 981,957 $ 1,138,342 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 4,031 $ 3,600 $ 3,595 $ 4,000 Postage 1,475 1,700 1,593 1,700 Operating Supplies 458 800 800 1,000 Communications 166 360 117 960 Printing & Binding 831 1,500 2,675 3,500 Repairs & Maintenance 168 175 235 235 Book & Publications 2,550 2,625 2,621 2,894 Memberships & Dues 4,010 4,495 3,920 4,635 Mileage & Auto Allowance 9,868 10,030 9,992 10,184 Travel and Conferences 6,830 14,430 9,237 15,110 Training 3,442 6,785 6,593 5,385 Internal Service Charge 24,189 20,859 20,859 22,298 Total Services/Supplies $ 58,018 $ 67,359 $ 62,237 $ 71,901 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 7,248 $ 11,500 $ 11,720 $ 14,060 Total Contract Services $ 7,248 $ 11,500 $ 11,720 $ 14,060 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 2,623 $ 1,500 $ 0 $ 7,000 Machinery & Equipment 549 5,825 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 3,172 $ 7,325 $ 0 $ 7,000 -38- CENTRAL SERVICES The Central Services Division oversees such City programs as human resources (recruitment, selection, salary and fringe benefits administration), risk management (general liability, claims management, property insurance, workers' compensation, and safety training), employee training and recognition programs, public information/public relations, Tri-Valley Community Television TV30 Staff liaison activities, the City's Internship Program, and special projects. In addition, Staff exercises functional supervision of Disaster Preparedness (20500), Waste Management (50200) and Community Cable Television (80300). The adopted budget for Central Services activities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $573,400. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $527,322, which is $46,078 less than budgeted. The variance is attributable to less than anticipated ergonomic furniture purchases throughout the year and fewer training programs implemented. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Produced a Citywide Newsletter 2. Implemented a 2-day City Service Open House at "Day on the Glen" 3. Completed Citywide employee safety training including office ergonomic evaluations 4. Implemented a Summer Internship Program 5. Completed personnel recruitment activities 6. Maintained web-based recruitment program through www.caloPPs.orq 7. Plan and implement 25th Year of Cityhood Celebration The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Central Services activities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $592,646, and represents an increase of $65,324 or 12.4% over the Fiscal Year 2007- 2008 estimated expenditures. This increase is attributable to increased salary and fringe benefit costs, the full year funding of the part-time Administrative Analyst, recruitment costs, training costs, growth in employee population and participation in recognition and awards programs, and employee career development programs. In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) has been included. As part of the Preliminary Goals and Objectives Process for 2008-2009, the City Council indicated its support for a video newsletter; the proposed cost of the HSL is $10,000. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget for Central Services, including the Higher Service Level is $602,646. -39- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CENTRAL SERVICES -10210 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 592,646 Assistant to the City Manager Administrative Analyst 1/11 Administrative Technician 1.00 0.84 0.50 This budget includes salaries and fringe benefits for the Assistant to the City Manager, 34% of the Administrative Analyst position, a part-time Administrative Analyst (.5) supporting Personnel and a part-time Administrative Technician (.5) support position, seasonal Interns under the City's Internship Program. This budget also includes necessary services and supplies to support the City's human resource function; a central training account to support the citywide career development program, employee recognition costs, the employee safety training and an internship programs. Contract services included in this budget are for performing required fingerprinting and medical testing services, contract labor relations, specialized training and recruitment services. This budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following City Council High Priority Goal: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Produce a Citywide Newsletter. 2. Produce an on-line Citywide Calendar. 3. Provide oversight of TV-30 operations for the Tri-Valley. 4. Modify the City's Smoking Ordinance. 5. Keep School District Administrators and Principals informed of City news (Le., Annual Newsletter, Housing Newsletter, etc.). -40- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CENTRAL SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 137,154 $ 144,928 $ 144,654 $ 153,824 Salaries P.T. 45,937 61,330 59,392 77,272 Salaries Seasonal 26,012 35,200 24,282 35,200 Retirement 45,619 46,382 45,806 52,360 Group Insurance 34,772 46,821 45,407 52,422 Retiree Health 16,488 18,809 14,578 16,554 Workers Compensation 657 1,020 481 479 F.I.C.A. 3,042 3,500 3,308 3,861 PARS 398 528 364 528 Total Personnel Services $ 310,079 $ 358,518 $ 338,272 $ 392,500 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1,641 $ 3,600 $ 3,392 $ 5,000 Postage 1,901 2,102 2,033 2,200 Operating Supplies 29,887 36,670 35,263 36,200 Advertising 15,330 14,000 10,596 14,000 Printing & Binding 5,491 9,100 6,016 10,100 Book & Publications 29 50 36 50 Memberships & Dues 530 1,470 1,000 1 ,405 Mileage & Auto Allowance 1,226 1,550 1,415 1,550 Travel and Conferences 5,893 10,650 9,353 11,000 Training 21,212 51,300 41,174 52,100 Filing Fees 1,632 1,800 1,600 1,800 Internal Service Charge 7,870 4,590 4,590 4,241 Total Services/Supplies $ 92,642 $ 136,882 $ 116,468 $ 139,646 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 31 ,932 $ 63,500 $ 62,054 . $ 50,000 Total Contract Services $ 31,932 $ 63,500 $ 62,054 $ 50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 1,661 $ 8,000 $ 5,280 $ 6,000 Machinery & Equipment 2,472 6,500 5,248 4,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 4,133 $ 14,500 $ 10,528 $ 10,500 -41- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CENTRAL SERVICES -10210 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 592,646 Assistant to the City Manager Administrative Analyst 1/11 Administrative Technician 1.00 0.84 0.50 This budget includes salaries and fringe benefits for the Assistant to the City Manager, 34% of the Administrative Analyst position, a part-time Administrative Analyst (.5) supporting Personnel and a part-time Administrative Technician (.5) support position, seasonal Interns under the City's Internship Program. This budget also includes necessary services and supplies to support the City's human resource function; a central training account to support the citywide career development program, employee recognition costs, the employee safety training and an internship programs. Contract services included in this budget are for performing required fingerprinting and medical testing services, contract labor relations, specialized training and recruitment services. This budget will allow completion or substantial progress on the following City Council High Priority Goal: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Produce a Citywide Newsletter. 2. Produce an on-line Citywide Calendar. 3. Provide oversight of TV-3D operations for the Tri-Valley. 4. Modify the City's Smoking Ordinance. 5. Keep School District Administrators and Principals informed of City news (Le., Annual Newsletter, Housing Newsletter, etc.). -40- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CENTRAL SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 137,154 $ 144,928 $ 144,654 $ 153,824 Salaries P.T. 45,937 61,330 59,392 77,272 Salaries Seasonal 26,012 35,200 24,282 35,200 Retirement 45,619 46,382 45,806 52,360 Group Insurance 34,772 46,821 45,407 52,422 Retiree Health 16,488 18,809 14,578 16,554 Workers Compensation 657 1,020 481 479 F.I.C.A. 3,042 3,500 3,308 3,861 PARS 398 528 364 528 Total Personnel Services $ 310,079 $ 358,518 $ 338,272 $ 392,500 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 1,641 $ 3,600 $ 3,392 $ 5,000 Postage 1,901 2,102 2,033 2,200 Operating Supplies 29,887 36,670 35,263 36,200 Advertising 15,330 14,000 10,596 14,000 Printing & Binding 5,491 9,100 6,016 10,100 Book & Publications 29 50 36 50 Memberships & Dues 530 1,470 1,000 1 ,405 Mileage & Auto Allowance 1,226 1,550 1,415 1,550 Travel and Conferences 5,893 10,650 9,353 11,000 Training 21,212 51,300 41,174 52,100 Filing Fees 1,632 1,800 1,600 1,800 Internal Service Charge 7,870 4,590 4,590 4,241 Total Services/Supplies $ 92,642 $ 136,882 $ 116,468 $ 139,646 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 31,932 $ 63,500 $ 62,054 . $ 50,000 Total Contract Services $ 31,932 $ 63,500 $ 62,054 $ 50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 1,661 $ 8,000 $ 5,280 $ 6,000 Machinery & Equipment 2,472 6,500 5,248 4,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 4,133 $ 14,500 $ 10,528 $ 10,500 -41- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CENTRAL SERVICES - 10210 Video Newsletter CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 602,646 Assistant to the City Manager Administrative Analyst 1/11 Administrative Technician 1.00 0.84 0.50 This Higher Service Level (HSL) would fund consulting services to produce a video newsletter for the City which would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal. 2008-2009 GOAL 1. Consider an annual video newsletter on TV30 for the community. CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Total Capital Outlay $ o o o CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008-2009 $ 153,824 77,272 35,200 52,360 52,422 16,554 479 3,861 528 $ 392,500 $ 5,000 2,200 36,200 14,000 10,100 50 1 ,405 1,550 11,000 52,100 1,800 4,241 $ 139,646 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 6,000 4,500 $ 10,500 DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. PARS HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2008-2009 $ Total Personnel Services $ o o o o o o o o o o SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Filing Fees Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies CONTRACT SERVICES General Total Contract Services $ $ o o o o o o o o o o o o o $ $ 10,000 10,000 $ -42- LEGAL SERVICES The City contracts with an outside firm for legal services. In addition to having partners specifically designated as City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney for legal services, the firm has a number of practicing attorneys specializing in various areas of municipal law who are utilized by the City on an as needed basis. The City Attorney provides the City Council and Staff with legal opinions related to City business; drafts and reviews proposed ordinances, resolutions, and contracts; represents the City in certain litigation; and provides legal counsel on development review issues. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $987,900. This is $322,777 or 48.5% more than budgeted. The increase was primarily due to higher than anticipated legal services that were required for various development projects, the Arroyo Vista Housing Redevelopment project, increased litigation costs and costs associated with issues related to the City's Affordable Homeownership program. The cost of Legal Services associated with processing various development applications are reimbursed by the project applicant. Fiscal Year 2007-2008 legal services costs are estimated to be offset by approximately $457,989 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees and $63,817 in charges for services from the Housing Authority related to the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. This results in an estimated net legal services cost for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 of $466,094. The budget required to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 totals $892,279, which is a decrease of $95,621 or 9.7%. The decrease is primarily due to a slow down in development activities and the associated legal services required of new development applications in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and reduced litigation costs. Due to a change in the agreement for legal services there is also a savings from no longer paying a contribution towards the City Attorney health and retirement benefits. The total Legal Services Budget in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 will be offset by approximately $539,947 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees and $20,500 in charges for services from the Housing Authority, for a total net legal services cost of $332,332 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In addition to the Current Service Level it is recommended that the City Council fund two Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 would provide legal services to support the development and implementation of a Social Host Ordinance. The cost of this HSL is $3,705. HSL #2 would provide legal services necessary to create a mandatory self-certification program as part of the building permit process, for the purpose of enhancing residential green building requirements. The cost of this HSL is $8,895. The total recommended budget including the Higher Service Levels for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $904,879, with a total net budget of $344,932. -43- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGAL SERVICES - 10300 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) Public Facility Fee Fund (310) Affordable Housing (380) 702,379 No City Personnel are included in this activity. 5,125 4,100 180,675 Funding of this budget will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Conduct comprehensive update to City's Municipal Code. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Retirement $ 15,663 $ 15,870 $ 10,420 $ 0 Group Insurance 10,591 14,337 8,824 0 Retiree Health 7,046 5,051 3,135 0 Total Personnel Services $ 33,300 $ 35,258 $ 22,379 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 542,113 $ 448,925 $ 463,699 $ 415,125 Litigation 3,119 15,000 114,428 71,136 DRFA 0 0 0 820 Development Services 338,259 118,440 311,875 312,948 Housing 11,020 47,500 75,519 92,250 Total Contract Services $ 894,511 $ 629,865 $ 965,521 $ 892,279 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -44- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY LEGAL SERVICES - 10300 Social Host Ordinance SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) Public Facility Fee Fund (310) Affordable Housing (380) 3,705 $ 706,084 5,125 4,100 180,675 No City Personnel are included in this activity. This Higher Service Level (HSL) will support the development and implementation of a Social Host Ordinance. The estimated total cost for this HSL is $3,705. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Implement a Social Host Ordinance. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 3,705 $ 418,830 Litigation 0 71,136 DRFA 0 820 Development Services 0 312,948 Housing 0 92,250 Total Contract Services $ 3,705 $ 895,984 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -45- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL LEGAL SERVICES - 10300 HIGHER 2 Mandatory Self Certification - Green Building (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL FUND . General Fund (001) $ Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) Public Facility Fee Fund (310) Affordable Housing (380) 8,895 $ 714,979 5,125 4,100 180,675 This Higher Service Level (HSL) will support the goal to enhance residential green building requirements to create a mandatory self certification program as part of the buliding permitting process. The estimated total cost for this HSL is $8,895. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Enhance residential green building requirements to create a mandatory self-certification program as part of the permitting process HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 250 $ 250 Total Services/Supplies $ 250 $ 250 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 8,645 $ 427,475 Litigation 0 71,136 DRFA 0 820 Development Services 0 312,948 Housing 0 92,250 Total Contract Services $ 8,645 $ 904,629 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -46- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES The Administrative Services Department consists of two operating divisions. The Finance Division performs all finance related functions including: accounts payable, accounts receivable, treasury, payroll, business license administration, purchasing, management of the collection of development related fees, and maintenance of other related City financial records. The Information Technology Division oversees the operation and maintenance of the City's individual computer systems and its computer and telephone network, and provides computer support and Geographic Information Systems support to all City Staff. The estimated expenditure for the Department in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $1,679,454, which is $165,005 or 8.9% less than budgeted. This is primarily due to savings resulting from staffing vacancies, one position was filled in July and the new Network Coordinator was unfilled until December. In addition, savings occurred in the amount expended for consulting services related to the preparation of a Financial Forecast Model and on-call network consulting services. The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 totals $1,865,327, which is an increase of $185,873 or 11.1% over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The increase largely results from anticipated increases in salary and benefit costs as well as the full year funding of the Network Coordinator and Finance Technician positions which were vacant for part of Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This budget includes $1,064,866 for the Finance Division and $800,461 for the Information Technology Division. During Fiscal Year 2008-2009, this budget is partially offset by $146,000 in estimated revenue from business licenses and an additional $4,250 from Impact Fee Agreement administrative fees. This results in a net cost of $1 ,715,077. The total recommended Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget is $1,865,327. During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Staff successfully accomplished the following High Priority City Council goal: 2007 -2008 Accomplishment 1. Evaluate the need to replace the City's accounting system. -47- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -10400-10410 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 General Fund (001) $ 1,865,327 Administrative Services Director Finance Manager Information Systems Mgr Administrative Analyst 1 GIS Coordinator Senior Finance Technician Finance Technician 1/11 Office Assistant II Information Systems Technician 1/11 Network / S stems Anal st The Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Replace financial accounting system. 2. Implement new Financial Accounting System. 3. Complete 2008 - 2013 financial forecast. Current Service level (All Funds) - By Division INFORMATION FINANCE TECHNOLOGY TOTAL Personnel Services $ 927,882 $ 672,930 $ 1,600,812 Services & Supplies 46,479 32,051 78,530 Contract Services 87,605 87,655 175,260 Capital 2,900 7,825 10,725 TOTAL $ 1,064,866 $ 800,461 $ 1,865,327 -48- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 883,586 $ 1,013,790 $ 951,722 $ 1,062,158 Salaries P.T. 22,158 0 0 0 Salaries O.T. 2,036 2,217 2,167 3,150 Retirement 214,095 228,080 215,015 240,946 Group Insurance 138,584 192,968 186,764 200,978 Retiree Health 77 ,506 72,745 68,449 76,210 Workers Compensation 3,434 5,330 2,023 1,923 F.I.C.A. 13,196 14,730 13,778 15,447 PARS 332 418 0 0 Total Personnel Services $ 1,354,927 $ 1,530,278 $ 1,439,918 $ 1,600,812 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 5,323 $ 8,140 $ 5,600 $ 6,130 Postage 4,877 6,040 6,550 6,880 Operating Supplies 2,216 2,250 1,500 1,600 Communications 17,991 14,020 13,125 12,460 Printing & Binding 11,311 12,885 9,605 10,800 Book & Publications 531 940 500 600 Memberships & Dues 3,205 2,640 1,770 2,135 Mileage & Auto Allowance 2,585 3,455 2,830 2,980 Travel and Conferences 5,041 8,490 3,200 8,510 Training 2,536 13,300 2,500 10,350 Internal Service Charge 35,035 25,901 25,901 16,085 Total Services/Supplies $ 90,651 $ 98,061 $ 73,081 $ 78,530 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 128,518 $ 207,420 $ 162,105 $ 175,260 Professional Services 9,500 0 0 0 Total Contract Services $ 138,018 $ 207,420 $ 162,105 $ 175,260 CAP IT AL OUTLAY Fumiture & Fixtures 0 3,300 750 2,650 Machinery & Equipment 9,432 5,400 3,600 8,075 Total Capital Outlay $ 9,432 $ 8,700 $ 4,350 $ 10,725 -49- BUILDING MANAGEMENT This budget funds the maintenance and operation of the Dublin Civic Center and its outbuildings, the portable buildings for inspection staff which are located both at the Civic Center site and at Fallon Sports Park, and the City's Public Works Corporation Yard. Components of this budget include supplies, utilities, telephone costs for most of the City system, contract services, minor improvements, and repairs associated with these buildings. The maintenance cost for other City facilities, such as the Library and Senior Center, is included in the respective budgets for each of those facilities. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $755,944, or approximately $40,929 or 5.1 % less than budgeted. Decreases occurred primarily in the areas of utility cost and contract services. The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $739,909, which is a decrease of $16,035 or 2.1% less than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This decrease is primarily due to the fact that the existing building on the Heritage Park site (Dublin Square) will not be included in the 2008-2009 budget as in the past budget. Other minor inflationary increases have occurred in most supply, contract, and utility costs. In addition, the cost of proposed improvements for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is more than the costs for building improvements for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Staff also recommends the adoption of three Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 will replace the City Council Dais Chairs at the estimated cost of $16,500. HSL #2 will improve the visibility of visual presentations in the City Council Chambers for the City Council and members of the public. The estimated cost for HSL #2 improvements is $25,000. HSL #3 would relocate the City's existing Corporation Yard to a larger leased facility to accommodate growth at an estimated cost of $100,000 in FY 2008-2009. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, including Higher Service Levels is $881,409. -50- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY BUILDING MANAGEMENT -10500 FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT RECOMMENDED PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 739,909 0.59 0.59 This budget funds services related to building maintenance activities in the Civic Center and Corporation Yard, including supplies, utilities, contract building maintenance and improvements. No City personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 7,617 $ 8,220 $ 8,062 $ 8,950 Operating Supplies 15,601 18,220 16,212 17 ,282 Repairs & Maintenance 5,478 5,000 5,000 5,000 Gas/Electric 195,031 209,880 189,941 199,438 Water/Sewer 11 ,490 10,700 13,549 14,227 Telephone 44,826 42,360 39,782 43,128 Filing Fees 1,218 1,850 1,515 1,850 Internal Svc Chg - Buildings 142,438 127,219 127,219 126,539 Total Services/Supplies $ 423,699 $ 423,449 $ 401,280 $ 416,414 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 255,717 $ 290,724 $ 275,125 $ 287,073 Contract Services/Heritage Squan 2,541 37,000 33,703 0 Total Contract Services $ 258,258 $ 327,724 $ 308,828 $ 287,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 25,033 $ 29,200 $ 24,232 $ 36,422 Furniture & Fixtures 0 16,500 21,604 0 Machinery & Equipment 327 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 25,360 $ 45,700 $ 45,836 $ 36,422 -51- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 10500 HIGHER 1 Replace Council Chamber Dais Chairs (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATlo.N TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 16,500 $ 756,409 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer" 0.59 0.59 0.00 This Higher Service Level funds the replacement of Council Chamber Dais Chairs. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008.2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,950 Operating Supplies 0 17,282 Repairs & Maintenance 0 5,000 Gas/Electric 0 199,438 Water/Sewer 0 14,227 Telephone 0 43,128 Filing Fees 0 1,850 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 126,539 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 416,414 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 287,073 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 287,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 36,422 Furniture & Fixtures 16,500 16,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 16,500 $ 52,922 -52- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL GENERAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT -10500 HIGHER 2 GOVERNMENT Improve Visibility Of Presentations In Council Chambers (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 25,000 $ 781,409 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II 0.59 0.59 0.00 This Higher Service Level funds the improvements necessary to improve visibility of visual presentations in the City Council Chambers for the City Council and members of the public. This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priorty City Council Goal: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Improve visibility of visual presentations in City Council Chambers for the City Council and members of the public HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,950 Operating Supplies 0 17,282 Repairs & Maintenance 0 5,000 Gas/Electric 0 199,438 Water/Sewer 0 14,227 Telephone 0 43,128 Filing Fees 0 1,850 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 126,539 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 416,414 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 287,073 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 287,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 25,000 $ 61,422 Furniture & Fixtures 0 16,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 25,000 $ 77 ,922 -53- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 10500 HIGHER 3 Relocation Of Corporation Yard (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) $ 100,000 $ 881,409 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II 0.59 0.59 0.00 This Higher Service Level funds the cost of leasing building space and associated tenant improvements necessary to accommodate the City's need to provide for its expanding maintenance needs. This larger leased facility would replace the City's existing Corporation (maintenance) Yard at the end of Scarlett Court which the City has outgrown and needs significant capital repairs. It would also enable some Public Works staff to be relocated from the Civic Center to leased space providing the City with additional time needed to expand and renovate the Civic Center to accomodate a growing population. With the exception of the tenant improvements, the lease payment would be an on-going annual cost. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,950 Operating Supplies 0 17,282 Repairs & Maintenance 0 5,000 Rentals & Leases 100,000 100,000 Gas/Electric 0 199,438 Water/Sewer 0 14,227 Telephone 0 43,128 Filing Fees 0 1,850 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 126,539 Total Services/Supplies $ 100,000 $ 516,414 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 287,073 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 287,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 61 ,422 Furniture & Fixtures 0 16,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 77 ,922 -54- INSURANCE The City's insurance budget includes several components. The City obtains General Liability Insurance through a pooled risk sharing arrangement offered by ABAG PLAN Corporation. This group currently includes 31 cities in the Greater Bay Area, and offers coverage up to $20 million per occurrence. In addition to General Liability coverage, the policy also includes Property as well as Errors and Omissions Coverage for the City. This budget also provides for insurance charges for County contract services. Also the City offers tenant insurance coverage to users of City facilities and the expenditures are recorded in this Budget. The Insurance budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $538,541. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $531,462. This is $7,079 or 1.3% less than budgeted. The variance is attributable to lower than anticipated paid claims during the Fiscal Year and lower than anticipated property insurance premiums. The budget necessary to provide the current level of coverage for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $527,781. This represents a decrease of $3,681 or 0.7% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and is attributable to the following factors: a) a decrease in ABAG PLAN liability premium due to improved loss history (A BAG PLAN premiums are derived from the City's past claims experience over a floating five fiscal year period, as well as other operational data such as payroll); b) a decrease in County surcharges under the Fire Contract due to the expansion of entities served by Alameda County Fire Department to include the Livermore National Laboratory. The savings are partially offset by: a) an increase in property insurance based on added insurable City properties (New Shannon Center and donated buildings at the Heritage Center.); b) an increase in the County allocation for contract Police Services; and c) a contingent reserve for potential claims. The proposed insurance budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is comprised of the following components: General Liability Insurance - The total premium estimated for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $185,000. Claims Expense - The City has a $50,000 deductible for general liability claims. Included in this deductible as a claims cost, is any expense related to legal counsel. Based on outstanding claims, loss reserves, and loss history, Staff recommends a budget of $55,000 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Property and Other Insurance - This coverage covers all City owned facilities, including the Civic Center, City Parks, Corporation Yard, Swim Center, Shannon Community Center, the Heritage Center, the Dublin Fire Stations, Dublin Public Library, Dublin Senior Center and related equipment and vehicles. The City has a $5,000 deductible on property claims and $10,000 deductible on vehicle claims. It is important to note that earthquake coverage is not included in the City's coverage. The estimated cost for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 is $32,000. The City's Public Official Blanket Bond coverage premium for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $800. County Contract Services - The City pays separate surcharges on Police and Fire Services only for liability insurance. The estimated surcharges for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 are $193,672 (Police) and $56,749 (Fire). The surcharges are attributable to the cost allocation of the County's insurance premium and the amount of paid liability losses on a countywide basis. Insurance premiums associated with Animal Control and Traffic Signal Maintenance services are included in overhead charges for each respective service. Tenant Insurance - This insurance is offered as a service to individuals or groups who utilize City facilities. The user pays the City for the cost of the premium and the City absorbs the taxes and all administrative costs. It is projected that in Fiscal Year 2008-2009, $4,560 in expenses associated with this program will be offset by revenue generated from user fees. -55- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY INSURANCE -10600 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 527,781 No personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Insurance $ 446,912 $ 483,541 $ 469,368 $ 472,781 Insurance/Claims 27,630 55,000 62,094 55,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 474,542 $ 538,541 $ 531,462 $ 527,781 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -56- ELECTIONS This budget finances the administration of municipal elections. The cost of personnel associated with this activity is identified in the City Manager/City Clerk (Department #10200) budget. During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, a General Municipal Election was not held. Training costs were included for the City Clerk's and Deputy City Clerk's attendance at the annual Election/New Law Seminar. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 were $977, which was $1,523 or 60.9% less than budgeted due to the vacancy of a permanent full-time City Clerk. The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget includes funding for the 2008 National Election which the Alameda County Registrar of Voters is estimating a cost of $3.50 to $5.00 per registered voter. The increase is due to the Secretary of State's office de-certifying the County's electronic voting equipment; therefore, the County must use paper ballots that require a more expensive, time-intensive process. The hiring of more personnel would be required to handle those ballots. The City of Dublin, as of May 8, 2008, has 18,320 registered voters. Alameda County Registrar of Voters is anticipating increased voter registration due to increased interest in the 2008 Presidential Elections. Funding is also included for associated printing costs for candidate binders and related documents and the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk's attendance atthe annual Election/New Law Seminar. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $106,120. -57- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ELECTIONS - 10700 SERVICE L,EVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 106,120 Personnel associated with this activity are funded in City Manager/City Clerk. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Printing & Binding $ 2,889 $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,000 Mileage & Auto Allowance 100 100 0 120 Training 1,214 2,400 977 3,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 4,203 $ 2,500 $ 977 $ 6,120 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 21,352 $ 0 $ 0 $ 100,000 Total Contract Services $ 21,352 $ 0 $ 0 $ 100,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -58- NON-DEPARTMENTAL The Non-Departmental Budget has historically funded items that are not allocated to another Budget Activity and it also typically includes an appropriation for contingencies that may occur during the year. In Fiscal Year 2007-2008 the projected expenditures are approximately $19,508 which includes costs associated with: credit card processing fees; administrative fees associated with part-time employees retirement system charges (PARS); and a commute alternative incentive program for employees. In addition the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 expenses included approximately $9,513 in one time costs associated with sales tax accrued for purchases made in prior years. The Contingent Reserve line item does not typically include direct expenditures. As approved uses of the Contingent Reserve funds occur, a budget transfer is made to the activity where the expenditure will be recorded. For Fiscal Year 2008-2009, this budget includes a Contingent Reserve of $100,000 to cover unanticipated expenses which may occur during Fiscal Year 2008-2009. It also includes $ 1,500 funding for the third year of the Commute Alternative Program. Staff has budgeted $5,700 for the Merchant Transaction Fees that apply credit card transactions conducted in various City departments. Additionally, Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) administrative/trustee fees projected estimated at $3,900 are included. This program has covered part-time positions in-lieu of OASDI (Social Security) since September 2004. The Current Service Level for the Non-Departmental Activity for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $111,120. The total recommended budget for the Non-Departmental Activity for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $111,120. -59- PROGRAM GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY NON-DEPARTMENTAL -10800 FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) Dublin Information Inc. (601) $ 111,100 No personnel are included in this activity. 20 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Commute Alternative Program $ 885 $ 2,400 $ 1,250 $ 1,500 Total Personnel Services $ 885 $ 2,400 $ 1,250 $ 1,500 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 5,653 $ 0 Filing Fees $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 20 Interest Payments 0 0 1,360 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 7,013 $ 20 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 8,973 $ 9,300 $ 8,745 $ 9,600 Total Contract Services $ 8,973 $ 9,300 $ 8,745 $ 9,600 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 2,500 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 2,500 $ 0 MISCELLANEOUS Contingent Reserve I Misc 0 27,494 0 100,000 Total Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 27,494 $ 0 $ 100,000 -60- PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICES Police Services for the City of Dublin are performed under a contract with the Alameda County Sheriffs Office. The County Sheriff, .under consultation with the City, designates the Commanding Officer who functions and is empowered to act as the City's Police Chief. Patrol, criminal investigation, crime prevention and business office functions are performed from the Dublin Civic Center location. Dispatch and some data processing functions are handled at the Alameda County Sheriffs Office located at the Eden Township Substation (San Leandro). In addition to Sheriffs Office Personnel, seven civilian City employees are assigned to Police Services. Two employees assist with Crime Prevention Programs; the Records Unit consists of three Office Assistants and one Administrative Aide; and the other serves as a Senior Administrative Analyst and manages support services for the Department. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $12,914,612, which is $250,981 or 2.0% more than budgeted. This is primarily attributed to: 1) Unanticipated increases in County Contract Personnel salaries pursuant to the County's collective bargaining agreement; and 2) Increased contract indirect costs impacted by salary increases. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $13,649,487. This represents an increase of $734,875 or 5.7% over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. This increase is primarily attributable to the following: 1) Increased salary and benefit costs for City personnel, and contract Sheriff's Office personnel, pursuant to the County's collective bargaining agreements; 2) Increased contract costs associated with Dispatch services; 3) Increases in service and supply costs associated with support of departmental operations; and 4) Costs associated with creation and implementation of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Police Services was able to accomplish the following City Council Goals: 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Expand Investigative Unit to identify with at-risk youth. 2. Implement a Citywide child/adult bicycle safety program. 3. Present a series of crime prevention seminars for senior citizens. 4. Develop a teen driver safety/education program. 5. Formalize volunteer program to enhance community/police interaction and to support police operations. In addition to the Current Service Level, two Higher Service Levels (HSL) are recommended. Higher Service Level #1 ($5,200) provides for two officers to become certified trainers for "The Parent Project". Higher Service Level #2 (-$40,000 Dublin Unified School District contribution) identifies the City as assuming full funding for the School Resource Officer Program. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $13,654,687. ' -61- The following comparison identifies workload indicators from Calendar Years 2006 and 2007: WORKLOAD INDICATORS INDICATOR ACTUAL 2006 ACTUAL 2007 Calls for Service 45,455 40,847 Reports Written 4,627 4,316 Citations Issued 11,929 11,714 Abandoned Vehicles Abated 65 47 Felonv Arrests 385 335 Misdemeanor Arrests 1,399 1 ,459 School Presentations 183 134 Group Talks & Service Oroanizations 36 . 25 NeiQhborhood Watch Groups 362 184 Merchant Alert Members 605 529 Foot/Patrol Checks 9,897 14,408 * Narcotics / Special Enforcement Unit Arrests 258 349 Accidents Investiaated 306 278 Drunk DrivinQ Arrests 212 258 Cases AssiQned to Investiaations 800 769 Investiaation/Comolaints Filed 1,664 1,275 Total Maior Part I Crimes 814 827 * Change in policy/procedure for recording these activities at Hacienda Crossings now provides for greater accuracy in this workload category. -62- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE SERVICES - 20100 FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL Dublin Unified School District (001) $ 13,497,547 CITY Community Safety Assistant 40,000 Senior Administrative Analyst Adminstrative Aide 11 ,840 Offi~e Assistant II Subtotal 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 General Fund (001) Special Criminal Activity (200) Vehicle Abatement (201) 100 COUNTY Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund (202) 100,000 Commander Lieutenant Sergeant-Training Sergeant-Patrol Sergeant-Traffic Sergeant-Detective Officer-Patrol Officer-Detective Officer-Traffic Officer-School Secretary Sheriffs Technician Subtotal TOTAL $ 13,649,487 TOTAL 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 28.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 54.00 61.00 This budget finances the Current Service Level. In addition to the personnel costs identified above, the City also pays its prorated share of personnel costs associated with Sheriffs Office personnel assigned to Dublin Police Services, and Administration as follows: 0.08 FTE - Assistant Sheriff, and a prorated share of the Dispatch Center. This budget increment also finances the following: 1) The cost of operating eighteen patrol vehicles with Mobile Data Systems, nine unmarked undercover vehicles, three motorcycles, one crime prevention van, and one technician vehicle; 2) Necessary services and supplies to support the operations of Police Services; 3) Additional equipment to improve the overall operation of Police programs; and 4) County contract overhead charges. With the current staffing level, Police Services can accomplish or make substantial progress on the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Conduct bi-monthly crime prevention community forums with topics e.g. ID Theft; Teen Driving Safety; Gang Awareness, etc. 2. Provide "Critical Incident Response Training" for Officers and Dublin Unified School District personnel. 3. Conduct two Child Safety Seat Events and participate in Click It or Ticket Enforcement Program. 4. Work with property managers to develop crime prevention programs for multi-family properties. 5. Implement program targeting underage drinking and illegal/pharmaceutical drug use. -63- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - POLICE SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 421,623 $ 460,409 $ 434,627 $ 485,324 Salaries O.T. 830 74 529 577 Retirement 102,110 104,598 98,706 110,974 Group Insurance 83,771 111,700 111,485 116,342 Retiree Health 49,322 33,286 31 ,405 35,087 Workers Compensation 1,430 2,220 917 875 S.U.1. 3,386 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 6,129 6,676 6,309 7,046 Total Personnel Services $ 668,601 $ 718,963 $ 683,978 $ 756,225 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 7,737 $ 10,420 $ 6,100 $ 7,010 Postage 2,179 3,160 3,500 3,850 Operating Supplies 33,231 52,410 47,625 50,875 Uniforms 2,710 2,400 2,260 3,455 Communications 6,842 8,325 8,100 9,612 Printing & Binding 8,170 17,895 13,150 23,760 Repairs & Maintenance 3,859 6,200 5;200 9,600 Rentals & Leases 15,517 19,025 17 ,500 18,100 Book & Publications 7,282 8,025 7,800 7,025 Memberships & Dues 1,123 1,390 1,775 2,070 Mileage & Auto Allowance 803 1,080 150 300 Travel and Conferences 5,031 6,490 5,500 6,815 Training 5,265 19,320 11,500 18,525 Telephone 3,966 3,830 1,700 2,430 Filing Fees 192 5,600 2,800 3,200 Intemal Service Charge 91,000 69,604 69,604 59,816 Intemal Svc Chg - Vehicles 325,434 404,547 405,417 437,089 Total Services/Supplies $ 520,341 $ 639,721 $ 609,681 $ 663,532 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 137,619 $ 189,910 $ 160,000 $ 169,220 Personnel 8,421,284 8,994,373 9,357,208 9,858,120 Vehicles 8,229 17,700 10,370 7,275 Indirect 702,408 776,566 805,100 869,775 Dispatch 1,022,613 1,076,095 1,076,095 1,123,970 Administration 21,111 36,443 35,335 38,740 Services & Supplies 45,533 87,560 68,835 70,945 Booking Fees 98,532 0 0 0 Abatement Tows 125 260 100 100 Total Contract Services $ 10,457,454 $ 11,178,907 $ 11,513,043 $ 12,138,145 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 1,837 $ 4,000 $ 1,910 $ 2,930 Furniture & Fixtures 14,536 16,860 12,000 4,250 Machinery & Equipment 101,406 105,180 94,000 84,405 Total Capital Outlay $ 117,779 $ 126,040 $ 107,910 $ 91,585 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 11,764,175 $ 12,663,631 $ 12,914,612 $ 13,649,487 -64- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY POLICE SERVICES - 20100 The Parent Project SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 5,200 $ 13,502,747 CITY Community Safety 2.00 Dublin Unified School District (001) 40,000 Assistant Senior Administrative 1.00 Special Criminal Activity (200) 11 ,840 Analyst Adminstrative Aide 1.00 Vehicle Abatement (201) 100 Office Assistant II 3.00 Subtotal 7.00 Supplemental Law Enforcement 100,000 CONTRACT Fund (202) Commander 1.00 Lieutenant 2.00 Sergeant-Training 1.00 Sergeant-Patrol 4.00 Sergeant-Traffic 1.00 Sergeant-Detective 3.00 Officer-Patrol 28.00 Officer-Detective 6.00 Officer -Traffic 3.00 Officer-School 2.00 Secretary 1.00 Sheriff's Technician 2.00 Subtotal 54.00 TOTAL $ 5,200 $ 13,654,687 TOTAL 0.00 61.00 This budget increment would fund the cost of training and certifying two Dublin Police Officers to teach courses for "The Parent Project". The Parent Project teaches parents effective prevention and intervention techniques to help their children grow into safe and competent adults. This parenting skills program is designed specifically for parents with strong-willed or out-of-control children. Dublin Police Services will partner with Axis Community Health to initiate the "The Parent Project" for parents in Dublin. The program will teach parents how to prevent, identify and intervene in the most destructive of adolescent behaviors. Through motivating and other influencial techniques parents will learn to encourage and support their children into making positive change through a 10-16 week parent training program. The program addresses concernS such as poor school attendance and performance, alcohol and other drug use, gangs, runaways, and violent teens. The Parent Project has educated over 100,000 families throughout the United States. This program has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing the number of juvenile cases being referred to the courts; reduced the number of juveniles on probation; improved school attendance and performance; reduced calls for service involving out-of- control juveniles; and improved community safety. One time start-up training costs for this program are anticipated to be approximately $5,200. This formal training program is necessary to certify two officers to become recognized instructors for the program. Costs to maintain the program after the initial year are expected to be minimal. Funding of this Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 GOALS: 1. Develop "Parent Project" program in order to enhance parenting skills to decrease involvement of youth with the juvenile justice system; lower juvenile crime and recidivism; and improve police community relations. -65- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - POLICE SERVICES Higher Service level 1 - The Parent Project HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F. T. $ 0 $ 485,324 Salaries O.T. 0 577 Retirement 0 110,974 Group Insurance 0 116,342 Retiree Health 0 35,087 Workers Compensation 0 875 F.I.CA 0 7,046 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 756,225 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 7,010 Postage 0 3,850 Operating Supplies 0 50,875 Uniforms 0 3,455 Communications 0 9,612 Printing & Binding 0 23,760 Repairs & Maintenance 0 9,600 Rentals & Leases 0 18,100 Book & Publications 0 7,025 Memberships & Dues 0 2,070 Mileage & Auto Allowance .0 300 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 6,815 Training 5,200 23,725 Telephone 0 2,430 Filing Fees 0 3,200 Internal Service Charge 0 59,816 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 437,089 Total Services/Supplies $ 5,200 $ 668,732 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 169,220 Personnel 0 9,858,120 Vehicles 0 7,275 Indirect 0 869,775 Dispatch 0 1,123,970 Administration 0 38,740 Services & Supplies 0 70,945 Abatement Tows 0 100 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 12,138,145 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 2,930 Furniture & Fixtures 0 4,250 Machinery & Equipment 0 84,405 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 91,585 TOTAL ACTIVITY COST $ 5,200 $ 13,654,687 -66- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE SERVICES - 20100 HIGHER 2 Dublin Unified School District - SRO (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 40,000 $ 13.542,747 Special Criminal Activity (200) 11,840 CITY Community Safety Assistant Senior Administrative Analyst Administrative Aide Office Assistant 1\ Subtotal 2.00 Dublin Unified School District (001) $ (40,000) $ 0 1.00 Vehicle Abatement (201) 100 1.00 3.00 7.00 Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund (202) 100,000 CONTRACT Commander Lieutenant Sergeant-Training Sergeant-Patrol Sergeant-Traffic Sergeant-Detective Officer-Patrol Officer-Detective Officer-Traffic Officer-School Secretary Sheriff's Technician Subtotal 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 28.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 54.00 This budget increment would eliminate the Dublin Unified School District's $40,000 annual support contribution for the School Resource Officer Program. The City of Dublin provides two officers to supplement safety and security at Dublin schools. The first School Resource Officer was created in September of 1999 in part from a three year grant received from the Federal COPS in Schools program. In September 2005, a second School Resource Officer was added further enhancing services to Dublin schools. -67- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - POLICE SERVICES Higher Service level 2 - Dublin Unified School District - SRO HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE lEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 485,324 Salaries O.T. 0 577 Retirement 0 110,974 Group Insurance 0 116,342 Retiree Health 0 35,087 Workers Compensation 0 875 F.I.C.A. 0 7,046 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 756,225 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 7,010 Postage 0 3,850 Operating Supplies 0 50,875 Uniforms 0 3,455 Communications 0 9,612 Printing & Binding 0 23,760 Repairs & Maintenance 0 9,600 Rentals & Leases 0 18,100 Book & Publications 0 7,025 Memberships & Dues 0 2,070 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 300 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 6,815 Training 0 23,725 Telephone 0 2,430 Filing Fees 0 3,200 Internal Service Charge 0 59,816 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 437,089 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 668,732 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 169,220 Personnel 0 9,858,120 Vehicles 0 7,275 Indirect 0 869,775 Dispatch 0 1,123,970 Administration 0 38,740 Services & Supplies 0 70,945 Abatement Tows 0 100 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 12,138,145 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 2,930 Furniture & Fixtures 0 4,250 Machinery & Equipment 0 84,405 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 91,585 -68- CROSSING GUARDS The City of Dublin provides adult Crossing Guards to assist elementary students in crossing heavily traveled streets on their way to and from school. In Fiscal year 2007-2008 there were initially eight crossing locations approved to be staffed with Crossing Guards. In November 2007 the City Council approved a proposal to improve pedestrian access safety to and from Eleanor Fallon Murray Elementary School by adding an additional Crossing Guard at the intersection of Tassajara Road/Gleason Drive. This resulted in an increase in the number of locations staffed by crossing guards from eight to nine. The nine current crossing locations include intersections in and around Nielsen Elementary School, Dublin Elementary School, Frederiksen Elementary School, Murray Elementary School, Dougherty Elementary School, and John Green Elementary. Additionally the City of Dublin provides Crossing Guard services for the summer school program. Recently the Dublin Unified School District has announced its intention to close Nielsen Elementary at the end of the 2007/2008 school year. The District intends to shift most of the students currently attending Nielson to Dublin Elementary. This will likely increase pedestrian traffic crossing San Ramon Road as students from neighborhoods to the west walk to Dublin Elementary. Currently there is one Crossing Guard that serves Nielson Elementary at the intersection of Amarillo Road and Alegre Drive. Should the closure of Nielson occur as planned, this Crossing Guard would be relocated to an appropriate location to provide the impacted students with a safe means of crossing San Ramon Road. Crossing Guard services are provided through a contract with All City Management Services, Inc. The agency provides the recruitment, training, supervision, and substitute personnel associated with this program. The budget for Crossing Guard activities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $98,648. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $97,484. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $100,622. This amount represents an increase of $3,138 over the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Although All City Management Services is not increasing their billing rate for Crossing Guard services for fiscal year 2008-2009, this increase is attributable to the additional crossing guard location approved in November 2007. The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget provides for a total of 6,735 hours of adult Crossing Guard services, serving nine locations throughout the City and coverage for the summer program, as provided by the Dublin Unified School District. This estimate is based on providing services 4 to 5 hours per day, in accordance with the Dublin United School District schedule for School Year 2008-2009, throughout the 180 days of regular instruction, as well as 3 hours of service per day during the summer session. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENT Crossing Guards Contract Evaluation. -69- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CROSSING GUARDS - 20200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION General Fund (001) $ 100,622 No City personnel are included in this activity. STAFFING LEVEL This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Crossing Guard Contract Evaluation DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 2006-2007 BUDGET 2007 -2008 ESTIMATED 2007 -2008 Total Personnel Services Total Services/Supplies $ $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ o $ CONTRACT SERVICES General $ $ 86,639 $ 86,639 $ 98,648 $ 98,648 $ 97,484 $ 97,484 $ Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay $ Q $ o $ o $ CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2008-2009 o o 100,622 100,622 o -70- ANIMAL CONTROL The City contracts with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office for Animal Control Services provided within the boundaries of the City. This includes: patrol, enforcement of domestic animal related laws and ordinances, investigation of dog bites and attacks, collection of stray and dead animals, and East County Animal Shelter services. City Staff assigned to Police Services are responsible for the oversight and evaluation of services rendered, and have direct responsibility for conducting Vicious Dog Hearings and serving as liaison with Sheriff's Office personnel on animal control related matters. City Staff also participate on an Advisory Committee with the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and County of Alameda, overseeing Animal Shelter operations. The total estimated expenditures for Animal Control for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $345,995, which is $5,197 or 1.5% less than budgeted. This decrease is attributable to savings associated with Field Services operations. The total budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $400,670, which represents an increase of $54,675 or 15.8% over Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. This increase is primarily attributable to an increase in Dublin's proportionate share of shelter operating costs as shown below and an anticipated increase in Field Service hour use. In Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Dublin represented 18.73% of East County Animal Shelter's total live animal count, and in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the City's proportionate share increased to 21.14%. This increase was primarily due to a decrease in live animals attributable to the unincorporated areas of Alameda County as a result of operating procedure changes at the Shelter. Each year the cost of debt service, as well as the Animal Shelter operational cost, will fluctuate based on the percentage of live animals handled from each of the four participating jurisdictions. Historically, the City of Dublin's share of the Shelter's operating cost has fluctuated as shown below: SHARE OF SHELTER OPERATING COSTS 2006-2007 13.89% 2007 -2008 18.73% 2008-2009 21.14% Animal Control costs are partially offset by revenues generated from City of Dublin animal licenses: Revenue Actual 2006-2007 $5,647 Estimated 2007-2008 $5,000 Proiected 2007-2008 $5,000 The following workload indicators identify statistics calculated on a calendar year basis: ANIMAL CONTROL WORKLOAD INDICATORS Impounded Animals Adopted Animals Dog Licenses Sold Bites Complaints Citation Violations Issued Total Dead Pick Up Vet Dead Pick Up Vicious Dog Hearings Field Service Hours Used Actual 2006 676 164 839 30 9 15 121 88 6 667 Actual 2007 597 191 629 23 19 7 119 110 12 956 -71- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ANIMAL CONTROL - 20300 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 400,670 No City personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Shelter Services $ 127,416 $ 192,992 $ 192,995 $ 222,300 Field Services 80,467 98,700 93,500 111 ,340 Total Contract Services $ 207,883 $ 291,692 $ 286,495 $ 333,640 CAPITAL OUTLAY Building $ 44,074 $ 59,500 $ 59,500 $ 67,030 Total Capital Outlay $ 44,074 $ 59,500 $ 59,500 $ 67,030 -72- TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STREET LIGHTING This budget finances the maintenance, repair, and energy costs associated with the operation of traffic signals and commercial and residential street lighting throughout the City. Traffic signal and street light maintenance services are provided to the City by a public contractor. The total estimated expenditures for Traffic Signals and Street Lighting for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $607,909, which is $61,316 or 9.2% less than budgeted. The total budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $683,475, which represents an increase of $75,566 or 12.4% over Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. Details regarding the individual signal and street lighting budgets are indicated below. Street Lighting Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are estimated to be $56,579 less than budgeted. The variance is primarily due to lower than anticipated utility rates. The street lighting costs proposed for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the Current Service Level total $362,960, which is approximately 13.5% higher than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. The increased cost is due primarily to the addition of lights in new developments, including Dublin Ranch Areas F, Silvera Ranch, and Schaefer Ranch. It is further anticipated that the City will incur inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance. Street Lighting costs will be funded by the Dublin Street Light Maintenance Assessment District No. 83-1 and the Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District No. 99-1. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are estimated to be $4,737 less than budgeted, due to new traffic signals not being accepted as early as forecasted. Traffic signal maintenance and energy costs proposed for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 total $320,515, which represents an increase of 11.3% over the amount estimated for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The increase in cost is due to the acceptance of new facilities and anticipated inflationary increases in the cost of energy and contract maintenance. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is paid from the Traffic Safety and Gas Tax Funds. The cost of both traffic signal and street lighting maintenance and energy costs are partially offset by reimbursements for accident damage repairs. The cost of maintenance and energy for the artwork lighting is paid by the General Fund. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL 2006-2007 75 2,794 1178 3,972 BUDGET 2007 -2008 79 2,797 1 ,349 4,146 ESTIMATED 2007 -2008 79 2,797 1,396 4,193 BUDGET 2008-2009 85 2,902 1,577 4,479 Traffic Signals Street Lights, Citywide District Street Lights, Dublin Ranch District Total Street Lights -73- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTING - 20400 FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) Traffic Safety (205) State Gas Tax (206) Assessment Dist (710) Assessment Dist (717) $ 13,845 No City personnel are included in this activity 271,670 35,000 253,569 109,391 This budget funds the energy and maintenance costs for the City's traffic signal and street lighting system. The cost of traffic signal maintenance is paid by the Traffic Safety Fund and by State Gas Tax funds. The cost of street lighting maintenance is paid by two separate Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Districts. The cost of the underpass mural lighting is paid by the General Fund. All work is performed by contract personnel. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL. BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 7,445 $ 14,300 $ 11,421 $ 22,350 Memberships & Dues 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,260 Gas/Electric 337,383 353,600 331,453 364,845 Telephone 846 1,000 786 820 Internal Service Charge 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total Services/Supplies $ 371,874 $ 395,100 $ 369,860 $ 414,275 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 172,318 $ 215,700 $ 196,333 $ 224,200 Total Contract Services $ 172,318 $ 215,700 $ 196,333 $ 224,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 42,321 $ 58,425 $ 41,716 $ 45,000 Furniture & Fixtures 3,678 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 45,999 $ 58,425 $ 41,716 $ 45,000 -74- DISASTER PREPAREDNESS This budget identifies funding for a variety of activities related to disaster preparedness and emergency response. Major activities include public information, neighborhood preparedness, Staff training, contracting with Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD) to prepare the City's special needs population and attendance at specialized State trainings. An Administrative Analyst position is assigned the role of Emergency Services Coordinator to support the City Manager and Operating Departments in fulfilling the City's disaster preparedness responsibilities. The Administrative Analyst position is full-time, with equal shares of the position assigned to Disaster Preparedness, Central Services and Waste Management. The budget also funds the City's share of the Alameda County Fire Department Emergency Preparedness/Community Outreach Manager. The budget for Disaster Preparedness activities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $99,888. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $92,818 or 7.1% less than budgeted, because Staff was unable to attend State training seminars according to the dates set by the State this Fiscal Year. During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Staff successfully accomplished the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Conduct Citywide disaster exercise. 2. Integrate and implement, to the extent appropriate, FY 2007 National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements into the City's emergency management programs and practices. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $127,701. This represents an increase of $34,883 or 37.6% from the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This increase is due primarily to the carry forward of the training budget for attendance at State training programs ($6,111), the inclusion of the East Bay Regional Communication System Program ($10,800), and the contract renewal of the community/Staff notification software ($15,000) that was paid as part of a prior year budget (FY 06-07). In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) is proposed. The HSL would provide funding for a comprehensive update to the City's Emergency Management Plan, which would ensure that the plan is compliant with State and federal law as well as integrate. emergency protocols into the plan for pets and pandemic events. The estimated cost of the HSL is $10,000. The total recommended budget including the HSL for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $137,701. -75- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 20500 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL 0.33 General Fund (001) $ 127,701 Administrative Analyst II CONTRACT Emergency Preparedness & Community Outreach Manager 0.17 The Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Conduct Citywide disaster exercise. 2. Conduct six (6) Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP) training sessions for Dublin residents. 3. Identify and provide all Dublin HOAs and Neighborhood Watch groups with disaster preparedness informational bulletins, and provide at least two (2) opportunities for Dublin residents to attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. 4. Develop a template for preparation of emergency plans for facilities with vulnerable populations. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 20,251 $ 23,379 $ 23,284 $ 25,480 Retirement 4,821 5,271 5,250 5,782 Group Insurance 5,142 4,989 4,988 5,216 Workers Compensation 110 170 47 46 F.I.C.A. 294 339 339 370 Retiree Health 2,325 1,678 1,671 1,829 Total Personnel Services $ 32,943 $ 35,826 $ 35,579 $ 38,723 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 139 $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 Operating Supplies 793 800 800 800 Printing & Binding 0 500 500 500 Memberships & Dues 75 100 100 100 Mileage & Auto Allowance 45 150 150 150 Travel and Conferences 0 130 70 130 Training 3,951 4,635 0 6,111 Internal Service Charge 8,590 7,718 7,718 6,482 Total Services/Supplies $ 13,593 $ 14,183 $ 9,488 $ 14,423 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 31,595 $ 21,975 $ 19,975 $ 47,775 Contract - Personnel 1,696 22,783 23,921 25,029 Contract - Services and Suppi 0 5,121 3,855 1,751 Total Contract Services $ 33,291 $ 49,879 $ 47,751 $ 74,555 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -76- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 20500 Emergency Management Plan Update Emergency Management SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIV TOTAL TOTAL PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 137,701 CITY Administrative Analyst II 0.33 CONTRACT Emergency Preparedness & Community Outreach Manager 0.17 This Higher Service Level will ensure that the City's Emergency Management Plan has all the necessary elements required by law. In addition, new elements that deal with emergency principles related to pets and pandemic events will be included in the update. This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Update the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, including a pet evacuation protocol. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 25,480 Retirement 0 5,782 Group Insurance 0 5,216 Retiree Health 0 1,829 Workers Compensation 0 46 F.I.CA 0 370 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 38,723 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 150 Operating Supplies 0 800 Printing & Binding 0 500 Memberships & Dues 0 100 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 150 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 130 Training 0 6,111 Internal Service Charge 0 6,482 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 14,423 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 10,000 $ 57,775 Contract - Personnel 0 25,029 Contract - Services and Suppilies County Fire 0 1,751 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 84,555 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 FIRE SERVICES The City's Fire Services budget is made up of three components: 1) Outstanding liabilities associated with the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA); 2) Contract Fire Services and Fire Prevention Bureau activities with Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD); and 3) Maintenance and operation expenses for Fire Stations at 7494 Donohue Drive (Station 16), 6200 Madigan Avenue (Station 17) and 4800 Fallon Road (Station 18). DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY Since July 1, 1997, the City of Dublin has contracted with the Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) for the provision of fire and emergency response services. Prior to July 1997, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority provided services to the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) continues to exist as a joint powers authority onlv for the purposes of distributing the outstanding liabilities and assets to the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The City of Dublin's estimated share of the DRFA liabilities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $107,799 which paid off the retirement side fund. ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT The Alameda County Fire Department provides Dublin with 36 line personnel who are assigned to the City on three engine companies and one truck company. One engine company is located at Dublin Station No. 16, one engine and one truck company are located at Dublin Station No. 17 and one engine company is located at Dublin Station No. 18. The ACFD also provides first responder/paramedic services on the three engine companies. In addition to the 36 line personnel, 3.36 positions are assigned to the Fire Prevention bureau and include 1 Deputy Fire Marshal, 1 Fire Inspector, 1 Code Compliance Officer, 0.18 Plan Checker, and 0.18 Fire Marshal. The Fire Prevention Bureau maintains office space at City Hall. City employee assigned to the Fire Department includes 1 full-time Senior Office Assistant who is not part of the ACFD annual service .contract. The City of Dublin is directly responsible for maintenance and operation of all Dublin fire stations and for all apparatus costs. These costs also are not part of the ACFD annual service contract. The total estimated cost of contract Fire Services (excluding insurance premiums, see Budget Activity 10600) with ACFD for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $9,152,741. The contract for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, excluding insurance, is $9,826,168. This is approximately $673,427 or 7.4% more than the estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The net increase is primarily attributable to increased fire personnel costs and change of City's shared allocation percentage from 17.39% to 15.38% with the addition of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory fire services contract. Fiscal Year 2008-09 is the second . year of the five-year lease financing for heart monitors/defibrillators. 2007 -2008 Accomplishments 1. Conduct open houses at each fire station with emphasis on self preparedness for disasters. 2. Implement the Auto-Pulse Resuscitation System and present data and recommendations on the effectiveness of the system. STATION MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS The budget necessary for fire station maintenance and operations for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $193,296 which is $26,381 or 16.0% more than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. -78- The total estimated expenditures for Fire Services for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $9,763,435, or $7,022 or 0.1 % more than budgeted. The amount necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $10,427,376. The cost for Dublin Fire Services will be offset by $1,197,152 in fire related revenues including: Fire Permits, Fire Plan Check and Inspection Fees, and related Emergency Medical Service Tax and reimbursable expenses. The total net cost to fund the Current Service Level is $9,230,224. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $10,427,376. The following comparison identifies workload indicators on a fiscal year basis for Fire Response and Fire Prevention Activities. WORKLOAD INDICATORS INDICATORS 2007 -2008 2006-2007 2007-2008 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 ACTUALS PROJECTED ACTUALS PROJECTION Fire Response Activities: Fire Response Total: 69 72 90 90 1.225 1,204 1,226 1,300 39 47 59 60 178 178 181 185 130 180 143 150 259 270 279 280 1,900 1,951 1,978 2,065 Structure/Other Fires Med ical/ Accident/Rescue Hazardous Conditions Service Call Good Intent(1) False Calls(2) Fire Prevention Activities: Inspections Fire Clearance Fire Protection S~stems(3) Site Inspections( Business License Weed Abatement Inspections Annual Fire Code Permits Total 291 450 275 144 783 1,000 545 500 32 450 90 50 390 610 287 300 304 282 350 380 679 1.600 666 1.100 2,479 4,392 2,213 2,474 48 50 45 52 300 250 225 260 770 720 652 652 1,118 1,020 922 964 3,597 5,412 3,135 3,438 Total Development Review Contractor Consultations Plans Review Fire Prevention Total: Note: (1) A "Good Intenf' call is defined as cancelled in route, wrong location, barbeque smoke and the like (2) A "False" call is defined as an alarm system malfunction, a mischievous false call, false alarm, citizen Complaint (3) "Fire Protection Systems" figures have been revised to reflecrthe change in methodology to be consistent with Building and Safety Division. In the past, inspection number reported is based on the number of individual units, not by number of permits issued per building/occupancy. (4) "Site Inspections" figures have been refined and are being reported more specifically in Business License and Weed Abatement Inspection. -79- PROGRAM PUBLIC SAFETY FUND CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY FIRE SERVICES - 20600 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION General Fund (001) $ 10,053,362 CITY Fire Inspector EMS Special Revenue Fund (230) 374,014 Senior Office Assistant Subtotal - City CONTRACT Fire Captain Fire Engineer Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Marshal Deputy Fire Marshal Plans Checker Fire Inspector Code Compliance Officer Subtotal - Fire Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Subtotal - Maintenance STAFFING LEVEL 0.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.18 1.00 0.18 1.00 1.00 39.36 0.04 0.19 0.07 0.12 0.42 Funding of the Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Conduct four (4) open houses at Dublin fire stations with emphasis on fire safety. 2. Work with Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department to enhance training opportunities. 3. Develop an Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) program that encourages the business community to install AEDs throughout the community in locations where large numbers of people gather. -80- CiTY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - FIRE SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 56,602 $ 60,082 $ 59,556 $ 62,515 Salaries P.T. 26,072 0 0 0 Salaries O.T. 78 0 0 0 Retirement 14,100 13,685 13,565 14,332 Group Insurance 12,762 15,893 15,895 16,545 Retiree Health 7,046 4,354 4,316 4,530 Workers Compensation 419 650 120 113 F.I.CA 1,200 871 864 906 PARS 391 0 0 0 Total Personnel Services $ 118,670 $ 95,535 $ 94,316 $ 98,941 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 823 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 Postage 455 750 750 750 Printing & Binding 208 100 100 100 Repairs & Maintenance 1,096 2,500 6,460 2,500 Training 0 500 300 300 Gas/Electric 44,566 44,100 39,107 41,063 Water/Sewer 10,184 12,100 10,217 10,730 Telephone 5,952 5,500 5,407 5,680 Filing Fees 0 600 600 1,800 Internal Service Charge 7,596 4,880 4,880 3,793 Int Svc Chg - Building/Apparatus 228,898 227,785 227,785 218,585 Total Services/Supplies $ 299,778 $ 300,115 $ 296,906 $ 286,601 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 72,662 $ 30,540 $ 24,360 $ 31,345 Personnel 8,010,894 8,418,575 8,413,067 9,021,881 Vehicles/Equipment 111 ,643 125,180 132,929 172,524 Indirect 193,072 208,567 190,584 194,677 Dispatch/Communications 89,443 116,518 116,809 98,831 Services/Supplies 211,841 238,344 228,902 288,096 EMS 26,522 65,429 70,450 50,159 Building Maintenance 49,377 54,945 63,896 60,391 Grounds Maintenance 21,968 18,494 20,568 19,642 DRFA Obligations 120,604 75,375 107,799 75,288 Total Contract Services $ 8,908,026 $ 9,351,967 $ 9,369,364 $ 10,012,834 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 5,032 $ 2,849 $ 29,000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 1,764 0 0 Machinery & Equipment 49,047 2,000 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 49,047 $ 8,796 $ 2,849 $ 29,000 -81- This page intentionally left blank. -82- TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION This budget provides for a full-time Public Works Director who is responsible for the administration of Engineering, Public Works Inspection, General and Traffic Engineering Services, Capital Project Design and Implementation, Street Sweeping, Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Maintenance, Public Works Maintenance Services and Building Management. The budget also provides the full-time services of a contract Maintenance Superintendent and Maintenance Supervisor who supervise Street Maintenance, Landscape Maintenance, Street Tree Maintenance, Park Maintenance and Building Maintenance performed by MCE Corporation and various subcontractors. Support services of one Public Works Manager, one Administrative Analyst I, two Secretaries, one Office Assistant II, and one-half of an Office Assistant I are also a part of this budget. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $1,047,841, which is $47,021 or 4.3% less than budgeted. A contributing factor to this decrease was the retirement of the Senior Administrative Analyst and subsequent creation and filling of the Public Works Manager (Maintenance) position. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,144,148. This represents an increase of $96,307 or 9.2% over estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This increase is primarily attributable to the Public Works Manager position replacing the Senior Administrative Analyst Position, increases in salary and benefit costs, MCE contract supervision and equipment to assist with daily operations. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented five (5) new community volunteer projects. 2. Managed the restoration of the Civic Center following the fire and water damage sustained in December 2007. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,144,148. -83- PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 30100 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) $ FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION 1,144,148 CITY Public Works Director Public Works Manager Secretary Office Assistant II Office Assistant I Subtotal CONTRACT Maintenance Superintendent Maintenance Supervisor STAFFING LEVEL 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 6.50 1.00 1.00 With the current staffing level, the following High Priority City Council Goals can be accomplished in Fiscal Year 2008-2009: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Implement five (5) new community volunteer projects 2. Indentify site for Maintenance Facility I Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 3. Complete Building Management Study 4. Conduct assessment of the storm drain system and develop an appropriate replacement schedule 5. Evaluate benefits of Tri-Valley Transportation Council participation. -84- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 467,969 $ 508,229 $ 480,010 $ 529,127 Salaries P.T. 19,589 20,348 20,274 21,163 Salaries O.T. 2,056 574 477 341 Retirement 120,070 119,636 109,897 125,137 Group Insurance 76,894 110,357 108,089 115,020 Retiree Health 49,322 38,080 34,975 39,573 Workers Compensation 1,572 2,440 1,054 991 F.I.CA 5,623 7,673 7,261 7,983 PARS 26 0 0 0 Total Personnel Services $ 743,121 $ 807,337 $ 762,037 $ 839,335 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 3,477 $ 3,540 $ 3,540 $ 3,540 Postage 3,696 4,930 6,586 7,590 Operating Supplies 76 480 279 395 Printing & Binding 519 720 540 620 Book & Publications 180 200 200 500 Memberships & Dues 326 645 622 735 Mileage & Auto Allowance 2,798 2,700 3,205 3,600 Travel and Conferences 1,509 2,660 2,572 6,095 Training 4,246 2,125 0 2,925 Internal Service Charge 21,177 13,758 13,758 11,914 Total Services/Supplies $ 38,004 $ 31,758 $ 31,302 $ 37,914 CONTRACT SERVICES Supervision $ 123,465 $ 252,227 $ 251,839 $ 264,339 Total Contract Services $ 123,465 $ 252,227 $ 251,839 $ 264,339 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 3,364 $ 1,540 $ 1,538 $ 800 Machinery & Equipment 1,198 2,000 1,125 1,760 Total Capital Outlay $ 4,562 $ 3,540 $ 2,663 $ 2,560 -85- STREET MAINTENANCE Street Maintenance services include street repair; drainage maintenance; storm patrol and clean-up; emergency and temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk repair; traffic, street and Neighborhood Watch sign repair and installation; striping and marking; guardrail repair; weed control; and bike path maintenance. This budget also includes the maintenance of the 199-space Park-and-Ride lot at the KolI Corporate Center, which includes a 5% contingency increase for the regular maintenance costs associated with the Park-and-Ride lot. Street Maintenance services are provided under private contract. In Fiscal Year 2005-2006, the City entered into an agreement with East Bay Regional Park District for certain maintenance activities related to the Tassajara Creek Trail. The cost of a portion of that maintenance is paid from the Street Maintenance Budget and a portion from the Street Landscape Budget. The estimated expenditure for Street Maintenance in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $340,461. This represents a decrease of$91 ,672 or 21.2% less than the adopted budget due primarily to a quiet storm season and less pavement striping and marking work. The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 totals $422,572. This represents an increase of $82,111 or 24.1 % more than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. This increase primarily results from budgeting for an average storm season and including the maintenance of the G-3 culvert. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Emergency pothole patching 62 hrs 80 hrs 90 hrs 90 hrs Catch basins inspected 2,205 ea 2,203 ea 1,874 ea 1,874 ea Catch basins cleaned 272 ea 694 ea 165 ea 375 ea Storm patrol & cleanup 223 hrs 550 hrs 380 hrs 542 hrs Install new signs 270 ea 282 ea 238 ea 291 ea Signs repaired 211 ea 146 ea 135 ea 135 ea Bike path maintenance 793 hrs 810 hrs 775 hrs 775 hrs Curb painting 2,468 If 4,006 If 2,468 If 2,395 If Roadside spraying 17 ac 69 ac 46 ac 46 ac Remove & replace asphalt 11 ,290 sf 20,000 sf 10,650 sf 20,000 sf Spill cleanup 233 hrs 275 hrs 175 hrs 175 hrs Drainage ditch cleaning 5,568 If 6,000 If 6,000 If 6,000 If Bike path miles 8.87 mi 8.87 mi 8.87 mi 8.87 mi Street miles 81.1 mi 94.7 mi 93.16 mi 103 mi NPDES Activities: The total estimated cost for NPDES related activities in the Street Maintenance Budget for the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget is $57,608. This cost includes drainage maintenance (catch basin inspections and cleaning, and drainage ditch cleaning), and spill cleanup. Currently the City is vactoring only treatment devices, such as stormceptors and CDS units. Not all storm drains are vactored, but are manually cleaned by MCE staff. This may change with the new Municipal Regional Permit, which may require municipalities to take a more invasive approach to cleaning storm drain systems. Currently, call outs for spill cleanup is 100 hours less than budgeted. The total amount of hours budgeted is based on the probability that the City will experience illicit discharges and spills throughout the year. There is no guarantee that the City will experience the same specific number of callouts for spill cleanup each year. The need for spill cleanup varies year to year. -86- PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY STREET MAINTENANCE - 30200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) State Gas Tax (206) $ FUND TOTAL 34,921 387,651 JOB CLASSIFICATION CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III STAFFING LEVEL 0.12 0.31 0.18 1.18 This activity funds ongoing street maintenance work. Asphalt concrete paving overlay, street slurry seal, and major sidewalk repairs are budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Park and Ride Lot $ 14,183 $ 11,300 $ 11,300 $ 11 ,865 Street Repair 64,608 72,453 55,189 72,456 Drainage Maintenance 15,521 49,097 19,402 43,822 Storm Patrol 9,541 25,868 17,801 26,531 Curbs/Gutters 3,679 8,183 9,291 9,766 Sign Repair 55,695 61,490 57,169 60,193 Striping/Marking 43,083 64,000 43,000 65,495 Guardrail Repair 0 216 216 227 Weed Control 52,660 68,598 60,425 62,288 Bike Path Maintenance 47,388 54,415 53,530 56,143 Spill Cleanup 11 ,952 16,513 13,138 13,786 Total Contract Services $ 318,310 $ 432,133 $ 340,461 $ 422,572 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -87- STREET SWEEPING Street. Sweeping services are provided to the City under private contract. This is the second year of a five-year contract that began in July of 2007. Street Sweeping services are provided to commercial streets once a week and to residential streets twice a month. During the heavy leaf fall months, additional street sweeping is performed as needed. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application work requires monthly reports from the sweeper in terms of quantity of debris picked up and obstacles to the sweeping effort, such as parked cars. The Urban Runoff Committee's Best Management Practices (BMP) publication recommends specific street cleaning frequencies and methods. Dublin's current level of service is consistent with the NPDES recommendations, both current and proposed. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $135,298. This represents a decrease of $2,702 or 2.0% less than budgeted. This underexpenditure is attributed to not accepting new streets as early as anticipated as well as a billing error by the contractor. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $145,605. This represents an increase of $10,307 or 7.6% more than estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008. The new streets that were anticipated to be accepted in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 have now been budgeted for 2008-2009. This activity is funded entirely by the General Fund. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 CURB MILES: Commercial 2,288 2,434 2,365 2,558 Residential 3.562 3.857 3.710 3.784 TOTAL CURB MILES: 5,850 6,291 6,075 6,342 Intersections 728 832 736 832 Callout Hours 154 140 167 150 -88- PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY STREET SWEEPING - 30300 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL $ 145,605 No City personnel are included in this activity. This activity provides street sweeping services on public streets. No City personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 139,992 $ 138,000 $ 135,298 $ 145,605 Total Contract Services $ 139,992 $ 138,000 $ 135,298 $ 145,605 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -89- STREET TREE MAINTENANCE This budget funds Street Tree Maintenance Services, which are provided to the City under contract with private companies. Services provided include comprehensive maintenance of City trees planted in the public right-of-way; trimming of residential street trees which impede both street repair and street sweeping activities; trimming of trees obstructing traffic signs and sidewalks; and limited tree spraying and removal. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $172,010, which is less than the adopted budget by approximately 1 %. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $165,277, which is 3.9% lower than the projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This decrease is attributable to completion in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 of major street tree maintenance in the Stagecoach and Dougherty Assessment Districts and major projects in the Stagecoach and Dougherty Assessment Districts, which are not necessary in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Approximately 24.0% ($40,430) of the total activity in this budget is funded by the City's three landscape assessment districts. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES INDICATOR ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 City Owned Street Trees 6,084 ea 6,084 ea 6,084 ea 6,499 ea Tree/Brush Cutting 167 hrs 220 hrs 180 hrs 183 hrs Tree Staking 272 ea 621 ea 817 ea .264 ea Tree Pruning 1752 ea 2267 ea 1604 ea 1917 ea Tree Planting 45 ea 95 ea 64 ea 67 ea Tree Fertilizing 8 ea 857 ea 857 ea 1550 ea Tree Watering 665 ea 800 ea 665 ea 665 ea Tree Removal 30 ea 57 ea 50 ea 86 ea Tree Trimming (Subcontract) 0 ea 151 ea 151 ea 151 ea -90- PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 30400 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 124,847 CONTRACT Assessment Dist (711) 2,244 Landscape Foreman 0.07 Assessment Dist (713) 15,449 Landscape Laborer I 0.20 Assessment Dist (716) 22,737 Landscape Laborer II 0.11 Landscape Laborer III 0.31 This budget provides for the maintenance of City-owned street trees. Approximately 38% of the cost is paid through landscape maintenance assessment districts. Street trees are maintained through the City's contracts with private companies, and there are no City personnel involved in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 170,697 $ 172,827 $ 172,010 $ 165,277 Total Contract Services $ 170,697 $ 172,827 $ 172,010 $ 165,277 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -91- STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE This budget funds maintenance and irrigation of City parkways and street medians (exclusive of street trees). Street Landscape Maintenance is provided to the City under contract with private companies. Services provided include landscape maintenance, turf care, irrigation maintenance, weed control, litter pick-up and illegal sign removal. Collection of trash from City street-side receptacles is provided at no charge under the City's franchise waste agreement. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $1,167,149. This represents a decrease of $99,160 or 7.8% less than budgeted. The decrease is primarily attributable to lower than expected water usage. In analysis of the last three years, there was a drastic increase in water use during Fiscal Year 2006-2007 due to high weather temperatures. With normal weather temperatures experienced during Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the amount of water usage returned to the normal pattern. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,260,289. Approximately 32.6% ($410,969) of the total activity is funded by special assessments to property owners in the vicinity of Stagecoach Road, Dougherty Road, and the Emerald Park area. These Assessment Districts were formed to fund maintenance activities normally performed by homeowners associations at the request of the developers of those areas. The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget is approximately $93,140 or 8.0% higher than the projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This increase is primarily due to inflationary increases for maintenance contract work and utilities. Additionally, there is a significant increase in landscape maintenance costs in the Stagecoach Assessment District after the completion of a major tree replacement project in 2007-2008 that required the majority of the budget; in 2008-2009 maintenance will focus on landscape improvements. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Landscaped areas 45.31 ac 45.31 ac 45.31 ac 46.68 ac Irrigation Stations 1,496 ea 1 ,496 ea 1 ,496 ea 1,541 ea Irrigation Heads 32,092 ea 32,092 ea 32,092 ea 33,061 ea Shrubs 59,112 ea 59,112 ea 59,112 ea 60,897 ea Litter Pickup 1,535 hrs 1,679 hrs 1,522 hrs 1,522 hrs Leaf Cleanup 841 hrs 810 hrs 740 hrs 740 hrs Prune Bedding Plants 2351 hrs 1817 hrs 1,807 hrs 1,807 hrs Prune Shrubs 18,714 ea 20,706 ea 23,873 ea 23,873 ea Mow Median Turf 262 ac 280 ac 280 ac 280 ac Edge Median Turf 664 mlf 761 mlf 761 mlf 761 mlf Irrigation Insp. & Programming 37,257 sta 42,435 sta 41,501 sta 41 ,440 sta Irrigation Head Repair 1894 ea 2119 ea 1,285 ea 1325 ea Other Irrig. Sys. Repairs 498 hrs 613 hrs 397 hrs 429 hrs Illegal Signs/Hazards 277 hrs 336 hrs 283 hrs 283 hrs Banners Installed 773 ea 682 ea 750 ea 911 ea LEVEL OF SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ACTIVITY 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007 -2008 (times per year) Litter Pick-up 12 12 12 12 Manual Weed Removal 12 12 12 12 Mowing Turf 45 45 45 45 -92- PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 30500 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 849,320 CONTRACT Assessment Dist (711) 80,900 Landscape Foreman 0.79 Assessment Dist (713) 90,040 Landscape Laborer I 2.25 Assessment Dist (716) 240,029 Landscape Laborer II 2.06 Landscape Laborer III 2.35 This budget funds the maintenance of median and street side landscaping in public rights-of-way and within three Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts. The budget includes utilities and contract labor; no City personnel are involved in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Gas/Electric $ 5,764 $ 5,518 $ 6,100 $ 6,406 Water/Sewer 213,257 215,283 174,851 192,335 Comm. Promo 102,681 119,100 131,306 135,573 Total Services/Supplies $ 321,702 $ 339,901 $ 312,257 $ 334,314 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 785,054 $ 821 ,143 $ 753,861 $ 823,764 Total Contract Services $ 785,054 $ 821,143 $ 753,861 $ 823,764 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 81,692 $ 105,265 $ 101,031 $ 102,211 Total Capital Outlay $ 81,692 $ 105,265 $ 101,031 $ 102,211 -93- This page intentionally left blank. -94- HEAL TH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT This budget reflects costs associated with basic garbage service, including the first can of residential garbage service, curbside recycling, organic waste collection, on-call bulky waste clean-ups and other related services. The City, through various recycling grant funds, also provides support to commercial recycling programs, curbside used oil collection, an annual household hazardous waste collection event, a residential food-scrap recycling program, and a subsidy for commercial organics recycling. Further, this budget funds costs associated with supporting and monitoring waste management activities and implementing new waste diversion programs, as identified in the City's adopted Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). The budget also provides funding for a variety of waste reduction campaigns sponsored by the Bay Area Recycling Outreach Coalition ($2,000). An Administrative. Analyst position is assigned the coordination of recycling to address the City's solid waste and recycling issues. The Administrative Analyst position is full-time, with equal shares of the position assigned to Disaster Preparedness, Central Services and Waste Management. The estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $1,623,365, which is approximately $48,216 less than budgeted for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The majority of this decrease comes from the commercial organics subsidy, which has started out slowly but is beginning to grow at a faster rate. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The City accomplished the following City Council High Priority Goals: 1. Process annual rate adjustment. 2. Undertake and complete Citywide diversion study and submit data to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) for diversion rate, base-year data modification. 3. Conduct audit of exclusive and non-exclusive solid waste franchises to ensure accurate diversion reporting and remittance of franchise fees. 4. Work with AVI to develop an incentive payment program for Dublin's commercial recycling program. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Waste Management activities in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,686,701. This represents an increase of $63,336 or 3.9% from estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. This increase is primarily due to an increase in the annual rate adjustment. The annual rate adjustment for residential garbage collection services resulted in a 3.99% increase in the monthly service rates, based upon a formula established in the Collection Services Agreement. The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget does account for an increase in the actual number of residential units to be billed by the City from 9,762 units in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 to 10,105 units in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In addition to the Current Service Level, three (3) Higher Service Levels (HSL) have been included. HSL #1 would provide $20,000 to evaluate the recycling and disposal activities of other public agencies within the City of Dublin (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.). The recycling efforts of these agencies can have positive impacts on the City's annual AB939 diversion data, which is the State estimate of the amount of recycling taking place within the City of Dublin. The ultimate goal of the analysis would be to develop plans or recycling programs for increasing diversion within these agencies. HSL #2 would provide $88,000 for a multi-family and commercial outreach campaign designed to promote the City's recycling programs. The proposed campaign would be designed to further the City's recycling goals by maximizing diversion within the two sectors of greatest opportunity for improvement. Items included in the proposed HSL are commercial and multi-family recycling brochures and posters, recycling bins and bags designed for unique locations, a welcome recycling kit for high tenant turnover locations, as well as other media outreach items designed to increase awareness. HSL #3 provides $2,000 for funding support to the Alameda County Green Business Program, which is included as part of the City Council Community Grant Funding Program. It is proposed that all HSL's be funded using available recycling funds. The total recommended Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget for Waste Management, which includes the above HSLs, is $1,796,701. -95- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) $ 95,408 Administrative Analyst II 1,591,293 0.33 The Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Adopt and implement a waste management/recycling plan for the City's large public venues and events, which consists of events that serve more than 2,000 individuals per day. 2. Increase commercial organics recycling participation by 10 businesses. 3. Work with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) to perform a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the City of Dublin. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 20,251 $ 23,378 $ 23,284 $ 25,480 Retirement 4,821 5,271 5,250 5,782 Group Insurance 5,144 4,989 4,988 5,216 Retiree Health 2,325 1,677 1,671 1,828 Workers Compensation 110 170 47 46 F.I.C.A. 294 339 339 369 Total Personnel Services $ 32,945 $ 35,824 $ 35,579 $ 38,721 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 62 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 Book & Publications 59 65 64 64 Memberships & Dues 192 200 200 200 Mileage & Auto Allowance 216 500 500 523 Travel and Conferences 0 1,200 1,145 1,300 Legal Notices 32 0 0 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 561 $ 2,065 $ 2,009 $ 2,187 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 1,512,157 $ 1,631,692 $ 1,583,777 $ 1,643,793 Clean Air Grant Vehicle 0 0 0 0 Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Contract Services $ 1,514,157 $ 1,633,692 $ 1,585,777 $ 1,645,793 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -96- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 1 Analyze Jurisdictional Partners (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) 20,000 115,408 Administrative Analyst II 1,591,293 0.33 This Higher Service Level would enable the City to evaluate the recycling and disposal activities of its jurisdictional partners. The recycling efforts of these entities can have a positive impact on the City's annual AB939 diversion data or the State estimate of the amount of recycling taking place within the City of Dublin. The ultimate goal of the analysis would be to develop plans or recycling programs for increasing diversion within this waste sector. This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Objective: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Engage and analyze Dublin's jurisdictional partners' (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.) diversion efforts and recommend improvements. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 25,480 Retirement 0 5,782 Group Insurance 0 5,216 Retiree Health 0 1,828 Workers Compensation 0 46 F.I.C.A. 0 369 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 38,721 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 0 $ 100 Book & Publications $ 0 $ 64 Memberships & Dues 0 200 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 523 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 1,300 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 2,187 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 20,000 $ 1,663,793 Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign 0 2,000 Total Contract Services $ 20,000 $ 1,665,793 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -97- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 2 Multi-Family & Commercial Campaign (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE UNO COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund (225) $ 88,000 $ 203,408 1,591,293 Administrative Analyst II 0.33 This Higher Service Level (HSL) would provide funding for a multi-family and commerciaf outreach campaign designed to promote the City's recycling programs offered through its contracted waste hauler, Amador Valley Industries. The proposed campaign will be designed to further the City's recycling goals by maximizing diversion within the commercial and multifamily sectors. The goal would be to make recycling as convenient and attractive as possible to commercial and multifamily service locations by highlighting incentives and programs available to these groups. Items included in the proposed HSL are commercial and multi-family recycling brochures and posters, recycling bins and bags designed for unique locations, welcome recycling kit for high tenant turnover locations, as well as other media outreach items designed to increase awareness. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 2 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.C.A. Total Personnel Services $ o o o o o o o $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Total Services/Supplies $ $ o o o o o o $ CONTRACT SERVICES General Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign Total Contract Services $ 88,000 o 88,000 $ Total Capital Outlay $ o CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008-2009 $ 25,480 5,782 5,216 1,828 46 369 38,721 $ $ $ 100 64 200 523 1,300 2,187 $ $ 1,751,793 2,000 1,753,793 $ $ o -98- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT - 50200 HIGHER 3 Green Business Program (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE Measure D (224) Garbage Service Fund 2,000 $ 205,408 Administrative Analyst II 1,591,293 0.33 This Higher Service Level funds support to the Alameda County Green Business Program. The Green Business Program provides environmental performance certification for medium to small businesses within Alameda County. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 25,480 Retirement 0 5,782 Group Insurance 0 5,216 Retiree Health 0 1,828 Workers Compensation 0 46 F.I.C.A. 0 369 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 38,721 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 0 $ 100 Book & Publications 0 64 Memberships & Dues 0 200 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 523 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 1,300 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 2,187 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 2,000 $ 1,753,793 Buy Recycled Paper Media Campaign 0 2,000 Total Contract Services $ 2,000 $ 1,755,793 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -99- CHILD CARE This budget funds the City's contribution to Child Care Links. During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the City provided funding in the amount of $18,500 to cover salary, benefits and operational costs in order to accomplish the following goals: 1. Maintain an ongoing supply of quality child care services 2. Provide statistical information to help the community plan for child care needs 3. Promote quality child care as an employer concern During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Child Care Links estimates it will provide child care information and referrals to over 420 Dublin households. The organization's Inclusion Project, which increases the capacity in local child care centers for children with exceptional needs, will serve 8 families in Dublin. Over 70 Dublin residents are expected to participate in orientations, trainings and pre-licensing home visits for prospective and new child care providers. The Health and Nutrition Workshops sponsored by Child Care Links will serve over 20 Dublin households. Child Care Links held several events in Dublin during Fiscal Year 2007-2008 including the Tri-Valley Preschool Fair, Stress Retreat for providers, and a Discipline Workshop for Parents. Other events held in the Tri-Valley included the Early Childhood Education Conference and an Inclusion Summit. The events were well attended with over 90 Dublin residents participating. For Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Child Care Links requested a contribution of $23,500. Per the Council's direction at the annual Budget Study Session, an $18,500 Higher Service Level has been prepared for the Council's consideration. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $18,500. -100- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CHILD CARE - 50300 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ o Personnel support for this activity is included in the Parks & Community Services Department. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 Total Contract Services $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -101- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY CHILD CARE - 50300 Child Care Links FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Parks & Community Services Department. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Total Contract Services $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -102- SOCIAL SERVICES This Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget funds nine social service programs which are described in more detail below. Funding for each program in the Current Service Level comes from the City's allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG). Axis Community Health The City Council approved $3,488 in CDBG Funds for Axis Community Health to support the construction of a Women's Health Clinic at Axis's Railroad Avenue site in Livermore which will convert a 1,400 square foot office space into an obstetrical suite that consists of three examination rooms. Axis provides prenatal services for local residents who are indigent and uninsured. Bay Area Community Services - Valley Creative Livina Center The City Council approved $4,757 in CDBG funds for Bay Area Community Services to provide social service programs for low-income Dublin adult residents with psychiatric disabilities. The program provides social, educational and prevocational training and group activities. Community Resources for Independent Livin!! (CRIL) The City Council approved $3,488 in CDBG Funds for Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) to provide peer counseling, health information, benefits counseling and personal safety, resulting in a significantly increased ability to be self-sufficient in their home and community to low income persons with disabilities and seniors with functional limitations. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity The City Council approved $3,488 in CDBG Funds for Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity to support the Rental Assistance Program (RAP). RAP is a rent/deposit guarantee program, which provided assistance to low-to moderate-income tenants to pay security deposits or delinquent rent. Open Heart Kitchen - Weekend Box Lunch The City Council approved $9,514 in CDBG funds for Open Heart Kitchen to distribute approximately 250 nutritious non-perishable weekend lunch boxes weekly to residents low income residents at the Arroyo Vista and the Grove Housing Complexes. Each box lunch contains two lunches that are distributed by an all-volunteer staff. Spectrum Community Services - Meals on Wheels Proaram The City Council approved $5,307 in CDBG funds for Spectrum Community Services, Inc. for the Meals on Wheels Program. This program will provide an average of 18 hot meals delivered daily to low- income, frail, homebound, elderly Dublin residents. Senior Support Proaram of the Tri-Valley - Senior Support Services The City Council approved $9,968 in CDBG funds for the independent Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley. The Senior Support Program expects to provide in-home case management including in- home counseling, information and referral services. These services will be provided to a minimum of 32 new low-income seniors. The objective of this program is to prevent or postpone the institutionalization of local seniors through the provision of services which enable seniors to live independently and safely in their own homes. Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Violence Shelter/Homeless Services. The City Council approved $14,271 in CDBG funds to assist Tri-Valley Haven with its regional domestic violence shelter. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009, this amount will provide domestic violence services to at least 25 Dublin residents at the domestic violence shelter, case management for homeless services, including a food panty, to at least 165 Dublin residents, and at least 16 community education and preventative presentations to various service organizations reaching 600 Dublin residents. -103- Tri-Vallev Haven - Soiourner House Homeless Shelter The City of Dublin has agreed to contribute CDBG funds toward financing the rehabilitation of the only Homeless Shelter in the Tri-Valley to offer accommodations to entire families. The City of Dublin contribution for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $5,427. This is the seventh year of a 10-year commitment that Dublin will be contributing the City's share of this regional shelter. In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the. City Council fund three Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 is to grant additional funding to Community Resources for Independent Living to provide a variety of services to Dublin residents with disabilities ($11,925). HSL #2 is to grant additional funding to Axis Community Health to support the construction of a Women's Health Clinic ($25,000). HSL #3 is continue funding for Eden I & R 2-1-1 phone service to provide a link between Alameda County households and the full range of community resources available to households($10,000). The cost for the Current Service Level is estimated to be $59,708; plus the recommended Higher Service Levels of $46,925, the total recommended Social Services budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $106,633. The total recommended budget for Social Services programs for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 including the Higher Service Level is $106,633. -104- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL CDBG (209) $ 59,708 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Housing Programs Budget. tt<ttAu:::::r::rrrrr::rrr::r:r:::r:::r::::r:::rrm:r:p::::::$rr::::rrrrr::$.$.~71lf.:: This increment provides funding to maintain the current level of service for those programs and activities included in the Social Services budget. Activities in the Current Service Level budget include: Axis Community Health Services Women's Health Center; Rental Assistance Program as provided by Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity; Housing Services provided by CRIL (Community Resources for Independent Living; Senior Support Services as provided by the Valley Community Health Center; Meals on Wheels Services as provided by Spectrum Community Service; Domestic Violence Shelter and Family Crisis Center services as provided by Tri-Valley Haven; Weekend Box Lunch Program as provided by Open Heart Kitchen; and Social Service Programs for adult Dublin residents with psychiatric disabilities as provided by Bay Area Community Services. In addition, the City contributes Community Development Block Grant funds towards financing the rehabilitation of the Sojourner Housing Homeless Shelter located in Livermore. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 T otalServices/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services $ 5,000 $ 4,967 $ 4,967 $ 4,757 CRIL 10,300 15,413 15,413 3,488 Eden I & R 0 10,000 10,000 0 Open Heart Kitchen 10,000 9,934 9,934 9,514 Spectrum Comm Services 5,601 5,541 5,541 5,307 Eden Council for Hope and OpportL 0 0 0 3,488 Senior Support Services 8,707 12,176 12,176 9,968 Tri-Valley Haven 15,000 14,900 14,900 14,271 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 5,427 5,427 5,427 5,427 Axis Community Health 0 0 0 3,488 Total Contract Services $ 60,035 $ 78,358 $ 78,358 $ 59,708 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 :mlllf:APlNE:g9$m::::::::::d:)::::::r::r:::):)J:::;::::::::::::::::::'I~ill:::::::::::::::'f:::::::::::::::L:::7~;"II::::::::::j::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::il;1If::::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ti'~i91::::: -105- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL SOCIAL SERVICES. 50400 HIGHER 1 Community Resources For Independent Living (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB I INCREMENT I CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) CDBG (209) $ 11,925 $ 11,925 59,708 Personnel support for this activity is included in the Community Development Department. :}::1(atAw::mmm:::::@::{{},:,::::::'::::::::}::c::I.}m::::::':::{d:j:~I~$.ld{~Fm::::::}:::{:::::::Z1:~II~}':'m}*d:TAW'::::}}}}}::::::::::}}}:Mm}@:{:}:nKt.~t}::::{:{m:::1m}:'m::::::::}@:}:~'m~I}:::::{{::::::{:m::::: Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) will provide services to seniors with functional limitations and residents with disabilities of all ages thereby increasing their ability to more independently and fully participate in their families, work and community. CRIL will assist residents by providing individual services including housing referral and placement assistance; personal assistance service referrals and matching assistance; benefits counseling; peer counseling; basic living skills training in such areas as money and health management; individual advocacy training; and, assisted technology referral and procurement services. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2008.2009 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008.2009 Total Personnel Services $ $ o $ $ o Total Services/Supplies o o CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services CRIL Open Heart Kitchen Spectrum Comm Services Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Senior Support Services Tri-Valley Haven Sojourner Homeless Shelter Axis Community Health Total Capital Outlay 0 4,757 11,925 15,413 0 9,514 0 5,307 0 3,488 0 9,968 0 14,271 0 5,427 0 3,488 $ 11,925 $ 71,633 $ 0 $ 0 Total Contract Services ::igmlt;::llmltEll;Q!jt::::::::::'::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ................. ...__uu........ ......--.---..... ..........--..... ........ ::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::11::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::1j:~~a:::::::::::::i:::'I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::1::::::::::::::::::::::1]::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::i:::::I~j:~lg::::: -106- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 Axis Community Health FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) CDBG (209) $ 25,000 $ 36,925 59,708 Axis provides prenatal services for local residents who are indigent and uninsured. The additional clinical space will also be used for other gynecological services, including family planning, cancer detection services, and Axis breast cancer detection program. Funding supports Axis Community Health in the construction of a Women's Health Clinic's Railroad Avenue site in Livermore. The construction work will convert a 1,400 square foot office space into an obstetrical suite that consists of three examination rooms. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services 0 4,757 CRIL 0 15,413 Open Heart Kitchen 0 9,514 Spectrum Comm Services 0 5,307 Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity 0 3,488 Senior Support Services 0 9,968 Tri-Valley Haven 0 14,271 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 0 5,427 Axis Community Health 25,000 28,488 Total Contract Services $ 25,000 $ 96,633 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -107- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SOCIAL SERVICES - 50400 Eden I & R FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 3 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) CDBG (209) $ 10,000 $ 46,925 59,708 Eden I & R will continue its goal of serving as a link between Alameda County households and the full range of community resources available to households. Eden 1& R is a source of information, and referral to, low-cost housing, emergency shelter, and other social service agencies of Alameda County residents. Eden I & R provides this information via a 2-1-1 telephone service. Specifically, the 2-1-1 service is available for 24 hours a day and seven days a week access to health and human services. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 CONTRACT SERVICES Bay Area Community Services 0 4,757 CRIL 0 15,413 Eden I & R 10,000 10,000 Open Heart Kitchen 0 9,514 Spectrum Comm Services 0 5,307 Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity 0 3,488 Senior Support Services 0 9,968 Tri-Valley Haven 0 14,271 Sojourner Homeless Shelter 0 5,427 Axis Community Health 0 28,488 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 106,633 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -108- HOUSING PROGRAMS The Housing Division, in the Community Development Department, funds .40 of a Community Development Director, a full-time Housing Specialist, a .75 full time equivalent Housing Assistant, and .50 of a Secretary. The Housing Division is responsible for the implementation of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other housing programs as they are developed. In Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the City funded 15 First Time Homebuyer loans totaling $500,000 to create affordable homeownership opportunities to households. In addition, the housing division assisted the development community place 57 households into affordable ownership homes throughout Dublin. The City continues to participate in the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center programs, which offers homebuyer orientations and Homebuyer Education classes to potential Dublin homebuyers and assists existing below market rate homeowners with the re-sale of their units. Other programs supported by the Housing Division include working with developers during construction of affordable homeownership and rental projects and the annual monitoring of residency once the units are occupied. The Housing Division communicates and coordinates with current and future residential developers to complete necessary documents such as Affordable Housing Agreements, marketing and management plans for Inclusionary Units and qualifying applicants for ownership Inclusionary Units. In Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the Housing Division partnered with the Dublin Housing Authority to negotiate the Exclusive Right to Negotiate with Citation Homes and Eden Housing for the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. Work will continue on this project in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Housing Program's budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $3,994,884. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $994,698, which is $3,000,186 or 75.1% less than budgeted. This is primarily due to the delay in the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment project. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Processed fifteen (15) First Time Homebuyer Loans and made a progress report to the City Council. 2. Participated in the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project 3. Held two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing programs. 4. The City of Dublin was awarded a third Workforce Housing Reward Grant in 2007 from the State of California for $73,187 for the production of affordable housing in the City of Dublin in calendar year 2006. 5. Held two (2) Affordable Housing Opportunities seminars with Dublin's Large Employers. 6. Worked with the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to create and implement The Tri-Valley Region Below-Market Rate (BMR) Resale Linkage Program. The Program assists BMR homeowners with the resale of a BMR unit. 7. Educated the City's Large Employers on the City's Affordable Housing Program. The cost of the current service level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $3,887,787. In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund three Higher Service Levels (HSL). HSL #1 would increase the .75 Administrative Aide position to full time 1.0 ($20,092) and enable the completion of the City Council goal to review the effectiveness of the current Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. HSL #2 would provide funding for Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to provide homebuyer education, post purchase, and foreclosure prevention counseling ($25,000). HSL #3 would provide funding for Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity to provide their Rental Assistance Program ($9,215). The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 including the three Higher Service Levels is estimated to be $3,942,094. This represents an increase of $2,947,396 over Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. A majority of the increased funding is a carry over of $2,869,629 due to delay in funding of the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project. This budget is partially offset by $74,070 in estimated -109- revenues for Housing Services during Fiscal Year 2008-2009, resulting in a net cost of $3,868,024 for Housing Services. The following schedule of Workload/Performance Measures identifies the activities to be undertaken by the Housing Division with the Recommended Current Service Level Budget: HOUSING DIVISION WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Ownership Units Monitored Yearly 59 127 87 132 Rental Units Monitored Yearly 330 694 724 724 Affordable Housing Agreements 2 3 2 2 Processed Inclusionary Unit Applications Processed 87 102 92 37 Closed Sales on Inclusionary Units 14 86 57 23 First Time Homebuyer Loans 3 10 15 15 -110- PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION . STAFFING LEVEL Affordable Housing (380) $ 3,887,787 Community Development Director Housing Specialist Administrative Aide Secretary 0.40 1.00 0.75 0.50 ::tQm~lmr::m:m::r::::::::::rm::rmrmr:r::rrt::::}::rr::::::r:::rr:c:::r:$:::::m:rmm:I~,=m:I'l$lt}rrmQ.ltltf:::::}mrr::r:::::::::m,m:r'::::::::m:::r:::mttm:rrmr:::,rrrrrrrrir:r::::::rrrrr::::::::I~fir::::::r::::::::r:::r The Current Service Level funds City Staff to administer Housing Programs and consulting services. These Housing Programs include administration of the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, the Arroyo Vista Redevelopment Project, the First Time Homebuyer Loan Program, and the City's participation in the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. 2. Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an equitable manner. 3. Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. 4. Update Housing Element of the General Plan. -111- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET. HOUSING PROGRAMS CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006.2007 2007.2008 2007.2008 2008.2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 52,407 $ 106,829 $ 99,398 $ 200,713 Salaries P.T. 60,478 60,757 63,871 59,464 Salaries O.T. 0 0 104 268 Retirement 27,906 37,904 37,137 59,121 Group Insurance 19,830 31,817 31,831 48,304 Retiree Health 12,331 12,067 11,822 18,700 Workers Compensation 567 880 334 306 F.I.CA 1,637 2,430 2,369 3,776 Total Personnel Services $ 175,156 $ 252,684 $ 246,866 $ 390,652 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 977 $ 1,000 $ 993 $ 1,000 Postage 559 520 520 500 Operating Supplies 295 700 683 1,450 Advertising 0 550 550 500 Printing & Binding 258 750 738 750 Book & Publications 0 100 100 100 Memberships & Dues 350 450 450 450 Mileage & Auto Allowance 406 700 684 700 Travel and Conferences 1 ,437 1,700 1,675 1,700 Training 1,065 3,850 3,829 4,125 Legal Notices 0 100 0 0 Internal Service Charge 3,051 3,694 3,694 3,051 Total Services/Supplies $ 8,398 $ 14,114 $ 13,916 $ 14,326 CONTRACT SERVICES MCC Program $ 750 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 Other Housing Programs 76,299 21,946 22,241 32,380 Arroyo Vista Housing Project 60,000 1,705,000 80,000 1,580,000 1 st Time Homebuyer Loans 136,454 500,000 500,000 500,000 Arroyo Vista Housing Loan 0 1,500,000 130,371 1,369,629 Total Contract Services $ 273,503 $ 3,727,746 $ 733,412 $ 3,482,809 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 482 $ 340 $ 340 $ 0 Machinery & Equipment 718 0 164 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 1,200 $ 340 $ 504 $ 0 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 $ 0 Total Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 ::Tgl.iM~9jjl~I(::IQ~,rn:::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:,::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~I;:III::::::::::'::::':I:::::::::::::::::::::I;III~lfi:::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::III~III:::::::::::::::::::::I::::I:::::::::::::::"~111~1!1::::: -112- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 HIGHER 1 Increase Administrative Aide to Full Time (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE Affordable Housing (380) $ 20,092 $ 3,907,879 Community Development Director Housing Specialist Administrative Aide Secretary 0.25 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.50 ttfPT#.tt m::::t:::::m:m:::::m:::::m:m::m:::::m:::::m::tttttm:$m::::J.Q~Q.$." ::$::m:~::$.Ql':~7~t: t::::m:m::t::tn~I::t:m:::m::::r::tt:m:::m:::::::m:::::J.*$.Ptttt:m:::::m:::m: This Higher Service Level will increase the .75 Administrative Aide position to a full time position. The full time position is necessary in order to accomplish the following Goals and Objectives set by the City Council: 2008 . 2009 Goals 1. Review the effectiveness of the City's current 'nclusionary Zoning Ordinance. In addition to accomplishing the above goal, this Higher Service Level will enable the Housing Division to accomplish the workload indicator below: INDICATOR First Time Homebuyer Loan File Maintenance (number of loans). Assist Households with post purchase activities and foreclosure prevention (number of households). ACTUAL 2006.2007 o BUDGET 2007.2008 o ESTIMATED 2007-2008 o ESTIMATED 2008.2009 18 o o o 10 -113- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - HOUSING PROGRAMS Higher SerVice Level 1 - Increase Administrative Aide to Full Time DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 1 2008.2009 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries FT. Salaries P.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.CA Total Personnel Services $ 74,780 (59,464) o 3,662 542 o o 222 19,742 $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ o o o o o o o o o 350 o 350 $ CONTRACT SERVICES MCC Program Other Housing Programs Arroyo Vista Housing Project 1 st Time Homebuyer Loans Arroyo Vista Housing Loan Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay $ o o o o o o o $ $ $ o Miscellaneous $ 275,493 o 268 62,783 48,846 18,700 306 3,998 410,394 $ $ 1,000 500 1,450 500 750 100 450 700 1,700 4,475 3,051 14,676 $ $ 800 32,380 1,580,000 500,000 1,369,629 3,482,809 o $ $ $ o ::mgmlp:e;p!jvf.m::pg"m:::!:::::::::!:!:::!r:::::::::::::I::::::!:!:!:!:::::!:!:!:::!:!:!::'::::::!:::!:::::,::'::::::!:!:!:::::::::::::::::::::::!:::::!:::::::::!:!:::!:!:!:!:::~:::::::::::r::::::::::r:!:::::::::!:!::!:!::::::::lqi:9!1:::::::::::::!:::::::::::I::::::::::::::::::!:::::I::::::::::::I:::I:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::r!~~~~I!I:::::: -114- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 TVHOC - Homeownership Education PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 (RECOMMENDED) PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE CUMULATIVE TOTAL Affordable Housing (380) $ 25,000 $ 3,932,879 Community Development Directol Housing Specialist Administrative Aide Secretary t?TPTAU:m::tt/},:::::::t::t::m:::::::::t::tt::m{$.::::m:m:m::m::~$.'::M(tHJJ.t::t:J."9~a1$.:m 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.50 ::::t::m:m:m:o.lQQ::,:::::::::::::::r::/t::m:m't:::::::::::at$.Q:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m:m This Higher Service Level provides funding for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (lVHOC) Early Delinquency and Foreclosure Counseling Program and will assist households experiencing difficulties in making their mortgage payments, due to loss of employment, medical hardships, or in a challenging loan situation. The lVHOC will provide individualized counseling to work with the troubled homeowner and the lender. -115- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - HOUSING PROGRAMS Higher Service Level 2 - TVHOC - Homeownership Education DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 2 2008-2009 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.CA Total Personnel Services $ o o o o o o o o $ SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies Postage Operating Supplies Advertising Printing & Binding Book & Publications Memberships & Dues Mileage & Auto Allowance Travel, Conferences & Meetings Training Internal Service Charge Total Services/Supplies $ o o o o o o o o o o o o $ CONTRACT SERVICES MCC Program Other Housing Programs Arroyo Vista Housing Project Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center 1st Time Homebuyer Loans Arroyo Vista Housing Loan Total Contract Services Total Capital Outlay $ o o o 25,000 o o 25,000 o $ $ $ o Affordable Housing Loans $ 275,493 268 62,783 48,846 18,700 306 3,998 410,394 $ $ 1,000 500 1 ,450 500 750 100 450 700 1,700 4,475 3,051 14,676 $ $ 800 32,380 1,580,000 25,000 500,000 1,369,629 3,507,809 o $ $ $ o :iffiQ!!mtI9ItDiii92Iffili:::i:i:::::i::iiii:i:ii:iiiii:i:i:::i::::::::::::::::'::::l::::i::::::::I:i:I::Ii:::i:i:::i:::ii:::i::i:::::i:ii::::I:i::iiiiI'ii,':::::i:i:i:i:::ii:l.iI::::i:::::ii::::::i::i::::i:iii:::i:i::iiJ:igl.~IHiJ:i:i'g::::i::::::iiii:::::::i::':::::::::::::::::iii::::::::::::::::::::I:::::::::::ii::::ii:ii:::'i:::1.~ljl.~II':::::: -116- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HOUSING PROGRAMS - 50500 HIGHER 3 ECHO - Rental Assistance Program (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM HEALTH & WELFARE Affordable Housing (380) $ 9,215 $ 3,942,094 Community Development Director Housing Specialist Administrative Aide Secretary 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.50 This Higer Service Level provides funding for Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO), which offers a Rental Assistance Program (RAP) to Dublin residences. RAP is a rent/deposit guarantee program, which provides assistance to low-to moderate-income tenants to pay security deposits or delinquent rent. A budget is completed and if the client has residual income at the end of the month, the RAP Counselor negotiates small, monthly payments until the amount is paid. A contract is signed by the tenant and landlord, and ECHO acts as guarantor in event the tenant defaults. -117-. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - HOUSING PROGRAMS Higher Service Level 3 - ECHO - Rental Assistance Program HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 275,493 Salaries O.T. 0 268 Retirement 0 62,783 Group Insurance 0 48,846 Retiree Health 0 18,700 Workers Compensation 0 306 F.I.C.A. 0 3,998 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 410,394 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 1,000 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 1 ,450 Advertising 0 500 Printing & Binding 0 750 Book & Publications 0 100 Memberships & Dues 0 450 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 700 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 1,700 Training 0 4,475 Internal Service Charge 0 3,051 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 14,676 CONTRACT SERVICES MCC Program 800 Other Housing Programs 0 32,380 Arroyo Vista Housing Project 0 1,580,000 Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center 0 25,000 ECHO - Rental Assistance Program 9,215 9,215 1 st Time Homebuyer Loans 0 500,000 Arroyo Vista Housing Loan 0 1,369,629 Total Contract Services $ 9,215 $ 3,517,024 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -118- CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES This budget funds the contract agreement with the Alameda County Library System for additional hours of library service at the Dublin Library. This budget also funds the operational costs associated with the Dublin Public Library building. Grounds maintenance is shown in the Park Maintenance budget (80200). For Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the Library was open to the public for 59 hours per week. Of the total hours, the City funded an average of 31 hours per week. The total estimated cost to the City to fund the additional hours for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $647,414; the estimated cost for library materials was $35,000. The estimated cost for maintenance and utilities as well as equipment and improvements was $115,226. The Alameda County Library will reimburse the City for a pro-rated share of the janitorial costs of the common areas (lobby and restrooms). The estimated reimbursement for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008 is $11,635; thus, the net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $786,005. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $855,380. Of this amount, $681,715 is the proposed contract amount with the Alameda County Library System for 31 hours per week of library service and $35,000 is for funding the purchase of library materials. The cost associated with maintenance and utilities for the library building is estimated to be $116,985. In addition, $21,680 has been allocated for equipment and improvements to the building. The estimated reimbursement from the Alameda County Library for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $12,015; thus, the net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $843,365. The library is open seven days per week based on the current schedule shown below: WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES Indicator Circulation Reference Program Attendance Hours Open FY 02-03 274,826 21,883 1 ,453 45 FY 03-04 510,808 34,255 8,465 45 FY 04-05 512,401 29,205 8,613 45 FY 05-06 489,812 25,888 7,664 53 FY 06-07 508,848 29,655 7,669 59 -119- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 80100 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL $ 855,380 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II 0.26 0.15 0.02 This budget increment funds the current level of service and provides funding for 31 additional hours of library service per week at the Dublin Library as well as funding for library materials. Additionally, this budget funds the operational and maintenance costs for the library building and building improvement projects including restroom painting, carpet repair, conference room wall repairs and upgrades to the interior lighting system. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 4,849 $ 4,020 $ 6,300 $ 6,255 Repairs & Maintenance 1,055 2,500 1,500 2,500 Book & Publications 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Gas/Electric 6,660 6,660 6,660 6,660 Water/Sewer 202 211 205 215 Total Services/Supplies $ 47,766 $ 48,391 $ 49,665 $ 50,630 CONTRACT SERVICES Alameda County Library $ 632,410 $ 682,414 $ 647,414 $ 681,715 Building Maintenance 96,246 100,230 100,561 101 ,355 Total Contract Services $ 728,656 $ 782,644 $ 747,975 $ 783,070 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 20,462 $ 0 $ 0 $ 18,680 Furniture & Fixtures 12,746 5,536 0 0 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 3,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 33,208 $ 5,536 $ 0 $ 21,680 -120- HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS The Heritage and Cultural Arts budget includes Cultural Activities, the Heritage Center and the Dublin Cemetery. Cultural Activities include cultural arts classes, special events such as the summer and winter concert series, and administration of public art projects. The Heritage Center includes the operation and maintenance of the Murray Schoolhouse and Old St. Raymond's Church, museum operations, heritage programs and exhibits, and church rentals. The Dublin Cemetery includes grounds maintenance for the Heritage Center and Cemetery, and burials. 2007 -2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Worked with San Ramon Village on the installation of public art as a condition of project approval 2. Developed new Cultural Arts Enrichment Classes in dance, theatre and visual arts for the community 3. Received approval for three artist teams to provide public art for the new Shannon Community Center 4. Worked with the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete the Bus Obscura project in Dublin 5. Provided funding to the Pacific Chamber Symphony, which sponsored four small ensemble concerts in the elementary schools 6. Produced successful summer and winter concert series 7. Coordinated one new visual arts' exhibit by Las Positas College at the Civic Center 8. Produced a new Heritage Center Annual Newsletter 9. Coordinated a new program; First Saturday Family Workshops, once a month (Sept. - June) 10. Produced book, Dublin; Arcadia Images of America; "Arcadia Books" 11. Received a grant from the State of California Library for $5,000 to digitalize 200 photographs in conjunction with Dublin Library 12. Coordinated the establishment of a "Visitors Center" in St. Raymond's Church 13. Coordinated a summer intern project to organize and input archival photo collection 14. Participated with the Dublin Library in Dublin Reads- Snow Mountain Passage joint project 15. Established an outdoor "Barn Exhibit" that houses a carriage, tools and farm equipment 16. Coordinated a monthly Volunteer Tea & Training meetings program as a part of a volunteer recruitment and retention program 17. Initiated a new Beginner Bluegrass Slow Jam program for youth through adults 18. Implemented improvements to programs for the Heritage Center based on recommendations from the Museum Assessment Program and submitted application for Phase II - Public Dimensions 19. Hosted a Children's Bluegrass Concert in June 2008 20. Coordinated with Eagle Scout candidates to complete three projects at the Heritage Center 21. Explore opportunity to develop Poet Laureate 22. Explore opportunity to develop Historian for the City The estimated expenditures for the Heritage and Cultural Arts Division in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $513,987 or 2.4% less than budgeted. It is anticipated that $130,044 in revenue will be generated, for a net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 of $383,943. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 based on the Current Service Level is $511,931. This budget funds the Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor, the Heritage Center Director and the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, aswell as the programs, activities and facilities associated with heritage and cultural arts. The primary reason for the decrease over Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is that funding for the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation is now contained in Higher Service Levels. It is. anticipated that $139,095 in revenue will be generated through program fees, church rentals and burial fees; thus, the net cost for the Current Service Level for Heritage and Cultural Arts is $372,836. In addition to the Current Service Level, three Higher Service Levels (HSL) have been proposed. HSL #1 would provide funding to offer a new Film Series and Volunteer Holiday Tea program. The estimated cost associated with HSL #1 is $1,988 and $1,900 in revenue is anticipated. HSL #2 would provide funding to establish a dedicated website for the Heritage Center and to create Virtual Tours of the -121- Journey Museum and the City's public art for the community. The estimated cost associated with HSL #2 is $11,825. HSL #3 would provide funding to the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation for general operating support. The estimated cost associated with HSL #3 is $10,000. The total combined cost of the three Higher Service Levels is $23,813 with anticipated revenue of $1,900. The total recommended budget including Higher Service Levels for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $535,744. WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES CURRENT SERVICE INDICATOR ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Museum Visitors (tours, open 1,900 2,500 2,225 2,225 hours) Church Rentals 14 18 10 10 Volunteer Hours 450 525 525 575 Special Events (participants for 300 470 1 ,435 1,915 workshops, film series, exhibits, volunteer tea, etc.) Evening Programs (participants 1,040 1,100 1,250 1,500 for music jams, etc.) MURRAY SCHOOLHOUSE MUSEUM HOURS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m. -122- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) FUND TOTAL $ 511,931 JOB CLASSIFICATION CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Heritage Center Director Subtotal CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Subtotal STAFFING LEVEL 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.03 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.49 This budget funds the Current Service Level for the combined operations of Cultural Arts, the Heritage Center and the Dublin Cemetery. Programs and operations include: cultural arts classes, camps, special events, and public art administrative support; Murray Schoolhouse and Old St. Raymond's Church maintenance and operations, museum administration and facility rentals; and cemetery maintenance and operations and burials. This budget includes funds for out of state travel for the Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor to attend the Americans for the Arts Conference in Seattle, Washington and for the Heritage Center Director to attend the American Association for State and Local History Conference in New York. Funding for this Current Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1) Facilitate the selection of public art for two (2) Private Development projects. (Positano and The Green on Park Place) 2) Facilitate inclusion of artworks in the Shannon Community Center Reconstructon project. 3) Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. 4) Implement Phase II of the downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project including; design, fabrication and installation of student art murals. 5) Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. 6) Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3) Private Development projects. (Tralee, Grafton Station, and San Ramon Village - San Ramon Village completed in FY 07-08) . CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Cultural Arts $ 251,945 $ 239,530 $ 236,792 $ 228,281 Heritage Center 181,828 238,752 235,655 236,900 CemeterY 43,943 48,458 41 ,540 46,750 TOTALS $ 477,716 $ 526,740 $ 513,987 $ 511,931 -123- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 87,395 $ 165,478 $ 163,888 $ 173,385 Salaries P.T. Regular 53,536 0 0 0 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 7,010 14,534 12,331 18,159 Retirement 34,984 37,485 37,117 39,530 Group Insurance 30,354 32,159 32,171 33,498 Retiree Health 14,092 11 ,934 11,816 12,503 Workers Compensation 2,863 5,562 2,524 1,845 F.I.CA 2,233 2,610 2,554 2,777 PARS 195 218 185 273 Total Personnel Services $ 232,662 $ 269,980 $ 262,586 $ 281,970 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 332 $ 400 $ 481 $ 530 Postage 133 900 270 350 Operating Supplies 4,342 6,147 6,100 8,925 Advertising 3,287 3,500 2,304 2,100 Printing & Binding 2,539 2,242 2,528 3,050 Rentals & Leases 7,240 6,250 4,283 4,700 Book & Publications 36 250 1,207 530 Memberships & Dues 375 415 425 425 Mileage & Auto Allowance 639 730 750 840 Travel and Conferences 2,798 3,774 3,545 3,370 Gas/Electric 4,760 5,506 5,205 5,465 Water/Sewer 1,751 1 ,493 1,935 2,033 Telephone 854 2,580 2,327 2,544 Filing Fees 0 0 32 0 Internal Service Charge 5,966 4,692 4,692 3,808 Total Services/Supplies $ 35,052 $ 38,879 $ 36,084 $ 38,670 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 200,955 $ 191,331 $ 188,803 $ 167,947 Total Contract Services $ 200,955 $ 191,331 $ 188,803 $ 167,947 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 5,082 $ 12,400 $ 12,262 $ 22,344 Furniture & Fixtures 0 5,450 6,082 1,000 Machinery & Equipment 3,965 8,700 8,170 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 9,047 $ 26,550 $ 26,514 $ 23,344 -124- FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 HIGHER 1 Heritage Center Program Expansion (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE General Fund (001) $ 1,988 $ 513,919 CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Heritage Center Director Subtotal 1.00 1.00 2.00 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Subtotal 0.03 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.49 This Higher Service Level includes funding for part time staff, printing and operating supplies to offer a new Film Series and Volunteer Holiday Tea program in FY 2008-09. Theseadditions will enhance the overall operations and programming opportunities for the community. These funding requests will enable the Heritage Center Director to accomplish the following high priority City Council goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1) Offer a ''Vintage Film Series" event 4 times per year at the Dublin Heritage Center. 2) Plan and coordinate a Holiday Tea at the Heritage Center in December 2008. -125- 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS Higher Service Level 1 - Heritage Center Program Expansion HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 173,385 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 629 18,788 Retirement 0 39,530 Group Insurance 0 33,498 Retiree Health 0 12,503 Workers Compensation 0 1,845 F.I.C.A. 9 2,786 PARS 10 283 Total Personnel Services $ 648 $ 282,618 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 530 Postage 0 350 Operating Supplies 840 9,765 Advertising 0 2,100 Printing & Binding 500 3,550 Rentals & Leases 0 4,700 Book & Publications 0 530 Memberships & Dues 0 425 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 840 Travel and Conferences 0 3,370 Gas/Electric 0 5,465 Water/Sewer 0 2,033 Telephone 0 2,544 Internal Service Charge 0 3,808 Total Services/Supplies $ 1,340 $ 40,010 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 167,947 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 167,947 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 22,344 Furniture & Fixtures 0 1,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 23,344 -126- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 HIGHER 2 Heritage Center WebsiteNirtual Tour (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) $ 11,825 $ 525,744 CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Heritage Center Director Subtotal 1.00 1.00 2.00 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Subtotal 0.03 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.49 This Higher Service Level includes contract services to establish a Heritage Center Website and Virtual Tours of the Journey Museum and the City's public art for the community. These promotional tools will help to further enhance the Heritage Center and Dublin as a destination for visitors to enjoy historic, art and educational programs. These funding requests will enable Heritage & Cultural Arts Staff to accomplish the folowing high priority City Council goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1) Create a dedicated "Web site" for the Dublin Heritage Center. 2) Create a "Virtual Tour" of Dublin's public art and the Heritage Center Museum that can be viewed on the City website. -127- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Higher Service Level 2 - Heritage Center WebsiteNirtual Tour HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 173,385 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 0 18,788 Retirement 0 39,530 Group Insurance 0 33,498 Retiree Health 0 12,503 Workers Compensation 0 1,845 F.I.C.A. 0 2,786 F.I.C.A.OASDI O. 283 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 282,618 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 530 Postage 0 350 Operating Supplies 0 9,765 Advertising 0 2,100 Printing & Binding 0 3,550 Rentals & Leases 0 4,700 Book & Publications 0 530 Memberships & Dues 0 425 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 840 Travel and Conferences 0 3,370 Gas/Electric 0 . 5,465 Water/Sewer 0 2,033 Telephone 0 2,544 Internal Service Charge 0 3,808 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 40,010 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 11 ,825 $ 179,772 Total Contract Services $ 11,825 $ 179,772 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 22,344 Furniture & Fixtures 0 1,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 23,344 -128- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS - 80110 - 80130 HIGHER 3 Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Operational Support (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) $ 10,000 $ 535,744 CITY Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Heritage Center Director Subtotal 1.00 1.00 2.00 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III Subtotal 0.03 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.49 This Higher Service Level will provide funding for general operating support to the Dublin Fine Art Foundation. -129- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Higher Service Level 3 - Dublin Fine Arts Foundation Operational Support HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 173,385 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 0 18,788 Retirement 0 39,530 Group Insurance 0 33,498 Retiree Health 0 12,503 Workers Compensation 0 1,845 F.I.C.A. 0 2,786 F.I.CA OASDI 0 283 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 282,618 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 530 Postage 0 350 Operating Supplies 0 9,765 Advertising 0 2,100 Printing & Binding 0 3,550 Rentals & Leases 0 4,700 Book & Publications 0 530 Memberships & Dues 0 425 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 840 Travel and Conferences 0 3,370 Gas/Electric 0 5,465 Water/Sewer 0 2,033 Telephone 0 2,544 Internal Service Charge 0 3,808 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 40,010 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 10,000 $ 189,772 Total Contract Services $ 10,000 $ 189,772 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 22,344 Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 1,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 23,344 -130- PARK MAINTENANCE This budget funds Park Maintenance Services for the following parks and recreational facilities: Alamo Creek Park Bray Commons Civic Center Grounds Devany Square Dolan Park Dougherty Hills Dog Park Dougherty Hills Open Space Dublin Sports Grounds Dublin Square Shopping Center Emerald Glen Park Fallon Sports Park Kolb Park Library Grounds Mape Memorial Park Martin Canyon Creek Trail Piazza Sorrento Senior Center Grounds Shannon Park Stagecoach Park Swim Center Grounds Ted Fairfield Park Park Maintenance Services are provided to the City under private contract. Services are provided either directly by private contractor or through a subcontract administered by the main private contractor and include: turf care, irrigation and drainage maintenance, weed control, tree and shrub maintenance, litter pick-up, park equipment maintenance and facility maintenance. Parking lot sweeping is performed by a separate private contractor. The adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $2,016,692. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year. 2007 -2008 are $2,019,871, which is approximately $3,179 or 0.2% more than budgeted. This increase is can be attributed to increased water usage at the parks due to the prolonged dry season in the fall. The budget required to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $2,067,517. This represents an increase of $47,646 or 2.4% over the previous fiscal year's estimated expenditures. The main factors contributing to the increase are: 1) labor rate adjustments for private contract work; 2) a full year of grounds maintenance for Piazza Sorrento, Devany Square and Dublin Square Shopping Center; 3) cost increases in utilities resulting from the new parks as well as anticipated rate increases; and 4) increased number of improvement projects to parks related to tree and landscaping improvements, drinking fountain replacement at selected parks; replacement of irrigation controller boxes at selected parks; and renovation of baseball field #6 in cooperation with Dublin Little League. In addition to the Current Service Level, three Higher Service Levels have been proposed. Higher Service Level 1 provides for the replacement of the turf in the large dog area of the Dougherty Hills Dog Park with Bermuda seed which will require a 4-month closure of the large dog area. The estimated net cost associated with this Higher Service Level is $3,510. Higher Service Level 2 provides for the purchase of sports field flags for the soccer fields at the Dublin Sports Grounds and Emerald Glen Park. The estimated cost associated with this Higher Service Level is $3,000. Higher Service Level 3 provides for the replacement of the turf in the large dog area of the Dougherty Hills Dog Park with Bermuda sod which will require a 3-month closure of the large dog area. The estimated net cost associated with this Higher Service Level is $60,490 and is not recommended at this time. The total recommended budget including Higher Service Level 1 and Higher Service Level 2 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $2,074,027. -131- LEVEL OF SERVICE CURRENT LEVEL OF ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE ACTIVITY/FREQUENCY 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Mowing TimesNear Dublin Sports Grounds 66 68 68 68 Emerald Glen Park 53 48 48 48 All Other Parks 44 45 45 45 Edging TimesNear 21 24 24 24 Fertilize TimesNear Emerald Glen Park 4 6 6 6 Alamo Creek Park 5 5 6 6 Shannon Park 5 5 6 6 Civic Center 5 5 6 6 Dublin Sports Grounds 4 4 4 4 All Other Parks 3 3 3 3 Manual Weed Beds 12 12 12 12 WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES CURRENT LEVEL OF ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED SERVICE INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 Turf (Acres) 72.38 73.03 73.03 75.41 Bedding (Acres) 10.06 10.06 10.06 10.92 Shrubs 15,232 15,232 15,232 16,606 Trees 4,324 4,357 4,357 4,659 Irrigation Stations 996 1,017 1,017 1,079 Irrigation Heads 14,531 14,781 14,781 15,413 Developed Parks (Acres) 121,14 122.28 122.28 126.48 Unimproved Park Land (Acres) 74.17 74.17 74.17 Total Park (Acres) 195.31 196.45 196.45 200.65 Public Open Space 125.90 124.76 124.76 124.76 (Acres) Litter Pickup 2,368 hrs 2,479 hrs 2,562 hrs 2,669 hrs Tree Pruning 1,329 ea 1,079 ea 825 ea 891 ea Shrub Pruning 4,046 ea 5,678 ea 4,064 ea 4,174 ea Mow Turf 3,836 ac 3,785 ac 3,786 ac 3,878 ac Edge Turf 1,487 mlf 1,795 mlf 1,766 mlf 1,806 mlf Irrigation Inspection/ 19,563 sta 24,712 sta 26,665 sta 28,063 sta Programming Irrigation Head Repair 2,213 ea 1,735 ea 2,260 ea 2,159 ea Other Irrigation System 819 hrs 832 hrs 816 hrs 750 hrs Repairs Restroom Maintenance 2,763 hrs 2,747 hrs 2,808 hrs 3,126 hrs Playcourt Maintenance 114 hrs 226 hrs 235 hrs 234 hrs Playground Maintenance 840 hrs 1,069 hrs 943 hrs 979 hrs Fountain Maintenance In House Labor 194 hrs 105 hrs 95 hrs 101 hrs Subcontracted Labor 700 hrs 700 hrs 650 hrs 675 hrs Ballfield Preparation 21 hrs 141 hrs 134 hrs 131 hrs Games Ballfield Maintenance 495 hrs 1,170 hrs 890 hrs 890 hrs Storm Patrol/Cleanup 66 hrs 260 hrs 96 hrs 168 hrs -132- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARK MAINTENANCE - 80200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 2,067,517 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III 0.94 3.83 2.34 2.81 This budget increment funds the Current Service Level of park maintenance at City parks and recreational facilities, including grounds maintenance for the Civic Center Library and the Senior Center. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 3,250 $ 4,160 $ 3,460 $ 3,466 Gas/Electric 70,253 73,900 72,020 77,338 Water/Sewer 302,548 276,910 312,580 337,498 Telephone 698 0 0 0 Internal Service Charge 0 3,244 3,244 3,244 Total Services/Supplies $ 376,749 $ 358,214 $ 391,304 $ 421,546 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 1,393,355 $ 1,591,011 $ 1,583,784 $ 1,599,964 Total Contract Services $ 1,393,355 $ 1,591,011 $ 1,583,784 $ 1,599,964 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 38,584 $ 67,467 $ 44,783 $ 46,007 Total Capital Outlay $ 38,584 $ 67,467 $ 44,783 $ 46,007 -133- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PARK MAINTENANCE - 80200 HIGHER 1 Dog Park Turf Replacement - Seed (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FUND General Fund (001) $ 3,510 $ 2,071,027 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III 0.94 3.83 2.34 2.81 This Higher Service Level will provide for the replacement of the turf in the large dog area of the Dougherty Hills Dogs Park with Bermuda seed which is more durable than the existing turf. This will necessitate the closure of the large dog park for 4 months resulting in savings of $2,000 in maintenance costs. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 0 $ 3,466 Gas/Electric 0 77,338 Water/Sewer 0 337,498 Internal Service Charge 0 3,244 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 421,546 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ (2,000) $ 1 ,597,964 Total Contract Services $ (2,000) $ 1,597,964 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 5,510 $ 51,517 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,510 $ 51,517 -134- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARK MAINTENANCE - 80200 Sports Field Flags FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 2 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 3,000 $ 2,074,027 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III 0.94 3.83 2.34 2.81 This Higher Service Level will provide sports field flags for the soccer fields at the Dublin Sports Grounds and Emerald Glen Park. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 0 3,466 Gas/Electric 0 77,338 Water/Sewer 0 337,498 Internal Service Charge 0 3,244 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 421,546 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 1 ,597,964 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 1,597,964 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 51,517 Machinery & Equipment 3,000 3,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 3,000 $ 54,517 -135- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PARK MAINTENANCE - 80200 HIGHER 3 Dog Park Turf Replacement - Sod (NOT RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION General Fund (001) $ 60,490 $ 2,134,517 CONTRACT Landscape Foreman Landscape Laborer I Landscape Laborer II Landscape Laborer III 0.94 3.83 2.34 2.81 This Higher Service Level will provide for the replacement of the turf in the large dog area of the Dougherty Hills Dogs Park with Bermuda sod which is more durable than the existing turf. This will necessitate the closure of the large dog park for 3 months resulting in savings of $1 ,500 in maintenance costs. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 0 3,466 Gas/Electric 0 77,338 Water/Sewer 0 337,498 Internal Service Charge 0 3,244 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 421,546 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ (1,500) $ 1,596,464 Total Contract Services $ (1,500) $ 1,596,464 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 61,990 $ 113,507 Machinery & Equipment 0 3,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 61,990 $ 116,507 -136- COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION The Tri-Valley Community Television Corporation (TV30) is a non-profit corporation which provides education and government cable television access. The TV30 Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon. The cities rotate the responsibility of providing support to the TV30 Board. This budget includes funding for the City of Dublin's share of costs associated with the TV30 organization, televising City Council meetings, and monitoring Comcast's Basic Service Rate. Additionally, City Staff have assumed the Liaison position for both Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The additional cost for supporting this responsibility has been included in the budget, which includes increases for mailings, operating supplies, and other Staff support activities. The budget for TV30 activities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $127,980. Of this amount, an additional operational subsidy of $52,953 was requested and approved by Council to subsidize costs incurred by the TV30 organization during Fiscal Year 2007-2008. A similar request was also submitted to the other three Tri-Valley cities. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $119,034, which is $8,946 or 7.0% less than budgeted. The preponderance of this decreased amount came from planned overtime for liaison duties that were not necessary as the Analyst position was moved to an exempt status and came from a reduction in the number of City Council Meetings that needed to be filmed. The largest component of the City's Community Television Budget is the TV30 subsidy. For the past many years, the entire TV30 subsidy request has been split among the Cities of Dublin, San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Livermore according to a formula based on the number of subscribers in each city. Dublin's Fiscal Yea"r 2008-2009 subsidy is $71,700, which is a decrease of $40,719 or 36.2% less than Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The decrease is due to the additional funding request of $52,953 from the general fund in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Comcast collects a $0.50 per month community television fee from all subscribers in the four Tri-Valley cities, which is used to fund the operational subsidy. The actual per subscriber subsidy is expected to increase by $1,700 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and is due to an increased number of Comcast subscribers within Dublin. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $78,445, a decrease of $40,589 or 34.1 % less than the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated actual expenditures. -137- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY CABLE TV - 80300 FUND General Fund (001) FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL $ 78,445 No City personnel are included in this activity. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries O.T. 0 5,760 0 0 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 5,760 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Postage $ 0 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 Operating Supplies 0 200 200 200 Printing & Binding 0 200 200 200 Memberships & Dues $ 25 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 70 70 70 Total Services/Supplies $ 25 $ 745 $ 745 $ 745 CONTRACT SERVICES CTV Operational Subsidy $ 124,466 $ 113,175 $ 112,419 $ 71,700 Televising Council Meetings 3,290 6,300 3,870 6,000 Rate Review 1,100 2,000 2,000 0 Total Contract Services $ 128,856 $ 121,475 $ 118,289 $ 77,700 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -138- PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES The Parks and Community Services budget provides for the planning and administration of a comprehensive program of recreational opportunities for all ages in the following budget areas: . Recreation Administration . Community Facility Operations . Playgrounds . Preschool . Teens . Youth and Adult Sports . Community Gymnasium Operations . Special Events . Senior Center Operations and Programs . Leisure Enrichment Classes . Swim Center Operations and Programs The Parks and Community Services budget also provides for the management and operation of the Dublin Senior Center, Dublin Swim Center, Stager Community Gymnasium, Emerald Glen Activity Center, and the new Shannon Community Center. The budget also provides funding to coordinate use of the Dublin Public Library Community Room, Dublin Civic Center Regional Meeting Room and Council Chambers, Old St. Raymond's Church, City sports fields, the Emerald Glen Group Picnic area, and Dublin Unified School District athletic fields and facilities. Accomplishments during Fiscal Year 2007-2008 include: 2007 -2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Expanded operational hours, programs and marketing of activities at the Senior Center. 2. Expanded the Outdoor Movie Series at Emerald Glen Park. 3. Improved identification of the Dublin Senior Center from Amador Valley Boulevard. 4. Evaluated the feasibility of establishing a Police Activities League (PAL) program in partnership with Dublin Police Services. 5. Expanded teen sports tournaments. 6. Expanded the number of youth, adult and senior classes and programs. 7. Enhanced marketing efforts by improving the visual appeal of Department promotional materials and expanding distribution. 8. Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation/Aquatic Center. 9. Expand the Day on the Glen Festival to include an evening concert, fireworks show, and City birthday party. The total estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $3,612,661 which is $79,117 (2.1%) under budget. This is primarily due to full-time staff vacancies in the sports and teens programs. There were also significant savings for janitorial services due to the new agreement that began July 1,2007. The expenditures will be partially offset by $1,555,925 in revenue, which exceeds the budget by $65,709 (4.4%). The additional revenue is primarily due to increased registration for After School Recreation, Fun in the Sun, Camp Emerald Glen, Shamrock Preschool, Swim Lessons and Youth Sports. There was also an increase in revenue for special events and sponsorships. The resulting net cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is estimated to be $2,056,736 which is a savings of $144,826 (6.6%) compared to the adopted budget. The proposed current service level budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $3,871,021. It is anticipated the expenditures will be partially offset by $1,602,724 in revenue, resulting in a net cost to the City of $2,268,297. This is an increase of 10.3% over the estimated net cost for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, but only 3.1 % over the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget. The additional cost is primarily due to increased utility and personnel costs, and the new operating costs associated with the new Shannon Community Center. -139- In addition to the Current Service Level, six Higher Service Levels (HSL) have been prepared. HSL #1 establishes a Youth Fee Assistance Program. It increases a Recreation Technician from three- quarter time to full-time status to assist with securing private donations, conducting fundraising campaigns and processing requests for fee assistance. HSL #1 would cost $20,135. HSL #2 provides the financial assistance requested by the Dublin Unified School District for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This HSL eliminates the District's annual reimbursement payments for the Dublin Swim Center; increases the City's share of the operational costs of the Stager Community Gymnasium; and, funds one full-time Groundskeeper. The total expenditures for HSL #2 are $54,805 and the reduction to revenues is $22,330 resulting in a net cost of $77,135. HSl #3 accomplishes a high priority City Council objective to develop a new summer nature day camp program to meet the LEED certification requirements for the new Shannon Community Center. The new "Glen the Guide Nature Camp" is an environmental education program that would begin in summer 2009. Staff estimates the program will break even in its first full-year of operation. However, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Staff estimates a net gain of $2,213, because only two of the eight weeks of camp will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. HSL #4 increases the Preschool Instructor from 36 to 40 hours per week. This will provide enough time for the Preschool Instructor to be consistently in the classroom each day and provide more time to administer the growing program. The total cost of HSL #4 is $3,077. HSL #5 accomplishes a high priority City Council objective by implementing a volunteer carpool program for transportation to and from the Senior Center. The total cost of HSL #5 is $9,474. HSL #6 accomplishes another high priority City Council objective by expanding use of the City website to promote Senior Center events and activities. The total cost of HSL #6 is $8,706. The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $3,979,955. This is partially offset by $1,599,844 in revenue, resulting in a net cost to the City of $2,384,611. -140- WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET INDICATOR 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS Playgrounds Fun in the Sun 181/day 190/day 193/day 200/day After School Recreation 153/day 160/day 180/day 180/day Homework Hub 0 40/day 20/day 30/day Camp Emerald Glen 23/day 25/day 23/day 25/day Winter Break Camp 18/day 20/day 14/day 18/day Spring Break Camp 21/day 25/day 20/day 20/day Preschool Classes 254 290 285 300 Day Camp 116 120 120 125 Teens Student Union After School Program 64/day 70/day 76/day 80/day Total Recreation Live Camp 22/day 25/day 25/day 25/day Adult Sports Softball Teams 15 16 18 20 Basketball Teams 53 60 47 50 Bocce Ball Teams 26 30 24 25 Tournament Teams 120 130 97 110 Open Gym 20/day 20/day 18/day 20/day Youth Sports T -Ball League 70 75 80 90 Basketball Leagues 588 600 570 590 Basketball Clinics 93 100 121 125 City Sports Camps 139 150 229 230 Contracted Sports Programs 605 700 732 750 Special Events Tree Lighting 375 375 400 400 Letters From Santa 124 130 93 100 Breakfast With Santa 379 380 402 500 St. Patrick's Day Celebration 80,000 80,000 70,000 80,000 Fun Run 1 ,440 1,500 1,240 1,300 Eggstravaganza 330 360 379 450 Day on the Glen 15,000 20,000 22,000 25,000 Senior Center Center Avg. Daily Attendance 180/day 200/day 185/day 190/day Meals (Lunch) 6,720 6,800 7,400 7,500 Trips/Trail Trekkers 2,100 2,100 2,230 2,300 Classes, Etc. 28,290 29,000 29,265 30,000 Special Events/Dances/Bingo 2,890 3,000 2,910 3,000 Leisure Enrichment Classes Number Conducted 228 235 217 225 Participants 2,100 2,200 1,940 2,000 Aquatics Recreational Swim 17,043 17 ,500 14,090 15,000 Lessons 1,957 2,000 2,286 2,300 -141- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL Dublin Unified School District (001) $ 3,848,691 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager 22,330 Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.75 1.75 General Fund (001) $ The Current Service Level will accomplish the following City Council High Priority Goals and Objectives: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Conduct in-depth community needs assessment and opinion survey of Department programs and services, and develop a Strategic Plan for Department programs and services. 2. Prepare for the opening of the Shannon Community Center and develop a Facility Use Policy for community use of the building. 3. Conduct grand opening event for the new Shannon Community Center. 4. Conduct a park dedication event for Piazza Sorrento and Devany Square. 5. Evaluate options for continuing the operation fo the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the opening of the new Shannon Community Center. 6. Investigate options for expanding Senior Center food service programs and hours. In addition, the Current Service Level budget will accomplish the following Departmental Objectives: 1. Provide funding for the operation of the new Shannon Community Center. 2. Provide funding for out of state travel to the National Recreation and Park Association Congress (Baltimore, MD) and the International Festival and Event Association Conference (Boise, lD). The Current Service Level budget by program is shown below: CURRENT SERVICE NET LEVEL ESTIMATED PROGRAM PROGRAM 2008-2009 REVENUE COST/(REVENUE) Recreation Administration $ 766,613 $ 0 $766,613 Playgrounds 324,135 290,900 33,235 Community Facility Operations 344,555 28,996 315,559 Preschool 123,810 128,950 (5,140) Teens Program 141,052 78,110 62,942 Adult Sports 187,182 122,910 64,272 Youth Sports 238,806 194,030 44,776 Community Gym 46,132 25,025 21,107 Special Events 440,889 226,170 214,719 Senior Center. 586,297 146,213 440,084 Leisure Enrichment Classes 193,304 132,320 60,984 Aquatics 478,246 229,100 249,146 TOTALS $ 3,871,021 $ 1,602,724 $ 2,268,297 -142- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 857,339 $ 1,098,292 $ 1,050,552 $ 1,139,963 Salaries P.T. Regular 169,295 109,724 73,375 80,063 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 514,329 549,950 612,481 650,910 Salaries O.T. 10,189 11,112 15,263 16,543 Retirement 253,888 269,096 253,367 278,114, Group Insurance 179,232 255,530 253,505 265,972 Retiree Health 105,690 85,651 80,636 87,945 Workers Compensation 27,909 43,452 24,652 14,616 S.U.1. 1,802 0 0 0 F.I.C.A. 19,242 25,640 24,908 27,351 F.I.C.A. OASDI/ PARS 7,741 8,552 8,680 9,756 Total Personnel Services $ 2,146,656 $ 2,456,999 $ 2,397,419 $ 2,571,233 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 6,812 $ 7,990 $ 8,393 $ 8,875 Postage 18,370 26,408 26,856 28,445 Operating Supplies 156,331 167,750 164,560 180,839 Communications 2,655 2,945 2,996 2,390 Advertising 19,772 28,175 28,205 28,135 Printing & Binding 33,038 40,580 41,149 47,850 Repairs & Maintenance 22,307 19,230 36,435 27,020 Rentals & Leases 108,417 114,452 122,842 121,042 Memberships & Dues 1,620 2,735 3,120 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 3,535 4,020 3,761 3,880 Travel and Conferences 6,958 11,510 9,793 11,240 Training 10,121 15,130 14,555 8,130 Gas/Electric 101,700 96,455 99,241 . 124,710 Water/Sewer 28,162 25,865 22,568 24,685 Telephone 9,215 8,285 8,931 12,600 Legal Notices 27 240 75 110 Filing Fees 832 395 743 750 Comm. Promo 8,280 10,980 12,950 12,950 Internal Service Charge 65,853 49,710 49,710 43,064 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles/Bldg 9,992 10,868 10,570 11,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 613,997 $ 643,723 $ 667,453 $ 700,870 -143- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 CONTRACT SERVICES Recreation Administration $ 47,812 $ 50,675 $ 55,425 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 22,237 17,800 17 ,820 17,920 Community Facility Operations 47,626 27,240 15,213 53,324 Preschool 0 650 650 4,500 Teens Program 9,417 13,200 13,940 12,990 Adult Sports 15,120 17 ,880 17,850 18,210 Youth Sports 65,884 57,590 71,250 73,930 Community Gym 30,062 30,300 25,345 25,960 Special Events 55,342 73,240 56,370 70,880 Senior Center 86,311 92,381 86,856 83,934 Recreational Instruction 102,612 99,580 77,454 79,390 Aquatics 55,765 64,700 54,694 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 538,188 $ 545,236 $ 492,867 $ 555,198 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 41,597 $ 31,600 $ 27,973 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 2,053 3,510 5,455 5,690 Machinery & Equipment 2,192 10,710 21,494 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 45,842 $ 45,820 $ 54,922 $ 43,720 -144- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 HIGHER 1 Youth Fee Assistance (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB NCREMEN CUMULATIVE CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) $ 20,135 $ 3,868,826 Dublin Unified School District (001) $ 22,330 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.75 0.25 2.00 This Higher Service Level will accomplish the City Council's direction to establish a Youth Fee Assistance Program. It increases the Recreation Technician from three-quarter time to full-time status. This would provide enough time to administer the Youth Fee Assistance Program, secure private donations, conduct fund raising campaigns and process requests from residents for fee assistance. The total cost for HSL #1 is $20,135. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 51,171 $ 1,191,134 Salaries P.T. - Regular (41,101) 38,962 Salaries P.T. - Seasonal 0 650,910 Salaries O.T. 0 16,543 Retirement 2,320 280,434 Group Insurance 464 266,436 Retiree Health 735 88,680 Workers Compensation 0 14,616 F.I.CA 146 27,497 F.I.C.A. OASDI / PARS 0 9,756 Total Personnel Services $ 13,735 $ 2,584,968 -145- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 1 - Youth Fee Assistance HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 400 28,845 Operating Supplies 500 181,339 Communications 0 2,390' Advertising 2,500 30,635 Printing & Binding 3,000 50,850 Repairs & Maintenance 0 27,020 Rentals & Leases 0 121,042 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11 ,240 Training 0 8,130 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles/Bldg 0 11 ,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 6,400 $ 707,270 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 0 17,920 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 0 83,934 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 555,198 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 0 5,690 Machinery & Equipment 0 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 43,720 -146- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 HIGHER 2 School District Support (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FUND $ (22,330) $ 0 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 General Fund (001) $ 77,135 $ 3,945,961 Dublin Unified School District (001) 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.75 2.00 Due to anticipated State budget cuts, the Dublin Unified School District has requested financial assistance from the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This HSL eliminates the School District's annual reimbursement payments for janitorial services at Stager Community Gymnasium, and for use of the Dublin Swim Center for High School swim team and physical education classes. It increases the City's reimbursement for refinishing of the gym floor. It also provides funding for one full-time Groundskeeper to maintain the areas used by the City and community for recreation and sports programs. The total expenditures for HSL #2 are $54,805 and the decrease in revenue is $22,330 resulting in a net cost of $77,135. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F. T. $ 0 $ 1,191,134 Salaries P.T. Regular 0 38,962 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 0 650,910 Salaries O. T. 0 16,543 Retirement 0 280,434 Group Insurance 0 266,436 Retiree Health 0 88,680 Workers Compensation 0 14,616 F.I.C.A. 0 27,497 PARS 0 9,756 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 2,584,968 -147- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 2 - School District Support HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 0 28,845 Operating Supplies 0 181,339 Communications 0 2,390 Advertising 0 30,635 Printing & Binding 0 50,850 Repairs & Maintenance 1,805 28,825 Rentals & Leases 0 121,042 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11 ,240 Training 0 8,130 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles/Bldg 0 11,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 1 ,805 $ 709,075 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 53,000 70,920 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 0 83,934 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 53,000 $ 608,198 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 0 5,690 Machinery & Equipment 0 21 ,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 43,720 -148- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 Nature Day Camp FUND JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 3 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMEN CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ Dublin Unified School District (001) 12,737 $ 3,958,698 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.75 2.00 This higher service level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 GOAL Plan for a new Summer Nature Day Camp program at the new Shannon Community Center Interpretive area (beginning summer 2009). This HSL establishes an environmental education program for youth that will take advantage of the new facilities at the Shannon Community Center. The facility was designed to meet the requirements of LEED Silver Certification. One of the LEED requirements is to provide environmental interpretive programs. The camp will be based at Shannon Park, with weekly excursions to Martin Canyon Creek in Dublin, and an East Bay regional park. Daily interpretive activities will be lead by a Naturalist from the East Bay Regional Park District. Staff estimates the program will break even in its first full-year of operation. However, for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009, Staff estimates a net gain of $2,213, because only two of the eight weeks of camp will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 1,191,134 Salaries P.T. Regular 0 38,962 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 5,340 656,250 Salaries O.T. 0 16,543 Retirement 0 280,434 Group Insurance 0 266,436 Retiree Health 0 88,680 Workers Compensation 0 14,616 F.I.C.A. 77 27,574 F.I.C.A.OASDI 80 9,836 Total Personnel Services $ 5,497 $ 2,590,465 -149- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 3 - Nature Day Camp HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 0 28,845 Operating Supplies 1,640 182,979 Communications 110 2,500 Advertising 350 30,985 Printing & Binding 400 51,250 Repairs & Maintenance 0 28,825 Rentals & Leases 340 121,382 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11 ,240 Training 0 8,130 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles/Bldg 0 11 ,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 2,840 $ 711,915 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 1,310 72,2~0 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 0 83,934 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 1,310 $ 609,508 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 3,090 8,780 Machinery & Equipment 0 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 3,090 $ 46,810 -150- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 Preschool Expansion FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 4 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 3,077 $ 3,961,775 $ 0 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 Dublin Unified School District (001) 1.00 0.25 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 The number of classes offered at the Shamrock Preschool has grown. This Higher Service Level increases the Preschool Instructor from 36 to 40 hours per week. With the current number of classes being offered, the Preschool Instructor does not have enough hours to teach each day in the classroom and serve as the program coordinator. Currently a part-time employee is brought in one day per week to augment the schedule. If approved, these part-time hours would be reduced. It would be more beneficial to the students to have a consistent teacher each day. The net cost of HSL #4 is $3,077. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 4 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F. T. $ 42,924 $ 1,234,058 Salaries P.T. Regular (38,962) 0 Salaries P.T. Seasonal (2,657) 653,593 Salaries O.T. 0 16,543 Retirement 989 281,423 Group Insurance 413 266,849 Retiree Health 313 88,993 Workers Compensation 0 14,616 F.I.C.A. 57 27,631 F.I.C.A.OASDI 0 9,836 Total Personnel Services $ 3,077 $ 2,593,542 -151- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 4 - Preschool Expansion HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 4 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 0 28,845 Operating Supplies 0 182,979 Communications 0 2,500 Advertising 0 30,985 Printing & Binding 0 51,250 Repairs & Maintenance 0 28,825 Rentals & Leases 0 121,382 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11,240 Training 0 8,130 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles/Bldg 0 11,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 711,915 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 0 72,230 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 0 83,934 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 609,508 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 0 8,780 Machinery &.Equipment 0 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 46,810 -152- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 HIGHER 5 Senior Center Carpool Program (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION CUMULATIVE TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) $ 9,474 $ 3,971,249 $ 0 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 Dublin Unified School District (001 ) 1.00 o 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 GOAL Implement a volunteer carpool program to provide transportation to and from the Senior Center. This will provide part-time staff to develop the program, recruit and train volunteers, and match volunteers with residents requesting rides. The program would rely on volunteers using their personal vehicles. The total cost of HSL #5 is $9,474. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 5 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 1,234,058 Salaries P.T. Regular 7,960 7,960 Salaries P.T. Seasonal 0 653,593 Salaries O.T. 0 16,543 Retirement 0 281,423 Group Insurance 0 266,849 Retiree Health 0 88,993 Workers Compensation 0 14,616 F.I.C.A. 115 27,746 F.I.CA OASDI 119 9,955 Total Personnel Services $ 8,194 $ 2,601,736 -153- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 5 - Senior .Center Carpool Program SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 0 28,845 Operating Supplies 280 183,259 Communications 0 2,500 Advertising 0 30,985 Printing & Binding 250 51,500 . Repairs & Maintenance 0 28,825 Rentals & Leases 0 121,382 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11,240 Training 750 8,880 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles\Bldg 0 11,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 1,280 "$ 713,195 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 0 72,230 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 0 83,934 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 609,508 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 0 8,780 Machinery & Equipment 0 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 46,810 -154- PROGRAM CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES - 80400-81000 Senior Center Website FUND CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 6 (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL $ 0 Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Community Services Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Administrative Technician Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Preschool Instructor Recreation Technician 1.00 General Fund (001) $ 8,706 $ 3,979,955 Dublin Unified School District (001) 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 This Higher Service Level will provide funding to update the Senior Center page on the City's website and add useful features. It will provide funding to establish a domain name to easily direct interested parties to the Senior Center page on the City's website. It also provides funding to promote the new webpage and peform weekly updates to the text and information on the webpage. This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 GOAL Expand use of the City website to promote Senior Center events, programs and services. The total cost of HSL #6 is $8,706. DESCRIPTION HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL 6 2008-2009 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. Salaries P.T. Salaries P.T. Seasonal Salaries O.T. Retirement Group Insurance Retiree Health Workers Compensation F.I.CA F.I.C.A. OASDI Total Personnel Services $ o o 1,040 o o o o o 15 16 1,071 $ 1,234,058 7,960 654,633 16,543 281 ,423 266,849 88,993 14,616 27,761 9,971 2,602,807 $ $ -155- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Higher Service Level 6 - Senior Center Website SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 8,875 Postage 750 29,595 Operating Supplies 1,550 184,809 Communications 0 2,500 Advertising 0 30,985 Printing & Binding 300 51,800 Repairs & Maintenance 0 28,825 Rentals & Leases 0 121,382 Memberships & Dues 0 3,130 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 3,880 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 11 ,240 Training 0 8,880 Gas/Electric 0 124,710 Water/Sewer 0 24,685 Telephone 0 12,600 Legal Notices 0 110 Filing Fees 0 750 Comm. Promo 0 12,950 Internal Service Charge 0 43,064 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles\Bldg 0 11 ,025 Total Services/Supplies $ 2,600 $ 715,795 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 58,425 Playgrounds 0 72,230 Community Facility Operations 0 53,324 Preschool 0 4,500 Teens Program 0 12,990 Adult Sports 0 18,210 Youth Sports 0 73,930 Community Gym 0 25,960 Special Events 0 70,880 Senior Center 5,035 88,969 Recreational Instruction 0 79,390 Aquatics 0 55,735 Total Contract Services $ 5,035 $ 614,543 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 16,800 Furniture & Fixtures 0 8,780 Machinery & Equipment 0 21,230 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 46,810 -156- PARKS & FACILITIES MANAGEMENT This budget provides for a full-time Parks & Facilities Development Manager and full-time Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator who are responsible for managing the design, development and construction of recreation, park and other municipal facilities. The estimated cost to the City for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $323,231. This amount is $6,852 or 2.1 % less than budgeted, due to minor reductions in personnel and service and supply costs. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Initiated Civic Center Expansion Project 2. Started construction of Shannon Community Center 3. Completed the Dublin Historic Park Master Plan Addendum which provides for the relocation of the Kolb Ranch Structures to the Dublin Historic Park 4. Initiated Dublin Historic Park Phase I 5. Selected and purchased replacement play equipment for Stagecoach Park 6. Completed Dougherty Hills Dog Park 7. Completed Piazza Sorrento 8. Completed the Trailer Relocation Project from Devany Square to Fallon Sports Park 9. Completed Devany Square 10. Completed replacement of Park Furniture at Shannon Park 11. Completed design development for Fallon Sports Park 12. Completed synthetic turf study for Fallon Sports Park The budget necessary to fund the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $221,263, exclusive of capital project work. The estimated costs assigned to capital projects are $117,565. It should be noted that this is the first year that staff costs will be assigned to capital projects. As part of the update to the Public Facilities Fee, staff costs are now being included in the overall project costs. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Parks & Facilities Management costs associated with CIP projects is shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual costs are included in the Capital Budget for each project. -157- PROGRAM CUL lURE & LEISURE SERVICES CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY PARKS & FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - 82000 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 221,263 Parks & Facilities Development Manager Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator 1.00 1.00 This budget finances the Current Service Level, which includes a full-time Parks & Facilities Development Manager and Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator. With the Current Service Level, it is anticipated that the following High Priority City Council Goals can be pursued: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. 2. Undertake development of design and construction documents for Fallon Sports Park, Phase I. 3. Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. 4. Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. In addition to the above Goals, the Current Service Level will support project management for the following projects: 1. Shannon Community Center (Reconstruction) 2. Passatempo Park (Design/Construction Documents) 3. Kolb Park Furniture Replacement -158- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - PARKS & FACILITIES MANAGEMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL . BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 204,892 $ 215,680 $ 212,979 $ 225,375 Retirement 50,943 48,490 48,269 51,000 Group Insurance 18,881 32,567 32,579 33,911 Retiree Health 14,092 15,443 15,372 16,136 Workers Compensation 4,014 6,230 3,024 1,194 F.I.CA 2,973 3,127 3,088 3,268 Total Personnel Services $ 295,795 $ 321,537 $ 315,311 $ 330,884 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 118 $ 150 $ 300 $ 300 Postage 14 0 0 0 Communications 0 100 0 100 Printing & Binding 0 25 60 60 Book & Publications 825 300 300 300 Memberships & Dues 780 780 780 935 Mileage & Auto Allowance 480 600 500 525 Travel and Conferences 100 900 289 800 Training 920 1,000 1,000 1,100 Internal Service Charge 5,965 4,691 4,691 3,824 Total Services/Supplies $ 9,202 $ 8,546 $ 7,920 $ 7,944 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 (1) The following costs are shown Actual Parks & for information only: Facilites Management Plus Applicable Total Operating Costs CIP Projects Reported Costs (1) Current Service Level 2007-2008 $ 221 ,263 $ 117,565 $ 338,828 -159- This page intentionally left blank. -160- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Community Development Department includes the Planning, Building and Safety and Housing Divisions. The budget for Housing is included in a separate budget (50500). The Department provides supervision and enforcement of the development process within the community. The Community Development Department is supervised by the Community Development Directo.r. The costs associated with this position have been allocated to the Planning Division (.30), Building and Safety Division (.30) and Housing Division (.40) of the Department for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Planning Division staffing is comprised of the- following positions: .30 Community Development Director; 1 Planning Manager; 4 Senior/Associate Planners; 2 Assistant Planners; 1 Sr. Code Enforcement Officer and 1 Code Enforcement Officer; .70 Administrative Aide; 1.5 Secretaries,1 Office Assistant" and 1 Part-time temporary Office Assistant I. The Planning Division is directly responsible for providing staff support for the following activities: preparation of updates and amendments to the General Plan; development of ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council; administration of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); processing of development applications; and administration and enforcement of the City's Zoning and Property Maintenance Ordinances. The Building and Safety Division is comprised of: .30 Community Development Director; 1 Building Official; .30 Administrative Aide; 1 Administrative Technician; 1 Senior Building Inspector; 1 Senior Plan Checker; 1 Permit Technician; 1 Senior Office Assistant; and 1 Office Assistant II. In addition, the budget for the Building and Safety Division includes .50 contract Plan Checker (for structural and specialty reviews) and 6 contract Building Inspectors, on average, for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The Building and Safety Division is directly responsible for building inspection, construction plan checking and housing code enforcement activities. In Fiscal Year 2007-2008 the City Council authorized an increase in building code enforcement. The City Council directed Staff to take a more proactive approach to building code enforcement. Due to the City Council's direction, the City has seen an increase in open and closed building code enforcement cases (see Building and Safety performance measures below). The total estimated expenditures for the Community Development Department for Fiscal Year 2007- 2008 are $5,121,223, or $480,357 (8.6%) less than budgeted. This decrease is primarily attributable to lower than expected costs for contract building services, contract planning services and vacant staff positions in the Department. The budget necessary for the Department to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 is $4,955,860. This represents a decrease of $165,363 or 3.2% less than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated expenditures. Planning Division costs will increase by $149,389 or 5.8%; while Building and Safety services will decrease by $314,752 or 12.3%. The increase in expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the Planning Division is related to the continued work on multi-year projects such as the new Downtown Specific Plan and the Housing Element. The decrease in expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the Building and Safety Division is attributed to the decrease in contract services due to the slowdown in the building industry. Major residential construction projects for 2008-2009 include: Toll Terraces (Area G, H-2), Silvera Ranch, Tralee, Standard Pacific's Fallon Crossing, Pulte Homes' Verona, Sorrento Villages 1-5, Braddock and Logan's' Fallon Village Positano, Discovery Home's Schaefer Ranch and Windstar Condominiums. Major commercial construction projects include: The Green @ Park Place (Formally Blake Hunt's Lifestyle Center), Grafton Station and Commercial at Tralee. In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) is proposed. HSL #1 would provide funding to complete the Scarlett Court Specific Plan ($50,000) in the Planning Division. However, this HSL is not recommended for funding because the HLS is dependent upon the completion -161- of the Camp Parks Planning process, which has not yet begun and is a multi-year project. In addition, the Building and Safety Division will be assisting the City Attorney's Office in developing a Mandatory Residential Green ~uilding Program which is a City Council High Priority Goal. The Building & Safety Division cost for the Current Service Level is estimated to be $2,241,503 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This cost is estimated to be offset in the amount of $2,008,720 by Building Permit Fees, $76,626 in Construction and Demolition Permit Fees and $8988 in Zone 7 Administration Fees for the Current Service Level. The timing of the receipt of the fees may differ from when the services are performed; therefore, it is difficult to state a net cost on an annual basis. The Planning Division cost for the Current Service Level is estimated to be $2,714,357 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This cost is estimated to be offset in the amount of $1,148,962 in Zoning and Subdivision Fees for the Current Service Level. The net cost to fund the Planning activity in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,565,395 for the Current Service Level. The total recommended Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget for Community Development is $4,955,860. 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed the Transportation Corridor Right-of-Way General Plan Amendment Study 2. Adopted the Community Design Element of the General Plan 3. Adopted Amendments to the Site Development Review Chapter of the Municipal Code to increase its Effectiveness 4. Hired an Additional Code Enforcement Officer to increase the Enforcement related to Project Conditions of Approval Compliance for Commercial and Industrial Areas 5. Building & Safety Contract Evaluation 6. Adopted the 2007 California Building Codes 7. Adopted a Universal Design Ordinance 8. Completed the Building Code Enforcement Survey 9. Update Historic Village Area Specific Plan by adding properties to the Specific. Plan area 10. Create new Superstore Ordinance The following schedule of Workload/Performance Measures identifies the activities to be undertaken by the two Divisions in Community Development with the Recommended Current Service Level Budget: INDICATOR PLANNING DIVISION WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 Planning Applications Development Agreements Completed Zoning Clearances/Temporary Use Permits Business Licenses Reviewed Zoning/Property Maintenance Cases Closed Planning Compliance Cases Closed 56 3 262 313. 529 n/a 50 5 220 320 600 8 54 4 250 320 580 10 50 5 250 320 770 18 INDICATOR BUILDING & SAFETY DIVISION WORKLOAD/PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Building Valuation Permits Issued Inspections Dwelling Units Issued Dwelling Units Finaled Building Code Enforcement Cases Open Cases Closed $237,728,103 1,910 36,071 737 917 $226,208,526 1,905 29,708 696 909 $75,622,946 1,288 25,192 132 831 $206,581,321 1,322 18,116 549 478 50 43 50 50 169 157 100 80 -162- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - 90100-90200 SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND General Fund (001) FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL $ 4,955,860 CITY Community Development Director Building Official Planning Manager Senior Building Inspector Senior Plan Checker Senior/Associate Planner Assistant Planner Administrative Aide Senior Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Officer Permit Technician Administrative Technician Secretary Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Office Assistant I (temp) Su btotal 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 0.50 20.60 CONTRACT Plan Checker Building Inspector Subtotal 0.50 6.00 6.50 mOTA.tt::????m)::)::::)))))m::'::?=????:)):?::??:::::)::)$)))=?:J.J'S$$~Q:r::))TQTAliH:):?::?:)):=:?:?:(:)::):?:::)::=?:))):::=))))::::::)m???::)???:::::f):::::"~1:P:::f))):??? This budget provides funding to maintain the current level of support for the Community Development Department, which includes the Planning and Building & Safety Divisions. Support includes supervision and enforcement of the development process within the community. This is accomplished by funding the personnel in the Department, along with the associated services and supplies. This budget includes funds for out of state travel for the Community Development Director to attend the America Planning Association National Conference in Minnesota, and for the Building Official to attend the International Code Council Annual Conference and Code Hearings in Minnesota. A historical comparison of costs by Division is shown below: CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 PLANNING $ 2,152,189 $ 2,893,306 $ 2,564,968 $ 2,714,357 BUILDING & SAFETY 2,886,669 2,708,274 2,556,255 2,241,503 TOTAL COMMUNITY $ 5,038,858 $ 5,601,580 $ 5,121,223 $ 4,955,860 DEVELOPMENT -163- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Funding of this Current Service Level budget will allow the City to accomplish or make substantial progress on the following High Priority City Council Goals: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Building and Safety Contract Evaluation. 2. Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. 3. Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 4. Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. 5. Update Downtown, West Dublin BART, Village Parkway, and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 6. Create Multi-Model General Plan Circulation Map. 7. Participate in 2010 Census 8. Complete General Plan Amendment on Nielsen property. 9. Complete Gratton Plaza General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment. 10. Briefings to the Planning Commission regarding proposed significant redevelopment, which would include site and/or land uses, within the Downtown Planning Area. 11. Implement real-time electronic field inspections system. 12. Create new Medium Density Designations for specific properties in the EDSP. 13. Participate in the Tri-Valley Vision Project. -164- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Plannino Salaries F.T. $ 900,868 $ 1,098,929 $ 1,018,943 $ 1,040,614 Salaries P. T. 22,074 23,862 21,091 24,581 Salaries O.T. 249 0 1,560 1,354 Retirement 223,117 248,700 230,339 237,056 Group Insurance 136,315 215,992 225,217 209,591 Workers Compensation 4,067 6,312 2,235 2,076 F.I.C.A. 13,409 16,279 15,101 15,466 F.I.C.A. OASDI / PARS 331 358 317 369 Retiree Health 94,416 79,181 69,119 74,973 Total Planning $ 1,394,846 $ 1,689,613 $ 1,583,922 $ 1,606,080 Buildino Salaries F.T. $ 482,528 $ 522,023 $ 506,273 $ 643,595 Salaries O.T. 0 581 0 0 Retirement 118,106 118,056 113,760 146,443 Group Insurance 88,242 105,791 105,315 126,976 Workers Compensation 9,489 14,728 1,234 978 S.U.1. 4,290 0 0 0 F.I.CA 7,040 7,687 7,341 9,332 Retiree Health 53,550 37,553 36,385 46,316 Total Building $ 763,245 $ 806,419 $ 770,308 $ 973,640 Total Personnel Services $ 2,158,091 $ 2,496,032 $ 2,354,230 $ 2,579,720 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Plannino Office Supplies $ 6,807 $ 6,600 $ 7,007 $ 6,930 Postage 7,778 6,980 9,876 11,875 Operating Supplies 2,329 5,010 5,202 6,070 Communications 219 622 641 2,903 Printing & Binding 16,584 10,750 7,845 8,200 Repairs & Maintenance 135 250 618 250 Rentals & Leases 1,950 2,645 2,100 2,750 Book & Publications 1,123 1,867 1,843 1,685 Memberships & Dues 2,810 3,595 3,766 4,000 Mileage & Auto Allowance 5,006 4,763 4,682 4,476 Travel and Conferences 17,013 20,810 10,223 21,850 Training 8,818 11,872 9,747 10,776 Legal Notices 2,230 2,727 3,693 3,850 Filing Fees 0 1,850 50 2,760 Internal Service Charge 40,051 37,132 37,132 . 31,757 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 0 5,687 5,687 5,687 Total Planning $ 112,853 $ 123,160 $ 110,112 $ 125,819 -165- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 SERVICES & SUPPLIES (Continued) Buildina Office Supplies $ 3,674 $ 4,600 $ 3,318 $ 3,450 Postage 385 400 597 600 Operating Supplies 1,149 1,300 827 850 Communications 2,146 2,170 1,591 3,280 Printing & Binding 4,054 4,325 4,279 3,400 Repairs & Maintenance 0 250 0 250 Rentals & Leases 1,950 2,145 2,100 2,250 Book & Publications 3,488 22,500 22,397 2,500 Memberships & Dues 1,020 1,240 1,180 1,240 Mileage & Auto Allowance 4,725 5,820 4,367 4,760 Travel and Conferences 3,133 5,190 2,719 4,740 Training 3,112 9,882 7,739 7,447 Legal Notices 0 100 95 100 Internal Service Charge 38,076 16,863 16,863 13,306 Total Building $ 66,912 $ 76,785 $ 68,072 $ 48,173 Total Services/Supplies $ 179,765 $ 199,945 $ 178,184 $ 173,992 CONTRACT SERVICES Plannino General $ 100,686 $ 512,533 $ 228,477 $ 414,608 Professional Services Reimb 540,652 540,100 615,487 561,900 Total Planning $ 641,338 $ 1,052,633 $ 843,964 $ 976,508 Buildino General $ 2,055,491 $ 1,823,770 $ 1,716,615 $ 1,215,990 Total Building $ 2,055,491 $ 1,823,770 $ 1,716,615 $ 1,215,990 Total Contract Services $ 2,696,829 $ 2,876,403 $ 2,560,579 $ 2,192,498 Plannino Furniture & Fixtures $ 2,385 $ 900 $ 1,268 $ 4,200 Machinery & Equipment 767 27,000 25,702 1,750 Total Planning $ 3,152 $ 27,900 $ 26,970 $ 5,950 Buildino Furniture & Fixtures $ 315 $ 500 $ 500 $ 2,900 Machinery & Equipment 706 800 760 800 Total Building $ 1,021 $ 1,300 $ 1,260 $ 3,700 Total Capital Outlay $ 4,173 $ 29,200 $ 28,230 $ 9,650 :19;III::AItOOWlt9!lm::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. :::~:::::::::::::::I:i~!i!m.I!::::::: :::::::I:::::::::::::::::::::!~I!l:~ig:::::::::::::::::1:::::::I::::::I~'ll:~g,,:::::::: :$.\\\/ ::mt.$$.;.IIf:I: .............................. -166- -167- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - 90100-90200 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan FUND COST BY FUND INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL PERSONNEL SUMMARY JOB INCREMEN' CLASSIFICATION TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 50,000 $ 5,005,860 CITY Community Development Director Building Official Planning Manager Senior Building Inspector Senior Plan Checker Senior/Associate Planner Assistant Planner Administrative Aide Senior Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Officer Permit Technician Administrative Technician Secretary Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant II Office Assistant I (temp) Subtotal CONTRACT Plan Checker Building Inspector Subtotal SERVICE LEVEL HIGHER 1 (NOT RECOMMENDED) CUMULATIVE TOTAL 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 0.50 20.60 0.50 6.00 6.50 ::@[tttttAt.i@:::tt::: .......... ..:: :$it:::::@[:[@$.JMJ,Q.1Q[{ t$:[:}[$~II$~G~ti ttOtAfJ.::::t:::@@::[:@[ttt:::::::::}[:::[:@:::::t:@}[{:}i{t:::@':i{t i:::[::::::{Q.1;llt:::i::{ ::}i{::::t::::t:}~la~::}::::}:::{t::{{ Complete the Second Phase of the Scarlet Court Specific Plan. The preparation of the Scarlet Court Design Guidelines was the First Phase of the project which was completed in May 2007. The Second Phase of the project has been on-hold in anticipation of the Camp Parks project. This Higher Service Level would accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 Goal Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan -168- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008.2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Higher Service Level 1 - Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008.2009 2008.2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 1,684,209 Salaries P.T. 0 24,581 Salaries O.T. 0 1,354 Retirement 0 383,499 Group Insurance 0 336,567 Retiree Health 0 121,289 Workers Compensation 0 3,054 F .I.CA 0 24,798 F.I.CA OASDI / PARS 0 369 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 2,579,720 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 10,380 Postage 0 12,475 Operating Supplies 0 6,920 Communications 0 6,183 Printing & Binding 0 11,600 Repairs & Maintenance 0 500 Rentals & Leases 0 5,000 Book & Publications 0 4,185 Memberships & Dues 0 5,240 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 9,236 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 26,590 Training 0 18,223 Legal Notices 0 3,950 Filing Fees 0 2,760 Internal Service Charge 0 45,063 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 5,687 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 173,992 CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Services - General $ 50,000 $ 464,608 Professional Services - Reimbursable 0 561,900 Contract Building Services / Inspectors 0 1,215,990 Total Contract Services $ 50,000 $ 2,242,498 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 7,100 Machinery & Equipment 0 2,550 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 9,650 :rngr.lg::Agml'If::lg~Jt::::::I::::::::::::::::::::t::::: .... .............. ........... ............................. .... ................... .... .............. ........ ................... ............................. .............................. .....................-....... .............................. ............................. .............................. .....................-....... ..........--................. .....................$.................................. ........... ............... ........-.. ............... .......... ............... ........... ............... .......u. .............. ;:;:::;:;:::::::::::;::..'::::::::::::::;:::::::;:;:;:;:: ...... :::::::::::::::::::::t::::::::::I9.~Ig;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::: .... ::::::::ti::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I;9.9.I~g9.I:: -169- ENGINEERING This activity provides funding for activities related to: traffic engineering and related programs; Storm Water Pollution Control activities; design and inspection of Capital Projects; inspection of private development facilities which will be dedicated to the City (Le. the development of new streets, sidewalks, etc.); review of plans for subdivisions and private development; preparation of maps identifying parcels within the community; and technical engineering support for Assessment Districts. These services are provided using a combination of City employees and contract services. Estimated actual expenses, excluding Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs), for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $2,016,266 or 14.0% less than budgeted. This difference is primarily attributable to the slow-down in development projects moving forward. The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,796,672 (not including Engineering costs associated with Capital Projects). This represents a decrease of $219,599 or 10.9% compared to Fiscal Year 2007-2008 because Staff costs allocated to Capital Projects in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 exceed the amount allocated in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and engineering services required for new development in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 will be lower. As noted in the Budget Detail, the portion of Engineering costs associated with CIP projects is shown for information purposes only on these pages. The actual engineering costs are included in the Capital Budget for each project. In addition to the Current Service Level, one Higher Service Level (HSL) is recommended for funding. HSL #1 ($21,900) will provide for a traffic study to determine whether the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Brighton Drive, as identified in the Dublin High School Master Plan Environmental Impact Report, is warranted. The Engineering Activity costs are partially offset through fees and charges. The following table shows the impact of these revenues on the net cost of providing Engineering Services. NET COST OF ENGINEERING ACTIVITY Total Engineering General Fund (Expense not allocated to a CIP or Assessment District) Projected General Fund Revenues Encroachment Permits Plan Check/Inspection Fees Net General Fund Cost BUDGETED 2007 -2008 $2,321,911 ESTIMATED 2007 -2008 $1,994,230 RECOMMENDED SERVICE LEVEL 2008-2009 $1,796,437 $23,200 $2,180,000 $118,711 $49,372 $1,926,091 $18,767 $20,377 $1,434,304 $341,756 The total recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, including the Higher Service Level, is $1,818,572. -170- 2007-2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed the first Citywide Bikeways Master Plan. 2. Completed the Programming Study for a Maintenance Facility and Emergency Operations Center. 3. Completed the Crossridge Road Trail Connection project. 4. Initiated preliminary design of the East and West Dublin BART Corridor Enhancement projects using federal funds ($3.376 million) acquired via the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Housing Incentive Program and other federal transportation programs. 5. Acquired permits from Caltrans and U.S. Fish & Wildlife to build Phase I of the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange project. 6. Reviewed the proposed Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) for Stormwater, and provided written comments to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board; assisted in the development of comments from the Alameda County Clean Water Program. 7. Partnered with Caltrans and the Regional Water Quality Control Board in developing an alternate Stormwater compliance project at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road. 8. Coordinated the design of the Windstar Development and the West Dublin BART Station public improvements. 9. Continued working with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B Transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road. Although City matching monies are not available in the near future, Annual Reports will continue to be generated, and Environmental work and the precise alignment have been completed. 10. Obtained a grant through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Regional Signal Timing Program and initiated a study to evaluate and improve traffic operations through signal coordination on Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Hacienda Drive. 11. Began preparation of a Citywide Communications Master Plan to establish a strategy for improving signal communications with all traffic signals throughout the City. 12. Completed formation of the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts (GHADs) and levied assessments for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 13. Alameda County Signal Maintenance Contract Evaluation. -171- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ENGINEERING - 90300 . SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) State Gas Tax (206) Assessment Dist (710) Assessment Dist (711) Assessment Dist (713) Assessment Dist (716) Assessment Dist (717) $ 1,774,537 6,000 4,270 2,705 2,705 2,705 3,750 CITY City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Associate Civil Engineer Assistant Civil Engineer Public Works Inspector Public Works Technician 1111 Engineer - Part Time Subtotal 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 CONTRACT Engineer Public Works Inspector Subtotal 1.35 1.00 2.35 This budget funds Staff and contract services for private development review, traffic engineering, .capital project design, and project administration. The budget includes travel for the City's Traffic Engineer to attend the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Conference being held this year in Anaheim, California, and for the Senior Civil Engineer in the Capital Infrastructure Projects Group to attend the American Public Works Association Congress in New Orleans, Louisiana. In addition, it will continue to fund necessary Staff time to comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. With the current staffing level, the following High Priority City Council Goals can be met in Fiscal Year 2008-2009: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Road to Croak Road/Dublin Blvd. 2. Develop and implement an Action Plan and Budget for the new Muncipal Stormwater Permit (NPDES). 3. Examine signal timings throughout the City to improve intersection efficiency by coordinating signalized intersections along major arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety. 4. Work with the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency on the development of the Regional Transportaiton Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. 5. As part of the GPA for Parks RFTA, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. 6. Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Nexus Study together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. 7. Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley cities to develop a strategy to pursue project funding in the region. 8. Work with the region's transportation partners to develop Projects for the 1-580 Corridor that will minimize impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. 9. Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing agreement for the ultimate improvement of the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange. 10. Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. Note: The following legend provides descriptive information on the special funds: Assessment District #710 Citywide Street Lighting District Assessment District #711 Landscaping Assessment District - Stagecoach Road Assessment District #713 Landscaping Assessment District - Dougherty Road Assessment District #716 Landscaping Assessment District - Santa Rita Area Assessment District #717 Dublin Ranch Street Lighting District -172- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - ENGINEERING CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 1,045,926 $ 1,048,571 $ 959,976 $ 949,011 Salaries P.T. 111,461 164,112 172,163 121,680 Salaries O.T. 88,788 119,657 95,306 99,118 Retirement 219,643 252,846 240,563 226,721 Group Insurance 116,531 162,485 155,253 152,176 Retiree Health 70,460 80,516 69,292 71,720 Workers Compensation 4,452 6,910 2,613 2,047 F.I.CA 14,403 19,027 17,797 16,963 PARS 88 1,123 1,080 1,123 Total Personnel Services $ 1,671,752 $ 1,855,247 $ 1,714,043 $ 1,640,559 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 6,459 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 $ 6,825 Postage 1,171 1,180 1,044 1,240 Operating Supplies 6,206 6,500 6,309 6,500 Communications 4,600 4,985 5,163 5,425 Printing & Binding 3,217 3,570 4,639 4,870 Rentals & Leases 4,200 4,620 4,200 6,660 Book & Publications 513 800 384 700 Memberships & Dues 805 1,435 1,028 745 Mileage & Auto Allowance 9,021 9,440 9,220 9,220 Travel and Conferences 5,566 10,800 6,359 4,570 Training 4,051 5,650 3,418 6,675 Legal Notices 388 750 1,286 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 0 0 2,500 Internal Service Charge 23,820 19,204 19,204 14,849 Internal Svc Chg - Vehicles 27,033 34,456 31,532 38,100 Total Services/Supplies $ 97,050 $ 109,890 $ 100,286 $ 109,879 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 53,399 $ 88,655 $ 69,767 $ 80,990 General Engineering 39,834 21,435 18,820 19,615 Traffic Engineering Service 42,218 53,000 53,000 60,000 Private Dev Reimbursable 765,323 611,205 379,694 351 ,796 Assess District Engineering 10,200 15,000 15,000 15,635 Total Contract Services $ 910,974 $ 789,295 $ 536,281 $ 528,036 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 2,281 $ 1,600 $ 1 ,454 $ 1,600 Machinery & Equipment 3,631 1,300 1,112 13,970 Total Capital Outlay $ 5,912 $ 2,900 $ 2,566 $ 15,570 The following costs are shown Actual. Engineering Plus Applicable Total for information only: Operating Costs CIP Projects Reported Costs (1) Actual 2006-2007 $2,424,099 $261,589 $2,685,688 (2) Budget 2007-2008 $2,343,411 $413,921 $2,757,332 (3) Estimated 2007-2008 $2,016,266 $336,910 $2,353,176 (4) Current Service Level 2008-2009 -173- $1,796,672 $497,372 $2,294,044 CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL COMMUNITY ENGINEERING - 90300 HIGHER 1 DEVELOPMENT Traffic Study - Amador Valley Boulevard/Brighton Drive (RECOMMENDED) COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT TOTAL TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL FUND General Fund (001) State Gas Tax (206) Assessment Dist Assessment Dist Assessment Dist Assessment Dist Assessment Dist 21,900 $ 1,796,437 6,000 4,270 2,705 2,705 2,705 3,750 $ CUMULATIVE TOTAL CITY: City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Associate Civil Engineer Assistant Civil Engineer Public Works Inspector Public Works Technician 1/11 Engineer - Part Time Subtotal CONTRACT: Engineer Public Works Inspector Subtotal 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1.35 1.00 2.35 The Dublin High School Master Plan Environmental Impact Report identified the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard/Brighton Drive before the Year 2012 to mitigate traffic impacts from increased population due to development in the eastern Dublin area. This traffic study will determine whether the installation of a traffic signal is warranted at this intersection to handle increased traffic to the City's only high school facility . This Higher Service Level will accomplish the following High Priority City Council Goal: 2008-2009 Goal 1. Study need for signalizing Brighton and Amador Valley Blvd. -174- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET-ENGINEERING Higher Service Level 1 - Traffic Study - Amador Valley Boulevard/Brighton Drive HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 949,011 Salaries P.T. 0 121,680 Salaries O.T. 0 99,118 Retirement 0 226,721 Group Insurance 0 152,176 Retiree Health 0 71,720 Workers Compensation 0 2,047 F.I.C.A. 0 16,963 PARS 0 1,123 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 1,640,559 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 6,825 Postage 200 1,440 Operating Supplies 0 6,500 Communications 0 5,425 Printing & Binding 0 4,870 Rentals & Leases 0 6,660 Book & Publications 0 700 Memberships & Dues 0 745 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 9,220 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 4,570 Training 0 6,675 Legal Notices 200 1,200 Comm. Promo 0 2,500 Internal Service Charge 0 14,849 Internal Svc Charge - Vehicles 0 38,100 Total Services/Supplies $ 400 $ 110,279 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 3,500 $ 84,490 General Engineering 0 19,615 Traffic Engineering Service 18,000 78,000 Private Dev Reimbursable 0 351,796 Assess District Engineering 0 15,635 Total Contract Services $ 21,500 $ 549,536 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 1,600 Machinery & Equipment 0 13,970 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 15,570 The following costs are shown for information only: Actual Engineering Operating Costs Plus Applicable Total CIP Projects Reported Costs -175- $1,818,572 $497,372 $ 2,315,944 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this activity is to enhance and maintain the City's economic base through programs and activities that focus on business promotion and retention. The goal of this effort also includes addressing issues related to the revitalization of existing commercial areas in order to protect the competitiveness of the local economy. The budget for Economic Development activities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 was $294,720. Estimated expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $271,171, or $23,549 less than budgeted. The decrease in expenditures is due mainly to the reduction in expenditures for the Tri-Valley Business Council and Tri- ValleyJobs.com. 2007 -2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS During Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Staff was able to accomplish or make substantial progress on the following City Council goals: 1. Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. 2. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate improvements to the Center. 3. Completed feasibility study on a full service hotel. 4. Develop new Economic Development marketing materials. 5. Report on Post Office Expansion and/or new Post Office The budget necessary to provide the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $227,509, which is a decrease of $43,662 or 16.1% less than Fiscal Year 2007-2008 estimated actual expenditures. Economic Development activities contained in the Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 include: preparing and distributing City real estate vacancy reports three times during the year; economic development reports and various business marketing materials; attendance at economic development conferences; continued participation in the East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDAB), East Bay Small Business Development Center, as well as the Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (TVCVB), and membership in the California Association of Local Economic Developers (CALED), a statewide professional organization of economic development representatives. The Current Service Level for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 also includes funding for continued support of TriValleyJobs.com ($5,000). In addition to the Current Service Level, it is recommended that the City Council fund Higher Service Level #1: City contribution to the Tri-Valley Business Council's Vision 2010 Project ($19,000), Higher Service Level # 2: Livermore Valley Film Commission ($2,500), Higher Service Level #3: Dublin Partners in Education ($15,000) and Higher Service Level #4: Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center ($15,000). The total recommended budget for this activity for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $279,009. -176- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 FUND FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION SERVICE LEVEL CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY STAFFING LEVEL General Fund (001) $ 227,509 Economic Development Director 1.00 This budget request provides funding to maintain the current level of service of those programs and activities included in the Economic Development budget. Activities in the Current Service Level budget include funding for the Economic Development Director position; services and supplies necessary to support the economic development functions; participation in the East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDAB), and Tri-Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED). The Current Service Level also includes the City's participation in EDAB ($5,700) and TriValleyJobs.com ($5,000). During Fiscal Year 2008-2009, Staff anticipates that the following High Priority City Council Goals will be accomplished under the Current Service Level: 2008-2009 GOALS 1. Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new development opportunities 2. Work with the owners of the Chevron property on new development opportunities 3. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. 4. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development opportunities. 5. Work with property owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses / users 6. Enhance presence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan area. 7. Work with property owners to tenant vacant buildings on Village Pkwy 8. Work with property owners at the Promenade to identify development opportunities. -177- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 119,477 $ 124,323 $ 124,064 $ 129,460 Retirement 29,398 27,880 27,820 29,223 Group Insurance 16,651 16,493 16,493 17,171 Retiree Health 7,046 8,880 8,861 9,247 Workers Compensation 425 660 248 233 F.I.C.A. 1,765 1,803 1,799 1,877 Total Personnel Services $ 174,762 $ 180,039 $ 179,285 $ 187,211 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 214 $ 250 $ 149 $ 180 Postage 10 500 144 500 Operating Supplies 515 5,000 3,000 4,200 Advertising 825 1,000 950 1,000 Printing & Binding 46 12,000 10,929 2,000 Book & Publications 74 170 170 175 Memberships & Dues 4,096 11,056 9,819 9,980 Mileage & Auto Allowance 2,312 2,480 2,380 2,480 Travel and Conferences 3,360 3,950 3,405 3,950 Training 0 1,000 350 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 Internal Service Charge 4,859 3,575 3,575 2,833 Total Services/Supplies $ 16,311 $ 43,981 $ 37,871 $ 31,298 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 61 ,423 $ 2,500 $ 1,327 $ 4,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 5,000 2,000 5,000 Dublin Partners In Education 0 12,500 12,500 0 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 0 15,000 15,000 0 Tri-valley Business Council 0 25,000 12,500 0 Marketing Program 0 10,000 10,000 0 Total Contract Services $ 61,423 $ 70,000 $ 53,327 $ 9,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures $ 0 $ 700 $ 688 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 700 $ 688 $ 0 -178- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 1 Tri Valley Business Council (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FUND General Fund (001) $ 19,000 $ 246,509 Economic Development Director 1.00 This Higher Service Level would fund the City's contribution to the efforts of the Tri-Valley Business Council's Vision 2010 program for FY 2008-09. It is $6,000 less than the City contributed to the Tri-Valley Business Council in FY 2007-08. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 1 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 129,460 Retirement 0 29,223 Group Insurance 0 17,171 Workers Compensation 0 233 F.I.C.A. 0 1,877 Retiree Health 0 9,247 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 187,211 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 180 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 4,200 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,000 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 9,980 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 2,480 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,950 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 3,000 Internal Service Charge 0 2,833 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 31,298 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 4,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 5,000 Tri-valley Business Council 19,000 19,000 Total Contract Services $ 19,000 $ 28,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -179- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 2 Livermore Valley Film Commission (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FUND General Fund (001) $ 2,500 $ 249,009 Economic Development Director 1.00 This new Higher Service Level would fund the City's membership in the Livermore Valley Film Commission. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 2 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 129,460 Retirement 0 29,223 Group Insurance 0 17,171 Workers Compensation 0 233 F.I.C.A. 0 1,877 Retiree Health 0 9,247 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 187,211 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 180 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 4,200 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,000 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 9,980 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 2,480 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,950 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 3,000 Internal Service Charge 0 2,833 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 31,298 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 4,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 5,000 Livermore Valley Film Commission 2,500 2,500 Tri-valley Business Council 0 19,000 Total Contract Services $ 2,500 $ 30,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -180- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 3 Dublin Partners In Education (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY CUMULATIVE JOB INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION TOTAL TOTAL General Fund (001) $ 15,000 $ 264,009 Economic Development Director 1.00 This Higher Service Level would support Dublin Partners in Education's (DPIE) 3 programs - Promotion of the Arts program, Vocation Mentoring Program at Dublin and Valley High Schools and Career Days at Fallon and Wells Middle Schools. The request is $2,500 more than the City funded for DPIE in Fiscal Year 2007-08. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 3 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 129,460 Retirement 0 29,223 Group Insurance 0 17,171 Workers Compensation 0 233 F.I.C.A. 0 1,877 Retiree Health 0 9,247 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 187,211 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 180 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 4,200 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,000 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 9,980 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 2,480 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,950 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 3,000 Internal Service Charge 0 2,833 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 31,298 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 4,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 5,000 Cont Serv/3 0 2,500 Dublin Partners In Education 15,000 15,000 Tri-valley Business Council 0 19,000 Total Contract Services $ 15,000 $ 45,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -181- PROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COST BY FUND INCREMENT TOTAL CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 90400 HIGHER 4 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TOTAL TOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION FUND General Fund (001) $ 15,000 $ 279,009 Economic Development Director 1.00 This Higher Service Level would fund the City's contribution to the efforts of the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center for FY 2008-09. It is the same amount that the City contributed to the Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center in FY 2007-08. HIGHER SERVICE CUMULATIVE LEVEL 4 TOTAL DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries F.T. $ 0 $ 129,460 Retirement 0 29,223 Group Insurance 0 17,171 Workers Compensation 0 233 F.I.CA 0 1,877 Retiree Health 0 9,247 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 187,211 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Office Supplies $ 0 $ 180 Postage 0 500 Operating Supplies 0 4,200 Advertising 0 1,000 Printing & Binding 0 2,000 Book & Publications 0 175 Memberships & Dues 0 9,980 Mileage & Auto Allowance 0 2,480 Travel, Conferences & Meetings 0 3,950 Training 0 1,000 Comm. Promo 0 3,000 Internal Service Charge 0 2,833 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 31,298 CONTRACT SERVICES General $ 0 $ 4,000 Tri-Valley Jobs.Com 0 5,000 Cont Serv/3 0 2,500 Dublin Partners In Education 0 15,000 Tri-Valley One Stop Career Center 15,000 15,000 Tri-valley Business Council 0 19,000 Total Contract Services $ 15,000 $ 60,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 -182- ENTERPRISE FUND DUBLIN INFORMATION. INC. Dublin Information, Inc. (DU) is a non-profit corporation that was used primarily by the City to finance the Dublin Civic Center. This activity is shown for informational purposes only. Miscellaneous Expenditures The State of California changed the filing requirement to a biennial schedule. No fees were paid in Fiscal Year 2006-2007, although the City did update its filing. The next possible date a filing will be due is Fiscal Year 2008-2009. -183- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL. ENTERPRISE FUND DUBLIN INFORMATION,INC. 10000 CURRENT (RECOMMENDED) PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Dublin Information Inc. (601) $ 20 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL SERVICES & SUPPLIES & CONTRACT SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN OPERATING BUDGETS AS NOTED. CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 Total Personnel Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Filing Fees $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 20 Total Services/Supplies $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 20 Total Contract Services $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total Capital Outlay $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 -184- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CITY OF DUBLIN CAPITAL PROJECTS OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 (In Millions of Dollars) APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL $38.9 MILLION $12.2 REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL $38.9 MILLION 4.3% 1.4% 31.40/0 -185- ~ Streets (I Parks II General II Community $24.4 m Private Development II General Fund mill Grants [] Gas Tax I Other 62.90/0 This page intentionally left blank. -186- 2008-2009 CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 93135 TV30 Studio Remodel 93150 Network System Upgrade 93181 Habitat Monitoring Camera 93191 Combined Finance / Permit System 93192 Geographic Information System 93402 Maintenance Facility Study 93450 Civic Center Library 93451 Library Repairs 93462 Inspector Trailers 93900 Building Management Study 93910 Civic Center Modification Design Services & Construction 93933 Civic Center Generator 93917 ADA Transition Plan 93923 Civic Center Window Sealing 93924 City Facility Energy Efficient Window Treatment 93931 Civic Center Roof Maintenance 93970 Automated Document Storage & Retrieval System 93999 Civic Center Fire Damage 94500 Public Facility Fee Study Update New Fire Station 16 Kitchen Remodel New Fire Station 18 Roof Repair TOTAL COST GENERAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 $ 17,500 $ 330,500 $ 10,000 48,848 80,000 65,000 62,500 7,100 38,525 385,430 43,250 593,300 30,860 17,200 15,015 15,100 35,000 3,237 3,237 32,744 2,360 190,324 180,570 118,267 56,730 7,088 15,180 175,310 175,310 814,737 77 48,453 29,633 20,000 49,383 113,575 113,575 28,485 24,620 2,563 17,800 2,770 32,000 50,000 21,805 9,726 20,240 8,000 14,864 59,300 41,200 $ 408,133 $ 1,517,284 $ 699,873 $ 1,653,001 FINANCING General Fund (001) $ 383,227 $ 1,310,881 $ 505,637 $ 1,638,137 CDBG Fund (209) 10,853 10,926 Public Facilities Fund (310) 24,906 195,550 183,310 14,864 TOTAL FINANCING $ 408,133 $ 1,517,284 $ 699,873 $ 1,653,001 -187- 2008-2009 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 94052 Iron Horse Trail - Wildflower Planting $ 22,885 $ 23,874 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair Program 75,077 98,955 $ 98,131 81,860 94252 Bus Shelters 40,688 800 35,250 94253 Transit Center Art 250,000 250,000 94601 San Ramon Road Concrete Sound Wall Maintenance 2,325 76,450 56,152 94602 San Ramon Road Wooden Sound Wall Maintenance 60,180 32,590 94616 Village Parkway Soundwall Painting 29,420 29,357 94942 Seasonal Street Banners 35,851 N/A San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation 211,460 TOTAL COST $ 113,253 $ 578,578 $ 240,904 $ 578,570 FINANCING General Fund (001) $ 95,672 $ 328,578 $ 240,904 $ 328,570 Community Development Block Grant (209) 17,581 Public Arts Fund 250,000 250,000 TOTAL FINANCING $ 113,253 $ 578,578 $ 240,904 $ 578,570 -188- 2008-2009 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 95010 Parks & Community Services $ 8,235 $ 53,765 $ 35,280 $ 18,485 95210 Stagecoach Park Assessment District Water Meter 47,980 14,000 14,000 95465 Shannon Community Center Reconstruction 1,314,046 7,207,677 7,305,687 2,176,186 95555 Dublin Historic Park Master Plan 4,505 95566 Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Restoration 4,006 95556 Dublin Historic Park Acquisition 8,007,997 2,44 7 ,904 866,519 95557 Dublin Historic Park Development 504,805 496,330 3,498,145 95602 Emerald Glen Park Recreation and Aquatic Complex 836,784 95625 Dougherty Hills Park - Dog Park 523,881 37,785 37,776 95631 Park Furniture Replacement 75,526 62,050 62,050 77,000 95635 Park Play Area Renovations 123,838 139,653 93,949 119,500 95640 Dublin Ranch Neighborhood Parks 487,307 2,083,136 1,703,178 95641 Pasatempo Park 29,723 72,087 95830 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 506 67,104 3,274 75,675 95851 Fallon Sports Park 138,980 1,704,940 1,058,163 5,312,556 95930 Senior Center 8,041 TOTAL COST $ 10,744,848 $ 14,322,819 $ 11,705,929 $ 12,186,418 FINANCING General Fund (001) $ 2,619,197 $ 5,976,648 $ 5,455,883 $ 5,881,201 Community Development Block Grant (209) 56,713 Measure D (224) 75,526 103,588 103,588 127,000 Public Facility Impact Fee (310) 7,993,412 8,242,583 6,146,458 6,178,217 TOTAL FINANCING $ 10,744,848 $ 14,322,819 $ 11,705,929 $ 12,186,418 . -189- 2008-2009 CAPITAL BUDGET STREETS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDED PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 96010 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Silvergate Drive $ 3,067,079 to Hansen Drive 96011 West Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement - 16,217 246,777 153,887 383,584 Dublin Boulevard - Hansen Drive to Clark Avenue 96012 East Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement - 19,898 325,215 173,142 1,086,987 Dublin Boulevard - Tassajara Road to Clark 96013 Dublin Boulevard/Amador Plaza Road Intersection 94,350 459 99,990 96022 Dublin Boulevard Bridge Resurfacing at Alamo 25,353 23,400 731 96030 Citywide Street Storm Drain Condition Assessment 104,060 100,760 100,760 96082 Underground Utilities - Dublin Boulevard/ 271,771 DouQherty Road Intersection and Vicinity 96400 Eastem Dublin Arterial Street and Freeway 8,666,020 7,536,428 4,376,994 2,010,100 Improvements 96430 1-580 & Fallon Road Freeway Interchange 107,145 13,684,947 1,078,911 12,177,082 Improvements - Phase I 96452 Downtown Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement 19,551 96454 Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade 17,580 13,122 96480 Downtown Dublin Roadway Improvements 12 2,040 936 936 96580 Annual Street Overlay Program 526,423 714,459 319,883 1,055,370 96585 Annual Slurry Seal Program 91,494 755,276 712,714 624,510 96773 Alamo Canal Trail Under 1-580 24,680 56,630 2,500 54,520 96775 Citywide Bicycle / Pedestrian Plan 22,123 96776 Crossridge Road Trail Connection Improvements 16,922 96777 San Ramon Road Trail Improvements 25,000 9,066 109,278 96840 Scarlett Drive Iron Horse Trail Extension 85,164 15,130 15,130 96852 Dougherty Road Improvements - Houston Place to 3,296,601 9,146,050 7,812,539 1,911,138 1-580 96853 Storm Water Treatment Units 149,060 136,320 96870 Saint Patrick Way - Regional Street to Golden Gate 10,396 454,337 418,236 1,065,791 Drive 96920 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Village Parkway 467,692 to Sierra Court N/A Bike Lane - Amador Valley Boulevard Corridor 110,204 N/A Dougherty Road Improvements - Amador Valley 25,000 Boulevard North to City Limits New Village Parkway-AVB StormwaterTreatment 525,700 TOTAL COST $ 13,667,462 $ 33,350,739 $ 15,325,330 $ 24,408,029 FINANCING General Fund (001). $ 308,244 $ 1,144,357 $ 294,222 $ 1,670,680 State Gas Tax (206) 153,992 926,714 726,612 941,260 ISTEA (210) 2,843 389,000 278,908 1,370,821 Measure B Sales Tax (217) 340,258 151,220 45,644 715,370 Measure B - Bike/Pedestrian (227) 46,803 56,630 2,500 96,763 CMA TIP funds (228) 289,000 133,000 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (240) 182,292 274,239 274,239 Highway Safety Traffic Reduction Bond (241) 701,759 Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) 12,633,030 30,119,579 13,001,446 19,480,135 TOTAL FINANCING $ 13,667,462 $ 33,350,739 $ 15,325,330 $ 24,408,029 -190- INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICES The Internal Service Fund provides funding to support the following areas: 1) Replacement of office equipment, vehicles and computers; 2) Replacement of capital equipment owned by the City of Dublin and used by the contract police and fire services providers; 3) Replacement of major building system components (Le., heating/air conditioning systems, pumps, boilers, etc.) at City owned facilities; and 4) Payment for re:tiree medical costs for current retirees and contributions to a retiree medical trust fund. Each City Operating Department includes within its budget charges for equipment usage based upon a predetermined rate that considers the expected life of the item. Internal Service Fund charges in each City Department, represent income to the Internal Services Fund. The charges to the Departments are established at a level to accumulate funds over time for the replacement of the equipment. The Fund is also used to capture on-going maintenance and operation costs of equipment serviced by the Fund, such as gasoline, tires, repairs and other operating costs for City vehicles, copiers, computers, etc. In a similar manner, a charge is made to each Department for Retiree Medical Costs. These charges are contributed to a Trust Fund which pays current year insurance premium expenses for retirees and establishes reserves to provide funding towards future retiree obligations. The estimated expenditures in Fiscal Year 2007-2008 are $558,509 (excluding the amount shown as a depreciation expense), which is $808,629 or 59.1% less than the budgeted amount without depreciation. The primary reasons for the difference include: 1) the carryovers of the use of the Internal Service Funds for the reconstruction of the Shannon Community Center and the replacement of the City's accounting system to Fiscal Year 2008-2009; 2) lower than expected costs for computer and equipments replacements; and 3) the carryover for the replacement of a forensic computer system and evidence tracking software. The proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $1,394,827 (excluding the amount shown as a depreciation expense). The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Internal Service Fund budget includes funding for operating supplies and equipment repairs of $365,568. In addition to equipment replacement, a separate sub-account has been established to accumulate funding for retiree medical costs for current retirees. As noted on the following page since the Trust Fund is used to pay for the medical insurance cost for employees who have retired and are eligible for this benefit no expense is shown in the Internal Service Fund for this item beginning July 1, 2007. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the following Capital expenditures will be funded from this budget activity: 1) Replace six police patrol cars and one undercover police car ($210,500); 2) Replace three motorcycles with emergency equipment ($78,000); 3) Replace a forensic computer system and evidence tracking software ($23,700 carryover from FY07/08); 4) Replace County Data Switch ($5,000); 5) Replace 26 computers and a file server ($55,395); 6) Maintain Microsoft Office and virus protection licensing ($22,500); 7) Replace copier equipment ($67,536); 8) Contingent reserves for building component replacement at City facilities and fire station ($30,000); 9) An allowance for the replacement of carpet in a portion of the Civic Center ($20,000); 10) Reconstruction of the Shannon Community Center (ISF portion $366,328); and 11) Replacement of Accounting System ISF Portion ($125,000 carryover from FY07/08) and the Building Permit System ($25,000). This budget activity is shown for informational purposes only. -191- CITY OF DUBLIN 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITY SERVICE LEVEL INTERNAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICES CURRENT COST BY FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARY FUND STAFFING FUND TOTAL JOB CLASSIFICATION LEVEL Internal Service Fund - Vehicles/Equipment $ 1,465,487 No City personnel ,are included in this activity. (830) Internal Service Fund - Fire (831) 228,585 Internal Service Fund - Building (832) 2,145,482 Internal Service Fund - Retiree Health (840) 0 CURRENT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2007 -2008 2007 -2008 2008-2009 PERSONNEL SERVICES Group Insurance (See Note) $ 139,849 $ 201,858 $ 0 $ 0 Total Personnel Services $ 139,849 $ 201,858 $ 0 $ 0 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Operating Supplies $ 165,482 $ 194,699 $ 196,348 $ 205,411 Repairs & Maintenance 109,884 124,253 165,681 160,157 Total Services/Supplies $ 275,366 $ 318,952 $ 362,029 $ 365,568 CONTRACT SERVICES One Time Retiree Health Contribution $ 5,200,362 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 One Time PERS Side Fund 3,569,754 0 0 0 Total Contract Services $ 8,770,116 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements $ 0 $ 416,328 $ 0 $ 416,328 Machinery & Equipment 58,698 430,000 196,480 612,931 Total Capital Outlay $ 58,698 $ 846,328 $ 196,480 $ 1,029,259 DEPRECIATION Equipment $ 307,311 $ 453,788 $ 497,013 $ 486,988 Fire Equipment 179,233 227,785 227,785 218,585 Buildings 1,742,137 1,738,743 1,738,743 1,739,154 Total Depreciation $ 2,228,681 $ 2,420,316 $ 2,463,541 $ 2,444,727 NOTE: As of July 1, 2007 the City had established a Retiree Health Trust Account with the CalPERS Benefits Trust. Therefore beginning July 1, 2007 all expenses for retiree insurance premiums are now paid from the Trust. -192- AGENCY FUND IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT The City Auditors, in the preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, identify the financial data related to servicing debt on Assessment District obligations as part of an Agency Fund. An Agency Fund is used by the City to account for assets held by the City in a fiduciary capacity. These funds carry out the specifications required by trust indentures, ordinances, or other regulations. Revenues are collected and expenses made in accordance with these legal documents. This section of the Budget has been presented for informational purposes. In the case of the Assessment District, the City has an obligation only to advance Reserve Funds funded by the original issue, and to initiate foreclosure in cases where payment of the assessment is delinquent. The Auditors have suggested that the accounting of these funds be presented only for informational purposes and not for the purpose of adopting a budget. An Assessment District is unique in the fact that City funds are not at risk, and the City merely acts as a conduit to process the monies collected. Payments derived from Property Tax Assessments are forwarded to a Trustee, which then makes the required payments to the individual bondholders. DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT This is a debt service fund which makes payments on bonds issued to construct a portion of the Dublin Boulevard Extension improvements. A total of $2,350,000 in bonds was originally issued on June 2, 1992. As of the end of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 a total principal amount of $910,000 remains outstanding. The current debt service schedule provides for the full retirement of these bonds in the year 2012. Each year the City requests that the County Tax Collector place on the property tax bill an amount necessary to pay the principal and interest. The Assessments are only levied on properties within the Assessment District which receive a benefit from the improvements. The Assessment District is comprised of 15 parcels adjacent to Dublin Boulevard and east of Dougherty Road. The Trustee also holds a reserve fund which can be used in the event of a default by a property owner. This Assessment District has never been required to utilize reserve funds for debt service payments. If this never occurs, the amount in the reserve fund will be applied to the final debt service payment. At the present time, the City is not aware of any parcels which are delinquent, and all assessments levied have been paid. The reserve fund is invested and earns interest each year under the terms of the Assessment District. The interest earnings must continue to accrue in the reserve fund until the balance available reaches $164,500. Thereafter, any excess reserve fund earnings must be used to reduce the amount of assessments collected and/or to call outstanding bonds. As shown on the summary which follows, the balance in the Reserve Fund during Fiscal Year 2007-2008, was approximately $13,657 above the maximum limit and this amount was contributed to the funds available for debt service payments. A separate column has been included in the schedule on the following page, providing an estimate of financial activity for the reserve monies held by the Trustee. Bond payment funds collected and held by the City are summarized in the middle column of the schedule, with combined information shown in the third column. Information is provided for both Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and Fiscal Year 2008-2009. In Fiscal Year 2008-2009 the debt service schedule provides for interest payments totaling $70,099. The debt service schedule also provides for the redemption of $162,000 Bonds. This is a portion of the "Term Bonds" dated September 2, 2012, which are called without premium beginning September 2, 2008. As previously noted, this information is presented for informational purposes, since these activities are not a direct obligation of the City of Dublin. Staff anticipates that sufficient monies will be available to carry out the transactions required under the bond documents and applicable laws. -193- FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FINANCIAL ACTIVITY Investmentsl Reserve Cash Held by Fund Held by City for Bond Trustee Payments Total IBEGINNING BALANCE FOR FY 2007-2008 171,889 219,887 391,776 I ESTIMATED 2007-2008 REVENUES Estimated 2007-2008 Assessments 201,979 201,979 Estimated Assessment Penalties 1,006 Estimated Interest 6,268 9,949 16,217 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 6,268 212,934 219,202 OTHER SOURCES / USES Transfer From Reserves To Redemption Account (13,657) 13,657 ESTIMATED 2007-2008 EXPENDITURES Estimated Interest Expense 82,228 82,228 Estimated Principal Payment 151,000 151,000 Other Expenses 3,253 3,253 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 236,481 236,481 IESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE FOR FY 2007-2008 164,500 209,997 374,497 I ESTIMATED 2008-2009 REVENUES Estimated 2008-2009 Assessments 235,998 235,998 Interest 3,290 4,553 7,843 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES' 3,290 240,551 243,841 ESTIMATED 2008-2009 EXPENDITURES Interest Payments 70,099 70,099 Estimated Principal Payment 162,000 162,000 Other Expenses 3,451 3,451 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 235,550 235,550 USE OF SURPLUS RESERVE FD - MAX BAL $164,500 (3,290) 3,290 IESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 2008-2009 164,500 218,288 382,788 I -194- STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS & OBJECTIVES CITY OF DUBLIN 10 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2008-2009 UPDATE Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides responsive fair treatment to our diverse community Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlights culture, diversity and civic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This mosaic is enriched by the integrating of cultures, races and economic diversity into villages and neighborhoods - forming a common network that welcomes both residents and businesses alike; supporting the efforts and achievements of all. -195- CITY OF DUBLIN TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2008-2009 UPDATE Values Our Values in Building Community . Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together. . Provide more venues for family-based activities. . Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Insuring a Safe Community . Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the citizens living in the community. . Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development . Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. . Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. . Respect our neighborhoods-their identity, image, and aspirations. . Believe that no part ofthe community is better than another. . Promote high quality design and architectural standards in development. Our Values in Governing . Be open to the public and community. . Operate at all times with honesty and integrity. . Exercise fairness in consideration of issues-we listen to all sides; we respect every opinion; and we treat all individuals with dignity. Provide a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City staff to citizens. . Strive to build an informed community through communication. . Encourage cooperation with other communities on issues of mutual concern. Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities . Respect the right of each individual community and entity to determine its own destiny. . Cooperate with other communities and entities, but do not interfere. . Acknowledge that we will not direct the work of another elected body. -196- CITY OF DUBLIN 10 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2008-2009 UPDATE Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides responsive fair treatment to our diverse community Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically balanced and diverse community. Dublin, with its distinctive place in the region, highlights culture, diversity and civic stewardship to create a broad mosaic. This mosaic is enriched by the integrating of cultures, races and economic diversity into villages and neighborhoods - forming a common network that welcomes both residents and businesses alike; supporting the efforts and achievements of all. -195- CITY OF DUBLIN TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED 2008-2009 UPDATE Values Our Values in Building Community . Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together. . Provide more venues for family-based activities. . Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Insuring a Safe Community . Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety ofthe citizens living in the community. . Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development . Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. . Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. . Respect our neighborhoods-their identity, image, and aspirations. . Believe that no part ofthe community is better than another. . Promote high quality design and architectural standards in development. Our Values in Governing . Be open to the public and community. . Operate at all times with honesty and integrity. . Exercise fairness in consideration of issues-we listen to all sides; we respect every opinion; and we treat all individuals with dignity. Provide a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City staff to citizens. . Strive to build an informed community through communication. . Encourage cooperation with other communities on issues of mutual concern. Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities . Respect the right of each individual community and entity to determine its own destiny. . Cooperate with other communities and entities, but do not interfere. . Acknowledge that we will not direct the work of another elected body. -196- CITY OF DUBLIN TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN Preliminary Adopted 2008-2009 Update STRATEGIES STRATEGY #1: Establish villages within the City of Dublin. # G&O Ref # 1. 2004-2005 2. 2004-2005 3. 2005-2006 4. 2005-2006 5. II-A-l 6. II-A-2 7. II-A-4 8. II-B-l PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Pak 'n Save General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezoning. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Dublin Ranch West Annexation (Wallis) General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Investi ate creatin new villa e around West Dublin BART Station. COMPLETE) Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new villa e in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plan into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housin site. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Pre are Community Desi n Element for General Plan. STRATEGY #2: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin. 3. 4. 2005-2006 2005-2006 5. 2005-2006 6. 2005-2006 7. 2006-2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Com lete Senior Housin Pro. ect. COMPLETE) Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility. COMPLETE) Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment 0 ortunities. (COMPLETE) Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) Install lighting at approaches to the 1-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects. (COMPLETE) Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight arkin . (COMPLETE) Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement S ecific Plan, if required. (COMPLETE) -197- 8. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. (COMPLETE) 9. 2007-2008 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. (COMPLETE) 10. 2008-2009 Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3) Private Development projects. (UNDERWAY; Sep 2008) II. II-A-3 Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. 12. II-A-4 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 13. II-E-3 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the center. 14. II-E-4 Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development opportunities. 15. III-B-6 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project including; design, fabrication and installation of student art murals. 16. III-B-ll Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project provided funding is available. # G&O Ref # I. 2004-2005 2. 2004-2005 3. 2005-2006 4. 2005-2006 5. 2006-2007 6. 2007-2008 7. II-A-3 8. II-A-4 9. II-E-3 10. II-E-4 II. II-E-7 ew PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL fuvestigate Options for Shamrock Village. (COMPLETE) Work with Shamrock Villa e to facilitate im rovement to the Center. COMPLETE) Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development opportunities. (COMPLETE) Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. (COMPLETE) Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. (COMPLETE) Pre are Communi Desi Element for General Plan. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development op ortunities. Work with ro erty owners to tenant vacant buildin s on Village Pkwy. STRATEGY #3: .Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City 2. 2004-2005 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2008-2009 6. 2008-2009 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Work with Contra Costa Transportation Authority to develop a regional traffic model and seek concurrence from the TVTC for the adoption of the model for use in regional traffic lanning. (COMPLETE) Examine the feasibility of coordinating central communications for traffic signals in downtown Dublin. (COMPLETE) Participate in Tri-Valley Triangle Analysis to prioritize 1-580, 1-680 and route 84 transportation improvements. (COMPLETE) Utilize new CCT A traffic model to work with Livermore, Pleasanton, Alameda County and the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to examine configurations of streets parallel to 1-580 (i.e. Dublin Blvd./North Canyons Parkway, Stoneridge Drive/Jack London Blvd.) and make recommendations/advocacy. (COMPLETE) Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing agreement for the ultimate im rovement of the I-580/Fallon Road futerchan e. (UNDERWAY; TBD Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley Cities to develop a strategy to ursue ro.ect fundin in the re .on. ERWAY; Ju12008) -198- 7. V-B-2 (New) Work with the Congestion Management Agency on the Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. # G&O Ref # 1. 2005-2006 2. 2006-2007 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2007-2008 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. (COMPLETE) Work with LA VTA and BART to improve connectivity between the City Park-and-Ride Lot and the BART Station. (COMPLETE) Pre are lobal trans ortation Ian for City multi-modal). COMPLETE) Develop a City-wide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. (COMPLETE) # G&O Ref # 1. 2004-2005 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2008-2009 5. 2008-2009 6. II-A-2 7. II-A-5 8. II-D-2 9. V-B-l (New) 10. V-B-3 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Ado t a s ecific alignment of Fallon Road from 1-580 to Bent Tree Drive. COMPLETE Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dou he Road. (COMPLETE) Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the 1-580 Corridor that will minimize impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. (UNDERWAY; Au 2008) Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. ERWAY; Aug2008) Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Com lete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak RdlDublin Blvd. Examine signal timings throughout the City to improve intersection efficiency by coordinating signalized intersections along major arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety . As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension to Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. STRATEGY #4: Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. # 1. G&O Ref# III-A-13 2. III-A-14 3. III-A-15 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Wark with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open S ace Area. Upon completion ofland acquisition in the western hills, prepare an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. -199- # G&O Ref # 1. 2005-2006 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2007-2008 6. ll-A-2 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasant on to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE). Com lete GPA Study on the Trans ortation Corridor Right-of-wa . (COMPLETE Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. # 1. G&O Ref # 2005-2006 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) STRATEGY #5: Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. # 1. G&O Ref # ll-A-2 2. II-A-3 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. # G&O Ref# 1. 2004-2005 2. 2005-2006 3. 2005-2006 4. 2006-2007 5. ll-A-l 6. ll-A-8 (New) 7. II-A-9 8. II-E-5 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Develop a master plan & phasing plan for Sports Park on Gleason Drive & Fallon Road inc1udin evaluation ofBMX Track. (COMPLETE) Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Complete General Plan Amendment on Nielsen property. Com lete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and S ecific Plan Amendment. Work with pro erty owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses/users. -200- # G&O Ref# 1. 2004-2005 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2006-2007 7. 2007-2008 8. 2007-2008 9. 2007-2008 10. 2007-2008 11. II-B-l 12. II-B-2 13. II-B-3 ew) 14. II-B-4 15. II-B-5 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Undertake Housing Needs Assessment. (COMPLETE) Com lete Senior Housing roject. (COMPLETE) Work with cities in the Tri-Valley Area to develop and maintain affordable housing op ortunities, and ublicize and coordinate the region's housin needs. COMPLETE) Implement First Time Homeowner Program. (COMPLETE) Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council. (COMPLETE) Revise Density Bonus Ordinance. COMPLETE) Process five (5) first time homebuyer loans. (COMPLETE) Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing program. (COMPLETE) Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable housing program to assist with em loyee attraction and retention. (COMPLETE) Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code requirements. (COMPLETE) , Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an equitable manner. Process 15 first time homebuyer loans. Update Housing Element of the General Plan. Review effectiveness of the City's current Inc1usionary Zonin Ordinance. # G&O Ref # 1. II-A-3 2. II-A-5 3. II-B-l 4. II-E-l ew) 5. II-E-2 (New 6. II-E-6 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Pre are Community Desi Element of General Plan. Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new develo ment opportunities. Work with the owners of the Chevron roperty on new develo ment opportunities. Enhance resence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan area. # 1. 2. 3. G&O Ref # 2008-2009 . I-A-3 III-A-7 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Com lete 2008-2013 Multi- ear Financial Forecast. (UNDERWAY; Oct 2008) 1m lement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. Evaluate options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the 0 ening of the new Shannon Community Center. STRATEGY #6: Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural experiences in the region. # 1. G&O Ref# 2005-2006 2. 2006-2007 3. 2006-2007 PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will optimally highlight Dublin's history. (COMPLETE) Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd./Donlon property and implement Specific Plan, if re uired. (COMPLETE) Prepare an update to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. (COMPLETE) -201- 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2006-2007 7. 2007-2008 8. 2007-2008 9. III-B-3 10. III-B-4 Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park including DHP A land/cemetery feasibility stud. COMPLETE) Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. (COMPLETE) Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment grant for Dublin Historic Park roject. (COMPLETE Establish a Visitor Center at St. Raymond's Church. (COMPLETE) Assess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develop a plan for relocation of the properties as appro riate. (COMPLETE) Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. # 1. G&O Ref # 2007-2008 2. III-A-6 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation/Aquatic Center. (COMPLETE) Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. # G&O Ref # 1. 2005-2006 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2007-2008 5. II-A-2 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE Conduct research on various unique passive park/recreation facilities and identify preferred com onents and site re uirements. (COMPLETE Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique assive ark/recreation facility. (COMPLETE) Complete GP A Study on the Trans ortation Corridor Right-of-way. (COMPLETE) Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. -202- 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES On March 31, 2008, the City Council preliminarily adopted the following Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Those goals listed as a high priority are included in the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2006 Hih 2. 2006 High 3. 2007 High 4. 2007 High 5. 2008 Medium 6. 2007 Medium 7. 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct comprehensive u date to City's Municipal Code. . Develo com rehensive community-wide diversity Ian. Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Stud. Modify the City's Smoking Ordinance. Improve visibility of visual presentations in City Council Chambers for the City Council and members ofthe ublic. Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on both City projects and private development i.e., re- ualification, o.ect labor, a rentice ro ams, etc. . Investigate 0 ortunities and im lement solutions for pa erless Council Meetings. COUNCIL PRIORITY Hi h # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1. 2008 1m lement new financial accounting system. COUNCIL PRIORITY Hi h High Hi # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2003 2007 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE COUNCIL PRIORITY High Hih High # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2008 2008 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Produce a Citywide Newsletter. Consider an annual video newsletter on TV30 for community. Produce an online Citywide Calendar. COUNCIL PRIORITY Hi h High High # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2008 2008 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Buildin and Safety Contract Evaluation. Crossing Guards Contract Evaluation. Animal Services Contract Evaluation COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High I. 2004 Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. High 2. 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. High 3. 2006 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. High 4. 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Hih 5. 2002 Com lete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan. Hi h 6. 2008 Create Multi-Modal General Plan Circulation Ma . High 7. 2008 Partici ate in 2010 Census. High 8. 2008 Com lete General Plan Amendment on Nielsen roperty. Hi h 9. 2007 Com lete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and S ecific Plan Amendment. High 10. 2008 Briefings to the Planning Commission regarding proposed significant redevelopment, which would include site and/or land uses, within the Downtown Planning Area. Low II. 1996 U date City's General Plan. Low 12. 2007 Develop policy requiring play areas in walking distance of new homes in new subdivisions. COUNCIL PRIORITY High # 1. YEAR 2004 High 2. 2006 High Hih High 3. 4. 5. 2008 2007 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housin needs in an e uitable manner. Process 15 First Time Homebuyer Loans. U date Housin Element of the General Plan. Review effectiveness of the City's current fuclusionary Zoning Ordinance. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR Hi h I. 2006 High 2. 2008 Medium 3. 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1m lement real-time electronic field ins ection system. Enhance residential green building requirements to create a mandatory self- certification ro am as part of the ermittin rocess. Examine need for homeowner after hours inspection ogram. -204- COUNCIL PRIORITY High # 1. YEAR 2008 High 2. 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Develop and Implement an action plan and budget for the new Municipal Stormwater Permit (NPDES). Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak RdlDublin Blvd. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2008 High 2. 2008 High 3. 2003 High 4. 2007 Hi h 5. 2008 High 6. 2008 Hih 7. 2008 High 8. 2008 Medium 9. 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Work with the owners of National Food Lab on new development opportunities. Work with the owners of the Chevron ro e on new develo ment 0 ortunities. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify develo ment 0 ortunities. Work with ro erty owners in Santa Rita area to identify new office uses/users. Enhance presence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court S ecific Plan area. Work with ro erty owners to tenant vacant buildin s on Village Pkwy. Work with property owners at the Promenade to identify development o ortunities. Examine appropriate locations to permit automotive repair businesses within the Ci . COUNCIL PRIORITY High # 1. YEAR 2006 High 2. 2007 High 3. 2008 Hi h High High 4. 5. 6. 2008 2008 2008 High 7. 2008 High 8. 2008 Hi h High 9. 10. 2008 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct in-depth community needs assessment and opinion survey of Department programs and services, and develop a Strategic Plan for Department programs and servIces. Undertake development of design and construction documents for Fallon Sports Park, Phase I. Prepare for the opening of the Shannon Community Center and develop Facility Use Policy for community use of the building. Conduct and 0 enin event for the new Shannon Community Center. Conduct park dedication event for Piazza Sorrento and Devany Square. Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. Evaluate options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the opening of the new Shannon Community Center. Plan for new Summer Nature Day Camp program at the new Shannon Community Center Interpretive area (beginning summer 2009). Investi ate options for ex andin Senior Center food service rograms and hours. Expand use of the City website to promote Senior Center events, programs, and servIces. -205- High 11. 2008 Implement a volunteer carpool program to provide transportation to and from the Senior Center. Medium 12. 2004 Assess potential for ioint project/facility improvements at Dublin High School. Medium 13. 2004 Work With EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Medium 14. 2004 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Medium 15. 2004 Upon completion ofland acquisition in the western hills, complete an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. Medium 16. 2006 In cooperation with the DUSD, update the existing agreement regarding use of facilities between the City and DUSD. Medium 17. 2008 Continue to look for locations in City public facilities that will allow teens to gather in a welcoming environment. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2008 Facilitate the selection of public art as a condition of approval for two (2) Private Develo ment rojects. High 2. 2006 Facilitate inclusion of artworks in the Shannon Community Center Reconstruction ro . ect. High 3. 2007 Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. High 4. 2007 Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Pro am - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Herita e Center. High 5. 2008 Create a dedicated "website" for the Dublin Heritage Center. High 6. 2004 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project including; design, fabrication and installation of student art murals. High 7. 2004 Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. Hi h 8. 2008 Plan and coordinate a Holida Tea at the Herita e Center in December 2008. High 9. 2008 Create a "Virtual Tour" of Dublin's public art and the Heritage Center museum that can be viewed on the City website. High 10. 2008 Offer a "Vintage Film Series" event 4 times per year at the Dublin Heritage Center . Medium 11. 2004 Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project provided funding is available. Medium 12. 2008 Provide ublic s ace for the community to celebrate socio-cultural events. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2007 High 2. 2008 High 3. 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Implement a Citywide child/adult bicycle safety program. Work with property managers to develop crime prevention programs for multifamily pro erties. Conduct bi-monthly crime prevention community forums with topics e.g. ill Theft, Teen Driving Safety, Gang Awareness, etc. -206- Hih High 4. 5. 2008 2008 High 6. 2008 Hi h 7. 2008 Provide "Critical Incident Res onse Training" for Officers and DUSD ersonnel. Conduct two Child Safety Seat Events and participate in Click it or Ticket Enforcement Program. Develop "Parent Project" program in order to enhance parenting skills to decrease involvement of youth with the juvenile justice system; lower juvenile crime and recidivism; and improve police community relations. 1m lement a Social Host Ordinance. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE NO NEW OBJECTIVES PROPOSED FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2008 High 2. 2008 High 3. 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct four (4) open houses at Dublin's fire stations with emphasis on fire safety . Work with Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department to enhance training op ortunities. Develop an Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) program that encourages the business community to install AEDs throughout the community in locations where lar e numbers of eo Ie ather. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct Ci ide disaster exercise. Conduct six (6) Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP) training sessions for Dublin residents. Update the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, including a pet evacuation rotocol. Identify and provide all Dublin HOAs and Neighborhood Watch groups with disaster preparedness informational bulletins, and provide at least two (2) opportunities for Dublin residents to attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. 2008 Develop a template for preparation of emergency plans for facilities with vulnerable po ulations. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR Hi h 1. 2008 High 2. 2008 High 3. 2008 High 4. 2007 High 5. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2008 High 2. 2008 High 3. 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Adopt and implement a waste management/recycling plan for the City's large public venues and events, which consists of events that serve more than 2,000 individuals per day. Engage and analyze Dublin's jurisdictional partners' (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.) diversion efforts and recommend im rovements. Increase commercial organics recycling participation by 10 businesses. -207- COUNCIL PRIORITY High Hih # 1. 2. YEAR 2008 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Implement five (5) new community volunteer projects. Identify site for Maintenance Facility/Emergency erations Center (EOC . COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2008 Examine signal timings throughout the Cify to improve intersection efficiency by coordinating signalized intersections along major arterials and optimizing pedestrian safety. High 2. 2008 Work with the Congestion Management Agency on the Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed re ional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. High 3. 2004 As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. High 4. 2005 Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Nexus Study together with the other six 6) a encies in the TVTC. High 5. 2008 Study need for signalizing Brighton and Amador Valley Blvd. -208- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT The following table summarizes the City Council's 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives Program, including the status as of May 31,2008. Only those goals listed as a high priority were funded in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. As of May 31, 2008, a total of 54 out of 110 goals (49.1 %) have been completed or are nearly complete. With respect to high priority goals, a total of 48 out of91 (52.8%) have been completed or are nearly complete. There have been an additional eight (8) major assignments since July 1,2007. Four (4) ofthe 8 (50.0%) have been completed or are nearly complete. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLlSIDNG GOAL 1. High 2006 Conduct comprehensive update to City's Municipal Code. 2. High 2006 Develop comprehensive community-wide diversity Ian. 3. High 2007 Work with the Dublin Unified School District and Dublin Partners in Education to develop a Local Government Career Day. 4. High 2007 Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. 5. High 2006 Develop Technology Master Plan for City of Dublin Organization. 6. Medium 1996 Develop City Comprehensive Telecommunications Policy. 7. Medium 2007 Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on both City projects and private development (i.e., pre- qualification, project labor, a rentice ro ams, etc.). ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) 8. 2007 Modify the City's Smoking Ordinance. 9. 2007 Work with the International , Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) to perform a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the City of Dublin. -209- ESTIMATED START/ COMPLETION Aug 2006 Jun 2009 STATUS UNDERWAY; Twenty-one (21) Ordinances complete to date. Jul 2006 Aug 2008 UNDERWAY; (See G&O III.A.3). Sep 2007 TBD UNDERWAY; School district selecting appropriate staffto work with the City. Sep 2006 Sep 2010 UNDERWAY; Construction Documents to be complete in Sep 2010; Construction deferred to FY 2012-2013. COMPLETE TBD TBD TBD TBD NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS Dec 2007 Sep 2008 Dec 2007 Sep 2008 UNDERWAY , UNDERWAY; Staff engaged in data collection process. 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2005 Evaluate the need to replace COMPLETE the City's accounting system. 2. High 2007 Replace financial accounting Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; Eleven (11) Firms system. TBD responded to RFP; Three (3) Vendors will provide Staff with demonstrations in May/Jun 2008; "Reference checking and contract negotiation will follow with a recommendation to City Council in Sep 2008. 3. High 2007 Complete 2008-2013 financial Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant nearing forecast. Oct 2008 completion of computer model with historical data; Staff developing format for collection of De artment estimates. # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2003 Participate in Tri-Valley Jul2003 Vision Project. Jun 2008 STATUS 2. High 2007 Report on Post Office Expansion and/or new Post Office. 3. High 2007 Evaluate benefits ofTri- Apr 2008 Valley Transportation Council Jul 2008 artici ation. UNDERWAY; Staff continues to work with the Tri-Valley Business Council on the Preserving Prosperity Project as well as other issues of regional significance. COMPLETE NEARLY COMPLETE; Pending completion of the TVTC regional traffic im act fee nexus stud . ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) 4. 2007 Manage the Management and Financial Audits ofTV30 for the Tri-Valley. COMPLETE # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2005 Plan and implement 25 Year COMPLETE of Cityhood Celebration. 2. High 2007 Produce a Citywide COMPLETE newsletter. -210- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 3. High 2007 Keep School District Administrators and Principals informed of City news (i.e., Annual Newsletter, Housing Newsletter, etc.). Sep 2007 TBD UNDERWAY; Contact has been made with the Dublin Unified Superintendent's Office on the distribution and preferred method of delivery of the information. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Crossing Guards Contract COMPLETE Evaluation. 2. High 2007 Building and Safety Contract COMPLETE Evaluation. 3. High 2007 Alameda County Signal COMPLETE Maintenance Contract Evaluation. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED. OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2004 Implement residential planned Dec 2002 UNDERWAY; Camilla Place and development and investigate TBD Village Green Complete; Elan and opportunities to create a new Avalon Bay under construction; village in Eastern Dublin Metropolitan in plan check; Site C, Transit Center. Avalon Bay, Sites A-I and A3, Hanover Company in preliminary reVIew. 2. High 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Jan 2008 UNDERWAY; Industry Day was held Forces Training Area (Camp TBD Jan 10,2008; Proposal period closed Parks) General Plan and on April 30, 2008; Army is reviewing S ecific Plan Amendments. proposals. 3. High 2006 Prepare Community Design Aug 2006 UNDERWAY; Drafting of Element in Element of General Plan. Aug 2008 rogress. 4. High 2006 Update Downtown, West Dec 2006 UNDERWAY; Online survey Dublin BART and San Ramon Feb 2009 completed; Community immersion Specific Plans into one process completed; Background comprehensive Plan that research nearly complete; Additional addresses the entire Stakeholder meetings being scheduled. Downtown Area. 5. High 2003 Complete general plan TBD NO PROGRESS; No application amendment on DiManto TBD submitted. Property . 6. High 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Sep 2006 COMPLETE (Phase I); Phase n will Specific Plan. TBD not be initiated until Camp Parks GP A is com lete. -211- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 7. High 2007 Increase Zoning Code COMPLETE Enforcement to ensure better maintenance and compliance with conditions of approval for commercial and industrial areas. 8. High 2007 Examine SDR Section of the Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Second PC study Zoning Ordinance to Jun 2008 session held in May 2008; PC public determine if changes should hearing scheduled for June 10,2008. be made that will increase its effectiveness. 9. High 2003 Complete GP A Study on the COMPLETE Transportation Corridor Right-of-Way. 10. Low 1996 Update City's General Plan. TBD NO PROGRESS; Not funded. TBD 11. Low 2007 Develop policy requiring play TBD NO PROGRESS areas in walking distance of TBD new homes in new subdivisions. ADDITIONAL OBJECTNES (pLANNING) 12. 2006 Update Historic Village Area COMPLETE Specific Plan by adding properties to the Specific Plan area. 13. 2007 Create new Medium Density Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Joint Study Session Designations for specific Oct 2008 scheduled for August 2008 properties in the EDSP 14. 2007 Create new Superstore COMPLETE Ordinance # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2004 Complete evaluation of the Jul 2004- UNDERWAY; Exclusive Right to potential Oct 2008 Negotiate approved by City Council; renovation/redevelopment of Deposition and Development the Arroyo Vista Housing site. Agreement approved in Ju12007; HUD application submitted; Project environmental work underway. 2. High 2006 Work with ABAG to ensure Jun 2006 UNDERWAY; Draft methodology that the Regional Housing Jul 2008 adopted by ABAG; Final numbers to Needs Allocation process be released in May; HCD to make addresses City of Dublin determination in Jul 2008. housing needs in an equitable manner. 3. High 2007 Process five (5) First Time COMPLETE Homebuyer Loans. 4. High 2007 Update Housing Element of Aug 2007 UNDERWAY; Joint Planning the General Plan. Jun 2009 Commission/Housing Committee meeting held on May 13, 2008. -212- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 5. High 2007 Hold two (2) community COMPLETE meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing program. 6. High 2007 Educate the City's large COMPLETE employers on the City's affordable housing program. 7. Medium 2007 Work with the Tn-Valley COMPLETE Housing Opportunity Center to determine how the Center can complement the services provided by the City. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISIDNG START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2004 Prepare Universal Design COMPLETE Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code Requirements. 2. High 2006 Conduct study to determine COMPLETE amount of construction taking place without building permits to determine if an enhanced building permit compliance program is needed. 3. High 2006 Implement real-time electronic Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; Three (3) vendors will field inspection system. TBD provide Staff with demonstrations in May/Jun 2008; Reference checking and contract negotiation will follow with a recommendation to City Council in Se 2008. 4. High 2007 Adopt the 2007 California COMPLETE Buildin Codes. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Prepare an alignment for TBD NO PROGRESS Central Parkway from Fallon TBD Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. -213- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2006 Work with Dublin Honda on COMPLETE development options for Amador Plaza site. 2. High 2003 Work with Dublin Place Jul 2003 UNDERWAY; Three (3) tenants in Shopping Center to facilitate Jun 2008 new shopping area (panera Bread, new improvements to the Chipotle, and Performance Bikes); Center. Elephant Bar anticipates Jun 2008 o enmg. 3. High 2007 Develop new Economic Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant selected in Development marketing Jun 2008 Dec 2007 with brochure expected to be materials. completed by Jun 2008. 4. High 2007 Work with property owners in Jul 2007 UNDERWAY West Dublin BART Specific Jun 2009 Plan area to identify develo ment 0 ortunities. 5. High 2007 Work to find a full-service COMPLETE hotel. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISIDNG START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2006 Conduct in-depth community Sep 2006 UNDERWAY; Mail-in survey needs assessment and opinion Aug 2008 comple~ed; Focus Groups and Online survey of Department survey completed in June 2008; programs and services, and Strategic Plan to be completed in Aug develop a Strategic Plan for 2008. Department programs and semces. 2. High 2007 Re-evaluate the Facilities COMPLETE Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation/A uatic Center. 3. High 2007 Undertake development of Oct 2007 UNDERWAY; City Council approved design and construction Dec 2008 design Mar 2008; Construction documents for Fallon Sports documents are currently being Park, Phase I. prepared. 4. High 2007 Expand operational hours, COMPLETE programs, and marketing of activities at the Dublin Senior Center. -214- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 5. High 2007 Expand the Day on the Glen COMPLETE Festival to include an evening concert, fireworks show and City birthday party. 6. High 2007 Expand Outdoor Movie Night COMPLETE events. 7. High 2007 Improve identification of Jan 2008 UNDERWAY; Council approved in Dublin Senior Center. Jun 2008 May; Installation during Jun 2008. 8. High 2007 Expand sporting events for COMPLETE youth and teens. 9. High 2004 Assess potential for joint Ongoing UNDERWAY; Analysis of joint project/facility improvements TBD project at Dublin Swim Center at Dublin High School. complete; No other projects identified at this time. 10. High 2006 Explore the feasibility of COMPLETE establishing a Police Activities League (pAL) program in partnership with Dublin Police Services. If feasible, establish PAL non-profit organization and Board of Directors. 11. High 2007 Report on feasibility of COMPLETE artificial turf fields at the Fallon Sports Park. 12. Medium 2004 Work with EBRPD to Dec 2002 UNDERWAY; EBRPD has made complete negotiations for land TBD contact with Milestone Land acquisition in the western hills Development Company to ascertain for an Open Space Area. interest. 13. Medium 2004 Identify and secure sources of Jul 2004 UNDERWAY; Altamont Open Space funding for land acquisition in TBD funding is available. the western hills for an Open Space Area. 14. Medium 2004 Upon completion of land TBD NO PROGRESS acquisition in the western hills, TBD complete an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. 15. 2006 In cooperation with the Oct 2006 UNDER WAY; Procedures for Use of DUSD, update the existing TBD School Facilities updated; Update to agreement regarding use of Agreement to begin in Jun 2008. facilities between the City and DUSD. -215- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Facilitate the selection of Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; San Ramon Village public art for three (3) Private Sep 2008 Plaza complete; Tralee proposal to Development projects. HCAC in Jun 2008 and Council in Jul 2008; Preliminary meeting with Grafton Station. 2. High 2006 Facilitate inclusion of artworks Jul 2006 UNDERWAY; Artist Agreements in the Shannon Community Dec 2008 approved by City Council; Artwork Center Reconstruction roject. fabrication underway. 3. High 2007 Upon acquisition of the Dublin Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Demolition project out Square Shopping Center, Sep 2008 to bid; Construction documents for undertake development of Phase I in progress. design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. 4. High 2007 Implement a self study and Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; Application for MAP peer review for the Phase II Dec 2008 Phase II submitted Feb 2007; Museum Assessment Program Application denied Jun 2007 - - Public Dimension resubmitted application Dec 2007. Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. 5. High 2007 Enhance, organize and COMPLETE document the collections of the Dublin Herita e Center. 6. High 2007 Establish a Visitor Center at COMPLETE St. Raymond's Church. 7. High 2007 Work with the Dublin Fine COMPLETE Arts Foundation on the Art Takes Place project. 8. High 2004 Work with the developer to Jul 2004 UNDERWAY; Recruitment of Art locate significant works of art Sep 2009 Consultant in progress. in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. 9. High 2007 Offer monthly historical and COMPLETE cultural family workshops at the Dublin Heritage Center. 10. High 2007 Explore opportunity to COMPLETE develop Poet Laurea,te. 11. High 2007 Explore opportunity to COMPLETE develop Historian for the City. 12. Medium 2007 Assess the condition of the COMPLETE Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develop a plan for relocation of the pro erties if appropriate. -216- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 13. Medium 2004 Work with BART to Jul 2004 UNDERWAY; Design will include incorporate high quality TBD area for Public Art; Developer has no artwork as part of the West funding available to include Public Art Dublin BART Station Project. in project. 14. Medium 2004 Implement Phase II of the Jul 2006 UNDERWAY; Student artist Downtown Public Art/Bus Jun 2009 recruitment underway. Shelter Project. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Expand Investigative Unit to COMPLETE identify with at-risk youth. 2. High 2007 Implement a Citywide Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Working with Public child/adult bicycle safety Jun 2008 Works and Parks and Community program. Services on the implementation of a one-day bicycle safety program as part of the Family Sports Fest scheduled for May 4, 2008. 3. High 2007 Present a series of crime COMPLETE prevention seminars for senior citizens. 4. High 2007 Implement program targeting Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Planning town hall underage drinking and Sep 2008 forum for fall 2008. illegal/pharmaceutical drug use. 5. High 2004 Develop a teen driver COMPLETE safety/education ro am. 6. High 2006 Formalize volunteer program COMPLETE to enhance community/police interaction and to support olice 0 erations. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL No Objectives for FY 2006- 2007. ESTIMATED STATUS STARTI COMPLETION -217- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Conduct open houses at each COMPLETE fire station with emphasis on self preparedness for disasters. 2. High 2005 Implement the Auto-Pulse COMPLETE Resuscitation System and present data and recommendations on the effectiveness of the system. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION' 1. High 2007 Conduct Citywide disaster COMPLETE exerCIse. 2. High 2007 Integrate and implement, to COMPLETE the extent appropriate, FY 2007 National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements into the City's emergency management rograms and ractices. 3. High 2007 Identify and provide all Dublin Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Personal preparedness HaAs and Neighborhood Jun 2009 courses have been offered at DUSD, Watch groups with disaster City Of Dublin, Dublin Rotary and preparedness informational Dublin Senior Center; A full CERT bulletins, and provide at least course is planned in anticipation of a two (2) opportunities for host organization (DUSD or Rotary). Dublin residents to attend Community Emergency Response Team training (CERT) sessions. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START! GOAL COMPLETION 1. High 2007 Increase commercial organics Jul 2007 UNDERWAY recycling participation by 10 Jun 2009 businesses. 2. High 2007 Process annual rate Jan 2008 NEARLY COMPLETE adjustment. Jun 2008 -218- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 3. High 2007 Undertake and complete Jul 2007 NEARLY COMPLETE; Diversion Citywide diversion study and Jun 2008 rate data submitted to the State Mar submit data to the California 2008; City Diversion Rate calculated Integrated Waste Management to be 56%. Board (CIWMB) for diversion rate, base-year data modification. 4. High 2006 Conduct audit of exclusive and COMPLETE non-exclusive solid waste franchisees to ensure accurate diversion reporting and remittance of franchise fees. 5. High 2006 Install recycled water at Civic COMPLETE Center. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) 6. 2007 Work with A VI to develop an Jun 2007 NEARLY COMPLETE incentive payment program for Jun 2008 Dublin's commercial recycling program. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISffiNG START/ GOAL COMPLETION l. High 2007 Implement five (5) new COMPLETE community volunteer projects. 2. High 2007 Identify site for Maintenance Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Potential interim sites Facility/Emergency TBD identified. o erations Center (EOC). 3. High 2006 Complete Building Jul 2006 NEARLY COMPLETE; Scheduled for Mana ement Study. Jul 2008 City Council Jul 2008. 4. High 2007 Conduct assessment of the Sep 2007 UNDERWAY storm drain system and Jun 2012 develop an appropriate replacement schedule. # COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING START/ GOAL COMPLETION l. High 2004 As part of the GP A for Parks TBD NO PROGRESS; See G&O II.A.2. RFT A, evaluate alternatives TBD for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. -219- 2007-2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES FINAL REPORT 2. High 2007 Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Aug 2007 UNDERWAY Study, work with the Tri- Jul 2008 Valley Cities to develop a strategy to pursue project funding in the region. 3. High 2007 Work with the region's Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Review of Congestion transportation partners to Aug 2008 Management Agency's Project Study develop projects for the 1-580 Report (PSR) will be complete by Corridor that will minimize summer 2008. impacts to the Civic Center . Complex and businesses. 4. High 2007 Develop a phased plan to Dec 2007 UNDERWAY expand the Traffic Aug 2008 Management System to . include all arterials. 5. High 2004 Update Tri- Valley Jul 2005 NEARLY COMPLETE Transportation Development Jul 2008 Fee Nexus Study together with the other (6) six agencies in the TVTC. 6. High 2002 Work with Pleasanton and Sep 2005 UNDERWAY; Agreement complete. Livermore to develop a cost TBD sharing agreement for the ultimate improvement of the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange. 7. High 2004 Develop a Citywide Bicycle COMPLETE Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. -220-