HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.3 RejectBidsReadvertise CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: January 14, 1991 SUBJECT: Contract No. 90-10 - Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification - Rejection of Bids Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution Rejecting All Bids 2) Summary of Bids ~_ Letter from Richard Sawdon (luU' Adopt Resolution Rejecting All Bids and authorize \ Staff to modify the scope of the project and re- advertise the project for bid. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Low Bid Received: $17,480 Engineer's Estimate: $13,280 Budge t : Design Inspection Construction: $ 2,500 1,000 12,500 $16,000 DESCRIPTION: At its meeting of October 29, 1990, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 90-10 Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification. In Fiscal Year 1989-90, a survey of the location of pedestrian signal push buttons was undertaken at the City Council's direction. Those able to be rectified by simply moving the button lower on the signal poles were retrofitted through the City's maintenance contract with Alameda County. The remainder, which includes new or relocated stand-alone pushbuttons or the removal of curbs, are included in this project. These improvements would provide handicap access to all the City's traffic signal system pushbuttons. The City received a total of 4 bids (see attached bid summary) for this project. The low bidder was Richard Sawdon with a bid of $17,480. Mr. Sawdon has stated that he made an error in calculating his bid and has requested to withdraw the bid and bid bond. Staff has reviewed Mr. Sawdon's submittal and feels Mr. Sawdon did make a substantial mathematical error and that the request is justifiable. The second low bidder is Community Electric with a bid of $23,360, which is 76% above the engineer's estimate. The two lowest bids indicate a very high unit price ($17.00 and $34.00 per square foot respectively) on Bid Item No.4, which consists of pouring two concrete pads to allow wheelchair-bound persons to access the pushbuttons at the Amador Valley Boulevard/Stagecoach Road intersection. It is assumed that the unit price is high because this is essentially an electrical contract and the amount of concrete work is minimal. If this item were eliminated, the bid price would still be somewhat over the construction budget but would be much closer. The concrete work could be included with the annual sidewalk repair program, for which the bids for concrete sidewalk typically come in at about $4.50 per square foot. The annual sidewalk repair project is anticipated to go to bid at the end of January, 1991. Staff recommends that the City Council reject all of the bids and authorize Staff to re-bid the Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification project, eliminating the concrete pad item from the specification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM NO. 4.; COPIES TO: Bidders J?Jv hoo-:3e RESOLUTION NO. 01-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR CONTRACT 90-10 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HANDICAP MODIFICATION WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on November 29, 1990, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract 90-10 Pedestrian Signal Handicap Modification authorized by the City Council on October 29, 1990, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, the bids received are in excess of funds budgeted for construction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby reject all bids and authorize Staff to re-advertise the project. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 14th day of January, 1991. AYES: Councilmembers Burton, Howard, Jeffery, Moffatt, and Mayor Snyder NOES: None ABSENT: None ~~~.- Mayor ATTEST: ..-f~ .~~ ~ 'It - c' (1/2 2: y -cl ~k 00 ~t300 ......1-10'\0 00:::("10 ......o...O\co '" ~ o U '" >0 00 00 E:iHt300 ~"; ,,"H>-IO'IO 00'\ E-<ZO:::MD 0 U'l~o...(J"\...;:t .r'I 00 H~OO .,;u E-IHOO Ot:r:::OO Ho...OO U H '" 1-< U "' >-' "' >< 1-< H Z ~~ OZ UO 00 ",00 U HOO ",0"" o.0~ N 00 H~OO .,;u HHOD 00:::00 ZE-lo...ON o ~ '" " ~ 00 U......t300 HHHOO C:::ZO:::OD ~o...O..o N 00 t>::lHCilOO 1-<.,;U ~t:::;1gg HE-Io..o.nN 1-< '" ~~ "' '" "' "' Cil 00 Z CilOO ZHE-!U 00>-11-100 HZZO::;OO HCil:=>o...CIi..o .,; U H "' H " o >: 0. .,; U H " ~ ~ '-' H '" ><~N 1-< ~ '=' 1-<'" H<t(J')<t Ze..'lHW 0>: 00 ~~ 00 000 ""N ON ~ o o '" ~ "" o '" 00 UHi::.lOO H""U O:::E-<HOO E-IOO:::ND UHP-<:::OO "' >-' "-00 "' ~ '" H U Z -< 00 00 0::: WOO OW; ",1-<U ....,HOO aeo E-IZO::NO 0_ Ctl:=>o..co,,", 00 00 00 00 0"- "'.,- ;:::.,- .,-~ >O.......N r--O 1-< ~ .,- '=' N 1-<'" H<U'l< -<tt:.. 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Box 350 Diablo, CA 9-1528 12-3-90 Cit~- Of Dublin 100 Civic Drive Dublin, CA 9-1568 RE: Handicapped Si~nal Modification Bid 11-29-90 To Whom It May Concern: This is to advise you that after careful review of my bid for the above project I have discovered a significant mathematical error in my calculations. Because of this I am hereby requesting that my bid and bidders bond be withdrawn for this project. Sincerely) J1G 0: ~- </.e.~/~ Richard Sm,-don n____ . .--.-...---------.- v '" r s/ fJ[J)~ ~ tJ/J75, ~/v47 !? 'P !"" "": ~ 1" - ~ ... .... ~ .CoO :.; .: ~ ':.; " '." - -..' 'j ;:,::-:.) llr- c c( iJ:<.;;C/J ~.-l3 ;2f'" ,-, ,.....- . ,-.... -:-, ~. './~':P:..C3 Lc CcCC_n__ ~_ /l-~_Y: P {~._m.. .--=",. &~,~__~2JS:' n .___,...___m.__ d ,J-y= r c.:, -J;<:' iJ.-:- .__l_________n_. _______ _ -____.__~___._____.. -, ~ - _ r::r- 7l><~ S'L''- I~ ~ ('1;~--- ~A -.------.--fi2~ ~- u - - un ?7-'I~" ,,\?} - kI17~-r- ~ '-;~. -.--.-'--- - -----. ._.--. . 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