HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 07-02-2002 Draft CC Min REGULAR MEETING - July 2,2002 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: L Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - Name of Case: Livermore Area Recreation & Park District v. Local Agency Formation Commission of Alameda County, Alameda County Superior Court No. 2002055268 2. Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation- Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - Name of Case: Goodland Landscape Construction, Inc. v. The City of Dublin, Alameda County Superior Court No. 2002042262 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, July 2, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz, Sbranti, Zika and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Lockhart led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart annoUnced that there was no reportable action. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 2 I REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 318 APPOINTMENT OF STUDENT MEMBER TO PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION 7:06 p.m. 3.1 (110-30) Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart advised that the term of the current student member on the Parks & Community Services Commission expired on June 30, 2002. Mayor Lockhart has appointed Marisa Young to the Commission. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Marisa Young to the Parks & Community Services Commission to a term which expires in June 2003. PROCLAMATION 7:07 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamation recognizing July as Parks and Recreation Month and urged all Dublin residents to enjoy and recognize the social, physical, mental, economic, environmental and community benefits derived from the programs, services and facilities offered by the Parks & Community Services Department, which provides something of value to everyone. The Proclamation was presented to Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES 7:10 p.m. 3.3 (700-10) Administrative Services Director Carole Perry introduced Rebecca Roberts, the Finance Department's new Office Assistant I. Ms. Roberts stated she is so impressed with Dublin and is proud and honored to be a part of the team. Captain Gary Thuman introduced Carol Pyle, new Office Assistant I in Police Services. Ms. Pyle stated she is very honored and happy to be here. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 319 Bryan Liebk, 6994 Village Parkway, Architect stated in looking at the planning of Scarlett Drive, he wondered if a U. S. Postal Center and other adjacent uses, rather than just a drop off point, had been considered. Tony Casadonte, Oak Bluff Lane, representing Dublin Ranch Homeowners Association stated he was taking the opportunity to introduce himself to the Council. They thought the newest park would be a crown jewel and gathering place, but they have had a number of issues which need to be resolved, dealing with maintenance and other issues. Cm. Oravetz questioned if he was speaking about Ted Fairfield Park. Mr. Casadonte replied yes. Mayor Lockhart suggested he meet and talk with Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart related to specific issues at the park. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:17 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.12 Cm. McCormick pulled Item 4.4. Mayor Lockhart pulled Items 4.5, 4.9 and 4.11. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 18, 2002; Adopted (4.2 $50-40) RESOLUTION NO. 115- 02 DECLARING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Authorized (4.3 540~70/600~$0) Staff to distribute Construction Documents to the Developer (DR Acquisitions, LLC) for Bid for Fire Station 18; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 320 Adopted (4.6 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 116- 02 REJECTING THE BID FOR THE SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER DOOR REPLACEMENT PROJECT (CONTRACT 02-06) AND DIRECTING STAFF TO RE-ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR BIDS Approved (4.7 600-30) Agreement with the Tri-Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau (funding of $63,807) and authorized the City Manager to execute the Agreement; Received (4.8 330-50) Financial Reports for the Month of May 2002; Approved (4.10 600-35) Budget Change of $6,230; accepted improvements under Contract 01 ~ 15 (Village parkway U-Turn Lane at Davona Drive); and authorized the release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims; Approved (4.12 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,614,431.35. Cm. McCormick pulled Item 4.4 related to the Library furniture and asked if we are loo~'n$ at furniture that has recycled materials in it. Parks & Facilities Development Manaser Herma Zichtenstein stated the specifications for the furniture were developed last year and she did not believe it has recycled materials as it is wood She stated she will have to check into the office furniture as some of this could be. She said she will have to do some research into this. This could up the price. Office furniture will be comin$ back to the City Council next month. Cm. Sbrand asked if we ha vea formal policy in terms of recycled materials. Mayor Lockhart replied she did not believe we have a formal policy. Cm. Zika pointed out this is not on the agenda for aEscussion. We have to balance this with cost. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 321 Cm. McCormick clarified she would like recycled materials to be consideredjus! if i! is possible and available. Mr. Ambrose advised that we have a recycling materials policy regarding office supplies and office products as pa~ of our Purchasing Orch'nance. Cm. Sbranti stated this would not be in every circumstance. Mayor fockhart pulled Item 4.$ related to the EPS contract amendment and asked about the timing of the project. Do we have an overall timeline in worlu'ng with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD). Communi~v Development Director Eddie Peabody stated we hope to have an agreement by sometime in October of this year. Mayor Lockha~ referenced Optional Task 5: Public Outreach and noted the word "optional" was used in reference to public meetings. She questioned if this is something we plan on doing? Mr. Peabody stated we plan to see what comes out of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOt]) and if it needs to be discussed with the Planning Commission~ there is an element that allows us to do this. It is for sure we want to come back and talk with the City Council regarding their views about this. Mayor Lockha~ stated this whole process has been such a public process she felt this is an importantpa~ of the process. WeYe met with the residents and landowners and she doesn't want to get to this point and leave these groups out when we are negotiating with EBRPD. Su~ested that we do have this and also have sub-committee of Couneilmembers as we did in the discussions with the Urban Limit Line and growth boundary. She felt this helped in the eommuni~ Have public meetings and City Council sub-committee. Mr. Ambrose clarified that the referenced scope of work is prior work that has already been completed. We are extending the EPS contract and he pointed out where the new work product began. This pa~icular focus relates to worla'ng on developing prelinu'nary cost estimates and framework for partnership between the Oistrict and the City regarding acquisition of parcels. This is really roger the two agencies together to have CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME £ 1 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 322 both on the same page. A public hearing would be a par~ of this after the MOUis worked out. This is the next step. Mayor Lockha~ clarified that everyone would not have their fingers in the pot while we are negotiatin~ but the community would be kept involved at the appropriate times. Mr. Ambrose advised that we would continue to have liaison meetings with EBRFD and make a presentation to the District. The liaison committee can be a sounding board. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.5 600~$0) RESOLUTION NO. 117 - 02 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH ECONOMIC & PLANNING SYSTEMS (EPS) TO ASSIST IN THE PREPARATION OF A DUBLIN HILLS REGIONAL PARK AGREEMENT WITH THE EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Mayor Lockhartpulled Item 4. P related to the Dublin Boulevard Widening. She stated south of Dublin Boulevard, there is a path that goes off toward the BARTstation. Who~s trail is this, and why is there a gate in the middle of it? Mr. Thompson stated it is the Iron Horse Trail. He noted the same gate was put up on Dousherty Road, too. They will have to take it down and put the right one up. He stated he did not think the County has accepted this yet. Mayor Lockhart requested that we see if there is another option to gates such as bollards. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved (4.9 600-$5) Contract Change Order No's. 11 and 12 for Contract 00-16, Dublin Boulevard Widening, Dougherty Road to Scarlett Drive; approved a Budget Change; accepted improvements; and authorized the release of retention after $ 5 days if there are no subcontractor claims. Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4.11 regarding Consultant Senu'ces for Construch'on Management for Fire Stations 17 and 18. She asked for a brief explanation of why the services for the two stations are different and why the management contract is different between the two. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 323 A4s. Lichtenstein explained that Stab'on 17 is a City built station and we will go through additional review with cost estimate before going to bid. Station 18 is a developer built station and it is on a fast track and to be built by nextJuly. Station 17 ~qll have full time presence of construed'on manager reposing to City on a daily basis. On Station 15, the developer has their own conslruction manager and ours will provide liaison and daily site visit. We can learn from Station 15 and apply what we've learned to Station 17. A4r. Ambrose stated if the developer doesn't have the station operational, they cannot proceed with golf course and homes around the golf course to meet their Conditions of Approval. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. McCormick, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.11 ~300-$0) RESOLUTION NO. 118 - 02 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ZAHN GROUP FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE DUBLIN FIRE STATION PROJECTS #17 AND #18 PUBLIC HEARING APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR DUBLIN RANCH WEST SIDE STORM DRAIN BENEHT DISTRICT AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE CREATING DISTRICT 7:35 p.m. 6.1 ($60-40) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Senior Civil Engineer Kevin VanKatwyk presented the Staff Report and advised that this Ordinance would establish a Storm Drain Benefit District generally including the Dublin Land Company property east of Tassajara Road and a portion of the Dublin Ranch property between the Dublin Land Company property and a line approximately halfway between Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. There will be no cost to the City for operation of the District. The owners and developers of property within the District will construct required storm drain facilities and will be reimbursed for the costs of construction through reimbursement charges collected by the City from other property owners who benefit from the facilities. The City will also recover its costs of administering the reimbursement program through the reimbursement charges. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 324 The proposed Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Benefit District consists of approximately 30 parcels bordered by the DiManto Properties on Tassajara road on the west, I~ 580 on the south, Keegan Street on the east, and the northern boundary of Dublin Ranch Area F on the north. Three of the 30 parcels are owned by Dublin Land Company, and all of the remaining parcels are owned by the Lins. The total cost of improvements is $1,021,477.81. Mr. VanKatwyk advised that a notice of the establishment of the District will be recorded against each property in the District. Cm. Zika clarified that both parties have agreed to pay for this. Mr. VanKatwyk stated he met with Mr. DiManto's engineer who agreed that it is fair and to go forward. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Sbranti, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an Ordinance making findings, adopting a local drainage plan, and creating the Dublin Ranch West Side Storm Drain Benefit District, a local benefit district to levy and collect charges, as a condition of development, to reimburse developers who construct and install drainage facilities that benefit properties other than their own. INITIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN (Gl>) AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (SPA) STUDY FOR THE AREA F NORTH PORTION OF DUBLIN RANCH PA 01-037 7:41 p.m. 7.1 (420-30) Associate Planner Kristi Bascom presented the Staff Report and advised that James Tong, on behalf of the Lin family, has submitted an application for the development of 87 acres of property located in Dublin Ranch, south of Dublin Ranch Phase I, north of Gleason Drive, east of Tassajara Road and west of Fallon Road. This property is known as the Area F North portion of Dublin Ranch. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 325 The original Stage 1 Planned Development application for this area was approved by the City Council on March 21, 2000. The land uses for the Area F North neighborhood included a combination of medium density residential, single-family residential, Public Facilities (High School) and Public Facilities (Middle School). After the School District indicated that they would not need a high school site in the area, but rather a middle school site requiring less land area, the applicant proposed to use the remaining public facilities property for single-family residential uses. The residential subdivisions for Area F North as proposed formed two single-family neighborhoods: Neighborhood FI, the western-most portion of the property south of the proposed school site, and Neighborhood F2, the eastern-most portion of the property between Devaney Drive and Fallon Road. Ms. Bascom advised that on May 30, 2002, the applicant requested to revise their application to consider the eastern-most portion of the site only and requested to remove the public facilities-designated portion from consideration. In order to accommodate the land use change requested in the revised application, a GP and SPA is required: a change in designation from Medium Density Residential to Single-Family Residential on 9.9 acres in Area F North (Neighborhood F2). · Ms. Bascom requested that at this point, the City Council determine whether a GP and SPA Study should be authorized for the applicant's revised proposal. Mayor Lockhart stated she was concerned in that if we make the change in F2, the question of how much is public space and how much is other, is still outstanding. Ms. Bascom stated the land use designation for all 50 acres would stay with high school and middle school designation. Mayor Lockhart asked if they will still have a chance to talk about the FI site? Mr. Ambrose stated direction was to look at all potential public facilities sites. We will look at this one as well as other sites. Cm. Sbranti clarified that a change in F2 doesn't do anything to FI. Mr. Ambrose stated it takes F2 off the table in terms of public facilities. The Council indicated it was more interested in F1 and there are opportunities there. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 326 Cm. Zika stated he thought there was no consideration of public facilities on F2. Mr. Ambrose clarified that they would just be authorizing a study. Cm. Zika talked about the sports park that the Council had previously discussed. Mr. Ambrose stated this ultimately has to be worked out with Dublin Ranch. This site could come back into play should the Council so direct. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt they can still come back and talk about this. Cm. Sbranti questioned the reason for the change in density. Martin Inderbitzen, representing Dublin Ranch, reported that a number of things had happened since he sent the letter. Kristi did a good job of outlining the major issues. They have been in discussions for more than a year as part of an ongoing discussion with DUSD for site for middle and high school. They've had a lot of discussions with Staff regarding specific site plans and circulation issues, etc. This was really kind of a formality in coming before the Council. They would appreciate direction given to Staff to authorize the GPA study. He displayed slides showing the property as currently designated. When they began processing Dublin Ranch in the early 80's, they did not own all the property. The site previously designated high school was redesignated middle school. Technically, this is not designated public-semi public but designated high school and middle school In other parts of the City we have designations where schools can be, but this property is somewhat different. They looked at overall traffic patterns on the major collector streets. After submitting the letter on May 30t~, he had discussions with the School District. They were counting on them co-developing the sites as part of a comprehensive plan so they could take advantage of this cost savings. It occurred to him that to address the middle school utilization, compatibility around it and respond to Council's concerns, the F1 piece really ought to be in the mix. The middle school site becomes a critical piece in the overall mix. He apologized for catching Staff by surprise, but asked if City Council would consider looking at the overall site. The 9.9 acre site, they would continue to pursue as low density site. It better relates to the already built Dublin Ranch site. Once the middle school gets carved out, it makes sense to look at public semi-public site on western/southern edge. A small part of Dublin Ranch property is also designated as high school If this recommendation were to be accepted, we would have about a 7-acre site for public semi-public uses. They could then work with Staff on the residential component on the remaining property. A couple of alternatives were discussed. The potential for residential components would change by adding the 9.9 acres and would bring up to 130 units. Medium density gives more flexibility. The public semi-public component would be 5.6 acres and the open space remains the same at 3.7 acres. Maps were distributed. If this is satisfactory, they would CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 327 work with Staff to revise their request. Existing in Dublin Ranch are two parcels specifically designated 2.8 and 1.9 site PSP. They would like to trade these and move them into the medium density residential. This could be added to the high school site. He stated he understood that the City Attorney will probably say this request is not agendized, but he would like to get his request put forward. Mayor Lockhart asked who is building the school? Mr. Inderbitzen stated they are working with providing developer built schools. This is occurring in Contra Costa County and is not too different than what we are doing with our Fire Station. They have been talking quite a bit with the School District about this. Cm. McCormick asked about the implications on affordable housing in looking at the whole scheme. Mr. Inderbitzen stated given the fact that if the 19.4 acres goes to medium density, it creates the opportunity for more units and some affordable housing. He truly believed that with the adjacent neighborhood to existing, they have an increased opportunity for affordable housing. He stated he could not discuss the full range. In response to a question, he stated they are looking at 12 1/z% affordable housing on the site. Cm. Zika stated he liked Cm. McCormick's idea in keeping with the idea of workforce housing. Also of concern is the School District releasing these 9 acres. He keeps reading in the newspaper about a second high school or maybe a new super high school. They are looking at a place where we don't have any authority. His past dealings indicate the School District is not too good at predicting their needs. He would at least like to see the 5.6 acres remain public use of some kind. He would not want to give up the two slots in the corner to get this. He is willing to consider the change in density and change to middle school. He would like to keep options open as much as possible. Mr. Inderbitzen stated he is confident because he has worked with the School District on their projections on a regular basis. They made the decision quite some time ago and they wanted to make sure they were certain on the decision so they could plan the site. They are down a track that he did not feel they will retreat from. Mr. Ambrose stated the School District agreed that their projects could be revisited in light of some of the environmental issues and the economy. Staffs will be working on the numbers. If their enrollment numbers are revised, maybe this could be moved to 2004. Cm. Sbranti requested that ff they authorize a study, that it include a look at demographics for the schools, so we will know where we are. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 328 Mr. Ambrose stated the School District has mentally made the decision, but it is more an issue of timing. Mayor Lockhart stated ultimately this is their decision. Cm. Zika pointed out that once the land is gone, it is gone. We have some responsibility to protect the land. Cm. Oravetz stated he felt there was progress, having a public/private area for churches and he agreed the School District needs to come to a decision. He stated he would like to see us go forward with suggestions by Mr. Inderbitzen and put it on a future agenda. Mr. Inderbitzen stated he would get a letter to Staff with their request. Tony Casadonte commented that since there seems to be quite a bit of piece-mealing, he recommended that you have to consider the two pieces together. When you change density, you change enrollment numbers. What you do here does affect school matters. With regard to the housing mix, they obviously support affordable housing for Dublin. The location would be an issue. Regarding traffic conditions, Devaney is the dead end street from existing Phase I Dublin Ranch and would be contiguous with the new street. This will be major access north to the Toll Brothers project on the Fallon Road site. He spoke against the item on the agenda. He hoped in developing the rationale and scope of work that they would have an opportunity to make comments. The Council took no action, but rather referred this back to Staff for placement on the agenda of a future City Council meeting. CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVES FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT VILLAGE PARKWAY AND LEWIS AVENUE (DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN) 8:23 p.m. 8.1 (820-20) Community Development Director Eddie Peabody advised that the conceptual design alternatives developed for the intersection improvements at Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue were scheduled to be presented to the City Council tonight. However, since the writing of the original agenda report, certain issues related to traffic and Village CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 2 I REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 329 parkway business interests have become apparent which need to be resolved prior to consideration and direction from the City Council on this project. Staff recommended continuing consideration of this item until further information is obtained and the study of the issues related to improvements have been completed. Mayor Lockhart requested that they look at the designs. Mr. Peabody stated we will look at these intersection improvements to make it easier for pedestrians to get across the street. Proposed work will be to come up with some finite and more detail than presented to notify the business and property owners who may use the u~turns as an important consideration and get feedback. Mr. Peabody talked about the concepts related to a plaza, safety aspects, and to shorten the length of crossing the street. Cm. Zika stated he would like to see the uMturns remain, especially near the post office. Cm. Sbranti agreed that the u-turn at Lewis is critical. Mr. Ambrose clarified that Staff will not bring back designs that does not include u~ turns. Mayor Lockhart requested that Staff make sure to touch bases with the businesses in the area so their comments are included. Mr. Peabody stated Alternative C in the Staff Report is the most likely design, but it will be modified to make sure the u~turn will work. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that we must shorten the bubbles or acquire more right-of- way. Cm. McCormick stated she would support looking at acquiring more right-of-way and noted that Alternative C is under budget. Mr. Peabody stated when they looked at options, this was the only location possible for a small plaza area. Cm. Sbranti stated this location is extremely loud. Cm. Zika asked if the maintenance options were any different for the alternatives. CITY COUNCIL' MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 330 Mr. Peabody responded that it was pretty much a wash, maintenance wise. Mayor Lockhart asked about the possibility of relooking at this when/if a change occurs, if this option doesn't work for existing businesses. Mr. Ambrose stated the direction given was the Council was looking at some symmetry in the area. Mr. Peabody stated one of goals was to look at making Village Parkway more pedestrian friendly. The City was to take a leadership role and try to get changes made. Mr. Ambrose stated there are limitations and there isn't a lot of wiggle room with these sites. The direction was clarified that the Council wanted Staff to look at keeping the u- turn and look at possible additional property acquisition. The Council took no action, but continued discussion of this item to a future meeting. DESIGNATION OF AGENCY LABOR NEGOTIATORS UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEE: CITY MANAGER 8:35 p.m. 8.2 (110-30/600-30) City Manager Ambrose advised that this item provides for the designation of two members of the City Council as the City's representatives to discuss conditions of employment, including salary and fringe benefits for the City Manager. Mayor Lockhart, after polling the Council to determine who had participated in this process, stated she feR she and Cm. Sbranti could do this. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council designated Mayor Lockhart and Cm. Sbranti to negotiate with the City Manager. OTHER BUSINESS 8:36 p.m. Mr. Ambrose discussed the upcoming 4th of July. CITY COUNCIL MINLVrES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 331 Cm. Oravetz stated he attended a LAVTA meeting yesterday, and they had lively discussion about BART parking fees. A committee will look at getting LAVTA more involved with Park & Ride and Wheels, etc. They also talked about Spare the Air day and one idea would be to make it free to ride Wheels on these days. They talked about 10 cent Wednesdays. Ideas will be to think outside the box and challenge each other with ideas. We will see a paradigm shift. The next league meeting is in Monterey. The majority of the City Council will go. He wished everybody a happy 4th of July. His street is having a block party. Cm. Zika stated he attended a CMA meeting on Thursday and there was some concern as to what the Governor's budget will impact us in getting done what we should do. There is borrowing from the traffic money to put into the General Fund and then back and forth borrowing. The bottom line is there may not be as much money available to help with HOV lanes on I~ 580 and for local streets. He attended the Tri~Valley Affordable Housing meeting on Friday. They are working on a summit kind of thing in September to be hosted by San Ramon. They are trying to get commitments from Tauscher and Pombo and maybe get some more federal funds for affordable housing. We will have a housing element soon. Cm. Sbranti reported working with Assemblymember Corbett, who will have town hall meeting here in September. He stated he took the liberty on behalf of the Council with regard to a petition going around the City "urging your Council to continue fireworks". He advised that the City Council is supportive of safe and sane fireworks in the City but we are cracking down on illegal. He stated Cm. Zika has been living in the fireworks booth. He was on Channel 2 talking about safety issues, etc. Cm. McCormick reported that she has been working with the Alameda County Housing Authority on the Personnel Committee and will become chair this month. Mayor Lockhart wished everyone a safe and sane 4th of July. Hopefully illegal fireworks don't exist in the City of Dublin. She commented on the marketing opportunity for LAVTA, and stated she was so happy to see the marketing committee going in this direction and getting people to and from BART. Regarding affordable housing issues, there have been some pretty wicked articles being written lately about affordable housing and measuring cities. She was concerned that people read articles and feel it must be true. Dublin Staff has worked so hard on affordable housing this year and the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 332 City Council is really committed. Could we get our housing specialist to provide an update on all we've been doing? She is very proud of all the work going on here in Dublin. Cm. Oravetz agreed that some of the articles have been off base. Units are coming. This City Council is concerned and committed. Cm. Sbranti stated people in the industry know we are working hard on this. Mr. Ambrose clarified that this report would be presented at a City Council meeting and information could also be included in the community newsletter. Cm. Sbranti suggested an update on all the programs and an update on the housing task force as they have been meeting for 6 months. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Mayor ATIZST: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2002 PAGE 333