HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-2000 PC MinutesA regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday,
September 26, 2000, in the Dublin Civic Center City Council Chambers. Chairperson
Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners, Hughes, Oravetz, Jennings, Johnson, and Musser; Eddie
Peabody Jr., Community Development Director; Janet Harbin, Senior Planner; Andy
Byde, Associate Planner; Anne Kinney, Associate Planner; and Maria Carrasco,
Recording Secretary.
Cm. Hughes led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to
the flag.
There were no additions or revisions to the agenda.
The minutes from the August 22, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted.
Cm. Hughes explained that at this time, members of the audience are permitted to
address the Planning Commission on any item(s) of interest to the public; however, no
action or discussion shall take place on any item which is not on the Planning
Commission Agenda. The Commission may respond briefly to statements made or
questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning
the matter. Furthermore, a member of the Planning Commission may direct Staff to
place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the
Community Development Director no later than 11:00 a.m., on the Tuesday preceding
Planning Commissionl l05 September 26, 2000
Regular Meeting
a regular meeting to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular
Mr. Peabody submitted documents to the Planning Commission. He stated that the
City received written correspondence regarding the public hearing on the Downtown
Specific Plans.
PA 00-003 Emerald Glen Village Center, Development Agreement
Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between Shea Properties,
LLC, Alameda County Surplus Property Authority and the City of Dublin.
Cm. Hughes asked for the staff report.
Ms. Kinney presented the staff report. She stated that the Development Agreement is
between the City of Dublin, Shea Properties, and Alameda County Surplus Property
Authority for the Emerald Glen Village Center. The Development Agreement is a
requirement of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and will cover development issues.
The agreement will cover the payment of traffic impact fees, the timing of roadway
improvements, the timing of parkland dedication and other fees applicable to the
project. Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the resolution
recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance approving the Development
Agreement. She concluded her presentation and was available to answer any
Cm. Hughes asked if anyone had any questions; hearing none he asked if the
applicant was available?
Jeff Melrose, Shea Properties, 2155 Las Positas Court, Livermore stated that he is in
agreement with Staff's findings and urged the Planning Commission to approve the
Cm. Hughes opened the public hearing and asked if anyone had any questions.
Mark Harvey, Dublin Honda stated that he has concerns with the Downtown Specific
P[anntn~j Commission 1o6 september 26, 2000
Re, u/ar Meettnd~
Cm. Hughes explained that the public hearing for the Downtown Specific Plans is the
next item on the agenda. The Planning Commission will be happy to take public
testimony at that time. He closed the public hearing and asked for a motion.
On motion by Cm. dennings, seconded by Cm. Musser, and with a vote of 5-0 the
Planning Commission unanimously adopted
City of Dublin Downtown Specific Plans - The proposed project consists
of three specific plans developed for the downtown area of Dublin, the
West Dublin BART Specific Plan (PA 99-056), the Downtown Core Specific
Plan, (PA 99-055) and the Village Parkway Specific Plan (PA 99-054) and
associated draft negative declaration. The Specific Plans are intended to
direct the use of land, the design of public improvements, and the design
and appearance of private and public development, including buildings,
parking areas, signs and landscaping~
Cm. Hughes asked for staff report.
Mr. Peabody explained that the three Downtown Specific Plans have been a high
priority of the City Council. The Council asked Staff to prepare the three draft
documents enclosed in tonight's packet. He stated that the three Specific Plans will be
discussed simultaneously and any action taken will relate to the three draft
documents. He introduced Janet Harbin, Project Planner for the Downtown Specific
Ms. Harbin stated that several members of the Village Parkway Task Force are in the
audience for tonight's meeting. She asked those members to stand up and thanked
them for participating on the committee the past 6 months.
Ms. Harbin presented the staff report. She explained that Staff attended the April 4,
2000 City Council meeting and received direction on the three plans. Staff presented
the preliminary concepts to the Planning Commission on April 11, 2000. This
application includes consideration of three Specific Plans for adoption prepared to
provide a framework for revitalizing and improving the downtown area of Dublin. A
General Plan Amendment to add a mixed-use designation category, to re-designate
Phlnnin~ Co.tnlisston 107 september 26, 2000
Recqular Meetin~
some land uses and modify the maximum floor area ratio (FAR) allowed in the West
Dublin BART and Downtown Core Specific Plans areas. The West Dublin BART
Specific Plan area includes approximately 70 acres of land and is located north of the
1-580 freeway, east of San Ramon Road, south of Dublin Boulevard and generally west
of Golden Gate Drive. The Downtown Core Specific Plan area, consisting of
a/pproximately 51 acres of land, is located north of Dublin Boulevard, west of the 1-580
freeway, south of Amador Valley Boulevard and east of the Dublin Green shopping
center. The Village Parkway Specific Plan area is generally located along the east and
west sides of Village Parkway between Dublin Boulevard to the south and Amador
Valley Boulevard to the north, and consists of approximately 31 acres of land. Each
Plan contains land use and development standards, transportation improvements,
urban design guidelines, implementation and administrative programs to guide new
Development of the BART station is expected to result in a significant increase in the
demand for new office, commercial, high density residential and similar uses based on
improved regional accessibility and anticipated patronage of the new transit station.
clones Lang LaSalle has proposed a hotel and high density residential adjacent to the
BART station. Staff has added plazas with pedestrian-oriented streetscape. Traffic
and circulation improvements will be needed with the new development based on the
proposed BART Traffic.
The Downtown Core Specific Plan includes part of the Dublin Green shopping center
containing large-scale retailers such as Target, Montgomery Wards, and Toys R Us.
The intent of this Specific Plan is to maintain the viability of the existing "big box"
retail uses and to increase the appearance and functionality of the area by promoting
a mix of smaller scale specialty retail, office, mixed use, residential and similar uses.
The construction of more public plazas and open spaces will enhance the area's
appearance and create a true downtown environment. Several linkages, including
auto, pedestrian and bicycle to the new West Dublin BART station would be provided
to increase the synergy between these two adjacent areas. The Specific Plan also calls
for the development of approximately 148 dwelling units. Forty-eight of these are
anticipated to be senior housing units, to be located near the City's future senior
center, in the northwest corner of the Specific Plan area. The other 100 dwelling units
would be high-density units in a mixed-use designated area located at the southeast
corner of Amador Plaza Road and Amador Valley Boulevard. The current average FAR
is .26. Based on the economic analysis done for the project the new FAR is proposed
at approximately .80 and maximum development is projected at 1,100,000 square feet.
The Village Parkway area consists of approximately 31 acres of commercial services,
retail, restaurant, office and automotive service type land uses. Under the Specific
Plan for the area the existing uses would not change, but would be stabilized and
enhanced. A higher intensity of development and a more pedestrian-oriented
environment are encouraged by the Plan through increased floor-area-ratios, the
Plannin,~ Commission ~ os Se. pr. ember 26, 2000
Kevlar Meetin~
establishment of design guidelines for development, and streetscape improvements. A
task force was appointed by the City Council to develop the plan and vision for this
particular area. The Village Parkway Task Force met over a six-month period and
discussed the issues and problems facing businesses and property owners in the area.
The Task Force consisted of thirteen business owners, property owners and residents
of the City. They wanted to see revitalization to the area with better parking
opportunities, a pedestrian friendly environment that would increase the activity level
in the area. Four different options for Village Parkway were evaluated during the
specific plan development process, along with the existing roadway configuration. Of
the four alternatives, the Task Force has recommended a phased plan for alternative
3, which consisted of a single travel lane in each direction, reducing the height of the
center median, a 4' bike lane, and wider sidewalks, without taking additional right-of-
way. Due to safety concerns and the volume of traffic, Public Works Staff has
recommended 2 travel lanes in each direction if diagonal parking is to be added along
Village Parkway.
Staff believes the three proposed Specific Plans will be effective in upgrading the
downtown portion of Dublin, and each plan provides guidelines and direction toward
implementing the City's vision for this area. By intensifying and revitalizing the
development in downtown Dublin, the City will continue to be a major factor in
regional commerce and growth, containing a good balance of jobs, services and
housing. She concluded her presentation and was available to answer any questions.
Cm. Oravetz suggested that Ms. Harbin explain floor-area-ratio (FAR) for the members
in the audience.
Ms. Harbin stated that the floor-area-ratio is the ratio of the building floor area to the
actual square footage of the property.
Cm. Hughes asked if anyone had any other questions for Staff; hearing none he
opened the public hearing for public comment.
George Churchill, Task Force Committee Member, 6990 Village Parkway, commended
Ms. Harbin and Staff, on the project. He stated the draft documents should have been
available for the committee at the last Task Force meeting for review. The cost
estimates for the improvements were not given to committee or were they aware of the
costs until the draft document was reviewed. After reviewing the document and the
safety issues of a single lane for Village Parkway, the committee may have
recommended another alternative.
Cm. Oravetz asked Mr. Churchill if he is in favor of Village Parkway with one lane in
each direction and diagonal parking.
F.e~u/ar Meet~n~
Mr. Churchill responded no due to safety issues. After reviewing the document, he
has changed his mind. To his understanding, there is a site that will become vacant
that can be used for parking.
Mark Harvey, Dublin Honda stated that he owns two buildings in the area and was not
aware of a Task Force. He has concerns with phasing out the auto uses. He wants to
remain at his current location on Amador Plaza Road.
Mark Breazeal stated that he would like a copy of the three draft Specific Plan
documents. He has concerns with parking and the type of businesses for the
downtown area. The Home Depot Expo will have more parking spaces than the West
Dublin BART Station. The Village Parkway area needs better signage. He suggested
bringing in financial centers and better marketing strategies for the current
businesses. He would like to see a better image for Dublin.
Cm. Hughes suggested that Mr. Breazeal pick up a copy of the three draft documents,
which addresses a lot of his questions and concerns.
Mr. Breazeal said that some of his concerns are not addressed in those documents.
The parking situation for Village Parkway has been a problem for many years.
Cm. Hughes stated that the Commission does address inadequate parking or excessive
parking with development in Dublin. The parking lot for the Home Depot Expo project
is an enormous parking lot and probably more than is needed. However, the Planning
Commission is limited in what it can do.
Mr. Breazeal urged the Planning Commission to not make any approval decisions on
the Downtown Specific Plans until after the November election.
Cm. Hughes stated that the approval of the Downtown Specific Plans has nothing to
do with the November election.
Mr. Breazeal stated that it has taken the City ten years to revitalize the downtown
area. He asked when the new BART Station is scheduled to be built and if it will be on
Cm. Hughes responded that he was not aware of BART's timetable. He stated that
revitalizing the downtown area is a slow process and the decisions made to it will affect
the community for a very long time.
Mr. Breazeal stated that he admired the Commission's position and wished them good
luck on this project.
Plnnuind3 Commlss~on 11o se?tentber 26, 2000
KeG/ar lvteet~n~
Rick Camacho, Task Force Committee Member, 7136 Village Parkway stated that
further review is needed on the design and funding of Village Parkway. He stated that
Village Parkway should have two lanes in each direction with additional crosswalks
and doesn't want any decisions set in stone.
Cm. Oravetz asked Mr. Camacho how he liked being on the task force committee.
Mr. Camacho stated that a redevelopment task force is a step in the right direction.
With the new retail development in Eastern Dublin, he is more aware of business
owners looking for attractive shopping centers to locate their business; as well as the
appeal to shoppers.
Cm. Hughes asked if anyone else wished to address the Planning Commission; hearing
none, he closed the public hearing.
Mr. Peabody responded to Mark Harvey's comments regarding Dublin Honda. He
stated that there are no proposed changes for the Dublin Honda property. There is a
proposed change for the old Ford site on the corner of Amador Plaza Road and Dublin
Boulevard. It is not the intent of the City to have Dublin Honda move from their
Mr. Peabody stated in response to the number of lanes for Village Parkway, the Village
Parkway Specific Plan Document references the committee recommendations as well
as Staff's, due to the configuration of Village Parkway it should remain with two lanes
in each direction.
Cm. Musser commended Staff on all their hard work. He requested additional time for
the Planning Commission to carefully review the three draft documents due to the
extensive nature and impacts they will have on the City
Cm. Hughes stated that he was not able to thoroughly review each document and
would like additional time also. He suggested continuing the projects to the next
Planning Commission meeting.
Cm. Musser agreed with Cm. Hughes that additional time is needed to review the
Cm. Jennings asked if Staff could provide visual aids at the next meeting. The three
draft documents is a lot of information to absorb and requested additional review time.
She had concerns with approving all three specific plans with one motion. She would
like to make a motion to review the three specific plans one at a time.
Cm. Johnson agreed that each Specific Plan should be reviewed individually.
Plan~lin~j Co~lmission ~ ~ 1 Se.p~em~er 26, 2000
R. edjular Meet~1,~
Mr. Peabody stated there are some interrelationships with the three plans, which is
the reason for reviewing them together. Staff would be more than happy to handle
them separately.
Cm. Hughes suggested reviewing the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific
Plans on the October l0th meeting and the Village Parkway Specific Plan on October
Cm. dennings asked if there was a task force for the Downtown Core study.
Mr. Peabody responded no. Approximately two years ago, there was a previous study
done with the Downtown Task Force Committee and during that study, there were
many tenants and property owners from the Village Parkway area that expressed an
interest of becoming a committee member. The previous task force findings were
helpful for the Downtown Core and the West Dublin BART Specific Plans. He asked
the Commission to consider reviewing the three specific plans individually, but at the
same meeting due to a single resolution amending the General Plan for all three
specific plans.
Cm. Hughes suggested continuing the project to the meeting of October 10, 2000 and
the Commission will make an effort to review all three documents.
Mr. Peabody asked the Commission if they wish to re-open the public hearing at the
next meeting.
Cm. Hughes stated to his understanding, the Specific Plans have been reviewed over
the past six months. There have been public meetings scheduled, public notices have
been sent out appropriately, and there hasn't been any response until the past few
days. He suggested the public hearing remain closed.
Cm. Jennings stated many people were not aware of the three draft documents. She
suggested re-opening the public hearing at the next Planning Commission meeting, to
allow any interested citizens the opportunity to review and respond to the proposed
Cm. Hughes stated that he does not have a problem with re-opening the public
hearing if that is what the Commissioners prefer.
Cm. Musser stated that he did not like one of the parking garage designs in one of the
draft documents. He suggested for Staff to contact Cal Thorpe, who worked on a
similar land plan in Richmond. They designed an excellent parking garage that
doesn't look like a parking garage.
commission 1~ 2 sej~tember 26~ 2000
On motion by Cm. Musser, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and with a vote of 5-0, the
Planning Commission unanimously agreed to re-open the public hearing and continue
the Downtown Specific Plans to the October 10, 2000 Planning Commission meeting.
9.1 Mr. Peabody went over the upcoming Planning Commission schedule.
The City Council will review the Telecommunication's Ordinance on October 3, 2000.
Staff is working on an affordable housing program as part of the Inclusionary Housing
Ordinance, and an open space implementation program for the Western Dublin Sphere
of Influence area.
Cm. Oravetz asked how much the City currently has in Inclusionary Housing Funds.
Mr. Peabody responded approximately 4.6 million.
Cm Hughes adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully su te
Planning Commission Chairperson
Community Development Director
Plannin~j commission t 13 september 26, 2000
Re~lar Meettn,~