HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 YAC ApptsCITY CLERK
File # ERIZU-1301
SUBJECT: Youth Advisory Committee Appointments and Presentation from
Outgoing Youth Advisory Committee
Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director
ATTACHMENTS: Applications
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Confirm Mayor's appointments to Youth Advisory Committee
j 2. Receive presentation from Outgoing Youth Advisory Committee
The term of office for the Youth Advisory Committee will expire in
August 2002. The openings for the upcoming term were advertised at the local middle and high schools
and press releases were sent to the Tri- Valley Herald, Valley Times and CTV.
As per the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee, the composition of the
Youth Advisory Committee is composed of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of thirteen (13) youth
members and two (2) alternates. At least three must be from Middle School and six (6) from High
School. Additionally, there are four (4) non - voting adult members representing Dublin Police Services,
Dublin Unified School District, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the At -Large Community. The
Mayor, with the approval of the City Council appoints the youth members, the one at -large adult member
and the two alternates. The remaining three adult members are appointed by their representing
agency/body. If there are insufficient applications to meet the Middle School -High School ratio, the
Mayor may make appointments from any of the grade levels.
Sixteen applications were received for the youth member positions and one application for the adult at-
large member (applications attached). The Mayor recommends appointing 13 members to the Youth
Advisory Committee all who are High School students.
Caroline Arcuri
Dublin High School
Malinda Barrett
Dublin High School
Jeremy Brown
Valley Christian
Curtis Champlin
Dublin High School
Kimberly Chan
Dublin High School
Jessica Chan
Dublin High School
Serena Laird
l 0th
Dublin High School
Kristin O'Neal
Dublin High School
Sarah Pan
Dublin High School
Kim Sevilla
Dublin High School
Erik Smith
Dublin High School
Laurel Smith
Dublin High School
Stephanie Williams
Dublin High School
COPIES TO: Applicants/Parks & Community Services Commission
AX 41
G: \Y.A.0 \02 -03 YAC \cc 8 -6 appointments.doc
The two recommended alternates to the Committee are Angelique Pillar and Yin -Chen Phang. The Mayor
also recommends the appointment of Rich Sevilla to the adult at -large community member.
Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Youth Advisory
Committee for the term of September 2002 through August 2003. Additionally the outgoing Youth
Advisory Committee has prepared a presentation highlighting activities and accomplishments over the
past year. It is recommended that the City Council receive the presentation.
OF pp8�
150� �s
APPLICATION 2002 - 2003
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name S a rn l l ae. Amid School (in 2002 -2003 school Year) DA t o H � h
Address _7 l TC €- l r Grader
rl C CL(- K D § (in 2002 -2003 school year) "t
City, St. D ub I n c., A Phone 9 2 5) B2 9- 5 7 Z D
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
I. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
GKPublicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub /in CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 -556 -4500. ® /4 ��
youtvi Advisory commL-Ree AppcLcot'Lc)n
i. How ctid L4ou FLnd. out amut the LJoutVi AUvLsov-L4
Comnnittee ?
I C-OUnCt Oat abCL),t the \(oL),tV-i AUVL9,0k-(� CQV-nM(t+e-e-
fv'c)m,. OnLi bro!Oe,r, Loins Arcuri, uvho LAjCL.5 or, it for- over
L V C- L4 ta r 5 e- C) 0 t me L ri t e r c,5 f e, cL ire C t C,,-vi cl La-->t Ll e o, r
i servc-cL fon the cornrnit+ep-.
Z. Windt cio you ((now about tvic "-JOUkh ACLVL30r� COMMittee ?
A. -F he \4 o u t vi A c(v t,; o v Lj c o nn, m i tt e c vs ck + eourn D f t-mr, cLq e rs
( rntdClLe '5ChOOL and r)Lqh,3choc)L stucLentc-,) L-vica-
ovqo-ntze -Fun, cLrLkq free, pu�ttive events eokr teens
tVIrUucjh0ut the CttLj OF Dubbin , The pv-uqv-cLm V)etps
qct the IcLas move Uivotved Ln the Lr CC)CYjMUnj-tLj and
9t-ornote--) -50,fe atICA J-ie-,0,LthL4 �,CttvltiCS for teer)5 to cLo.
ThC rnemDet-5 Of the commcifee uuov-t< tcqe-tier Cri
ckt,3cu;S-Lncj , urqani-zfnq ; C(-I-lct PCCvy,,0+-L-nq events For
01ei-r peers. For the tc,,,,rc,,Cr and mc)(e COMPLeye7d
0, c t L V L t L e s p t Cm n CcL , S Lk b - C c rn a) Rees are -Povroecl and
WOV K GYI C--.,peCff L'C PC),V-tS of tne eVet-)-t� . ALtogetner) tne
youth Advi-oorq C(Dk-ylC)-)ltieC L"S G- C)�LECkt LuctL4 IcQ becorne
more CnvoLvecL L-n tnt cqq and t-0 expe a,Le ,,,( e_ f--nearf)a7-,LnCj
CiUCLL(tt' Of keairy)wCq-l(f-
3, W VIL� Ckre- L4OLk LntUeSted LO SerVLnq on -tv�Ls Corri-n (ttee ?
A,l am -'rke(ec-)ted �o �,ervL'Pcj on thL'5 Covnrnkttee be-CcA-use
want 'to '5t-Cjq L,n\JW-\JeC( WLtV-1 JCVIC- C'LtH OF DUDLt'n av"),d
ujcLn-E to have cl,-)ances to vursce n-y and UPWL'uns
OJDout pun and positive events. f-3-ed-79 on ttne cant -ttfee
L acz-, t- H e ar qcLve ryie o, h'Lqv-)cr �ecunq ()jF
and Crnpci(Cancc ana made rune -Fec-L Util<e P0,vk o� a team,
i LuVCCI wat-ChCnq the everts -Lhcft I hC-Lped PLaO F'Ck L I
to to ac[:,(_(Dn and LOLK-e pv-aCe,
w V) CLt CO V L L Ls Cl (3 ujo u p c)G,; e,;`a t h CkA W 0 U L C( I-n C�_K e Ll 0 U
cL cit7ronq CCnCU*C:Lat.e_ Cor the \40utv) Adu,L'sorq Carom C-qee?
A, i have a verq clood tense of 9cm-t
C) rqc I,) C zCkt L'c)n c3jc(LLIS ) I wov-ic and qet aLoncl vef-Li wet[
w oMer peupLe, and I, ciD not nett -t ck,t e t (D qck�tcci pate
to CLLSCLA.39Lons.
5. 1-P UJOU COULO be CnUOLVC>Cl Lin trie ptcxnmr-,,q Por one event)
uj !at Lu c) uLcl (L be? PleaGe C-XPLc),'Ln.
A, (f I COUM be Onvuvecl LIV) the pLOnnCk)q For Dne event, it-
L,uoui-cL ne -Lre out? —town )o-m . i would choose thL'S
actt`UL,tu) bccausC (L-l's Lne btqqeSf one,, I't aaiFQctS _L_V)e
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V-), e L p c>rCjGt n I TC � L CkS t LICair I hCLpea out (al-0-t Lh lc--jr)e-
picoces's of prumotu)q ck-nd pubLk_CC-ZLnCj f t- , Onci as a
CV]CLOqC I'd Ltl(e bO, Ine(t) pLan It.
CQ,WVlCL-t aCtL'VCtL'eS are Lpu cLivvcntu✓ thuotved (_n or ui'M
be LhvOt\jec) 6n cLuronq the 2.002 - 2.003 "DcriOut ule-Gr, ?
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c�qan(-zed bul +ne S1,-iannoy) cerAtcc wv)efc t 'Jcvunteer
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Pli-qh Clq(!fV_tCaCtLnCj SqLkOCl) and i bObujSit .-Ttrio--7,> CGML nq
5(,hC)Ot Lie-Wr I WILL 0,LS-C be ptaqknr-) -_,uuer.
7. HUW W DUL d the Ck(t(\,) i't ('eS Cn queS t t6V) A Cv e9-C Ct L40Lk r
tin-)C curnirnCtryient -E(:) -the `tout r� A C( v L s 0 C u rr, m ,.&e e.
A- None OF tnese cvc.i-CVCtCe5 vot-LL Cntc-r-Cfr?, with ti,)(>
McCtinCj tirinel:3 f,'cv tl/"?c Comm i,
jnfact, (-F I tea Muj Leaw.mctteS a jout- the events
tvickt we pLcm anti t,heLl corhe It UDULd rnalcc L-He,
Vloutin AClVL-Z>cV-Lj cornwil-t-tee
ru 1 L
Wul< at Front shee-t
q. The. nC\,MeS CnCl rk,)Une nU►I-)CV-G Ce 3 rejFeV-enCe.S
C�_r L, c � 0 uct tie CA - ( 9 ZL3 5 8
0 (1-1 t c vi a e W ( LL CCA, rn 1-6 - ( q 2-5 (a Zq - C-03
" t� CA, tL-C SCnO0nOVCr - (CJ25) E29 - G-337
Youth AdvisoKy Committee Application Malinda Barrett
1) I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee through Committee
,T.. 1 Caroline A-. J CL- 1 Williams. ' SST d
i`vtembers Caroline A curl and Stepliaiue �v il w e were on the same
Dublin soccer team.
2) I know that the Youth Advisory Committee is a group of high school and
111MUIC school students HVlio come together to plan special activities for tl'ie
youth of Dublin to be involved in.
3) I am interested in the Committee because I would like to be a part of this
eadership role. I alit excited to be able to plan activities that others illy age
would be able to enjoy. This seems like a film way to get involved and share
lily oiliuvia.
4) I possess the ability to be a leader while involving everyone. I am open, honest,
and easy to get along with. I am creative and responsible. I have had
experience through the Student Council at Saint Raymond School in Dublin. I
was a represen a ive for my class, Commiss�oiler of School Spirit, Treasurer,
and Student Body President. I have also been a part of the Junior High Youth
I found out about Y.A.C. from my friend and his participation in the
committee during the 2001 -2002 term.
2.) What I know about Y.A.C. is that it is a program to help organize
youth events in the community and build up leadership skills as well.
3.) I am interested in serving on Y.A.C. to help with my community and
so that I can learn to become a better leader.
4.) The skills that I possess that would make me a good candidate are that
I enjoy working and interacting with other people as well as having an
open mind and good ideas.
5.) If I could be involved in planning for one event I would want to help
with planning something that teens could go to for fun so that I could
get ideas from other teens my age.
6.) I will be involved with high school soccer from the end of August
until the end of October.
7.) This activity would allow me to go to the monthly meetings, but may
or may not interfere with other events in Y.A.C.
8.) I am primarily interested in Y.A.C. and would not be interested in any
other committees.
8.) Dick Jayne: (925) 734 -6060
Kyle Champlin: (925) 833 -0966
Lydia Justice: (925) 833 -0786
1) I found out about Y.A.C. as a result of my brother's past participation
2) As a current member of Y.A.C., for the past year, I am very familiar with the
3) I am interested in continuing my service with the youth advisory committee to
further progress my leader ship skills
4) The skills I posses that would make me a good candidate for Y.A.0 are I am a
good people person and I am a good leader
5) If I could be involved for planning one event, I would choose the youth music
show case because I enjoy music and play an instrument.
6) I am one of the councilors for vacation bible camp at St. Raymond's church, I will
be involved in the swim teen at Dublin High or the lacrosse teem, if we get one.
7) I see no negative effect in my time management during the activity
8) If I was not selected to be on Y.A.0 I would choose to be on the teen night
9) Mary Champlin 925- 833 -0966
Henry Siu 925 - 556 -4500
� of ou8
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
2002 2003
Name �� � � i �`a, School (in 2oo- 2ooschool year) (, fly,,./ H l el-y
Address ' 12 Grade (in 2ox -2oo3 school year)
City, St.�V "t; Phone M��
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event; what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub /in CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 -556 -4500.
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2002 -2003
Kimberly Chan
7223 Kingston Place
Dublin, CA
//,7� 15
Dublin High School
Eleventh grade
(925)829 -8291
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from school announcements. During the
announcements, I heard about Dub town jams and karaoke night promoted by YAC. Another
way I found out about YAC was that my sister was in it last year. She used to tell me what she
did at the meetings and at the events, and I became interested.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that the Youth Advisory Committee are made up of a group of teens in high school and
middle school, and that they want to plan events so that other students can enjoy them, too.
YAC has monthly meetings and they use their ideas on how to get other kids their age involved in
activities. They work in groups and share their ideas about events they can plan in the future,
and then they make it happen.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I am interested in serving on this Committee because I want to be more involved and have a say
in what goes on in the city of Dublin for the youth. Also, I want to help organize, discuss, and
put together ideas from myself and other people. I feel like I want to be a part of YAC and
possibly see my ideas go into action. I want to work with others and take their ideas into
consideration, and to see what everyone else thinks. I think that YAC should have an event like a
dance contest or have races (like field day).
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory
A skill that I have is that I am responsible. If I need to set -up an event or call other members, I
will do it on time and I'll remember, what is important. Another skill I have is that I am patient
and that I will listen to everyone's opinions and take them into consideration. I am also sociable
and hardworking. I will attempt to complete anything that is needed to be done.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
I would like to be involved in planning a dance. I think that would be fun. I would like to choose
a theme, have a d.j., promote the event, and get decorations. I would hear about everyone else's
ideas and maybe there could be real live bands playing.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003
school year?
I take piano lessons and tap dance both once a week. I am also in Dublin 4 -H, and I will be vice
president for that club. I will also attend Chinese School on Saturdays.
7. How would the activities in question # b effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory
I will have plenty of time for the Committee. Since I only have piano and tap once a week, and
4 -H meetings once a month, I will have time planning and getting involved in YAC.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving
on one of the following committees:
publicity & promotions Special Event Planning Teen Nights Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Cindy Chow (925) 828 -2989
Carly Jones (925) 828 -4163
Miriam Miller (925) 556 -9168
1 82 �'�L�•° APPLICATION 2002 - 203
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee,
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.:
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month, the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name � 1: o in School (In xo2- 2ooschool year) Dom I �'�
Address? a K I f 1 i V I ") Alilt.._ Grade (In 2002 -too school year)
�y `j
City, St. t)u b) 1 t 15 { 4516 Phone (92
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6.. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub /in C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 =556 -4500.
Jessica Chan
7223 Kingston Place
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 829 -8291
Dublin High School
12th Grade
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I originally heard of the Youth Advisory Committee two years ago from some classmates
that were promoting an event. This past year, I was glad to have had the opportunity to
serve as an alternate committee member for the Youth Advisory Committee.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that the Youth Advisory Committee is a group of middle school and high school
students appointed by the Mayor to serve as representatives of the youth in the City of
Dublin. They work hard with Recreation Specialists and Coordinators to put on events
for youth in the city and to provide input on events and projects.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I am interested in serving on this Committee because I want to implement more activities
for the youth in the city to attend. I would like to be a member of the Committee this
year and work with other youth and the city to promote a safe, and drug and alcohol free
environment. I would like to see more teens attending events that are sponsored by the
Youth Advisory Committee and the City of Dublin because those are the teens that will
stay focused and out of trouble. By offering more events for teens to attend, the less time
they have to do things that are not beneficial. Serving on this Committee will allow me
to express my opinions and provide new ideas for the city.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
I am a very friendly, outgoing, and creative person. I work very well with people and I
always stay focused. Having been in Leadership in middle school and high school, I am
capable of leading a group and also being a follower. I am responsible, reliable, patient,
and very , organized. I enjoy brainstorming ideas for events and working on some of them
.......... .
to carry them out successfully. I like to finish projects that I start, and I always make sure
I do a thorough job. Working with other youth is one of my favorite things to do because
when we are put together, our enthusiasm can make anything work.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please
If I could be involved in the planning for one event, it would be the planning of a Tri-
Valley Dance. A lot of the time, youth are not exposed to people outside of their area in
a safe environment. Having lived in Dublin all my life, I believe that a Tri- Valley Dance
would be a good event to put on because it allows the youth in the city to not only get to
know their peers better, but other youth in neighboring cities as well. This event has
already been suggested by a group of high school men that have everything planned out.
They would like security to be enforced by the Dublin Police, and identification would be
needed to get into the event as well. Hours of the event would be reasonable to prevent
any disturbances in the neighborhoods. I would be delighted to help them make this
suggestion into a successful evening for Tri -Valley Youth?
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the
2002 -2003 school year?
The activities that I am currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003
school year are the Dublin 4 -H Club, where I will serve as President, Dublin High's
Leadership, Dublin High's Women's Tennis Team, Chinese School, and I will be
Secretary of three clubs at Dublin High as well: Interact, Scholars of Society, and
California Scholarship Federation. I am currently planning to start a Cancer Club at
Dublin High with the assistance of the American Cancer Society. I will be doing some
volunteer work with the American Cancer Society and will serve as their High School
Representative on their Board, and I may work as a tutor during the week.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth
Advisory Committee?
Having done most of the activities in question ##6 before, I know that it will not restrict
my time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee. I served as an alternate
Committee member this year and I attended every monthly meeting held. I also attended
subcommittee meetings and events like Karaoke Night, Midnight Bowling, St. Patrick's
Day Festival, and Dub Town Jam. I would like to be even more involved with the Youth
Advisory Committee this upcoming year, by serving as a member and using the
knowledge I obtain from Leadership and all other activities that I am involved in, to
make an even more successful Youth Advisory Committee.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested
in serving on one of the following committees:
Publicity and Promotions Special Event Planning Teen Nights
Dub Town Jam
If I am not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, I would love to serve on any of
the following committees because I know that they all require dedication and a lot of
work. Specifically, I would like to see more attendance by high school youth to Dub
Town Jam and more Teen Nights.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
• Sarah Hearne (925) 803 -1832
• Taryn Gavagan (925) 997 -7341
• Jonathan Lui (925) 963 -9838
Youth Advisory Committee Application ° 7
2002 -2003
Serena Laird Dublin High School
7660 Canterbury Lane 101
Dublin, CA
{925 }551 -8055
1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee three years ago when my sister,
Kristy Laird became a member. I have been actively volunteering at various
events, especially this past year. I enjoy promoting YAC myself.
2. The Youth Advisory Committee is a group of teens appointed by the Mayor that
create and put on various events for the youth of Dublin such as; "Dub Town
Jam ", Karaoke nights, capture the flag and "The Youth Music Showcase ".
3. I am interested in serving on this committee because I enjoy working with youth in
my community and would like to see more events for them. It will help them stay
out of trouble, by promoting a positive way to have fun.
4. My skills include: Commitment to my community, communication, and leadership.
When I put my mind to something I see it through to the end. I am a people person
and am able to work with other youth easily. I am also very accepting of others
5. I would like to be involved with planning summer concerts in the park for youth
put on by the youth. The bands would be local youth bands.
6. I will be involved with leadership at my school, swim team, Youth to Youth,
Friday Night Live and Interact also at my school.
7. I feel that by being active with these groups will help publicize the Youth Advisory
Committee's events and will bring more volunteers when needed. These activities
will not interfere with YAC because Youth Advisory Committee meetings and
events will be considered a priority to me.
8. I would be interested in serving on any of the committee openings you have.
9. References:
Kim Gallagher 925 -838 -0663
Suzy Quigley 925 -251 -0757
Henry Sui 925 -556 -4507
07/23/02 08:35 FAX 8258296832 SHANNON COMM CNT Rol
/g � �s
Kristin O'Neal YAC Application
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2002 -2003
Address t. . My Grade Senior (12
City, St, Dubfin, CA Phonc ,
11 Haw did you find our alwut the Youth Advisory Committee?
I Eoerad out about Youth Advisory Committee through my leadership class ax Dublin
High School.
2. 'What do you know about the Youth Advisory Cammitteei'
I know d+at YAC is responsible for putting on men m is throughout the city, and
that it is mostly known for Dub Town Jam and kamoke and game nights.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this committee?
I atn interested in serving on YAC because I think that thin would be a good way to
use my leadership skills other than in Dublin's leadership class, and also because I
like working with people and I'm good at planning things.
d. What skills do you posers that would make you a strong candidate for the
Youth Advisory Committee
I have been involved in leadership dasm and roles for many yem. beOnning in 8'
grade. I've done everything from editing school ne+x►spapers in Jr. High to irumating
for ofl`icc %r the junior tacos. I am very passionate about every project that I take on,
for example this last year I was the Publicity CommWicner at Dublin High and was
cnnssntly faced wide dtc chat eage of how to publiici= events and how m run my
committee nneerittgs. I'm very organized and have lots of experience. I am also a
pretty good student, I am currently enralied in 3 AP classe+ for next semester,
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one evem, what would it be.
Pleaw explain.
I Nak if I watt iavolved in planning for one event it would be Dub Towu Jain just
because it is the event that I know the most about, and it stems to be the biggut
event. I also voIunwered at Ehe Dub Town Jam this past year and enjoyed it more
than I thought I would.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during
the 2002 -2003 sch*W year?
Nc= yeast I plan to continue with most of the activities that I did Iasi year, I intend
to run for office in September (the empty spot on the School Board), although I acre
not currendy in the leadership class I intend to be involved in the ccsmmivaars and
class menta, there will be much to do I'm sure! I alas do sutistics for the Varsity
Men's Basketball ream and during the spring I umpire baseball and softball &r
Dublin Little Lague.
of 3
- iC
07/23/02 08:39 FAX 9258296832 SHANNON COMM CNT 001
Kristin a'Ned YAC Application
7. How would the wovian in qucstion #6 effect your time commitment to
the Youth Adv1wry Commit=?
If nnydtitig, the fore mentioned sedvirics will add to my kn*wlacle of what's going
on in the school and in the community. I th4* that they will enhance my value w
the Youth Advisory Committee. As far as acne is cmoumed. since I don't have the
dine commitment of a leadership claw and a committee ih s year as I did list year I
will have lots of time for YAQ
8. If you view not sheeted to the Youth Advisory Cotnjplaw. would you be
intereaaed in :crving on one of tlx following committem..
Special Event Planning
9. Please mvide the name and phone number of three te&macm
Art He nwaillo
(925) 875 -1803
Rye Smith
(90) 860 -7786
reaaica Chan
(925) 929 -1291
3 of-4
JUL -23 -2002 08:41AM TEL]9258296832 ID)DUBLIN CITY MGR OFFC PAGE:001 R =99%
�����•� APPLICATION 2002 - 2003
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7 :30 p.m.
Name Sar a i Poun School (In lox- 2oo3school year) D0,64 n +J)Qk ScAAa I
Address 6lq 2 fl mad �.r Val g ( V6, Grade (in 2oo2 -2oo3 school year) L 0 -'"'t (,S6Ph0, o re,)
City, St. buL� *iri Phone t4 2 5) g2A — G +2.1
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the.
following committees:
O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub /in CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 =556 -4500.
a / ;K ys
Sarah Pan
June 27, 2002
Youth Advisory Committee Application 2002 -2003
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from Angelique Pillar.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that the Youth Advisory Committee organizes activities for us teens to do and they plan for
special events.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I am interested in serving on this Committee because it gives me a chance to practice my leadership
skills and to organize activities with the YAC members for teens to participate in.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
Some of the skills that I possess that make me a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee
are: thinking skills, cooperation, and creativity.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
If I could be involved in the planning for one event, it would be planning for the teen nights. The reason
why is because I believe that teens should have some fun besides studying all week and not having free time in
their lives. Besides that, I like the idea of planning for the teen nights because this event should be fun and
6, What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
During the 2002 -2003 school year, I will be on the school tennis team. I will also be involved in SOS
club, FISH club, and the LEO club.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
The activities in question #6 would probably decrease my time commitment to the Youth Advisory
Committee during September and October.
8, If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
If l am not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, I would be interested in serving on the Teen
Nights Committee.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
a) Name: Angelique Pillar phone#: (925) 8294895
b) Name: Louisa Pan phone#: (925) 829 -6421
c) Name: Jeffrey Pan phone#: (925) 829 -6421
bowl Irv,
W 4x
I-V cv_.
a _
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
2002 - 2003
Name �� C� yv1 4 School (in 2ow- 2ooschool year) u _
Address �L t 13 1`7 j�� ,�` � Grade (In 2ox -2oo3 school year)
City, St. L - Phone 0
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees: '
Publicity & Promotions Q Special Event Planning 4 Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 =556 -4500.
a6 � Vs
1. My sister, Laurel Smith, was on YAC last year.
2. I know that it is involved in creating, planning and executing various events for the teens of Dublin.
3. I am interested because I want to be more involved in my community. It is also very good experience that
will prepare me for the future.
4. I have very good leadership skills and rise to the position when there is a need for someone to be in charge.
I am also good at organizing people to reach a goal and have good people skills.
5. I would most want to be involved in the St. Patrick's Day events. I have attended this event every year
6. since I was very small. It would be interesting to see what goes to make this event the success it has been.
Question 6. and 7.
I will be starting my freshman year at Dublin High school. At this time I do not have any plans to try out
for an athletic team. I will not officially be in the leadership class but plan on helping out at school events
on an event by event basis. This is why I chose to apply for YAC but hopefully will be in the leadership
class in future school years. I plan to still help out at Dublin Elementary School's special events. I plan
to primarily focus on my academic work and hopefully the YAC committee.
8. Publicity / Promotions and the Dub Town Jam
9. Lori Strelo- Wells Cafeteria Supervisor- 833 -7684
Tess Thomas- Dublin Elementary Principal- 833 -1204
Shelly Rittenbach- Neighbor- 803 -1526
Erik M. Smith
11879 Bloomington Way
Dublin, CA 94568
Home Phone- 829 -0239
To obtain a position on the Youth Advisory Committee for the City of Dublin
(1999 to 2002) Dublin Unified School District Employee
I worked in the Wells Middle School cafeteria as a paid food service worker. My duties
included cashiering, serving and any jobs directed to do during the school lunch hour.
Supervisor: Lori Strelo
(1999 to present) Wells Middle School
(1997 to 1999) Dublin Elementary School
(1993 to 1999) Nielsen Elementary School
2002 Trustee Award (Wells Middle School)
Received the Dublin Unified School District Trustee Award for maintaining a 4.0 GPA
during all three years at Wells.
2002 President's Education Award Program- Middle School Years
2002 Attendance Recognition- Wells Middle School
1999 President's Education Award Program- Elementary School Years
(2000 to present) Dublin Elementary School Volunteer
Media Center / Library: Worked in library processing, labeling and shelving books.
Media Associate: Liana deWit -Smith
Fall and Spring Book Fairs: Help set up, decorate, cashier, take orders and dress up as
literary character to entertain the younger students.
Reading Specialist: Joan Cooley
Spring Carnival: Worked at stations and booths as directed by the Carnival Chairperson.
Supervisor: Patty Guadagni
Registration: Worked with staff to hand out classroom assignments after the parent has
finished registration process.
Supervisor: Principal Tess Thomas
(1999 to present) Las Positas Junior Golf Association
(1994 to 2002) Dublin Youth Sports League Basketball
(2000 -2001) Wells Middle School Track Team
(2000 -2001) Wells Middle School 7th Grade Basketball Team
(1999 -2000) Wells Middle School 6th Grade Basketball Team
(1998 -1999) Dublin Elementary School 5th Grade Basketball Team
ag. � ys
G � 2
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth t
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth A
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community. m ;
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City r t.
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity pP ty :.. +} _
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term•.'
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth _zy .;-
Advisory Committee meets once a months the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references..
Please return application materials to Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dub /in CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 - 556 - 4500.
a9 � �5
Youth Advisory Committee: Application Questions
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I was a member of the committee last year. I originally found out about it through some students
on the committee who also attend my school. I also found out from the booth at the St. Patrick's
Day fair last year, and from a school G.A.T.E. meeting which one of the adult advisors came to.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know that the Y.A.C. helps to plan and organize different events for Dublin's youth, such as the
Dub Town Jam, St. Patrick's Day activities, the Dublin Fun Run, etc. The members work with adult
advisors to plan and promote activities and events for city youth's. It's also a lot of fun!
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I served on the committee last year, and had a great experience. I got the chance to work with
new and interesting people on a variety of projects. I'm interested in meeting more people and
sharing our ideas. It's also a great way to have your voice heard, and a way for your ideas to
actually become a reality. I chaired the sub- committee for the St. Patrick's Day festivities last
year, and am interested in possibly chairing another sub- committee this year. I'm also a member
of DHS's Leadership class, but the Y.A.C. is more involved in events that directly affect the city
and its youth.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory
I possess good leadership and organizational skills. I am artistic and creative and work well with
others. Please see attached resume (Qualifications).
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
If I could be involved in the planning of one event, I would want to help with the Dub Town Jam.
Each year we have this event, it's a learning process, and we come out of the night with ideas as
to how to make next years' event even better. I think last years' D.T.J. was a success, but there
is more planning and improving to do for the next one. It's one of the Y.A.C.'S signature events;
there is a lot of publicity, and many teens attend. It's a great feeling to see people having a good
time and knowing that you helped to make it happen.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in the 2002 -2003 school year?
In the 2002/2003 school year, I will possibly be involved in two Varsity sports, basketball and
track. I am also a member of the Leadership class at Dublin High, and will be a member of DHS's
G.A.T.E. program, as well as a member of C.S.F. (California Scholarship Federation). Please see
attached resume (Groups and Activities).
7. How would activities in #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
I have often taken on a large amount of work during the school year. From sports to academics to
clubs, I have managed to keep up my grades and still be able to devote complete and undivided
time to all of the various activities. During the school year when I got my sports schedules, I
could easily arrange my calendar to spend time with Y.A.C. I believe that Y.A.C. would be no
different, causing no problem in my scheduling.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on
one of the following committees?
I would be interested in serving on the "Dub Town Jam" committee. It was fun to help plan that
event last year as a member of Y.A.C., and I'd like to help out if I am not selected for Y.A.C.
9. References:
a. Lauren Abrams, #(925) 855 -7009
b. Dana Abrams, #(925) 829 -8567
c. Abby Johnson, # (925) 556 -1865
Laurel K. Smith
11879 Bloomington Way
Dublin, CA 94568
Home Phone 829 -0239
To obtain a position on the Youth Advisory Committee for the City of Dublin.
Leadership and Organizational Skills: Able to look at a task, prioritize, delegate and
accomplish work needed to achieve goal in efficient time and manner.
Work ethics: Hard worker, opened minded, always willing to listen and learn from
suggestions, advice and constructive criticism.
People Skills: Friendly and outgoing. Able to work well with others to accomplish group
,:� / e �5
Creative: Able to contribute ideas for group projects. Can expand on previously given ideas
and formulate new ones.
(1999 to present) Children's Party Consultant and Coordinator
Hired by parents to plan, organize and supervise children's parties. Acquire supplies and
hire needed work force.
(1998 to present) Babysitter
Put in charge of children and able to make quick and responsible decisions. Took class
offered by the City of Dublin before beginning.
(1996 to present) House / Pet Sitter
Tend to neighbors houses, gardens and pets while they are on vacation. Responsible for
home alarms, feeding and exercise of animals, watering gardens and picking up mail and
(2001 -2002) City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee
Teen committee which advises the City of Dublin on events for teens. The group organizes
and executes approved activities. Supervisors: Henry Siu and Suzy Quigley.
(2001 -2002) Dublin High Leadership Class
High school class in which selected students plan and organize events for the student body.
Supervisor: Tim Sbranti
(2001 -2002) Dublin Elementary School Basketball Assistant Coach
Helped coach the 5th grade boys basketball team.
Head Coach: Perry Tucker
(Summer 200 1) Alameda County Library Family Story Nights
Help to advertise and decorate for this event including buying supplies, creating visually
stimulating displays and taking pictures.
Supervisor: Peggy Tollefson.
(1999 to present) Dublin High G.A.T.E. Program
Passed G.A.T.E. testing in leadership skills and academics to qualify.
GATE Counselor: Abby Johnson
(2000 to present) Dublin High S.O.S. (Scholars of Society)
Sub group of DHS GATE. Emphasis on academic opportunities and scholarships.
(1999 to present) Dublin High C.S.F. (California Scholarship Federation)
Associate member
(2000 -2001 School Year) Job Shadow Program - Clorox Corp.
(1999 -2000 School Year) Job Shadow Program -Crab Cove Regional Park
Participated in DHS Job Shadowing program to gain first hand experience for future
employment. Faculty coordinator: Tim Sbranti
(1997 -1999) Wells Middle School C.J.S.F (California Junior Scholarship Federation)
Participated and helped organize group field trips. Supervisor: Jennifer Lea
(1997 -2000 Summers) T.V.A.R.'Volunteer (TriValley Animal Rescue)
Cared for and exercised shelter animals. Supervisor: Nancy Metz
,�a � �s
(1997 To present) Dublin Elementary School Volunteer
Spring Carnival: Worked at stations (ie: face painting, kids games, kitchen, prize booth).
Recruited volunteers from Dublin High School to help at various booths.
Supervisor: School PFC President: Nancy Bastida and Patty Guadagni.
Registration: Worked with staff to organize class room assignments, received and filed
forms given by parents, handed out class room assignments to parents.
Supervisor: Principal: Tess Thomas.
Media Center / Library: Worked in library processing, labeling, and shelving books.
Helped to create appropriate and visually attractive wall displays.
Media Associate: Liana deWit- Smith.
1999 to present Dublin High School
1996 to 1999 Wells Middle School
1990 to 1995 Nielsen Elementary School
2001 Academic Excellence Award DHS
Demonstrated outstanding academic achievement on the Golden State Examination in
Certificate of Commendation 2000 DHS
In Recognition of Excellence in Scholarship
Must maintain a 3.85 or above GPA for 3 consecutive semesters.
Certificate of Honor DHS
Fall and Spring 2000 -2001 Semester, Fall and Spring 1999 -2000 Semester
1999 Academic Excellence Award DHS
Demonstrated outstanding academic achievement on Golden state Examination in Biology
1999 President's Education Awards Program
1996 to 1999 Principal's Honor Roll Wells Middle School
6th, 7th and 8th Grades: Maintained a 3.88 GPA or above.
(99 -00 and 00 -01) DHS Women's Varsity Basketball. Positions: Forward and Center.
Coach: Tim Sbranti
(00 -01 and 01 -02) DHS Track. Event: 400 meter and 400 meter relay.
Coach; Ronnie McGee
(95 -96 and 96 -97) D.Y.S.L. Basketball (Dublin Youth Sports League)
Participated on city basketball teams. Coaches: Vincent Yee and Kim Pensky
01 -02 North Coast Section Scholar Athlete Award (GPA 3.6)
00 -01 North Coast Section Scholar Athlete Award (GPA 4.0)
00 -01 North Coast Section Distinguished Scholastic Team
00 -01 Varsity Letter Award in Basketball
99 -00 North Coast Section Scholar Athlete Award (GPA 4.0)
99 -00 North Coast Section Distinguished Scholastic Team
00 -01 Varsity Letter Award in Basketball
Name; Stephanie Williams
Address: 2922 Millbrook Ave.
City, St.: Dublin California
School: Dublin High School
Grade: 9�h
Phone: (925) 829 -8063
1) How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee a few years ago from my
father who was a sponsor for the committee. I was a YAC member last year and
really enjoyed being apart of the group.
2) What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I know the Youth Advisory Committee provides activities for the teens of Dublin.
Activities like kareoke night and midnight bowling. Towards the end of the year
they have their biggest event called the Dub Town Jam. This event has music,
food, fun, and games for the teens of Dublin to enjoy. YAC also provides a few
special events such as the Youth Music Showcase and trips to the snow. The
Youth Advisory Committee meets the first Thursday of every month to organize
these events, and subcommittee meetings are held as well.
3) Why are you interested in serving on this committee?
I am interested in serving on this committee because I really enjoyed being apart
of it before. I made some new friends and it really helped me with my social
skills. It's helped me to open up more and speak my mind. I like organizing
activities and making posters and getting the word out about our events. It is a
lot of fun and I like working with others to provide a fun time for the teens of
4) What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the
Youth Advisory Committee?
The skills that I possess to make me a strong candidate are leadership,
organization, administrative and human relations. I was a previous YAC member
and served on the publicity committee. I had to communicate with others and
attend subcommittee meetings. I have two years of experience in a leadership
class. These skills make me a strong candidate.
5) If you could be involved in planning one event, what would it be? Please
I would like to be involved in the planning of the Youth Music Showcase. I
attended this event and had a lot of fun. There was food, drink and local bands.
I would like to be in charge of getting bands to play for us and publicizing the
event so we would have a big turn out.
6) What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the
2002 -2003 school year?
C�� e V.5
I will be playing soccer for the city of Dublin until early December. I am currently
playing JV summer league basketball for Dublin high school.
7) How would these activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to
the Youth Advisory Committee?
If I make the team for either soccer or basketball at Dublin High School during
the school year practices should not effect my time commitment.
8) If you are selected to the Youth Advisory, would you be interested in serving
on one of the following committees: Publicity & Promotions - Special Event
Planning - Teen Nights - Dub Town Jam
I would like to serve on the Publicity & Promotions committee and the Teen
Nights committee. I like making posters and I have neat handwriting. I have
some unique ideas on how we could promote our activities. I also have some
thoughts on what activities teens are into.
9) Please provide the name and number of three references.
Gina Masinter - 828 -8647
Kim Nolan - 828 -0770
Sandra Carlson - (530) 527 -8696
�L OF Dp8
i% 8 n1
- 2003
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
Name in -Chen Php.rtq School (in 2oo2- 2oo school year) �v
Address g' S W inter brook Ave. Grade (In 2oo2 2oo3 school year)
City, st. Dubli" CA'4456$ Phone( -'ZS) 551-3167
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills .do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
Youth Advisory Committee Application 2002 - 2003
Name: Yin -Chen Phang
Address: 4815 Winterbrook Ave.
City, St.: Dublin, CA
School (2002- 2003): Dublin High
Grade (2002 - 2003): 12
Phone: (925) 551 -3169
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
I was recommended to the Youth Advisory Committee by a friend who had
served on it before. Also, I had heard about Y.A.C. events such as Karaoke
Nights over the Dublin High P.A. system.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
The Youth Advisory Committee is the voice for Dublin youth. It gives middle
and high school teens the opportunity to formulate, promote, and implement
recreational activities for the city's youth. It is a forum for teens to stay involved
in their community and to channel their ideas and services into issues and events
that affect them.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
I believe that teens, with their fresh ideas and energy, can contribute greatly to a
community. That is why I am concerned whenever I see some teens go off on
wayward paths instead of filling their youth with good memories and meaning.
The Y.A.0 is an important asset to the city because it fosters safe and positive
activities for the teens and creates leadership opportunities for its members.
Y.A.C. events bring teens together and enhance their sense of community. For
these reasons, I feel that the Youth Advisory Committee is a very important
organization, and I would be honored to serve on it.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the
Youth Advisory Committee?
I have been actively involved in leadership through conferences, school clubs,
and Dublin High's student government (Junior Class Secretary 2001 -02). These
activities have honed me to be an experienced student leader. In addition,
dedication is one of my strongest qualities. I have the energy and perseverance to
face challenges and problems, as well as the responsibility to see things through.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be?
Please explain.
I would like to plan for the Y.A.C's Dub Town Jam. It is one of the bigger events
for the Youth Advisory Committee, and one of the more well- known. I have been
to the Dub Town Jam events in both 2001 and 2002, and I am very impressed at
3? 4y5
the growth and potential of this event. With effort and planning, this event can
continue to be enjoyed and looked forward to by the youth. I hope to make next
year's Dub Town Jam an even greater success!
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during
the 2002 -2003 school year?
I will be in student leadership again next year, chairing the Multicultural
Committee. I will also be active in the school clubs such as Scholars of Society
and the Interact club, where I hold positions. In addition, I play the piano and
volunteer at the Senior Center.
7. How would the activities in question # 6 affect your time commitment to the
Youth Advisory Committee?
If I am selected, I plan to commit myself to the Youth Advisory Committee.
Most of my activities are during school hours (lunchtime meetings, meetings
before school etc.) so they would probably have negligible effect on my time
commitment to the Committee. I can also schedule my piano lessons and
volunteering sessions around major Y.A.C. events.
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be
interested in serving on one of the following committees:
ePublicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights
O(Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
1. Larry Carpenter — (925) 833 -3300 ext. 7021
2. Abby Johnson— (925) 833 -3300 ext. 7123
3. Lynda Foong — (510) 206 -8520
of�D�pB \�G
a 7
APPLICATION 2002. - 2003
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory , Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
O Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights O Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 1.1600 Shannon Ave., Dublin CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 -556 -4500.
Youth Advisory Committee Application For Angelique Pillar
1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee through Yin Chen Phang last summer. I
also saw a program on channel thirty about the youth committees in the area.
2. Based on my participation in YAC, I know that it is a committee of made of teens and a few
adults that meet once a month in official meetings and more often for subcommittee
meetings. In official meetings, the committee focuses on planning and publicizing teen
events. In subcommittee meetings, all the details of these events are planned out. Some of
these events include Karaoke Night, Capture the Flag Night, Dub Town Jam, and the St.
Patrick's Day Parade.
3. I am interested in serving on YAC because this year I would like a leadership opportunity
within the committee this year because I have observed how the committee is run and how it
can be run most efficiently. In addition, I felt that participating in YAC helped me become
more extroverted, a trait that I would like to improve more next year. Most importantly, 1
have some ideas for a new YAC web page that would enable many more teens to have direct
access to teen events around the city since so many teens spend many hours online every
4. The skills I posses that would make me a strong candidate include diligence, intelligence, and
motivation. When I make a plan, I always follow through with it. I have maintained straight
A's since 6' grade. This reflects my dedication towards commitments I make. In addition, I
have an agreeable personality, essential when working in groups.
5. I would like to be involved in planning any of the events, but if I were to be particular, I
would like to help out with the Snowboard Trip because for the last two years, the trip has
never gotten enough participants. I think with the right publicity, it can go through this year.
In addition, I would enjoy planning the YAC booth for the St. Patrick's Day Parade because
St. Patrick's Day is a huge event for the City of Dublin.
6. During the school year, the activities I am in outside of school are piano and martial arts. In
school, I am on the Interact Club and CSF. Because of a lack of information about
standardized tests, scholarships, and volunteering opportunities, my two friends and I
founded a club called "Scholars of Society." I am on the varsity woman's tennis team at
Dublin High. I volunteer at the Dublin Senior Center, Valley Care Hospital in Pleasanton,
and Valley Care Health Library in Pleasanton. I also tutor my neighbors in the piano and in
7. I feel that these activities would not affect my time commitment in YAC because I can plan
MY time well. Last year, I participated in the same activities and I was still able to place
YAC as one of my top priorities.
8. I would be interested in serving on the Dub Town Jam committee and Special Event Planning
9. Three References:
Friends in YAC: Volunteer Directors
Yin Chen Phanng 5513169 l�rlartha Dunn 73- 3315
Jenny Bao 803 -8915 Anna Hudson 829 -6316
JUN 18 2002
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input in youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community..
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re- appointment in August 2003. The, twelve month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The Youth
Advisory Committee meets once a month; the first Thursday
evening at 7:30 p.m.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or-will be involved in during the 2002 -2003 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
0 Publicity & Promotions O Special Event Planning O Teen Nights 0 Dub Town Sam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 11600 Shannon Ave., Dublin CA 94568
If you have any questions please call 925 -556 -4500.
/-I eel ys
1. I was a member of the Youth Advisory Committee. Two years ago, I heard of the
Y.A.C. through a friend, and through these years, I have seen Y.A.C.'s publicity
increase, appearing in the newspaper and in the announcements at Dublin schools.
2. The Youth Advisory Committee is a committee of teenagers who meet the first
Thursday of every month at the Civic Center to plan activities for teenagers. It is
a committee that works much like the actual City's Advisory Committee. Y.A.C.
promotes fun and safe events for the youth of Dublin, and participates in many
other city activities, such as the St. Patrick's Day festival and Senior Center
3. I would like to serve on this Committee, because I not only enjoy participating in
City events, but also creating and planning them. My past experiences with
Y.A.C. have been very enjoyable and I would like to remain part of this group.
4. I am a strong candidate for Y.A.C., because I have had much leadership and
community service experience, not to mention experience at being a Y.A.C.
member. I am also very organized and active. Concerning the attendance of
meetings, I am punctual and dependable. I have participated in most of the
Y.A.C. subcommittee meetings the past term (2001- 2002).
5. If there was only one event to choose, I would be involved in the planning for
Dub Town Jam. I had already been the Chairperson of this subcommittee the last
term (2001 - 2002). I would like to share my experience with future Y.A.C.
members and further improve the Dub Town Jam.
6. In the 2002 -2003 school year, I will be participating in the Dublin High School
Varsity Women's Tennis Team. I will also be volunteering as a tutor and
participating in a couple of the school's clubs (such as Interact and GATE).
7. I have been participating in the tennis team, clubs, and tutoring for the past two
years, while also being a Y.A.C. member. There will be no problem balancing
my schedule between these activities and giving Y.A.C. a due share of my time.
My participation in other clubs will also aid Y.A.C. during events that require
8. I would be interested in serving on any of these committees.
9. Three references
• Henry Siu (925) 556 -4500
• Angelique Pillar (925) 829 -4895
• Roxanne Balolong (925) 829 -8307