HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 WExtPlanAreaGPAStudy C'ITY CLERK File# 1~7~ ~-~Jb~. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 SUBJECT: Initiation of General Plan Amendment Study for the Adjustment of the Western Extended Planning Area Boundary Report Prepared by: Eddie Peabody ,Ir., Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Excerpt Minutes of City Council Meeting February 16, 1999 2. Resolution Approving Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study 3. Resolution Denying Initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study 4. Map of Western Extended Planning Area 5. Map of Western Extended Planning Area with General Plan Amendment areas RECOMMENDATIO.N~ 1. Receive StaffPresentation . 2. Receive Public Testimony 3. Question Staff and the Public 4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) approving initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study or 5. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 3) denying initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study or 6. Take no action FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Task to be performed by Staff and hence no additional funding required. DESCRIPTION: The Western Dublin Extended Planning Area is an unincorporated area lying immediately west of the existing City limits and bounded by the communities of Dublin, San Ramon, and Castro Valley. Because this area, extending westward to Eden Canyon Road is within the City's "Sphere of Influence" as designated by the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission, it is an area that could be annexed by the City. Over the past 20 years portions of the area have been considered for development. For example, Schaefer Ranch was annexed to the City during the 1990's and development approvals were granted at that time. Development of Schaefer Ranch has been delayed, however, by the Federal regulatory requirements associated with threatened and endangered species. The Extended Planning Area consists of approximately 3,100 acres of ridgeland with a series of ridges and canyons, including a number of rural residential units. Interstate 580 creates the southern boundary of COPIES TO: Consultant In-House distribution ITEM NO. ~ G:\wdub ex plan area\ccsr Aug 6 /,~ ~/ the Study Area, the Alameda/Contra Costa County line sets the northern boundary, Eden Canyon Road is on the west, and the Dublin City limits are on the east. The regional setting of the Western Extended Planning Area is shown in Attachment 4. On February 16, 1999, the Dublin City Council adopted a resolution to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study of those properties within the City of Dublin Sphere of Influence lying west of the existing City limits, and also to submit a measure to the voters for adoption of an Urban Limit Line (ULL) in the Extended Planning Area. Dublin voters approved the measure in November of 2000, creating a ULL at the City limits and designating lands west of the ULL as Rural Residential/Agriculture in the Dublin General Plan. This land use designation limits new development in the Western Extended Planning Area to one unit per 100 gross acres for the next 30 years if the property is annexed to the City, unless changed by the voters. The intent of the ULL is to protect natural resources in this area, and to restrict further development in the western hills, by directing future development to other areas of Dublin that are less constrained and where urban services can be provided in a more efficient manner. As part of the General Plan Amendment Study initiated in 1999, the City Council also requested that an open space preservation study be conducted in order to consider options for permanently preserving certain open space, including methods for compensating landowners who could potentially be affected by the proposed ULL. The resulting Open Space Preservation Options for the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area (Options Report) contained open space preservation strategies that were presented in a series of public meetings, and were ultimately presented to and received by the Dublin City Council in June 2000. On April 2, 2002, the City Council approved preservation of Open Space through acquisition of the Nielsen and Milestone Properties, either by direct City acquisition or in concert with the East Bay Regional Park District. This action, if implemented coupled with the recent acquisitions of the two Machado Properties by the District and Open Space dedications of 164 acres in the California Highlands project which is currently part of the City's Sphere of Influence, will create a 1,091± acre Regional Open Space Area next to the Western City Limits of Dublin. Properties Proposed as a part of a Future Dublin Regional Open Space Area Property Acreage In City limits or not Present Ownership Nielsen 444 No Nielsen Cronin 176 No Cronin Heights/Milestone Heights/Milestone Partnership Partnership John Machado 147 No EBRPD Scott Machado 160 No EBRPD California Highlands 164 Yes EBRPD Total acreage 1,091 Also on February 16, 1999 the City Council instructed Staff to study the possible adjustment of the City's Sphere of Influence boundary in the Western Extended Planning Area. Staff was directed to initiate this study when the City Council had selected the Open Space Preservation Option for the Westem Dublin Extended Planning Area. The result of the acquisitions and dedications will be that all properties east of the major ridgeline to the Dublin City Limits may well be preserved as open space. The remainder of the original 3,100-acre extended planning area now designated as part of the City's Sphere of Influence will be isolated by topography, lack of direct access to Dublin, and will have to be serviced by any future infrastructure from Eden Canyon Road. This area totals approximately 2,164 acres of the original Western Extended Planning Area. ANALYSIS: The boundaries of the Western Extended Planning Area were adopted as a part of Dublin's Sphere of Influence in the 1980's and still remains in effect after the adoption of the ULL. As noted above, · approximately 2,164 acres of the original Western Extended Planning Area would remain after acquisition of the remaining properties east of the ridgeline to the present City limits. These properties have many constraints to development as noted above. The GPA StUdy will address a possible boundary adjustment. The question is, whether the remaining 2,164 acres remain as a part of Dublin's planning area and Sphere of Influence. The types of issues that the Study will address include: · This property will not be connected to the City by direct street access. · Water, sewer, and other infrastructure will need to be extended to the area from Eden Canyon Road, not from existing Dublin. · Given the major ridgeline, and other topograPhic conditions, this remainder acreage will not be visible from existing Dublin. · Dublin Measure "M" will effectively keep this area designated as Agriculture with a 100-acre minimum size. · Dublin Measure "M" as earlier noted requires if annexed, that any development proposed in this area would be subject to a vote the Dublin Electorate. > On the other hand: · This property could be annexed at a later date if access and infrastructure issues could be resolved. · Additional open space or rural residential development in this area could occur in the future. · Specialized agricultural uses (i.e.: vineyards) may be possible if a major source of water is found and could enhance the open space character of an adjacent Dublin Hills Regional Open Space. · The area has traditionally been a part of Dublin's Sphere of Influence and there may be little reason to eliminate this area from the Sphere of Influence given long term County and Dublin growth measures. If the General Plan Amendment Study is authorized, staff will evaluate the changes necessary for the General Plan impacts, if any, on the Measure "M" requirements adopted by the voters and any relationship to the proposal to create a Regional Open Space area on the eastern portion of the western extended planning area. Future Actions: If the General Plan Amendment is authorized, staff will conduct its analysis and prepare a staff report for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Should the City Council authorize a modification of the boundary, a later application would be made to the Local Agency Formation Commission to remove the affected area from the City's adopted Sphere of Influence. Notice: Notice of this request to initiate a General Plan Amendment has been sent to all parties who have been involved in the ongoing discussion of open space in the Western Extended Planning Area over the past three years. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Receive Staff Presentation 2. Receive Public Testimony 3. Question Staff and the Public 4. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 2) approving initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study or 5.. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 3) denying initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study or 6. Take no action 4¢6/ PROCESSING AND APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FOR THE WESTERN EXTENDED PLANNING AREA PENDING THE COMPLETION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY ON ESTABLISHING AN URBAN LIMIT LINE Item 11: On motion of Mayor Houston, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council instructed Staff to return within 45 days to determine if a moratorium should be extended for 10 months and 15 days. Item 12: Instruct Staff to refer a proposal to delete areas within the Western Extended Planning Area from the City's adopted Sphere of Influence to the Local Agency Formation Commission should the measure establishing an ULL be approved by the voters of the City of Dublin The Council agreed that this will be looked at with GPA study. REPORT ON. CODE ENFORCEMENT AT SHAMROCK VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 7:58 p.m. 7.2 (530-20) Community Development Director Peabody presented the Staff Report and provided an update of the status of code enforcement measures taken for the shopping center located on Amador Valley Boulevard, based on a complaint received from resident Marianne Stutchman. She stated she felt the Shamrock Village Shopping Center has been declining over the past several years. She suggested that trash enclosures be placed around the Center in various locations. In addition, she asked Staff to look into the number of trailers that the Goodwill Industries are allowed to have on the site. Mr. Peabody discussed the CiW's Zoning Ordinance, Solid Waste Ordinance and the Property Maintenance Ordinance. He gave background information on the Shamrock Village Shopping Center, which was approved in 1960 by Alameda County. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 18 REGULAR MEETING. ATTACHMENT I RESOLUTION NO. -02 ~ ~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE WESTERN EXTENDED PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY WHEREAS, approximately 3,100 acres comprising the Western Extended Planning Area were established as a part of the City of Dublin's Sphere of Influence by the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan contains maps and certain references related to the City's potential future interest in the Western Extended Planning Area of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin is considering the preservation of some 936 acres of the Western Extended Planning Area for permanent Open Space in conjunction with properties already acquired by the East Bay Regional Park District for Open Space; and WHEREAS, the total area is currently designated as agricultural and Open Space in both the Alameda County and Dublin's General Plan; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study~ has been determined to be necessary to consider an adjustment in the boundaries of the Western Extended Planning Area to remove approximately 2,164 acres of the present 3,100 acres from the Western Extended Planning Area; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council approve the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and supports the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to study the adjustment of the Western Extended Planning Area boundary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study to study the adjustment of the Western Extended Planning Area boundary. PASSED, APPROVED,' AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 6th day of August 2002 by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. - 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE WESTERN EXTENDED PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study is being requested by Staff to study the adjustment of the West Dublin Extended Planning Area Boundary; and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan contains maps and certain references related to the City's potential future interest in the Western Extended Planning Area of Dublin; and WHEREAS, approximately 3,100 acres comprising the Western Extended Planning Area were established as a part of the City of Dublin's Sphere of Influence by the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS~ the City Council of the City of Dublin is considering the preservation of some 936 acres of the Western Extended Planning Area for permanent Open Space in conjunction with properties already acquired by the East Bay Regional Park District for Open Space; and WHEREAS, the total area is currently designated as Agriculture and Open Space in both the Alameda County and Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been determined to be necessary to consider an adjustment in the boundaries of the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area, to remove approximately 2,164 acres 0fthe present 3,100 acres from the Western Dublin Extended Planning Area; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council deny the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and does not support the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study to Study the adjustment of the Western Extended Planning Area Boundary. ATTACHMENT 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 6th day of August 2002, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\WDublin Ex Plan AreaLAug 6 reso 2.doc WESTERN DUBLIN LEGEND EXTENDED PLANING MIEA URBAN LIMIT LINE I Western Extended DAVILLA ! - -, .~,.planning Area Bounding! /FIELDS WIEDEMANN ..... 'I ~.~' I ....... - r~ Regional Trail --- Urban Limit Line I (in¢lnding 164 prc~entl~ in the Cit~ MANUEL '~ ~''~ MACHADO CRONIN iIEIGHTS  MILESTONE eA~ERS][HP NIELSEN i;~ BRITI'ANY DRIVE BARTLiNG & '" DAVILLA ~ EDEN CANYON FAMILY EAS~VOOD Ill I, AiITNEIISHIP ~ ~'~ ~ ~'~ $ SCtlAEFER RANCIt VCC MORRIS' Donlon Point 5~0 WESTERN DUBLIN LEGEND ' General'Plan EXTENDED PLANNING AREA ': ~' -- ~::k;~)~ Amendment Study 2,164 Acres I"'' ~ ' ',t Western Dublin Extended Planning Area Boundary ~ Regional Trail .~ Proposed Open Space General 1,091 Acres · 2,164 Acres 164 presently in the City ) CRONIN IIEIGHTS MILESTONE PAR~I~ERStlIP NIELSEN ~ mm'rA~' f: / , SCHAEFEll RANCIi f vCC MORRIS' Donion Point 580 July 26, 2002