HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddrssChngs/CalBrksd06-13-2000CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT/STAFF REPORT for June 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Public Hearing Address Changes - California Brookside Subdivision off Central Avenue PREPA~DBY: Edward Laudani, Deputy Fire Marshal & George Thomas, Chief Bldg. Official DESCRIPTION: A re-numbering problem has occurred as a result of numbering street addresses off Mangrove Drive rather than Central parkway in the Kaufmann & Broad California Brookside development. The developer, Kaufman and Broad, changed access to a portion of that development from Mangrove to Central Parkway. This change occurred after the existing number sequence was approved by City staff. The existing addresses are not sequential along Central Parkway, particularly, as a result of these inconsistencies emergency responses to that portion of California Brookside development have been delayed. ATTACHMENTS: 3. 4. 5. Planning Commission Resolution recommending that the City Council Change Addresses Present Addresses and Map of Area Memorandum by City Attorney Neighborhood Meeting Notice Neighborhood Meeting Outline with Alternatives Considered and Alternative Selected Proposed Changes of Address RECOMMENDATION: 2. 3. 4. Hear staff report and approve address changes Open Public Hearing and take testimony Close Public Hearing Approve Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending that the affected addresses be changed. BACKGROUND: Two recent incidents have occurred. Shortly after the development complex opened, the Police Department response for back up was delayed due to the officer not being able to locate an address in this particular area. In October 1999, Fire Department emergency response was delayed because an engine ITEM NO. ~' '~ COPIES TO: California Brookside Home Owner's Association Each affected owner/tenant company could not locate a similar address. Staff felt it important to correct the numbering system in this area. To resolve these inconsistencies, Saff held a Public Meeting on March 30, 2000, and invited representatives of the California Brookside Home Owners Association and all property owners to discuss the issue of address changes. No objections to possible address changes were received. Staff believes that these address changes are essential for Fire, Police and delivery services for these affected addresses. Disadvantages for the residents will include: · New addresses for individual residents · Twenty six existing addresses would be changed · New business cards if there are home businesses · Re-notification of mail and delivery services of changed addresses · New address boards within the Home Owners Association Property The proposed new numbers have been referred to affected agencies (Post Office, etc.) and no negative responses have been received. CONCLUSION: Staffrecommends that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the Resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the City Council approve address changes for Central Parkway number sequence versus existing Mangrove Drive addresses. 2 RESOLUTION NO. O0 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CHANGE ADDRESSES AT THE CALIFORNIA BROOKSIDE SUBDMSION OFF CENTRAL AVENUE VEHEREAS, it is necessary for emergency services pro¼ders and the public to identify properties by address; and, WHEREAS, non-sequemial numbering of existing addresses has resulted in delays in emergency service deliveries and has resulted in confusion to the public; and, WHEREAS, the City is authorized to renumber a street within its jurisdiction pursuant to its police power; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council change twenty-six existing addresses as follows: Bldg. Old New No. Number Number t4 15 20 21 26 4862,4864,4866,4868,4870 4861,4863,4865,4867,4869 4852,4854,4856,4858,4860 4762,4764,4766,4768,4770 4710,4712,4714,4716,4718,4720 4762,4764,4766,4768,4770 Central Parkway 4742,4744,4746,4748,4750 Central Parkway 4642,4644,4646,4648,4650 Central Parkway 4622,4624,4626,4628,4630 Central parkway 4510,4512,4514,4516,4518,4520 Central Pkwy. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of ,2000, by the following vote: AX~q~S: NOES: AB SEhq7: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Community Developmem DirecTor ,a,.TTACHMENi' [ CITY OF DUBLIN BUILDING ~SPECTION DEPARTMENT "(510) 833-6620 flAX) 833-6628 TRACT 6822 Kanfman and Broad, California Brookside APN # 986-001-001-10 NOTE: ADDRESS CHANGE FOR POOL A_Nq) REC. BLDG ONLY 4601 M_4_NGROVE DRIVE 9/18/97 1 4 4812, 4814, 4816, 4818 Hibernia Dr/ye 2 4 3 3 A 3 5 4 6 4 7 5 8 5 9 5 10 4 11 4 12 4 13 4 14 5 15 5 16 5 17 5 lg 6 19 6 20 5 21 5 22 5 23 5 24 6 25 6 26 6 Pool and Rec. Building 4813, 4815, 4817, 4819 Boxwood Wa3' 4820, 4822, 4824 Hibernia Drive 4821, 4823, 4825 Boxwvood Way 4830, 4832, 4834, 4836 Favoa Way 4831, 4833, 4835, 4837 Fawn Way 4902, 4904, 4906, 4908, 4910 Hibemia Drive 4849, 4851, 4853, 4855, 4857 Martgrove Drive 4930, 4932, 4934, 4936, 4938 Hibernia Drive 4841, 4843, 4845, 4847 Mangrove Drive 4840, 4842, 4844, 4846 Central Park'way 47gl, 4787, 4791, 4801 Mangrove Drive 4780, 4786, 4790, 4800 Central Parkway 4862, 4864, 4866, 4868, 4870 Man~z;'e Central 4861, 4863, 4865, 4867, 4869 ~ Central ]~arL'w~, 4731, 4753, 4735, 4737, 4739 Mangrove Drive 4730, 4732, 4734, 4736, 4738 Central Parkw,'ay 4681, 4683, 4685, 4687, 4689, 4691 Mangrove Drive 4680, 4682, 4684, 4686, 4688, 4690 Central Parkway 4852, 4854, 4856, 4858, 4860 Central Park*way 4762, 4764, 4766, 4768, 4770 Central Parkway 4571, 4573, 4575, 4577, 4579 Mangrove Drive 4570, 4572, 4574, 4576, 4578 Central Park'wvay 4551, 4553, 4555, 4557, 4559, 4561 Mangrove Drive 4550, 4552, 4554, 4556, 4558, 4560 Central Park-way 4710, 4712, 4714, 4716, 4718, 4720 Central parkwqay 4890 ~gg! 4601MangTove Drive TOTAL 123 Multi-Family Dwelling Units ATTACHMENT v.x:or.#13 TR6 ~K22.tl ~ ." ......... 9118/97 ] m e y e r s I.. v e riback silver & wi]son Elizabeth H, Silver Attorney at Law 510. 351.4300 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 3, 1999 TO: Ceca Fades Building Department City of Dublin NOV O 5 7999 ciTY OF DUBLIN BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT. FROM: Elizabeth H. Silver City Attorney RE: Street Number Changes You have asked how Dublin can change the numbers on a street. Under state taw, the City may rename or renumber any street or block within its territorial jurisdiction. (Municipal Corporations, McQuiltan, [}30.14.) The Dublin Municioal Code says that the City adopts the County's humoring system (7.08.010) and has a section that speci~es how a street name is changed (7.08.070) but does not say anything about how to change a.street number. Given the absence of any specific provision, I believe the City should follow the procedures for changing str~.t names. in particular, the City should comply with the procedures set forth below. Prior to changing a street numbering system, a public hearing shall be scheduled before the Planning Commission~::~ At~ast ten (1 o) days prior to the public hearing, the city Community. Development Director shall post notice of the hearing in conspicuous places along the street. This notice must contain letters a minimum of eighth (1/8) inch in height reading "NOTICE OF PROPOSED STREET NUMBERING CHANGE" along with a general description of the proposal. The City Community Development Director shall also be mailed to each owner; as shown the last equalized assessment roll, of property along the street at least ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. SmT~ i,o~, r .libmi~ A ACHMENT TO: Ceca Farias, Building Department FROM: Elizabe~ H. Silver, CityAtDmey RE: Street Numar Changes DATE: November 3, 1999 - PAGE: 2 After the closing of the public headng, the;Pl~inn~ri[~;CC'~'"~ii~-sion shall rnak~"a*Fe-db-~'rh'e-n-d~tibn to the City (~,oun"'~""-cit. If the Planning Commission recommends a change, the City Council may adopt a resolution putting the recommended change into effect without a hearing. The City Council rfi~i'b~h-ge-any:s~et'nLimbet'con~'td Ih~' Planning.Commission recommendation without first holdifi'g-~p--ut~ii~"~fing. If the Planning Commission recommends for no change, the matter may be summarily dismissed by the City Council or a public hearing on the proposal may be scheduled. If the City Council is to conduct a public hearing, the notice requirements as stated above apply. Jn the event there are no addresses in use on a street, the Council may make such change without referral to the Planning Commission and without a public hearing. No change to the strut numbering sys!e_m sh0~ld be made without first referring all proposed changes to the City Planning Department, Fire Department, United s~ates P~St office~'~ounty of Alameda, each adjoining c~, the city Police Departmen[,'a~d any othcr ~igency as approved by the City Council Upon receipt of replies from these agencies; or upon'the expiration of fr~teen (15) days after notice was sent, the city Community Development Director shall forward his findings and recommendations to the Planning Commission or City Council, whichever has primary jurisdiction. The referral should ~ done prior to the public hearing to beheld on the proposed street number changes. Whenever a strut numbering system is changed, the City Clerk must promptly forward a copy of the resolution providing for the new numbering system and new house number to the Fire Department, United States Post Office, county of Alameda, each adjoining city, the city Police Department, and any other agency, as approved by the City Council, and those property owners affected by the number change. Ptease contact me if you have any further questions on this matter. Very truly yours, MEYERS NAVE, RIBACK, SILVER & WILSON Elizabeth H. Silver KRT:F~a J:~WP D~INRSW~114/00 l\1~99~mo~N~:~-~_,~[i~s_n03.wpd CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340, D~blin, California 94568 ,, City Offices, 1 O0 C~'vic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 NEIGFI~OREIOOD MEETING CALI2n'OR_NIA BROOKS[DE HOMEOWNERS (TRACT 6822) Thursday, March 30, 2000 6:00 p.m. Dublin City Hall Council Chambers 100 Civic Plaza Subject: Addressing within the California Brookside Subdivision Dear ~Iomeowuer: Please join us on the evening of Thursday, March 30, 2000, to discuss the addressing within your subdivision and the need to improve Emergency Unit Response time. It is the City of Dublin's desire to do all it can to help ensure the safety of its citizens. We want to hear from you and to work with you directly regarding proposed changes to existing addresses. Please Lake this opportunity to meet and share your thoughts with City staffmembers. The Police and Fire Departments as well as the Building & SateD, Division will be there to hear your concerns on addressing issues· If you are not able to attend the meeting, please fax or mail your comments to: George Thomas, CBO City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin CA 94568 Fax: (925) 833-6628 Administration (925)833-6650 - City Oouncii (g25)833-6605 - Finance f925)833-6640 · Building inspe2fion (925} Code Enforcement (925) 833-6620 - Engineering (925) 833-8630 - Parks & Community Services (925) Euonomic Development (925)833-6650 · Police (925)833-66'70 - Pubi~'"~'~fks .¢92.~1~3~?~----'~,.3~' Community Development (B25)B33-6610 . Fire Preveni ATFACHk ENT NEIGlq-RORI:IOOD MEETING CALIFORNIA BROOKSIDE HOMEOWNERS TRACT 6822 Thursday, March 2, 2000 6:00 p.m. Auto Nation Community Room 4600 Dublin Blvd. STAFF A GENDA OUTLINE 1) 2) 3) 4) Intro - explanation for meeting Origin of problem Alternatives considered Open Q&A discussion with homeowners NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING CALIFORNIA BROOKSIDE HOMEOWNERS STAFF AGENDA OUTLINE i) 2) Thank audience for attend'mg the meeting Introductions and explanation for meeting a) Introductions-see Staff Contact List b) Format of meeting- Describe the problem Present alternatives considered Explain selected alternative and actions required Open Q and A discussion with homeowners 4) The ad&esses for the north-south oriented townhouses were originally ad&esssed by the developer off Mangrove Drive. b) The ad&esses for the townhouses were approved by City staff based on the Mangrove Drive ad&ess numbers. c) The Developer subsequently changed the access to the Townhouses from Mangrove Drive to Central Parkway without changing the ad&ess sequence to the Central Parkway ad&ess sequence (see overheads). d) The current ad&esses result in confusion for emergency personnel- the number sequence is not sequential for the townhouses off Central Parkway; 911 Emergency calls have resulted in delays in finding the right ad&ess; tree plantings in front of residences and Other obstructions make finding ad&esses more difficult; the traffic islands along Central Parkway make it difficult for large emergency vehicles to circle around for missed addresses; the situation will get worse with increased development and traffic. Alternative Considered a) Add signage only- signage must be visible from the public street. Current "pedestrian" signs do not address the need for quick identification of ad&esses from Emergency Vehicles. Adding ad&esses on ends o£ buildings alone does not eliminate the confusion of non-sequential numbering. b) Training Emergency Staff on locating addresses within the neighborhood. The City o£Dublin contracts with Police and Fire Services from surrounding areas. The Police and Fire can-y maps that get them to a specific street and number range and not a specific ad&ess. Training would not ad&ess the needs of visitors and delivery people. c) Change the ad&esses on the north-south oriented townhouses to conform to the ad&ess sequence off Central Parkway. 3) Problem Description a) CITY OF DUBLIN RO. Box 2340, Dublin, California 94566 17, 1999 City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 TO: Assessors Office QUICK CODE 20116 Elections and Registration QUICK CODE 20719 Dispatch Services Manager QUICK CODE 40303 Postmaster, Pleasanton Dublin Joint Unified School District - Paulette IC~eger Frederiksen School, Denise Watts Pacific Bell Engineering Alameda County Fire Department, Mapping Sen, ices, Paul DelPiano P.G. & E., Livermore Crisp Company Dublin San Ramon Services District Dena Anderson, Nav. Tech. Police Department Planning Department Dublin Fire Prevention City Engineer P.G. & E. Hayward A.T.T. Cablevision Livermore Dublin Disposal State Board of Equal. Pacific Bell, Data Base Center Michele Woolrich, CIS Dept. City of Pleasanton City of San Ramon FROM: Wendy Jespersen, Planning Department SUBJECT: CHANGE OF STREET NUMBERING TRACT 6822 We have been asked by our Public Safety Departments to change street numbering for the California Brookside project in Eastern Dublin. Please review number changes and respond back to us within (15) days. Bldg. Old New No. Number Number 14 15 20 21 26 4862,4864,4866,4868,4870 4861,4863,4865,4867,4869 4852,4854,4856,4858,4860 4762,4764,4766,4768,4770 4710,4712,4714,4716,4718,4720 4762,4764,4766,4768,4770 Central Parkway 4742,4744,4746,4748,4750 Central Parkway 4642,4644,4646,4648,4650 Central Parkway 4622,4624,4626,4628,4630 Central Park%'ay 4510,4512,4514,4516,4518,4520 Central Pky Administration (925)833-6650 - City Council (925)833-8605 · Finance (925)833-6640 · Building inspection (925)833-5620 Cede Enforcement (925) 833-6620 · Engineering (925) 833-6630 · Parks & Community Services (925) 833-6645 Economic Development {925) 833-6650 - Police (925) 833-6670 - Public Works (~25) 833-6630 Community Development (925) 833-6610 - Fire Prevention Bureau (925) 833-6606