HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-060 DbRchGlfCrsClbHs08-13-2002AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: AUGUST 13, 2002 SUBJECT: Request to amend the Site Development Review for the Dublin Ranch Golf Course Clubhouse and Cart Bazn within Dublin Ranch Area A initially approved on July 25, 2000 as the part of PA 99-060 within Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135 (Report prepazed by: Michael Porto, Project Planner) ATTACHMENTS: 1. July 23, 2002 Planning Commission Staff Report with associated back up attachments_(Original Revised Proposal) 2. Applicant's revised project (dated August 13, 2002) reflecting the Planning Commissions concerns stated at the July 23, 2002 meeting. 3. Planning Commission Minutes -July 23, 2002 4. Resolution of Approval 5. Resolution of Denial RECOMMENDATION: 1. Presentation from staff. 2. Comments by Applicant. 3. Question Staff and Applicant. 4. Deliberate and direct Staff. BACKGROUND/DESCRH'TION: The Planning Commission, at their meeting of July 23,2002, reviewed a proposed waiver to an original Site Development Review for revisions to the previously approved Golf Clubhouse and Cart Barn for Dublin Ranch, Area A. At that meeting, considerable discussion ensued regarding the various changes proposed by the applicant. The minutes of that Planning Commission meeting are attached for review. The major focus of the Planning Commissioner's comments appeared to deal with the reduction in size of the structure and the elimination of square footage from the floor plan. The following concerns would summarize the Commissioner's concerns: 1. Reduction of the number of seats in the restaurant facility 2. The inability to accommodate lazge gatherings in a banquet setting. 3. The inability to accommodate golfers eating and drinking needs when the restaurant facility was captured by a scheduled event. 4. The amount of administration office square footage. The applicant's previously submitted plans did provide for potential expansion space but the Commission appeared to feel that the initial size of the restaurant was too small and future expansion was not guaranteed. COPIE~'fQ: Applicant Property Owner PA File Project Manager ITEM NO. U The applicant stated, in their original request for modification to the structure, that their program and their research did not dictate the type of structure and squaze footage that was originally proposed. The applicant's original proposal in 1999 was for a Site development Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Maps to provide, in part, for development of an 11,000 squaze foot Golf Clubhouse with a sepazate restaurant and a banquet facility. The seating capacity was shown to be 130 seats for the restaurant and 160 seats for the banquet azea. The Site Development Review additionally included the 18 hole executive golf course, the seven residential subdivisions, the golf maintenance facility and all of the associated walls, streetscape and landscaping for Area A of Dublin Ranch. At the time of the original proposal, discussion with applicant centered around the fact that the Dublin Ranch Golf Course was to be a focal point for the City and that the Clubhouse was going to be a premier structure that would have the capabilities for hosting large scale functions such as weddings and tournaments. The applicant has indicated that their research has shown that a facility, as originally proposed, is no longer viable and a smaller more compact Clubhouse is more in keeping with their needs. The proposed clubhouse revisions were detailed in the previous staff report attached hereto. ANALYSIS: Based upon the Planning Commission's concerns presented at the July 23, 2002 meeting, the applicant revised their floor plan to expand their restaurant facility by 2,300 squaze feet to allow for 174 seats in a maximum dining configuration, moved the bar, made it smaller and created an azea for bar patrons to get food without encroaching on the main dining room in the event that a special party was using the main dining facility. The applicant has shown a floor plan of a potential expansion to allow for a banquet room of 2,850 square feet and 192 seats. Detailed architectural elevations aze also provided to show what the potential expansion would look like. The applicant has indicated that the lazge amount office area square footage, as proposed, is necessary to run both the Golf Course and Dublin Ranch. CONCLUSIONS: Staff would generally review a change such as this and if it were deemed consistent, the Director of Community Development would approve the revision as and amendment to the previously approved Site Development Review. However, as the Clubhouse building represents a significant visual resource for the golf course as well as an enhancement to the recreational amenities in Dublin, it was felt that the Planning Commission should have an opportunity to review this proposed revision. Based upon the applicant's revised development program for the Clubhouse, the azchitectural elevations of the building closely approximate those previously approved. Staff cannot find any way to significantly alter this structure to more closely mirror the previous structure given the reduction of the square footage as dictated by the applicant's revised program. The proposed revision to the Clubhouse along with the changes made since the July 23, 2002 Planning Commission meeting would, therefore, be determined to be consistent with the previous approval albeit on a smaller scale but with the possibilities for future expansion. As stated in the previous Staff Report, if the Planning Commission raised concerns they were to direct Staff as to potential changes and this modification was to be returned to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. The applicant has revised their program to increase the amount of restaurant capabilities and has detailed the future expansion space that were both items of concern to the Commission. This item is therefore before the Planning Commission for their review. Two resolutions are provided for the Planning Commissions use; one that the Commission may use to approve the project if you feel that the applicant has addressed your concerns and an alternate resolution that the Commission may use to deny the project if you do not feel that the Commissions concerns have been addressed. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: DR Acquisition I LLC 6601 Owens Drive #100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 DR Acquisition I LLC 6601 Owens Drive #100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 LOCATION: Adjacent to the future Fallon Road extension and alignment at the intersection of Signal Hill Drive/Kingsmill Drive and Fallon Road. Address: 5900 Signal Hill Drive. APN 985-7-2-15 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Single Family Residential (0-6.0 du/ac) SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential (0.9-6.0 du/ac) EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Zoning: Planned Development (PA 99-060) Land Use: Golf Course Development (in conjunction with Single Family Residential) G:PA99060SRAUG1302 3 AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JULY 23, 2002 SUBJECT: Request for Planning Commission input on proposed revisions to the Site Development Review approval for the Dublin Ranch Golf Course Clubhouse and Cart Bazn within Dublin Ranch Area A initially approved on July 25, 2000 as the part of PA 99-060 within Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135 (Report prepared by: Michael Porto, Project Planner) ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from the Applicant requesting amendment to original approval. 2. ATI Letter comparing previous approval and proposed revisions. 3. Revised Site Plan 4. Revised Floor Plan 5. Revised Roof Plan 6. Revised Elevations (4 sides) 7. Location Map RECOMMENDATION: 1. Heaz Presentation from staff. 2. Heaz comments by Applicant. 3. Question Staff and Applicant. 4. Deliberate and direct Staff. DESCRIPTION: The Applicant is proposing revisions to the Site Development Review approval of PA 99-060 and Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135 which would involve only the proposed Dublin Ranch Golf Course Clubhouse and Cart Barn. The approved Clubhouse and Cart Barn serve a 193-acre, 18-hole golf course located within Dublin Ranch Area A. No changes are proposed to the site and location or placement of the structure. However, the building has been modified to more closely reflect the revised building program developed by the project applicant. This revised program involves modifications to the floor plan and elevations. The proposed revisions to the Site Development Review would remove the courtyard area between the clubhouse and the cart barn and join them as one structure. Also the floor area of both uses would be reduced. Areas of the clubhouse for occupancy/assembly activities associated with the serving of food (such as banquet space) have been scaled back or removed, and the remaining area has been redistributed for administrative or operational space. The applicant has indicated an area where the banquet portion of the facility could be expanded in the future if warranted. As with the original approval of the Site Development Review, the site of the proposed structure is in the COPIES TO: Applicant Property Owner PA File Project Manager f ITEM NO. ~TT~~I jr~ ANT 1 same location as the previously proposed facility which is at the southeast comer of Fallon Road and Signal Hill Drive. The primary point of access will be off of Signal Hill Drive just east of the intersection with Fallon Road. There aze no proposed changes to the parking area and the amount of parking stalls aze not being decreased to allow for the square footage reduction in the building foot print. The building will be situated approximately 100 feet in from Fallon Road. Currently the site is currently vacant with no structures, however the area has been graded to form the golf course and Fallon Road has been constmcted. BACKGROUND: On July 25, 2000, the Planning Commission approved a series of actions for Dublin Ranch Area A. Those approvals included: • PA 99-060 establishing the Planned Community zoning and development standards; • a series of Vesting Tentative Tract maps (including Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135 which provides the site for the proposed structures); the others approved at that time were Tentative Vesting Tract Maps 7136 through 7140 ,and • the Site Development Reviews (SDR) for a number of structures related to the Dublin Ranch Area A Planned Community and recreation elements, including: the Golf Course and landscaping, the Golf Course Clubhouse/Cart Barn, pazking azeas, Golf Course Maintenance Facility, Community Center/Recreation Center, Restrooms/Rest Stops, Golf Cart Bridge, and Entry Gate. On February 26, 2002, some of the conditions of approval were reassigned from Master Tentative Vesting Tract Map 7135 to the other tentative tract maps approved concurrently in order to finalize the master map and commence construction of the golf course. The Site Development Review initially approved the Golf Course Clubhouse and Cart Barn as two structures joined by a courtyazd for a total of approximately 19,000 sf. The uses were divided into: (a) a 11,115 sf clubhouse (with dining area and banquet rooms), and (b) a 7,885 sf cart bam. ANALYSIS: SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW The Applicant has stated that the revisions to the structure are necessary to reflect the currently proposed facility program and operations which have changed since the original submittal. The revisions would allow reducing the combined area of these two structures by approximately 30% with the Clubhouse reduced to approximately 8,075 sf and the Cart Barn reduced to approximately >,100 sf for a total building azea of 13,174 sf. The building and adjacent site azea to the east, have been designed to allow approximately 2,700 sf of banquet facility area to be added at a later date. As the applicant has not proposed to revise the parking layout or the number of pazking stalls, there will be significantly more parking stalls than necessary for the new proposed structure and any future expansion. These revisions do not include the future addition of the banquet space as the azchitectural elevations for the possible expansion are unknown at this time but aze anticipated to be an extension of the existing architecture as the expansion space would be joined to the main building. The revised elevations and exterior of the structure would remain consistent with the over all azchitectural design theme approved with the original Site Development Review. As with the original approval, the structure has retained the rural scale and barn or ranch elements including: the sloping shingled roofs, shingled siding, stone veneer wainscoting, wood-trimmed windows and doors, and piers supporting columned arcades or terraces in areas adjacent to the structure. Roof elements (although scaled back in some detail and number but in keeping with the scale of the revised structure) would continue to include decorative features such as: Dutch gambrel gable ends, dormers, weather vane, cupola, and roof latticework. Access to the cart barn has been scaled back from a row of distinctive barn doors on the south side of the structure to a single entrance on each of the north and west sides. Paving materials, parking lot design (including lighting), and landscape standards (with attention to native and/or drought-tolerant plantings) will remain as originally approved. The proposed revision will be in keeping with the rest room buildings, on-site pump stations and the DSRSD pump station already constructed. In general, the modifications would continue with the theme elements and style used to tie together the structures within the development scheme approved with PA 99-060. The proposed revisions to the revised floor plan and elevation design are consistent with the objectives and quality displayed with the original approval in terms of style, materials, and decoration. The revisions would not diminish or detract from presenting the image of Dublin Ranch Area A as an upscale residential community. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Dublin Ranch Area A, including the proposed golf course, is located within The Eastem Dublin Specific Plan adopted in 1994 along with a certified Program EIR (SCH No. 91-103064). The City of Dublin, as the Lead Agency, also has prepared focused Initial Studies and a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this part of Area A. The revised/amended Site Development Review proposed for the Golf Course Clubhouse and attached Car[ Barn do not represent a significant deviation from the approved project, and no new impacts or issues were identified as a part of the review. There would be no change to any of the Mitigation Measures in the Program EIR or subsequent Mitigated Negative Declarations adopted as a part of the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan and PA 99-060. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff would generally review a change such as this and if it were deemed consistent, the Director of Community Development would approve the revision as a Site Development Review Waiver to the previously approved Site Development Review. However, as the Clubhouse building represents a significant visual resource for the golf course as well as an enhancement to the recreational amenities in Dublin, it was felt that the Planning Commission should have an opportunity to review this proposed revision. Based upon the applicant's revised development program for the Clubhouse, the architectural elevations of the structure closely approximate those previously approved. Staff cannot find any way to significantly alter this structure to more closely mirror the previous structure given the reduction of the square footage as dictated by the applicant's revised program. The proposed revision to the Clubhouse would, therefore, be determined to be consistent with the previous approval albeit on a smaller scale with the possibilities for future expansion. Should the Planning Commission concur with Staff, the proposed revision would be approved by a Site Development Review Waiver by Staff and the applicant would proceed with design development drawings ultimately resulting in the issuance of building permits and construction of the building. In the event that the Planning Commission has concerns, it would be necessary to direct Staff toward potential changes, at which point the design for the revisions would need to be returned to the Planning Commission for review and approval. G:PA99060SDRCI ubhouseamend GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: DR Acquisition I LLC 6601 Owens Drive #100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 DR Acquisition I LLC 6601 Owens Drive #100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 LOCATION: Adjacent to the future Fallon Road extension and alignment at the intersection of Signal Hill Drive/Kingsmill Drive and Fallon Road. Address: 5900 Signal Hill Drive. APN 985-7-2-15 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Single Family Residential (0-6.0 du/ac) SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential (0.9-6.0 du/ac) EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Zoning: Planned Development (PA 99-060) Land Use: Golf Course Development (in conjunction with Single Family Residential) 4 MARTIN W. INDERBITZEN Attorney at Law RECEIVED July 18, 2002 JUL 1 8 2002 DueuN p Mike Porto Planning Department City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 Re: Revised SDR Application - Dublin Ranch Golf Club Clubhouse and Cart Barn Planning Commission Meeting -July 23, 2002 Deaz Mike: ATI Architects and Engineers will be delivering to you twelve sets of plans (floor plan, revised site plan, composite plan showing previous and current building footprints and new building elevations) as well as a memorandum summarizing the architectural changes and squaze footage breakdowns for the building, for the Planning Commission hearing on the above-captioned matter. We will also prepare a new color and materials board for the Planning Commission meeting. The purpose of this correspondence is to transmit the foregoing information and to summarize our request. The primary changes to the SDR and the reasons for the same are as follows: 1. The size and scale of the porte cochere has been reduced so that it will no longer extend over the driveway. We found the original design to be out of scale in relationship to the redesigned clubhousebuilding. 2. The previous design consisted of two buildings (a cart facility and clubhouse) separated by a courtyazd. The building separation was included in the original design as a way of providing improved access and circulation between the north and south sides of the building (parking lot and golf club drop to golf shop and starter area). Upon further examination of this orientation, it was determined that the site layout and organization would be greatly enhanced by concentrating golf shop and golf cart distribution activities on the north side of the building which also resulted in better access to the first and tenth tees. This eliminates the need to shuttle golf clubs from the golf club drop area azound the building to the south side of the golf staging area. As a result, the need for the courtyard has been eliminated. ATTACHMENT 7077 Koll Center Parkway, Sulte 120, Pleasanton, Cai'rfornia 94566 Phone 925 485-1060 Fax 925 485-1065 Mike Porto July 18, 2002 Page Two 3. The cart barn itself has been downsized as our analysis determined that the original design was too large for the facility. 4. Food and beverage facilities have been the subject of on-going analysis by the Dublin Ranch Golf Club team. Our early designs for the clubhouse did not include a banquet facility. We subsequently chose to include the facility in anticipation of a substantial demand for "non-golf related banquet activities". We have continued to analyze this issue and have determined that he demand for non-golf related banquet facilities cannot be justified at this time. Accordingly, we aze proposing to eliminate the banquet facility but reserve an area to be east of the building for future expansion should the demand develop. The proposed facility is lazge enough to accommodate golf related banquet activities and as we gain more experience with the market in this area we have the ability to provide temporary outdoor banquet facilities in the area where a future banquet facility could be constructed. We have endeavored to incorporate these modifications into a redesign of the cart and clubhouse facility while utilizing similar materials and decorative features of the original design so as to be consistent with the adjacent recreation facility to be constructed by Toll Brothers. I will be available for any questions and/or concerns that you might have. I will be present at the Planning Commission meeting on July 23, 2002 to address any issues that the Planning Commission might have as well. Please advise if you should require any additional information. Very truly yours, ~~~~~/ MARTIN W. INDERBITZ MWUhnh L~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ATI ,wuemcls.~waweweerts ~r DUBLIN RANCH CLUBHOUSE COMPARISON RECEIVED JUL 18 2002 ppgUN PLANNING Original design as presented in the Site Development Review package (July 2000) Two buildings (Cart Facility and Clubhouse) separated by a Courtyard 19,000 square feet total. Major program elements: Restaurant/Bar/Lounge 2,100 s.f. 130 occupants Banquet Facility Kitchen Pro Shop Administrative Offices Cart Facility Entry Lobby/Gallery Porte Cochere over Er 2,100 s.f. 160 occupants 1,500 s.f. 1,400 s.f. 900 s.f. 7,900 s.f. 1,000 s.f. rtry Driveway 3860 6lackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 T: 925.6466600 F: 925.646. BB11 5901 Christie Avenue, #301 Emeryville, CA 94606 T: 510.420.1693 F' 510.420.1691 4200 Easf Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 T: 925.447.4017 Fr 925.447.9360 zslo Doughas Bou/evaro Roseville, CA 95661 r s1s.n216oo F: 916.772.1620 6 Hangar Way, Suda C Watsonville, CA 85076 T; 631.761.6222 F: 831.761.1121 Subsequent changes had been developed for the Clubhouse and Cart Facility increasing the overall size to 21,000 s.f. Proposed Revised Design One building 14,000 square feet total. Major program elements: Restaurant 2,300 s.f. 140 occupants Banquet Facility (future)2,700 s.f. 165 occupants (future expansion to include kitchen) The site area proposed for this expansion will be utilized initially as an outdoor event area or for spill over seating for the dining room. Kitchen Pro Shop Administrative Offices Property Management Cart Facility Entry Lobby Porte Cochere does nc 1,100 s.f. 1,100 s.f. 460 s.f. 1,700 s.f. 4,700 s.f. 1,100 s.f. ~t extend over Entry Driveway The revised design utilizes similar materials and decorative features of the original design. Through manipulation of the roof plan the single building provides an illusion of two buildings. The Porte Cochere of the original design has been reduced. Maintaining the original design of extending over the driveway would provide for a severely out of scale element in relationship to the smaller clubhouse building. "Providing Value through Quality, Service and In ATTACHMENT Z. z 0 N Z v ~ z ~ ~ m 0 Z g 1+IIII~~1 :~ .~ / ~~ \~~ r- 'r 1 1 1 Z g a ~W~ N .Q. W N W N 0 0 N e-i J e~ z Z n QZ J a. .~. J H z W /_ V '"'~ Q +I~~Ii~ W W N O O N J Z Z S a z g ~~ Fm Q ,~I~~Ii~ y O Z W Z > N Z YJ ~ __Y!! V ,~ a W 3 '~ ~ 07 ~ p a ~~ u: ^j.o F7 ~a= O.~ D d ifstzr Q --~ a LOCATION MAP 6'1 0 N ~awuae~sonvs Dublin Ranch ~ ~. ~..m.-`=-~ 3860 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 T 925648.8800 F: 925.648.8811 5901 Chnsfie Avenue #301 Emeryville, CA 94608 ~..~/ T' 510 420.1693 A / I ~ T F 510 420.1691 4200 East Avenue Livemrore, CA 94550 T' 9254474017 aacwrecrsu,a rxorw~as F' 925 44 7 9360 ~- 2510 Douglas Boulevard Roseville CA 95661 T' 916 772.1800 F: 916772.1620 DUBLIN RANCH CLUBHOUSE COMPARISON 6Hangar Way SudeC Watsonville CA 95076 Original design as presented in the Site Development Review T- 831.7616222 F 63, 7s, 112, package (July 2000) Two buildings (Cart Facility and Clubhouse) separated by a Courtyard 19,000 square feet total. Major program elements: RestauranUBar/Lounge 2,100 s.f. 130 occupants Banquet Facility Kitchen Pro Shop Administrative Offices Cart Facility Entry Lobby/Gallery Porte Cochere over Ei 2,100 s.f. 160 occupants 1,500 s.f. 1,400 s.f. 900 s.f. 7,900 s.f. 1,000 s.f. itry Driveway Subsequent changes had been developed for the Clubhouse and Cart Facility increasing the overall size to 21,000 s.f. Proposed Revised Design One building 15,000 square feet total. Major program elements: Restaurant 2,300 s.f. 174 occupants (Banquet Seating) 140 occupants (Regular Seating) Lounge/Bar Facility 650 s.f. 20 occupants Banquet Facility (future) 2,850 s.f. 192 occupants The site area proposed for this expansion will be utilized initially as an outdoor event area or for spill over seating for the dining room. Kitchen Pro Shop Administrative Offices Property Management Cart Facility Entry Lobby Porte Cochere does nc 1,100 s.f. 1,100 s.f. 460 s.f. 1,700 s.f. 4,700 s.f. 1,100 s.f. ~t extend over EMry Driveway The revised design utilizes similar materials and decorative features of the original design. Through manipulation of the roof plan the single building provides an illusion of two buildings. The Porte Cochere of the original design has been reduced. Maintaining the original design of extending over the driveway would provide for a severely out of scale element in relationship to the smaller Gubhouse building. "Provicang Value through Quality, Service and innovation" ~` l ~p! v ` ,I ruli ~ ~~' +~~~~i~ ~.-'~,•_~ i. ~,_- ,~ ,_ ~( ! 1 } 1 Y ) ! ~ I ~r ,1 ~-_ ~ __ ~~~ ~:'' C: x; ~y 'C'Y r ~s,~me a ,... ~~aa ^~ FAQ Y~~ t4. ^~~ i' '?:!~.. .;_;; it_ 4 N O O N M v VII 4 +Il~~~i~ cn a c ~ c N c o co F- c ~ ~ ~s ~ ~ o ~ ~M Z CC G d d d , N > N ~ C" ~ " L ~~ _ (~ ~ W " L O ~ ° Z o ~ o o > a o o O ~' N ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~-~ ~ Li W W a LL +~ V U ~ ` ~' ~_ J ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N . ; N L a c,attfornta LOCATION MAP IIUdGri~Sars Dublin Ranch ~ :~-!'' nr....e., neap ~ ~~ ~~ /~ ~ \\ Z g a w H N O W _N W a~ ~a W ~_ W U O U W O n Z g a 0 0 J LL 1~ Ill~~l $) W S i i i l+lll~~l u F V "u t 0 S C l Q J a'! v: .j"c _ u ~~ O~ w: oa +I~~~i~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~, J .. ^ ~ .. ~ ~ ! i.. r ... u ~ ..i Q r~ w _ r L ~'~'$~ _ ~ ~ m N i ~S _ - ,. _ -~. W i. .( . . Z w W N ~ -~ .... U O ~ r , _ Y w}C " Z N~ / .. _ , oQ s O _ ~ ~ N U' ~ ... _. Z...., ~~~'. i /G G _ w ~ ~ Zy ~ T ~ Z. N 3 ~ m `i w s w V ~ N J a O x '~ N N w N ~ m QW K ^ Za w n yZ~j I(1 I K ~ .., ~ (~ -_ ^ ^ w ~ o F N a N J l7 ~~ u yy \ ~ Q ~' V vi IWL N O W W vLLi ~ 0 ~v ~: V vi ~v Z O V Z O Z a 'w H .Q J a .~ O O J ,~i,~,~~ Z V ~ LL ) W F ~ ~ i i $;S ~~~ _ - ~ ' ^ . LL ~) . L _. . . .. -,a ~ ~ ~ I .~ II I I Z LL II I W y j Q f 8 I I I x~ I I I ~ I F~ I " b! I I - Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ -^•- - -- - Q 3 _ ~. _ _ ~ I ~ I 0 W = ' r r, ; $~ I~ o ~ L I ~ L0 - -- ~ I ~ ° ~" I r N " ~~ ~ ~~ I I u I I W F I - 1 ~ _ ~ ~ ~. O ~~ ~~ I I ~ I ~N ~' I ~' ~~ I ~ ~ o,~~ I ~ I ~ I I I I I I ~ aN I I I I I 3~ I I I I~ I I I I I I I I~ I -- -- -- ~ I I ~- - -- -~ a~ .~ N J+ Vf 7 O .~ i .... Z g ~~ 0 0 J ~~u~ A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 23, 2002, in the Dublin Civic Center City Council Chambers. Chairperson Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. *r** s ***** L"J UU L'1l U ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners, Johnson, Musser, Jennings, Nassar and Fasulkey; Jeri Ram, Planning Manager; Mike Porto, Project Planner; and Renuka Dhadwal, Recording Secretary. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Cm. Johnson led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA -None Minutes of July 9, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 Review revisions to the Site Development Review approval for the Dublin Ranch Golf Course Clubhouse and Cart Bam within Dublin Ranch Area A initially approved on July 25, 2000 as part of PA 99-060 with Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135 and give Staff direction. Manning Commission 150 ,~uCy 23, 2002 1~guCar ~h2eeting Mike Porto, Project Planner, presented the staff report. Mr. Porto gave a brief background about the project. He stated that the Planning Commission had originally discussed the project under the Site Development Review for the Dublin Ranch Golf Course. Since the approval, the developer is proposing some changes to the Club House. The developer is scaling down the floor plan for the facility. Mr. Porto pointed out that the Architect for the developer has submitted a letter describing the details of the design that was originally approved as well as the design that is being proposed. The developer is proposing to reduce the square footage from 19,000 to 13,174 (which includes the cart barn area). The architectural design for the proposed changes is consistent with the original approved design. Mr. Porto stated that Mr. Inderbitzen representing Dublin Ranch, will explain the reason for the proposed changes. In conclusion, Mr. Porto stated that the project is being presented to the Commission for their review and direction. If the Commission does not have any comments or concerns then Staff would approve this as an SDR Waiver. However, if the Commission has concerns regarding the design, then Staff needs to be directed Staff to meet with the Architect and the developer to incorporate the ideas given by the Commission and bring it back for its approval. Cm. Johnson asked Mr. Inderbitzen for his presentation. Mr. Inderbitzen stated that the developer is ready to proceed with the construction of the Club House facility for the Golf Course. In reviewing the design of the facility, the developer felt that they would not entertain any non-golf related banquet activity at the facility and hence decided to reduce the square footage for the facility. However, the facility could still entertain around 130-140 guests for a golf related activity even after the reduction. The second major change is the reduction in size of the Cart Barn. Mr. Inderbitzen explained that this was a cost efficiency modification. Cm. Jennings asked if there was any research done that indicated that the Banquet facility was not a cost efficient proposition. Mr. Inderbitzen said that any non-golf related activity such as weddings would depend on its demand. He gave examples of the Bridges and the Wente golf courses that had similar operations as the Dublin Ranch Golf course and stated they have different needs and demands. He further stated that the restaurant in the clubhouse would have very limited business. In order to justify the use of the banquet facility, heavy marketing for the banquet hall would be required and it would also have to deal with local competition. Cm. Jennings wanted to know that once the facility is operational would someone keep track of the number of requests that come in for hosting non-golf related activities. Mr. Inderbitzen replied that the proposed restaurant would be able to serve around 130-140 people and if there were a demand for a party for 200 people then they would obtain a Temporary Use Permit to host the party outside 4'lanning Commission 151 ,~uLy 23, 2002 4jegularMeeting on the premises. However, if the demand for such activity increases then the developer intends to modify the design for the facility to accommodate it. Cm. Johnson voiced his concern for golfers and their inability to eat lunch in case there was an afternoon wedding and the restaurant was closed for catering. Mr. Inderbitzen responded that there would be a Pro Shop where the golfers can buy a sandwich and an open area to relax and eat the sandwich. The Manager for the facility would however need to evaluate the logistics for operating such activities. Cm. Fasulkey asked the reason for scaling down the number of carts needed as well as the area for the cart barn. Mr. Inderbitzen replied that the original plan had extra carts, more than what was required for an 18-hole game and hence the reduction. Additionally, the area for the cart barn had some extra storage and aisle space which was unnecessary and hence the reduction of the area. Cm. Johnson stated that in his opinion the proposed restaurant area was not enough to accommodate large amount of people. The developer needs to increase the space for capacity rather than downsizing it. Mr. Inderbitzen gave reasons in support of the reduction. There was an extensive discussion regarding the issue of the reduced seating capacity in the restaurant area as well as the issue of providing alternate seating for the golfers to eat in case the restaurant is closed for catering for anon-golf related activity. Cm. Johnson, Musser and Fasulkey were in agreement that the developer should modify the floor plan to accommodate additional seating. Cm. Fasulkey pointed out that the floor plan shows a large office area, which can be reduced and included in the restaurant area. Cm. Jennings & Nassar agreed that due to the current economic situation there might not be a high demand for non-golf related activities. However, if in the future the management of the course found out a demand for the same then the expansion into a banquet facility would be justified. In conclusion the direction from the Commission is as follows: 1. Increase the seating capacity of the restaurant to accommodate 180-200 guests. 2. Have separate facility for golfers to eat and drink when not related to an assembly for a tournament. 3. In order to do the above, developer will either reconfigure the existing space, or add some area to the proposed space or reduce some office space. ~Ylanning Commission 152 ~uCy 23, 2002 [~gular~feeting RESOLUTION NO. 02- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A PORTION OF THE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED WITH PA 00-060 AND FINAL TRACT N0.7135 SPECIFICALLY FOR THE GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE AND CART BARN LOCATED WITHIN DUBLIN RANCH AREA A WHEREAS, DR Acquisitions I LLC (the Applicant) has requested approval of an amendment to the Site Development Review approved on July 25, 2000 with PA-00-060 and Final Tract Map 7135 (formerly Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135) specifically for the golf course clubhouse and cart barn within Dublin Ranch Area A that is within the boundaries of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the requested amendment is available and on file in the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, review of an environmental checklist originally prepared for this project determined that the proposed project would not result in any new impacts that were not already addressed in the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Addenda prepared for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan with the EIR being comprised of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan certified by the City Council by Resolution No. 51-93, and the Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission approve the requested amendment to the Site Development Review subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed amendment to the Site Development Review approved with PA 00-060 and Final Tract Map 7135 for the design of the golf course clubhouse and attached cart barn: 1. The Planning Commission finds that the proposed project is within the scope of previously certified environmental analyses prepared with specific reference to these structures; and 2. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review is consistent with the General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Planned Development Rezone, Site Development Review PA 00- 060, conditions of approval for Final Tract Map 7135, and the Development Agreement accompanying Final Tract Map 7135; and 3. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review is consistent with the intent/purpose of Section 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review is consistent with the design review requirements in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. ATTACHMENT L~ 5. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review is in conformance with regional transportation and growth management plans. 6. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare as the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements the Dublin General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. 7. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review, including site layout, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls, public safety, and similar elements, as conditioned, has been designed to provide a harmonious environment for the development. 8. The proposed amendment to the Site Development Review has been designed with architectural considerations (including the character, scale, design quality, and the relationship among buildings), along with Conditions of Approval, in order to ensure compatibility among the design of this project, the character of adjacent uses, and the requirements of public service agencies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve the amendment to the Site Development Review for PA 99-060 and Final Tract Map 7135, specific to the golf course clubhouse and attached cart barn, subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution 00-036 approving the original Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Map. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13`" day of August 2002 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Manager G:\PA#\ 1999\99-060\Reso-SDRclubhouseamend0l. doc RESOLUTION NO. 02- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CI OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING AN AMENDMENT TO A PORTION OF THE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED WITH PA 00-060 AND FINAL TRACT N0.7135 SPECIFICALLY FOR THE GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE AND CART BARN LOCATED WITHIN DUBLIN RANCH AREA A WHEREAS, DR Acquisitions 1 LLC (the Applicant) has requested approval of an amendment to the Site Development Review approved on July 25, 2000 with PA-00-060 and Final Tract Map 7135 (formerly Master Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7135) specifically for the golf course clubhouse and cart barn within Dublin Ranch Area A that is within the boundaries of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the requested amendment is available and on file in the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, review of an environmental checklist originally prepared for this project determined that the proposed project would not result in any new impacts that were not already addressed in the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Addenda prepared for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan with the EIR being comprised of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan certified by the City Council by Resolution No. 51-93, and the Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the Planning Commission review the requested amendment to the Site Development Review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed amendment to the Site Development Review approved with PA 00-060 and Final Tract Map 7135 for the design of the golf course clubhouse and attached cart barn: The proposed project is not consistent with the intent of the Site Development Review Chapter (8.104) of The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance because the proposed project is inconsistent with the original approval as to the intended use of the property (reduction in floor area limiting the use of the facility). The proposed revision is not in keeping with the original intent of the Dublin Ranch Golf Clubhouse in that the previous approval provided the ability to have major functions that has been eliminated with the reduction of floor area eliminating the banquet facility. The required findings to approve the Site Development Review amendment required by Section 8.104.070 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance cannot be made in the affirmative because the massing and structural presence of the existing building P ~ q ~ ~~ f17,'a~ ,, provided for a flexible and upscale facility to serve all of the residents of Dublin and presented a building of visual prominence all of which the building shown in the proposed amendment does not do. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby deny the amendment to the Site Development Review for PA 99-060 and Final Tract Map 7135, specific to the golf course clubhouse and attached cart barn. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13'b day of August 2002 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Manager G:PA99-060Reso-DenySDRclubhouse0lamend 2