HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Award of Bid 94-05CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: August 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract 94-05 Annual Overlay / Street Monuments Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Resolution of Award Summary of Bids Breakdown of Project Costs Location Map: Overlay Streets Location Map: Repair Streets RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adopt resolution awarding Contract 94-05 to East Bay Excavating Co., Inc., and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Direct Staff to reduce the scope of work to bring project within budget. The project costs are budgeted in the Capital Improvement budget for two different projects (Annual Overlay project and Monuments project) and in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget. Funding is derived from the General Fund, Gas Tax, Measure B, and SB 300 funds. A breakdown of project costs and funding sources is shown on Exhibit 3. Total project budget: Budget for construction only: Engineer's Estimate: Low bid received: $236,194.00 $220,454.00 $220,394.00 $235,684.90 DESCRIPTION: At its meeting of July 11, 1994, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 94-05, Annual Overlay Project and Street Monuments. This contract consists of two different Capital Improvement Projects, as well as the repair for the Annual Slurry Seal Program and for other miscellaneous major street repairs. Staff has combined several projects with similar work in the hope of reducing unit costs. The 1994-95 Annual Overlay consists of removing and replacing failed asphalt concrete and resurfacing the street with a 1 1/2-inch overlay of asphalt concrete. Reinforcing fabric will be used prior to the overlay in order to prevent cracks from reflecting through the new overlay. This year's overlay project has been reduced in scope since funds were "borrowed" from the 1994-95 program in order to complete the 1993-94 Village Parkway Reconstruction. Streets to be repaired and overlaid under the 1994-95 program are: Portage Road, Allegheny Drive, Hastings Way, Canterbury Lane, Bedford Way, Bedford Court, Alene Street, Cardigan Street, Flanders Way, and Sutton Lane (see map, Exhibit 4). In addition, failed areas will be repaired on Amador Valley Boulevard between Dougherty Road and Village Parkway, on Village Parkway between Kimball and Davona, and on a number of streets that will later be slurry sealed (see map, Exhibit 5). The Village Parkway work is to replace a few areas that have shown distress after the recent overlay, and that were not removed and replaced as part of that contract. The slurry seal project will be a separate contract and is anticipated to be done this fall. Notices will be sent out prior to the beginning of work in order to advise business owners and residents of the work to be performed. This contract also includes the Capital Improvement Project to raise 40 street monuments to the road surface on streets other than ones included in the overlay program. These monuments were covered over with asphalt concrete during previous overlays. Staff received a total of seven bids for this project. The low bidder was East Bay Excavating Co., Inc., with a bid of $235,684.90. The amount of the low bid is over the amount budgeted for CITY CLER ITEM NO. COPIES TO: Bidders FILE · construction for this contract by $15,230.90. Staff believes that by judicious reductions in the amount of repairs to the slurry seal streets, the total cost of the project can be reduced to meet the budget. Staff has reviewed the bid documents, checked with references, and recommends that the City Council (1) adopt the resolution awarding the contract to the low bidder and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement and (2) direct Staff to reduce the scope of work to bring the project within budget. a:(projects}loverlaylagstawrd Page 2 . . RESOLUTION NO. -94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING CONTRACT 94-05, ANNUAL STREET REPAIR AND OVERLAY/STREET MONUMENTS TO EAST BAY EXCAVATING CO., INC. WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did on August 2, 1994, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract 94-05 Annual Street Repair and Overlay/Street Monuments, authorized by the City Council on July 11, 1994, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to determine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby award Contract 94-05 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, East Bay Excavating Co., Inc., at a bid of Two Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars and Ninety Cents ($235,684.90), the particulars of which bid are on file in the office of the City Engineer. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of August, 1994. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a: (projects) loverlay Iresoawrd 1'!l!J~.er III ~:'!]~ ~T 1;'; 'ft1 ~ ~- ,~ 'i TO' a ~~~, ..j ;~~ J~1 i:~.~;?: ~ [...0 .~ "~'{'f~ ., ij'"" .~ I Ii. ... - "<l ,~- ,';<. ~'il '., ';'.' "';'!'J . tiii~'~~ rlll i;,: a - ---Re~D~ j, BID RESUL~ - CONTRACT 94-05 ANNUAL OVERLAY ENGINEERS EST EAST BAY EXCAV. GRANITE CONSTR. C.F. ARCHIBALD ITEM ITEM UNIT EST UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL NO DESCRIPTION MEAS QTY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE I PLANE AC PVMT 6' WIDE LF 16,870 0.70 $11,809.00 0.73 $12,315.10 0.60 $10,122,00 1.00 $16,870,00 2 PVMT FAILURE REPAIRS 4" SF 15,320 1.05 $16,086.00 1.13 $17,311.60 1.40 $21,448.00 1.60 $24,512.00 3 PVMT REINFORCING FABRIC SY 28,910 0.75 $21,682.50 0.69 $19,947.90 0.80 $23,128.00 0.70 $20,237.00 4 INSTALL 1 -1/2" AC OVERLAY SF 260,200 0.28 $72,856.00 0.30 $78,060.00 0.25 $65,050.00 0.28 $72,856.00 5 ADJ MONUMENTS TO GRADE EA 28 180.00 $5,040.00 191.00 $5,348.00 150,00 $4,200.00 145.00 $4,060,00 6 DETAIL 21 STRIPE TH ERMO LF 1,200 1.05 $1,260.00 0.85 $1,020.00 1.85 $2,220,00 1.50 $1,800.00 7 12" YELLOW OR WHITE TH ERMO STRIPE LF 315 2.10 $661.50 2.12 $667.80 3.00 $945.00 2.70 $850.50 8 STOP LEGEND THERMO EA 9 125.00 $1,125.00 84.90 $764,10 100.00 $900.00 100.00 $900.00 9 REFL MARKERS YELLOW & BLUE EA 24 5.00 $120.00 10.60 $254.40 4.00 $96,00 4.00 $96.00 10 NON REFL MARKERS YELLOW EA 20 2.70 $54.00 5,30 $106.00 2.00 $40.00 2,00 $40.00 11 RAISE MONUMENTS OUTSIDE OL STS EA 40 180.00 $7,200.00 191,00 $7,640.00 150.00 $6,000.00 145.00 $5,800.00 12 PVMT FAILURE REP 8" SF 15,000 2.00 $30,000,00 2.25 $33,750.00 2.45 $36,750.00 2.80 $42,000.00 13 PVMT FAILURE REP 4" SF 50,000 1.05 $52,500,00 1.17 $58,500.00 1.40 $70,000.00 1.60 $80,000.00 TOTAL $220,394.00 $235,684.90 $240,899.00 $270,O21.50 O'GRADY PAVING MERIDIAN GRADING REDGWlCK CONSTR. OLIVER DE SILVA ITEM ITEM UNIT EST UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL NO DESCRIPTION MEAS QTY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE I PLANEAC PVMT6'WIDE LF 16,870 0.86 $14,508.20 0.70 $11,809.00 1,10 $18,557.00 ~ 0.72 $12,146.40 2 PVMT FAILURE REPAIRS 4" SF 15,320 1.50 $22,980.00 1.77 $27,116.40 1.95 $29,874.00 1,82 $27,882.40 3 PVMT REINFORCING FABRIC SY 28,910 0.70 $20,237.00 0.65 $18,791.50 0.73 $21,104.30 0.80 $23,128.00 4 INSTALL 1 -1/2" AC OVERLAY SF 260,200 0.31 $80,662.00 0.30 $78,060.00 0.33 $85,866.00 0.34 $88,468.00 5 ADJ MONUMENTS TO GRADE EA 28 140.00 $3,920.00 180.00 $5,040.00 180.00 $5,040.00 180.00 $5,040,00 6 DETAIL 21 STRIPE THERMO LF 1,200 1.00 $1,200.00 0,80 $960.00 0.80 $960.00 1.36 $1,632.00 7 12" YELLOW OR WHITE THERMO STRIPE LF 315 3.00 $945.00 2,00 $630.00 2.00 $630.00 2.00 $630.00 8 STOP LEGEND THERMO EA 9 90.00 $810.00 80.00 $720.00 80.00 $720.00 80.00 $720.00 9 REFL MARKERS YELLOW & BLUE EA 24 11.00 $264.00 10.00 $240.00 10.00 $240.00 10.00 $240.00 10 NON REFL MARKERS YELLOW EA 20 6.00 $120.00 5.00 $100.00 5.00 $100.00 5.00 $100,00 11 RAISE MONUMENTS OUTSIDE OL STS EA 40 140.00 $5,600.00 180.00 $7,200,00 180.00 $7,200,00 180,00 $7,200.00 12 PVMT FAILURE REP 8" SF 15,000 3.00 $45,000.00 3.15 $47,250.00 3.55 $53,250.00 4.60 $69,000.00 13 PVMT FAILURE REP 4" SF 50,000 1.50 $75,000.00 1.77 $88,500.00 1.56 $78,000,00 1.82 $91,000.00 TOTAL $271,246.20 $286,416.90 $301,541.30 $327,186.80 CONTRACT 94-05 1994-95 OVERLAY, STREET REPAIR, AND MONUMENTS FINANCIAL BREAKDOVVN FUNDING SOURCES GAS TAX GENERAL FUND MEASURE B SB300 TOTAL PROJECT/WORK DESCRIPTION BUDGET (206) (001) (217) (220) FUNDING 1994 -95 OVERLAY PROGRAM OVERLAY C.I.P. OVERLAY REPAIR (OP. BUDGET) OVERLAY STRIPING (OP. BUDGET) SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM REPAIR (OPERATING BUDGET) RAISE SURVEY MONUMENTS (C.I.P.) MISC. PAVEMENT REPAIRS (OPERATING BUDGET) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST: $66,245.00 $0.00 $0.00 $53,199.00 $13,046.00 $66,245.00 $63,034.00 $0.00 $63.034.00 $0.00 $0.00 $63,034.00 $1,175.00 $0.00 $1,175.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,175.00 $50,000.00 $50.000,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $1~000.00 $10.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1~000.00 $3~000.00 $30.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ,~30,000.00 $220,454.00 $90.000.00 $64.209.00 $53.199.00 $13.046.00 $220,454.00 ENGINEERING/INSPECTION/MISC. , OVERLAY C.I.P. $14,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.500.00 $0.00 $14,500.00 MONUMENTS C;I.P. $1,240.00 $1.240,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,240.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING $1~740.00 $1,240.00 $0.00 $14.500.00 $0.00 $1~ 740.00 TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET/FUNDING $236, 194.00 $91.240.00 $64.209.00 $67.699.00 $13.046.00 $2,36, 194.00 ~ 4lw -41w 0 >