HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-040 ZnngOrdnncAmndmnt08-27-2002 AGENDA STATEMENT
PA 02-040 City of Dublin, Zoning Ordinance Amendment -
Amendment to various Chapters of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning
Ordinance) including Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning
Districts and Permitted Use Of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development
Regulations; Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures And Uses Regulations;
Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street
Parking And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter
8.104, Site Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary
Use Permit Regulations; and, Chapter 8.144, Enforcement Regulations.
Prepared by Dennis Carrington, Consultant & Janet Harbin, Senior Planner
Resolution recommending the City Council adopt the ordinance
amending the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance).
Ordinance amending the Dublin Municipal Code (Exhibit A).
Open Public Hearing and receive Staff presentation.
Take testimony from the Applicant and the Public.
Question Staff, Applicant and the Public.
Close Public Hearing and deliberate.
Adopt resolution (Attachment 1) recommending the City Council
adopt the Ordinance (Attachment 2) to amend the Dublin Municipal
On September 2, 1997, the City Council adopted a comprehensive revision of the Dublin Zoning
Ordinance. Implementation of the Zoning Ordinance during the past five years has revealed several areas
where the Ordinance requires clarification, improvement, and further revision to conform to changes in
related municipal codes and State law. Staff is recommending several amendments to various chapters of
the Zoning Ordinance (see attached Ordinance, Attachment 2) as follows:
Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Section 8.08.020, Accessory Structure. This section defines the term Accessory Structure. The
proposed amendment would add the words "as determined by the Director of Community
Development" to provide clarity as to who the decision maker is regarding which accessory
structures are necessarily and customarily associated with, and are appropriate, incidental, and
subordinate to, the lawfully established Principal Structure.
Section 8.08.020, Fireworks Sales (use type). The added language "as regulated by the Fire
Marshall" makes clear which official regulates fireworks sales.
COPIES TO: In House Distribution Project Manager
ITEMNO. ~/ /
Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses. The Zoning Ordinance
presently allows cafeterias, delicatessens and food vending of less than 1,000 square feet as
Commercial and Industrial Accessory Uses. Although other eating and drinking places are
permitted in commercial zoning districts, they are not allowed in any industrial zoning district.
The City has received several requests in the past to allow eating and drinking places larger than
1,000 square feet (such as coffee houses) in M-l, Light Industrial, and M-P, Industrial Park,
zoning districts to serve the surrounding industrial uses, their employees, and their clients. To
permit this type of use in a space greater than 1,000 square feet, the Land Use Matrix has been
revised to allow eating and drinking places as conditional uses subject to Zoning Administrator
review and approval under Commercial Type Uses. The review and approval by the Zoning
Administrator would make these businesses subject to a discretionary permit in industrially zoned
Section 8.36.050.B.3, Compensating Provision of Side Yard. The Zoning Ordinance presently
contains language allowing the compensating provision of a Rear Yard where a structure can
intrude into the Rear Yard Setback as long as the area covered in the Rear Yard is compensated for
by an equal area left open in other portions of the lot such as the Side Yard. This flexibility allows
homes to be placed on irregularly shaped lots without negatively impacting the design of the
homes. This amendment would provide similar flexibility where a structure could intrude into a
required Side Yard if compensating area is left open in other portions of the lot.
Section 8.36.060.C.3, Enclosure of equipment required. The amendment provides clarification
related to lots less than 5,000 square foot lot and lots greater than 5,000. The less than 5,000
square foot lot category would require swimming pool, spa and air conditioning equipment at any
location on the property to be enclosed as necessary to reduce noise at the property line to 50 dBA
at all times. This change is proposed because spas in very small back yards could be soumes of
irritating levels of noise for neighbors. The 5,000+ lot category is not substantially changed. The
only modifications related to that category are to the title and a change in the structure of the
Section 8.36.100.A, Applicability of coverage regulations. The only modification, other than a
grammatical correction, is the addition of a provision allowing one 120 square foot building on
lots less than 5,000 square feet in size to be exempted from the coverage regulations. This will
allow owners of homes with small back yards to have at least one small accessory structure such
as a shed.
Section 8.40.020.C.4, Inhabitable space. The existing language exempts Guesthouses from the
requirement that accessory structures may not provide year-round habitable space. The change to
this section would add Second Units to this exemption.
Section 8.40.020.C.8, Separation of detached accessory structure from other structures on
the same lot. The existing language reflects the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) separation
requirement of 6 feet between detached accessory structures and other structures on the same lot.
The UBC has subsequently been changed to require a lesser separation of 3 feet between
structures. The modification related to the separation between structures would be language
generally stating that the separation is per the requirements of the UBC. This will avoid having to
revise the Ordinance every time this portion of the UBC is modified.
Section 8.40.20.F.l.a, Adjacent a fence or wall. It is proposed to delete Section 8.40.20.F.l.a,
Adjacent a fence or wall, and include it (with a modification) in the revised tables in Section
8.40.20.F.2.h. The existing language addresses how visible accessory structures would be over a
fence or wall. Currently, any accessory structure within 6 feet ora fence or wall may not be taller
than 8 feet. Where the setback is greater than 6 feet, an accessory structure can be up to 15 feet in
The proposed modification would decrease the setback distance from 6 feet to 5 feet for an
accessory structure up to a maximum height of 15 feet. This change will bring the dimensions into
conformity with the other tables in Section §.40.20.F. 1 .a. and is applicable to lots 5,000 square
feet or larger. For the new category pertaining to lots less than 5,000 square feet, the maximum
height for an accessory structure is 10 feet with a minimal 3-foot setback. The shorter maximum
height is based on the premise that these lots are smaller and there is less distance between
structures on the lots. An accessory structure at 15 feet in height on a small lot would seem more
visually intrusive to neighboring property owners than one at 10 feet in height.
A change is also proposed in this section of the ordinance that the setback distance be measured
from a side lot line or rear lot line rather than a fence or wall, which could conceivably not be
located on a lot line but rather somewhere inside the lot.
Section 8.40.20.F.l.e, Maximum square footage of detached accessory structures (excluding
swimming pools) on a lot. The existing language limits the total combined square footage ora
detached garage, workshop, studio or office to 1,000 square feet. This language should be revised
to clarify that these types of accessory structures are given as examples, and that the total of 1,000
square feet is for all accessory structures on the lot. Two changes are proposed: 1) language would
be added for lots less than 5,000 square feet in size to allow one accessory structure in the Rear
Yard with a maximum of 120 square feet to be exempted from the coverage requirements of the
Ordinance. Small lots could then have a small storage structure in the backyard, but may not be
able to have additional accessory structures because the 30% maximum coverage requirement
could not be met; and, 2) for lots 5,000 square feet and larger, the combined square footage
limitation of 1,000 square feet is for all accessory structures such as a detached accessory garage,
workshop, studio or office.
Section 8.40.20.F.2.h, Heights and Setbacks. The existing accessory structure setback charts are
inconsistent and unclear. Modifications are proposed related to lots less than 5,000 square feet and
also those over 5,000 square feet. The smaller lots will have smaller setbacks to preserve useable
lot space. Setbacks for swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and their associated equipment are
proposed to be moved from Section 8.40.20.F.2.j. 1, Setbacks, to this table. Changes are proposed
to the setbacks for swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and their associated equipment. Currently, spas
and swimming pools must now be 6 feet from the principal residence and 5 feet from the side
property line or rear property line. The smaller lots in Eastern Dublin often have rear yards only
10 to 15 feet deep. Homebuyers in this area are often unable to have spas in their back yards under
the current regulations. Changes are proposed for lots under 5,000 square feet to allow spas and
pools, and any accessory structure under 8 feet in height to be located within the Side Yard and
Street Side Yard setback areas established by the zoning district, and also in the required Rear
Yard setback area without setback restrictions. Changes are proposed for lots over 5,000 square
feet to allow swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and their associated equipment to be located within 3
feet of the side and rear property line. Together with a change to allow accessory structures to be 3
feet from the principal residence per the UBC, listed earlier, these changes would allow for a spa
and gazebo in many instances where they are not currently permitted.
8.40.20.F.2.j.1, Setbacks. This section, as described above, is proposed to be moved to the tables
in Section 8.40.20.F.2.h. The text would be changed to allow pools, spas, hot tubs and their
associated equipment to be located within the Side Yard setback area and also within the Rear
Yard setback area established by the zoning district for lots less than 5,000 square feet in size. The
setback would be 3 feet from the Side Yard setback and 3 feet from the Rear Yard setback in lots
5,000 square feet in size or larger for accessory structures under 8 feet in height.
Section 8.64.030.E, Company Vehicle. This change clarifies that "% ton" refers to the weight
capacity of the vehicle, not the vehicle itself.
Section 8.76.060E.7, Parking within a designated parking space. This section is proposed to
be re-designated to give it its own heading and separated from the language referencing
recreational vehicle parking in residential areas as it applies to all vehicles and not just recreational
Section 8.76.060E.8, Prohibited parking. The two categories under this heading are being given
titles of their own and this heading is, therefore, not necessary.
Section 8.76.060.E.8.a, Living or sleeping in vehicle parked upon any public right-of-way.
This section is proposed to be re-designated to give it its own heading separate from recreational
vehicles parking in residential areas as it applies City-wide, and not just in residential areas.
Section 8.76.060E.8.b, Living or sleeping in a vehicle parked or stored on a lot. This section
is proposed to be re-designated to give it its own heading separate from recreational vehicles
parking in residential areas as it applies City-wide, and not just in residential areas.
Section 8.76.060.F, Parking of unlicensed or inoperable ("Non-Op") vehicles prohibited.
Language referencing where on a residential lot "Non-Op" vehicles may not be parked is proposed
to be deleted because this section prohibits parking or storing of these vehicles in any zoning
district, not just in residential zoning districts. This change would also allow the City to restrict
vehicle storage in back yards that has been a problem. The change stating that "Non-Op" vehicles
are not considered to be registered vehicles for the purposes of the Ordinance would address
situations where individuals with "Non-Op" registrations from the DMV are parking their vehicles
long term in locations visible to the public.
Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions. The back-up distance for vehicles in
right-angle parking spaces is proposed to be reduced from 26 feet to 24 feet. The 24-foot
dimension is the standard for most cities and counties. The change would save space in
developments, provide more area for parking, and also reduce storm water run-off by reducing the
mount of impervious surfaces. The change would allow the Director of Public Works flexibility
to require larger back up distances where needed.
Section 8.84.020.MM, Temporary Promotional signs. The use of Temporary Promotional
Signs is proposed to be expanded from only advertising devices used solely for special
promotional events to include promotional needs such as "Now Hiring" or "Help Wanted" banners
and other needs of a similar nature as determined by the Director of Community Development.
Section 8.84.040, Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations. This change would limit the size
of Banner Signs used as Temporary Promotional Signs to the dimensions of 30 inches by 24 feet.
This change would make the size of banner signs consistent with the dimensions of Wall Signs.
Section 8.84.050.T, Temporary Promotional Signs. A change is proposed to the Temporary
Promotional Signs text of the Ordinance to limit the maximum size of Banner Signs used as
Temporary Promotional Signs to the dimensions of 30 inches by 24 feet.
Section 8.84.150.L, Rotating, Moving Signs. This section is proposed to be expanded to include
Human Held Signs for commercial advertising purposes in the category of prohiblted rotating and
moving signs. This change would address signs that are held by persons and that are typically
waived or moved to attract the attention of the public, and can be distracting to drivers.
Section 8.104.100, Waiver. The Ordinance currently permits the Director of Community
Development or his/her designee to waive provisions of an approved Site Development if it is a
"minor change". A minor change is currently determined by the Ordinance to be:
1. The physical expansion of a structure by no more than 1,000 square feet.
The exterior modification of no more than 100 square feet of surface area of an existing
Approved Site Development Reviews often are not sufficiently detailed and do not anticipate
design detail changes that are required during construction. The Site Development Review Waiver
process is intended to provide flexibility during construction when minor necessary changes are
required. The Ordinance defines "minor change" so strictly that Staff is often unable to allow
minor changes to be made where they do not meet the rigid dimensional requirements of the
Ordinance. The Developer is often required to file an application for a new Site Development
Review with associated costs and delays of over a month. These costs and delays can potentially
make projects financially infeasible. It is proposed that the language be modified to delete the
rigid dimensional requirements and permit the Director of Community Development or his/her
designee to interpret when a "minor change" is appropriate using his/her best professional
Section 8.108.020.F, Fireworks Sates. The Ordinance currently shows Fireworks Sales as being
permitted by a Temporary Use Permit. The Fire Marshall regulates Fireworks Sales and therefore
the language regarding a Temporary Use Permit should be deleted.
Section 8.144.070, Criminal Remedies. The Enforcement chapter of the Ordinance currently
allows the City to fine any person, firm or corporation guilty of an infraction upon a first
conviction, second conviction and for a third or any subsequent conviction. This language is not
consistent with Section 36900(a) of the Government Code that permits a jurisdiction to require a
fine for each violation determined to be an infraction. It is proposed that the word "infraction" be
substituted for the word "conviction" to bring the Ordinance into consistency with state law.
On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution ! 03-97 finding that the Comprehensive
Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts
and Permitted Use Of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures
And Uses Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking
And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review
Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations; and, Chapter 8.144, Enforcement
Regulations, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Various changes to the
Municipal Code listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are also
exempt from CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such
amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1. Open the Public Hearing and receive Staffpresentation.
2. Take testimony from the Applicant and the Public.
3. Question Staff, Applicant and the Public.
4. Close Public Hearing and deliberate.
5. Adopt resolution (Attachment 1) recommending that the City Council adopt the Ordinance
(Attachment 2) to amend the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance).
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
WHEREAS, the comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 20-
97) was adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1997; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and
Permitted Use Of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40,
Accessory Structures And Uses Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations
Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84,
Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108,
Temporary Use Permit Regulations; and, Chapter 8.144, Enforcement Regulations, must
be revised to more effectively regulate the development of the City of Dublin; and
WHEREAS, On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97
finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter
8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land; Chapter
8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures And Uses
Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street
Parking And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations;
and, Chapter 8.144, Enforcement Regulations, is exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Various changes to the Municipal Code listed
above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are also exempt from
CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that them is no possibility that such
amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines,
Section 15061 (b)(3)); and
WHEREAS, Staff has prepared a Staff mport dated August 27, 2002 analyzing
the amendment to the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said
amendments to the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance), on August 27, 2002, for which
proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its August 27, 2002, meeting
considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing.
does hereby recommend that the City Council find that the proposed amendments to
Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land;
Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40, Accessory Structures And Uses
Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street
Parking And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations;
and, Chapter 8.144, Enforcement Regulations (PA 02-040), have no possibility for a
significant effect on the environment (CEQA, Section 15061(b)(3)), that the amendments
are consistent with the General Plan, and does recommend that the City Council amend
said chapters of the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) as shown in Attachment 2 to the
August 27, 2002, Staff report for PA 02-040.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th Day Of August 2002.
Planning Commission Chairperson
Planning Manager
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determined that the Definitions of the Dublin Municipal
Code (Chapter 8.08), Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land of the Dublin Municipal Code
(Chapter 8.12); Development Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.36); the Accessory
Structures and Uses Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.40); Home Occupations
Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.64); Off-Street Parking And Loading
Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.76); Sign Regulations of the Dublin Municipal
Code (Chapter 8.84); Site Development Review Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter
8.104); the Temporary Use Permit Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.108); and, the
Enfomement Regulations of the Dublin Municipal Code (Chapter 8.144), must be revised to more
effectively regulate development within the City; and
WHEREAS, On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the
Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.08, Definitions; Chapter 8.12,
Zoning Districts and Permitted Use Of Land; Chapter 8.36, Development Regulations; Chapter 8.40,
Accessory Structures And Uses Regulations; Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations Regulations; Chapter 8.76,
Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations; Chapter 8.84, Sign Regulations; Chapter 8.104, Site
Development Review Regulations; Chapter 8.108, Temporary Use Permit Regulations; and, Chapter
8.144, Enforcement Regulations, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Various changes to the Municipal Code listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These
changes are also exempt from CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that
such amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section
15061(b)(3)); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed pubic hearing on this project
on August 27, 2002, and did adopt Resolution 02-__ recommending that the City Council approve
amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, properly noticed public hearings were held by the City Council on __
,2002; and
,2002 and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the
Ordinance Amendment; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council
finds that the Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said
reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
Section 1.
Section 8.08.020, Accessory Structure, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"Accessory Structure. The term Accessory Structure shall mean a detached structure or building
accessory and subordinate to a lawfully established Principal Structure on the same lot, and such
other accessory structures, as determined by the Director of Community Development, which are
necessarily and customarily associated with, and are appropriate, incidental, and subordinate to,
such lawfully established Principal Structure and which does not change thc character of the
Principal Structure."
Section 2.
Section 8.08.020, Fireworks Sales (use type), of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as
"Fireworks Sales (use type). Thc term Fireworks Sales shall mean thc temporary sale of
fireworks as regulated by thc Fire Marshall."
Section 3.
Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses, of the Dublin Municipal Code is
amended to read as follows:
COMMERCIAL USE TYPE A R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 C-O I C-N I I C-2 I M-P I M-' I M-21
Eating and Drinking ..... C/ZA C/ZA P P C/~A C/~A -"
Establishment I I
Section 4.
Section 8.36.050.B.3, Compensating Provision of Side Yard, is added to the Dublin Municipal Code as
"3. Compensating Provision of Side Yard. Notwithstanding the yard requirements of this
Ordinance, a Side Yard may have a depth of not less than 5 feet if that portion of the Side
Yard that is covered by a structure is compensated for by open areas within the same or
adiacent yards on the same parcel that exceed Side and Rear Yard requirements by an area
at least equal to the extent of the building coverage of the Side Yard."
Section 5.
Section 8.36.060.C.3, Enclosure of equipment required, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to
read as follows:
"3. Enclosure of equipment required.
For lots less than 5,000 square feet in size, mechanical equipment that generates noise
(such as swimming pool, spa and air conditioning equipment) on the property shall be
enclosed as necessary to reduce noise at the property line to a maximum of 50 dBA at any
For lots 5000 square feet in size or larger, mechanical equipment that generates noise (such
as swimming pool, spa and air conditioning equipment) wWhen located within a required
setback as allowed by this subsection, and within 10 feet of an existing or potential
residence, or an existing paved patio area on adjoining property, ' '
,u~, ......· ....:o~ ro,,~u ...... ~,~,~; .....~ ~ ~; .... ~;,;~.; ...... ; ....*~ shall be
enclosed as necessary to reduce noise at the property line to a maximum of 50 dBA at any
Section 6.
Section 8.36.100.A, Applicability of coverage regulations, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to
read as follows:
Applicability of coverage regulations. Maximum lot coverage regulations are intended to
establish the maximum lot area that '::h~c~ may be covered with buildings and structures.
Buildings and structures include all land covered by principal buildings, garages and
carports, accessory structures (with the exception of one 120 square foot accessory
structure, permitted on lots less than 5,000 square feet in size. which shall be exempt from
the coverage regulations), covered decks and gazebos, and other enclosed and covered
areas; but not standard roof overhangs, cornices, eaves, uncovered decks, swimming pools,
paved areas such as walkways, driveways, patios, uncovered parking areas or roads."
Section 7.
Section 8.40.020.C.4, Inhabitable space, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Inhabitable space. Accessory structures, with the exception of Guesthouses and Second
Units shall not be constructed so as to provide year-round inhabitable space."
Section 8.
Section 8.40.020.C.8, Separation of detached accessory structure from other structures on the same
lot, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Separation of detached accessory structure from other structures on the same lot.
s~me !et The distance of a detached accesso~ s~ucture from ~y other stmct~e on the
same lot shall be as dete~ined by the Unifo~ Building Code."
Section 8.40.20.F.l.a, Adjacent a fence or wall, of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby deleted.
Section 10.
Section 8.40.20.F.l.e, Maximum square footage of detached accessory structures (excluding
swimming pools) on a lot, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Maximum square footage of detached accessory structures (excluding swimming
pools) on a lot.
For lots less than 5,000 square feet in size, one accessory structure in the Rear Yard with a
maximum of 120 square feet shall be exempt from the Coverage Requirements.
For lots 5~000 square feet in size or larger, ti:he combined maximum square footage of all
accessory structures on a lot such as a detached accessory garage, workshop, studio, or
office shall not exceed 1,000 square feet unless a larger size is approved by the Zoning
Administrator by means of a Conditional Use Permit."
Section 11.
Section 8.40.20.F.2.h, Heights and Setbacks, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as
Heights and Setbacks. Heights and setbacks for detached shade structures, gazebos,
covered patios and enclosed structures are as follows:
For lots less than 5,000 square feet in size.
Shade Enclosed Enclosed Swimming
Structures~ Structure Structure less pools, spas, hot
Gazebos, greater than 8 than or equal to tubs and
: Covered Patios feet in height 8 feet in height associated
and equipment
Height (max) 10 feet 10 feet 8 feet 8 feet
Front Yard Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Setback except for
Entry features
permitted by
Side Yard 3 feet 3 feet 0 feet 0 feet
Street Side Yard 3 feet 3 feet 3 feet 0 feet
Rear Yard 3 feet 3 feet 0 feet 0 feet
For lots 5,000 square feet in size or larger.
Shade Enclosed Enclosed Swimming
Structures, Structure Structure less pools, spas, hot
Gazebos and greater than _8 than or equal to tubs and
Covered Patios feet in fence eight feet in associated
and unenclosed height fenze height equipment
Height (max) 15 feet 15 feet 8 feet 8 feet
Front Yard ! 5 feet Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Setback Not allowed
except for
Entry features
permitted by
Side Yard 5 feet 5 feet 0 feet 3 feet *
Setback (-1-) r~;o, ......... ~
Street Side Yard 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet 3 feet *
Rear Yard 5 feet 5 feet 0 feet 3 feet *
Setback nj o, ......... ~
* Measured at waterline
Section 12.
Section 8.40.20.F.2.j.1, Setbacks, of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby deleted.
Section 13.
Section 8.64.030.E, Company Vehicle, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Company Vehicle. One company vehicle (a truck, van, or automobile only) no larger than
3/4 ton in capacity (whether or not marked with a company name or logo) may be parked
in a residential zoning district and used by the occupant directly or indirectly in connection
with a Home Occupation."
Section 14.
Section 8.76.060E.7, Parking within a designated parking space, of the Dublin Municipal Code is
amended to read as follows:
"Section 8.76.060.TF.Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked
within the confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown on an approved Off-
Street Parking and Loading Plan."
Section 15.
Section 8.76.060E.8, Prohibited parking, of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby deleted.
Section 16.
Section 8.76.060.E.8.a, Living or sleeping in vehicle parked upon any public right-of-way, of the
Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Living or sleeping in vehicle parked upon any public right-of-way. At no time shall a
motorhome, recreational vehicle, mobilehome or similar vehicle as determined by the
Director of Community Development, parked upon any public right-of-way in any zoning
district be occupied for living or sleeping purposes."
Section 17.
Section 8.76.060E.8.b, Living or sleeping in a vehicle parked or stored on a lot, of the Dublin
Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"bH. Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot. At no time shall a motorhome,
recreational vehicle, utility trailer, mounted or un-mounted camper top, boat or other similar
vehicle as determined by the Director of Community Development parked or stored on a lot be
occupied for living, sleeping, or any other purposes except as permitted by a Temporary Use
Permit or adjacent to a fireworks sales booth or as legally allowed in a bonafide trailer park,
mobilehome park, or recreational vehicle park."
Section 18.
Section 8.76.060.F. Parking of unlicensed or inoperable ("Non-Op") vehicles prohibited, of the
Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 8.76.060.tq, Parking of ............ unregistered or inoperable ("Non-Op") vehicles
......... ed unregistered or inoperable vehicle shall be parked or stored in any
prohibited. No "-~: ....
zoning district unless otherwise permitted by a Conditional Use Permit or if legitimately stored
while being actively repaired (not stored more than four weeks) by a permitted repair facility (non-
g di ly) i ~r ....;,4 ........;.,,,;~
residential zonin stricts on n_ ~ ..v..~r~""* ~.u~_..,o~*~'~v _.~_ .... -.;" ..w..n"'-* ............... ~ ...... ual
Vehicles registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles as "Non-Op" are not considered to be
registered vehicles for the purpose of this Ordinance."
Section 19.
Section 8.76.070.A.7.e, Minimum parking dimensions, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to
read as follows:
Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions in feet shall be as
indicated in the following table as illustrated by Figure 76-1
Table 76-1
A (in B X C D E I F A B X C D E F
90C 8.0 17.0 17.0 26.9 8.0 60.0 45 8.0 17.0 17.7 16.0 11. 51.4
24.0* C 3
90F 9.0 20.0 20.0 26.0 9.0 66.0 45 9.0 20.0 20.5 16.0 12. 57.0
24.0* F 7
80C 8.0 17.0 18.1 26.9 8.1 62.2 30 8.0 17.0 15.4 16.0 16. 46.8
24.0* C 0
80F 9.0 20.0 21.3 26.0 9.1 68.6 30 9.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 18. 51.6
24.0* F 0
70C 8.0 17.0 18.7 20.0 8.5 57.4 20 8.0 17.0 13.3 16.0 23. 42.6
C 4
70F 9.0 20.0 21.9 20.0 9.6 63.8 20 9.0 20.0 15.3 16.0 26. 46.6
F 3
60C 8.0 17.0 18.7 19.0 9.2 56.4 0C 8.0 17.0 0.0 20.0 23. 20.0
60F 9.0 20.0 21.8 19.0 10.4 62.6 OF 9.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 2,3. 20.0
C = Compact Space, F = Full Sized Space
* The Director of Public Works may require a larger back-up distance where sight distances are
inadequate and for multi-family residential developments."
Section 20.
Section 8.84.020.MM, Temporary Promotional signs, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to
read as follows:
"MM. Temporary Promotional Signs. The term Temporary Promotional Signs shall mean
temporary banners, flags, balloons as regulated in section 8.84.050(T), searchlights and similar
advertising devices when used eh!3' for special promotional events or promotional needs such
as "Now Hiring" or "Help Wanted" banners and other needs ora similar nature as determined
by the Director of Community Development."
Section 21.
Section 8.84.040~ Matrix B, Sign Development Regulations, Temporary Promotional, of the Dublin
Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"$!gn Type Maximum Maximum Maximum Location Copy Additional
Section No. NUmber of Height Area per side Requirements RestrictiOns * RegUlations *
s!g~ in sq. ft. *
Temporary Per Zoning Per Zoning Per Zoning Only on site on Per Zoning Maximum of
Promotional Clearance. Clearance. Clearance. which business Clearance. l~consecutive
Sec. 8.84.050.S Banner signs is located, calendar days
shall not be per permit; 30
larger than 30 consecutive
inches by 24 calendar day
feet. waiting period
Section 22.
Section 8.84.050.T, Temporary Promotional Signs, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read
as follows:
Temporary Promotional Signs. Temporary Promotional Signs permitted pursuant to a
Zoning Clearance may be placed on site for a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar
days per permit when used for special promotional events or needs. A minimum waiting
period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days between permits is required, with the exception
of balloons as defined herein. A Banner Sign shall not be larger than 30 inches by 24 feet in
size. Any tethered or un-tethered balloon of greater than 15 inches in diameter shall be
permitted only as a temporary promotional sign and subject to a permit. All balloons shall be
tethered to the ground only with the bottom of the balloon on the ground and shall not be
permitted to be attached to any structure or vehicle. No permit(s) singularly or cumulative
shall be issued that allows any temporary promotional signs that include balloons for more
than 21 days per calendar year. Zoning clearance(s) may be issued for periods less than 15
Section 23.
Section 8.84.150.L, Rotating, Moving Signs, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as
Rotating, Moving and Human Held Signs. Any sign which that rotates, moves, o~ contains
moving parts, o; depicts animation in any manner, or any sign that is held by a human being in
any manner for a commercial purpose, including but not limited to advertising a product, real
property, or service."
Section 24.
Section 8.104.100, Waiver, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Waiver. The Community Development Director or his/her designee ssa/!
dete.m--ine may allow a minor physical change to an approved Site Development
Review as a Waiver upon determineqling that a Site Development Review Waiver is
in substantial conformance with the Site Development Review if it: is a minor
project as '~ .... ;~'~' "~ .... '
............... , Is Categorically Exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act, and is consistent with the conditions of approval for
the Site Development Review. It is not the intent of this Chapter that a series of
Site Development Review Waivers be used to circumvent the need for a new Site
Development Review. ^
Section 25.
Section 8.108.020.F, Fireworks Sales, of the Dublin Municipal Code is hereby deleted.
Section 26.
Section 8.144.070~ Criminal Remedies, of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
"8.144.070 Remedies.
Criminal Remedies. Any person, firm or corporation guilty of an infraction under the provisions
of Title 8 shall be punishable upon a first cznvictizn infraction of a fine of not more than $100.00,
and for a second cenvict~zn infraction within a period of one year by a fine of not more than
$200.00, and for a third or any subsequent cznv[ct~zn infraction within a one-year period by a fine
of not more than $500.00. Any violation beyond the third ccnv~ztizn infraction within a one-year
period may be charged as a misdemeanor and the penalty for conviction of the same shall be
subject to fine or imprisonment or both not to exceed the limits set forth in California Penal Code
Section 19."
Section 27. Conforming Amendments. Chapters 8.08, 8.12, 8.36, 8.40, 8.64, 8.76, 8.84, 8.104, and
8.108 of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be re-numbered and/or re-lettered as necessary to accommodate
and/or reflect the foregoing amendments.
Section 28. Severabilit~.
The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof
is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or cimumstances, such illegality,
invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions,
clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons
or circumstances.
Section 29. Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final
adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3)
public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of
on this day of __, 2002, by the following votes:
City Clerk
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