HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 098-84 CDBG w/AlaCo RESOLUTION NO. 98-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING CITY OF DUBLIN PARTICIPATION IN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS, Title I of Act consolidates previousl'y separate grant programs for open space, public facilities loans, water and sewer grants, urban renewal, model cities and rehabilitation loans; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has made a determination that Alameda County may operate as an Urban County; and WHEREAS, the Urban County HCD Program undertakes community renewal and lower income housing assistance primarily for the benefit of low to moderate income households; and WHEREAS, seven cities may join with Alameda County to qualify as an Urban County and be eligible for an entitlement of Community Development Block Grant funds; and WHEREAS, on August 27, 1984, the City Council received a Staff Report recommending participation in the Urban County Housing and CommunitY Development Block Grant Program for Fiscal Years 1985-86, 1986-87 and 1987-88; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin, a Municipal Corporation, takes the following actions: Section 1 That the City of Dublin agrees to participate in the Alameda County Urban County Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program Section 2 That the Mayor of the City of Dublin is authorized to execute the agreement PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27 th day of ~a~a~i , 1984. AYES: Coutzci.d~"r~ba_.,z4 NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk DP 83-20 AGREEMEN! An Agreement by and between the CITY OF Dublin , hereinafter called "CITY" and the COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, hereinafter called "COUNTY". WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974~ and subsequent amendments to such Act, hereinafter called Act; and WHEREAS, TitIe I of Act consolidates previously separate grant programs for open space, pubIic facility ioans, water and sewer grants, urban renewa[, model cities and rehabilitation Ioans; and, WHEREAS, Title I makes available entitlement grants to: (I) cities whose 1980 Census population exceeds 50,000 persons: and (2) counties who qualify as an urban county; and WHEREAS, the term "urban county" means any county within a metropolitan area which: A. is aucnorzzed unoer state law to undertake essential community development and housing assistance activities in its unincorporated areas, wnich are not units of general local government; an~, 8. has a combined population of 200.000 of more in such unincorporated areas and in its included units of local government: (i) in which it has authority to undertake essential community development and housing assistance activities and which do not elect to have their population excluded; or, (ii) with which it has entered into cooperation agreements to undertake or to assist in the undertaking of essential community development and housing assis, tance activities: and, WHEREAS, seven cities in Alameda County have a 1980 Census population of less than 50,000; and, WHEREAS, these same seven cities may join with the County of Alameda to form a combined lPBO Census population of 200,000 or more persons, thereby qualifying ss an urban county, and be eligible for an entitlement of Community Oevelopment Block Grant funds: and, WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter called HUD, has made a determination that the County has the essential powers to operate As an urban county. THEREFORE, it is agreed that: 1. CITY and COUNTY will cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, community renewal and lower income housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing, hereinafter called Program, to be carried out with annual Community Development 8lock Grants, hereinafter calleo Block Grants, from Federal fiacal years I~BS, 1~86, ana 1~87 appropriations. Community renewal and lower income housing assistance activities shall be those designated or referrea to within Title I of the Act and the regulations issued pursuant thereto. 2. To carry out community renewal and lower income housing activities, COUNTY shall distribute to CITY a portion of the 8lock Grant runes received under the Act from Federal fiscal years 198~, 1~86, and 1987 appropriations. The funds distributea to CIIY shall be determined in accoraance with such needs, o~jectives, or strategies, as COUNTY shall decide. In preparing the needs, objctives or strategies, COUNTY snail consult wi~h CITY before making its determinations. ~. It is expressly understooo that, as the recicient of ~he Block Grant from HUD, County must take the full responsibility and assume ali ooiigations under ~he Act an~ ~ha~ HUD ~ill lo0k only to COUNTY in this reoaro. However, it is aisc understood ~ha~ CITY shall comply with ail requirements of the Acc, the National £nvironmen~ai Policy Ac~ of 196~, ~itle VI of the Civil Rights Ac~ of i~, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, ExecuciYe Order 11~88, Section 108 of ~he Ac~, other a~licaoie laws, ano all regulations issued pursuant thereto. ~. CITY snail provide COUNTY ~ith all information concerning CITY and the activities CITY carries out unoer this agreemen~ which COUNTY requires to pre,are i~ oocumen~s, required to be submitted to HUD, 2) annual performance re~or~, 3> such other documents as COUNTY may ~eouire to carry out community renewal and lower income housing activities or mee~ Federal requirements. information shall be submitteo on forms prescribeo by COUNTY. In adoition, CiTY agrees to make aYaila~le upon requeat all recoros concerning the activities carried out under ~his agreement for inspection by COUNTY or Federal o~ficiais during regular business hours. 5. CITY designates Richard Ambroset City Manager or his or her deputy as the official to whom all notlces and communications from COUN[Y shall be directed. COUNTY'S outy to notify CITY shall be complete when the communication is sent to the designated official or oeputy. It is the exclusive duty of the designa~eo official or ~ep'u~y to notify the correct individuals o~ department within CITY. 6. CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY from liability for any fines, penalties, or damage of any type accruing to COUNTY by virtue of CITY'S failure to comply with any requirement of the Act an~ the regulations issued pursuant thereto, or failure to comply in any respect with the Program described herein. Further, CITY shall indemnify COUNTY, its officers and employees, against any and all liability for in3urY or damage causeo by any act or omission of CITY oe any of CITY's employees or volunteers in the performance of the contract or Program and CItY shall hold COUNTY harmless f~om any and all loss occasioned in the performance of, of otherwise arising out of, this Agreement or P~ogram. 7. This Agreement shall go into effect immediately upon the szgnature of both parties and shall continue in full force and effect until all activities funded from Federal fisca! years 1985, 1986, and 1987 appropriations are completed. CITY will be included in the urban county for the entire three year period funded by 8lock Grants from Federal fiscal years 1985, 1986, and 1987 appropriations and may not withdraw from the urban county during this agreement period except: i) If COUNTY fails to qualify as an urban county, or ii) If COUNTY does not receive a grant in any year of the three fiscal years. CITY OF Dnblin COUNTY OF ALAMEDA Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST fTEST: C DATE: DATE: 00278 8/8~