HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 76 Gas Station CUP & SDR PA08-008AGENDA STATEMENT
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 08-008 76 Gas Station Conditional Use
Permit and Site Development Review to allow modifications,
including the addition of a drive-through car wash, to an existing
76 Gas Station located at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd. (Quasi-
Report prepared by Martha Aja, Assistant Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit and Site
Development Review to allow exterior modifications, including
the addition of a drive-through car wash, at the 76 Gas Station
located at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd.
2) Color Board.
3) Letter from the Applicant.
4) Project Plans.
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive Staff presentation;
V Y' 2) Open the public hearing;
3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public;
4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and
5) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) to allow exterior
modifications, including the addition of a drive-through car
wash, at the 76 Gas Station located at 7850 Amador Valley
Vicinity Map:
-,, Retail
1-3 -
Project Site
Service Station
The project site is located at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd. at
the corner of Amador Valley Blvd. and Regional Street.
The project site is a 24,896 square foot site consisting of an
existing 8-pump 76 Gas Station with a 1,180 square foot
convenience store and a 375 square foot service bay. The
Applicant is proposing to remove the existing service bay
and add a drive-through car wash and vacuum area in the
southwestern portion of the site. The site has a General Plan
designation of Retail Office and is zoned Retail
Commercial (C-1), which allows a gas station and a drive-
through car wash.
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Property Owner
ITEM NO.: 3. 3
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G:\PA#\2008\PA 08-008 76 Station Carwash\PC Staff Report 1 1.12.08.doc
The proposed project consists of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and a Site Development Review (SDR)
to allow exterior modifications to the site, which include the construction of a drive-through car wash and
a covered trellis area for vacuuming vehicles. The existing auto service bay will be eliminated. The
replacement of the existing gasoline dispensing facilities with a vapcr recovery system and other site and
landscaping modifications are also a part of the application.
The gas station located at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd. was constructed in 1958 prior to County of Alameda
requirements for Conditional Use Permits for gas stations.
The existing 76 Gas Station at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd. has received several entitlements over the years,
which include:
• Conditional Use Permit (C-1734) approved on May 29, 1967 for an auto service station;
• Variance (V-4103) approved on May 29, 1967 for a setback variance;
• Sign/SDR (PA 85-011) approved on February 19, 1985 for a freestanding sign (this sign no longer
exists on the site); and
• Site Development Review waivers (2) approved on October 9, 1995 and March 4, 1996 for minor
exterior modifications to the site.
The modifications approved through the various entitlements listed above have altered the service
station's original design and layout; however, they have not changed the basic function of the site as a
service station.
Conditional Use Permit
Chapter 8.12 of the Zoning Ordinance (Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land) indicates that a
drive-in/drive-through business is permitted in the C-1 (Retail Commercial) Zoning District with a
Conditional Use Permit reviewed by the Planning Commission. A Drive-In/Drive-Through business use is
defined by Chapter 8.08.020 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance as "an establishment or business activity
where sales or services activity is predominantly rendered to patrons who normally receive the product or
utilize the service, at least in part, through an outside service window while in automobiles upon the
premises. This definition includes drive-through oil changing facilities, drive-through car washes, drive-
through restaurants, drive-through coffee bars, drive-through rental or sale of movies or software and
drive-through bank tellers and other uses determined to be substantially similar to the above by the
Director of Community Development."
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Site Plan;,
The Applicant has requested approval of a 1,167
square foot drive;-through car wash south of the
existing convenience store and a 32' by 31' trellis west
of the existing convenience store, which will be the
area where vacuuming cars occurs. The proposed
drive-through car wash and trellis are consistent with
the existing convenience store and gas pump uses. The
proposed drive-through car wash is located
approximately 10' south of the existing convenience
store and 18" fro n the southern property boundary.
The proposed trellis area located west of the existing
convenience store will serve as a vacuum area for
individuals to use after exiting the drive-through car
wash. Please refer to the site plan to the left.
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Currently the 76 Gas Station operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. No changes are
proposed to the hours of operation for the gas station or convenience store. The hours of operation for the
proposed drive-through car wash are also 24 hours a day, 7 days a we,-k.
The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance contains off-street parking requirements by use type. A Service
Station with a convenience store is required to provide 1 parking space per 300 square feet of commercial
sales area with a 5 space minimum. Currently, there are 8 parking ;,paces on the site. The Applicant is
removing the 8 existing parking spaces along the southern property boundary to accommodate the drive-
through car wash. Five new parking spaces will be located elsewhere :)n site, as described below.
As stated previously, the existing convenience store is 1,139 squa-e feet, which requires a total of 5
parking spaces. The Applicant has provided the required 5 parking spaces. No additional parking is
required for the drive-through car wash. The Applicant has modified the site circulation to accommodate
possible queuing that may occur at the drive-through car wash.
Service Station With Mini-Mart Use Type (as listed in the Parking required per
Zoning Ordinance): City Code
I per 300 square feet of commercial sales area with a S
space minimum
Commercial sales area: 1,139 square feet 5 parking spaces required
Total Parking Spaces Provided 5 parking spaces provided
The proposed drive-through car wash is appropriate for the site because the car wash is in association with
an existing service station and is compatible with the existing and allowed uses of the site. The draft
findings for this Conditional Use Permit request can be found on pages 2 of Attachment 1.
Site Development Review
The Zoning Ordinance requires Site Development Review for any modification to site layout in a
commercial zoning district, including new construction with a gross floor area of 1,000 square feet or
more; and modifications to parking, fencing, landscaping, accessory structures, and trash enclosures.
Site Layout: (Sheet SDI of Attachment 4)
The new drive-through car wash and vacuum trellis would be located in the southwestern portion of the
site. Five standard parking stalls are proposed west of the existing convenience store and a new trash
enclosure would be constructed west of these parking spaces.
The site is currently accessed by four driveways, two on Amador Valley Blvd. and two on Regional
Street. The Applicant is proposing to remove one driveway on Regional Street, which is located near the
southeast corner of the site to create an area for cars to queue as they Nait in line for the drive-through car
wash. Additionally, an accessible path of travel for pedestrians is being created from Regional Street to
the existing convenience store.
Architecture/FNade Improvements: (Sheets A2.1 & A2.2 of Attachment 4)
The Applicant is proposing a facade remodel to the existing canopy and convenience store. The design
and materials of the proposed drive-through car wash and vacuum trellis will be consistent with the other
buildings on site.
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Existing Convenience Store & Gas Canopy
The existing convenience store is painted light gray. There are several stone columns on the building in
addition to a stone base along a portion of the building that is painted dark gray. The existing building has
a slight pitch to the roof. The existing gas canopy structure also has a slight pitch to the roof. The existing
gas canopy is supported by two columns, which consist of stone painted red and gray. Please refer to the
photos above.
The Applicant is proposing to
modify the existing gas
canopy and building by
adding a parapet to the roof in
addition to adding cornices to
all. four elevations. The
Applicant is proposing to use
\? "o?T" Buw"s ELLN/AT'-°".- a combination of a stone
veneer and stucco for the
building and canopy. The color scheme for the site includes dark gray, light gray, white, pueblo tan and
red. Please refer to the attached color board for sample colors (Attachment 2). A full materials board will
be available at the hearing. The Applicant is proposing three decorative trellis features with climbing
vines along the south elevation of the car wash. The addition of climbing vines to this elevation will help
soften the wall to the southern property.
The Applicant is proposing to modify the existing canopy by adding a parapet in addition to a cornice
along the edge of the canopy. The colors and materials of the canopy are consistent with those proposed
for the convenience store. The design, materials and colors of the proposed car wash and vacuum trellis
are compatible with the proposed facade remodel of the convenience store and canopy. Please refer to the
proposed building elevations above and below.
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Landscaping: (Sheet LA I of Attachment 4)
The preliminary landscape plan includes additional landscaping along the western property boundary in
addition to the southwestern portion of the site. The Applicant is proposing to plant several 24 gallon
shade trees along the property's western perimeter to help screen the proposed drive-through car wash.
The existing planters at the driveways will be enhanced with ground cover and trees. The Applicant is
proposing additional landscaping in front of the existing convenience store through the use of planter
pots. The existing planter boxes along the perimeter consist of stone painted silver. A Condition of
Approval requires that the Applicant prime and re-paint these planter boxes to an earth tone color more in
keeping with the newly proposed color palate. A Condition of Approval also requests that Final
Landscape and Irrigation plans be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development
Director prior to issuance of building permits.
Vapor Recovery System: (Sheet SDI and LA1 of Attachment 4)
A component of the gas station remodel consists of the replacement of the existing gasoline dispensing
facilities with a vapor recovery system. The State of California has mandated under Section 41952 of the
Health and Safety Code that all gasoline dispensing facilities be equipped with a vapor recovery system. The
Applicant is proposing to locate the risers and Clean Air Separator tank near the proposed location of the 5
new parking spaces in the southern portion of the site just north of the proposed drive-through car wash. The
vent risers and tank will be screened by landscaping.
The proposed modifications to the site, including enhanced building materials and landscaping, are
appropriate because the proposed drive-through car wash and vacuum trellis will be compatible with the
existing buildings and the use of the site. The existing building and gas canopy on site are outdated and the
proposed remodel includes architectural design and materials which will enhance the site and the overall
neighborhood. The findings for the SDR can be found on page 3 and 4 of Attachment 1.
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Review by City Departments
The Public Works Department, Building Division, Fire Department, Police Services and Dublin San
Ramon Services District have all reviewed the proposed project. Conditions of approval from these
agencies are included in the proposed Resolution (Attachment 1).
Public Notice
In accordance with State law, a public notice regarding this hearing was mailed to all property owners and
occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project. A public notice was also published in the Valley
Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has not received comments
or objections from surrounding property owners or tenants regarding the current proposal.
The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA), State CEQA
Guidelines and the Dublin Environmental Guidelines, and the projec?. has been found to be Categorically
Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to the CEQA Guidelines
Section 15301 (Minor alteration of existing facilities).
The proposed modifications to the 76 Service Station located at 78:50 Amador Valley Blvd. will be an
improvement to the existing service station. The proposed modifications will enhance the image of the
existing service station. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan
and the Dublin Zoning District in which the project site is located and represents an appropriate project
for the site.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public
hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate;
and 5) Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) to allow exterior modifications, including the addition of a drive-
through car wash, at the 76 Gas Station at 7850 Amador Valley Blvd.
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APPLICANT: Muthaiia Ibrahim
MI Architects, Inc.
2960 Camino Diablo, Suite 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Mike Ahmadi
Gawfco Enterprises, Inc.
587 Ygnacio Valley Rd.
Walnut: Creek, CA 94596
7850 Amador Valley Blvd.
Retail Commercial (C-1)
C-1 (Retail Retail Office Commercial
North Commercial)
South C-1 (Retail Retail Office Commercial
East C-1 (Retail Retail Office Commercial
West C-1 (Retail Retail Office Commercial
Project Site C-1 (Retail Retail Office Commercial
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