HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 02-29 PA02-009 ArmstrnGdn CUP,SDR,SignSDR Reduce prkng RESOLUTION NO. 02- 29
WHEREAS, the Applicant, Ted J. Stelzner of TJS Architects, Inc., on behalf of Armstrong Garden
Centers, has requested approval of an amendment to the San Ramon Specific Plan, PD Rezoning, Conditional
Use Permit, Site Development Review and Sign/Site Development Review to construct an approximately
30,810 square foot retail garden center, consisting of a 6,400 square foot retail sales building and adjacent
24,410 square foot outdoor storage/display area, with an exemption to the parking requirements, which is
located at 7360 San Ramon Road, within the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and the C-l, Retail Commercial
Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on file in
the Department of Community Development; and
WHEREAS, Applicant/Developer has submitted project plans and exterior elevations dated received on
July 3, 2002, for a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Sign/Site Development Review for
the approximately 30,810 square foot retail garden center; and
WHEREAS, the project has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines and is Categorically
Exempt from the provisions of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental
Guidelines, under Section 15061Co)(3) and Section 15332, as there is no potential for significant environmental
effects to occur as a result of the project and the project would be located on an infill site which was previously
improved; and
WHEREAS, the City adopted the San Ramon Specific Plan on July 25, 1983 which was prepared
pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65450 et seq., and amended on November 28, 1983, September 8, 1986, and
September 22, 1986; and,
WHEREAS, the Specific Plan includes permitted land uses, development standards, urban design
guidelines, transportation improvements and implementation programs to achieve the goals of the Dublin
General Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission does find it appropriate to amend the allowed land uses in the
Land Use Plan for Area 3 to add garden stores/centers as a conditional use, and to amend the Circulation System
Section of the San Ramon Specific Plan for Area 3 to reflect the new location of the drive aisle accessway for
consistency with the project plans, and to modify the text of the Specific Plan to accordingly; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public heating on the project on August 13, 2002
on the Specific Plan Amendment for the San Ramon Specific Plan, Planned Development Rezoning,
Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign/Site Development Review and recommended
approval of the project to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission transferred original hearing jurisdiction for this project to the
City Council pursuant to Section 8.96.020.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public heating was held by the Planning Commission on August 13,
2002; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending that the City
Council approve the application; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all
said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that the proposed project is appropriate for the subject
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of Dublin
does hereby find that:
The proposed operation of a retail garden center facility within Area 3 of the San Ramon Road Specific
Plan and the Conditional Use Permit for PA 02-009 is compatible with other land uses (i.e. retail
commercial and residential), transportation and service facilities in the vicinity because the proposed
garden center use will provide a commercial service and retail establishment use consistent with the
adjacent downtown uses and will offer goods and services which typically benefit nearby residential
The proposed uses will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because there are no
potential environmental impacts associated with the project which is proposed for a previously
developed site.
The uses will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood because features have
been incorporated into the project or the project is conditioned to comply with all Building and Fire
Department requirements, Planning and Public Works Department requirements regarding on and
hazardous materials useage and storage, pesticide and herbicide useage, off-site traffic circulation, street
improvements, and on and off-site drainage improvements.
There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to the
site incorporated into the project to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare.
The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use and related structures
being proposed because the project is located on relatively flat land which had been previously
developed and improved within an urbanized area and located adjacent to existing retail commercial
uses and medium density residential uses.
The Annstrong Garden Center use is not contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations,
and performance standards established for the PD Planned Development and C-1 Retail Commercial
Zoning Districts because the conditions of approval for the Conditional Use Permit and Site
Development Review for PA 02-009 are required to insure that the retail garden center use, which will
be supportive of surrounding retail and residential uses through the provision of retail garden services for
adjacent and nearby residents in the surrounding area and of similar surrounding retail commercial uses,
will be compatible with those uses.
The approval of this application, as conditioned, complies with the Dublin General Plan, the San Ramon
Road Specific Plan, the PD Planned Development and C-1 Retail Commercial Zoning Districts
regulations, and the general requirements established in the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
The Armstrong Garden Center project is consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 8.104 Site
Development Review of the Zoning Ordinance.
The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interest of the public health, safety and
general welfare.
The proposed site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation, setbacks,
height, fencing, public safety and similar elements has been designed to provide a desirable environment
for the developments.
The proposed parking lot will provide sufficient parking for the garden center use with the allowed 25%
reduction in accordance with the Specific Plan and based on the evidence provided by the Applicant for
other developed garden center retail stores.
Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural
relationship with the site and other buildings; building materials and colors; screening of exterior
appurtenances; and exterior lighting and similar elements have been incorporated into the project in
order to insure compatibility of this commercial development with the development's design concept or
theme and the architectural character of the surrounding commercial and residential buildings and uses.
The proposed signage for the project is compatible with the design of the garden center, surrounding
uses, and other design elements in the project.
Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant
materials, the proposed corner accent area and similar enhanced landscaping elements have been
considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission hereby recommends the
City Council approve PA 02-009 Armstrong Garden Center PD Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, Site
Development Review, and Sign/Site Development Review request to construct an approximately 30,810 square
foot retail garden center at 7360 San Ramon Road and to allow a 25% reduction in the parking requirements in
accordance with the provisions of the San Ramon Specific Plan, as generally depicted by the plans, labeled
Exhibit A, consisting of 17 sheets prepared by TSJ Architects, Environmental Design Systems, and Alexander
& Associates, Inc., dated received by the Planning Department on July 3, 2002, subject to the approval of the
related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment and compliance with the following conditions:
Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building
permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The
following codes represent those depa~'tments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions
of approval: [PL] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works [ADM] Administration/City
Attorney, [F1N] Finance, [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District,
[LDD], Livermore Dublin Disposal, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Zone 7],
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7, [LAVTA], Livermore Amador Valley
Transit Authority, [CHS], Califomia Department of Health Services.
1. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within PL Ongoing
one year of permit approval, or the permit shall lapse and become
null and void.
2. Revocation of permit. The permit shall be revocable for cause in PL Ongoing
accordance with Chapter 8.96 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be
subject to citation.
3. Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for clean- PL Ongoing
up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a clean, litter-
free site.
4. Controlling Activities. The Armstrong Garden Center shall control PO, PL Ongoing
all activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the
surroundin~ businesses and residences.
5. Accessory Structures. The use of any accessory structures, such as PL, B, F Ongoing
storage sheds or trailer/container units used for storage or for any
other purpose, shall not be allowed on the site at any time unless
specifically permitted by the Conditional Use Permit.
6. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at Various Various
the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, times, but no
Planning fees, Building fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon later than
Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School issuance of
District School Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees, Building
Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7)
Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be
adopted and applicable.
7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Various Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall comply with applicable Alameda County issuance of
Fire, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Building
Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda County Flood Control Permits
District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority,
Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San
Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health
Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of
building permits or the installation of any improvements related to
this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from
each such agency or department to the Planning Department,
indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will
be met.
8. Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. PW Approval of
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Improvement
Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval, Attachment A. In Plans through
the event of a conflict between the Standard Public Works completion
Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall
9. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all necessary PW Various
times, but no
permits required by other agencies (e.g., Alameda County Flood later than
Control District Zone 7, Alameda County Health Agency (if issuance of
necessary), State Water Quality Control Board, etc.) and shall Building
submit copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. Permits
10 Building Permits, Codes and Ordinances. The B Through
Applicant/Developer shall obtain all necessary permits from the completion
Dublin Building Department. All project construction shall
conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of
building permits.
11 Fire Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform B Through
to all fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building completion
12 Removal of Obstructions. Applicant/Developer shall remove all PW Prior to
trees including major root systems and other obstructions from Issuance of
building sites that are necessary for public improvements or for Occupancy
public safety as directed by the soils engineer and Director of Public Permits
13 Traffic Control. Two-way traffic is to be maintained along PW Prior to
Amador Valley Court and Amador Valley Boulevard during all Issuance of
phases of construction. Applicant/Developer shall submit a traffic Grading/Site
work Permits
control plan showing detouring and temporary striping for all
interim or phased improvements in the public street tight of way for
review and approval by the Director of Public Works.
14 Building Permit Application. To apply for building permits, the B Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall submit twelve (12) sets of construction issuance of
plans together with final site plan and landscape plans to the Building
Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have
attached a copy of these conditions of approval with the "How is
Condition Satisfied?" column filled out. The column shall clearly
indicate how all conditions of approval will be, or have been
complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the
annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. The
Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals
of all participating non-City agencies prior to the issuance of
building permits.
15 Conditions of Related Project Approvals. The PL, PW Ongoing
Applicant/Developer shall comply with all conditions of approval of
the related San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment for the PA
02-009 Armstrong Garden Center project.
16 Delivery Trucks. Truck deliveries for the garden center shall be PL Ongoing
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17 Utility Siting Plan. The Applicant/Developer shall provide a final PW, PL Prior to
Utility Siting Plan showing that transformers and service boxes are issuance of
placed outside of public view where possible and/or screened to the Grading
satisfaction of the Community Development Director and Public
Works Director.
18 Roof Equipment Screening. All roof equipment shall be PL Prior to
completely screened from view by a parapet. Equipment not issuance of
screened by a parapet shall be screened by materials architecturally Building
compatible with the building, as approved by the Community
Development Director.
19 Trash Enclosures. A shared trash bin enclosure shall be PL, B, Prior to
constructed as shown on the Site Plan, Exhibit A, Sheet A2. LDD, PW issuance of
According to the plan, the trash enclosure will straddle the common Building
property line between the subject site and APN 941-40-2-17 (Sleep Permits
Shop Ltd). The Applicant shall provide a fight-of-entry from the
neighboring property owner before initiating this off-site work. If
! both properties will have rights to the enclosure, a reciprocal use
easement or agreement shall be created to memorialize these rights.
The enclosure shall also be designed to accommodate the dumpsters
and trash pick-up equipment available from Livermore-Dublin
Disposal Company. The applicant may contact them at (925) 447-
1300 for more information.
I The bin shall not be larger than 4 yards in capacity. The enclosure
shall have a 6 inch by 6 inch curb on the inside of the enclosure wall
to protect the walls of the enclosure from the bins. The enclosure
shall be built of concrete block or equivalent and shall have metal
doors. Chain link doors are not permitted. The doors must be
designed so that they can be locked closed and can also be held
open with pin locks during loading. Trash bin enclosures shall be
finished so that they are architecturally compatible with the related
main structure on the garden center site. Trash bin enclosures shall
be properly maintained and free of graffiti. Ail trash bins used for
this site shall be maintained within the trash bin enclosure(s) at all
times. The container shall be covered and shall meet the
requirements of the County Health Code, the Dublin San Ramon
Services District and the National Pollution Discharge Elimination
The final location of the trash enclosures shall be determined prior
to submittal of building plans subject to the review and approval of
the City Planning Department, Public Works Department and the
Livermore Dublin Disposal Company.
20 State Title 24 Requirements - Sidewalk/Itandicap Ramps. The PW Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall construct a sidewalk access from Amador issuance of
Valley Court/San Ramon Road to the to the primary entry to the Building
Permits and
garden center, as shown on Exhibit A, Sheet A2, in order to comply Completion
with the current State Title 24 requirements. Ail handicap ramps of
and accessible walkways shall comply with all current State Title 24 Improvements
requirements and City of Dublin Standards.
21 i Bicycle Parking. The applicant/Developer shall install one Bicycle PL, PW Completion
parking space in a rack for every 40 vehicular parking spaces to the of
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Bicycle racks shall be Improvements
located near the building entrances for convenient surveillance by
the employees and patrons.
22 Repair of Damages. Applicant/Developer shall repair all damaged PL Prior to
existing street, curb, gutter and sidewalk along San Ramon Road and issuance of
Amador Valley Court as a result of construction activities to the Occupancy
satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. permit
23 Parking Ratio Reduction. In accordance with the provisions of the PL Prior to
San Ramon Road Specific Plan, the project shall be allowed a 25% Issuance of'
reduction in the allowed parking ratio based on the evidence Building
provided. The required number of parking spaces with the reduced Permits
ratio would be 34 spaces. The Applicant/Developer proposes to
provide 33 parking spaces in the parking area adjacent to the garden
center, and develop at least three additional parking spaces in the
adjacent KinderCare parking lot. The Applicant/Developer shall
enter into a joint/shared parking agreement with the operator/owner
of the KinderCare facility for use of this parking area.
24 Parking. All parking shall generally conform to the plans shown in PL Prior to
Exhibit A, with the exception that the 23" diameter Oak tree Issuance of
designated for removal in the parking area (Stall 13) shall be Building
preserved, and no improvements shall be installed that may Permits
adversely affect the health of the tree. The Applicant shall consult
with a licensed Arborist to determine necessary setbacks or other
mitigations to assure the continued health of this tree. Should two
or three parking spaces be lost and not be developed as shown on
the plan as a result of preservation of this tree, the Applicant shall
develop the required spaces in the adjacent parking area as
discussed in Condition 23, above, to ensure that a minimum of 34
parking spaces are provided for the use. Public parking spaces shall
be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes set approximately 2 feet
apart as shown on the "Typical Parking Striping Detail" available in
the Planning Department. Disabled accessible, visitor, employee
and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the
pavement and designated on the parking plan.
The Applicant/Developer shall provide a minimum one-foot wide
raised curb or equivalent on landscape fingers and islands adjacent
25. Design. The design of the development pursuant to this Site PL Prior to
Development Review shall generally conform to the project Exterior issuance of
Elevations and Trellis Plan and Details as shown in Exhibit A, Building
Sheets A3 and A4, submitted by TJS Architects dated received July Permits
3, 2002, and the colors and materials shown on the plan, and to the
Site Plan, Sheet A2, on file in the Planning Department, and other
plans, text, and diagrams relating to this Site Development Review,
unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein.
26 Perimeter Fencing. The outdoor storage area shall be enclosed by an PL, B Prior to
8-foot high wrought iron fence as shown on the Site Plan, Exhibit A, issuance of
Sheet A2, and painted to complement the design of the facility and Building
building. Permits
27 Dedication and Improvement of Amador Valley Court. PW Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall irrevocably dedicate sufficient right-of- issuance of
way to the City of Dublin to widen the north side of Amador Valley Grading/Site
Court, the westerly extension of Amador Valley Boulevard, (from work Permit
San Ramon Road to the easterly end of the neighboring Kindercare
driveway) for public street purposes. Said widening area shall
measure 10' along the north side of Amador Valley Court to create
an ultimate right-of-way width of 46' for the straight segment of
road. The dedicated area shall taper and conform to the existing
right-of-way line at the existing "S" curve at the intersection with
San Ramon Road. The tapers shall be accomplished using tangent
curves in a configuration acceptable to the Director of Public Works.
The Applicant shall retain a licensed Land Surveyor to prepare all
necessary plats, legal descriptions, and other supporting
documentation, and shall retain a title company to record all
28 Right-of-way Improvements. Along the Amador Valley Court PW Prior to
frontage of the site, the Developer/Applicant shall widen the north issuance of
side of the Amador Valley Court to create a curb to curb width at the Grading/Site
straight segment of 36'. A 5'-wide public sidewalk shall be work Permit.
constructed on the north side that conforms to the existing sidewalk
at the neighboring Kindereare site and to the existing curb ramp at
the northwest comer of San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Court.
The Developer/Applicant shall be responsible for the design and
construction of all improvements associated with the widening of
Amador Valley Court. Said improvements shall include, but not be
limited to, 10' of pavement section, curb & gutter, 5'-wide sidewalk,
storm drain, utilities, street lights, pavement markings and signs, and
landscaping, all as determined by the Director of Public Works.
29 Improvement Agreement and Security. Pursuant to §7.16.620 of PW Prior to
the Municipal Code, the Applicant shall enter into an Improvement issuance of
Agreement with the City to guarantee the right-of-way improvements Grading/Site
and required site improvements. The Agreement will require work Permit
Improvement Security to be posted to guarantee the faithful
performance of the permitted work and the payment for labor and
materials. Such security shall be in the form of cash, a certified or
cashier's check, a letter of credit, or a faithful performance bond and
a labor and materials bond executed by the applicant and a corporate
surety authorized to do business in Califomia. The amount of the
security will be based on the estimated cost of the off-site and on-site
work (excluding the building). The applicant shall provide an
estimate of these costs for City review with the first plan submittal.
30 Streetlights. Applicant/Developer shall install (1) one additional
streetlight on the north side of Amador Valley Court located midway
between the existing street light at the Kindercare frontage and the
light at the San Ramon Road intersection. Said street light shall be a
City Standard cobra head luminaire with galvanized steel or
aluminum pole as required by the Director of Public Works. An
umnetered service point within the public right-of-way or Public
Service Easement area shall be obtained from Pacific Gas & Electric
Company, together with a pole number for billing purposes. A street
lighting circuitry plan that demonstrates compliance with this
condition shall be submitted prior to issuance of the
Grading/Sitework permit. Said plan shall be subject to review and
approval by the Director of Public Works. Upon acceptance of these
improvements by the City Council, the City will assume
responsibility for this light.
31. Construction of Improvements. The Applicant/Developer shall PW Prior to
construct the improvements as shown on the Street Improvements issuance of
and Cross Sections prepared by Alexander & Associates, Inc., Occupancy
Exhibit A, Sheet C5, dated received by the Planning Department July Permits
3, 2002, and stamped approved and on file with the Planning
32. Improvement Plans. The Applicant/Developer's Engineer shall PW Prior to
prepare final improvement plans for review and approval by the Issuance of
Director of Public Works. Said Improvement plans shall be based on Building
the Site Plan and other preliminary plans in Exhibit A and include,
but are not limited to, plan and profile, storm drainage, utility,
striping, new pavement sections per the approved project soils report,
and details for the project to the satisfaction of the Director of Public
Works. The Applicant/Developer's Engineer shall obtain the City of
Dublin's Site Check List from the Public Works Department and
shall address any and all items applicable to the project. Said Check
List shall be part of these conditions of approval. Prior to acceptance
of the right-of-way improvements by the City Council, the Applicant
shall forward "As-Built" plans for the City's permanent files. Said
plans shall be primed on mylar.
33. Storm Drain Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall construct PW Prior to
all required storm drain improvements in accordance with a site- issuance of
specific hydrology/hydraulic analysis and/or as specified by the Grading/Site
work Permit
34 Lot Merger. The Applicant/Developer shall merge the existing PW Prior to
parcels identified on the current assessor plat as Assessor Parcel Issuance of
Numbers 941-40-2-22 and 941-40-3-3 through a Lot Merger to a Building
configuration acceptable to the Community Development Director Permits
and the Director of Public Works. Applicants for said merger shall
be obtained from the Public Works Department. The
Applicant/Developer shall adhere to all State, County, and City
requirements for said merger. The Applicant shall retain a licensed
Land Surveyor to prepare all necessary plats, legal descriptions, and
other supporting documentation, and shall retain a title company to
record all documents.
35 Public Service Easement Dedications. In accordance with the City PW Prior to
of Dublin General Plan §5.1.1 C7, a 5'-wide public service easement Issuance of
shall be irrevocably granted to the City along the north side of Building
Amador Valley Court. This easement area may be landscaped, but Permits
no permanent structures will be allowed within it. The Applicant
shall retain a licensed Land Surveyor to prepare all necessary plats,
legal descriptions, and other supporting documentation, and shall
retain a title company to record all documents.
36 Emergency Vehicle Access Easement Dedications. PW, F Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall dedicate all needed emergency vehicle Issuance of
access easements from each adjacent public street to all fire access Building
roads surrounding the site buildings as defined by Alameda County Permits
Fire Department and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public
Works. Applicant/Developer shall also dedicate reciprocal access,
parking, common driveway, drainage, ingress and egress and other
needed utility easements as defined and approved by the Director of
Public Works and the ACFD.
37. Reciprocal Access Easement. The Applicant/Developer shall retain PW Prior to
a licensed Land Surveyor and title company to prepare and record all Issuance of
necessary title documents to grant a reciprocal access easement Building
across the primary vehicle drive aisle to allow joint use of the aisle
for the neighboring parcels, APN 941-40-2-17 (Sleep Shop Ltd.) and
APN 941-40-2-16 (McNamara's Restaurant).
38. Quitclaim of Access Rights. An existing 25'-wide Public Access PW Prior to
Easement exists across the abutting property to the north for the issuance of
benefit of the Applicant/Developer's site and others. Said easement Building
resides across a eastern portion of APN 941-40-2-17 (Sleep Shop Permit.
Ltd.). Because this easement will no longer serve a purpose when
the Applicant/Developer's project is constructed, the City may
quitclaim all rights to said easement in the future. As such, the
Applicant/Developer shall provide the City of Dublin with a written
statement acknowledging that any proposed quitclaim of said existing
easement will not be contested or opposed.
39 Private Monument Sign Easement and Agreement. The submitted PW Prior to
Preliminary Title Report by First American Title dated 2/21/02 issuance of
indicates that an Easement for Monument Sign and a Monument Sign Grading/Site
Easement Agreement exist between thc property owner and work Permit
or Building
Kindercare Learning Centers that encumbers the property (See Permit
Exceptions 14 and 15). Said documents were recorded on 4/19/01 as
Series No. 2001-131284. The applicant shall indicate the location of
the easement, and shall explain whether the agreement restricts any
of the proposed site improvements.
40, Transportation and Parking Impacts Study. The City PW Prior to
commissioned a study to evaluate transportation and parking issuance of
impacts from the project. Said study was prepared by Omni-Means Grading/Site
and is titled "Final Report, Transportation and Parking Impacts for work Permit
the Proposed Armstrong Garden Center" dated 6/21/02. All
recommended mitigation measures offered in the study shall be
incorporated into the design of the project, unless specifically
superceded or modified by these Conditions of Approval, or by the
Director of Public Works.
41. Signs and Pavement Markings. The Applicant shall be PW Prior to
responsible for the following traffic signs and pavement markings: issuance of
The two R26 "No Parking Anytime" signs along the north side of Grading/Site
Amador Valley Court shall be remain, although a reevaluation of work Permit
parking needs for the site may be performed in the future to allow
public parking along the roadway if needed. Type VI merge
arrow(s) shall be installed in the outside lane for westbound traffic
on Amador Valley Court near the intersection. The existing R2
"Yield" sign shall be replaced with a W75 "Lane Ends Merge Left"
sign. An R7 "Keep Right" sign shall be added at the median nose
for eastbound Amador Valley Court. The existing W53 "Not a
Through Street" sign shall be relocated to the back of the new
sidewalk for westbound Amador Valley Court.
42. Sight Distance. The Applicant shall have a Civil or Traffic PW Prior to
Engineer determine an appropriate setback for the perimeter fencing issuance of
as it extends towards the driveway to assure unobstructed sight Grading/Site
distance for drivers exiting the site and submit appropriate work Permit
calculations to the Public Works Division to verify that the fencing
in the location shown on Sheet A2 of the exhibits will not hinder
sight visibility.
43 Traffic Control. Two-way vehicle and pedestrian traffic is to be PW On-going
maintained along Amador Valley Court/Amador Valley Boulevard during
and San Ramon Road during all phases of construction, construction
Applicant/Developer shall submit a traffic control plan showing
detouring and temporary striping for all interim or phased
improvements in the public street right of way for review and
I a rovalb theDirector of Public Works. I ~ ~
44 Requirements. The Applicant/Developer shall grade the project in PW Ongoing
accordance with the Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval
and California Regional Water Quality Control Board standards and
45 Water Quality Requirements. Pursuant to the City of Dublin's PW On-going
National Pollution Discharges Elimination Permit (NPDES) No. During
CAS0029831 with the California Regional Water Quality Control Construction
Board, all grading and construction activities within the City must
comply with the provisions of the Clean Water Act. Proper erosion
control measures must be installed at construction sites within the
City, and all activities shall adhere to Best Management Practices.
All on-site storm drain inlets shall be fitted with filter devices to
remove hydrocarbons and other contaminants from the storm runoff.
Said filter devices shall be periodically cleaned pursuant to the
recommendations of the device manufacturer. Finally, all storm
drain inlets shall be stenciled "No Dumping - Flows to Bay" using a
standard stencil available from the Alameda County Urban Runoff
Clean Water Program, located at 951 Turner Court, Hayward,
46 Final Geotechnieal & Soils Report. In accordance with the PW, B Prior to
requirements of the Building and Safety Division, the issuance of
Applicant/Developer shall retain a licensed Geotechnical Engineer Grading
to prepare a Final Geoteclmical & Soils Investigation for the site. Permit/
Said report shall verify that building setbacks from the existing Plans and
earthquake fault trace that traverses the site for buildings and during
accessory structures as shown on the project Site Plan are adequate construction
and/or recommend appropriate setbacks from the fault trace. The
design of the underground utilities, grading, paving, retaining walls,
and foundations shall be based on recommendations outlined in said
Report. The Geotechnical Engineer shall certify that the design
conforms to the recommendations before the City issues a
~ Gradin SiteDevelo ment Permit. ~ ~ ~
47 Undergrounding. The Developer shall underground all utilities to PW Prior to
the project unless specifically approved by the Director of Public issuance of
Works. The Developer shall remove all existing overhead utilities Grading
within the project and construct them underground. Improvement
48 Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. PW Prior to
Applicant/Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches (such Occupancy
as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the
appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults, electric
transformers, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any appurtenant
utility items thereto shall be underground and located behind the
proposed sidewalk within the public service easement, unless
otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and any
applicable agency. All conduit shall be under the sidewalk within
the public right of way to allow for street tree planting. Utility plans,
showing the location of all proposed utilities (including electrical
vaults and underground transformers) behind the sidewalk shall be
reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Location
of these items shall be shown on the Final Utility Plans.
49 Streetlights. Applicant/Developer shall install streetlights on PW Prior to
Amador Valley Court and San Ramon Road that are the City issuance of
Standard cobra head luminaries with galvanized poles as required by Grading
the Director of Public Works. A street lighting plan which Permits
demonstrates compliance with this condition shall be submitted
prior to issuance of grading permits and shall be subject to review
and approval by the Director of Public Works.
50 Zone 7. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda PW, Zone7 Prior to
County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 7 approval of
Flood Control requirements and applicable drainage fees. Improvement
51 Zone 7 Monitoring Well on Adjacent Property. During grading Zone 7 Ongoing
and construction, precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to the
existing Zone 7 monitoring well located on the property to the north
of the project site. Should any well be discovered on the property
during grading or construction, the Applicant/Developer shall
properly destroy the well in accordance with a permit obtained from
Zone 7.
52 Lighting Plan. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a Lighting PW, PL, Prior to
Plan and Isochart (Photometrics) to the satisfaction of Police PO issuance of
Services, the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Building
Development. Exterior lighting shall be provided within the parking
lot, around the entire perimeter of the building and outdoor storage
area, and over exterior doors, and shall be of a design and placement
so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties, businesses or to
vehicular traffic. Lighting used after daylight hours shall be
adequate to provide for security needs (1 foot candle). Wall lighting
around the perimeters of the building should be supplied to provide
"wash" security lighting as appropriate. Reasonable clearances shall
be provided between lights and trees to assure that the tree canopies
do not envelope the lights when mature.
53 Fencing. Fencing around the outdoor display area shall be a PO Prior to
minimum of 8-feet in height. The fence shall be constructed with issuance of
materials that will deter individuals from climbing and scaling the Building
fence. Permits
54 Robbery, Burglary, Theft Prevention and Security Program. PO Ongoing
The Applicant shall work with Dublin Police Services on an
ongoing basis to establish an effective robbery, burglary, theft
prevention and security pro~ram for the business.
55 Graffiti. The owners of Armstrong Garden Center shall, at all times, PO, PL Ongoing
keep the site and building clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and
continuous basis. Graffiti resistant paints for the structures and film
for windows or ~lass should be used.
56 Emergency Response Card. Armstrong Garden Center shall PO Prior to
complete a "Business Site Emergency Response Card" and deliver it issuance of
to Police Services prior to occupancy. Permit
57 Fire Conditions. Developer shall comply with all conditions of the F Prior to
Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) as listed in the letter Issuance of
from ACFD dated May 21, 2002, including: Building
a. Access and Water Supply. An approved access and water supply Prior to the
shall be in place and operational, stockpiling of
materials or
ment of
on the site
b. Drive Aisles. Final detailed layout and design of internal drive Prior to
aisles shall be subject to review and approval by the ACFD and the Issuance of
Director of Public Works. Building
c. Plan Review. Plans may be subject to revision following review. Prior to
Issuance of
Bldg. Permits
d. Fire Sprinklers. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed and Prior to
maintained to the specifications of the Alameda County Fire installation
Department, Fire Prevention Division, in the covered building area
only. Plans and calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention
Division for review and approval prior to installation. A permit for
the system installation shall be completed and all fees paid prior to
e. Plans for Underground Fire Service Line. Plans shall be Prior to
submitted for review and approval that include soils compaction, installation
corrosivity and thrust block calculations. A Permit for the
underground water supply for the fire sprinkler system shall be
completed and all fees paid prior to installation
f. Fire Lane. A "Fire Lane" shall be designated and so marked along Prior to
the main entry to the property, issuance of
g. Storage Area. The Applicant/Developer shall provide details for
the configuration of the storage area, including any racks with their
height and type of materials that will bc stored within thc storage area.
h. Address. Approved numbers shall be placed on the new building.
The address for thc facility building shall be clearly visible from the
street and the address must also be placed on thc rear doors of any
j. H~zardous Materials. An inventory statement (HMIS) for any/all Prior to
hazardous materials, including Material Safety Data Sheets, shall be issuance of
supplied to the Alameda County Fire Deparrtment, Fire Prevention Occupancy
Division, for approval of processing/storage/handling requirements. Permits
Additional Alameda County Environmental Health Agency
requirements, including a business emergency plan/hazardous
materials management plan (BEP/I-IMPP) and local building
approvals, may be required.
k. KNOX Box. To allow emergency access to the building, a KNOX Prior to
box shall be installed at the main entries of the buildings issuance of
1. Existing Fire Itydrant. The existing fire hydrant located west of Prior to
the driveway entrance to the adjacent Kindercare site shall be issuance of
relocated to the east side of the access to the site, or a new hydrant Occupancy
may be installed at that location subject to Fire Department review : Permits
/ and royal.
58. Prior to issuance of any building permit, complete improvement DSR Prior to
plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements issuance of
of the DSRSD Code; Standard Procedures, Specifications and Building
Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Permits
Facilities; and all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and policies.
59. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for this commercial DSR Prior to
development shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to approval of
avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the Improvement
DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. Plans
60. Public water and sewer lines shall be located in public streets rather DSR Prior issuance
than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If of Grading
unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be Permits
established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in
an off-street or private street location to provide access for future
maintenance and/or replacement.
61. Prior to approval by the City of a Grading Permit, the locations and DSR Prior to
widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer issuance of
lines shall be submitted to DSRSD. Grading
62. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate DSR Prior to
instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD, or by offer of dedication issuance of
on the Final Map. Building
63 Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit, all utility DSR Prior to
connection fees, plan checking fees, inspection fees, pennit fees and issuance of
fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to Building
DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in Permits
the DSRSD Code.
64 Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit, or any DSR Prior to
Construction Permit by the DSRSD, whichever comes first, all issuance of
improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the Occupancy
District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain Permits
a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the
sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the
District Engineer, the Applicant/Developer shall pay all required
DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction
costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-
year mainteraance bond, and a comprehensive general liability
insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to
DSRSD. The Applicant/Developer shall allow at least 15 working
days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before
signature by the District Engineer.
65. No sewer line or water line construction shall be permitted unless DSR Ongoing
the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD.
66. The Applicant/Developer shall hold DSRSD, its Board of DSR Prior to
Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD issuance of
harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, Building
claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of Permits
the project.
67. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to PW, DSR Prior to
accommodate future flow demands for the project. Layout and issuance of
sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD's utility Grading
I master lannin . /~ ~
68. Construction Trash/Debris. Measures shall be taken to contain all PW, B, PL Prior to
construction related trash, debris, and materials on-site until Construction
disposal of-site can be arranged. The Applicant/Developer shall
keep the adjoining public streets and properties free and clean of
project dirt, mud, and mater/als during the construction period. The
Developer shall be responsible for corrective measures at no
expense to the City of Dublin.
69, Construction Fencing. The use of any temporary construction PL, PW Prior to
fencing shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public issuance of
Works Director and the Building Official. Building
70 Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Final Landscape and PL Prior to
Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State licensed landscape issuance of
architect or registered engineer, generally consistent with the Building
preliminary irrigation and planting plan prepared by Environmental Permits
Design Systems, Inc., dated received July 3, 2002 (see Exhibit A,
Sheets Lol and L-2), except as modified by Condition #71 below,
along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed, shall
be submitted for review and approval by the Community
Development Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall provide
for a recycled water system.
71 Corner Accent Feature/Landscaping. The paved comer accent PL, PW ' Prior to
feature/landscaping at the intersection of San Ramon Road and issuance of
Amador Valley Court shall be landscaped, paved and include the Building
features (i.e., fountain, seatwall, bench, etc.) as generally shown on Permits
Sheet Al-lof Exhibit A. The comer landscaping and features shall
be subject to the review and approval of the Community
Development Director and shall be included as part of the Final
Landscape and Irrigation Plan submittal. Responsibility for
maintenance of the improvements associated with the comer accent
feature and landscaping shall be that of the Applicant/Developer.
Since the Applicant will own and maintain these private features,
the Applicant shall enter into an "Agreement for Long Term
Encroachments" with the City that regulates this type of
72. Landscaping of Trash Enclosure. The Applicant/Developer shall PL Prior to
provide an approximately 4-foot wide landscape planter along the issuance of
front of the trash enclosure and shall install landscaping as shown Building
on the plantin~ plan for screeninl~ purposes. Permits
73. Standard Plant Material, Irrigation and Maintenance PW Prior to
Agreement. Thc ApplicantfDevcloper shall complete and submit to issuance of
the Dublin Planning Department the Standard Plant Material, Building
Irril~ation and Maintenance A~rcement.
74. Landscaping at Street/Drive Aisle Intersections. Landscaping at PL Prior to
street and drive aisle intersections shall be such that sight distance is issuance of
not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher Building
than 30 inches above the curb in these areas.
75. Landscape Borders. All landscaped areas shall be bordered by a PL Ongoing
concrete curb that is at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide. Curbs
adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide. All landscaped
areas shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width (curb to curb). Concrete
mow strips at least 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide shall be
required to separate turf areas from shrub areas.
76. Maintenance of Landscape. All landscape areas on the site shall PL, PW Prior to
be enhanced and properly maintained at all times. Any proposed or issuance of
modified landscaping to the site, including the removal or Building
replacement of trees, shall require prior review and written approval
from the Community Development Director.
77. Transfer of Landscape Maintenance Obligation. The PL, PW Ongoing
maintenance obligation for the landscaping improvements within thc
public right-of-way along the San Ramon Road frontage shall be
transferred to the Applicant. The City originally installed landscape
improvements (irrigation, five street trees, and turf) at the direction
of the City Council to beautify this comer. Now that the
surrounding properties have developed and assumed responsibility
for their frontage landscaping, the Applicant shall accept the
maintenance obligation for all existing and proposed frontage
landscaping improvements. To effectuate the transfer, the Applicant
shall purchase the existing water meter that serves this area from the
City, then assume maintenance responsibility for the existing
irrigation system and pa7 all subsequent water usage costs.
78 Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. The PL, PW Completion of
Applicant/Developer shall submit written documentation to the Improvements
Public Works Department (in the form of a Landscape
Documentation Package and other required documents) that the
development conforms to the City's Water Efficient Landscaping
79 Landscaping and Street Trees. The Applicant/Developer shall PL, PW Issuance of
construct all landscaping within the site, along the project frontage Occupancy
from the face of curb to the site right-of-way, and all street trees Permits
proposed within the public service easements, to the design and
specifications of the City of Dublin, and to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development.
Street tree varieties of a minimum 15-gallon size shall be planted
along all street frontages and shall be shown on the Landscaping
plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and
approved by the Director of Public Works. The proposed variety of
trees to be planted adjacent to sidewalks or curbs shall be submitted
for review to and approval by the Director of Public Works. Root
shields shall be required unless otherwise determined by the
Director of Public Works and the Director of Community
Development. Four of the five existing street trees along the San
Ramon Road frontage shall remain, with one removed for
improvements in the accent area of the plan. The other landscaping
improvements along the frontage may be modified.
80 Retaining Walls. Should there be any locations where the finished PL Prior to
grade of this site is in excess of twenty-four (24) inches higher or issuance of
lower than the abutting property or adjacent lots within the project, Builffmg
a concrete or masonry block retaining wall or other suitable solution Permits for
acceptable to the Director of Public Works shall be required and installation
shall be measured from the top of grade on the higher side of the
retaining wall or slope. Landscaping shall be installed around all
retaining walls in order to soften grade transitions to the satisfaction
of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community
81 Building Signage. Wall signs shall be allowed on the front (facing PL, B Prior to
San Ramon Road) and on the south side (facing Amador Valley issuance of
Court) of the building as shown on the Exterior Elevations in Building
I Exhibit A, Sheet A3, and be integrated with the architecture of the Permits
i building. The maximum size of the wall signage of the building
shall be 150 square feet in area for each frontage. Materials and
colors for the signage shall be as shown on the Materials and Colors
Details in Exhibit B. The Applicant/Developer shall submit for and
receive approval of building permits for si[gna[ge prior to installation.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of August, 2002.
AVES: Musser, Nassar, Fasulkey
NOES: Jennings
ABSENT: Johnson
mmiss~on Vice-Chairperson
G:\PA\pa 02-009\CUP SDR reso-PC.doc