HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Award of Bid 96-01CITY CLERK AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February '13, 1996 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract 96-01 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair and Handicap Ramp Construction Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION.' ~~ 1) Resolution of Award 2) Bid Results Adopt resolution awarding bid to Roquemore Engineering FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Budgeted Estimated Low Bid Design, inspection, $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 and misc. costs: Construction: Sidewalk $40,000 Remove & Replace $25,000* $34,792 Grinding (Separate project) $15,000' $15,000' Handicap Ramps $27,802 $27.802 $19.500 $77,802 $77,802 $79,292 The Budgeted sum of the Remove and Replace work, together with the handicap ramps, is $52,802 and the Iow bid is $54,292. T~.: handicap ramp portion of the project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant. The sidewalk repair portion of the project is paid from th~ General Fund. As the project is bid by line item costs, Staff will modify the actual quantities to keep the project within budget. * The sidewalk remove and replace and sidewalk grinding projects are budgeted together; however, the sidewalk grinding project is a separate project. This is the second year of a two-year grinding contract. DESCRIPTION: On January 9, 1996, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for Contract 96-01, Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair and Handicap Ramp Construction. COPIES TO: Bidders ITEM NO. ~ g:\m tcep roj\sidewalk\agstawrd The Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair uses two different processes to repair sidewalk that is offset 3/4" or more and may pose a tripping hazard. The first process, Remove and Replace, is used in instances where the offset is more significant or where tree roots are causing the problem. This contract specifies removal of the existing sidewalk, and in the case of root problems, removal of the tree roots, installation of a root barrier to mitigate future problems, and then replacement of the concrete sidewalk. The second process, Sidewalk Grinding, is used when the offset is smaller and not caused by tree roots. The grinding contract specifies grinding the offset so that both edges are flush. Grinding is much less costly than Remove and Replace and is used whenever possible in order to maximize the effective use of funds for this program. This project also includes a handicap ramp construction item which is funded by a Community Development Block Grant. New handicap ramps are placed at street comers to provide better mobility for people in wheelchairs, and this program helps Dublin conform to the new Federal Standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act. A total of 11 bids were received for this project. The low bidder was Roquemore Engineering with a bid of $54,292. One bidder, Ransome Company, submitted a lower bid. However, this bid was disqualified as two bid addenda were not signed and included as required in order to be bid responsive. Staffhas reviewed the bid results, ch~cked with references, and recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution awarding the bid to Roquemore Engineering. Page 2 ... RESOLUTION NO. - 96 eo' ..... A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AWARDING CONTRACT 96-01, 1995-96 ANNUAL SIDEWALK SAFETY REPAIR PROGRAM AND HANDICAP RAMP CONSTRUCTION TO ROQUEMORE ENGINEERING WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did on February 6, 1996, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract 96-01, 1995-96 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program and Handicap Ramp Construction, authorized by the City Council on January 9, 1996, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to detennine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; e.:., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that that the City Council of the City of Dublin does , " hereby award Contract 96-01 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Roquemore Engineering, at a bid of Fifty Four Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Two Dollars ($54,292), the particulars of which bid are on file in the office of the City Engineer. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of February, 1996. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor A TrEST: ei City Clerk g:\mtceproj\sidcwalk\rcsoawrd ~~;'!!~!li!~~"':"~T ' w.."1 ~'I'" "'"A .If' I ~ i",: t ~~'Lj ;<>- ' t\ \~~ tF ,,"),1 .,~ i.:;"':':,.( \0&;'" ~:ii ;i,:;y ~ I :;: <: Cl< (j o Cl< n. >-- I- I.l,J "- <: V> :..0: -' <: ~- l.l,Jo O.,Q Vi 0- zti ::J< ""0: ::>z 00 0:: ~U ui 'w "'0: ~o<l ::>w !D~ Cl<=E Ow a5~ c '" E Ql U Iii .r:. '~ V> : <: ,12 U ~ c o U V> Cl "" ,.; Iii '" <: 'm c w o a:; o ~ 0. 'C V> '''- 0, <: w '" (; E Ql " cr o '" Ql '0 ~ w ..... Ql '" c 'm <:: w Ql ~ u <:: o U o :3 Ql u "C "- '2 => Ql u 'C "- a ;2 '" u '", "- 'E => Ql u 'C "- a J! '" u '''' "- '2 => '" u '", "- a ;2 '2 => '" u '", "- a '0 ..... Ql u 'C "- '2 => Ql u 'C "- a J! Ql u 'C "- '2 => >. (; .- a <:: Ql =>:::!: <:: ,12 1i 'C u ~ E ' '" 0 :::z '" u 'C "- a '0 ..... -: - .... 8 N .... 8 N .... ...: .... ~ '" .... 8 N .... ...: .... 8 N .... $ '" .... .... 8 N .... 8 on V> "" N .... $ V> .... o ..... 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