HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attmt 3 Planning Commission Staff Rept 9/9/03 w/o attmtsAGENDA STATEMENT
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 03-047 The Well Christian Community
Church Conditional Use Permit for a new church to be located within an
existing industrial building in a M-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district
located at 6533 Sierra Lane.
Report prepared by: Andy Byde, Senior Planner
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit;
2. Project Plans; and
3. Written Statement
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open public hearing;
2. Receive Staff presentation and public testimony;
3. Close public hearing and deliberate; and
4. Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving a Conditional Use
Permit for The Well Christian Community
The Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to establish a new church located at 6533 Sierra
Lane. The proposed church would be located within an existing industrial building in a M-1 (Light
Industrial) zoning district. The proposed church would be 10,800 square feet in size and would be located
entirely within the existing building.
'The Sierra Business Center consists of three buildings, which total approximately 70,000 square feet of
industrial/warehousing space. The building the Well Church is proposed to be located within, totals
50,400 square feet and is located at the rear of the property. The center was constructed in the early
1980s as a light industrial building. Nearby businesses include Pacifi,; Bell, Smart Auto Glass, and Onyx
Optics. This area is characterized by its concentration of light industrial, warehousing, and back office
type uses.
COPIES TO: Applicant
Project File
Project Planner
GAPA412003\03-047 The Well\PC Staff Report.doc
Attachment 3
Circulation and Parking:
The property has 228 parking spaces to serve the approximately 70,000 square feet of the Sierra Business
Center. The building that the proposed project is proposed to be located, totals 50,400 square feet.
Fnllnwina is a list of tennnN anti nses currently located within the buildiniz:
Address Square Feet Tenant
6501 8,000 Vacant
6509 7,816 Hill and Watson (Industrial)
6515 4,584 SBC Services Inc (Office)
6529 11,200 Pacific Bell (Warehousing)
6533 12,000 Vacant-(Portion of Proposed
Well Church
6549 2,400 Smart Auto Glass Auto Re airl)
6551 4,400 Onyx Optical (Industrial)
The current parking demand for the building is 50 parking spaces. The building has 152 parking spaces
assigned and immediately adjacent to the building. The proposed church would be 10,800 square feet in
size and, according to the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, would require 1 parking space per 50 square
feet of non-fixed seating in the assembly area and 1 parking space per classroom. The assembly area is
4,800 square feet, which would require 96 parking spaces. The four proposed classrooms would require
an additional four parking spaces for total required parking of 100 stalls. The total required parking,
including the church, would be 150 parking stalls, based on the current and proposed tenant roster. The
site would have adequate parking because there are 152 parking stall ; to serve the building. Additionally
the majority of the tenants within the building are industrial/warehouse type uses, which require 1 per 400
square feet and 1 per 1000 square feet, respectively. Therefore as th-- building tenants turn over and the
vacant spaces are filled, the potential use types, which are permitted within the M-1 zoning district, have a
low parking demand (between 1 parking space per 400 and 1000 squat e feet of floor area).
Moreover, the remaining square footage of the two buildings, total 19,600 square feet (70,000-50,400
=19,600) and 76 parking spaces remain to serve the two buildings. The remaining parking ratio of the two
buildings is one parking space per 258 square feet, which is more than adequate to serve any allowed use,
as well as allow- for vacant tenant spaces to be filled and still have adequate parking.
The proposed church would occupy the existing building located at 65 33 Sierra Lane and the applicant has
not proposed any exterior modifications to the building. According to the Chief Building Official, any
change in occupancies requires the building to meet the code requirem,-nts of the proposed occupancy.
Use Permit Findings:
The church will not be located in close proximity to any residential uses. It is not anticipated that the
church will have noise impacts on any adjacent uses. The church office will be open Monday through
Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm and the church services will be held Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
with a potential evening service from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Additionally, mid-week service and or bible
study occurs on Tuesday and/or Wednesday nights 6:00 to 9:30 p.-n. The hours of operation of the
proposed church, generating the most parking demand, are during the hours that other uses within the
Center are not functioning; therefore, Staff finds that the proposed use; will not have any negative impacts
to those uses within the Center or surrounding properties.
Noticin :
In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300
feet of the proposed project, to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public notice
was also published in the Tri-Valley Herald and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date,
the City has received no contact or objections from surrounding property owners or tenants regarding the
current proposal.
Environmental Review:
This project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15301, Class 1 of the
California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. The project consists of minor modifications to an
existing building and is consistent with all General Plan and Zoning regulations and is currently served by
all required utilities and public services.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolul ion (Attachment 1) approving the
Conditional Use Permit to establish a new church within the 10,800 square foot tenant space located at
6533 Sierra Lane.
Property Owner:
Existing Zoning:
Pat Rouse
Sleepy Hollow Investment Co. II
18 Crow Canyon Court, Suite 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
Evan Simmons
The Well Christian Community
3130 Crow Canyon Road, Suite B
San Eamon, CA 94583
6533 Sierra Lane
M-1 (Light Industrial)