WELCOME to the Dublin Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission is made up of five Dublin residents
who have volunteered their services to the community. They were appointed by the Dublin City Council. The Planning
Commission encourages and appreciates participation by Dublin residents. Regula r meetings of the Planning Commission are
held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Dublin Civic Center Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza,
TIME: Planning Commission meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.. No new public hearing item will begin after 10:30 p.m., and the
meetings will be adjourned by 11:00 p.m., except under unusual circumstances where the Commission votes to hear
the item or to extend the meeting for 30-minute increments.
ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA: No action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda unless: 1) the
Planning Commission determines by majority vote that an emergency situation exists, as defined in the Government
Code; 2) the Planning Commission determines by a two-thirds vote, or by a unanimous vote if only three members
are present, that the need to take action arose after the agenda was posted, or 3) the item was included in a posted
agenda for a prior meeting held within five (5) calendar days and was continued to the current meeting.
ORDER OF PRESENTATION: After the Chairperson opens the public hearing on an item, the order of presentation will
be as follows:
1. Summary Presentation by Planning Staff
2. Questions by Planning Commission
3. Comments by Applicant
4. Comments by Others in Favor
5. Comments by Those in Opposition
6. Rebuttal by Applicant if Necessary
7. Additional Comments by Staff as Appropriate
The hearing is then closed and the item turned over to the Commission for discussion and action. The audience is
not permitted to make any further comments unless invited by the Planning Commission.
PUBLIC COMMENTS UNDER ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Any citizen desiring to speak on an item not scheduled
on the agenda may do so under Oral Communications at the beginning of the meeting. After receiving recognition
from the Chairperson, please state your name and address, then proceed with your comments. When an item is not
on the agenda is raised by a member of the public, the matter shall be deemed automatically referred to Staff unless
the Planning Commission determines to take action as outlined in the section above entitled ITEMS NOT ON THE
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON A HEARING ITEM: On a public hearing or other scheduled item, the Chairperson will ask
the audience for its comments, first from those in favor, then from those in opposition. After receiving recognition
from the Chairperson, please state your name and address, then proceed with your comments.
The Planning Commission wants to hear all citizen concerns. Each new speaker is asked to be brief, add new
information and not repeat points which previous speakers have made. The Planning Commission is particularly
interested in the specific reasons why the speaker is for or against an item.
Applause and other demonstrations are prohibited during public hearings. Such demonstrations tend to intimidate
those in the audience who may have valid but opposing viewpoints.
The Chairperson maintains the discretion to request the use of the Speaker Slips and to limit comments. Anyone
who does not want to speak may write comments on the Speaker Slip anc. turn it into the Planning Commission while
the public hearing is still open.
SMOKING CONTROL: Please do not smoke during the Planning Commission meeting.
ITEM WITHOUT APPLICANT: If the Applicant or representative fails to attend the public hearing concerning their item,
the Planning Commission may take action to deny, continue, or approve the item. The item may be considered for
continuance upon receipt of written notification of the Applicant's inabil ty to attend the hearing.
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