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Reso 84-09 Multi-Modal GP
RESOLUTION NO. 84-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN TO ADOPT AMULTI-MODAL GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION MAP AND AMENDMENTS TO THE GENERAL PLAN RELATED TO THE CREATION OF THE MULTI-MODAL MAP PA 09-010 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin desires the creation of a Multi-Modal General Plan Circulation Map; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2008, City Council adopted the Final Goals & Objectives Program and Strategic Plan as part of the 2008-2009 Budget process. The adopted Final Goals & Objectives Program included the creation of a Multi-Modal General Plan Circulation Map as a City Council high priority goal; and WHEREAS, the Dublin General Plan was originally adopted on February 11, 1985, and has been amended a number of times since that date; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin General Plan was prepared and adopted in 1984 and subsequent environmental reviews have been undertaken in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the various General Plan Amendments which have been approved over the years; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State guidelines and City environmental regulations, require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are exempt from CEQA because the proposed amendments will not result in the construction of a project or modifications to land uses in the City; and WHEREAS, at its May 12, 2009 hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 09-021, recommending approval of General Plan Amendments related to the creation of a Multi-Modal Map; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated June 16, 2009, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the General Plan Amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the Projects at a noticed public hearing on June 16, 2009, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the following Amendments to the General Plan based on findings that the amendments are in the public interest and that the General Plan as so amended will remain internally consistent. Page 1 of 6 1, A. Delete Figure 5-2: Transit Map and replace with Figures 5-2a and 5-2b: Transit Map as shown below: ~?j~` DUB L 1 N G E N E R A L P L A N l~~n' q~.;,. T R A N S I T M A P - . ~ - .~ 1 i n F .., ~. +srrr+^aew~~`' ~J.yw~ . - • p ~ r~4~ ` '~F a 4F (Figure 5-2a( as amended through June 16, 2009 P 1~~ c 8 nu b .:,. d(eM910 hts fl cry far auusmm.m~: ~. Pea"` ~ ~s ra ; y 4~x drP ~~ a~ bN ~ 4 ,~....... nrcy,_ ~ ~, i P~ e Y - - m ~ ~ sse f u V erg°~wF, ~ ~~a~ _• ~4 obk :f ~1/'. a a~ o °"w ~ ~,, 4 See Fiqur< 5-lb a~ . ,~ c,,rE , ,aWy, „~ ' _ _ .aea.a - ' 1 Facditia ~ open sFam L)estinatiora Jurisdictions Idoutes _.... 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Delete Figure 5-3: Bicycle Circulation and replace with Figures 5-3a and 5-3b: Bicycle Circulation as shown below: (;~"`, DUB L I N G E N E R A L P L A N ~ ~'; -4, : B I C Y C L E C I R C U L A T I O N Dry FaYbi d.tl..~ _ , ~ ,~~ wx'"'E .~ ~"t\ .gePxv °`''l` a. 44 .... ..~.P..e ~........,.. :. ., yaa wxxeyemaiv ~.r-.:.-,. ... ... .. ao.,.,~. ~ '~ 6e °° a..~.w... .+.: ~ r ,...ate--,~..~~ a.-.o.. i~ 4~ ~wJ.,.do.... ., ....... t ... , Y $ ,. s' '' 3 .'~ ~ ~ E ~ Figure 5-3a1 as amended through June 16, 2009 ~„,..w ~~ 6 V M ~Ba xa w~ ry " . , Ma. 9. +y ^.~^ pIIN r. . ._...__... i e as ¢ '~ ~~ e. a ...r'.. ...... . m __. _. _. . ~ o hi ,. ; .' ... s 4 ~ .' w•~re weiv _. -._~. ' n. ClaalBgx Patin Class ll Bqx faxs Clptn Spas TraLLS _~ - - _ _~ NwGS ~ OeYtrtallans SntlyNeaf -Ealvmigaavleae Pan --_p,apozeaaull axelara - -EUwa9~nPaeeirax ~. ear .;. McNlsa m PpoaNqun SUawi Qa aem~iaxa~ionsae Na .._.. PopoxOUassiBlx PaM -EaINgUassa ®xelsie.iwo5tles ...... Plmn~Urgaoatta'I mxeemrseeer ~ FxeargBKT adaM p y - rm..,a.ae~.wan ~ __ Edmg axon flue lae.aesvk QRIV BIIS Pnpona xsla,.ma Sbeel ... E.xaageakaM Flrle : se.gax _ ~. 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Add Figures 5-4a and 5-4b: Multi-Modal Map as shown below: ~ D U B L I N G E N E R A L ~ P L A N ~ ~ M U L T I M O D A L M A P t ~^. ~.~ w~.er... ~ ,yt ~ v Ury F~Yf Fl \~ ~~, ~~ w~urwm, v '~i~,, r:~ z Hen µ..+^ n..... t ~ ~' ~ .~..-~~.v `r s i r- .~ f .r i, R ~ n, ,. rupM~' e~ K~ ~'1. ~ ,ate ~ S <a,`'+rc q A '''W a ~ ~` ~ ~ ~~ .mfi ,~ ~ ` ? ° ; a Figure 5-4a~ as amended through June 16, 2009 --- r- i Se< Fiqure 5-4b ., i ~ ~~ `: ~,. .. ~. ci ............... ~ -~ 9 z 6 ~ . .............~ y~ ! ti• e m .. F 4 • fin[ V i Fraue waieowy a.e ~ mn wmr~uel«bN q~ar r ia uor u~ oe~ mnwu.aBW WUm ~ aauz, rtq,o~aa eri..e 9iW„z~Yni ou i, EUmlacrai rr a [ wk ~ ^arnonn +a0'ra4 .vein ~ y g l l mgo.auenmm m [anpem aam wl aup. ue QaM.rmurwn upiaae you i.rmpoMeievm aa~3.nopoa4asxar apeomvq xn9ro~e9a,n~ar.o,e ~f w.va ~ ©rom••bwn xe~urvs.v..r __~tiPOr~rv+*v ruirorl ue rrm9vnanvs .pntie.ecim.ifee ~p~5giydNrrs ,.~~ . i ~r ®w~ ~ a ~.grm.,»a ~r,~~.~..=mar ..._ ~«~u~~.... w.,~,....w..,,m,s,~ .. .:~~Pm. ~,.,se., ~o~ra ~~~ ~ Page 4 of 6 D: Section 5.1.2, Freeway Access, will be amended to add the following paragraph after the first paragraph in this Section, with all other portions of Section 5.1.2 remaining in full force and effect: A High Occupancy Vehicle/High Occupancy Toll lane (lane reserved for vehicles with two or more total passengers or for vehicles paying a toll fare during commute hours) is being planned for on I-580 in the east and west bound directions. E. Section 5.2 will be amended as follows: Figures 5-2a and 5-2b illustrate existing and future bus transit routes including Wheels, RAPID transit and the County Connection. The Wheels bus system currently serves Pleasanton, Dublin and Livermore. There are 11 bus routes offering weekday commute, off-peak and Saturday service. The Contra Costa County Connection Bus Service provides a connection between Dublin and Contra Costa County and Pleasanton. A bus RAPID transit route will soon be implemented in the City which will provide rail-like service in the Tri-Valley area and connections to the BART stations. Figure 5-4a and 5-4b (Multi-Modal Map) illustrates all transit opportunities in the City including public transit, bicycling and pedestrian opportunities. Figure 5-4 identifies two Enhanced Pedestrian Areas in the City. These pedestrian areas are located within the Downtown Specific Plan Area and the Promenade located in Eastern Dublin. The Enhanced Pedestrian Areas are located where the City would like to encourage pedestrians to walk to their destination rather than using their car for all of their stops within the area. The purpose of the Enhanced Pedestrian Area designation is to ensure that development within the area is designed to encourage pedestrian trips. The Dublin/Pleasanton BART station located in the Transit Center in Eastern Dublin is operational. The West Dublin/Pleasanton BART station is currently under construction and located off of Golden Gate Drive. Bus service is provided to and from the existing BART station and is proposed at the West Dublin station. Bus service will connect residents to both stations and will provide connections from the stations to destinations in the City. The BART stations will serve as a transit hub in that they will provide connections for rail service and bus service and are accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists. Guiding Policies A. Support a downtown West Dublin BART station. B. Support improved local transit as essential to a quality urban environment, particularly for residents who do not drive. C. Support the development of a community that facilitates and encourages the use of local and regional transit systems. D. Encourage improvements in the Enhanced Pedestrian Area to improve the walkability of these areas. Page 5 of 6 Implementing Policies E. Urge BART cooperation in maintaining standards for review of public and private improvements in the vicinity of BART stations that take account of both future traffic needs and development opportunities. F. Encourage higher densities and mixed-use developments near major transit lines and transit transfer points as a means of encouraging the use of public transit. This type of transit-oriented development is especially encouraged along Central Parkway and near the east Dublin BART station. G. Capitalize on opportunities to connect into and enhance ridership on regional transit systems including BART, LAVTA, and any future light rail systems. H. Require developers in the Enhanced Pedestrian Areas to provide sidewalks, landscaping and safe connections from the building to the sidewalk to encourage pedestrian use within the area. F. Section 5.4, Bikeways, will be amended to include the following paragraph after the first paragraph in this Section as follows: The Bikeways Master Plan identifies a portion of Dublin Boulevard as a Study Area (the location of this area is shown on Figures 5-3a, 5-3b, 5-4a and 5-4b. The purpose of this Study Area is to identify the right-of--way needed to accommodate Class II bike lanes on Dublin Boulevard. If the resulting study shows that Class II bike lanes are infeasible and too costly, Class III bike routes will be considered in these areas PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16a' day of June 2009, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers, Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None N Mayor ATTEST: ~~ v~~P Ulm( City Clerk Reso No. 84-09, Adopted 6-16-09, Item 6.1 Page 6 of 6