HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 06-23-2009 MinDRAFT Or~ DU~~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ,`` OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~- ~ -~ sz /~/ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -June 23, 2009 'r\ ~ <~~~ An adjourned regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m., by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti. ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the City Council, Staff and those present. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Adoption of Final 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives 5:03 p.m. 3.1 (100-80) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would review the final Goals & Objectives for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This included the proposed goals from Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to be carried over, the Preliminarily Adopted Goals & Objectives for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, and the Preliminarily Adopted 10-Year Strategic Plan. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES i VOLUME 28 ~oe~,~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19;~C,~~~~ June 23, 2009 ~~ G~~~R~~ DRAFT Mayor Sbranti asked about a goal under Transportation, "Study need for signalizing Brighton and Amador Valley Boulevard." When was it studied? It should be studied when school was in session. Director of Public Works Melissa Morton stated data had been gathered in June when the street reopened after the gas leak issue. Mayor Sbranti requested that the study be taken during the fall, once school was in session. City Manager Pattillo stated Staff would complete the study in the fall of 2009 to accurately reflect school associated traffic. Mayor Sbranti stated he was bringing forward a goal to "Work with PG&E to determine the potential costs of undergrounding all existing aboveground electric utilities within the City of Dublin." The City did not have an accurate cost or assessment of this project so he would like this brought back to the City Council. He would like to have Staff bring back the feasibility of the project and an estimate of cost and financing. City Manager Pattillo clarified that any costs would be very rough estimates of gross amounts and what costs would be per resident to fund individual connections. Mayor Sbranti stated he did not want to hire a consultant at this point in time. Cm. Hart stated he would be in support of rough costs, but wanted to highlight residents' costs also. A group of resident may want to pool their resources but did not know where to start. What part did PG&E complete? City Manager Pattillo stated the City would be working with PG&E's figures and pass them on to the residents. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that something should be put together to communicate to residents what were the constraints and the estimates, such as cost to each resident. Mayor's Sbranti stated the goal, "Work with PG&E to determine the potential costs of undergrounding all existing above ground electric utilities within the City of Dublin," would be listed as a High priority. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 28 of no ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19;~~~,~ June 23, 2009 ~\ r~~~o~Ns 4'° DRAFT Cm. Biddle asked if the goal regarding Emergency Preparedness should be changed in terms of what was learned from the recent gas spill in the City. City Manager Pattillo stated the goal was still on track. Staff had had discussions with the Dublin Unified School District and were going to meet during the summer to coordinate joint exercises between the two agencies. Cm. Biddle stated that in light of the State's budget, the City Council might have to take another look at the objectives during the year to re-evaluate them. City Manager Pattillo stated Staff would return with updates every other month. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved those Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Goals & Objectives that were proposed to be carried over to Fiscal Year 2009-2010, with the addition of signalizing Brighton and Amador Valley Boulevard to be carried over to approximately October or November 2009; approved the proposed additional and revised Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives including the new objective to "Work with PG&E to determine the potential costs of undergrounding all existing aboveground electric utilities within the City of Dublin," and adopted the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals & Objectives and 10-Year Strategic Plan, as amended. Public Comments 5:20 p.m. 3.2 Steve Loweree, Vice President of the Maintenance Division of the MCE Corporation, Public Works contractor for the City of Dublin, stated Dublin was an example of how a City should be run. MCE wanted to donate 300 labor hours to the City of Dublin. This was to show appreciation for serving Dublin. Dublin was going through difficult economic times, as was MCE and it was the time to do even more. Mayor Sbranti stated MCE had been a partner with the City in so many ways. MCE employees had pride in the City. This gesture spoke volumes in terms of their commitment to their work and the City. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 VOLUME 28 `~or~u~. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~~~;~ June 23, 2009 ~\ ~'`1GIFtpR~~ DRAFT The City Council thanked MCE on behalf of the citizens of Dublin. City Manager Pattillo stated that this item would be back before the City Council with Staff's recommendation for the hours donated and official acceptance of the gift. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:13 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.3 On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes -None Authorized (4.2 330-20) as Appropriations to Reserves, any revenues in excess of budgeted expenditures as of June 30, 2009; Adopted (4.3 300-40) RESOLUTION N0.88 - 09 ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 OF $181,928,007 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Proposed Resolution Opposing State "Takeaway" of Gas Tax Monies Received by City from Highway Users Tax Account (HUTA) 5:25 p.m. 5.1 (330-80) Director of Public Works Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that in response to the possibility that the State of California may take all of the City's 2009-2010 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 28 `~oFDO°~i ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~~~;~ June 23, 2009 ~~ '~ /~ ~~,~~~~~ Sh , ... i'-.: DRAFT allocation of gas tax monies and 75% of what the City would receive in Fiscal Year 2010- 2011, the City Council would consider adopting a resolution objecting to this action. The City Council and Staff discussed the State's budget issues. If the State were to take property tax from cities, the League of California Cities would sue the State. Resolutions, letters and calls to State Legislators did work to promote city causes. On motion of Cm. Hart, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.89 - 09 OBJECTING TO SEIZURE BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OF HIGHWAY USERS TAX ACCOUNT FUNDS ALLOCABLE TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO MONITOR POTENTIAL LITIGATION TO CHALLENGE ANY SUCH SEIZURE PUBLIC HEARINGS Adoption of Rates for Garbage Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services Provided by Amador Valley Industries (AVI) and Establishing the 2009-2010 Annual Assessment 6:03 p.m. 6.1 (600-30) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the agreement for solid waste services between the City and AVI required the City to adopt a rate schedule which was estimated to produce a specified revenue amount, as identified in the Agreement. The City had also adopted an Ordinance which required all parcels in the City to subscribe to weekly minimum garbage service. For residential properties that were serviced with individual containers the City collected the annual cost of minimum service with the property tax bill. The City Council would consider adopting two separate DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 28 ~~oF ~, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING n; ~, ~~ June 23, 2009 1~~~"~'-~%~ '1L/ R~ ~' t, .~ DRAFT resolutions establishing the garbage rates effective July 1, 2009 and establishing the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 refuse related property tax assessment. Cm. Biddle asked, in regard to the Refuse Rate Index (RRI), what was included in the "All Other" Operating Costs categories. Mr. Bradley stated on Page 14 of the Staff Report, "All Other" included all insurance, including general liability, fire, truck damage, extended coverage and employee group medical and life, and rental property. It included all the supplements costs of the organization. Cm. Hart stated that the City did have an extraordinary adjustment perspective other than the worsening economy. This was an increase that would have an impact on the City's residents. He wanted to ensure that the City had done a thorough job in evaluating the contract. City Manager Pattillo stated that for 2009-2010, the rate was going to increase by 5%. The discussion was whether to raise the cap to 10% as it related to 2010- 2011 rates. In discussions with AVI the past couple of weeks, the City became aware of costs of which AVI had no local control. It was a compromise discussion that the cap would stay in place for 2009-2010. Staff worked quite diligently and were comfortable with the information provide by AVI, in advancing this proposal to the City Council as far as removing the cap for 2010-2011. Ultimately, it was the City Council's decision if it directed Staff to follow through with these recommendations. Cm. Hart stated he agreed and the leadership of AVI was outstanding. He wanted to make sure AVI did its own fair share of evaluation of its own internal costs and expenses to ensure the City's residents were not overburdened. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that there were requirements and costs that were passed onto AVI. Maybe AVI could speak to that. She did not believe City Staff took this lightly. She was comfortable with Staff's recommendation. Mayor Sbranti stated he was also comfortable with Staff's recommendation. The City's garbage rates were some of the lowest in the East Bay. One thing that complicated this was that some indices that were used in the contract no longer existed. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 VOLUME 28 ~~p~p~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING r~~jj~~~ June 23, 2009 `\ '~ /~ ~'1LIFOR~S DRAFT Cm. Biddle asked how many customers in the City were served by AVI. Mr. Bradley stated that there were approximately 10,000 residential customers and 500- 600 businesses. Gina Cardera, Manager of Amador Valley Industries, thanked the City Council .and Staff for working with them. They were working with the union and did not have the ability to negotiate and then there were the changes in indices. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.90 - 09 APPROVING AMENDMENT N0.3 TO THE AGREEMENT WITH AMADOR VALLEY INDUSTRIES FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES and RESOLUTION N0.91- 09 AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF SERVICE RATES FOR INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE SERVICES and RESOLUTION N0.92 - 09 APPROVING AND ESTABLISHING THE COLLECTION OF MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE AND RECYCLING SERVICE FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 and directed Staff to work with AVI to amend the Collection Service Agreement to adjust the cap on the Refuse Rate Index (RRI) to 10.00% and incorporate a Local 70 index into the RRI calculation for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 rate adjustment, based upon meeting the criteria established in Section 5.11 of the Collection Service Agreement for an extraordinary adjustment. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 28 ~oe~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING u;~ ~~~ June 23, 2009 1~~~'~~/~ '1G/FOR~~ DRAFT Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Update to the 2008-2013 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program 5:30 p.m. 6.2 (330-40) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. Administrative Services Director Paul Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the Proposed Update to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which outlined public projects proposed for completion during the remaining four years of the five-year plan. The 2008-2013 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program included fifty-nine (59) projects costing a total of approximately $243.1 million. Of this amount, approximately $134.4 million would have been spent in prior years leaving a total of $108.7 million allocated during the five-year CIP timeframe. The City Council and Staff reviewed and discussed the CIP's four major categories: General, Community Improvements, Parks, and Streets. General: Mr. Rankin reviewed the projects in the General category, with total expenditures estimated at $30.0 million. Five (5) major projects were included in FY 2009-2010, totaling $1,887,725: Network System Upgrades; Phase 1 GIS Aerial Photo Update; Civic Center Expansion Design; Maintenance Yard Improvements; and ADA/Transition Plan. Community Improvements: Mr. Rankin reviewed the projects in the Community Improvements category, with total expenditures estimated at $1.2 million. Two (2) major projects were included in FY 2009- 2010, totaling $214,228: Sidewalk Safety Repair and Replacement Program and Transit Center Art. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 28 ~~ of Dc~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~C,~j~„~ June 23, 2009 `~ '-~'~' %~ GtiFOR~`D `; ~~.` DRAFT Parka Mr. Rankin reviewed the projects in the Parks category, with total expenditures estimated at $78.8 million. Four (4) major projects were included in FY 2009-2010, totaling $12,743,393: Historic Park Development; Fallon Sports Park; Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation; and Emerald Glen Play Equipment Renovation. Streets: Mr. Rankin reviewed the projects in the Streets category, with total expenditures estimated at $133.2 million. Eight (8) major projects were included in FY 2009-2010, totaling $20,649,642: Dublin Boulevard (between Silvergate and Hansen Drive); BART Station Corridor Enhancements -Dublin Boulevard; Eastern Dublin Arterials; Fallon Interchange -Phase 1; Annual Street Overlay and Slurry Seal Programs; Saint Patrick Way (Regional Street to Golden Gate Drive); I-580 Auxiliary Lanes and Village Parkway Stormwater Treatment. Mayor Sbranti asked of what the Civic Center expansion consisted. Mr. Rankin stated the project included approximately $900,000 to complete additional design and minor interior reconfiguration and construction. The most serious need was on the Public Safety side of the Civic Center. City Manager Pattillo stated the other key element in the Civic Center expansion design was with respect to security systems. The work, previously completed by MK Think, was being validated and taking into consideration adjacencies. In order to plan for any expansion, the City needed two to three years planning time. Mayor Sbranti asked if the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) would come from the Civic Center Expansion revenue stream or another fund, set aside for the Maintenance Yard EOC. City Manager Pattillo stated Staff was working with the Alameda County Fire Department on some elements that were cost neutral. Those items would be brought back to the City Council for discussion. Mayor Sbranti asked if the library annex space was being looked at for expansion. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 VOLUME 28 ~~pFpp ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19; C~ June 23, 2009 ~\~~~~~ '1G11bB~ DRAFT City Manager Pattillo stated currently it was not. The City did have some library annexation space that had been used by Parks and Community Services. The City did not want to assume that element of space because the library might eventually expand. Mayor Sbranti asked if HLJTA taxes were taken by the State, would the Annual Street Overlay and Slurry Seal program be affected. Mr. Rankin stated that there were some reserves to complete the Annual Street Overlay program for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, but reserves would be depleted. Gas tax would be used as the matching funds for Dublin Boulevard Corridor project, and a small amount of gas tax was used in the operating budget for street maintenance. Cm. Scholz asked if there was enough in the reserve to handle the shortfall. City Manager Pattillo stated that if those takes from the State occurred, Staff would return to the City Council with an overview and recommendations. Mayor Sbranti stated it was not a one year take, but a two year take, in regard to the State. In regard to St. Patrick Way, was that going to be completed this year? What was being done this year? Ms. Morton stated the scheduled improvements were to acquire the right-of--way and complete any necessary modifications to accommodate that right-of--way acquisition including a temporary easement for the actual construction of the roadway, which had potential impacts to an existing operation. The City was actively working with BART on the needed improvements to open the BART garage. No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing. The City Council commented on the state of the City's economic situation and $35 million in projects still moving forward due to the work done earlier in the year by Staff and the City Council to prepare for this budget. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 28 ~pFD~ ~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19; ~~~;~ June 23, 2009 ~\ '~ /~ ~1GIFOR~~ io DRAFT On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.93 - 09 ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 - 2010 UPDATE TO THE 2008-2013 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Adoption of the 2009-2010 Annual Budget and Financial Plan 6:16 p.m. 6.3 (330-20) Mayor Sbranti opened the public hearing. City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The proposed Budget and Financial Plan recommended total appropriations of $91,139,727. Due to the current economic climate, the recommended budget included reductions to City expenditures. The Council and Staff reviewed and discussed the Budget's major categories, including General Government, Public Safety, Transportation, Health & Welfare, Culture & Leisure, and Community Development. General Government: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the General Government category and associated Higher Service Levels which included: decreased City and contract employee costs (1.34 FTE); decrease in Legal Services; reduced rental costs due to acquisition of maintenance facility site; no need to fund the biennial Mayor and City Council election in Fiscal Year 2009- 2010; inclusion of a $100,000 general budgeted contingent reserve; and inclusion of a $75,000 special budgeted contingent reserve for utilities. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $5,932,712, with a total decrease of $224,300 or 3.6%. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES i i VOLUME 28 Gti~ OF DpB~y ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~,~ June 23, 2009 ~~ ~ %~ ~ac~FOC~~ DRAFT City Manager Pattillo discussed General Government Higher Service Levels. Public Safety: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Public Safety category and associated Higher Service Levels which included: increased costs associated with contract Police and Fire personnel; City will fund the entire cost of School Resource Officers without a contribution from Dublin Unified School District (DUSD); decrease share of Animal Shelter and Animal Control Field Service costs; increased number of street lights and signals operated by the City; and Fired cost increases for computer equipment/partially offset by eliminating a contract inspector. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $25,972,695 with a total increase of $1,105,025 or 4.44%. City Manager Pattillo discussed the Public Safety Higher Service Level. The City Council commented on its support of full funding of the School Resource Officer. Transportation: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Transportation category and associated Higher Service Levels which included: decreased City and Contract employees (-2.8 FTE); decreases in general operating costs; a reduction in commercial street sweeping February through June; increased landscape utility (water) costs; and decreased street landscape improvements. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $2,711,520, with a total decrease of $151,239 or 5.3%. City Manager Pattillo stated there were no Transportation Higher Service Levels. Cm. Hart asked what would be the net of the decrease in street sweeping. Ms. Morton stated this would mean that commercial areas would be swept twice a month instead of once a week, from February through June. Mayor Sbranti stated that of the permits the Regional Water Quality Control Board was looking to adopt, and the City had to comply with, was very strict. The one area they had DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES is VOLUME 28 G~~OFDpB~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19,~C~~,~ June 23, 2009 ~~ -~j' G~,~R~~° r'' DRAFT not modified very much was street sweeping and trash abatement. Would the City still be in compliance with what was being proposed tonight? Ms. Morton stated the City would still be in compliance with the NPDES program now and in the future when the new regional permit was adopted. Health and Welfare: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Health and Welfare category and associated Higher Service Levels, which included: realignment of staffing included establishing an Environmental Programs Department (+2.5 FTE); increased residential garbage service rates; and $2.9 million loan for the proposed redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing Project, from Housing In-Lieu fund. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $6,028,840, with a total increase of $2,851,598 or 89.8%. City Manager Pattillo discussed Health and Welfare Higher Service Levels. Cm. Hart stated this budget area would pay dividends in the future. Mayor Sbranti stated he was excited about the Environmental Services area. Culture and Leisure Services: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Culture & Leisure category and associated Higher Service Levels which included: realignment of staffing (+0.60 FTE); reduction in the purchase of Library materials; full year of maintenance of Devany Square, and Shannon Park and one-half year costs for the expanded Historic Park site; full-year operation of the new Shannon Center; increased utility costs; and Staff costs of approximately $70,294 (Parks and Facilities Staff) will be allocated to the cost of Capital projects. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $7,637,334, with a total decrease of $91,298 or 1.2%. City Manager Pattillo discussed Culture and Leisure Higher Service Levels. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 28 ~~oF~B~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~~~;~ June 23, 2009 `~ '~" %~ Gc~FOR~'m 13 DRAFT Community Development City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Community Development category and associated Higher Service Levels, which included decreased City and contract employee staffing (-8.35 FTE); decreased contract service costs due to the decline in development projects; reduced Engineering Staff costs as a result of more time allocated to Capital projects and the reduction of one FTE vacant position. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $4,897,978, with a total decrease of $1,703,510 or 25.8%. The City Council discussed using technology to its fullest extent when communicating with the public. City Manager Pattillo discussed Community Development Higher Service Levels. Internal Service Fund: City Manager Pattillo reviewed the Internal Service Fund category which included over $400,000 in replacement projects including: replacement of five police cars and 1 undercover police car ($178,700); replacement of 37 computers and other miscellaneous equipment ($54,200); replacement of 14 police vehicle radios ($77,000); replacement of copier equipment ($46,800); replacement of Civic Center door access systems (ISF portion 482,856); and contingent reserves for building component replacement ($40,000). Fiscal Year 2009-2010 recommended budget for this category was $978,428, with a total decrease of $2,87,547 or 22.7%. Capital Budget The Capital Improvement Projects budget included $1,887,725 for the General category, $214,228 for the Community Improvements category, $12,743, 393 for Parks, and $20,639,642 for Streets. Mayor Sbranti stated the City had budgeted $75,000 to Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) water cost increases. Where would funds come from for any increase over $75,000? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES is VOLUME 28 G~~oF DUa~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~~~ June 23, 2009 ~\ '~ %~ ~'IL/rpR~~ ~~~ _ DRAFT City Manager Pattillo stated there would be a number of approaches including having Public Works and Parks and Community Services look into water conservation efforts. Staff could also come before the City Council for money from undesignated reserves. Mayor Sbranti asked that a City of Dublin - DSRSD Liaison meeting be scheduled to also discuss these increases. Potential State Bud eg t Impacts City Manager Pattillo stated the State was trying to address a budget deficit and the timing was unknown. Potential losses to the City of Dublin, totaling approximately $3 million, included borrowing of local property tax, possibly eliminating COPS grant, and potential loss of local gas tax revenues. These potential reductions were not included in the Preliminary 2009-2010 budget. That was done intentionally. The City wanted to send a message that these impacts would make the City take a look at what service deliveries would be given to the citizens. The City Council commended Staff for preparing for budget discussions since November. These were hard economic times and the City did not owe money to anyone. The City still had a balanced budget. The City Council had before them a balanced budget that moved the City forward with some exciting capital projects. The services provided by the City remained the same. It was a difficult budget for City Staff because they would have to do more with less, as was the case for all public agencies and private business. It was a difficult time. No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Sbranti closed the public hearing, By consensus, the City Council agreed to adopt the Higher Service levels as presented in the Staff Report. Vm. Hildenbrand stated, "I am an employee of the Dublin Unified School District in the Education Services Department and the Health Services Department. The funding the proposed budget would provide to the School District are for the Student Services Department, and therefore, I do not need to recuse myself from taking action on the requests." DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES is VOLUME 28 `~oF~,~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 1;~;~~~ June 23, 2009 ~\\ '~ ~~ Gc~~R~,m 1: DRAFT Mayor Sbranti stated, "I am an employee of the Dublin Unified School District in the Education Services Department, and my wife, Stephanie, is also an employee of the School District in the Education Services Department. The funding the proposed budget would provide to the School District are for the Student Services Department, and therefore, I do not need to recuse myself from taking action on the requests." Cm. Biddle stated, "I am a member of the Board of Directors of Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE). The proposed budget includes funding for Dublin Partners in Education. I am recusing myself from taking action on that portion of the budget. I would ask the City Clerk to note in the minutes that my vote in favor of the budget resolution does not include approval of the funding of DPIE and that I abstained from approving that portion of the budget." On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the Higher Service Level for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, as detailed in the Staff Report, and adopted RESOLUTION N0.94 - 09 ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 with the exception of the $15,000 funding of DPIE; On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by majority vote (Cm. Biddle abstaining), the City Council approved the $15,000 funding for DPIE. RECESS 7:20 p.m. Mayor Sbranti called for a brief recess. The meeting reconvened with all Councilmembers present at 7:29 p.m. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 28 ~~oF~r,~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i ~~~~~a2 June 23, 2009 ~~ '~ /~ ~'1LIFpR~~~ 16 s .. ~p+,. ~...... DRAFT UNFINISHED BUSINESS Civic Bay-Friendly Landscaping Policy 7:29 p.m. 7.1 (530-30) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider adopting a Civic Bay-Friendly Landscaping Policy for new or renovated City landscaping projects. Landscapes developed under the Bay-Friendly Landscaping program were developed with greater local pest resistance, less maintenance, less use of resources, and less generated waste with a potential added benefit of less cost in the long-term. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.95 - 09 ESTABLISHING BAY-FRIENDLY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR CIVIC LANDSCAPE PROJECTS NEW BUSINESS Amendment to Agreement with Universal Building Services for Street Sweeping Services 7:32 p.m. 8.1 (600-30) Director of Public Works Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that Universal Building Services was in its third year of a five-year contract to provide street sweeping services to the City of Dublin. Due to budgetary constraints, the City Council would consider reducing the frequency of commercial street sweeping for the remainder of the contract. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 28 ~OFDpR_ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING a~`~~~`~ty~~ June 23, 2009 ~~ '~ /~ ~'1GIFOR~~ i~ DRAFT On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.96 - 09 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Amendment to Agreement with MCE Corporation -Extension of Agreement 7:35 p.m. 8.2 (600-30) Director of Public Works Melissa Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that MCE Corporation provided Public Works Maintenance Services to the City of Dublin. This amendment to the agreement would allow aone-year extension to the current agreement to end June 30, 2010. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.97 - 09 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH MCE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICE OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 7:37 p.m. City Manager Pattillo recognized Ms. Lowart and Ms. Maurer of the City Staff for their work on the Budget document. She also stated there would be a controlled burn at Camp Park on Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES is VOLUME 28 of ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ui~~~i~~~ June 23, 2009 '~\~~~/~ `1GIFpR~ .} -'ti,.; DRAFT Cm. Hart thanked Staff for their work on the budget for this coming fiscal year. Cm. Scholz wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July. Cm. Biddle had no comments. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she attended the East Bay Division League Dinner where the State budget was discussed. She attended a LAVTA meeting where they discussed a possible BART strike. Was the City doing anything to prepare for the strike? City Manager Pattillo stated the City was posting the potential strike information on the City website. The City could also reinforce the use of 511 for ride shares. There would also be discussions with Police Services to ensure everything remained orderly. Cm. Hart stated he had attended the Alameda County Firefighter graduation. Mayor Sbranti welcomed Pastor Larry Ihrig from Celebration Christian Center, the Chairperson for the Tri-Valley Day of Prayer, and invited the Councilmembers to attend the event next Friday, July 3, at 7:00 p.m., in Livermore. Mayor Sbranti attended Lt. Col. Cushman's celebration at Camp Parks, and attended the Change of Command ceremony for the new Commander, Lt. Col. Friend. He signed the Memorandum of Agreement for the Army Reserve Employer Initiative Program. The City may be getting a Green Store and might be hearing more about that later. He would not be at the July 7, 2009, City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES i9 VOLUME 28 oe ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ,,;~~~~`;~ June 23, 2009 '~~~~~ '1GI R~