HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 DubBl SpeedChange CTTY CLERK File # 590-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CTTY COUNCTL MEETTNG DATE: November 5, 2002 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Speed limit change on Dublin Boulevard: Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Draft Ordinance 2) Location Map 3) Copy of CVC section 40802 (Speed Trap) 4) Speed Surveys 5) A copy of the complete book of engineering surveys is available in Public Works Department and will also be available at the City Council meeting RECOMMENDATION: _ tx/1) Open public hearing 2) Receive Staff presentation 3) Receive public testimony  4) Close public heating 5) Deliberate 6) Wave reading and introduce ordinance establishing speed limit (45 mph) on Dublin Boulevard, from Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds for new speed limit signs have been budgeted in the Street Maintenance operating budget. DESCRIPTION: California Vehicle 'Code Section 40802 specifies that engineering and traffic surveys (Speed Survey) must be conducted every five years for certain types of roadways in order to allow speed limit enforcement by use of radar (See Attachment 3). The existing speed limits on Dublin Boulevard were established several years ago prior to construction of many of the signals and other road improvements. Staff therefore recently conducted new speed surveys on Dublin Boulevard between Dougherty Road and Tassajara Road, in order to comply with CVC requirements (See Attachment 4). The engineering (speed) survey results include the 85th Percentile or "critical" speed and other pertinent criteria such as roadway geometric and accident history. The 85th percentile speed" (85% of the traffic travels at this speed or less) is generally considered a "safe speed" unless the other criteria indicate that the safe speed should be less. For example, it is generally recommended that residential streets retain COPIESTO: b t ITEM NO. O~ G:Xagenmisc\east Dublin hearing 1 their 25 mph speed limit even if the critical speed is higher. The court considers the survey results when determining whether a citation for Speed should be upheld. Therefore, posted speed limits should conform to the survey recommendation as much as possible. Speed limits are n°t recommended to change on two segments of the roadway. Following are the results and recommendations: Street Segment Existing Posted Speed Recommended Speed Discussion Limit Limit The survey~data, including 85th percentile Dublin Boulevard, speeds, traffic volume, Dougherty Road to 35 MPH 35 MPH and accident Scarlett Drive characteristics indicate the existing 35 mph speed limit should be maintained. The survey data, ificlUding 85th percentile Dublin Boulevard, speeds, traffic volume, Scarlett Drive to 45 MPH 45 MPH and accident Hacienda Drive characteristics indicate the existing 45 mph speed limit should be maintained. Based on the surveyed data, including 85th Dublin Boulevard, percentile speeds, and Hacienda Drive to 50 MPH 45MPH newly constructed Tassajara Road commercial and residential development, it is recommended to decrease the speed limit from 50 mph to 45mph. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public heating, deliberate, waive the reading 'and introduce the ordinance establishing a new speed limit (45 MPH) on Dublin Boulevard, Between Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road. A second public hearing is proposed to be held at the November 19th meeting for adoption of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. -02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT ON DUBLIN BOULEVARD, BETWEEN HACIENDA DRIVE AND TASSAJARA ROAD The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to section 6.04.340 of the Dublin Municipal Code, and in the interest of public safety, a speed limit is established as follows: Dublin Boulevard, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road 45 mph Section 2: Said speed limit shall be included in Chapter 6.60 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. Section 3: This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after its final passage and adoption by the City Council. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this __ of ,2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g: lagenmiscleastdublin speed limit ordinance NORTH ~ G'LEASON DRIVE: g.~ASON ' ORi~ ~&{ERALD DRIVE OO ~l~JAqT~f ' WAIS Document Retrieval Page 1 of 2 40802. (a) A "speed trap" is either of the following: (1) A particular section of a highway measured as to distance and with boundaries marked, designated, or otherwise determined in order that the speed of a vehicle may be calculated by securing the time it takes the vehicle to travel the known distance. (2) A particular section of a highway with a prima facie speed limit that is provided by this ~ode or by local ordinance under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 22352, or established under Section 22354, 22357, 22358, or 22358.3, if that prima facie speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within five yea~s prior to the date of the alleged violation~ and enforcement~ of the speed limit involves the use Of radar or any other electronic device that measures the speed of moving objects. This paragraph does not apply to a local street, road, or school zone. (b) (1) For purposes of this section, a local street or road is defined by the latest functional usage and federal-aid system maps submitted to the federal Highway Administration, except that when these maps have not been submitted, or when the street or road is not shown on the maps, a "local street or road" means a street or road that' primarily provides access to abutting residential property and meets the following three conditions: (A) Roadway width of not more than 40 feet. (B) Not more than one-half of a mile of uninterrupted length. Interruptions shall include official traffic control signals as defined in Section. 4~5% .(C) Not more than one t~affic lane in each direction. (2} For purposes of this section "school zone" means that area of ro~d contiguous to a school building or the grounds/thereof, and on which is posted a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving the school either during school hours or during the noon recess period. (c) (1) When all of the following criteria are met, paragraph (2) of this subdivision shall be applicable and ~ubdivision (a) shall not be applicable: (A) When radar is used, the arresting officer~has successfully completed a radar operator course of not less than 24 hours on the use of police traffic radar, and the course was approved and certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. (B) When laser or any other electronic device is used to measure the sl~ee~ of moving objects, the arresting officer has successfully completed the training required in subparagraph (A) and ~n additional training course of not less than two hours:approved and certified by the Coramission'on Peace Officer Standards and Training. (C) (i) The prosecution proved that the arresting officer complied with subparagraphs (A) and (B) and that an engineering and traffic survey has been conducted in accordance with subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2). The prosecution proved that, prior to the officer issuing the notice'to appear, the arresting officer established that the radar, laser, or other electronic device conformed to the requirements' of subparagraph (D). (ii) The prosecution proved the speed of the accused was unsafe for the conditions present at the time of alleged violation unless the citation was for a violation of Section 22349, 22356, or 22406. (D) The radar, laser, or other electronic device used to measure the speed of the accused meets or exceeds the minimal Operational standards of the National Traffic Highway Safety Administration, and has been calibrated within the three years prior to the date of the alleged violation by an independent certified lase~ or radar reoai~ and testing or calibration facility. WAIS Document Retrieval Page 2 of 2 (2) A "speed trap" is either of the following: (A) A particular section of a highway measured as to distance and with boundaries ma=ked, designated, or otherwise determined in order that' the speed of a vehicle may be calculated by securing the time it takes the ~ehicle to travel the known distance. (B) (i) A particular section of a highway or state highway with a prima facie speed limit that is provided by this code or by local ordinance under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 22352, or established under Section 22354, 22357, 22358, or 22358.3, if that prima facie speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within one of the following time periods, prior to the date of the alleged violation, and enforcement of the speed limit involves the use of' radar or any other electronic device that~measUres the speed of moving Objects: (I) Except as'specified in subclause (II), seven years. (II) If an engineering and traffic survey was Conducted more than seven years prior to the date of the alleged violation, and a registered engineer evaluates the section of the highway and determines that no significant changes in roadway or traffic conditions have occurred, including, but not limited to, changes in' adjoining property or land use, roadway width, or traffic volume, 10 years. (ii) This subparagraph does not apply to a local street, road, or school zone. 40803. (a) No evidence as to the speed of a vehicle, upon a highway Shall be admitted in any court upon the trial of any person in any prosecution unde= this code upon a charge involving the speed Of a vehiole when the evidence is based upon or obtained from or by the maintenance or use of a speedtrap. (b) In any prosecution under this co~e of a charge involving the speed of a vehicle, where .enforcement involves the use of radar or other electronic devices which measure the speed of moving objects, the prosecution shall establish, as part of its prima facie case, that the evidence or testimony, presented is not based upon a speedtrap, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section. 40802.. (c) When a traffic a~d engineering survey is required pursuan~ to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 40802, evidence that a traffic and engineering survey has been conducted within five years of the date of the alleged violation or evidence that the offense was committed on a local street or road as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 40802 shall constitute a prima facie case that the evidence or testimony is not based upon a speedtrap as defined in paragraph (2). of subdivision (a) of Section 40802. Length (feet): 4500' Locati°n o~ Su~ey; Between Belden MyKfe Glynnis Rose and and John Monego Jo~n Monego . Date Taken: .0~-04;02 . 09~0~-02 Posted Speed: 50 ~PH 50 Pace.Speed: 38 - ~7 38-~7 % in Pac,, Above, Below ~70 ~,~ ~7~ - Critical Speed (85%) 4.7. ~ MPH 47.3 MPH ,. Range of Speeds 33 -52 33 -54 ~idth (~.):. 112 No. Of Lanes. (Both Directions):~ ~anes, with ~ised median Average .Daily Traffic: ~3, 705 Date Taken:. 0~-26-'02 Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.);. Commercial area on the south side, residential area on the no~h side.. ~ore development is expected in the ~ture. ~o Parklnq on bo~h sides. Accident Period Analyzed: 1999, 2000, 200~ , 07/2002 Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): 8 - ~999; 6 - 2000; 9 - 200¢: 6 as of 07/02 Number of Speed Related' Accidents (Total and Each Year): 4 - ~999; 2 - 2000; 3 - 200~; and 3 as of 07/02 Calculated Accident Rate: 0.94 Statewide Average Rate: 2.00 Recommendations: Based on the su~eF data, including the 85* percentile 'speeds, a 45 mph limit is iusfified. .. Roadway Map StudYDate: Prepared By:. 9/27/028aied Amini~n,// E~gineedng Technician il ~ ~ ~ Approved Bye" %__. ,~;~~ ~~ ~ Approved Speed Limit: ~ ~p~ r Per CVC 40803, Su~ey Expires: ~-~-D~ Street.: Dublin'Bivd. Limits: Dou~hertv Road, Scarier Drive Length (feet):.. 1300' Location of SUrvey: 'Between Between Dougherty Rd.' Dougherty Rd. and Scarlett Dr. · and Scartett Dr. Date Taken: 08-30-02 08-30-02 'Posted Speed: 35 MPH 35 MPH Pace Speed: 29 - 38 33 -42 . % in Pace, Above, Below %72,6 - 20,26 %67- Critical Speed (85%) 37.5 MPH ..43,5 MPH .. Range of Speeds .24 - 43 29 -47 Width (ff..): f '/2 No. of Lanes (Both Directions):6 Lanes, with.raised median Average Daily Traffic: 22,653 . Date Taken: 09-25-02 Special Conditions (Parking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): .Commercial end Light Industrial Area, Numerous Driveways, street Curves, No Parkinq on the Street, Heavy Traffic Volumes Accident Period AnalYZed' 1999, 2000, 2001, 07/2002 Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): 3 - '/999; 7- 2000; 8 - 2001; 10 as of 07/02 Number of Speed Related Accidents (Total and Each.Year): I - 1999; 3 - 2000; 2 - 200'/; and 5 ' as of 07/02 Calculated Accident Rate: 1.77 Statewide Average Rate: 2.00 ,Recommendations: The su~ey data, including ~he 85~h percentile speeds,, and the above roadway, traffic and RoadWay Map accident characteristics indicate' the existinq 35 mph limit ' shou/d be maintained. Study Prepared By: Sated Aminian~ngi'eering Technicia, II '~~ ~ ~ Date: ~,09-27-02 / , /? ApProved Speed Limit: .¢~ ~ ¢/ Per CVC 40803, Su~ey Expires: ~'-¢O-0~ Street: Dublin BlVd. Limits: ScarleA Drive - Hacienda. Drive . . Length (feet):. 3400' Lo~tion of ~u~ey: Baleen "~ H~oiend~ Ddve Baleen iron~ ~nd Arnold Home ~nd Arnold Date Taken: 08-16-02 08- ~ 6;02 Posted ~peed;, 46 MPH 46 MPH . Pace SPeed: 4 ~ - 50 42 -51 % in Pace, Above, Below ~%68 - ~6,16 %7I - 8,21 Critical. Speed (85%) 50.2 MPH 50.2 MPH Range of Speeds 36 - 56 37-55 " Width .(ff.): 1 12 No. of L~ne~ (Both Direotion~):6 Lene~, w~h rai~ed median Average Daily Tr8~;. 2~,6~7 D~te Taken: 09-2~02 Special Gondition~ (P~rking, Roadway Alignment, Land Use, School Area, etc.): BART on the ~o~h ~ide, Park~ RFTA (Federal la~d) on the no~h ~ide, and oxi~tin~ o~oe buiidin~ end f~ure commercial dewiopmont on both ~ide~. No Parkinq on both ~ide~. 8treet Future oommeroial/offioe. Accident Period. Anal~ed:. 1999, 2000, 2001, 07/2002 Number of Accidents (List Total and Each Year): .1 -'7999; 2 - 2000; 9 - 2001; 5 ~ of 07/02 Number of Speed Related Accidents (Total and Each Year): 0 - 1999; 7 - 2000; 1 - 2001; end 2 ~ of 07/02 Calculated Accident Rate: 0.26 Statewide Average Rate: 2.00 · RecOmmendations: The su~eY data, includin~ the I 85~ percentile speeds, and the above roadway and ~ra~c Roadway Map ,characteristics, indicate maintaining the existin,q 45'mph is approPriate. Study Prepared By: Saied Aminian/Engineering Technician !I ~ Approved Speed Limit: ¢~ ~¢~ ' - Per CVC 40803, Su~ey Expires: ¢-/¢ P