HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-1998 PC MinutesA regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, in the Dublin Civic Center City Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson Johnson. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Johnson, Hughes, Oravetz, and Musser; Eddie Peabody Jr., Community Development Director; Tasha Huston, Associate Planner; and Gaylene Burkett, Recording Secretary. Absent: Cm. Jennings PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Cm. Johnson led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA The minutes of the December 23, 1997, meeting were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING 8.1 PA 97-037 Dublin Ranch Phase I Vesting Master Tentative Map - A Master Vesting Tentative Map to divide a 230 + acre territory into 24 parcels for the following uses: Future Residential Subdivisions (10 parcels), school site, park site, and various other parcels for public and private open space, stream corridors, and street right-of-way. Cm. Johnson asked for the staff report. Ms. Huston presented the staffreport. She stated that the project was for a Master Tentative Map for phase 1 of the Dublin Ranch development. The Dublin Ranch project encompasses over 1000 acres of land east of Tassajara Road. The City Council has previously approved a Planned Development for this site for phase 1. It will include an elementary school, approximately 850 dwelling units, a neighborhood park, and approximately 50 acres of open space. The Regular Meeting I January 13, 1998 [1-13 pcmi] proposed tentative map will divide the property into 24 parcels with the conditions of approval. The proposal was consistent with the Specific Plan, the General Plan and the previously approved Planned Development for the site. Staff recommends approval of the project. She concluded her presentation. Marty Inderbitzen, representing the applicant, thanked and complimented staff for the help received on this project. This request for a master vesting tentative map was being done a little different which takes more time of staff and various people working on the project. He stated that they were in agreement with the conditions. He stated that he had a few comments on the conditions and asked that the comments be reflected in the minutes. Condition 1.5 on page 4, the sentence the developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Standard Conditions; that was an exact duplicate of 1.10 on page 5, and staff agrees that 1.10 should be deleted. On page 7, condition 2.1 dedications, the sentence these street improvements are to be completed within 24 months; the sentence should read parcel S street improvements. The last sentence reads all other street improvements of the tract shall be completed within one year of approval of the master tentative map; should read master final map. On page 8, condition 2.8 reads along the east/west collector street (parcel S); the east/west collector street (Parcel S) should be deleted. He stated that the access rights along south Dublin Ranch Drive and Tassajara Road will require further analysis. On the bottom of page 9, condition 2.13, talks about two different kinds of things; the dedication of land for park and recreation purposes, including the intermittent stream open space and trail corridors. This indicates that there will be an offer of dedication for the public park land, for the trail corridor and the intermittent streams. The City will make a decision whether they want to except that dedication. In addition to all of those items, there will be improvements made. If the City accepts the dedication of the intermittent stream, open space and corridors, it will not give credit for improvements associated with these areas. He wanted to make the distinction that the City will give credit for the improvements done to the public parks if allowed to do the improvements. On page 10 condition 2.16, the last 2 lines read the developer shall receive TIF credit not to exceed required fees for that work; the wording not to exceed required fees should be deleted. He referred to three sections; 4.6 on page 13, 5.2 on page 18, and 5.9 on page 20. Each of those three conditions refer to an obligation to either bond or build off site street improvements in association with the project. His last comment was condition 4.21 on page 17, this conditions relates to the establishment of a homeowners association for the purpose of maintaining some of the common area improvements. This condition should be read in conjunction with condition 4.12. The date should read, prior to issuance ofthefirst building permit ofthefirst subsequent final map. He stated that the reason was for the CC&R's to be prepared in association with this tentative and final map. These CC&R's will provide for an establishment of a homeowners association. He concluded his presentation. Cm. Oravetz asked about the placement of the high school, or was it too early to discuss that. Mr. Inderbitzen stated it was a little early to discuss. That was not part of this subdivision and the school district has not determined what type of school it will be. Cm. Oravetz asked what exactly was the City of Pleasanton reservoir used for. Mr. Inderbitzen stated it was a reservoir tank that provides fire flow and additional back up services for north Pleasanton. Cm. Oravetz asked if it had anything to do with this subdivision. Mr. Inderbitzen stated that remained to be seen. Cm. Oravetz asked about the fire impact fee. Mr. Inderbitzen stated that it was the point in the process where the City has to impose those fees. It was the fee that was established in the Specific Plan. Cm. Oravetz asked if they planned to build a fire station out there. Regular Meeting 2 January 13, 1998 [1-13 pcmi] Mr. Peabody stated we will be dealing with that question, but it won't be on this site. Mr. Van Katwyk stated that he reviewed each change with Lee Thompson the Public Works Director and he concurred with all the conditions. Cm. Hughes asked about condition 1.5 being identical to 1.10. There was a sentence that reads will meet andperform all requirements of the subdivision map act of the City's subdivision ordinance. That sentence was not in condition 1.10. Ms. Huston stated that was true. She stated that the sentences in condition 1.10 were repeated in 1.5. The proposal was to delete condition 1.10. Cm. Hughes asked if it was proposed to change the conditions, or just a clarification of the wording of the conditions. Mr. Inderbitzen stated it could be either way. Mr. Van Katwyk recommended the conditions be changed for clarification. Mr. Peabody stated they would be changed as part of the minutes. Cm. Johnson closed the public hearing. Cm. Oravetz made a motion, with changes to the conditions, Cm. Hughes seconded the motion with Cm. Jennings absent and a vote of 4-0 to approve RESOLUTION NO. 98-01 APPROVING THE MASTER VESTING TENTATIVE MAP FOR DUBLIN RANCH PHASE I (Tract No. 6925) PA 97-037 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.1 Mr. Peabody talked about the goals and objectives of the Planning Commission with the City Council. Saturday, February 21 has been set aside to discuss these issues. They would be talking about public art during the session. He asked the Planning Commission what one or two issues they would like to talk to the City Council about. Mr. Peabody tossed some ideas out to the Planning Commission. One was a more stringent code enforcement policy, another would be residential day care use in residential areas. Cm. Johnson asked if financing of property in the older part of Dublin through government agencies was discussed anywhere along the way. Mr. Peabody stated it has not been brought up in the Downtown Study Task Force meetings yet. The Planning Commission held a brief discussion on several issues. Regular Meeting 3 January 13, 1998 [1-13 pcmi] Cm. Oravetz wanted to know what the City Council expected of the Planning Commission as far as growth. The Planning Commission asked Mr. Peabody their authority as far as design review. The role of design review, code enforcement, the Council policy on residential care in residential neighborhoods was the issues the Planning Commission wanted to discuss with the City Council. They also wanted to discuss with the Council, their thoughts on existing downtown Dublin vs. new downtown; what will happen with the task force recommendations and how will the ideas be implemented. Mr. Peabody stated that People Soft, was in the process of inquiring the property across from Hacienda Crossings. They were interested in building 2 million square feet of office development. They will have to go high-rise for this site with the possibility of very urban development of high-rise structures with parking garages. Before we get too far down the road, the Planning Commission needs to have a study session with City Council to discuss the People Soft project. The meeting was scheduled for February 17 at 5:30 p.m. on a Council night. He stated that staff was looking for clear direction on this subject. Mr. Peabody asked who wanted to attend the Planners Institute. It will be held in Long Beach, March 5 -7. Please let Gaylene Burkett know as soon as possible. Cm. Johnson stated that he will not be attending. Mr. Peabody discussed upcoming projects. Next Planning Commission meeting will be canceled. He told the Planning Commission that Council had approved the sale of property to Shea for low and moderate income housing units. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTE~,T: _ Community Development Direct'or Respectful!y subm~ted, 'Pqah'nifig Comm~ion Chairpers~/~/ - Regular Meeting 4 January 13, 1998 [1-13 pcmi]