HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.11 BudgChanges01-2CITY CLERK File # AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (November 5, 2002) SUBJECT: Final Budget Changes For Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (Report Prepared By: Carole Perry, Administrative Services Director and Fred Marsh, Finance Manager) ATTACHMENTS: Budget Change Forms RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Changes FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Report. DESCRIPTION: Staff has reviewed the Preliminary Financial Reports and the Auditors are preparing the Final Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2002. Staff is requesting year end adjustments at this time to allow Staff to deliver a clean set of records to the Auditors. Current City policies only allow the City Manager to make budget adjustments between line items which are within the same activity (i.e. Department). The City Council must approve all other adjustments to appropriations. It is important to note that these changes will not result in General Fund expenditures being in excess of revenues. The Final Fiscal Year 2001-2002 results for all funds will be included in the City's annual Financial report, which is anticipated to be presented to the City Council in December 2002. Proposed Adiustments Many of the adjustments discussed in this section of the report were anticipated in the information presented in the Preliminary 2002-2003 Fiscal Year Budget and Financial Plan. Most of the adjustments relate to situations where the total spending in a particular Activity (i.e. Department or Project) exceeded the total budget. If a budget imbalance occurred between line items within the same Activity a formal budget change is not required. The Staff Report will describe changes by both Fund and Program, beginning with the General Fund. GENERAL FUND (0011 General Government: Increase by $15,146 City Attorney (10300) expenditures were $15,146 higher than budgeted due to higher than expected legal costs for new development projects occurring within the City. The additional expenditures incurred on new development were reimbursed to the City through additional fees assessed on new development. Public Safety: Increase by $39,571 The expenditures in the Fire Services Division (20600) were $39,571 over budget due to higher than expected expenditures incurred for overtime by contract fire personnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� /Z COPIES TO: ITEM NO. G:\Audit\FY 2001-02\cafr\agenda preliminary year end budget changes.doc ( Capital Improvement Proiects: Increase by $94,253 Capital Projects with budget variances are discussed in detail below. Capital Amount of Project Adjustment Explanation of Variance Name of Capital Project Number Required (If over $5,000) I580/San Ramon Road Improvements 96380 $81,649 Represents the Fiscal Year 2001- 2002 portion of project reimbursed · from the City of Pleasanton that was not anticipated as part of the original budget Village Parkway - U Turn ~ Davona 96575 $6,721 Variance due to higher than expected costs for design of the project Alamo Bike Path to 1580 96772 $5,314 Variance due to additional contract engineering inspection Costs incurred for project Dougherty Blvd - Dougherty to 96890 $569 Scarlett (96890) SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND CHANGES The total additional appropriations in the General Fund for all activities is $148,970, which was offset by an additional $100,544 of revenue. Even with these additional expenditures the budget will be balanced and General Fund revenues will exceed General Fund expenditures. The precise amount of the difference will be presented in the Annual Financial Report after the Auditors have completed their work. SPECIAL REVENUE AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS The following sections summarize Budget Changes required in various Special Revenue, Capital Project and Enterprise Funds. The City financial records currently account for revenues and expenditures in over 20 different Special Revenue and Capital Project Funds. These funds are used when there are special restrictions on the expenditure of the funds and accounting for them separately provides a clear record for the auditors and City reporting purposes. Vehicle Abatement Fund (201) Increase Operating Transfers Out by $8,696 This represents reimbursements to the General Fund for costs incurred during Fiscal Year 2001-2002 for the performance of vehicle abatement duties. State COPs Grant Fund (202) Increase of $66,543 This fimd is utilized for the State portion of Police related expenses associated with the Police bicycle patrol unit. Unanticipated funds were carried over from Fiscal Year 2000-2001 to pay for this program. Therefore an additional budget adjustment of $66,543 in expenditures has been requested. Federal Cops Grant Fund (203) Increase of $6,022' This fund is utilized for the Federal portion of Police related expenses associated with the Police bicycle patrol unit. Unanticipated funds were carried over from Fiscal Year 2000-2001 to pay for this program. Therefore an additional budget adjustment of $6,022 in expenditures has been requested. California Law Enforcement Equipment Program (CLEEP) Grant Fund (204) Increase of $6,889 This fund is utilized for the state grant funds provided for the purchase of technology related items for police divisions. Unanticipated funds were carded over from Fiscal Year 2000-2001 to pay for this program. Therefore an additional budget adjustment of $6,889 in expenditures has been requested. Gas Tax Fund {206) Increase of $34~717 The variance in this fund is due to higher than anticipated street repair expenditures incurred for work performed on various streets within the City. Community Block Development Grant (CDBG) Fund t[209) Increase Transfers Out by $135 to General Fund This represents monies received by the City from the County from the Community Development Block Grant Program to reimburse the City for administrative costs incurred on the program. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA Fund {212) Increase Transfers Out by $438 to General Fund This represents additional monies received by the City from the State during Fiscal Year 2001-2002 for administrative costs incurred during the Federally Declared Disaster in 1998 for flooding damage that occurred within the City. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System {NPDES) Fund 11222) Increase Transfers Out by $1~051 to General Fund The monies collected in this fund represent prior year NPDES assessments and penalties collected during Fiscal Year 2001-2002. These monies are transferred to offset a small Portion of the City's Non Point Source Pollution Program funded by the General Fund. Congestion Management Agency (CMA) Fund 11228) Increase of $400~000 These funds were originally anticipated to be incurred in Fiscal Year 2002-2003, but were actually incurred during Fiscal Year 2001-2002 as part of initial work performed on the Dublin Boulevard Widening project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court. These funds were used in place of ISTEA fimds (Fund 210) of $422,750 that were originally budgeted for this project. These expenditures will be offset by grant fimds that will be received from CMA for this project. Emergency Medical Services 1[EMS) Fund 11230) Increase of $16~701 This fund is utilized to account for taxes collected to partially fund the cost of Emergency Medical Services. Unanticipated funds were carried over from Fiscal Year 2000-2001 to pay for this program. Therefore an additional budget adjustment of $16,701 in expenditures has been requested. Traffic Impact Fee Fund (300) Increase by $85~186 The Hacienda / I580 Interchange project (96410) was $21,996 over budget due to higher than anticipated costs incurred for construction administration. The East Dublin ROW Acquisition project (96650) was $63,190 over budget due to higher than anticipated legal costs incurred for acquiring land for streets right of way. Note that all expenditures in this fund are funded solely from traffic impact fee revenues received from development. Assessment District Funds t'515 and 710-717) Increase $38~226 Expenditures in various divisions of the Assessment District funds were over budget by a total of $38,226 due to higher than anticipated expenditures incurred by staff and contract personnel in the administration of Proposition 218 election requirements relating to proposed increases in assessments, as well as additional expenditures incurred by contract personnel for administration, landscaping and street lighting maintenance services. Sufficient reserves are available in the individual assessment district funds to fund these additional proposed appropriations. Retiree Health Insurance Fund (840) Increase by $1,895 The Retiree Health Insurance fund was $1,895 over budget duc to higher than anticipated health premiums paid to retired employees eligible to receive these benefits. Sufficient reserves arc available in this fund to fund these additional proposed appropriations. CONCLUSION Attached are Budget Change forms which will allow for amendments to the budget consistent with this report. Staff recommends that the City Council receive this report and authorize the Mayor to execute the attached budget changes. This information will be reflected in thc Final Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which is anticipated to be presented to Council in December 2002. CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM - FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: X From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - Within Same Department Activity · X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: Name: General Fund - City Attorney- Professional $15,146 Services Reimbursable Account #: Account #: 001.10300.741.003 Name: Name: General Fund- Fire Services- Contract $39,571 Services - Personnel Account #: Account #: 001.20600.740.001 Name: Name: I580 / San Ramon Road Improvements - $81,649 Contract Services Account #: Account #: 001.96380.740.000 Name: Name: Village Parkway- U Turn ~ Davona - $6,721 Contract Services Account #: Acco/mt #: 001.96575.740.078 Name: Name: Alamo Bike Path to I580 - Contract Services $5,314 Account #: Account #: 001.96772.740.079 Name: Name: Doughery Blvd - Dougherty to Scarlett $569 Account #: Account #: 001.96890.750.050 Name: Name: REVENUE - General Fund.- Zoning arid $18,895 .~ Subdivision Fees Account #: Account #: 001.565.001 Name: Name: Vehicle Abatement Fund - Transfers Out $8,696 Account #: Account #: 201.10000.799.099 City Manager: Date: Signature ASD/Fin Mgr ~ .r~~.... ~ Date: ~'r3 ~-2..~.[o2.,, Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: These represent the final year end budget adjustments for the Preliminary Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (1 of 4) Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature G:L4.udit~FY 2001-02\cafr~FORM-budget change I a.doc CITY OF DUBLIN '~ ~ q' BUDGET CHANGE FORM - FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council ApProval Required): BUdget Transfers: __X__ From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - Within Same Department Activity X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: ISTEA - Dublin Blvd - Village Parkway $114,750 Name: State COPS Fund - Contract Services - $66,543 to Sierra - Right of Way Service Personnel Account #: 210.96920.740.083 Account #i 202.20100.740.001 Name: ISTEA- Dublin Blvd - Village Parkway $308,000 Name: Federal COPS Fund - Contract Services - $6,022 to Sierra - Land . Personnel Account #: 210.96920.750.010 Account #: 203.20100.740.001 Name: Name: CLEEP Fund - Capital Outlay $6,889 Account #: Account #: 204.20100.750.073 Name: Name: Gas Tax Fund - Street Maintenance - Street $34,717 Repair Account #: Account #: 206.30200.740.020 Name: Name: CDBG - Transfers Out $135 Account #: Account #: 209.10000.799.099 Name: Name: FEMA Fund - Transfers Out $438 Account #: Account #: 212.10000.799.099 Name: Name: REVENUE - FEMA Grant Revenue $438 Account #: Account #: 212.559.004 Name: Name: NPDES Fund - Transfers Out $1,051 Account #: Account #: 222.10000.799.099 City Manager: Date: Signature Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: These represent the final year end budget adjustments for the Preliminary Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (2 of 4) . Mayor: ' ~ Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature G:~uditkFY 2001-02\cafrkFORM-budget change 2a.doc CITY OF DUBLIN romu- nSC L 00 - 00: CH~GE FO~ ~ New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: X__ From Unappropriated Rescues · From Budgeted Contingent Rescue (1080-799.000) (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - Wi~ Sine Dep~ent Acfivi~ X From New Revenues Be~een Depa~ents (Ci~ Council Approval Required) O~er Nme: Nme: CMA TIP Funds - Dublin Blvd - Village $400,000 P~kway to Siena - L~d Account ~: Accost ~: 228.96920.750.010 Nme: ~VEN~ $400,000 Nme: CMA TIP Funds Account ~: Account ~: 228.555.016 Nme: Nme: EMS Fund - Fire Se~ices - Con~act Se~ices $16,701 - Personnel Account ~: Account ~: 230.20600.740.001 Nme: N~e: Haci~da / I580 Interch~ge w Con~act $21,996 Se~ices Account ~: Account ~: 300.96410.740.000 Nme: Name: Eastern Dublin ROW Acquisition - Con~act $63,190 Se~ices Account ~: Account ~: 300.96650.740.083 Nme: Nme: Affordable Housing / Noise Mitigation Fund - $8,586 Full Time Salines Account ~: Account g: 380.90100.701.001 N~e: Nme: DBX Fund - Con~act Se~ices $1,156 Account g: Account g: 515.10000.741.000 Nme: Name: S~eet Light Assessment Dis~ct - Traffic $6,705 Sisals - Gas and Elec~ic Account ~: Account ~: 710.20400.725.005 City Manager: Date: Si~at~e ASD~in M~ ~ ~&.~ ~~ Date: X ~ ~%~ ~ Si~ature I ~ASON FOR B~GET CH~GE ENTRY: These represent the final ye~ end budget adjus~ents for the Prelimin~ Fin~cial RepoR for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (3 of 4) Mayor: Date: Si~at~e Posted By: Date: G:~udit~Y 2001-02Xcafr~O~-budget change 3a.doc CITY OF DUBLIN ~ % ~ BUDGET CHANGE FORM- FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: X From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) --(If Other than General Fund, Fund No - Within Same Department Activity X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: Name: Street Lighting Assessment District- $4,527 Engineering - Contract Services Account #: Account #: 710.90300.740.074 Name: Name: Stagecoach Assessment District - Contract $2,417 Services Account #: Account #: 711.90300.740.074 Name: Name: Lighting and Landscape District - Dougherty $754 - Full Time Salaries Account #: Account #: 713.30100.701.001 Name: Name: Lighting and Landscape District - Dougherty $16,653 - Street Landscape Maintenance- Contract Services Account #: Account #:713.30500.740.000 Name: Name: Dougherty Assessment District - Contract $208 Services Account #: Account #: 713.90300.740.000 Name: Name: Santa Rim Assessment District - Contract $2,574 Services Account #: Account #: 716.90300.740.074 Name: Name: Eastern Dublin Assessment District- $3,232 Contract Services Account #: Account #: 717.90300.740.074 Name: Name: Retiree Health Care - Group Insurance $1,895 Account #: Account #: 840.10000.702.005 City Manager: Date: Signature Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: These represent the final year end budget adjustments for the Preliminary Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (4 of 4) Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: G:~Audit',FY 2001-02\cafr~FORM-budget change 4a.doc