HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 KTS Svcs PhoneSystem CITY CLERK File # ~--]~--][~r~-]-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 5, 2002 Civic Center and Shannon Center Telephone and Voice Messaging System Report Prepared by: Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution of Award of Bid 2) KTS Services, Inc. Proposal Form 3) Copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) RECOMMENDATION: _1) City Council to adopt the resolution to accept the bid of KTS /~7~Services, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract c .[~ -. with KTS Services, Inc. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adequate Funds are Budgeted for Replacement of the Civic: Center and Shannon Center Telephone and Voice Messaging System Bid Received KTS Services, Inc. $107,976.38 DESCRIPTION: At the meeting of February 5, 2002 the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for the replacement of the Civic Center and Shannon Center telephone and voice messaging system. The deadline for bids was set for March 14, 2002. Nineteen (19) bids were received before the deadline. Many different systems were proposed by vendors who responded to the RFP. The Information Systems Manager closely evaluated the nineteen (19) proposals. Lowest price was not the only consideration for' selecting the best system for the City of Dublin. The selected system must have expansion capabilities to meet the City's growing needs. The system must meet and exceed the City's current system. Another important element is the system must meet the needs of staff and gain user acceptance. Five (5) proposed systems appeared to meet the City's requirements. Those bids that were not among the final five were disqualified for various reasons. Some proposed systems did not meet the City's current and future growth requirements. Some proposed systems did not offer telephone instruments that met staff requirements such as the number of line appearance. Some of the same systems were proposed by multiple bidders. In this case, if the system met the City's requirements then the lowest bid for that particular system was placed among the five finalists. COPIES TO: KTS Services ITEM NO. ~ The following is a matrix of key system features, acquisition (purchase price including tax, labor, and shipping) and maintenance costs, and expansion capabilities of the five finalists: ~ B~dders item" ' Featur~ ........ AdvanTel CMS KTs Netversant CEI Desc~pti°n · Services Phone and Avaya NEC NEAX Toshiba Nortel Samsung Voice-Mail System Definity BCS 2400 IPX CTX670 OptionMeridianl lC iDCS500 Price $103,038.29 $123,152.78 $107,976.38 $131,101.19 $82,597.46 including tax, labor, and shipping Warranty 1 year 1 year 2 years 1 year 2 years period Annual $7,232.28 $11,334.00 $7,934.40 After 1St $19,560.00 maintenance year after warranty expires, warranty period Netversant would present a maintenance proposal Cost over Purchase price and $110,270.57 $134,486.78 $107,976.38 $131,101.19 $82,597.46 first two maintenance for plus cost of years two years one year of maintenance to be determined Cost over Purchase price and $131,967.41 $168,488.78 $131,779.58 $131,101.19 $141,277.46 firstfive maintenance for plus cost of years five years four years of maintenance to be determined T-1 capacity The number of remote facilities that can be added to the Civic Center 16 16 11 16 4 controller via T-1 lines Message An indication that Small msg Large msg Small Large msg Large msg waiting there are light; button light; flashing msg light; light; adequate lamp; voicemail message lights adequate light; buttons are button lights buttons to be listened to adequate button lights adequate liquid button lights crystal display Page 2 Item Feature AdvanTel ' cMS KTS NetverSant CEI Desc~ptiOn serviCes · Conference Allows parties at 6 total, 5 total, 8 total, 6 total, 5 total, calling multiple location 5 max outside 2 max 5 max 5 max 4 max outside to participate in a outside outside outside call "Whisper" Receptionist can Yes Yes, if line Yes, multiple Yes Yes feature speak into the ear not busy ways of manager who is on his phone without disrupting his call Listen to Unified Messaging Included as Extra cost Extra cost 20 users No, not Voice-mail integrates separate included; currently on PC voicemail message program not additional offered by with e-mail integrated w/ users at manufacturer City e-mail added cost "answering Monitor and pick- Yes Extra cost Yes No, not Yes machine" up a call that is available call leaving a message screening in voicemail feature "Follow Forwards calls Forward Forward Yes, forward No, phone Yes, call can be me "feature from the office caller from caller from caller to forward routed to phone to cell voicemail to voicemail to other phones only to one multiple phone or other one other one other until call is other phone numbers until. phone number phone phone answered or voicemail answered Desirable Staff identified Listen to v- Record Hot button Company Retrieve Features these as system mail msg on phone call dialing; directory; deleted v-mail features that were PC; Record Migrating msg before very desirable Conference phone call phone 2 a.m.; v-mail calling bridge profiles reminder to self; pull back v-mail msg; record phone call Bidder Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified Non- status Responsive: Justification: -Insufficient T-1 capacity that is required for system expansion - No comparably sized reference could be found for the iDCS500 Page 3 The Information Systems Manager investigated each of the five finalists closely through a series of site visits and demonstrations. Convinced that the five finalists would meet the City's current and future needs, staff from every City department attended demonstrations by each finalist in June 2002. The lowest bidder among the five finalists was Communication Engineering, Inc (CEI), which proposed the Samsung iDCS500. Based upon due diligence review, CEI was determined to be a non-responsive bidder. The CEI proposal was determined to be deficient in the following areas: the expansion capacity of the iDCS500 was stated in the CEI proposal to be nine Shannon-sized remote sites proposal but was actually four, and no comparably sized reference could be found for the iDCS500. The four remaining qualified bidders were ranked in order of staff preference. The top choice by staff was the Toshiba CTX670 proposed by KTS Services priced at $107,976.38. Ranked second by Staff was the Avaya Definty BCS offered by AdvanTel. AdvanTel's bid was the lowest of the qualified bidders at $103,038.29. However, when the cost of one year of maintenance is added to AdvanTel's bid to make a true comparison to the two-year warranty offered in the KTS Services proposal, the cost of the KTS Services proposalis lower over the two-year period. Since the expansion capabilities and the on-going maintenance costs are key considerations for any phone and voice-mail system purchase, additional research was conducted in those areas with both AdvanTel and KTS Services, Inc. The following matrix details the future expansion costs associated with the two systems under final consideration based upon staff preference. Bidder KTS Services, inc. AdvanTel System Toshiba CTX670 Avaya Definity BCS Unified Messaging (UM) cost: UM optional feature integrates $20,487.29 $28,832.86 voicemail with electronic mail Cost to add a Shannon Center size remote facility $18,608.36 $18,786.77 Cost to add the Senior Center, Heritage Center, and Swim $16,919.00 $24,030.58 Center. Associated post warranty annual maintenance costs: $1,478.00 $ 2,031.72 5-year cost of ownership (acquisition, maintenance) for Civic Center, Shannon Center, $153,132.58 $164,124.87 Senior Center, Heritage Center, and Swim Center Comparison of the Toshiba system to the Avaya system shows that expansion of the system to remote facilities, both small and large, to be more economical with the Toshiba system. In addition, Unified Messaging, if the City chooses to implement this technology in the future, would be more cost effective with the Toshiba product. Another important element is the per unit cost; the Toshiba telephone instrument is lower than that of Avaya. The telephone instrument cost is a consideration, as the City will add telephones as it adds staff in Page 4 the future. Thus, despite a slightly higher initial cost of acquisition for the Civic Center and Shannon Center, analysis of cost of ownership over a two- and five-year period shows the Toshiba system is less costly to acquire and maintain. A final concern about the Avaya system is that the control cabinet proposed for the Shannon Center will not fit into the available physical space but the Toshiba cabinet is smaller and suitable for the Shannon Center's space limitations. The proposed Toshiba system is feature rich and can expand to connect the Civic Center to as many as eleven facilities the size of the Shannon Center or larger, which is important as the City adds new facilities such as the Senior Center and the Recreation Center. The Toshiba system's conference calling capabilities meet or exceed those of the other finalists, allowing as many as five outside parties on a conference call. The system offers "answering machine-like" call screening, call recording, a "whisper" feature, and "follow-me" capabilities allowing a call to be routed to alternate numbers. Staff believes the Toshiba CTX670 complies with all the requirements prescribed in the RFP and is most appropriate to meet the City's current and future needs. Section 2.9.1 of the RFP states: "The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed and whose proposed solution the City deems appropriate for its needs." The conclusion of Staff is that the Toshiba CTX670 proposed by KTS Services, Inc. should be acquired based on its ability to meet the current and future needs of the City, and it is the most cost effective'choice for the City future growth and current needs. BID RESULTS A total of four bids (KTS Services, $107,976.38; Advantel, $103,038.29; CMS, $123;152.78; Netversant, $131,101.19) are under final consideration. They were determined by staff to meet the City's requirements the Toshiba system offered by KTS Services at $107,976.38. CONCLUSION Staff has reviewed the bid results, checked references, and recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution in Attachment 1 accepting the bid to KTS Services, Inc. and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with KTS Services, Inc.. Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. - 02 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTING THE BID OF KTS SERViCES, INC. FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE CIVIC CENTER AND SHANNON CENTER TELEPHONE AND VOICE MESAGING SYSTEM AND AUTHOR/ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH KTS SERVICES, INC. WHEREAS, the 2002-2003 operating budget includes funding for replacement of the Civic Center and Shannon Center telephone and voice messaging system; and WHEREAS, the City sent out a Request for Proposals to qualified firms and received four responsive bids; and WHEREAS, KTS Services, Inc., prepared a bid which complies with all the requirements of the RFP, and Staffdeems the proposed solution most appropriate to meet the City's needs; and WHEREAS, KTS Services, Inc., Was deterrrdned to be qualified to do the work; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby accepts the bid of KTS Services, Inc., for replacement of the Civic Center and Shannon Center telephone and voice messaging system, and authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract with KTS Services, Inc. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 5th day of November, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk K~/G/11-5-02/reso-telephone.doc (Item 8.3) ATTACHMENT 1 KTS Services, Inc City of Dublin DUE DATE: 14 MAR 2002 (800) 39%1201 RESPONSE TO BID REQUEST OPENING: 2:00PM 2.0 (6.0)Proposal Form 2.1 (6.1)Company name: KTS Services, Inc 2.2 (6.2)Bid for proposed system (bid honored up to contract signing): . $103,751.60 (plus applicable taxes) This signature certifies that the prices listed in the response to this RFP document represent the "best price" offered by our company of the system(s) offered to the City of Dublin. KTS Services, Inc Larry J. Beebe (530)320-2882~._, Company ~ 11132 Winners Circle Suite 103 LOS ALIMATOS, CA 90720 ~ Address r Si~n~iture of 3?fithorized Person 12 March 2002 VP Government Sales Date Title ATTACHMENT 2 INC. of California TOSHIBA ~C~ CMAS # 3-01-58-0008D SERVICES, 11132 WINNERS CIRCLE '~ L~'~"b~ GSA SCHEDULE (T/MS) LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 '~¢ ~ GSA#GS-35-F-0099L CONTRACT TERM AUG.23,2001 ~ FEB.28,2006 A I DUBLIN-CIVICCENTER CMAS-EQUIPMENT CMAS-INSTALLATION USER GUIDES 2 ITEM _ ~_..'~_ I COST EACH TOTAL EQUIP LABOR EACH TOTAL LABOR COST EACH 3 $'iWlTCHING ~'CTX6;70? !~ I~~' '~i~ iiii'~ ~ ~ TOTAL 4 CHSUB672/PS li $ 627.00 $ 627.00 $ 272.73 $ 272.73 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 5 DKA-MA-IN/MT-VF 1 $ 52.00 $ 52.00 $ $ 9.00 $ 9.00 6 CHSUE672/PS 2 $ 648.00 $ 1,296.00 $ 90.91 $ 181.82 $ 7 BPSB240 (1per 3 cabinets' I $ 146.00 $ 146.00 $ $ 8 BlCU1A $ 738.00 $ $ $ 9 B2CA/BU1A $ 1,541.00 $ - $ $ 10 B3CNBUIA I $ 3,439.00 $ 3,439.00 $ $ 11 B5CA/BUIA $ 7,208.00 $ - $ $ 12 RKYS1A $ 155.00 $ $ 131.31 $ $ 13 RKYS2A $ 859.00 $ - $ 262.62 $ - $ 14 RKYS3A $ 1,717.00 $ $ _ $ 15 RRCUIA(minium 2) $ 1,271.00 $.' $ 141.41 $ - $ 16 BDCLIA-MSI $ 64.00 $ $ _ $ 17 BDCL1A-MS2 $ 146.00 $ $ . $ 18 BBDBIA (w/o batteries) 1 $ 326.00 $ 326.00 $ - $ 19 BE~¥C1A-2.0M (maxium 2) I $ 77.00 $ 77.00 $ $ 20 PIOUS2A $ 356.00 $ $ $ 21 PIOU2A $ 489,00 $ $ $ 22 IMDU2A $ 206.00 $ $ $ 23 iRSIU1A I $ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ $ 24 IRSISIA 1 $ 86.00 $ 86.00 $ $ 25 RMDS1A 1 $ 129.00 $ 129.00 $ $ 26 PEPU2A $ 180.00 $ $ $ _ 27 RATU1A $ 502.00 $ $ 28 PDKU2A 14 $ 313.00 $ 4,382.00 $ $ 29 RSTU2A 6 $ 511.00 $ 3,066.00 $ $ 30 R48S1A 1 $ 56.00 $ 56.00 $ $ 31 BRCSIA-4 $ 249.00 $ $ $ 32 BRCSIA-8 11 $ 434.00 $ 434.00 $ $ 33 BRCSIA-12 $ 541.00 $ $ $ 34 RDSU1A $ 343.00 $ $ $ 35 RSi:s1A $ 155.00 $ $ $ 36 RCOU1A I $ 228.00 $ 228.00 $ $ 37 RClU2A $ 249.00 $ $ $ 38 RCOSIA $ 196.00 $ $ $ 39 RCIS1A $ 172.00 $ $ $ 40 RDTU1A $ 1,588.00 $ - $ 909.09 $ $ 41 NDTU CABLE $ 64.00 $ $ $ 42 RUDTU2 $ 86.00 $ $ $ 43 REMU1A $ 610.00 $ - $ $ _ 44 RMCU1A 1 $ 258.00 $ 258.00 $ $ 45 RCMSlA I $ 245.00 $ 245.00 $ $ 46 RPTU1A I $ 1,674.00 $ 1,674.00 $ 1,010.10 $ 1,010.10 $ 47 RPRI-CABLE 1 $ 64.00 $ 64.00 $ $ 48 RBSUIA $ 434.00 $ - $ $ 49 !RBSSlA $ 240.00 $ - $ $ 50 FER-CORE-ISDN $ 9.00 $ $ $ $ 421.00 $ $ $ 5251 RDDU1A ,ISWlTCHTOTALS:. $ 16,825.00 $ 1,464.65 $ 10.00 53 54 SITE: CITY OF DUBLIN - CiViC CENTER CONTACT: STEVE PAPPA 55 LOCATION: 100 CIVIC PLAZA TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER 56 CITY: DUBLIN, 94568 E-MAIL steve.pappa(~ci.dublin.ca.us 57 TELEPHONE: 925/833-6604 FAX: 58 (800) 397-1201 of 2 FAX ('714) 827-4539 3/10/2002 www.kts-services.com CTX-CIVIC CENTER E-mail: mail@kts-services.com K~S SERVICES, INC, of California TOSHIBA ~[ -~A\CI GsACMAS # 3-01-58-0008DscHEDULE (TAIS) 11132 WINNERS CIRCLE t.,4 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 t GsA #GS-35-F-0099L CONTRACT TERM AUG.23,2001 ~ FEB.28,2006 A I B 'C D E F G H 59 DUBLIN-CIVIC CENTER 60 ITEM QTY COST EACH TOTAL EQUIP LABOR EACH TOTAL LABOR COST EACH TOTAL 62 DKT2001 $ 64.00 $ - $ 68.18 $ - $ 3.00 $ 63:DKT2010S $ 116.00 $ - $ 68.81 $ - $ 3.00 $ 64 DKT2010SD 48 $ 159.00 $ 7,632.00 $ 68.81 $ 3,302.88 $ 3.00 $ 144.00 65'DKT2020S $ , 163.00 $ - $ 68.81 $ - $ 3.00 $ 66 DKT2020SD 50 $ 193.00 $ 9,650.00 $ 68.81 $ 3,440.50 $ 3.00 $ 150.00 67 DADM2020 7 $ 129.00 $ 903.00 $ 12,12 $ 64.84 $ $ - 68 DDSS2060 3 $ 283.00 $ 849.00 $ 68.81 $ 206.43 $ - 69 RPCI-DI $ 189.00 $ $ $ . 70 DVSU $ 39.00 $ $ 12.12 $ $ $ - 71 DDCB3A $ 99.00 $ $ $ $ _ 72 MDFB $ 34.00 $ $ 116.16 $ $ $ - 73 HHEU2A 10 $ 9.00 $ 90.00 $ $ $ 74 405FLEXSF-MPAII $ 168.00 $ $ $ 75 DKT2104CT $ 429.00 $ $ 116.16 $ $ 3.00 $ 76 KEYPRINT20O0 1 $ 86.00 $ 86.00 $ 131.31 $ 131.31 $ 24.00 $ 24.00 77 DK-PCATT (ms 'PC') $ 1,030.00 $ $ 277.78 $ $ 78 vo~CEi:~i STATION TOTALS: $ 19,210.00 $ 7,165.96 $ 318.00 79 SG-24PLUS-R(120 hours) 1 $ 6,929.00 $ 6,929.00 $ 656:57 $ 656.57 $ 80 SG-24P-UP4 1 $ 2,146.00 $ 2,146.00 $ 196.67 $ 196.67 $ 81 SG-DK-2 $ 2,275.00 $ $ 469.70 $ $ 82 SG-DK-2UP4 $ 859.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 83 SG-DK-4UP6 $ 1,116.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 84 SG-DK-6UP8 $ 1,202.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 85 VM-REMOTE-F/DK 1 $ 410.00 $ 410.00 $ 190.00 $ 190.00 $ 190.00 86 .A [~E&:WIRE~:?.~!~:~!~i~ VOICE TOTALS: $ 9,485.00 $ 1,043.24 $ 190.00 87 IN-NEWSTATION $ 26.16 $ $ 90.00 $ -' $ 88 IN-L3-DJ4-VDSR $ 26.16 $ $ 90.00 $ $ - 89 IN-L3-DJ4-VDDR $ 36.46 $ $ 110;00 $ $ 90 !IN-LS-QJ4-VDSR $ 31.31 $ $ 100.00 $ $ 91 :IN-L5-QJ4-VDDR $ 46.87 $ $ 140.00 $ $ 92 =CABLE & WIRE TOTALS: $ 9,895.00 $ 1,233.24 $ 380.00 93 FEED-50PR-100FT $ 87.00 $ $ 190.00 $ $ 94 MODEM $ 147.00 $ $ 37.00 $ $ 95 CSU 11 $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 87.50 $ 87.50 $ 96 PC-ATT $ 880.00 $ $ 127.00 $ $ 97 RADO/SPKR-CONNECT $ 17.50 $ $ 170.00 $ $ 98 WRLES-HDST $ 375.00 $ $ 85.00 $ $ 99 PANDUIT-per 10FT $ 14.70 $ $ 60.00 $ $ 100 BATT-BU30 $ 235.00 $ $ 105.00 $ $ 101 BATT-BU600 I $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 155.00 $ 155.00 $ 102 DESIGN SPECS 32 $ $ $ 90.00 $ 2,880.00 $ 103 LBR-UNIT 37 $ $ $ 17.50 $ 647.50 $ - 104 NSP TOTALS: $ 13,645.00 $ 5,003.24 $ 380.00 105 106!T~'S~;i~i:~;~i':~:~*~i~i~ $ 69,060.00 $ 15,910.33 $ 1,278.00 107 108 109 11o P.O. TOTALS $ 86,248.33 EQUIPMENT $ 70,338.00 111 0.00% TAXES $ 112 LABOR $15,910.33 113 114 SITE: CITY OF DUBLIN - CIVIC CENTER CONTACT: STEVE PAPPA 115 LOCATION: 1 oo civic PLAZA TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER 116 CITY: DUBLIN, 94568 REGION: steve.pappa@ci.dublin.ca.us 118117 TELEPHONE: 925/833-66940] FAX: 0 (800) 397-1201 of 2 FAX (714) 827-4539 3/10~2002 www. kts-services.com CTX-ClVIC CENTER E-mail: mail@kts-services.com J~'TS SERVICES, INC. of California TOSHIBA ._ ~ CMAS # 3-01-58-0008D 11132 WINNERS CIRCLE ~_..'~)\ GSA SCHEDULE ('I'AIS) LOS ALAMrros, CA 90720 . ~ GSA #GS-35-F-0099L CONTRACT TERM AUG.23,2001 ~ FEB.28,2006 1 DUBLIN-SHANNONAVE CMAS-EQUIPMENT CMAS-INSTALLATION USER GUIDES 2 ITEM~Q~I COST EACH TOTAL EQUIP LABOR EACH TOTAL LABOR COST EACH 3 SWITCHING ~C~X!!~0 ii:.!'~~' TOTAL 4 CHSUB100/PS 1 $ 627.00 $ 627.00 $ 272.73 $ 272.73 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 5 DKA-MA-IN/MT-VF I $ 52.00 $ 52.00 $ $ 9.00 $ 9.00 6 CHSUE100/PS I $ 648.00 $ 648.00 $ 90.91 $ 90.91 $ 7 BICU1A $ 738.00 $ $ $ 8 B2CA/BU1A I $ 1,541.00 $ 1,541.00 $ $ 9 BBDBIA (w/o batteries) I $ 326.00 $ 326.00 $ - $ 10 i BBTCIA-2.0M (maxium 2) 1 $ 77.00 $ 77.00 $ - $ 11 PIOUS2A $ 356.00 $ - $ _ $ 12 PIOU2A $ 489.00 $ - $ _ $ 13 IMDU2A $ 206.00 $ $ . $ 14 RSIUIA I $ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ - $ 15 RSISIA $ 86.00 $ $ _ $ 16 RMDS1A I $ 129~00 $ 129.00 $ - $ 17 PEPU2A $ 180.00 $ $ $ . 18 RATUIA $ 502.00 $ $ 19 PDKU2A 2 $ 313.00 $ 626.00 $ $ . 20 RSTU2A 1 $ 511.00 $ 511.00 $ $ . 21 R48S1A $ 56.00$ $ $ _ 22 BRCS1A-4 I $ 249.00$ 249.00 $ $ 23 BRCS1A-8 $ 434.00 $ $ $ _ 24 BRCS1A-12 $ 541.00 $ $ $ 25 RDSUIA $ 343.00 $ $ $ 26 RSTSIA $ 155.00 $ $ $ 27 RCOUlA 1 $ 228.00 $ 228.00 $ $ 28 ,RCIU2A $ 249.00 $ $ $ 29 iRCOS1A $ 196.00 $ $ $ 30 RCIS1A $ 172.00 $ $ $ 31 RDTUIA $ - 1,588.00 $ $ 909.09 $ $ 32 NDTU CABLE $ 64.00 $ $ $ 33 RUDTU2 $ 86.00 $ $ $ 34 REMUIA $ 610.00 $ $ $ 35 RMCUIA 1'$ 258.00 $ 258.00 $ $ 36 RCMS1A 1 $ 245.00 $ 245.00 $ $ 37 RPTU1A 1 $ 1,674.00 $ 1,674.00 $ 1,010.10 $ 1,010.10 $ 38 RPRI-CABLE I $ 64.00 $ 64.00 $ $ 39 RBSU1A $ 434.00 $ $ $ 40 RBSS1A $ 240.00 $ $ $ 41 FER-CORE-ISDN $ 9.00 $ - $ $ 42 RDDU1A $ 421.00 $ $ $ 43 SWITCH TOTALS: , $ 7,495.00 $ t,373.74 $ 10.00 .4 I 45 SITE: CITY OF DUBLIN - SHANNON AVE CONTACT: STEVE PAPPA 48 LOCATION: I I TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER 47 CITY: DUBLIN, 94568 ] E-MAIL steve.pappa~ci.dubiin.ca.us 48 TELEPHONE: 925/833-6604 FAX: 49 I (800) 397-1201 of 2 FAX (714) 827-4539 3/10/2002 www. kts-services.com CTX-SHANNON AVE E-mail: mail@kts-services.com K'~'S $£RVlCE$~ INC. of California TOSHIBA \~ CMAS # 3-01-58-0008D 11132 WINNERS CIRCLE i~~\ t GSA SCHEDULE (TAIS) GSA #GS-35-F-0099L LOS ALAMrros, CA 90720 ~ CONTRACT TERM AUG.23,2001 ~ FEB.28,2006 A I B C D E F G H 50 DUBLIN-SHANNON AVE 51 ITEM QTY COST EACH TOTAL EQUIP LABOR EACH TOTAL LABOR COST EACH TOTAL 52 S~i~?! 53 DKT2001 $ 64.00 $ $ 68.18 $ $ 3.00 $ - 541DKT2010S $ 116.00 $ $ 68.81 $ $ 3.00 $ 55 :DKT2010SD 12 $ 159.00 $ 1,908.00 $ 68.81 $ 825.72 $ 3.00 $ 36.00 56 DKT2020S $ 163.00 $ $ 68.81 $ $ 3.00 $ 57 =DKT2020SD 11 $ 193.00 $ 193.00 $ 68.81 $ 68.81 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 58 DADM2020 $ 129.00 $ - $ 12.12 $ $ $ 59 DDSS2060 $ 283.00 $ $ 68.81 $ $ 60 RPCI~DI $ 189.00 $ $ $ 61 DVSU $ 39.00 $ $ 12.12 $ $ $ 62 DDCB3A $ 99.00 $ $ $ $ 63 MDFB $ 34.00 $ $ 116.16 $ $ 64 HHEU2A $ 9.00 $ $ $ $ 65 405FLEXSF,MPAII $ 168.00 $ $ $ 66 DKT2104CT $ 429.00 $ $ 116.16 $ $ 3.00 · 67KEYPRINT2000 $ 86.00 $ $ 131.31 $ $ 24.00 $ 68 DK-PCATT (rqs 'PC') $ 1,030.00 $ $ 277.78 $ $ ~VO!CE ~1L~:~?.~¥~;~¢¢~,~:~;I STATION TOTALS: $ 2,101.00 $ 894.53 $ 39.00 70 SG-24PLUS-R(120hours) $ 6,929.00 $ $ 656.57 $ $ 71 SG-24P-UP4 $ 2,146.00 $ $ 196.67 $ $ 72 SG-DK-2 $ 2,275.00 $ $ 469.70 $ $ 73 SG-DK-2UP4 $ 859.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 74 SG-DK-4UP6 $ 1,116.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 75 SG-DK-6UP8 $ 1,202.00 $ $ 166.67 $ $ 76 VM-REMOTE-FtDK $ 410.00 $ $ 190.00 $ $ 77 ~ ;~'~?~i!!~i~!~?!i~i~ VOICE TOTALS: $ $ $ 78 IN-NEWSTATION $ 26.16 $ $ 90.00 $ $ 79 IN-L3-DJ4-VDSR $ 26.16 $ $ 90.00 $ $ 80 IN-L3-DJ4-VDDR $ 36.46 $ $ 110.00 $ $ 81 IN-L5-QJ4-VDSR $ 31.31 $ $ 100.00 $ $ 82 IN-LS-QJ4-VDDR $ 46.87 $ $ 140.00 $ $ 83 CABLE & WIRE TOTALS: $ $ $ 84 FEED-50PR-100FT $ 87.00 $ $ 190.00 $ $ 85 MODEM $ 147.00 $ $ 37.00 $ $ 86 CSU 1 $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 87.50 $ 87.50 $ 87 PC-ATT $ 880.00 $ $ 127.00 $ $ 88 RADO/SPKR-CONNECT $ 17.50 $ $ t70.00 $ $ 89 WRLES-HDST $ 375.00 $ $ 85.00 $ $ 90 PANDUIT-per 10FT $ 14.70 $ $ 60.00 $ $ 91 BATT-BU30 $ 235.00 $ $ 105.00 $ $ 92 BATT-BU600 I $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 155.00 $ 155.00 $ 93 DESIGN SPECS 16 $ - $ $ 90.00 $ 1,440.00 $ 94 LBR-UNIT , 9$ $ $ 17.50$ 157.50 $ 95 NSP TOTALS: $ 3,750.00 $ t,840.00 $ 96 97 TO~AES,~;;;~:.~-:~:~,~?. $ 13,346.00 $ 4,'108.27 $ 49.00 98 99 100 101 P.O. TOTALS $17,503.27 EQUIPMENT $ 13,395.00 102 0.00% TAXES $ 103 LABOR $ 4,108.27 104 105 SITE: CITY OF DUBLIN - SHANNON AVE CONTACT: STEVE PAPPA 106 LOCATION: 01 TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER 107 CITY: DUBLIN, 94568 REGION: steve.pappa@ci.dublin.ca.us 108 TELEPHON E: 925/833-6604 FAX: 0 j 109 01 (800) 397-1201 2 of 2 FAX (714) 827-4539 3/10/2002 www. kts-services.com CTX-SHANNON AVE E-mail: mail@kts-services.com City of Dublin, California Information Systems Division Request for Proposals for Telephone System February 6, 2002 ATTACHMENT 3 City of Dublin Telephone System Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, subject to the conditions named herein and in the specifications therefore, for the City of Dublin Telephone System addressed to the City of Dublin will be received at the City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor, Dublin, CA 94568, up to March 14, 2002 at 4:00pm, at which time they will be publicly opened and examined for completeness. For further information on this bid contact Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager, at 925-833-6604 or steve.pappa~ci.dublin.ca.us If you want an electronic copy of this RFP then send an e-mail request to steve.pappa~ci.dublin.ca.us It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded in June, 2002. The City will work with the successful bidder in June to develop a implementation plan for the system to be in-place on, or soon after, July 1, 2002. Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager Page 2 of 13 1.0 General Information The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide interested vendors with sufficient information to prepare and submit proposals relative to the selection of telephone systems to replace the City's current telephone system. In June 2002, the City of Dublin will be awarding a cOntract for the acquisition and implementation for a telephone system encompassing the Civic Center, Shannon Center, and various remote locations. The current system is a NEC NEAX 2400 IMS with Digital Remote Unit, Kentrox DataSmart Single Port T1 CSU/DSU's, 8-port NEAXMail AD-40 Voice mail, 198 active ports with NEC Dterm Series II and Series E phones. Currently the City has approximately 110 digital and 40 analog telephones. The City owns all of these components and whether or not some of these components are used with the new system is negotiable. The implementation will begin July 1, 2002 2.0 Proposals Instructions In order to receive consideration, all bid proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: 2.1.1 Proposals shall be made upon the forms provided therefore, properly executed and with all items completed; the signature of all persons signing shall be in long hand. 2.1.2 Blank spaces in the forms must be properly filled in, and the phraseology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to the items mentioned therein. Any unauthorized conditions, limitations or provisions attached to a proposal may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasures or interlineations must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the vendor. 2.1.3 Proposals submitted shall be treated as sealed bids. Clearly mark on the sealed envelope or package "SEALED BID - CITY OF DUBLIN TELEPHONE SYSTEM - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" 2.1.4 Vendor may include in their proposal information related to thc vendor and proposed solution additional to thc bid form and other information specifically requested by this RFP. However, said additional information shall not substitute for thc bid form and answers to specific information requests. 2.1.5 No faxcd proposals will be considered. No proposal received after thc time fixed for receiving them will be considered. Late proposals will be returned to thc vendor unopened. 2.2 Proposal Format 2.2.1 Signature: Proposal shall be signed by an authorized corporate officer. 2.2.2 Bid Forms. Each vendor shall fill out completely and accurately the proposal forms supplied with this invitation to respond to the bid. Failure Page 3 of 13 to use the forms provided will invalidate the proposal. Failure to answer any of the questions or provide any of the information requested in the bid specifications may subject the entire proposal to rejection. The inability to meet a specific feature or item of equipment requested or any specific general condition will not invalidate your proposal, but will be weighed in the finals selection of the successful vendor. It is the vendor's responsibility to point out those items and or conditions that can not be meti 2.2.3 Valid Period. Include a statement that the terms of the proposal will remain valid for 150 days. 2.2.4 Qualifications. State the firm's relevant experience, responsiveness; ability to perform; anticipated manpower allocation. Provide three references of agencies where similar work has been performed in the past. In each case briefly describe the project scope and indicate a contact person and phone number, and when the work occurred. 2.2.5 Identify the personnel to be involved in the project and their background. Include information relative to any subcontractor. Identify the means by which the firm's support services are activated in the event of an incident. 2.3 Deadlines. 2.3.1 Walkthrough. Contractor may attend optional walkthrough on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 10 a.m. 2.3.2 Due date for response: On or before March 14, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. 2.3.3 One copy of the bid proposals should be submitted to City of Dublin City Clerks Office 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor Dublin, CA 94568 2.4 Bid clarification upon receipt of the proposal may be required. Your firm may be contacted for additional information and/or detailed discussion of the proposal. An appropriate representative of the proposing firm with knowledge of the scope of work and the firm's proposal should be identified within the proposal. 2.5 Addenda or bulletins. Any addenda or bulletins issued by the City during the time of the bidding performing a part of the documents provided to the bidder for the preparation of his bid shall be covered in the bid and shall be made a part of the contract. Page 4 of 13 2.6 Withdrawal of bids. Any bidder may withdraw a bid by written request, at any time prior to the scheduled deadline for submission o£bids. 2.7 Economy or preparation. The proposals should be prepared simply and economically, provided a straight forward, concise description of the bidder's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of these specification. The bidder shall be responsible for costs incurred in the proposal preparation and delivery. 2.8 City Right to Accept or Reject Proposals. The City of Dublin reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals, and all subsequent material, either verbal or written, exclusive of an executed written contract. This invitation to respond to the bid in no way obligates the City of Dublin to any company, supplier, manufacturer, or respondent to the RFP. 2.9 Award and Execution of the Contract 2.9.1 The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed and whose proposed solution the City deems appropriate for its needs. 2.10 Errors and Omissions. The City of Dublin shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, oversights brought to the attention of the City of Dublin subsequent to the due date of this proposal which alter or modify the information which form the basis for evaluation of the submitted bid response, shall remain the responsibility of the vendor. Additionally, any errors, omissions, or oversights of a material nature may constitute grounds for rejection of the submitted proposal. 3.0 General Background Information 3.1 The City of Dublin's Civic Center telephone system consists ora 198-port NEC NEAX 2400 IMS switch installed in 1989 and an 8-port NEAXMail AD-40 voice mail system installed in 1998. Telephone sets consist of NEC Dterm Series II and Series E. The City has approximately 110 digital and 40 analog telephones. There are approximately 10 24-button Series II add-on modules in use. The City has 2 blocks of 100 DID's. There are approximately 50 unused phone numbers available in a second block of 100 DID's. The Dublin Civic Center is located at 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. The Shannon Center site at 11600 Shannon Avenue is connected to the Civic Center system via a T1 line. A Digital Remote Unit resides at the Shannon Center site and both sites utilize an Kentrox CSU/DSU to divide the T1 circuit into 14 channels used for 13 phone lines and 10 channels used for data. The Shannon phone sets are entirely Series E. The City has 10 analog trunk lines for outbound calling and 10 inbound analog lines to manage the 200 DID's. The City's NEC 2400 lacks the expansion capabilities for current and future growth. Future growth includes both phones added to the system and remote Page 5 of 13 facilities added to the system over the next 5-10 years. 4.0 Telephone System Requirements 4.1 The City of Dublin expects the Civic Center and Shannon Center to be connected by the telephone system. If the existing T-1 is to be used, then only 14 channels of the T-1 are available for use by the 13 required telephones at the Shannon Center. 4.2 Contractor shall include a plan for maximum system up-time at all connected facilities. If back-up generator power is not currently available at a facility then Contractor will propose a method of providing back-up power. Currently the Civic Center telephone room has back-up generator power. The Shannon Center and other facilities will require back-up power for the system. 4.3 The City of Dublin requires the retention of its 200 DID telephone number for use with the new telephone system. DID numbers are in the ranges (925) 833- 66xx and (925) 55645xx. Contract shall ensure that the existing DID numbers will be available for use by the proposed system. Contract shall act on the City's behalf to ensure that DID numbers are transferred for use by the new system. 4.4 Contractor shall act as project manager during the implementation of the system. Contractor shall work in conjunction with the Information Systems Manager and City staff to ensure a successful transition to the new system. Contractor shall meet with City staff to gather departmental configuration needs. Contractor shall conduct end-user training for all City staff. Contractor shall conduct system maintenance training for Information Systems Division staff. 4.5 Contractor shall ensure integration of the proposed telephone system with either its own proposed voicemail system or with the City existing voicemail system. 4.6 The City expects its new telephone system to accurately convey the caller's actual street address to the 911 dispatch system. Contractor shall ensure that accurate street address information is conveyed to the 911 dispatch system for all locations connected to the telephone system. 4.7 Contractor shall propose a solution which will allow for expansion not only at the central Civic Center location but also for when other facilities need to be added to the system in the future. Contractor will address how remote facilities with 1 to 30 phones can be added to the system. Contractor will give its best estimate of the cost associated with adding a remote facility, to include equipment, installation, and any associated monthly costs. 4.8 Contractor shall address any costs associated with providing the correct location to the 911 system of any remote facility added to the proposed telephone system in the future.. Page 6 of 13 4.9 Contractor will review the City's current wiring infrastructure and facilities, and make any recommendations it deems necessary for a successful implementation and future expansion of the proposed system. 4.10 Contractor may propose a replacement to the City's voicemail system. The City will evaluate whether or not the proposed voicemail system is a viable solution. The City may choose to purchase the proposed voicemail system if the system meets or exceeds its current system, and if the replacement is cost-effective. 4.11 If Contractor does not propose a voicemail system then Contract will ensure that the City's current voicemail system is properly integrated with the proposed telephone system. 4.12 The proposed telephone system shall have all the standard features including, but not limited to, call transferring, call transferring to voicemail, hunt groups, circular hunt groups, call pick-up groups, conference calling, internal 4-digit dialing. 4.13 Contractor shall warranty the proposed system for a period of time to be determined during contract negotiations. Contractor shall give a reasonable estimate of all maintenance, licensing, and support costs that may occur past the initial warranty period. 4.14 Contractor shall propose a system with support readily available after the warranty period from more than one source. 4.15 Contractor shall propose a system which.does not limit the type and origination of telephone lines connected to the system. 4.16 Contractor shall propose a telephone system that is characterized by dependability and ease or use. Contractor shall propose a cost-effective solution. Contractor shall propose a system that can be obtained and maintained at reasonable cost. 4.17 Contractor shall propose a system which allows for the creation of"virtual" internal 4-digit phone numbers separate from the City's 200 DID's. 4.18 The City currently uses analog extensions (DID's) with its NEC 2400 for some FAX machines and telephones. Contractor shall make a reasonable recommendation for the migration of these extensions if the proposed system does not support analog exiensions. 4.19 Contractor shall work with the City to ensure that critical public safety lines forwarded through, its current system are migrated successfully to the proposed system or as part of the proposed system implementation. 4.20 Contractor shall set-up all voicemail boxes if applicable to the implementation of the proposed system. Page 7 of 13 5.0 Bid Form 5.1 Provide an itemized quotation for the proposed system. The quotation must not expire prior to July 1, 2002. Price the system based on 150 telephone sets. Currently the City has 50 16-button, 60 6-button, and 40 analog phones. Additionally the City has 10 24-button sidecar modules. Voicemail currently has 200 mailboxes. 5.2 Is your company willing to provide liquidated damages for inability or unwillingness to deliver the proposed solution? Yes No 5.3 If yes, what is the maximum liquidated damages available? 5.4 Will the City be able to use it's current DID numbers with the proposed system? Yes No 5.5 Does your proposal include a new integrate voicemail system? Yes No 5.6 If the answer to 5.5 is 'No' then will you successfully integrate the City's current voicemail system with the proposed telephone system? Yes No 5.7 What is the warranty period of the proposed system? The City assumes that the system will be covered by a warranty period during which faulty equipment will be replaced free-of-charge, shipping included. 5.8 What are the terms and costs of system maintenance after the initial warranty period has expired? 5.9 What, if any, are the recurring licensing costs of the proposed system? 5.10 What are the models and costs of the following types of proposed telephone sets: 5.10.1 Executive style phone __ Display (Y/N) ? __ 2-way speaker? Model Unit price 5.10.2 Receptionist phone (40 lines) __ Display? __ 2-way speaker? Model Unit price Page 8 of 13 5.10.3 Conference room/Conf call phone __ Display? Model Unit price 5.10.4 Analog telephone (single line) Display? __ 2-way speaker? Model Unit price 5.10.5 Office phone Display? 2-way speaker? Model Unit price 5.11 Does the proposed system support additional 'virtual' lines on telephone sets? Yes No 5.12 If the answer to 5.11 is 'Yes' then what is the maximum number of 'virtual' lines allowed by the system? Maximum allowed on each phone? 5.13 How will the Shannon Center be connected to the system located at Civic Center? Page 9 of 13 5.14 How will the proposed system identify to 911 dispatch the location of remote facilities using the Civic Center system and trunk lines? Page 10 of 13 5.15 What is the recurring cost to identify the 911 location of remote facilities connected to the Civic Center system? 5.16 How will remote facilities be added to the Civic Center system in the furore? 5.16.1 Method and cost for a remote facility with one telephone: 5.16.2 Method and cost for a remote facility up to 30 telephones: 5.17 What'is the maximum number of phones that can be added to the Civic Center system? 5.18 What is the maximum number of remote facilities that can be added to the Civic Center system? 5.19 What is the expected life of the proposed system? 5.20 If a PBX is proposed then does it support IP telephony? Yes No 5.21 If the answer to 5.20 is 'Yes' then what is the cost of the IP telephony module? 5.22 If the answer to 5.20 is 'Yes' then what other phone systems can be connected to the lP-enabled PBX? 5.23 How are system administration and Moves/Adds/Changes accomplished? 5.24 What end-user training and system administration training is offered as part of the proposal? 5.25 What support is offered during the agreed-upon warranty period? Page 11 of 13 5.26 Describe the proposed system's conference call capabilities. 5.27 Does the propOsed system include a call accounting feature? Yes No 5.28 What interface with cellular telephones and cellular two-way radios does the proposed system offer? Page 12 of 13 6.0 Proposal Form 6.1 Company name: 6.2 Bid for proposed system (bid honored up to contract signing): This signature certifies that the prices listed in the response to this RFP document represent the "best price" offered by our company of the system(s) offered to the City of Dublin. Company Name Address Signature of Authorized Person Date Tire Page 13 of 13