HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 PC Goals & ObjectivesG~~~ O~ Dp~l j~ i9t~V~~~az AGENDA STATEMENT `~ ~ /~ PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: December 8, 2009 ~4LIFpR~~ SUBJECT: Planning Commission Goals & Objectives V~. Report Prepared by Jeri Ram, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Mission, Vision and Values Statements for the City of Dublin 2. Ten Year Strategic Plan -with completion notes 3. Adopted 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives, Bi-monthly Report as of 10/31 /09. 4. Community Development Department Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2010-2011. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive Staff Report; 2. Receive public comment; and 3. Deliberate and prioritize Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2010- 2011. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Strategic Planning Process In January 2004 the City Council held a Strategic Planning Workshop. In that Workshop the City Council first developed Mission, Vision, and Values Statements for the City of Dublin. These Statements have been amended over the years and most recently in 2009 (Attachment 1). Following the development of the Mission, Vision and Values Statements, the City Council developed a Strategic Plan. This Strategic Plan was also amended in 2009 and consists of six Strategies as follows (Attachment 2): STRATEGY #1: Continue to strengthen the identity and aesthetic appeal of the downtown. STRATEGY #2: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City STRATEGY #3: Create a community that supports environmental sustainability and provides an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. STRATEGY #4: Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. STRATEGY #5: Develop dynamic community recreational and cultural opportunities in the region. STRATEGY #6: Develop a City-wide communication program that provides two-way communication with our residents and businesses across several media platforms. COPIES TO: Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. G:\Planning Commission 2009\Goals & Objectives\l'CGoals &Objectives2009-I Oa.doc Goals and Objectives/Budget Process The Strategic Plan provides a focused framework for the City's Goals and Objective program and the ultimate allocation of resources for the City over the next ten years. Attachment 2 is a copy of the Ten Year Strategic Plan with notations indicating the City's progress in achieving the Strategies. Each year the City Council reviews progress on the current fiscal year's Goals and Objectives and approves new Goals and Objectives based on the Strategic Plan for incorporation into the work program that is the basis of the City's Budget. Adopted Fiscal Year 2009--2010 Goals and Objectives -Planning and Housing Functions The adopted 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives included 14 objectives that were assigned to the Planning function. Anew goal was undertaken by Staff later in the fiscal year for a combined total of 15 objectives. Of those objectives, 10 objectives were given high priority, 4 objectives were given low priority and the added objective has no assigned priority. Staff has prepared a status report that outlines the level of accomplishment for the 15 objectives assigned to Planning (see Attachment 3) as of October 31, 2009. Of the 15 objectives, 1 is partially complete (phase 1), 5 will be complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2010), 5 are underway but are either multi-year programs or are out of the control of the City to achieve completeness, and will be carried over to next fiscal year and 4 have had no progress. The adopted 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives included 5 objectives that were assigned to the Housing function. Of those objectives, 4 objectives were given high priority and 1 objective was given a low priority. Staff has prepared a status report that .outlines the level of accomplishment of the S objectives that were assigned to Housing. (see Attachment 3). Of the 5 objectives, 4 are complete or will be complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2010), and 1 has had no progress. Preliminary Goals and Objectives for fiscal year 2010-2011 Planning and Housing Functions Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 8 Goals and Objectives for Planning in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (see Attachment 4). These Objectives are all carry-overs from fiscal year 2009-2010. These Objectives all relate to multi-year projects. Staff is recommending that one Objective, which has been on the list for some time relating to the Scarlett Court Specific Plan, be completed in the next fiscal year. Previously, the completion of this Plan was postponed until after the completion of the Camp Parks Amendments. However, since the Camp Parks Project has not been put forward by Applicants in the past couple of years, Staff is recommending that should funding be available, the Scarlett Court Specific Plan be completed. Staff is recommending that two of the Objectives be deleted. Objective 7 is recommended for deletion because entry-feature monuments are already designed and in the process of being installed as part of the Corridor Enhancement Project. These monuments are consistent with the existing Streetscape Masterplan. The Objective to update the General Plan has been listed on the Goals and Objectives since 1996 and has not been funded. Since it is not likely that this Objective would be funded within the next year, Staff is recommending deletion of the Objective. As noted above, many of the Goals and Objectives relate back to the City's Strategic Plan. Of the 8 Goals and Objectives, 4 relate back to the Strategies as listed in Attachment 2, and will be instrumental in the accomplishment of those Strategies. The two Objectives that are recommended for deletion do not relate back to the City's Strategic Plan. Included on the 2010-2011 Preliminary Goals and Objectives form (Attachment 4} is a column identified "Benefit/Need" to assist the Commission in assessing the importance of each objective. Also included on Page 2 of 3 the form is a column identified "Additional Resources Required". This column identifies whether additional staffing or funding resources over and. above the City's current service capability is required to accomplish the objective. The priority assigned by Staff to each objective is also shown on the form (6 High Priority, and 2 Low Priority). , Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 3 Goals and Objectives for Housing in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (Attachment 4). As noted above, the Goals and Objectives primarily relate back to the City's Strategic Plan. Two of the Goals and Objectives relate back to the Strategic Plan as listed in Attachment 2 and will be instrumental in the accomplishment of those Strategies. In advance of the Planning Commission Meeting, Staff recommends that the Commission individually prioritize the objectives by giving a rating of High, Medium, Low or no Priority (Delete) in the column entitled "Planning Commission Priority," and come to the meeting prepared to collectively establish priorities. The Commission priorities will be provided to the City Council for consideration as they deliberate the priorities of the overall City Goals and Objectives program. Staff has also provided additional space at the end of the Goals and Objectives to identify and prioritize any other Objectives that individual Commissioners wish to have considered as part of the 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives Program. Staff has prepared the following definition of a "High" Priority Objective: an objective which significantly improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life in the community and provides basic services or is required by Law. Objectives should receive a "Medium" or "Low" Priority if the degree that they affect the above criteria. is not as great. Housing Committee Meeting The Housing Committee met on December 2, 2009, to review the Goals and Objectives relating to Housing for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. The Committee had a good discussion and ranked the Goals and Objectives. Of the three members that attended, all ranked the proposed Goals and Objectives with high priorities. The Planning Commission liaison was also present and can report .the discussion of the Committee at the Planning Commission meeting. City CounciUCommission Goals and Objectives Workshop In preparation for the City Council Goals and Objectives Study Session and in order to have a dialogue with the City Commissions, the City Council has scheduled a CounciUCommission Workshop for Saturday, January 23, 2010 at a time to be determined. The purpose of the Workshop is to provide the Commissions with an opportunity to discuss Goals and Objectives under their purview and the reason for their respective Goals and Objectives rankings with the Council. City Council Goals and Objectives Workshop The City Council has scheduled the City Council Annual Goals and Objectives /Budget Study Session for February 24, 2010. This Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to reach consensus on the direction and allocation of City resources for the upcoming year. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following action: 1) Receive Staff Report; 2} Receive public comment; and 3) Deliberate and prioritize Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2010-2011. Page 3 of 3