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7.1 Green Initiative Appoint
G~~~ OF DU~~~ /// ~ 111 1``~~~~/Z STAFF REPORT CITY C L E R K ~~~LI~~/ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^®3^^0 - I^DO DATE: February 2, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Green Initiatives Task Force Appointments Prepared By: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider appointments to the Green Initiatives Task Force to study the establishment of green or environmental initiatives for the City to consider for future implementation. Green initiatives are defined as those activities that provide positive environmental benefits to the community by reducing waste, decreasing emissions, or conserving resources and are feasible, effective and affordable. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Mayor's appointments to the Green Initiatives Task Force. Submitted y Administrative Analyst vie ed B Assistant ~ anager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 7 G DESCRIPTION: At the City Council meeting on December 1, 2009, the City Council directed Staff to solicit applications for the creation of a task force that would work on the establishment of green or environmental initiatives for the City to consider for future implementation (Attachment 1). On January 4, 2010, Staff began the solicitation with applications due to the City by 5:00 p.m. on January 20, 2010. As a result of this solicitation, Staff received 12 applications (Attachment 2) from various segments of the community. As 14 participants represent a manageable group size (12 community members and 2 City Council Members from the Environmental Subcommittee), the Mayor has recommended that all of the applicants be appointed to the task force. The kickoff meeting will occur on February 22, 2010 with bi-weekly meetings to follow thereafter, with completion expected in early or mid April 2010. Each meeting would begin at 6:00 p.m. and last approximately two hours. The applicants are listed below: 1. Marilyn Briones 7. Leonida Rabe 2. Ramoncito Firmeza 8. Bill Schaub 3. Zev Kahn 9. Antonio Ticsay 4. Hendrick Lo 10. Renata Tyler 5. Claudia McCormick 11. Brad Vereen 6. Sean O'Keefe 12. Jacqueline Wong NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Advertisements for the Task Force were placed on the City's website, in the Valley Times, and through listservs from the Chamber of Commerce and of past Dublin 101/Leadership Academy participants. ATTACHMENTS: 1. December 1, 2009 Staff Report (w/out attachments) 2. Task Force Applications Page 2 of 2 l~dzo G~~y OF Dlj~~y ~9~ -~iM ,a12 STAFF REPORT DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File # ^~©©-~]© DATE: December 1, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC Environmental Subcommittee Report Prepared By: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a report on and consider approving the Environmental Subcommittee's recommendations for completing the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goal & Objectives to create a Green Initiatives Task Force. The City Council will also consider directing Staff to solicit applications from the community for the Task Force. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report, approve the recommendations from the Environmental Subcommittee, and direct Staff to solicit applications for the Green Initiatives Task Force. -~ Su mitt By Administrative Analyst (~ Reviewe Assistant City Manager Attachment i Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. ~' °~ /ro n a gab DESCRIPTION: On November 2, 2009, the City Council's Environmental Subcommittee, consisting up of Mayor Sbranti and Vice Mayor Hildenbrand, met to discuss the proceedings of the Fiscal Year 2009- 2010Goal & Objective to create a Green Initiatives Task Force. At the meeting, Staff presen#ed a proposed work plan for recruiting and managing the task force activities. Staff began the discussion with a definition of green initiative, in order to ensure that the task force has overarching guidance on what it should be considering. The Subcommittee recommended that green initiatives should be defined as those that provide positive environmental benefits to the community by reducing waste, decreasing emissions, or conserving resources and are feasible, effective and affordable. In addition, initiatives should be centered on the following sectors within the City: governmental, commercial (retail and industrial sectors) as well as single- and multi-family residential. The task force should be engaged in establishing initiatives or actions that the City Council can consider in energy conservation, materials management, water conservation, transportation and land use, incentives for jurisdictional partners, and community outreach and engagement. Staff would provide an overview of the topic area, propose and facilitate discussion on relevant issues, highlight best practices, and facilitate the discussion on developing goals, indicators, targets, and relevant initiatives within each area. The proposed work plan for each of these categories will be center on developing the fallowing information: a. Goal: A concise description of the objective for a particular area of the work plan. b. indicator: A measure of progress toward the identified objective. c. Target: A measurable quantity to define success for a specific indicator. d. Initiative: The initiative needed to meet the indicator target. e. Responsible Party: Listing of the key parties that will be responsible for implementing the identified actions. f. Funding Source: Probable source of funding to accomplish the initiative. Staff proposed, and the Subcommittee concurred, to complete this project with a series of no less than four meetings (more meetings will be held if necessary to ensure the project is not rushed). Each meeting would be approximately two hours in length, with meetings occurring on a bi-weekly basis at 6:00 p.m. At the initial task force meeting, Staff will provide task force members with comprehensive overview of the many policies, practices, and programs the City has enacted or follows. This will ensure that the task force is aware of current City practices and policies and establish a baseline, from which the discussion will continue. In addition, the task force will receive information on relevant environmental legislation to ensure the task force is aware of constraints as well as opportunities that this creates. The proposed meeting outline is listed below. Page 2 of 4 3 of ~o Green Initiatives Taskforce Meetings Activifies~'Ke A enda hems ' '~, Key° f7eliyerabt~s ~ _ ,Due 1 Introduction, Review Objections, Establish Information Sharing Meeting 1 Work Plan, GHG Inventory, legislation, City Policies Review. 2 Energy Efficiency/Conservation Recommendations for energy initiatives. Meeting 2 3 Materials Management Recommendations for materials Mee#ing 2 management ini#iatives. 4 Water Quality/Conservation Recommendations for water initia#ives. Meeting 3 5 Transportation & Land Use Recommendations for transportation & Meeting 3 land use. 6 Outreach & Jurisdictional Partners Recommendations for outreach and Meeting 3 engagement ofjurisdictional partners. 7 Synthesize & Evaluate Recommendations Compile, review, and evaluate all Meeting 4 recommendations for referral to City Council for consideration. The Subcommittee recommends that all initiatives be evaluated by the task force, with guidance from Staff, to identify a core set of objectives that City Council could implement immediately as well as other initiatives that the City may look at as the City moves forward over time. The Subcommittee proposes that four categories be used in evaluation: cost, feasibility, benefit, and implementation timeframe. Cost considerations include equipment, resources, staff time, operations, capital expenditures and other tangible items. Feasibility or ease of implementation considerations includes public acceptance, conflicting environmental concerns, infrastructure, practicality and intangible concepts. Benefi#s are simply a measure of the expected impact the proposed activity would have on the community. Implementation timeframe refers to how long it will take to complete the project; i.e., whether the item for consideration is something that can be done on an ongoing basis, enacted immediately or if it will take a number of years to complete. These are, of course, subjective evaluations, but they provide a means of sorting the recommendations far further evaluation and consideration. Actual cost projections will be worked out as the City Council decides which program(s) and practice(s) to pursue. Page 3 of 4 yo~~o Gost Ratiart ,Feas%br~" R,a#in B~nefrt Rati'n _ -=T+~ F¢aEne `` 1 Little to No Cost 1 Very Easy to Implement 1 Very Beneficial 1 Ongoing 2 Low Cost 2 Somewhat Easy 2 Beneficial 2 Immediate to Implement {0 -1 years) 3 Moderate Cost 3 Challenging to 3 Moderate Benefit 3 Short-term Implement {2 - 4 years) 4 Costly 4 Difficult to 4 Low Benefit ~ Mid-term Implement {5 -10 years) 5 Very Costly 5 Extremely Difficult to 5 Little to No 5 Long-term Implement Benefit {11 - 20 years) The Subcommittee recommends that the Green Initiatives Task Force be open to single- and multi-family dwelling residents, jurisdictional partners (Dublin San Ramon Services District & Dublin Unified School District), the members of the Environmental Subcommittee, and local business owners. It is further recommended the task force be limited to a total of 15 members with two or three members from each of the categories listed above. This will ensure a large enough group to provide innovative ideas while keeping the group size manageable. The minutes from the November 3, 2009 meeting are included as Attachment 1. In an effort to seek balanced representation from the community, it is proposed that that interested community members apply for the task force using the attached application (Attachment 2). In order to reach single-family and multi-family residents, it was recommended that Staff place an ad in the local newspaper and advertise on the City's website. For local businesses, advertising via the Dublin Chamber of Commerce was recommended. In addition, Staff would use the list of all past Dublin 101 participants as a recruitment tool. Taskforce meetings will be held on bi-weekly on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. with a light meal served to task force members. The proposed timeline for the selection and duration of the task force is as follows: December 1, 2009 -City Council Approval of Taskforce January 4, 2010 -Newspaper Display Advertisement Posting on City Website January 20, 2010 -Application Deadline February 2, 2010 -City Council Appointments to Taskforce February 15, 2010 -Taskforce Convenes April 2010 -Taskforce Completion NOTICING REQUIREMENTSlPUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subcommittee Minutes 2. Task Force Application Page 4 of 4 ~ ~~o2a a7-2o-totill:55 ~cvo NAME: ADDRE TELEPHONE (Daytime): (Evening): ~~"~`-~ CELL: ~ EMAII,: EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: ry ,t~,,.~ .~i-~~h~tir~~- ~f /~ Gct-'c~- ~~ .-rte ~-~~~--~ ~~-- ~~/ /f Y PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIl20NMENTAL EXPERIENCE: ~'L~--~ PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CNIC ACTIVITY; ~5/ .w--~-~ -~ ~~ ~/-~'~ ~r~-- ~.~ ~. Please ret~ern by S:OU p.m, an Wednesday, January 1A, 20I4 fo: City of Dublin, lOQ Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Rager Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions an a separate sheet of paper Attachment 2 GREEN INITIATIVES TASKI~ORCE APPLICATION SIGNATURE: ~~~~~`~~ /~iu~^-`'' DATE: ~"' ' ~ f~, c~ °~~ (~~F~o GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION ? r. ,~ ~-- NAME: i ~ I~. d'~ c~ ~ ~ 1 t U Y' l ~ ~'~. ~ ` ~- ADDR~ss: TELEPHONE (Daytime): ~-~vening): CELL: ~ EMAIL:.,, EXPLAW WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: '% ~I ~~~ ~2~n/ gN ~~Nir~~.~,~N1~~TAL A-~ritirs i r~L.~- M.~ ~,~, L ~u~~~;~-t' 2~~7.22. C;,.;,~~s~~ y.~TlUf~ ,~I~ t~traLr~- T,~,oNs r<'~r~7r~7/~~~~f ~"y ~L1fvS/~f~7~ CxI~C Ly.vtMUi /r>L~ PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: _~ /fA i! ~ ~ zz~y ~A tta A7~ , A b uG~~ .4-ND ~~~ TU i,~ c:c:U~1~~,L, ~C7-~RZYi iSfC-~, ~,t~,9,]'~~, /SSr.~~S . _i Arm ,~~.s~ 'i~~r~'k~ittGr ~~ ?F,~2. ~~' cS~ w,`~2R ~~„~U~ tr.~'.. PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS EVERY OTHER WEEK YES _._.NO ARE YOU ABLE TO A MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM: ~ YES ~NO r~ SIGNATURE: ~ DATE: ~~ ~~~~ Please return by 5:00 pm. on Wednesday, January 20, 7A10 ta: City of Dublin, I00 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a separate sheet of gaper ~~ ~a SAN ~ ~ zaia GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION NAME: ~---• F_= f/ ~ ~ n !~I ,'~ , ,rJ7 r} ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Daytime): ~ (Evening): ~ ~ ~~~ -~ CELL: ~~®~~__ EMAIL: EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: tfF'C' /P!' PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: _~c~iU(= '~ ~'n ~c•'tif`' C ~ ~~ (iivl r7~ ~ ~ 1 Pr ~~i~~ f ` fct I~iC'1 ~1:. U~>c9 y /'~~!`P c !~_k-~..X~~i(f `i G ~ ~,~(I ~C•( / ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS EVERY OTHER WEEK v Y,ES _NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM: /YES- NO i , ~ SIGNATURE: y- ~ ~~-•--------- DATE: / U~~, L Please c•eturn by 5:00 p,m, on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 945b8, Attn: Rager Bradley, Administrative Analyst I~'ote: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above c}uestions on a separate sheet of paper PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: _ _ 8'~~0 GREEN INITIATIVES TASKI+ORCE APPLICATION NAME: ~~ Lr /t~ ~/~ ~ C ~C~ ~.-- ADDRESS: .-~..w.~sor.r TELEPHONE {Daytime); ~~ ~ (Evening); EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: S ~~e 1/NSiI~(?~'t'F__ ctn. Vu~~<~'~ f~-f'C~W/,t['' ~ gV,Eu°t~ C ~'L~Y i ~"S' 1~ ~ /fit" ~~Zw' L/D~C~~h17 ~ v7, S/a f~:,~f`' y?viZr.~~~~ ~ nu(~ot! ~~/ ,f7,'1~ ~`t,f. ~;,)f T' ~jtz2.,-S ,iffy. ~~~~~~/cavt~ ~ GC,'C. ~~ii1.Iro:irfi~1 i/i. ~3Y'~jf~~ .~vu~`t tfi G~~°; ? dlh;W ~/tr(~~ii~l,~,~h.uc PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: ~~l ~`trli~`"~f ~`tiG;~f~~;E'~~ ~C ° ~ ~J~~'~c ~ ~o j~.~. ~,_ VO~vL'rf~~~/' ~i'l. ~~11'7`~r/~t~F-~ s'~,lGry J ~rkl' S~1sTpcvt.- .-~J+~' /oti! Ft~C;,LZZG .~~~rG„G~ - ~ -~ PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CNIC ACTIVITY: /y~~- ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND BIWEEKLY MEETINGS; ~ YES _NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM; YES _NO SIGNATURE: ,~ ~f `~~i~~~~c ~~~--~ ~~ DATE: _ _ I ~ 7~~ 2. ~ t ~i~ Please return by 5;00 p,in. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Atht: Roger Bradley, Ad~i~inistrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or fiirther explanatioE~ to the above questions o:~ a separate sheet of paper ~~f ao ~~~~~~~~ !JAN ~ ~ 24~c~ GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION ~~~ ~~~~~~~'~ t~~°~°l~~ NAME: ~ ~ 1 ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (DayCime). (Evening): ~ , . r,~ ~~~~ CELL: ~ EMAIL: `___-_- , , c EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORC'~ 2~'a Gsa1~~„~,~..~ Cie. ,~a~2G...C ~Cc L~ssw~.- L4i. a,~l. (~ZoD.7- G ) a I~ 4y',.12E YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS EVERY OTHER WEEK YES _NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND ME 1NGS AT 6:00 PM: _~I'ES _NO ti-~.. ~ t SIGNAT DATE: ~ j ~ d _ Please return by 5:44 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, i00 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 9456&, Attn: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a separate sheet of paper PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIIZONMENTAL EXPERIENCHt~' I.U~L./ ~ ro ~~o J~~ pI DU~l~ ~~~+~~ ~I~ ~~ . ~~ ~~~ O~ ~~~~-.~E~~ ,~A~ ~ ~ 2010 ~l~l Y ~~~Illu~~'~ ~~~1~ GREI+,N INITIATIVES TASI~TORCE APPLICATION NAME: J-~o.,/~ ~ \'~c-~ ~2 ADDRESS; , , . TELEPHONE (Daytime): ~~" CELL: ~ye~ir EMAIL: ~, _ r_~. EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: s~ ~~C,~ PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: S~ e ~. ~~ ~.~ed PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY; ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS EVERY OTHER WEEK +-~YES NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT b:00 PIvI: ti~ES NO SIGNATURE: ~---- DATE; f~ l ~? l to Please rettii•n by 5:00 p.m, on Wednesday, Jam~ary 20, 2010 fo: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note: I?Icase attach additional information or fitrther explanation To the aUove questions ou a separate sheet of paper i~~ ~ GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION Sean O'Keefe EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: I am passionate about social responsibility and sustainability and I ~vould Lave the opportunity to contribute to Dublin's ongoing effort to be Green. As a city, tive have made some important steps recently with our participation in Bay-Friendly Landscaping and Solar Cities, as well as our work with Davis Energy Group on retrofitting homes. I hope to be part of the task force that spurs the next fe~v steps forward in Dublin's Green movement. I teach a Business Leadership class at Santa Clara University in which I instruct my students to consider what they want their legacy to be. When I think about the legacy I want to leave behind; one of the things I would like to be known as is a person who made a positive impact an his community. I recently completed the Dublin 101 class and now I'd like to opportunity to provide tangible benefits to our city's effort in being Green. One of the ideas I'd like our city to consider, if we haven't already, is an ordinance requiring homeowners to conduct energy efficiency audits before they can se11 their home. This is cu~•rently being done in San Francisco, Berkeley and Austin, Texas; and can include a review of a home's air-conditioning system, heating system, insulation, and air-tightness. The cost far home owners is approximately $200-$300. is gab PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: • I serve as the Vice Chair of the Resources committee for Tri-Valley Business Council. • At my previous employer, Oakland A's, I was on the Go Green committee. • I attended Silicon Valley Leadership Group's 2409 Green is Gold event. • I attended Green For All's webinar about "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Small Businesses and Nonprofits." • I subscribe to newsletters from Green for All, Sustainable Silicon Valley, - and Climate Change Business Journal. PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: • Dublin 101 graduate. • Dublin Lions Club member. • Business Advisor to Sparkseed, anon-profit organization that funds triple- bottom line (profitability, social impact, zero carbon footprint) social entrepreneurs. • Tri-Valley Business Council, Vice Chair of the Resources Committee. • Youth sports coach, /,~ dF~o ~~r~a~v~ra ~~r~ ~~ ~~a~~~~~ JAN ~ o zo~tt c~ r v ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION NAME: ~- ~O /l// L7/-l- LS{ ~ ,~~~ ADDRESS; TELEPHONE (Daytime): venirig): EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: _ / ~}-~ /.~- ~~/ T~~~ ~NIJj~-~ N~~N'~ ~S ~,.l~r.~ i «/r~ v ~, ~1 t~,~,~.~~ ~~ ~ .,~J/ ~17-~ ts'la/ ~~~-~iV i ~ X1/.2-~ ~~~ ~.t.>~~_~~2~~..~_ S~~ / ~. ~ .s PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE; 1~,~~°~s~/~c,~/li,~l,~~,~ U.li~ -gyp l /V ~'~ ~~~-i~~ pPiitJ~- ~ zl ~-~,~ ,~,au .. ~n ~ ~ G~ Gd ~,u ~ ~T~~ PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: l~ f'h?~7J ECi7'" fL1/d-~c%~,~ - Uali r .l7 _BL~'TII~A/S ~G'~3lrUf~!P ~ $~)L /~ l~~A~`/~ /-~~$~-~f`r+7~Nr ~2nC~.~r99dli?G Li-( /y1 ~f~ ~l~/ /C.~ ~~'/G f /'~'/.t i t%.S • ~) G~d~/d', /yl A~J~I~ ~ c~ C'~~` IL1 /~l /1" T E ~ r .A~UNh'.f~! ~ /~ L <` SiJF,_'T~~i.~,tJs4-7 U~ ~/v~'/ L. / .~Pi~1//t~ 5 ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND BIWEEKLY MEETINGS: /ES ~NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM; /YES _NO /~ SIGNATURE~~t~Yy~-~-~~ DATE: ~~ ~,~J ap-p `~` Please returli by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, I00 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Rager Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a sepazate sheet of paper ,~ ~~f~rv~ z'i ~o ~r/R-~ ~~-r-Fo~U w ~/,Gao GREEN INITiAT1VES TASKFORCE APPLICATION NAME: Bill Schaub ADDRESS: _ __ TELEPHONE EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: For the past five years I have been dedicated to understanding how environmentally sustainable technologies and best development practices can add value to residents and support City Council Mission, Values and Goals PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Attended various 'green conferences', Planner's Institute sessions and continuous reading and research into practical development solutions. PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: Planning Commission and Housing Committee Liaison. ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND BIWEEKLY MEETINGS: YES ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM: YES SIGNATURE; Bi,~LScha~cc7r DATE: January 7, 2010 Please return by 5:00 p,m, on Wednesday, January 20, 2090 to: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Piaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradiey, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a separate sheet of paper /5,fao ~~1'Y OF~ f~1J~~ (N ~~ or` ~~e~lG JAN ~ 9 201() ~' ~~1 -y~ p 5,y }- f ~ J ~_. ~~ GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION NAME: `~~`'~fof-- r•~ l • ~~CS~. ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Daytime}: _ (Evening): ~_ „ ~ , EXPLAIN WIIY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON TINS TASK FORCE: T 1/Y r-, U/ C~ /~,~~ '~U ~.~'E'-f ~ ~ I~ ~~ L'. ~~C'~- ~~}~ ~ -e.. - I~ ~~~ f n~-a - ~ S~~r,FF' dhC'/ lMp~'~" ~~h'~ . ~>,~K~~C~~~~. ~.~vc~•~ S~v,hr; C/~cch n_i%~ ~~5, PLEASE LIST PRIORR ENVll2UNMENTAL E1XPERIENCE: I tN~i/- ~Fa c-~ dS ` ~' ~~~/!'1 ~~ C-'. ~' 1 ~, 1ST ~v i '7`[~SI~S /'~-/ YC-' c~..~' S- t~vl~ ~o~-,°fL.~ ~~~ ~-~~ctr, ~-~~ /~~ ~1 ~ G. CSI I° ~?~ ~ "~ . , ,~ r . ~ . , r ~ , , ~.. _., , , , , c.~ l r 4..-u0 A YOU ABLE . O ATTEND BTi~VEEKLY MEETINGS: YES NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM: AYES _NO SIGNATURE: - r DATE: /d ~ u t~-y /~•. Zt`>/~1 Please reh~rn by 5;00 p.tn. on W dnesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dubtin,100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 9456$, Attn: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst ChE'S' .~'n U / Note: Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a sep~unte sheet of paper PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: Cri~~`f-r~c~. ~~ ~~' ~~~~ C .ems ~- C,~ee /4r;cj.c-~ ~ foul ~~ir~ ' •~ °f~' ~~v~•e~, ~~- _~ ~~,+, ; e ~ pan ldo~~~ ~~~ pF DU~~i ~lTY ~~ f:)U~31n~1ti \T1~82 - ~f ~;~~a Y ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~1 ~~ ..~. GREEN INITIATIVES TA5KFORCE APPLICATION EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: I~'71,rt1x~~~2~, Gt,~' ~CJ~.~1MQaA~~ 1~2. PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE:'1.~ED ~ DI'17acTt04~ ~DiNG • G~ZEE~ t7aUllA-NC-i. AND t..~?ED FUN'DarlnnFaST~,.S~_~LaQo °1 • ~13G fn~wtis~r.. Zoe~t~ .~ l~cj~~~~aP ° SaN '~tr~ Gcs co 200 ~ • ~trN t3U 1LO11JG~ +~oR.l~S1•tfl~' -- '~JJIi.~ sT BEN 2+Ot3ly PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: " • I m ~a ~eHn¢~n'~X~ CO Cz~EN Clvl`t1 ~t1V~ darv~ -~r }~n¢.. ~ocaQ gcano n~ Dts~Cic~". ca~a a~-o~ri~ a ~+rdv~n,LwQr ~. ~or ~"~o~~~t.2.ta~rirov~mev~l~r tresa~nst~CQ r~ -~ ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS EVERY OTHER WEEK ~ES ,_•NO ARE YOU ABLE T ATT ME GS AT 6:00 PM: _YES ._NO SIGNATURE: DATE: ~ I ~ I ~ ~ 1'0 Please return by 5;00 g,n~. on Wecfnesday, January 20, 2010 to; City of Dublin,-100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradley, Adnunisti•ativeAualyst Note; Please att<~ch additional infarrnation or further explanation to the above questions on a sepa~~ate sheet of paper i~~~ Reuata Flecchia Tyler - RFTDS GREEN INITIATIVE TASKFORCE APPLICATION E~I'LAIN WHY YQU WOULD Ll1~E'1'O SERVE ON THIS TASKTURCE: I believe that the protection of the urban and natural enviro~unents is a social responsibility and that an ecological3y impoverished and polluted environment adversely impacts human health. I wo~~ld like to serge in the Green Initiative Taskforce to support and cultivate environmental stwdards tzat will provide for sustainable municipal development and to assist establishing policies that will incorporate envirofunental responsibility into the daily management of urban growth, education, eF~erg}~ and water use, air qualit}T, transportation, waste reduction, economic development and our nat«rat habitats. /gaf~o ~~~~iv~~ ~~~~r ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ,~/~N 2 a zaf-, GREEN IlYITIATIVES TASKFQRCE APPLICATIQN NAME: ~ ~~~ y e~~~ ~ ADDRESS: -- - ~ i ~~~ TELEPHONE (Daytime): (Evening): ®~ EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: 5c' C r~ ~Ty~-r ,A PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: _ .See ~~Fci c~ PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: 5C'~ a I,a.-~- ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND BIWEEKLY MEETINGS: Y YES ~,NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM: YES _NO SIGNATURE• ~ ~-~-~`---- DATE: ~~~'~/t~ Please return by 5;fl0 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, I00 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradtey, Administrative Analyst Note: Please attach additional information or Further explanation to the above questions on a separate sheet of paper f9~do Supplement to application of Brad Vereen to the Green Initiatives Task Force EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: I serve as the Energy Educa#ion Manager for Dublin Unified School District. Although not a Dublin resident, it is my jab to administer DUSD's energy conservation program. The program ensures that DUSD consumes only as much energy as is necessary to achieve its education mission while actively managing the district's energy consumption. As an organization with 11 dispersed campuses (including over 100 separate buildings), I believe that there are parallels with the challenges faced by the City of Dublin in adapting best environmental practices and reducing the overall energy "footprint." I feel that there are many opportunities to collaborate with the city, share best practices, and jointly explore ways of incorporating green technologies and promoting green practices in all of our operations. As we progress into the third year of the District's energy management program, we are beginning to turn our attention to the issue of solid waste management and water conservation. PLEASE LIST PRIOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: I have served as the Energy Education Manager for DUSD for two years. My duties include performing energy audits, recommending appropriate technology upgrades, txaining staff, and reporting to DUSD leadership and the Board of Trustees. I'm very proud that in the last two years, DUSD has achieved $665K in cost avoidance through better energy consumption habits, modest hardware upgrades, and better staff education. In the last twelve months, we have reduced electricity consumption by 15%, in spite of higher student enrollment, ongoing construction, and an overall increase in square footage. I have an MBA from CSU East Bay, and a BA from UC Berkeley. PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTIVITY: Seven years of service with DUSD as a teacher at Dublin High School, Wells Middle School, and as the Energy Education Manager. Seven years as a purchasing manager for several high technology manufacturing companies, including Advanced Micro Devices and KLA-Tencor Corporation Served as an A~•my officer for S years at Fort Bragg, and Stuttgart, Germany. aao~~~ GREEN INITIATIVES TASKFORCE APPLICATION NAME: ~~ GQ~,I~ Lfl~~ (nJQ~v ADDRESS: _ ~ ~- ~- .y' r. TELEPHONE (Daytime}: (Evening); - EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: 1 ~,0 ~ « ~^°` ~` ~,~b~ - h (S Ski 1~ ~t,~,--~~~} i~ c~.e~ZQ-~'~h (.~I'S G~n ura ~~.v~v~ ~~~ ~ { ~~~,~ La~1~ ~afi 'i S~ ~,~. y ~ rvt a ?ASE L ST PRIOR EN ~~~~~~~r ~~' ~ cwt ~ ~f ~}'"~ ~ S-~e. RONMENTAL EXPERIENCE: r~.~~-s Wl G+~~e;~ ~ ~, ~-V~f A S~ ~~i S{, i Gv~ ~ ~ ~~fZ.~ G~(~~e G~.e~ t ~G-~ ~/av~a~ 0- ~2~t, Gt ~C~ivW (Wvi y+~t.~ PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CIVIC ACTNITY: N~/-} ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND BIWEEKLY MEETINGS: YES _NO ARE YOU ABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS AT 6:00 PM; ~/ YES `NO SIGNATURE: DATE: ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Please ret2~ru by 5:00 p,m, o2i Wednesday, Jaztt~ary 20, 2010 to: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, Attn: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst Note; Please attach additional information or further explanation to the above questions on a separata sheet of paper