HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft CC 2-2-10 Minic~~2~ DRAFT ~.~ Off' DUB MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 'Oti ~ ~,,y` OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN // ~ 1~ 19 ~-'-~ 82 REGULAR MEETING -February 2, 2010 ~~ ~~ /~ ~~LIFO~~~ CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30:41 PM, regarding: I. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL---ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9: 1 case Facts and circumstances: Letter from Robert A. Bothman, Inc. on the Fallon Sports Park Phase 1 Project, dated November 20, 2009. II. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -- EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (a) Name of Case: City of Dublin v. PKII Dublin Retail Center L.P. et al, Alameda County Superior Court, Case No. RG08390521 A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:01:05 PM, by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti ABSENT: Councilmember Hart PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the City Council, Staff and those present. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Sbranti stated there was no reportable action during Closed Session. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 29 REGULAR MEETING , ~ Februa 2 2010 19 rY `\y DRAFT ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments 7:01:41 PM 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:01:50 PM Items 4.1 through 4.7 i~~a3 On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand (Vm. Hildenbrand abstaining from voting on Item 4.2) and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes -None Adopted (4.2 600-60); RESOLUTION NO. 11 -10 ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 7539, SILVERA RANCH PHASE 2 (PFEIFFER RANCH INVESTORS II, INC.) AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Adopted (4.3 600-60); RESOLUTION NO. 12 -10 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH MCE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES Received (4.4 330-50) Monthly Financial reports for July through November 2009, as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES z VOLUME 29 0~,~,~ REGULAR MEETING 19` ,~ ~,~ February 2, 2010 ~`~ ~, ~ DRAFT Adopted (4.5 450-20) ORDINANCE NO. 3 -10 ~$~23 AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 8.12 (ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES), CHAPTER 8.76 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING) AND CHAPTER 8.116 (ZONING CLEARANCE) AND THE CREATION OF CHAPTER 8.66 (LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES), ZOA 09-003 and ORDINANCE NO.4 -10 AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 8.70 (RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (INDOOR)) RELATING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICTS ZOA 09-002 Received (4.6 320-30) Quarterly Investment Report for 2"d Quarter 2009-2010 Approved (4.7 300-40) Check Issuance Reports and Electronic Funds Transfers WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Green Initiatives Task Force Appointments 7:02:37 PM 7.1 (530-10) Administrative Analyst Roger Bradley presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider appointments to the Green Initiatives Task Force to study the establishment of green or environmental initiatives for the City to consider for future implementation. Green initiatives were defined as those activities that provide positive environmental benefits to the community by reducing waste, decreasing emissions, or conserving resources and are feasible, effective and affordable. On motion of Cm. Biddle, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council approved the appointments to the Green Initiatives Task Force. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 VOLUME 29 0~ REGULAR MEETING f9 ~,,~ February 2, 2010 ``~ ~, ~ i~~~3 DRAFT NEW BUSINESS St. Patrick's Day Parade 7:05:29 PM . 8.1 (950-40) Environmental Specialist Martha Aja presented the Staff Report and advised that the Annual Dublin Lions Club St. Patrick's Day Parade would be held on Saturday, March 13, 2010. Each year, the Dublin City Council participated in the parade. Last year, Staff coordinated a float entry for the City Council. In past years, the City Council parade entry had included such activities as decorated golf carts and riding in Alameda County's Antique Fire Truck with the Alameda County Fire Chief as the driver of the vehicle. The City Council would consider alternatives for participating in the 2010 St. Patrick's Day parade. The City Council directed Staff to proceed with use of a fire truck for the City Council for the 2010 St. Patrick's Day parade. Community Survey Results and Recommendation to Start Phase 2 of the Proiect Scope, Including Additional Community Outreach and Education 7:09:23 PM 8.2 (600-30) City Manager Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council had established a High Priority objective to "effectively communicate and solicit input from the community regarding City services and activities." In October 2009, the City Council authorized a Community Survey to better understand citizen concerns, issues and perceptions. The City Council would be presented with the results of this Community Survey, as well as a recommendation from Staff to continue the community engagement and outreach work. Shakari Byerly, Senior Researcher with Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates, discussed project goals which included independently assessing the community's perspective on budget needs and fiscal delivery challenges in order to protect and maintain quality public services. Survey findings and observations included: Respondents were highly pleased with the City's quality of life and also with the quality of City services and a majority were satisfied with the City's management of its finances; there was clear support for the City considering certain local revenue solutions to protect funding from being taken by Sacramento, and to provide more security for the City's financial future. Respondents were interested in these budget and service issues and further information and communications on these issues was recommended to keep the public informed about the City's efforts to protect and maintain essential services. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 29 ~ REGULAR MEETING 19;~(~~~~ February 2, 2010 `\ ~ ~ ~`1Gl R~ DRAFT 20 ~z3 Catherine Lew, President and CEO of Lew Edwards Group, discussed the survey's Conclusions and Recommendations including: respondents' satisfaction with the quality of services that the City provided; high satisfaction level of City's fiscal stewardship; and the possibility of educating citizens. She also discussed Suggested Communication Vehicles, such as interactive communications, updating the City's website and articles in the City newsletter, informational presentations by City service providers and continued surveys in the future. Cm. Scholz asked if the targeted group of the survey were registered voters. Ms. Lew stated yes, it was a random sample of citizens, but they were from a pool of registered voters. The City Council discussed moving forward with Phase 2. Communication was needed with the citizens. On motion of Cm. Biddle, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council received the Community Survey Results from the Consultant Team; authorized proceeding with Phase 2 of the Project, including the Additional Community Outreach and Education; and approved the Budget Change. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Annual Audit for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2009 and Extension of Agreement with Caporicci and Larson 7:31:38 PM 8.3 (310-10) Administrative Services Director Paul Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that the City of Dublin had compiled and published its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. This report included financial statements prepared by City Staff along with the audit prepared by Caporicci and Larson (C&L), the independent auditors selected by the City Council. The CAFR was a report which encompassed information beyond the minimum requirements. The Auditors had provided a "clean opinion" based on their review. The report had also been reviewed by the City Council ad-hoc Audit Subcommittee comprised of Councilmember Biddle and Councilmember Hart. Mayor Sbranti asked how many years the City had used the firm Caporicci and Larson. Mr. Rankin stated the firm had been utilized by the City six years in a row. With next year, it would be seven. Mayor Sbranti recommended that the City consider selecting a different firm for future years to have a "fresh" set of eyes review City financial information. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 0~ REGULAR MEETING 14 ~~~~ February 2, 2010 ~~~ '~1 R DRAFT 21023 Mr. Rankin stated the firm would include new field staff. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council received the reports and confirmed the establishment of the fund balances as stated for the year ending June 30, 2009; and authorized the City Manager to execute an extended Agreement with Caporicci and Larson in an amount not to exceed $40, 000. Community and CDBG Grants Committee Recommendations for the Use of CDBG Funds for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 7:39:31 PM 8.4 (480-30) Administrative Aide Gaylene Burkett presented the Staff Report and advised that in order to accomplish the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 City Council High Priority goal of "developing a procedure to combine the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the Community Support Grant process", the grant application process was changed this year. The grant application process included the requirement for agency presentations before the Community and CDBG Grants Committee. Vm. Hildenbrand clarified why particular requests were not recommended by the Grants Committee for funding. YMCA's request for chairs did not meet technical requirements. In regard to the Lion Center for the Blind's request, they could not communicate how the program would benefit the City. Before the City gave them money, they should have done some research regarding benefits for Dublin. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council received the Staff presentation; approved the Community and CDBG Grants Committee's recommendation to fund the following agencies; directed Staff to submit applications to the Alameda County Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for $81,509 in CDBG funding for Fiscal Year 2010-2011: Axis Community Health $4,844, Bay Area Community Services $6,557, Open Heart Kitchen $10,000, Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley $11,594, Spectrum Community Services -Meals on Wheels $6,469, Tri-Valley Haven Domestic Violence/Homeless Shelter $15,000, Housing Rehabilitation (required by the County) $15,018, Annual Contribution toward Sojourner House $5,427, Program Administration $6,600, for a total of $ 81,509; and should there be a decrease or an increase in CDBG allocations, Staff recommended that the percentage of the decrease or increase be distributed evenly across all of the programs that did not have mandatory set contributions up to the maximum funding requested by each agency. Should the increase exceed the maximum funding requests, Staff recommended placing any remaining funds into the Housing DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 REGULAR MEETING ,9 Februa 2 2010 rY \~ ~c, ~ DRAFT a~~3 Rehabilitation Program which is run by the County of Alameda Department of Housing and Community Development and offer Dublin residents paint grants, accessibility grants for grab bars and handicap ramps and major rehabilitation loans to homes that need new roofs, kitchen and bathroom upgrades, energy conservation upgrades and normal maintenance for older homes. FY 2011 Appropriations Request for the Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition 7:51:14 PM 8.5 (1000-70) Environmental Specialist Martha Aja presented the Staff Report and advised that the San Francisco Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition was requesting $2 million in federal assistance to support the development of an innovative and sustainable energy production project. This Coalition was comprised of 16 small, medium and large public wastewater treatment agencies, one of which was the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD). The Coalition was requesting funding from the Department of Energy to support the development of this innovative energy production project which had the potential to convert biosolids and other biofuels into clean and affordable energy. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote (Cm. Hart absent), the City Council supported the Fiscal Year 2011 Appropriations Request for the Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition and signed the letters of support to Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 7:53:36 PM Cm. Scholz stated she attended the State of the City address. She attended the East Bay Division meeting and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fellowship Breakfast. Cm. Biddle stated he also attended the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fellowship Breakfast and the East Bay Division meeting, as well as the Chamber open house, and the Ilene Misheloff memorial walk. Vm. Hildenbrand stated Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) was getting ready to do construction on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) bus stops. City residents would get door hangers in the neighborhoods where construction would take place. She attended a LAVTA meeting; she also met with Alameda County Transit Improvement Authority (ACTIA) regarding Measure B3. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 29 ~ REGULAR MEETING 19~ ~~~~ February 2, 2010 ~~~ ~, ~ DRAFT ~~~~ Mayor Sbranti stated he spoke at the Census Grand Opening and that participation in the .census was important. The Joint City Council/Commission Workshop had been productive. He had spoken at the Rotary Club. He attended the Economic Development meeting and the State of the City lunch. He also attended the Unhappy Hour Forum. He attended the Congestion Management Authority (CMA) meeting. CMA had voted to show interest in merging with ACTIA. He also attended an ACTIA meeting and met with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). He asked Staff to look at development agreements and how they are structured. City Manager Pattillo asked if this meant bringing back development agreement information to the City Council in the form of a Staff Report with Staff recommendations. Mayor Sbranti confirmed that was his request. ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05:38 PM in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~I-~.,.. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 ~~~~ REGULAR MEETING a; February 2, 2010 ``~~~j/ ~'1GI R~~