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7.1 Glynnis Rose Safety Eval
G~~~ OF Dp~~~ \7~ -~~/ ~~O~LIFOR~ STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^®®~-©~ DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE Safety Evaluation of Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way Prepared By: Jaimee Bourgeois, Senior Civil Engineer (Traffic) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On February 17, 2009, the City Council approved several "No Parking" zones along the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive. At that meeting, the City Council requested that staff consider the installation of stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way or other safety enhancements along this section of the roadway. This report reviews current conditions and presents several safety enhancements that could be implemented on Glynnis Rose Drive. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The implementation of staff's recommended safety enhancements, including one marked high- visibility crosswalk, pedestrian warning signs adjacent to the crosswalk, PED XING pavement legends and a right edgeline on both sides of Glynnis Rose Drive, would cost approximately $2,695. These items could be covered by the Fiscal Year 09-10 Street Maintenance Operating Budget. Implementing the same improvements at two crossing locations instead of one would cost approximately $4,395 and could also be accommodated within the Street Maintenance Operating Budget. Implementation of additional identified safety enhancements would require funds not already budgeted. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council direct the City Manager to implement the following measures: a high visibility crosswalk across Glynnis Rose Drive on the north side of Roscommon Way, pedestrian warning signs adjacent to the crosswalk, advanced PED XING pavement legends, and a right edgeline on the east and west side of Glynnis Rose Drive. v~ Submitted Sr Civil Engineer ~ e ewed By Assistan anager Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION: On February 17, 2009, the City Council approved the implementation of a "No Parking" zone on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive at the Roscommon Way intersection and 20 feet north and south of the intersection, as well as the extension of two existing "No Parking" zones, one at the north end by Central Parkway and one at the south end by Dublin Boulevard (Attachment 1). At the meeting, the City Council also requested that staff consider the installation of stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way or other safety enhancements along this section of the roadway (Attachment 2). To accommodate the City Council's request, afollow-up safety study was budgeted for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. In the fall of 2009 after local schools were back in session and traffic would be reflective of typical conditions, the City commenced the study utilizing the services of TJKM Transportation Consultants, one of the City's on-call traffic engineering consultants. The study examined existing conditions and assessed the need for the installation of stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive, the provision of additional "No Parking" zones to improve sight distance, or other safety enhancements in the vicinity of the Glynnis Rose Drive/Roscommon Way intersection. The results of the study are summarized below. Existing Conditions Glynnis Rose Drive is a two-lane collector with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. A shopping center is located east and residences are located west of Glynnis Rose Drive. Access to the residences is provided via Roscommon Way. A pedestrian walkway to the shopping center is located east of Glynnis Rose Drive opposite Roscommon Way. There exist "No Parking" zones on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive at the Roscommon Way intersection to provide clear line of sight of pedestrians waiting to cross the street, at the north end near Central Parkway and at the south end near Dublin Boulevard. There also exists a 50-foot "No Parking" zone on the west side of Glynnis Rose Drive north of Roscommon Way to provide clear line of sight of pedestrians waiting to cross the street or of vehicles exiting Roscommon Way. On-street parking is allowed on the remainder of the roadway. Attachment 3 includes photographs of existing conditions. Roscommon Way is controlled by a stop sign. There are no stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive. There are pedestrian warning signs on southbound and northbound Glynnis Rose Drive in advance of the Roscommon Way intersection. There is no marked crosswalk across Glynnis Rose Drive at the Roscommon Way intersection; however, it is important to note that the California Vehicle Code (Section 275) indicates that unmarked crosswalks exist at all intersections unless signs are posted otherwise. Therefore, the marking of a crosswalk is not required to make it legal for a pedestrian to cross the street at an intersection or to require a motorist to yield to pedestrians crossing the street. Glynnis Rose Drive carries approximately 3,000 vehicles per day, and Roscommon Way carries approximately 1,500 vehicles per day. Over the course of an eight hour period, 24 pedestrians were counted crossing Glynnis Rose Drive. Of those, 19 crossed Glynnis Rose Drive on the north side of the Roscommon Way intersection and 5 crossed mid-block south of the intersection. No pedestrians were observed crossing Glynnis Rose Drive on the south side of the Roscommon Way intersection. Collision records were examined for the length of Glynnis Rose Drive from 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 (through September). There were 10 reported collisions during this time period. Of the 10, none occurred at the Glynnis Rose Drive/Roscommon Way intersection. There were six at the Dublin Boulevard/Glynnis Rose Drive signalized intersection, one at the Central Page 2 of 5 Parkway/Glynnis Rose Drive signalized intersection, and three mid-block. Of the mid-block collisions, two occurred as a result on a motorist making an unsafe U-turn and one, involving a pedestrian, occurred due to a motorist failing to yield to a pedestrian crossing the street. Sight Distance Evaluation The intersection was checked for adequacy of sight distance for a vehicle exiting Roscommon Way onto Glynnis Rose Drive. It was determined that adequate sight distance is available. The existing "No Parking" zone on the west side of Glynnis Rose Drive north of Roscommon Way contributes toward providing this clear line of sight. This "No Parking" zone also helps to provide southbound motorists on Glynnis Rose Drive a clear line of sight of a pedestrian waiting to cross Glynnis Rose Drive. No improvements are recommended to satisfy sight distance requirements. STOP Sign Evaluation According to the guidelines set forth in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), Glynnis Rose Drive was evaluated for the need for stop signs based on vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle volumes and collision history. A total of six warrants were checked, where the satisfaction of one is a suggestion that stop signs could be considered. None of the six warrants were satisfied for the study intersection; therefore, the installation of stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive is not recommended. The installation of unwarranted stop signs can result in motorist non-compliance, as the need and purpose for the stop is not apparent. This could inadvertently create a safety hazard. Other Safety Enhancements The intersection was examined for other roadway improvements that could be implemented to enhance safety, including the marking of a crosswalk across Glynnis Rose Drive. A report published by the Federal Highway Administration entitled Safety Effects of Marked Versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations (September 2005), examines the safety implications of marked .versus unmarked crosswalks and provides some guidance as to when to mark a crosswalk based on several roadway characteristics. The study compared accident histories of 1,000 marked and 1,000 unmarked crosswalks and concluded that marked crosswalks alone do not provide a safety benefit to pedestrians. The report also states that marked crosswalks alone should not be considered high priority at locations with less than 20 pedestrians crossing per hour. The Glynnis Rose Drive/Roscommon Way intersection experiences 19 crossings in an eight hour period. Since very few pedestrians cross Glynnis Rose Drive on a daily basis, pedestrian activity does not warrant the need for additional improvements. However, staff does recommend implementing safety enhancements to encourage pedestrian activity between a residential district and the adjacent shopping center. The following potential safety enhancements have been identified in the safety study in order of priority (Attachment 4): 1. Install two high visibility crosswalks with lateral markings across Glynnis Rose Drive north and south of Roscommon Way. 2. Install "PED XING" pavement markings on southbound and northbound Glynnis Rose Drive in advance of the Roscommon Way intersection. Page 3 of 5 3. Install pedestrian crossing warning signs immediately adjacent to each crosswalk, each with a diagonal downward arrow. a. Optional enhancement -Each sign may be equipped with a pedestrian push button to actuate Light Emitting Diode (LED) flashing lights around the border of the sign. 4. Add a right edgeline stripe on the east side and west side of Glynnis Rose Drive. The line would separate the travel lane from the parking lane and provide a distinct 9-foot parking lane and an 11-foot travel lane. This improvement would narrow the travel way, which has been shown to effectively reduce vehicle travel speeds. 5. Install two speed feedback signs, one on northbound and one of southbound Glynnis Rose Drive, to alert motorists of their current travel speed. 6. Install curb extensions on the northwest and southeast corners of the Glynnis Rose Drive/Roscommon Way intersection. A City Council Resolution extending the existing "No Parking" zones would be required to implement these improvements. a. Optional modification -The curb extensions could be created using paint on the roadway in place of constructing an actual extension to the sidewalk and curb. An overview of the costs to implement each of the safety enhancement options is provided in Table 1. TABLE 1 COST OF SAFETY ENHANCEMENT OPTIONS O tion Unit Unit Cost Quantit Total Cost 1. Hi h Visibilit Crosswalks EA $1,200 2 $2,400 2. PED XING pavement markin s EA $100 2 $200 3. Ped Crossin Si ns EA $250 4 $1,000 3a. O tion: Ped-activated LED li hts EA $5,000 4 $20,000 4. Ri ht Ed eline LF $0.30 2,650 $795 5. Seed Feedback Si ns EA $10,500 2 $21,000 6. Concrete Curb Extensions EA $3,150 2 $6,300 6a. O tion: Paint on roadwa EA $600 2 $1,200 Because a marked crosswalk alone does not provide a safety benefit to pedestrians, it is recommended that if a crosswalk is marked, then other signage and markings also be installed. As such, staff recommends the implementation of Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Attachment 5). If non- illuminated warning signs are installed, then the total cost for items 1 through 4 would be $4,395. As a cost effective alternative, these measures could be applied for only one marked crosswalk, specifically on the north side of Roscommon Way. This would help to reduce the signage in the area and concentrate the motorists' attention to one crossing. The northern crossing would be the logical choice since 19 pedestrians were observed crossing on the north side of the intersection during an 8-hour period, versus 0 observed on the south side of the intersection. Implementation of the improvements for the northern crossing only would cost approximately $2,695. The cost to implement items 1 through 4 (without LED-lit signs) could be accommodated within the street maintenance operating budget. Page 4 of 5 Incorporating LED-lit signs into the improvements would add approximately $10,000 per crosswalk. Additional funding would be required to accommodate this improvement or to implement speed feedback signs or curb extensions. Staff will review the effectiveness of the improvements . a year after implementation and if necessary recommend additional improvements. The recommendations have been reviewed by the Traffic Safety Committee, comprised of Police Services and Public Works staff. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Copies of the staff report were provided to Ms. Cyndi Ladd of Common Interest Management Services, who recently made a request for a marked crosswalk across Glynnis Rose Drive on behalf of Vineyards at Dublin Greene residents, and to Mr. Benjamin Baez, in response to whom the "No Parking" zone on the east side of the roadway at Roscommon Way was established last year. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff report from February 17, 2009, except attachments. 2. Minutes from February 17, 2009, City Council Meeting Item 8.4. 3. Photographs of Existing Conditions 4. Glynnis Rose Drive/Roscommon Way Intersection Traffic Safety Study, prepared by TJKM Transportation Consultants, dated February 23, 2010. 5. Illustration of Staff Recommended Improvements Page 5 of 5 ~~ ~~ - `-~ C;' //, /~. ~ 39 CITY CLERK File # ~~~~-Q^~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17, 2009 SUBJECT: Designation of "No Parking" Zones on Glynnis Rose Drive Report Prepared by.' Nicole Gonzales, Public Works Technician ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter to Resident dated November 19, 2007 2) Location Diagram 3) Letter to Residents dated January 2, 2009 4) Resolution RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution approving a "No Parking" zone on Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way, and clarifying existing "No Parking" zones on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost to paint the curb red and install additional signage is included in the City's approved street maintenance budget. DESCRIPTION: In November 2007, the City responded to a request for red curb to be painted on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way (Attachment 1). In addition, the resident also requested that a crosswalk be installed across Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way to provide a path of access from one side of the street to the other. The City's Traffic Engineer has examined the location and recommends that red curb should be installed between the two curb ramps and 20 feet north and south of the curb ramps. The Traffic Engineer did not, however, recommend the installation of a crosswalk across Glynnis Rose Drive because pedestrians may be given a false sense of security, and may not exercise caution when crossing the street. The installation of the red curb will increase visibility of pedestrians to oncoming traffic before pedestrians begin crossing the street. While we decided to paint red curb in November 2007, the item was not categorized as a high priority. There were no known incidents at this location and there are no roadway characteristics, such as a curve, that make this location dangerous. With time the request was mistakenly overlooked, until Police Services presented questions regarding the existing "No Parking" zones on Glynnis Rose Drive. Staff has implemented a new procedure regarding requests received for red curb that will not allow for this type of mistake to occur in the future. COPY TO: Benjamin Baez, 4306 Foxford Way Page 1 of 2 ~r'~ {' ~ } $~" '~~ ~° ~ ~ ~ f ` ~ ATTACHMENT G:\TRANSPORTATION~Locai Traffic\Red Curb\Staff Report, Reso, Agenda Statements\agst_Glynnis Rose Nc 3 ~~}3~ In addition to the request for red curb at the above location, Police Services has requested that existing "No Parking" zones designations located on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive be clarified. The first request is to clarify the existing "No Parking" zone on Glynnis Rose Drive just south of Central Parkway. Vehicles have been parking in the right-turn pocket on Glynnis Rose Drive at Central Parkway even given that "No Parking" signs are installed along this section of Glynnis Rose Drive. The last "No Parking" sign that is installed for the existing "No Pazking" zone was installed in the middle of the right-turn pocket, rather than at the beginning causing confusion on the designation of the existing "No Parking" zone. The "No Parking" signs currently in place were installed as part of the adjacent development (Waterford). Review of the approved plans did not provide clear designations of the boundaries of the existing "No Parking" zones, and no information on the purpose of the locations were provided. The City's Traffic Engineer has examined the existing "No Parking" zone on Glynnis Rose just south of Central Parkway and recommends the installation of additional signage and the relocation of existing "No Parking" signs to clearly designate the entire right-turn pocket as a "No Parking" zone. In addition, the Traffic Engineer's investigation revealed that the existing "No Parking" zone on Glynnis Rose Drive just north of Dublin Boulevard should be extend to the end of the median island. This section of the street is not wide enough for vehicles to park along Glynnis Rose Drive and still ensure adequate spacing for vehicle traffic. It is therefore recommended that the "No Parking" sign on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive just north of Dublin Boulevard be relocated to extend the existing "No Parking" zone from its existing location to the end of the median island (Attachment 2). Written notification of the proposed installation of red curb and clarification of existing "No Parking" zones was sent to residents at Waterford Apartments who reside closest to Glynnis Rose Drive (Attachment 3). No responses were received by the City. In addition, the Public Works Director contacted Benjamin Baez personally and discussed the improvements proposed, and he thanked her for keeping him apprised of the progress. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving a "No Pazking" zone on Glynnis Rose Drive, and clarifying existing "No Parking" zones on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive. Page 2 of 2 3,39 Designation of "No Parking" Zones on Glynnis Rose Drive 8:37 p.m. (8.4 570-20) Public Works Technician Nicole Gonzales presented the Staff Report and advised that the City received a citizen request fora "No Parking" zone on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way between two curb ramps and 20 feet north and south of the curb ramps. The purpose of this zone was to increase visibility of pedestrians to oncoming traffic before pedestrians begin crossing the street. Cm. Hart asked for designation of the specific location of the requested crosswalk on the map. Ms. Gonzalez showed the location on the screen. It was not a controlled intersection. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that point was an access point for nearby residents to access the Waterford Shopping Center. Cm. Hart stated that although the City did not want to provide citizens with a false sense of security, the City did want to provide safe access to cross the street. Ms. Morton stated that being aware there was a possibility citizens might cross at that point, the City had increased visibility and sight distance at that location. If the City put a crosswalk at an uncontrolled intersection, the City's Traffic Engineer believed it would create a false sense of security for citizens. People would lead in to cross without being aware if they had a safe margin to cross. Mayor Sbranti asked if there had been any thought given to a stop sign on Glynnis Rose Drive at that point. The City endorsed pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods and access, and the neighborhood was so close to the shopping center, it would be a place for citizens to cross the street. Ms. Morton stated it was such a short street with turn lanes at both ends, it would be very difficult to incorporate any kind of stop sign. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MIIVUTES i2 VOLUME 28 -~- REGULAR MEETING February 17, 2~9 ATTACHMENT 2 y~639 Cm. Hart asked if there could be signs that cautioned drivers of pedestrians. City Manager Pattillo stated Staff would review the City's Council's concerns and bring back information regarding a stop sign or signage at the point on Glynnis Rose Drive. Vm. Hildenbrand stated that by incorporating the no parking zones on the street, it would provide more visibility to drivers of pedestrians. She also asked about the visibility from the other side of the road. Could Staff look at the visibility range for people coming out of Roscommon and crossing Glynnis Rose Drive? Cm. Biddle stated it was a very short distant between Dublin Blvd and Central Parkway. A driver would not expect a crosswalk in the location the City Council had discussed. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.23 - 09 APPROVAL OF "NO PARKING" ZONE ON GLYNNIS ROSE DRIVE and clarifying existing No Parking Zones on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive. _. ~. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City ezpense (AB 1234) 8:49 p.m. City Manager Pattillo stated that Staff would be returning with a Staff Report that addressed the Economic Stimulus packet, as well as placing the information on the City's website. There was much information in circulation and some websites were individually driven, so there was a variety of information. The Alameda County Congestion Management Authority (CMA) was projecting the City of Dublin would receive anywhere from $692,000 to $865,000 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Dublin had submitted an application to the CMA to rehabilitate Dougherty Road between the north City Limit and Scarlett Drive and Dublin Boulevard between Sierra Court and Dublin Court. This was an assurance to City Council that Staff had been actively engaged in reviewing what opportunities the City was eligible for funding. The DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES i3 VOLUME 28 REGULAR MEETING „ ~~ February 17, 2009 19 ~~ Sad 3~ z 0 F A z 0 v z .. F w ~: ~_~ ATTACHMENT 3• x'639 YuionTh~t Move~llbur Commumq Transportation Consultants February 23, 2010 Jaimee Bourgeois, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer (Traffic) City Traffic Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Email: jaimee.bourgeois@ci.dublin.ca.us Subject: Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way Intersection Traffic Safety Study Dear Ms. Bourgeois: This letter report presents a review of traffic safety for the intersection of Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way in the City of Dublin, California. The purpose of this traffic safety study is to conduct the following: assess the need for the installation of an all-way stop control on the basis of traffic (vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle) volumes; evaluate sight distance at the intersection; and recommend bike, pedestrian, and vehicle safety improvements on Glynnis Rose Drive. The study is conducted in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) procedures. Existing Roadway Conditions Glynnis Rose Drive is a north-south collector in the City of Dublin. It is a two-lane roadway (one travel lane per direction) with a center two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) and a median on some segments of the roadway. The roadway is adjacent to multi-family residences to the west and to the east north of Roscommon Way and neighborhood commercial to the east south of Roscommon Way. The posted speed limit on Glynnis Rose Drive is 25 miles per hour (mph). The segment of Glynnis Rose Drive between Roscommon Way and Dublin Boulevard carries approximately 2,990 vehicles per day. There are curb parking restrictions along some segments of Pleasanton the roadway to provide room for through traffic and also to improve motorist line of sight at the 3875 Hopyard Road Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection. There is no direct access between the Suite 200 Pleasanton, CA residences to the west and Glynnis Rose Drive. Instead, access is provided via Roscommon Way. 94588-8s26 There are two drivewa s on the east side of GI nnis Rose Drive rovidin access to the sho m 925.463.0611 Y Y P g PP~ g 925.463.3690 fax center. Fresno 516 W. Shaw Avenue Roscommon Way is an east-west residential street in the City of Dublin. The posted speed limit on suite zoo Roscommon Wa js 25 m h. Roscommon Wa carries a roximatel 1,510 vehicles er da Fresno, CA Y' p y pp y p y. 93 704-25 1 5 Parking is prohibited on both sides of the street on the block adjacent to Glynnis Rose Drive. s59.32s.7s30 ss9.221.4940 fax Sacramento Roscommon Way is regulated by STOP control on the eastbound approach to the intersection. 980 Ninth Street 16~^ Floor Traffic Volumes Sacramento, CA 95814-2736 The existing traffic volume counts were conducted in September 2009. The counts include 8-hour 916.449.9095 vehicular turning movement counts for the intersection of Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Santa Rosa Way, 24-hour vehicular traffic volume counts for Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way, and 1400 N. Dutton Avenue suite zl 8-hour pedestrian traffic volume counts in the vicinity of the study intersection. As shown in Santa Rosa, cA Fi ure I , a roximatel 24 edestrians crossed GI nnis Rose Burin the 8 hour count eriod, 95401-4643 g PP Y P Y g p 7o7.s7s.ssoo including 19 at the Roscommon Way intersection and 5 at mid-block south of the intersection. 707.575.5886 fax The existing intersection layout and traffic volumes are shown in Figure I. The traffic volumes are tjkm@tjkm.com contained in Appendix A. www.cjkm.com ATTACHMENT 4. gad 39 City of Dublin - Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way Intersection Traffic Safety Study Figure Existing Roadway Layout and Traffic Volumes ~ h l I r ~° 1 I 1 / 1 °' ll l4 l rl 0 r~l N ~ I ,~ .~ 1 I l ~; ll (19) ROSCOMMON WAY ~--~ ' f-- 740 Pedestrian 30 ~~. },~ Walkway 770-- 142 ~'~- ~ + ---------- (0) ~'~ t--~- i ~s~ r /^/ N /~/ /~ ~~~r 1 ~ ~" / / ~" LEGEND /5) / ~- Stop Sign ~__~ N XX 8 HourVehicleVolume ~ ~ Not to scale (XX) 8 Hour Pedestrian Volume ~--~ ~YY Directional 24-Hourvehicle Volume 157-001T121 - 213/10 - DM ~ ~(~ 3'I Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois TJKM February 23, 2010 Transportation page 3 Consultants Radar Speed Survey A speed survey was conducted for Glynnis Rose Drive to determine the speed at which motorists travel on the roadway. As described in the subsequent section of this report, an additional purpose of the speed survey is to evaluate the adequacy of sight distance at the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection. The radar speed survey was conducted in the month of September 2009 on a day with fair weather, dry pavement, and clear visibility with calibrated radar guns. An effort was made to ensure that the presence of radar survey equipment did not affect the speed of traffic being surveyed. The speed survey data is contained in Appendix B. Based on the analysis of the speed survey data, the average speed is 30 mph and the 85~h percentile speed (critical speed) on Glynnis Rose Drive is 34 mph. The critical speed is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the sample speeds were observed. Existing travel speeds are used to assess appropriate sight distance at an intersection as further discussed below. Sight Distance Evaluation According to Caltran's Highway Design Manual, the recommended minimum stopping sight distance fora 34 mph (which is the 85~h percentile speed) roadway is approximately 250 feet. Stopping sight distance is defined as the distance needed for a motorist to recognize an obstruction in the roadway and come to a complete stop on wet pavement. There is approximately 51 feet of red curb along the west side of Glynnis Rose Drive immediately north Roscommon Way. This no parking zone helps to improve motorists' line of sight. Based on field measurements, a motorist exiting Roscommon Way will have more than 250 feet of sight distance looking to the right and left of the intersection. Additionally, the line of sight is adequate because motorists drive at slower speeds than 34 mph when vehicles are parked on the street. The roadway appears to be narrow with on-street parking, which slows speeds. Motorists have more than 360 feet of sight distance if no vehicles are parked on-street. Therefore, TJKM does not recommend any further parking restriction beyond what is currently in place. Accident History and Analysis TJKM reviewed the detailed accident reports for Glynnis Rose Drive including midblock locations and the three intersections along the roadway. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the primary cause of collision and determine any corrective measures. City staff provided accident data for a period of three years from August 2006 to June 2009. Table I summarizes the number of collisions involving vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists that were reported at mid block locations and three intersections along Glynnis Rose Drive during the three- year analysis period. There are no reported accidents on Roscommon Way, and none at the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection. ^S 3~ Ms. faimee Bourgeois TJKM February 23, 2010 Transportation page 4 Consultants Table I: Collision Data for Glynnis Rose Drive (August 2006 -June 2009) Location Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 Types o f Collision(s) Causes o f Collision (s) Intersection Glynnis Rose Dr. /Dublin Blvd. 3 2 I Right-angle, sideswipe, broadside, and rear end, vehicle /pedestrian Ran red light, unsafe lane changes, failure to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk Glynnis Rose Dr. /Central Pkwy. I Right-angle Ran red light Roadway Segment Glynnis Rose Drive 2 I Right-angle, vehicle / pedestrian Unsafe U-turn, Failure to yield to a crossing pedestrian Total 5 3 I I As shown in Table I, most of the accidents occurred at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Glynnis Rose Drive. These types of collisions are typical at signalized intersections. Summary of Previous Glynnis Rose Drive Traffic Safety Improvements In response to prior citizens' requests to improve pedestrian safety, City staff implemented the following measures: I . Established a 25-mph speed limit for Glynnis Rose Drive based on an engineering and traffic survey. 2. Installed pedestrian crossing warning signs (W54) in both directions of Glynnis Rose Drive in advance of the Roscommon Way intersection. The signs are expected to alert drivers about the presence of pedestrians. 3. The Police Department periodically deploys a speed radar trailer to discourage motorists from speeding. 4. Established a 50-foot "No Parking" zone on the west side of Glynnis Rose Drive north of Roscommon Way and painted the curb red accordingly. 5. Established a "No parking" zone on the east side of Glynnis Rose Drive between the two curb ramps opposite Roscommon Way and 20 feet north and south of the curb ramps and painted the curb red accordingly. Other requests include installing speed bumps (or humps) and crosswalks at the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection. Currently, the City of Dublin does not have any speed bumps on public roadways and City staff is reluctant to install speed bumps because they may impede emergency vehicle access to the adjacent residential and commercial areas, and because of several other negative effects. r t ~ 1 Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois TJKM February 23, 2010 Transportation page S Consultants Multi-way Warrant Analysis Studies show that unwarranted multi-way stop controls at intersections can increase the potential for rear-end collisions. Additionally, the MUTCD prohibits the use of multi-way stop controls as a means to calm traffic speeds. As such, this report examines the appropriateness of installing stop signs on Glynnis Rose Drive based on industry standard recommended practice. Consistent with the guidance provided by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Table I provides a checklist for determining multi-way stop control requirements based on traffic volumes (24-hour machine counts) and accident experience. The counts were collected for all three legs of the intersection. As shown in Table I, none of the warrants are met based on the MUTCD criteria. Therefore it is not recommended to change the one-way stop control to an all-way stop control at the intersection at this time. Table II: Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way Multi-way Warrant Analysis MUTCD Multi-way Stop Installation Guidance Comment Warrant Met? A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multi-way stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control No traffic signals installation is planned for No traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation the intersection of the traffic control signal. B. A crash problem, as indicated by five (5) or more reported There are no reported accidents for the crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to intersection. However, there are three correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such crashes reported collisions on Glynnis Rose Drive. include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle Two of the collisions resulted in property collisions. damage and the third, a recent (06/14/09) No vehicular and pedestrian collision occurred at a midblock location on Glynnis Rose Drive between Roscommon Way and Dublin Boulevard C. Minimum Volumes: I. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the -------------------------------- None of the hourly counts exceeded 300 ------------ major street approaches (total of both approaches) vehicles on the major street. The hourly No averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours average is 69 vehicles. of an average day, and 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume -------------- --- The average combined vehicular, ------------- entering the intersection from the minor street pedestrian, and bicycle counts for the approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least minor street approach is 93 units per No 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an hour, which is less than 200 units per hour average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least for 8 hour duration 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour, but . 3. If the 85th-percentile approach speed of the major- ----------- --- Major street posted speed limit is 25 mph ------------- street traffic exceeds 65 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, the and current 85th-percentile approach No minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of speed is 34 mph. the above values. D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, None of the criteria B, C.I, and C.2 are C.I ,and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum No values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. values. Source: California MUTCD 2006 -Part 2: Signs, Section 28.07 1/:~ 39 Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois TJKM February 23, 2010 Transportation page 6 Consultants Consideration of Installing Marked Crosswalks on Glynnis Rose Drive As stated under the " Summary o f Previous Glynnis Rose Drive Tragic Safety Improvement" section of this report, currently, there are two W54 (pedestrian walking symbol) signs, each located in advance of the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection to warn motorists about pedestrian crossing activity. There are no marked crosswalks on Glynnis Rose Drive at Roscommon Way; however, per the California Vehicle Code (CVC Section 275) unmarked crosswalks exist at the intersection allowing pedestrians to legally cross. A report published by the Federal Highway Administration (Safety Effects of Marked versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations, September 2005) states that marked crosswalks should not be considered high priority at locations with less than 20 pedestrian crossings per hour. The Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection experiences 19 crossings in an eight hour period. Since very few pedestrians cross Glynnis Rose Drive on a daily basis, pedestrian activity does not warrant the need for additional improvements. However, should the City choose to enhance traffic safety, the City may consider the recommendations discussed in this report. The segment of Glynnis Rose Drive between Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway is approximately 1,425 feet long. On each end of Glynnis Rose Drive there are median islands with a combined length of 585 feet. The remaining length of the roadway has a two way left-turn lane (TWLTL). Additionally, the intersection of Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way is located approximately 815 feet from Dublin Boulevard. With the relatively short Glynnis Rose Drive roadway segment, it is desirable to minimize the number of marked crosswalks. The following paragraph discusses the pros and cons for installing crosswalks at intersection and midblock locations on Glynnis Rose Drive. Installing crosswalks at midblock locations across Glynnis Rose Drive may not be suitable since the roadway has a TWLTL, pedestrian volumes are low, and because mid-block crosswalks are typically not expected by motorists. The Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection is a more suitable location for installing crosswalks since there are handicap curb ramps located on all four corners of the intersection, and because crosswalks at the intersection would provide direct access between the sidewalks on Roscommon Way and the shopping center via a pedestrian walkway between the shopping center and the Waterford Apartment complex. The California Vehicle Code (CVC) notes that crosswalks exist at all intersections whether or not they are marked, unless signs are posted otherwise. If installed at uncontrolled locations, such as across Glynnis Rose Drive, marked crosswalks should be highly visible to enhance pedestrian safety. The use of In-pavement flashing warning light systems has been proposed as a means of increasing the conspicuity of a crosswalk when a pedestrian is using it. These systems however are relatively expensive. A recent study was conducted by the Lighting Research Center (LRC) to compare the effects of conventional striping and in-pavement flashing warning light systems on pedestrian safety. The study concluded that a clearly striped crosswalk enhances pedestrian safety similar to an in- pavement lighted crosswalk. The two types of crosswalks are both conspicuous to motorists who are familiar with the location. However, in-pavement lighted systems further enhance the conspicuity of crosswalks at locations unfamiliar to motorists. In the case of Glynnis Rose Drive, motorists are predominantly residents of the East Dublin area who are expected to be familiar with any marked crosswalks on the roadway. Therefore, installing in-pavement lighted crosswalks may not offer enhanced safety over a clearly marked crosswalk. l~ bb 39' Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois TJKM February 23, 2010 Transportation page 7 Consultants Below is a summary of phased improvement measures that the City may consider to enhance traffic safety at the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection: I. Install a clearly marked (or highly visible) crosswalk (either zebra crossing or textured pavement) at the Glynnis Rose Drive / Roscommon Way intersection. 2. Paint "PED XING" pavement markings in advance of the crosswalks. 3. Install pedestrian crossing warning signs (walkman [W54] and diagonal downward arrow [W 16-7]). These signs would be highly visible to motorists. The assembly should be installed at all corners of the proposed crosswalks. a) The City may optionally install pedestrian push buttons to actuate Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights around the walkman sign. 4. To help reduce vehicle speeds, the City may explore lane dieting as acost-effective traffic calming measure/strategy to slow speeds along the roadway. This can be done by striping 9 feet parking lanes on both sides of the roadway to provide I I feet of through travel lanes along the roadway. 5. Purchase and install two permanent "speed feedback signs" along Glynnis Rose Drive, in advance of the Roscommon intersection, to display the speeds at which motorists are traveling. These devices have been known to be very effective in affecting motorists' travel speeds. 6. Install curb extensions at the northwestern and southeastern corners of the intersection. In lieu of an actual curb extension with landscaping, the City may consider striping the roadway pavement as a cost effective means. Streets with curb extensions at the intersections reduce the total pedestrian crossing distance. Reducing the crossing distance helps pedestrians in two ways; it reduces the time they are exposed to moving traffic, and it makes it easier for pedestrians to access and find acceptable gaps, as the time needed to cross is shorter. Curb extensions also increase visibility; the waiting pedestrian can better see approaching motor vehicle traffic and motorists can better see pedestrians waiting to cross the road as their view is less likely to be blocked by parked cars. The curb extensions should be designed to accommodate storm water drainage and should not extend more than 6 feet. Figure 2 conceptually depicts all the recommended pedestrian safety measures described above. Table III summarize the approximate cost of each recommended improvement measure. Table III: Approximate Cost of Phased Improvements Signs, markings and equipment installations Unit Unit Cost ($) Quantity Total ($) I. Install zebra crosswalks EA 1,200 2 2,400 2. Pavement markings -PED XING EA 100 2 200 3. Install ped. crossing assembly EA 500 2 sets 1,000 3a. Optional: with LED ped. activation (solar powered system) EA 10,000 2 sets 20,000 4. Place white stripe to narrow lanes LF 0.3 2650 795 5. Install speed feedback signs EA 10,500 2 21,000 Install speed feedback signs on Type I-A (10') poles EA 500 2 1,000 6. Install curb extensions (pavement striping option) EA 600 2 1,200 Install curb extensions (concrete curb option) CM 618 10.19 6,300 Notes: to -tack, LF-Linear Foot, CM-Cubic Meter. See the following paragraph for a description of how the cost estimate was derived. Sources for unit costs: City of Dublin on call contractor and Caltrans 2007 Contract Cost Data fbr Highway Construction document. l3.6 39 City of Dublin - Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way Intersection Traffic Safety Study Figure Potential Phased Improvements 2 ~~~~ ~ riw~ . ~ ~~, ~. a I! ~~ ~~~ t `'`.: ~~ x ~ ~ Legend 1. Install highly visible crosswalk 2. Paint "PED XING" pavement marking 3. Install Ped crossing assembly = PcdActiraced LED Sian 3a. Optional: LED ped activation 4. Place white stripe 5. Install speed feedback sign 6. Install curb extension ~ ~, N O R T H Noc co Scale 10/-UU1 11'L1 - 7J3/7U - UM 19 ~6 3~ TJKM Transportation Consultants Ms. Jaimee Bourgeois February 23, 2010 Page 9 Based on information obtained from the Caltrans 2007 Contract Cost Data for Highway Construction document, the cost to construct a concrete curb extension is $618 per cubic-meter (m3). Therefore, for a curb that is six feet wide, six inches deep, and a combine length of 100 feet, the cost to install the curb is approximately $6,300. Let me know if you have any questions and/or comments. Sincerely, David Carl Mahama, P.E. Associate cc: Chris Kinzel, TJKM References: I. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. Caltrans Highway Design Manual, 4~h Edition. Attachments: Appendix A -Traffic Volumes Appendix B -Radar Speed Survey Data J:\JURISDICTIOMD\Dublin\157-001 On-calATask 121 - Glynnis-Roscommon Safety Study\Report\LR 020310.docx isa~ 3~ TJKM Transportation Consultants j6 ~ ~ Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROJ/LOC #: 090136 - 001 GPS COORDINATES: NA ON STREET: Roscommon Way START DATE: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 CROSS STREETS: West of the Glynnis Rose Drive VICINITY: Dublin, CA QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:310-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com ~7 ^6 3`! Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROJILOC #: 090136 - 001 GPS COORDINATES: NA ON STREET: ROSCOmmOD W2y START DATE: TU0Sd2y, September 01, 2009 CROSS STREETS: West Of th@ Gly~r11S RO$Q Dr'IVQ VICINITY: DUblin, CA AM COUNTS PM COUNTS 00:00 1 3 12:00 10 10 00:15 0 2 12:15 4 13 00:30 1 3 12:30 11 18 00:45 0 1 0 8 10 12:45 9 34 9 50 84 01:00 0 0 13:00 7 7 01:15 0 1 13:15 10 10 01:30 0 1 13:30 13 11 01:45 0 0 0 Z ? 13:45 11 41 7 35 76 02:00 0 0 14:00 13 6 02:15 0 1 14:15 17 8 02:30 1 0 14:30 8 17 02:45 0 1 0 1 1 14:45 7 45 11 91 87 03:00 0 0 15:00 6 13 03:15 0 0 15:15 10 11 03:30 1 1 15:30 8 13 03:45 1 2 0 1 3 15:45 12 36 16 53 89 04:00 0 0 16:00 6 14 04:15 0 0 16:15 12 21 04:30 1 1 16:30 6 6 04:45 2 3 0 1 4 16:45 7 31 21 61 93 05:00 2 0 17:00 14 16 05:15 2 1 17:15 17 10 05:30 2 0 17:30 11 18 05:45 4 10 1 1 11 17:45 10 51 28 71 114 06:00 8 1 18:00 10 22 06:15 6 1 18:15 11 18 06:30 14 3 18:30 12 26 06:45 12 40 3 8 98 18:45 13 46 17 83 119 07:00 18 1 19:00 12 24 07:15 29 3 19:15 14 8 07:30 27 10 19:30 12 17 07:45 21 95 2 16 111 19:45 11 49 19 68 117 08:00 44 5 20:00 3 16 08:15 25 12 20:15 2 10 08:30 19 7 20:30 4 20 08:45 14 I01 6 30 I31 20:45 6 IS 6 51 67 09:00 18 8 21:00 2 10 09:15 15 5 21:15 5 15 09:30 14 5 21:30 1 12 09:45 7 54 9 17 81 21:45 3 11 12 49 60 10:00 10 2 22:00 7 6 10:15 16 7 22:15 1 2 10:30 12 7 22:30 0 8 10:45 8 46 5 11 67 22:45 0 8 1 17 15 11:00 10 7 23:00 1 4 11:15 6 6 23:15 3 3 11:30 15 9 23:30 0 2 11:45 12 43 8 30 73 23:45 0 4 1 10 14 TOTALS: 398 147 545 TOTALS: 372 593 965 SPLIT 73.0% 27.0% 36.1% SPLIT 38.5% 61.5% 63.9°/a PEAK HOUR 07:15 11:45 07:30 PEAK HOUR 13:30 17:45 17:45 PH VOLUME 121 49 146 PH VOLUME 54 94 137 PHF 0.69 0.68 0.74 PHF 0.79 0.84 0.90 DAY'S TOTAL NB SB EB WB TOTAL 770 740 1510 QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:310-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com lg ~~`~ Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROJ/LOC #: 090136 - 002 GPS COORDINATES: N/A ON STREET: Glynnis Rose Drive START DATE: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 CROSS STREETS: North of Roscommon Way VICINITY: Dublin, CA QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:310-341-0019 Fax:330-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com l`I ~i 39 Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROJILOC #: 0901$6 - OO2 GPS COORDINATES: N/A ON STREET: Glynnl8 Ro$e D~IVe START DATE: TUeSdey, September 07, 2009 CROSS STREETS: NOrth Of ROSCOmmOrl Way viclNirr: Dublin, CA AM COUNTS PM COUNTS 00:00 0 0 12:00 19 24 00:15 1 0 12:15 20 12 00:30 1 0 12:30 13 22 00:45 0 1 0 0 1 12:45 19 71 16 74 145 01:00 0 0 13:00 15 22 01:15 0 0 13:15 17 10 01:30 0 0 13:30 19 12 01:45 0 0 0 0 13:45 23 74 10 54 118 02:00 0 0 14:00 2S 19 02:15 0 0 14:15 14 24 02:30 0 0 14:30 11 24 02:45 0 0 0 0 14:45 10 60 14 81 141 03:00 0 0 15:00 23 14 03:15 1 0 15:15 19 11 03:30 1 2 15:30 17 12 03:45 0 1 0 2 4 15:45 19 78 10 47 115 04:00 0 0 16:00 12 10 04:15 0 0 16:15 19 14 04:30 0 2 16:30 15 17 04:45 1 1 0 1 3 16:45 25 71 19 60 131 05:00 0 0 17:00 22 14 05:15 1 1 17:15 24 17 05:30 2 0 17:30 35 19 05:45 4 7 2 ' 3 10 17:45 24 105 19 69 174 06:00 3 4 18:00 23 14 06:15 5 2 18:15 27 10 06:30 5 5 18:30 19 14 06:45 8 11 10 ZI 41 18:45 10 79 12 50 129 07:00 4 12 19:00 11 19 07:15 7 14 19:15 23 14 07:30 11 10 19:30 8 12 07:45 7 19 12 48 77 19:45 13 55 10 55 110 08:00 23 19 20:00 8 9 08:15 15 29 20:15 14 10 08:30 12 19 20:30 8 7 08:45 11 61 17 84 145 20:45 11 41 6 31 73 09:00 7 14 21:00 13 4 09:15 10 12 21:15 8 7 09:30 11 10 21:30 12 3 09:45 7 35 19 55 90 21:45 5 38 2 16 54 10:00 9 14 22:00 3 4 10:15 10 10 22:15 5 0 10:30 11 10 22:30 2 1 10:45 7 37 14 48 85 22:45 2 11 0 5 17 11:00 10 5 23:00 1 2 11:15 14 12 23:15 3 0 11:30 11 7 23:30 2 2 11:45 19 54 17 41 95 23:45 0 6 0 4 10 TOTALS: 249 304 553 TOTALS: 690 547 1237 SPLIT 45.0% 55.0% 30.9% SPLIT 55.8% 44.2% 69.10/a PEAK HOUR 11:45 08:00 11:45 PEAK HOUR 17:30 14:00 16:45 PH VOLUME 71 84 146 PH VOLUME 109 81 175 PHF 0.89 0.72 0.85 PHF 0.75 0.84 0.81 DAY'S TOTAL NB SB EB WB TOTAL 939 851 1790 QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:330-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com ~~ 1 ~ ~~ Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROD/LOC #: 090136 - 003 GPS COORDINATES: N/A ON STREET: Glynnis Rose Drive START DATE: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 CROSS STREETS: South of Roscommon Way VICINITY: Dublin, CA QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:310-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@CtualityTrafficData.com a1a639 Average Daily Traffic Volumes Quality Traffic Data, LLC QTD PROJ/LOC #: 090136 - 003 GPS COORDINATES: N/A ON STREET: GlyrlrllS ROSe DfIVe START DATE: TUe8day, September 01, 2009 CROSS STREETS: $OUth Of RO$common Wey VICINITY: Dublin, CA AM COUNTS PM COUNTS 00:00 3 2 12:00 28 24 00:15 4 0 12:15 34 18 00:30 4 2 12:30 27 34 00:45 2 13 2 6 19 12:45 26 115 24 100 115 01:00 0 0 13:00 22 19 01:15 1 0 13:15 24 22 01:30 1 0 13:30 31 25 01:45 0 1 0 0 1 13:45 25 101 19 85 187 02:00 0 0 14:00 27 21 02:15 1 0 14:15 12 24 02:30 0 2 14:30 20 16 02:45 0 1 0 1 3 14:45 22 BI 21 B2 163 03:00 0 0 15:00 31 9 03:15 1 0 15:15 34 16 03:30 2 2 15:30 25 25 03:45 0 3 2 4 7 15:45 29 119 15 65 184 04:00 0 0 16:00 27 15 04:15 0 0 16:15 38 22 04:30 2 3 16:30 24 12 04:45 1 3 5 8 11 16:45 42 131 19 68 199 05:00 1 6 17:00 40 16 05:15 1 5 17:15 32 30 05:30 2 3 17:30 49 27 05:45 2 6 8 11 18 17:45 49 170 19 91 161 06:00 4 9 18:00 44 21 06:15 6 10 18:15 42 33 06:30 7 22 18:30 43 25 06:45 9 16 18 59 85 18:45 24 153 25 104 257 07:00 2 25 19:00 30 27 07:15 6 46 19:15 30 18 07:30 20 40 19:30 24 19 07:45 8 36 37 198 184 19:45 31 115 18 B1 197 08:00 20 57 20:00 24 9 08:15 17 43 20:15 21 6 08:30 19 36 20:30 25 7 08:45 14 70 28 164 134 20:45 16 86 7 29 115 09:00 16 31 21:00 21 6 09:15 13 25 21:15 18 6 09:30 15 24 21:30 23 0 09:45 14 58 16 96 154 21:45 18 80 7 19 99 10:00 8 22 22:00 9 9 10:15 13 21 22:15 4 3 10:30 15 24 22:30 8 3 10:45 13 49 15 81 131 22:45 6 17 1 16 43 11:00 22 22 23:00 8 0 11:15 20 15 23:15 7 7 11:30 18 31 23:30 3 0 11:45 27 87 28 96 183 23:45 1 19 0 7 16 TOTALS: 354 687 1041 TOTALS: 1198 749 1947 SPLIT 34.0% 66.0% 34.8% SPLIT 61.5% 38.5% 65.2% PEAK HOUR 11:45 07:15 07:30 PEAK HOUR 17:30 18:15 17:30 PH VOLUME 116 180 242 PH VOLUME 184 110 284 PHF 0.85 0.79 0.79 PHF 0.95 0.83 0.93 DAY'S TOTAL NB SB EB WB TOTAL 1552 1436 2988 QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 Phone:330-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com ~~ 3~ PEAK HOUR ITM SUMMARY #001 Glynnis Rose Drive & Roscommon Way LOCATION#: OQ1 pTD PROD#: 090136 AM PEAK: $OO AM NORTH/SOUTH: Glynrli8 ROSe DfIVe DATE: ThUrSday, September 10, 2009 MD PEAK: 1230 PM EAST/vuEST: Roscommon Way VlclNlrv: Dublin, CA PM PEAK: 53O PM Lx 0 1 0 'C nx 7 63 0 ~ 233 N xo 2 57 0 ~ ' 100 vx 20 48 0 •~ Q 78 C rora~ 29 168 0 ~+ F 55 a TOTAL 0M MD AM 176 95 50 37 Roscommon Way NOPTH wE 2-WAY STOP (E/VV) E.s, •i ror.L 147 203 0 ~ a 137 ~ N rM 75 89 0 ~ 92 ~ xo 48 73 0 a 81 •~ .x 24 41 0 a C 0 310 ~ ~x 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roscommon Way 0 0 0 0 PM MD PM TOTAL AM COUNT 8:00 AM TO 9:00 AM MD COUNT 12:00 PM TO 4:00 PM PM COUNT 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM QUALITY TRAFFIC DATA, LLC 9701 W Pico Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA 90035 Phone:310-341-0019 Fax:310-807-9247 Info@QualityTrafficData.com 1 14 5 17 30 0 0 0 0 0 1 74 35 33 142 J a 0 H ~ 3 O 0 0 0 N O r 3 0 fl. d to Q ~ ` U R Y ~ O ~ ~ W •--' Z W O t- ° a O V Q ik W 0 ~ ~ lL H a z Z ~ a °> W ~ p C! 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J 3 v w ~ a F ~ m w 3 H Z W 0 (.1 U Q Z cQ G 0 O ~ Y Z G I I ~ ~ Z _~ F = Z a a O w ~ ~ N W W U ~ LL W y Z Q a ¢ ~ g w ~ ~ ~ o rn 4a w vi a `~ F' Z 3~ ~6 ~~ ~ `• ~- i ~ ~ w L.L C 0 N ?~yV M t o° w o fl, b ~ A (6 ro s t- g ~ Q o o U ~ ri o c ~~g ' II. o Q 0 ~ N p w C .2` C? .n o ~ o .n o N N N d r m D W w w a U U ~ w U Qa a ~ a z ? F- ~ m W a ° ~ ~ z a J Q c L Z I Z H D Z O u 0 a 0 i U x = x ~ H a ~ a ~ a ~ v - ~ ~ M M J S ~ ~ ~V d m° rn a w w w w o ~ -~ w a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u g y w w w .~ ~ ~ LL U Q w a W W ~ ~ 44 ~ d Y m L L ,~ Z ~ > F a d n II ¢ J Q 3 m H ~ m t a w Z _ "~ ~ a~ U . ~~ V Q . ~t Z y N ~ ~. ° >i ~R ~ Q ' ~~ n v ~ Z o ~ N N I I Vl o ~~ Z o ~g ~ - ° b6 x o Z - o ~~ a x ~ ~ O ob w N °w w o ~g w rn - D ~' a ~ 4a ~ ~ _ ° a ^ 5 ~~ In Qq w w a w o ~ Q rn ~ Z ~ of Dublin - Glynnis Rose Drive and Roscommon Way Intersection Traffic Safety Study ff Recommended Improvements .. ,~ .~. .~ *\yr1 ¢ ~,°~ z T~ ~ .,„. ,~~. -."~~r..b ~~ i.9'v';. Legend 1. Install Highly Visible Crosswalk 2. Paint "PED XING" pavement marking 3. Install Ped Crossing Assembly 4. Place white stripe r N O R T H Noc co Scale ,® 157-001 T721 - 2/3/10 - DM ATTACHMENT 5. .~pp +;h ti a 1"1t6~Y» > ;' ~