HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft CC Minutes 02-24-2010DRAFT a~b~ N~ ~0~' Djl~~~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~1~ -'-~ 82 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - February 24, 2010 ~~ _.~ An adjourned regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Sbranti. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Biddle, Hart, Hildenbrand, Scholz, and Mayor Sbranti. ABSENT: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Public Comments 6:01 p.m. No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. CONSENT CALENDAR -None •~ WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None UNFINISHED BUSINESS -None DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES i VOLUME 29 ~~~o~oUe ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 1;~~~~~ February 24, 2010 ~"v~ `\ ~I~'~O~~l DRAFT NEW BUSINESS Special Report: Financial Trends and Challenges 6:01 p.m. 8.1 (330-20) a~~ by Administrative Services Director Paul Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that the Finance Staff had prepared a Special Report that examined revenue and expenditure trends experienced by the City over the past 10 years. The report also provided anear-term early projection of financial challenges that would need to be addressed in the upcoming Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget. This information was intended as an informational foundation to be considered as the City Council began discussions related to the upcoming Budget process. Vm. Hildenbrand asked if this presentation reflected how the State budget situation might affect the City's budget in terms of possible takeaways. City Manager Pattillo stated that this presentation did not take into account the possible State takeaways. Vm. Hildenbrand stated this was a good opportunity for the public to see what was going on in the City financially. City services would be what would be hit next in terms of budget cuts. Mayor Sbranti asked what amount was left from the 2007-2008 surplus monies designated for the Economic Stability Reserve. City Manager Pattillo stated approximately $6 Stability Reserve out of the 2007-2008 surplus Stability Reserve fund. million had been designated for the Economic Roughly $4.8 million was left in the Economic Mayor Sbranti stated those monies had been specifically set aside for times of economic uncertainty. Mr. Rankin stated the reserves did earn interest, but once you used the reserves, they no longer earned interest. Some of the agencies that were in financial difficulty today were so because they kept going to reserves. Mayor Sbranti stated the structural deficit from last year was approximately $1.1 million. It would increase anywhere from $2 to $3.5 million. City Manager Pattillo stated at the end of 2010-2011, the deficit could be $3,088,655- $4,668,655. This did not include any potential State takeaways. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 VOLUME 29 or D ti~ °8~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 1;~~~;~ February 24, 2010 ~\ ~ /~ a9 ~ vy DRAFT Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget Study Session: City Council Direction on Budget Issues 6:48 p.m. 8.2 (330-20) City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would provide specific direction on items to be evaluated as part of the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget process. A Worksheet was included with the Staff Report to focus on key decision points. The Worksheet included direction on measures that might be necessary to balance the budget. In addition, the Worksheet included an opportunity to discuss the Community Support Group funding recommendations from the City Council's Community Development Block Grant and Community Support Grant Standing Committee. City Manager Pattillo stated the following was a list of budgetary areas that required City Council input and direction in order for the City Manager to formalize and execute a balanced budget for FY 2010-2011. 1. OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1(A) STAFF PROPOSED ACTIONS TO BALANCE THE BUDGET In an effort to develop a balanced budget for FY 2009-2010, the following three steps were taken: • The organization was restructured to meet current and future business needs; • 2009-2010 General Fund Capital Projects were deferred to a later year (as appropriate); • Economic Stability Reserves were utilized. For FY 2010-2011, Staff proposed to continue to look for organizational efficiencies and effectiveness in order to maintain the current level of service for the public. However, if additional measures were necessary to develop a balanced budget for FY 2010-2011, Staff proposed that one or more of the following solutions be implemented: • Utilize Economic Stability Reserve; • Defer or eliminate 2010-2011 General Fund Capital Projects, where feasible; • Reduce operations and hours for City buildings and facilities; • Reduce operational service levels. Did the City Council support the proposed actions/steps to balance the budget? By consensus, the City Council answered yes. Cm. Biddle asked if all the reserves would be used. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 VOLUME 29 ~ of o~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ,,;~ ~ ~~ February 24, 2010 '~~~~~ '~GIFOR~ DRAFT ~a~ by City Manager Pattillo stated that the City would not use all of the reserves to balance the budget. There would be a combination of the proposed solutions. Vm. Hildenbrand asked about the $1 million budgeted for affordable housing. The City had made a good investment in affordable housing. The City Council might want to consider moving that money into the Economic Stability Reserve. There had not been a time when the situation had been serious enough to consider using it. Mayor Sbranti stated the $1 million was general fund dollars that could be looked at as an extension of the Economic Stability Reserve. City Manager Pattillo stated Staff would return with a list of considerations for the City Council. This money would be added to the list for consideration. Mayor Sbranti stated that of the list of items for consideration, operations and hours and operational service levels were items that could be reviewed, as well as a combination of items. City Manager Pattillo stated there would be recommendations such as Day on the Glen. It would be brought back to the City Council for consideration. Staff would check in with the City Council on consideration of items of high importance. 1(B) SERVICE LEVEL CHANGES For the purpose of developing the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Operating Budget, were there service level reductions or elimination of any services or projects that the City Council would like Staff to evaluate? The City Council did not have specific services or projects to reduce or eliminate. Cm. Biddle stated he liked the recent approach taken, as with park rentals; to look at all areas. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she did not have anything specific in mind. She was looking for Staffs guidance to help the City Council make cuts that would help the City's situation. Cm. Scholz stated she was also looking for Staffs guidance. Mayor Sbranti stated he agreed with Cm. Biddle in looking across departments and review for savings. Staff should consider what services were the most essential for the residents and work in keeping those. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES a VOLUME 29 ~,~pFDp~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ~„` ~ ~~ February 24, 2010 `\~~~ '1LI~R~l 3ia~ v~ DRAFT 1(C) CITY COUNCIL'S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF 2010-2011 To the extent the City Council's 2010-2011 Goals and Objectives require additional resources not included in the current budget, should the 2010-2011 Budget include only High Priority Objectives for consideration? If yes, this would mean that Medium and Low Priority Objectives that require additional funding would not be incorporated in the Budget. By consensus, the City Council answered yes. Cm. Biddle stated there were 70 High Priority Goals. They could be reviewed later in the budget process to see if all should be budgeted. City Manager Pattillo stated the goals would be reviewed later on tonight. 1(D) COMMUNITY SUPPORT GRANT PROGRAM During Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the Community Development Block Grant and Community Support Grant Standing Committee were established. Vice Mayor Hildenbrand and Councilmember Hart served on the Committee. For the Community Support Grant Program, 12 project applications were received from 10 community organizations. On January 12, 2010, the Committee received presentations from both Community Development Block Grant applicants and Community Support Grant applicants. Following the presentations, the Committee recommended the transfer of two funding requests from the Community Development Block Grant category to the Community Support Grant category. Staff proposed that the Standing Committee's funding recommendations be included as a higher service level in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Preliminary Budget. Did the City Council support the recommendations? By consensus, the City Council answered yes. Cm. Biddle stated he would like early notice to organizations if the City was not going to be able to assist them next year. Mayor Sbranti stated Dublin Unified School District (DUSD) had not come forward with requests for Red Ribbon Week and Dry Grad Night, but they should be considered. Vm. Hildenbrand stated Red Ribbon Week and Dry Grad Night should be supported but they should go through the process. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 `~~OFD(~~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~~~;~ February 24, 2010 ~~ ~ ~~ O'~GIFpR~~~ 3a d~ w~ DRAFT City Manager Pattillo asked if, for this coming fiscal year, the City Council would like these two events funded through the City's baseline budget. For Fiscal Year 2011-2012, Red Ribbon Week could be funded by the baseline budget and Dry Grad Night should follow the process for community grants. The City Council agreed this was their direction regarding Red Ribbon Week and Dry Grad Night. 2. RESERVES Should the use of Reserves be inclusive of operating costs, as well as capital costs and/or other one-time expenditures? City Manager Pattillo explained that this meant there might be a need for higher service level costs. Should these be reviewed and reserves used for these opportunities? Mayor Sbranti stated, as an example, the City could defer maintenance that you end up with increased long term costs. By consensus, the City Council answered yes. 2(A) Capital Improvement Program Charts provided in the attached Excerpt Summary Tables from 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Program (Exhibit 1) include a summary of the capital improvements adopted as part of the City's 2008-2013 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, 2009-2010 Update. Staff would be preparing a new Capital Improvement Program for 2010-2015 and recommended timing adjustments of projects in order to align them with available funding. This would also take into consideration whether the project was essential to the protection of public health and safety, as well as other factors. Of those projects currently identified in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, were there any desired adjustments of projects which should be considered for funding in Fiscal Year 2010-2011? By consensus, the City Council answered no. Cm. Biddle stated in terms of public facility impact fees, $1.5 million was designated for Emerald Glen. City Manager Pattillo stated that those were programmed. They were not there until they were received. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 29 ~~ of o~~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ,,; ~ ~ 19 ~ } ,82 February 24, 2010 \~~~~U 4GIFpRN~ DRAFT 33 06 44 Mayor Sbranti stated in terms of Fiscal Year 2010-2011, his answer was no, unless an opportunity came forward that was unforeseen. There were some items that he would like to keep in mind that had been medium priorities for a while, such as the west Dublin hills open space acquisition and easements; the cemetery expansion; Emerald Glen and related items; partnering with DUSD in terms of the high school tennis courts, the swim center or other DUSD Partnerships. These items would not have to be considered for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, but somewhere in the five years of the CIP, if the economy improved. 3. BUDGET HEARING DATE In order to finalize the budget calendar for preparation of the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program it was necessary to establish a budget hearing date. Staff recommended that the City Council consider establishing a preferred budget hearing date on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. to provide Staff with adequate time to complete the budget. By consensus, the City Council scheduled the Budget Hearing for Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at 5:00 p.m. •~ Consideration of Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Goals and Objectives Program 7:21 p.m. 8.3 (100-80) Mayor Sbranti presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would conduct its annual review of the City's Goals & Objectives, Strategic Plan and Capital Improvement Project Updates for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, and establish Goals & Objectives for the City for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. In addition to prioritizing the Preliminary Goals and Objectives prepared by Staff and Commissions, individual City Councilmembers identified a total of nine further objectives and one proposed modification for consideration by the full City Council. These objectives are identified below: General Government: Administration I.A.3 "Implement a formal, year-round volunteer program for groups, families, and individuals." (Mayor Sbranti) Mayor Sbranti stated he proposed this objective because in the past year, he had received more requests for volunteer opportunities. He ranked this as a high priority. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 29 ~~~OFDp~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING i;~~~;~ February 24, 2010 ~` DRAFT 3~f 6 44 Vm. Hildenbrand stated volunteer opportunities could also be put on the City's website. Cm. Biddle stated he agreed with the objective as a high priority as long as the City served as a clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities and did not create a department for this purpose. Vm. Hildenbrand stated there were different organizations that needed help all year round and the City could point volunteers in the direction of volunteer opportunities. Cm. Scholz stated a clearinghouse was a good idea. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. General Government: Environmental Programs I.F.9 "Establish tobacco retailer license and zoning restrictions (i.e. CUP to set up 1,000 ft. near schools, residential, libraries, etc.)." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) Vm. Hildenbrand stated she proposed this objective to set up zoning restrictions in case money from the County was cut for programs such as ensuring tobacco was not sold to minors. This would cause new tobacco retailers, or stores that sold tobacco products, to apply for a tobacco retailer license. If there were continued violations of the ordinance, the retailer could lose its tobacco retailing license. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. I.F.10 "Explore and present findings related to creation of food waste programs at City facilities." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) Vm. Hildenbrand stated this would be the City leading by example in recycling food waste. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. I.F.11 "Discontinue use of City supplied individual plastic beverage bottles (i.e. water, sports drinks, soda, etc.) at City hosted events." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) Mayor Sbranti stated this item might need to be explored a bit more. It would need to be brought back to the City Council. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. Community Development: Housing 11.6.5 "Explore the feasibility of establishing a Human Services Commission that would provide policy direction on housing, health and wellness, social services, etc." (Mayor Sbranti) DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES s VOLUME 29 G~~o~D~B~y ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ,9,~~~~~ February 24, 2010 ~~ ~ /~ DRAFT By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. s~Y~ II.E.16 "Explore beautification programs (i.e. facade improvements, design assistance, etc.) for commercial areas along Dublin Boulevard between Dougherty Road and San Ramon Road and Downtown Core area." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) Vm. Hildenbrand stated the City should look at how this objective could be used as an economic development tool. How could the City improve this specific area without taking measures? City Manager Pattillo stated this was a great tie in to the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. Culture and Leisure: Parks and Community Services III.A.13 "Implement a Health and Wellness program (i.e. Healthy Cities, Healthy Communities Network, etc.)." (Mayor Sbranti) By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. III.A.14 "Work with Dublin Sister City Association on Sister City Soccer tournament with Cities of Bray, Ireland and Jinhua, China." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) Vm. Hildenbrand stated she proposed this objective to ensure it occurred. By consensus, the City Council ranked this objective as High. Culture and Leisure: Heritage and Cultural Arts 111.6.12 "Work with U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks to locate a temporary facility for U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks museum." (Vice Mayor Hildenbrand) By consensus, the City Council decided to remove this proposed objective as it was part of Item #7, "Work with U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks to preserve its history during the redevelopment of the facility." Administrative Analyst Amy Cunningham stated that there was no need to limit the number of objectives to ten in Environmental Programs and Economic Development if the City Council desired to include them all for funding considerations as Higher Service Levels in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Preliminary Budget as all high priority objectives were determined by Staff to be achievable within the timeframes identified in the Preliminary Goals and Objectives document. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 VOLUME 29 G~~~oFOU~~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 19,~~~~~ February 24, 2010 ~\ ~ ~~ ~`~GIFOR~~ ~~~~ DRAFT By consensus, the City Council approved the suggested modifications to the Goal language of the City's Goals and Objective Report, languages changes to Objectives, and provided Staff with a priority ranking for the additional proposed Objectives for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 and one additional Strategic Plan strategy as detailed above; and deliberated, prioritized, and preliminarily approved the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Goals and Objectives Program and addition to the Strategic Plan. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 8:12 p.m. (9.1) City Manager Joni Pattillo stated there would be a Tri-Valley Council meeting hosted by the City on Thursday, February 25, 2010 Cm. Biddle stated he attended the East Bay Division League of California Cities meeting, the Volunteer Recognition event, and the Chinese Cultural Day event in Pleasanton. He also attended the Dublin Integrity Group meeting and the Brokers Roundtable. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she attended the East Bay Division League of California Cities meeting, the Volunteer Recognition event, and a Stopwaste meeting. Cm. Scholz stated she attended the Chinese Cultural Day event in Pleasanton. Mayor Sbranti stated he wanted to encourage residents to read the nominations on the City website for Citizen, Young Citizen and Organization of the Year. He also stated he had met with the Mayor of Bray, Ireland, when he visited last week. •~ ADJOURNMENT 10.1 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. in memory of Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond and our fallen troops. Minutes prepared by Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES io VOLUME 29 l,~or~u~. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 1;~~~;~ February 24, 2010 `~ ~ /~ ~`1GIFOR~~~