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6.1 School of Image PD
STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^©5^ 0~-0 O^ DATE: April 6, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 10-004 School of Imagination, Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan. Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist and Mike Porto, Consulting Planner j ~ Uv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The School of Imagination project site is located within the Schaefer Ranch development. The proposed project includes a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review to allow for the construction of a 12,065 square-foot building with playground and related improvements on the project site. The Planning Commission approved the Site Development Review on March 9, 2010 and this approval is contingent on the City Council approval of the Planned Development Rezone. FINANCIAL IMPACT: This project poses no financial impact to the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Waive the reading and introduce an Ordinance approving a PD Planned Development Rezone and a related Stage 2 Development Plan for the School of Imagination located at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road (APN 941-2832-027). Submitted By Commu ity Development Director Re ' d By Assistant City Manager COPIES TO: Applicant File ITEM NO.: l0 Page 1 of 5 G:IPA#120101PLPA-2010-00004 School of ImaginationlCity CouncillCCSR 4.6.10.doc ~~ DESCRIPTION: Background The School of Imagination project site is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road and it is within the Schaefer Ranch development (refer to the vicinity map below). The Schaefer Ranch development is located within a portion of the Western Extended Planning Area. The Schaefer Ranch project area includes approximately 500 acres located at the westerly boundary of the City limits, north of Interstate 580 and south of unincorporated Alameda County. The 0.56-acre project site is identified as Parcel J of Subdivision Map 6765. Vicinity Map ~~ ':L ° °°~~ ,~. , The Schaefer Ranch development area has gone through a series of approvals since annexation into the City in 1996. The original approval included a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay to allow 474 single-family homes in addition to limited commercial space, Public/Semi-Public uses and open space. On August 11, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 98-38 approving a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for 446 detached single-family homes. Subsequently, a lot reconfiguration concept was designed to accommodate 302 lots. In 2006, PA 06-031 was approved which included City Council approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 11-06). Additionally, the Planning Commission adopted a Site Development Review for the four residential neighborhoods within Schaefer Ranch (Resolution 06-17). In 2008, PA 08-005 was approved which included City Council approval of an EIR Addendum, General Plan Land Use Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan and a Development Agreement for the residential portion of the project located south of Dublin Boulevard (Resolution 203-08, Resolution 204-08, Ordinance 37-08 & Ordinance 38-08). In addition, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8000 (Resolution 08-29). The 2008 approval also established the Public/Semi-Public land use designation and the Stage 1 Development Plan for the project site. 2of5 Schaefer Ranch is currently .under construction and partially occupied. The majority of the infrastructure is in place, including the extension of Dublin Boulevard which will be used to access the project site. Current Proposal The Applicant, Discovery Builders, is requesting approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan to allow the construction of a 12,065 square-foot building with playground and related improvements for the operation of apre-school (School of Imagination) on the project site. Discovery Builders will construct the facility and then lease the facility to the School of Imagination. The School of Imagination is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit organization that provides services to children with auditory, speech, learning, and other unique physical needs. The proposed School of Imagination will enroll up to 72 children in the largest session (morning session) ages 18 months to 5 years and will operate Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The facility will have no more than 9 employees (8 teachers and 1 administrator) on site at one time and will be licensed by the State of California. The facility offers several different programs to parents and operates mainly as a preschool and also includes before and after- school care. The facility will be comprised of the pre-school building which will include ten classrooms (not all of the classrooms will be utilized simultaneously), offices, staff-related rooms, restrooms, storage, a kitchen facility and a library (Exhibit A to Attachment 4). The teaching occurs primarily in the classrooms. Speech therapists and occupational therapists work with the teachers in the classrooms and take selected kids out of the classroom and bring these kids into the offices to work with them on certain skills one-on-one. The proposed building is patterned from the American Farmhouse style of architecture. The roof consists of composition asphalt shingles and it is a moderately pitched gable. The building will be constructed with cream stucco. Accent colors are provided which include white and tan. The front elevation (see photo below), which is visible from Dublin Boulevard, includes stone columns and a trellis feature at the entrance. Architectural details on the building include decorative shutters, divided light windows and projected window ledges. The American Farmhouse character is one of many traditional styles at Schaefer Ranch and will blend in well with the overall community. 3 of 5 ANALYSIS: Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance establishes the intent, purpose and requirements of the Planned Development (PD) District. The intent of the PD District is to create a more desirable use of the land, a more coherent and coordinated development, and a better physical environment than would otherwise be achieved by a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance requires the adoption of both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans which establish the regulations for the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the property within the Planned Development Zoning District. The project site is zoned PD, Planned Development, with an existing Stage 1 Development Plan. The Applicant is requesting approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan for the subject site. The applicable regulations for the project can be found in the Ordinance approving the PD Development Rezone (Attachment 1). The regulations within this Ordinance include a list of the permitted uses, development regulations, site area and proposed densities and preliminary landscape plan. Planning Commission Action On March 9, 2010, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the Planned Development (PD) and Site Development Review (SDR) applications for the School of Imagination project. The Planning Commission Staff Report is included as Attachment 2 and the draft minutes of the Planning Commission meeting are included as Attachment 3. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to approve the Site Development Review (Resolution 10- 07 -Attachment 4) and recommended that the City Council approve a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan (Resolution 10-06 -Attachment 5). CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN & ZONING ORDINANCE: The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan designation of Public/Semi-Public. The Public/Semi-Public land use designation allows a variety of uses including special needs program facilities. The project site is zoned PD -Public/Semi-Public and the proposed project is consistent with the zoning of the site. The proposed rezone with the related Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the General Plan because it establishes development standards and permitted uses consistent with Public/Semi-Public land use. The proposed project is consistent with the Community Design and Sustainability Element because the proposed building is architecturally appealing. Additionally, the building scale and design are compatible with the character of the four neighborhoods within the Schaefer Ranch development. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. 4of5 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay Zone (SCH #95033070) was certified by the City Council on July 9, 1996 by Resolution 76-96. The City Council also adopted Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring Program with this Resolution. Subsequently in 2008, the Dublin City Council approved an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08). The proposed project was adequately addressed in the EIR and Addendum prepared for the Schaefer Ranch Development, and no further environmental review is required. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance approving a PD Planned Development Rezone and a Related Stage 2 Development Plan for the School of Imagination located at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road (APN 941-2832-027). 2) March 9, 2010 Planning Commission Staff Report (without Attachments). 3) Draft Minutes from the March 9 Planning Commission Hearing. 4) Planning Commission Resolution 10-07 approving the Site Development Review for the School of Imagination with the Project Plans attached as Exhibit A. 5) Planning Commission Resolution 10-06 recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development Rezone and related Stage 2 Development Plan. 5of5 /~ ~/ ORDINANCE NO. XX-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************* APPROVING A PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AND A RELATED STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SCHOOL OF IMAGINATION LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND SCHAEFER RANCH ROAD (APN 941-2832-027) PA 10-004 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS A. By Ordinance No. 15-96, the City Council rezoned the approximately 500-acre Schaefer Ranch project area generally located at the westerly boundary of the City Limits, north of Interstate 580 and southeast of unincorporated Alameda to the Planned Development Zoning District (PA 96-037). B. By Ordinance No. 11-06, the City Council rezoned the approximately 500-acre Schaefer Ranch project area generally located at the westerly boundary of the City Limits, north of Interstate 580 and southeast of unincorporated Alameda to the Planned Development Zoning District (PA 06-031) and adopted a Stage 2 Development Plan for the entire project area. C. This Ordinance adopts a Stage 2 Development Plan and rezones the property to the PD Planned Development Zoning District for a portion of Schaefer Ranch for the project known as the School of Imagination (APN 941-2832-027). Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: The School of Imagination Planned Development Zoning, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 because: it provides a comprehensive development plan that is tailored to the Public/Semi-Public land use proposed on the Project Site and creates a desirable use of land that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue of the layout and design, which is adjacent to public/semi-public land uses and single-family residential. 2. The PD rezoning with Stage 2 Development Plan for School of Imagination will be harmonious and compatible with existing and pofenfial development in the surrounding area in that: 1) the land uses and site plan establish aPublic/Semi-Public development; 2) the proposed project is consistent with the Public/Semi-Public use envisioned in the General Plan and the Stage 1 Development Plan; 3) the Project Site has been designed to be compatible with the residential developments; 4) the Project Site includes attractive landscaping and site elements including landscaping and street trees to create an attractive landscape palette for the Site, and will be consistent with the landscaping and site elements in Schaefer Ranch; 5) the project Page 1 of 6 --~~~,1~ ~n.' L~~ ~,,. ~ p ATTACHMENT 1 ~ ,~ }C~- has been attractively designed and is compatible with the neighborhood in which it is located; and 6) the Stage 2 Development Plan establishes development standards and permitted uses to ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses.. B. Pursuant to Section 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: The PD rezoning wifh Stage 2 Development Plan for School of Imagination will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that: 1) the land uses and site plan establish aPublic/Semi-Public project; 2) the proposed project is consistent with the Public/Semi-Public use envisioned in the General Plan and the Stage 1 Development Plan; 3) the Project Site has been designed to be compatible with the residential uses in the vicinity; 4) the Project Site includes attractive landscaping and site elements including landscaping and street trees to create an attractive landscape palette for the Site; 5) the project has been attractively designed and is compatible with the neighborhood in which it is located; and 6) the Stage 2 Development Plan establishes development standards and permitted uses to ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses. 2. The Project Site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed because: 1) the Project Site will have a floor area ratio of 0.50, which is equal to the 0.50 allowed by the General Plan; 2) the proposed project will include a pre-school which is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public; 3) the Site is accessible by Dublin Boulevard, an existing street; and 4) the Site is near residential uses and is therefore physically suitable for the type and intensity of the proposed Planned Development Zoning district. 3. The PD rezone with Stage 2 Development Plan will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because: the project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards. 4. The PD rezone with Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the Dublin General Plan because: 1) the proposed pre-school building and playground is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public; 2) the proposed project is consistent with the City's goal of developing public facilities within the City to meet the needs of the residents; and 3) the School of Imagination includes an attractive development with a new building and landscaping which will promote visual interest of the Site from the adjacent properties and the street and will promote a pedestrian friendly environment once the project is complete. C. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), on July 9, 1996, the City Council adopted Resolution 76-96 certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District .Overlay zone (SCH 95033070). On November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08). The prior environmental documents are available for review in the Community Development Department. The impacts of the proposed project were adequately addressed in the EIR and Addendum prepared for the Schaefer Ranch Development. No further environmental review is required. Page 2 of 6 =~~t Section 3. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a PD-Planned Development district: 0.56+ net acres identified as Parcel J of Subdivision Map 6765 (APN 941-2832-27) A map of the rezoning area is shown below: ~~~~~_ ~~. ~~~ `: ~' ~ ~- -.~ ~ ~ t, ate', ~; ~. r ` j r~ /r'j ~ hi~tii t ~ °~-` u . ;~ / r~_ ~:.__.__ Section 4. STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the subject property are set forth in the following Stage 2 Development Plan, which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Stage 2 Development Plan shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code. 1. Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 2 Development Plan is compatible with the Stage 1 Development Plan for the property in that the project is a Public/Semi-Public facility as planned for in the Stage 1 Development Plan. 2. Statement of uses. PD-Public/Semi-Public Intent. Public/Semi-Public land use designations are established to provide Quasi-Public uses, such as daycare centers, private schools, theaters and other similar uses which benefit the community. Permitted Uses Public, Semi-Public and Institutional uses as allowed by the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, including but not limited to: Library Post Office Fire Station Page 3 of 6 ~/<,,9f Police Station Religious Facility Community Center Pre-School Other governmental and quasi-governmental offices as determined by the Community Development Director Similar and related uses as determined by the Community Development Director Temporary Uses Please refer to Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.108 for a list of permitted temporary uses and permit procedures. 3. Stage 2 Site Plan. 4. Site area, proposed densities. Proposed Stage 2 PD Land Use Plan Land Use Designation Net Acres Maximum FAR Public/Semi-Public 0.56 .50 TOTAL 0.56 .50 Page 4 of 6 56~ ~ 5. Development Regulations. Minimum Setbacks Buildin to West Pro ert Line 10' Buildin to East Pro ert Line 8' Buildin to South Pro ert Line 17' Building to North Property Line (Public Street Ri ht-of-Wa ) 60' Maximum Floor Area Ratio .50 Maximum Buildin Hei ht 36' and 2 stories Parkin Spaces Re uired Per Zonin Ordinance 6. Architectural Standards. All improvements in this Zoning District shall be well designed and shall compliment the character and design of the surrounding neighborhood. All improvements and future improvements shall complement the design of the existing residential neighborhoods and shall enhance the site and be harmonious with high standards of improvements in the surrounding area. Future improvements shall be consistent with the purpose of Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, in the Zoning Ordinance. All unsightly uses shall be screened from view. All equipment including HVAC units, conduits, piping, fire risers, and trash containers shall be completely screened from view. 7. Preliminary Landscaping Plan. - s ~~~ __, ~~ P"l el2tnin~r~ I_ z~t~~l~a'~ +~ i'la~ `~. ~~~,~3 ~ r .~~a.;i~.rtun Page 5 of 6 ~ ~d ~SI- Section 5. The use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the project area shall be governed by the provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance except as otherwise provided in the Stage 2 Development Plan. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this day of by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:IPA#110101PLPA-2010-00004 School ojlmaginationlCity CouncillCC Ordinance PD.DOC Page 6 of 6 ti~~ m ~~~ ~~ DATE: TO: SUBJECT: March 9, 2010 Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING - PA 10-004 School of Imagination, Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review. Report prepared by Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist and Mike Porto, Consulting Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The School of Imagination project site is located within the Schaefer Ranch development. The proposed project. includes a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review to.allow the construction of a 12,065 square foot building with playground and related improvements on the project site. The School of Imagination currently has two facilities in the City of Dublin and following construction of the building on the project site the Applicant would re-locate the two existing facilities to the Schaefer Ranch project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the- Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a PD Planned Development Rezone and a related Stage 2 Development Plan for the School of Imagination located at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road; and 6) Adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review. Submitted By:~" Environmental Specialist '~ fig. . R~vie~d By: Planning Manager COPIES t0: Applicant ...-~..__._._~.._ _w...~........._.____......~.._.._.~...~,A~~,.._.._..~...._....__...._~.._...~.. File ITEM NO.: • Page 1 of 7 G:IPA#120101PA 10-004 School of ImaginationlPlanning Commission 3.9.101PCSR 3.9.10.doc STAFF DEPORT 7 ~ s~+- PLANNING COMMISSION ATTACHMICNT 2 DESCRIPTION: & ~~ 5y- Background: The School of Imagination project site is located in the Schaefer Ranch development, which is located within a portion of the Western Extended Planning Area. The Schaefer Ranch project area includes approximately 500 acres located at the westerly boundary of the City limits north of Interstate 580 and south of unincorporated Alameda County. The project site is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road. The 0.56 acre parcel is identified as Parcel J of Subdivision Map 6765. The Schaeffer Ranch development area has gone through a series of approvals since annexation into the City in 1996. The original approval included a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay to allow 474 single-family homes in addition to limited commercial space, public/semi-public uses and open space. On August 11, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 98-38 approving a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for 446 detached single-family homes. Subsequently, a lot reconfiguration concept was designed to accommodate 302 lots. In 2006, PA 06-031 was approved which included a Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 11- 06) and a Site Development Review for the four residential neighborhoods within Schaefer Ranch. The SDR approval established the architectural design standards for the 302-unit subdivision (Planning Commission Resolution 06-17). In 2008, PA 08-005 was approved which included City Council approval of an EIR Addendum, General Plan Land Use Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan and a Development Agreement for the portion of the project located south of Dublin Boulevard (Resolution 203-08, Resolution 204-08, Ordinance 37-08 & Ordinance 38-08). In addition, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8000 (Resolution 08-29). These amendments modified the commercial sites within the Schaefer Ranch Development as follows: (1) the 5.69 acre commercial parcel at the southwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road was rezoned to PD -Residential Single Family, and (2) the two remaining smaller adjacent lots at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road (of which the project site is a portion of) were rezoned to PD - Public/Semi-Public. Additionally, PA 08-005 amended two of the residential neighborhoods by reconfiguring the subdivision and adding a net total of 104 units, resulting in a grand total of 406 units in Schaefer Ranch, which is still less than the 446 units approved in the original configuration. Schaefer Ranch is currently partially occupied and under construction. The majority of the infrastructure is in place, including the extension of Dublin Boulevard which will be used to access the project site. Current Proposal: The Applicant, Discovery Builders, is requesting approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review to allow the construction of a 12,065 building with playground and related improvements for the operation of apre-school (School of Imagination) on the project site. Discovery Builders will construct the facility and then lease the facility to the School of Imagination. The lease is a private agreement between Discovery Builders and the School of Imagination. The term of the lease is for fifteen (15) years with two options for the School of Imagination to extend the term for an additional 15 2 of 7 years each (45 total years). The initial term will commence on the first day of the first month following the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the facility. ~ (~~ The School of Imagination is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit organization that provides services to children with auditory, speech, learning, and other unique physical needs. The proposed School of Imagination will enroll up to 72 children in the largest session (morning session) ages 18 months- to 5 years and will operate Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The facility will have no more than 9 employees (8 teachers and 1 administrator) on site at one time and will be licensed by the State of California. The facility offers several different programs to parents and operates mainly as a preschool and also includes before and after- school care. The facility will be comprised of the pre-school building which will include ten classrooms (not all of the classrooms will be utilized simultaneously), offices, staff related rooms, restrooms, storage, a kitchen facility and a library. The teaching occurs primarily in the classrooms. Speech therapists and occupational therapists work with the teachers in the classrooms and take selected kids out of the classroom and bring these kids into the offices to work with them on certain skills one-on-one. The School of Imagination offers a morning session (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) and an afternoon session (2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) in addition to extended care, which is offered an hour before the morning session begins and an hour after the afternoon session ends (8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.). The various enrollment options will result in a staggered pick-up and drop-off schedule so that children will come and go throughout the day, rather than all at once. ANALYSIS: Staff's analysis is broken up into several sections which describe each component of the project. Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance establishes the intent, purpose and requirements of the Planned Development District. The intent of the Planned Development District is to create a more desirable use of the land, a more coherent and coordinated development, and a better physical environment than would otherwise be achieved by a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts. The Zoning Ordinance requires the adoption of both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans which establish the regulations for the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the property within the Planned Development Zoning District. The project site is zoned PD, Planned Development, with an existing Stage 1 Development Plan. The Applicant is requesting approval of a Stage 2 Development Plan for the subject site at this time. The Stage 2 Development Plan allows for the construction of the pre-school building, playground, parking lot and related improvements on the site. The applicable regulations for the project can be found in the draft Ordinance approving the PD Development Rezone included as Exhibit A to Attachment 1. The regulations within this Ordinance includes a list of the permitted and conditionally permitted uses, development regulations, site area and proposed densities and preliminary landscape plan. 3 of 7 Site Development Review Permit /Q 6 ~~~- The Applicant has proposed to construct apre-school facility for the School of Imagination~~~e project includes a 12,065 square foot pre-school building, parking lot, playground, landscaping, and related improvements. Site Plan The proposed two-story building will be 12,065 square feet in size. The building is located on a 24,217 square foot parcel and once constructed will have a floor area ratio of 0.50. The General Plan allows for a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 0.50 for properties with the Public/Semi-Public land use designation. The parking area will be located in front of the School of Imagination building and it will have a one-way circulation pattern. The proposed playground .area is proposed to be located along the eastern portion of the project site at the rearside of the building and it will be enclosed by a 6 foot fence. Access to the site will be provided on Dublin Boulevard. An existing sidewalk is located adjacent to Dublin Boulevard, which will provide pedestrian access to the site. A pedestrian walkway will provide access from the sidewalk, through the parking lot and to the front entrance (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheets 2, 3 & 4). Architecture The proposed building is patterned from the American Farmhouse style of architecture. The roof form is a moderately pitched gable. The roof consists of composition asphalt shingles (Elk Prestique Weathered Wood). The building will be constructed with cream stucco. Accent colors are provided which include white and tan. The front elevation, which is visible from Dublin Boulevard, includes stone columns and a trellis feature at the entrance. Architectural details on the building include decorative shutters, divided light windows and projected window ledges. The American Farmhouse character is one of many traditional styles at Schaefer Ranch and will blend in well with the overall community (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheets 1 & 8). Playground A 3,942 square foot playground will be located along the eastern portion of the project site at the rearside of the building. During the standard hours of operation the playground will be used solely by the School of Imagination and will be enclosed by a 6' tall wood fence. The playground will include playground equipment. The equipment and flooring material will be wheelchair accessible. The playground will also include sand/water tables for sensory development. The playground will be a unique one-of-kind facility. No other such playground currently exists in the Tri-Valley area, and for this reason it may be used by other agencies in the area (such as Easter Seals) during non-business hours. The area adjacent to the playground is designated as Open Space and therefore, there will be no noise impacts to residences within the Schaefer Ranch development due to the separation between the dwellings and the playground area. The playground equipment shall require a Site Development Review Waiver to be approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of occupancy (Attachment 2, Condition of Approval No. 20). Parking The Dublin Zoning Ordinance does not have a parking requirement for apre-school facility. The use that is most similar to apre-school facility is a daycare facility. Section 8.76.080.D of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires daycare facilities to provide one parking space for each 4 of 7 employee and one loading space for every 5 children at the facility. As previously discussed the '~'°; Applicant is proposing 72 children in the largest session (morning session) and will have a maximum of 9 employees on-site at one time. Based on this requirement, the Project site is .~) required to provide a total of 23 parking spaces (9 employees + 72 children/5 spaces = 23 parking spaces). The Applicant is proposing to provide a total of 27 parking spaces, which will exceed the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by 4 parking spaces (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheet 2). As previously noted, the School of Imagination has various enrollment options, which will result in a staggered pick-up and drop-off schedule so that children will come and go throughout the day, rather than all at once. The parents will park their cars and walk their children into the facility. Landscaping The proposed on-site trees, shrubs and groundcover are consistent with palettes in the approved Streetscape Plans and entry plans for the Schaefer Ranch Development. Off-site landscape features (streetscape and entries) have already been installed. The Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.070.A.12) requires one tree for every four parking spaces. A total of 7 trees will be planted around the parking area which meets the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. As proposed, the parking lot will have a mixture of trees and groundcover throughout. Five trees are proposed to be planted around the parking lot to provide a buffer between the street and the parking lot (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheet 3). signage The signs shown on the project plans are conceptual in nature and include one wall sign and a monument sign at the entrance (Dublin Boulevard). The signage shown on the plans include a wall sign above the entrance which consists of 8" metallic letters with two uplights located on the trellis below (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheet 1). The monument sign shown on the plans is located at the northwestern portion of the property and consists of a 5 foot tall sign that has a sign area of 15 square feet and is consistent with the design of the building (Exhibit A of Attachment 2, Sheet 3). The signage shown on the plans are consistent with Chapter 8.84 (Sign Regulations) of the Dublin Municipal Code. Project signage, including building signage and the monument sight, shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. At this time, compliance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance will be verified (Attachment 2, Condition 72). CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN & ZONING ORDINANCE The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan designation of Public/Semi-Public. The Public/Semi-Public land use designation allows a variety of uses including special needs program facilities. The project site is zoned PD -Public/Semi-Public and the proposed project is consistent with the zoning of the site. The proposed rezone with the related Stage 2 Development Plan is consistent with the General Plan because it establishes development standards and permitted uses consistent with Public/Semi-Public land use. The proposed project is consistent with the Community Design and Sustainability Element because the proposed building is architecturally appealing. Additionally, the building scale and design are compatible with the character of the four neighborhoods within the Schaefer Ranch development. 5 of 7 REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: 1~a~5Y- The project plans were reviewed by the applicable departments and agencies and Conditions of Approval have been placed on the project. The Applicant has reviewed and agreed to these Conditions of Approval for the SDR (Attachment 2). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed Project. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has received no objections from surrounding property owners regarding the Project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay Zone (SCH #95033070) was certified by the City Council on July 9, 1996 by Resolution 76-96. The City Council also adopted Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring Program with this Resolution. Subsequently in 2008, the Dublin City Council approved an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08). The proposed project was adequately addressed in the EIR and Addendum prepared for the Schaefer Ranch Development, and no further environmental review is required. CONCLUSION: The proposed School of Imagination will provide aPublic/Semi-Public use for the site which will meet the intent of the General Plan to promote the establishment of Public/Semi-Public uses in the City. The proposed School of Imagination combines architecture and extensive landscaping that provides an attractive use for the community. Development of the site as apre-school that provides services to children with auditory, speech, learning, and other unique physical needs will provide an additional service to residents and employees in the City. The School of Imagination will provide a necessary service to residents in the area, will expand schooling options for parents who have children with special needs and will provide for the development of a vacant site with an important use. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan for the School of Imagination, with the draft Ordinance included as Exhibit A. 2) Resolution approving a Site Development Review with project plans included as Exhibit A. 6 of 7 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT/PROPERTY: OWNER LOCATION: ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDING USES: 13g 5`~ Dana Owyoung Discovery Builders 4061 Port Chicago Highway, Ste. H Concord, CA 94520 Southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road 941-2832-27 Public/Semi Public PD -Planned Development LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY North N/A Open Space Vacant South PD Open Space Vacant East PD Open Space Vacant West PD Public/Semi Public Vacant/Possible Future Fire Station 7of7 DRAFT DRAFT ~~ ,6~ ~ ~'E • • • • ~~~ =~ Planning CommZSSZOn Minutes !~'~,~~ `~ Tuesda March 9 2010 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair King called the meeting to order at 6:59:39 PM Present: Chair King; Vice Chair Swalwell; Commissioners Schaub, Brown, and Wehrenberg; Jeri Ram, Community Development Director; Kit Faubion, City Attorney; Marnie Waffle, Senior Planner; Erica Fraser, Senior Planner; Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist; Mike Porto, Consulting Planner; and Debra LeClair, Recording Secretary. Absent: Jeff Baker, Planning Manager ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA - A motion was made by Cm. Schaub to hear Item 8.3, Nissan Dealership before Item 8.2, Sorrento East; seconded by Cm. Swalwell, the motion carried. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - On a motion by Cm. Swalwell, seconded by Cm. Schaub the minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -NONE CONSENT CALENDAR -NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - 8.1 PA 10-004 School of Imagination, Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review. Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist presented the project as outlined in the Staff Report. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if therapists and teachers are considered interchangeable or are the therapists considered employees. Ms. Aja answered therapists are considered employees. She continued that the therapists are in the classroom to observe and can pull out students to work with them one-on-one as needed. Cm. Wehrenberg asked about Condition of Approval #43 from the Building Division requiring a Certified Access Specialist and #52 requiring Site Accessibility -are they the same. ~i'lrrra7szn~ C'a~~%ss-ic?rz `~fcarcfa {1; ?t33L? ~~;j=~Gir Stx eetfx.~ 1 ~ ATTACHMENT 3 DRAFT DRAF~ Gregory Shreeve, Building Official answered Condition of Approval #52 is a standard site accessibility condition and Condition of Approval #43 refers to a Certified Access Specialist who is an expert in the field, certified by the State to review and inspect specific accessibility standards not just to State law standard but federal law as well. Cm. Wehrenberg mentioned the Staff Report indicates the Condition of Approval will be waived if the permit is completed by July 1, 2010. Mr. Shreeve answered the law goes into effect on July 1, 2010. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if Parcel K has always been proposed as a fire station. Ms. Aja answered two sites were previously designated as commercial but were both changed recently to public/semi-public and it was anticipated that if a fire. station was needed it would be on that parcel. Cm. Wehrenberg was concerned about sirens going off so close to the school and if the sound would cause anxiety for the children. Jeri Ram, Community Development Director stated Staff is still determining whether a fire station is needed at that location and that there is a possibility one will not be necessary. She continued if it is determined not to be necessary then Staff would come back to the Commission with a proposal for a different use. Chair King opened the public hearing. Dana Oyoung, Discovery Builders, the Applicant spoke in favor of the project. He stated Discovery Builders is the Developer/builder of the Schaefer Ranch development which has been successful. He stated the School of Imagination is one of the parts of the development that they are most proud of. He thanked the City and Mayor Lockhart for their help in bringing the School of Imagination and Discovery Builders together. He spoke of how they planned the project using imaginative ideas because of space limitations and the FAR. He also spoke to the elevations, the American Farmhouse architecture to look like the homes in Schaefer Ranch and the site plan and felt they accomplished what they wanted and would like to begin as soon as they receive approvals. Cm. Schaub stated he is in support of the project and liked the idea of having the building look like the rest of the homes in the Schaefer Ranch development. He felt the building will be very visible. He stated that he is not in favor of a composite roof but understands there are issues with the weight of the roofing material. He felt that anything that the builders can do to ensure that the roofs look like the houses would be appreciated. He felt the current roofing material will look flat. He also felt the stucco pop-outs should be the same siding as the homes which would make the pop-out look more like the houses. f __ ___ 1 1 DRAFT /~~RkF9r Cm. Swalwell stated that one of the Conditions of Approval limits the number of employees to 9 but there is enough parking for more employees and asked why the school is limited to only 9 employees. He suggested increasing the number of employees at this meeting so that they do not have to come back to the Planning Commission if they want to increase the number at a later date. Ms. Aja answered there is a Condition of Approval that states that if the capacity of the school increases the Applicant will work with Staff to verify that all the building and fire codes are met and that there is ample parking to accommodate the increase and then the Applicant would not be required to come back to the Planning Commission. Cm. Swalwell asked if the Applicant would have to spend more money to increase the employees and asked if it would be better to do that now rather than at a later date. Ms. Aja felt there are many variables and that it makes sense to wait and stated the change would be an over-the-counter meeting between the Applicant and Staff with no "red tape" involved. Dana Oyoung responded to Cm. Schaub's concern regarding the materials for the pop-outs; he stated the Developer would have no problem changing the siding for the pop-outs. He stated Cm. Schaub's concern regarding the roof material, according to their calculations of the squares on the roof, is 76,000 square feet which equals 77 squares which would be 1,000 lbs per square foot; therefore a concrete the roof would weigh approximately 77,000 lbs. He stated they could comply but they would have to increase the structure to accommodate the extra weight on the building, strengthen the beams and the partitions in the multi-purpose room. He mentioned the EBRPD staging area restroom where the roof was a composite roof and felt it looked good. Cm. Schaub felt the roof will look flat with composite material, he stated he understood the weight concern but encouraged the Applicant to change it. Mr. Oyoung was concerned about the weight of the roof comparing it to two fully loaded semi trucks. He was not concerned with the cost of the composite roof compared to the cost of concrete tiles which he felt was not very significant. He stated the Applicant will install a heavy profile type composition roof that will look good. Cm. Schaub felt everyone would be happier with the roof if it looks more like the houses in Schaefer Ranch. Mitch Sigman, founder of the school, spoke in favor of the project and thanked the Planning Commission for listening and commended Staff and Mayor Lockhart for all their hard work. Janet Lockhart, former Mayor, spoke in favor of the project. She stated she is very proud of the City for understanding the value of the partnership between the Developer, the school and the City. She felt this project is something Discovery Homes is giving the community to enjoy for a long time to come. She commended Staff and the Commission for their hard work as well as 12 DRAFT //~R~~R Rich Ambrose for his contribution to the project. She thanked the Planning Division in getting the project to this point and Discovery Homes for being such a great partner. Chair King closed the public hearing. Cm. Wehrenberg stated she met one of the teachers from the school and was impressed with the spirit in which she talked about the school and the programs. She stated she is support of the project and has no issues with the design, color or parking. Cm. Swalwell felt that Schafer Ranch development has been successful and the school is a wonderful addition to the development and a good partnership between a reputable developer and a worthy organization. He felt the school will be an added value to the community and is consistent with the General Plan. He stated he is in support of the project. Cm. Brown also supports the school and felt it will be an added value to the City. Chair King stated that he has some personal experience with the diagnosis of Autism. He stated that at the time there were no resources; therefore he feels this is an outstanding project which is important to the community and stated he is in total support of the project. Cm. Schaub commented that he has attended graduation at the school and mentioned a friend that graduated who is doing well. He stated his only comment for the building is to the developers regarding the roof.7:32:25 PM On a motion by Cm. Swalwell and seconded by Cm. Wehrenberg, on a vote of 5-0, the Planning Commission approved: RESOLUTION NO. 10- 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AND WITH A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SCHOOL OF IMAGINATION LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND SCHAEFER RANCH ROAD (APN 941-2832-027) PA 10-004 RESOLUTION NO. 10- 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN 13 DRAFT I ~ ~ DRAFT APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE SCHOOL OF IMAGINATION LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND SCHAEFER RANCH ROAD (APN 941-2832-027) PA 10-004 7:34:44 PM 8.3 PA 09-040 Nissan Dealership Site Development Review an onditional Use Permit. Erica Fraser, Se 'or Planner presented the project as outlined i the Staff Report. Cm. Schaub asked at the area will look like and where e street will go. Ms. Fraser explained th configuration of the site, d indicated the gateway feature will be landscaped and located on he corner across from t Honda site. Cm. Schaub asked if the road w be eliminated. Ms. Fraser answered it will no so that it will be one site. Cm. Schaub asked about the part of Ms. Fraser answered that it will be that is next to the new City gateway feature. to the Honda site and used for inventory. Cm. Schaub asked about a beige bui~ding next to the Ms. Fraser answered that the building is CalTrans proper and not within the City limits. She stated CalTrans is using it as a l oratory. _ Joni Pattillo, City Manager s ated that the City is in discussion with CalTrans regarding the building. She stated they ar using it as a temporary lab and "temp ary" can be anything from 4 to 5 years. She stated th t the City is actively engaged with Ca1Tra and the issue has been mentioned on a couple o occasions. She continued the City recognizes at this is an area that they want to pay a lot attention to and will continue the conversation wi them. She stated the challenge is that th y want a lab facility close to their various projects on I-5 Chair King asked ' while Ms. Pattillo is in discussion with CalTrans she can bri up the subject of the shab y cyclone fences that bracket the murals under the freeway overpasse Ms. Pattillo agr ed and suggested alleviating the building close to the gateway feature first. S~e continued th at one point they had only one small building and the City gave them the opportunity o relocate it to 84 Lumber but they did not accept the opportunity. She stated that during the iscussions with CalTrans Staff indicated what the City would like the gateway to look like d reiterated that the City will continue discussions with CalTrans. be a row. The road will be redone within the Nissan site 14 i9~ ~- RESOLUTION NO. 10- 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE SCHOOL OF IMAGINATION LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND SCHAEFER RANCH ROAD (APN 941-2832-027) PA 10-004 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Discovery Builders, has requested approval of a Site Development Review for the construction of the School of Imagination with a 12,065 square- foot building, playground and related improvements on approximately ±0.56 acres of land, located in a portion of the Schaefer Ranch Development, within a portion of the Western Extended Planning Area, at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road; and WHEREAS, the Applicant also submitted an application for a PD Rezone with a Stage 2 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application for Site Development Review for the construction of a 12,065 square-foot building, playground and related improvements; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans for the requested entitlement prepared by Discovery Design Group received by the Planning Division on February 23, 2010 and enclosed as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a General Plan Amendment (Resolution 77-96), Planned Development Rezone (Ordinance 15-96 and Resolution 78-96), and certification of an Environmental Impact Report (Resolution 76-96) on July 9, 1996; and WHEREAS, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6765 was adopted on August 11, 1998 (Planning Commission Resolution 98-38) portions of which were subsequently reconfigured; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Stage 2 Development Plan on August 1, 2006 (Ordinance 11-06): and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review on June 27, 2006 (Resolution 06-17); and WHEREAS, the City Council approved PA 08-005 by adoption of an EIR Addendum (Resolution 203-08), General Plan Land Use Amendment (Resolution 204-08), Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 37-08) and a Development Agreement (Ordinance 38-08) for the portion of the project located south of Dublin Boulevard on November 18, 2008; and Attachment 4 ao od 31- WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8000 for the area on October 14, 2008 (Resolution 08-31); and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay Zone (SCH #95033070) which anticipated public/semi-public land uses on the project site, and was certified by the City Council on July 9, 1996 by Resolution 76-96. The City Council also adopted Findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and a Mitigation Monitoring Program with this Resolution. All of these documents are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08), which is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08), which is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the impacts of the current proposal have been adequately addressed in the 1996 EIR and 2008 Addendum to the EIR and no further environmental review is required; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the Planning Commission on March 9, 2010 recommending approval of said application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said application; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and .use independent judgment and considered the Site Development Review all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the.City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development Review: A. The proposed School of Imagination is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104, Site Development Review, of the Zoning Ordinance, with the General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1) the proposed project will be compatible with the surrounding area because the development is designed with respect to the adjacent properties which are designated for residential and public/semi-public uses; 2) the proposed project will conform to the density, design, and allowable uses as stated in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for Schaefer Ranch as required by Section 8.104.010.E of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and 3) the Project will be an alaG rf(- attractive addition to the City and therefore will meet the requirements of Sections 8.104.010.C and 8.104.010.D. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the proposed pre-school use is compatible with the approved uses for the Site and for Schaefer Ranch; 2) the overall design of the Project is compatible with the neighborhood in which it is located; 3) the proposed use will have adequate parking to support the facility as required by Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance; and 4) the proposed project is consistent with the Planned Development in which it is located. C. The design of the Project is appropriate to \the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties and the lot in which the Project is proposed because: 1) there will not be any significant environmental impacts associated with the Project; and 2) the site layout and design of the proposed building (Project Site) is compatible with the adjacent properties in that the building and playground is located away from residences and an adequate buffer has been provided. D. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the General Plan anticipated that aPublic/Semi-Public use will be conducted on the Site; 2) the adopted Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development zoning for the site allows for construction of a Public/Semi-Public facility on the Site; and 3) the proposed facility will have an initial Floor Area Ratio of .0.50 which is consistent with the maximum Floor Area Ratio of .50 permitted by the Stage 2 Planned Development and the General Plan. E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because: the Project has been graded to pad grade. F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the Site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other development in the vicinity because: 1) the Project has been well designed to complement the surrounding neighborhood; 2) the scale of the building has been designed to be similar to the residential neighborhoods of Schaefer Ranch; 3) the building includes a variety of roof heights and building forms to break up the massing of the building; 4) architectural details on the building include decorative shutters, divided light windows and projected window ledges; 5) the building will have stucco materials with stone columns and a trellis feature at the entrance; 6) a trash enclosure will be provided on the site to screen refuse; and 7) as required by the conditions of approval, all HVAC equipment and all conduits or piping will be screened from view. G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the proposed project includes a variety of trees and shrubs throughout the site; 2) trees and shrubs have been provided throughout the parking lot to break up the expanse of 3 aa~ sy- paving; and 3) street trees will be planted to meet the requirements of the City's Streetscape Master Plan and to complement the tree palette in Schaefer Ranch. H. The Site has been adequately designed to ensure proper circulation for bicyclists, pedestrians and automobiles because: 1) access to the Site will be provided from Dublin Boulevard; 2) the Project has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department and adequate access and circulation has been provided on-site; 3) existing sidewalks on Dublin Boulevard will provide pedestrian access to the site and an access walkway will be provided from this sidewalk to the front of the building; and 4) bicycle racks will be installed near the front of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby approve said application, Site Development Review for the School of Imagination, to construct a 12,065 square-foot building, playground and related improvements located at the corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road, as generally depicted in the Project Plans prepared by Discovery Design Group, received by the Planning Division on February 23, 2010, labeled Exhibit A, stamped approved, and on file with the Community Development Department, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [PL] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [PCS] Parks and Community Services, [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [LDD], Livermore Dublin Disposal, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Zone 7], Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7, [LAVTA], Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, [CHS], California Department of Health Services. NO. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Agency When Required, Prior to: Source SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1. Approval. This Site Development Review PL On-going Planning approval for PA 10-004 Site Development Review application to allow the construction of a 12,065 square foot building with playground and related improvements for the operation of a pre-school (School of Imagination) within the Schaefer Ranch development. The project shall comply with the projects plans received by the Planning Division on February 23, 2010 on file in the Community Development Department, unless modified by the Conditions of A royal contained herein. 4 ~~s~- 2. Effective Date. This Site Development PL On-going Planning Review approval is contingent upon the approval of the Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 2 Development Plan. If the Planned Development Rezone and Stage 2 Development Plan is not approved this Site Development Review approval shall become null and void. 3. Permit Expiration. Construction shall PL Two years from DMC commence within two (2) years of adoption Adoption of 8.96.020.D of the Stage 2 Rezone by the City Council Stage 2 Rezone approval or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the Permit approval or demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the requirements of this Ordinance. 4. Time Extension. The original approving PL One year from DMC decision-maker may, upon the Applicant's permit approval 8.96.020.E written request for an extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the determination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing or public meeting shall be held as re uired b the articular Permit. 5. Permit Validity. This Site Development PL On-going DMC Review approval shall be valid for the 8.96.020.E remaining life of the approved structure so long as the operators of the subject property comply with the Project's Conditions of A royal. 6. Revocation of Permit. The Site PL On-going DMC Development Review approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with a~ ~ g~- Section of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this Permit shall be subject to citation. 7. Fees. The Applicant shall pay all applicable Various On-going Various fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning Fees, Building Fees, Dublin San Ramon Service District fees, Public Facilities fees, Tri Valley Transportation fees,. Downtown Traffic Impact Fee, Dublin Unified School District impact fees, Alameda. County Fire Services fees, Noise Mitigation fees; Inclusionary Housing in lieu fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water connection fees. When and if applicable and customary, credits shall be applied for existin im rovements. 8. Hold Harmless. The Applicant/Developer PL On-going Standard shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City and its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, Planning Commission, City Council, Director of Community Development, Zoning Administrator, or any , other department, committee, or agency of the City of the site development review; provided, however, that the Applicant/Developer's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless under this provision shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Applicant/Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's cooperation in the defense of such actions or roceedin s. 9. Property Maintenance. Per the City of PL On-going DMC Dublin Non-Residential Property 5.64.050 Maintenance Ordinance DMC Section 5.64.050, the Applicant and Property Owner shall maintain the building, site and all signage in good condition and shall keep the site clear of trash, debris and graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis. a~ad sr- 10. Modifications. Modifications or changes to PL On-going DMC this SDR approval may be considered by the 8.100.080 Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.100.080 of the .Zoning Ordinance. 11. Controlling Activities. The PL On-going Planning Applicant/Developer shall control all activities on the Project Site so as not to create a nuisance to the existing or surrounding businesses and residences. 12. Accessory/Temporary Structures. The PL On-going DMC use of any accessory or temporary 8.108 structures, such as storage sheds or trailer/ container units used for storage or for any other purposes, shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Develo ment Director. 13. Equipment Screening. All electrical and/or PL Building Permit Planning mechanical equipment shall be screened Issuance from public view. Any roof-mounted equipment shall be completely screened Through from view by materials architecturally Completion/ On- compatible with the building and to the going satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The Building Permit plans shall show the location of all equipment and screening for review and approval by the Director of Communit Develo ment. 14. Refuse Collection/ Trash . PW, PL Prior to Public Enclosure/Garbage Area. The Applicant/ issuance of Works and Developer shall provide designated refuse Building Permit Planning collection areas for the project, subject to approval by the appropriate solid waste collection company prior to approval of improvement plans. The refuse collection service provider shall be consulted to ensure that adequate space is provided to accommodate collection and sorting of putrescible solid waste as well as source- separated recyclable materials generated by this project. The proposed trash enclosure shall be architecturally designed to be compatible with the building. The enclosure shall have a roof constructed of materials that are architecturall com atible with the buildin . a~~ s~- The doors must be designed with self-closing gates that can be locked closed and can also be held open with pin locks during loading. All trash bins used for this site shall be maintained within the trash bin enclosure(s) at all times. An area drain shall be installed within the trash enclosure with a connection to the sanitary sewer system. In addition, a hose bib shall be provided for convenient wash-down of the trash enclosure. 15. Photometric Plan/Parking Lot Lights. The PW, Prior to Various Applicant/ Developer shall provide PL, PO issuance of photometric calculation for the proposed Occupancy parking lot and around the building that Permit(s) demonstrates a minimum foot-candle lighting level of not less than 1.0 at the ground surface for the adjacent parking area; if this cannot be verified provide additional lighting where necessa 16. Bicycle Racks. Bicycle racks shall be PW, PL Prior to Public installed near the entrances to the office issuance of Works and building at a ratio of 1 rack per 40 vehicle Occupancy Planning parking spaces. Bicycle racks shall be Permit(s) designed to accommodate a minimum of four bicycles per rack, and so that each bicycle can be secured to the rack. The location of the bicycle racks shall not encroach into any adjacent/adjoining sidewalks in a manner that would reduce the unencumbered width of the sidewalk to less than 4'. Bicycle racks shall be placed in locations where they will have adequate lighting and can be surveilled by the building occu ants. 17. Temporary Fencing. Temporary PW, B During Public Construction fencing shall be installed along Construction, Works and perimeter of all work under construction to Prior to Building separate the construction operation from the issuance of public. All construction activities shall be Occupancy confined to within the fenced area. Permit, and Construction materials and/or equipment Through shall not be operated or stored outside of the Completion fenced area or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the City En ineer/Public Works Director. 18. Colors. The exterior paint colors of the PL Prior to Planning building are subject to City review and Occupancy a royal. The A licant shall aint a ortion a~~ ~ of the building the proposed colors for review and approval by the Director of Community Develo ment rior to aintin the buildin . 19. Trash and Waste Accumulation. The PL On-going Planning Applicant or any future owner shall provide and conduct regular maintenance of the site at least once daily, in order to eliminate and control the accumulation of trash, excess waste material and debris. 20. Playground Equipment. The playground PL Prior to Planning equipment shall require a Site Development Occupancy Review Waiver to be approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of buildin ermits. 21. Enrollment Capacity. This approval is for 72 PL On-going Planning children and 9 employees, as shown in the project plans. Any increase to the number of students or employees shall be reviewed by the Community Development Department to ensure that all Building Codes, Fire Codes and parking requirements are satisfied. The current plan indicates 4 excess parking s aces and additional student ca acit . LANDS CAPING 22. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans. PL Building Permit DMC Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans, Issuance 8.72.030 prepared and stamped by a State licensed landscape architect or registered engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer and the Community Development Director. Plans shall be generally consistent with the landscape plans prepared by Discovery Design Group, received by the Planning Division on February 23, 2010, except as modified by the Conditions listed below and as required by the Communit Develo ment Director. 23. Landscaping at StreetlDrive Aisle PL Building Permit Planning Intersections. Landscaping shall not Issuance obstruct the sight distance of motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists. Except for trees, landscaping (and/or landscape structures such as walls) at drive aisle intersections shall not be taller than 30 inches above the curb. Landscaping shall be kept at a minimum height and fullness giving patrol officers and the general public surveillance ca abilities of the area. ~So6 9fi 24. Street Lights and Trees. Maintain PL, PO Building Permit Planning approximately 15' clearance between Issuance streetlights and street trees. Where such clearance is not practical for design considerations, the spacing between the trees shall be increased and the size of the trees shall be increased to 36" box minimum to reduce the conflict between the lighting and folia e. 25. Backflow Prevention Devices. The PL, Building Permit Planning Landscape Plan shall show the location of all PW, F Issuance backflow prevention devises. The location and screening of the backflow prevention devices shall be reviewed and approved by Cit Staff. 26. Plant Standards. All trees shall be 24" box PL Occupancy Planning minimum, with at least 30% at 36" box or reater; all shrubs shall be 5 allon minimum. 27. Maintenance of Landscaping. All PL On-going City of landscaping materials within the public right- Dublin of-way shall be maintained for 90 days and Standards on-site landscaping shall be maintained in Plant accordance with the "City of Dublin Standards Material, Plant Material, Irrigation System and Irrigation Maintenance Agreement" by the Developer System and after City-approved installation. This Maintenanc maintenance shall include weeding, the e application of pre-emergent chemical Agreement applications, and the replacement of materials that die. Any proposed modifications to the landscaping on the site, including the removal or replacement of trees, shall require prior review and written approval from the Communit Develo ment Director. 28. Root Barriers and Tree Staking. The PL, PW Building Permit Planning Landscape Plans shall provide details Issuance showing root barriers and tree staking will be installed which meet current City s ecifications. 29. Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. PL Building Permit DMC 8.88 The Applicant/Developer shall submit written Issuance documentation to the Public Works Department (in the form of a Landscape Documentation Package and other required documents) that the development conforms to the City's Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance 10 .~I "d si- 30. Landscape Borders. Where applicable, all PL Building Permit Planning landscaped areas shall be bordered by a Issuance concrete curb that is at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide. Any curbs adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide to facilitate pedestrian access. All landscaped areas shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width (face of curb to face of curb). All landscape planters within the parking area shall be at least 2 feet shorter than adjacent parking spaces to facilitate vehicular maneuvering. Concrete mow strips at least 4 inches deep and 6 inches wide shall. be required to se crate turf areas from shrub areas. 31. Landscape Screening. At no time shall any PL On-going of the landscaping around building including shrubs and trees be removed. Removals may only occur if the species is to be replaced with the same s ecies. 32. Shrubs. All shrubs shall be continuously PL On-going maintained including pruning and regular watering. If at any time the shrubs in the parking lot or throughout the Project Site are damaged, missing, dead or dying, these shrubs shall be immediately replaced with the same species to the satisfaction of the Communit Develo ment Director. 33. Trees. The property owner shall continually PL On-going maintain all trees shown on the approved Landscape Plans including replacing dead or dying trees with the same species, pruning and regular watering of the trees. Within five years and every five years thereafter, all trees which are to be installed in conjunction with this phase of the Project shall show substantial growth to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. If the trees have not shown substantial growth, the property owner shall replace the trees to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. BUILD ING 34. Building Codes and .Ordinances. All project B Through Building construction shall conform to all building Completion codes and ordinances in effect at the time o the buildin ermit. 35. Building Permits. To apply for building B Issuance of Building ermits, A licant/Develo er shall submit Building Permits ~~~ seven (7) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan check. Each of the plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to issuance of buildin ermits. 36. Construction Drawings. Construction plans B Issuance of Building shall be fully dimensioned (including building Building Permits elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. 37. Addressing. Address will be required on all B Prior to Building doors leading to the exterior of the building. Occupancy Addresses shall be illuminated and be able to be seen from the street, 5 inches in height minimum. 38. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of B Prior to Frame Building record shall be retained to provide Inspection observation services for all components of the lateral and vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector rp for to scheduling the final frame ins ection. 39. Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy is B Prior to Building requested to occur in phases, then all Occupancy of physical improvements within each phase any affected shall be completed prior to occupancy of the building building within that phase except for items specifically excluded in an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork items, approved by the Department of Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the Directors of Communit Develo ment and Public Works 12 ~~ ~ for review and approval a minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any building covered by said Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide adequate vehicular access. No portion of the building shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, and provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional construction activity to the satisfaction of the Building Official. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated im rovements. 40. Air Conditioning Units. Air Conditioning B Prior to Building units and ventilation ducts shall be screened Occupancy from public view with materials compatible to the main building. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non- movable materials to be approved by the Building Official and Director of Community Develo ment. 41. Electronic File. Applicant/Developer shall B Prior to Building submit all building drawings and Occupancy specifications for this project in an electronic PDF format to the satisfaction of the Building Official prior to the issuance of building permits. Additionally, all revisions made to the building plans during the project shall be incorporated into an "As Built" electronic file and submitted prior to issuance of the final occu anc . 42. Copies of Approved Plans. The Applicant B 30-days after Building shall provide the City with 4 reduced (1/2 Permit & each size co ies of the a roved Ian. revision issuance 43. CASp. Applicant shall obtain the services of B Prior to Building a Certified Access Specialist for the review of Permitting & the construction drawing and inspection. A Final written report shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of the permit application. In addition, a written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector prior to scheduling the final inspection. This condition is waived provided the building permit is issued prior to Jul 1, 2010. 13 3a ~ 4~ FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 44. Project must comply with Building and Fire F On-going Fire Code requirements in effect at the time of buildin de artment submittal. 45. Project must comply with Dublin Wildfire F On-going Fire Mana ement Plan. 46. Approvals for this project are based on an "E" F On-going Fire Educational Occu anc . PUBLIC WORKS 47. Standard Public Works Conditions of PW Prior to approval Public Works Approval. Applicant/Developer shall of Improvement comply with all applicable City of Dublin Plans Public Works Standard Conditions of ~ Approval. In the event of a conflict between the Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these Conditions shall revail. 48. Improvement Agreement and Security. PW Prior to approval Public Works Pursuant to §7.16.620 of the Municipal of Improvement Code, the Applicant shall obtain a Plans Grading/Sitework Permit from the Public Works Department that governs the installation of required site improvements. As a condition of issuance of said permit, Improvement Security shall be posted to guarantee the faithful performance of the permitted work. Such security shall be in the form of cash, a certified or cashier's check, a letter of credit, or a permit bond executed by the Applicant and a corporate surety authorized to do business in California. The amount of the security will be based on the estimated cost of the site work (excluding the building). The Applicant shall provide an estimate of these costs for Cit review with the first Ian submittal. 49. Improvement and Grading Plans. All PW Prior to approval Public Works improvement, drainage, utility and grading of Improvement plans submitted to the Public Works Plans Department for review/approval shall be .prepared in accordance with the approved SDR, these Conditions of Approval, and the City of Dublin Municipal Code including Chapter 7.16 (Grading Ordinance). Design plans shall be prepared to engineering scale of 1'=40'. All printing and lettering shall be 1/8" minimum height and such shape and wei ht as to be readil le ible on rints and 14 33 6~ 9~- microfilm reproductions. When submitting plans for review/approval, the Applicant/Developer shall also fill-out and submit a City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Checklist (three 8-1/2" x 11" pages). Said checklist includes .necessary design criteria and other pertinent information to assure that plans are submitted in accordance with established City standards. The plans shall also reference the current City of Dublin Standard Plans (booklet), and shall include applicable City of Dublin Improvement Plan General Notes (three 8- 1/2" x 11" pages). For on-site improvements, the Applicant/Developer shall adhere to the City's On-site Checklist (eight 8-1/2" x 11" pages). All of these reference documents are available from the Public Works Department (call telephone 925-833-6630 for more information). The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the approved SDR, and the City design standards & ordinances. In case of conflict between the soil engineer's recommendations and City ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply. 50. Erosion Control during Construction. PW Prior to issuance Public Works Applicant/Developer shall include an of Erosion and Sediment Control Plan with the Grading/Sitework Grading and Improvement plans for review Permit and and approval by the City Engineer and/or during Public Works Director. Said plan shall be construction designed, implemented, and continually maintained pursuant to the City's NPDES permit between October 1St and April 15t" or beyond these dates if dictated by rainy weather, or as otherwise directed by the City Engineer and/or Public Works Director. All grading, construction, and development activities within the City of Dublin must comply with the provisions of the Clean Water Act. Proper erosion control measures must be installed at development sites within the Cit durin construction, and 15 3`l~G 5l- all activities shall adhere to Best Mana ement Practices. 51. Site Plan. On-site and off-site PW Prior to approval Public improvements shall be designed in of Improvement Works accordance with the approved site plan, Plans entitled "School of Imagination Preliminary Site Plan" by Discovery Design Group, Sheet 2, dated 2/12/10. 52. Site Accessibility Requirements. All PW Occupancy Public disabled access .ramps, parking spaces for Works the disabled, and other physical site improvements shall comply with current UBC Title 24 requirements and City of Dublin Standards for accessibilit . 53. Vehicle Parking. All parking spaces shall PW Prior to issuance Public Works be double striped using 4" white lines set of Occupancy approximately 2 feet apart according to Permit(s) Figure 76-3 and §8.76.070 (A) 17 of the Dublin Municipal Code. All compact-sized parking spaces shall have the ~ word "COMPACT" stenciled on the pavement within each space. 12"-wide concrete step- out curbs shall be constructed at each parking space where one or both sides abuts a landscaped area or planter. Wheel stops as necessary shall be provided at the arkin stalls. 54. Signs and Pavement Markings. The PW Prior to issuance Public Works Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for of Occupancy the following on-site traffic signs and Permit(s) pavement markings: a. Directional pavement arrows in the drive aisles. b. R26F "No Stopping -Fire Lane" signs shall be posted on-site along all curbs that are longer than 20' and that parallel the drive aisles as required by the Fire Marshall. c. R100B (disabled parking regulations sign) shall be installed at each of the driveway. entrance to the site with amended text to read "...'may be reclaimed at DUBLIN POLICE or by telephoning 833-6670". d. Handicapped parking signs and le ends er State Title 24 16 3~ ~ 5~- requirements. e. "No Dumping - Drains to Bay" markers at all storm drain inlets. f. Any other signs and markings deemed reasonably necessary by the City Engineer and/or Public Works Director during final design and/or construction. 55. Construction Hours. Construction and PW During Public Works grading operations shall be limited to week- Construction days (Monday through Friday) and non-City holidays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The Applicant/Developer may request permission to work on Saturdays and/or holidays between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm by submitting a request form to the City Engineer no later than 5:00 pm the prior Wednesday. Overtime inspection rates will apply for all Saturday and/or holida work. 56. Damage/Repairs. The Applicant/Developer PW Prior to issuance Public Works shall be responsible for the repair of any of Occupancy damaged pavement, curb & gutter, Permit sidewalk, or other public street facility resulting from construction activities associated with the development of the ro~ect. 57. Occupancy Permit Requirements. Prior to PW Prior to issuance Public Works issuance of an Occupancy Permit, the of Occupancy physical condition of the project site shall Permit meet minimum health and safety standards including, but not limited to the following: a. The streets and walkways providing access to the occupied building shall be complete, as determined by the City Engineer/Public Works Director, to allow for safe, unobstructed pedestrian and vehicle access to and from the building. b. All traffic control devices on streets providing access to the building shall be in place and fully functional. ~, I c. All street name signs and address numbers for streets rovidin access 17 ~ ~ ~+- to the building shall be in place and visible. d. Lighting for the streets and building shall be adequate for safety and security. All streetlights on streets providing access to the building shall be energized and functioning. Exterior lighting shall be provided for building entrances/exits and pedestrian walkways. Security lighting shall be provided as required by Dublin Police. e. All construction equipment, materials, or on-going work shall be separated from the public by use of fencing, barricades, caution ribbon, or other means reasonably approved by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. f. All fire hydrants for the building shall be operable and easily accessible to City and ACFD personnel. g. All site features designed to serve the disabled (i.e. H/C parking stalls, accessible walkways, signage) for the building shall be installed and full functional. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT 58. Prior to issuance of any building permit, DSRSD Permit Issuance DSRSD complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities," ,all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD olicies. 59. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient DSRSD Improvement DSRSD capacity to accommodate future flow Plans demands in addition to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utilit master tannin . 60. Sewers shall be designed to operate by DSRSD Improvement DSRSD ravit flow to DSRSD s existin sanita Plans 18 39 ~G ~l- sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20-year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the applicant for an ro'ect that re uires a um in station. 61. Domestic and fire protection waterline DSRSD Improvement DSRSD systems shall be designed to be looped or Plans interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound en ineerin ractice. 62. DSRSD policy requires public water and DSRSD Final Map DSRSD sewer lines to be located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. 63. Prior to approval by the City of a grading DSRSD Grading Permit DSRSD permit or a site development permit, the locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. 64. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building DSRSD Permit Issuance DSRSD Permit or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all utility connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD code. 65. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building DSRSD Permit Issuance DSRSD Permit or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all im rovement lans for 19 ~~ ad ~ DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the ', District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature b the District En ineer. 66. No sewer line or waterline construction DSRSD Permit Issuance DSRSD shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. 67. The Applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board DSRSD Through DSRSD of Directors, commissions, employees, and Completion agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and com letion of the ro'ect. 68. Improvement plans shall include recycled DSRSD On-going DSRSD water improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for landscape irrigation shall connect to recycled water mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the re uirements therein. 69. A Backflow Prevention device to prevent DSRSD Permit Issuance DSRSD back-siphoning of water into the potable distribution main will be required per the District's specifications. DSRSD will calculate and require payment of demand fees from those projects that increase demands on water and/or sanitary sewer services prior to issuing a construction ermit. DUBLIN POLICE SERVICES 70. Security Ordinance. The Applicant shall PO On-going Police comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non Residential Securit Ordinance 20 requirements. 71. Graffiti. The Applicant shall keep the site PO On-going DMC 5.68 clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. SIGNS -PROJECT SPECIFIC 72. signage. Project signage, including PL Prior to Building Planning building signage and the monument sign, Permit shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. 73. Temporary Promotional Banners and PL On-going Dublin Balloons. Temporary Promotional Banner Zoning Signs and Balloons shall only be permitted Ordinance after first securing an approved Temporary Ch. 8.84 Promotional Sign Permit. 74. A-Frame Signs. The use of A-Frame, PL On-going Dublin portable, sandwich-board, pennants, or Zoning human-held signs on the premises is Ordinance strictly prohibited. Said signs and any form Chapter 8.84 of off-site advertising signs shall also be prohibited upon any public property, including City streets and sidewalks. 75. Outdoor Events. Any outside events shall PL On-going Dublin be subject to the Temporary Use Permit Zoning requirements contained in the City of Ordinance Dublin Municipal Code, specifically Section Chapter 8.108.020. 8.108 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of March 2010 by the following vote: AYES: King, Brown, Swalwell, Wehrenberg, Schaub NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager G:IPA#120101PA 10-004 School of ImaginationlPlanning Commission 3.9.101SDR Reso.DOC 21 4oe~s~ Conceptual Front Elevation 0 2`J'1~'~~~ ~ of 6~ti~ APPROVED ~,. ~Plar-h' ~~' ~~~ ante: 3-~ -~ Pa #: to-do~i Pesolution Oo.: ~~ ~' ~ ~ I, ~~ School of Imagination sn-iaos-nc. ~ ns ]~L9COVERY D~ GROVe Date 02/19110 REC~~V~~ FEB 2 3 2010 aUBLIN p~NNING 1 EXHII3IT A TO ATTACHMENT ~} ~1~~5~ 4z~=~f WOOD FRAME - GOPPER P05T GAP 2x6 WD. TRIM- 6x6 WD. POSTS NAME 8 LO60 SU$JEGT TO CHANGE -~ 2x6 WD. TRIM ~ 2x8 WD. TRIM_ SIGN AREA: ± 15 5Q. FLUORESCENT W.P. UPLI6HT i N Preliminary Landscape Plan N.T.S. ~~z PLANTING LEGEND TREES PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 15 GAL. 0 'COLUMBIA' SYCAMORE ARBUTUS UNEDO 15 GAL. • STRAWBERRY TREE MALUS 15 GAL. PRAIRFIRE' FLOU;ERING CRABAPPLE SHRUG O ARCTOSTAPHYLOS DENSIFLOR4 'HOWARD MCMINN' VINE HILL MANZANITA 5 GAL. cROUNpcov~R GAZANIA RIGENS I GAL. 'GAZANIA' g 8' O.C. ELEVATION ------ PLAN VIEW SECTION _Good Neighbor Fence Detail N.T.S, I~ ~, School of Imagination 877-KIDS-TLC, Ext 718 Date 02119/10 ®~ ~ L I lV ~ L V ® ~~~~~~~n~ PROJ~GT SIGN ~~ ~° ~~Y L 1 1 20~• i ~~_ ~~ ` p~,y AREA eaw yn D~9~9 fiP ~ -- at "°'' ~- '~ i '°~''Da a°~2~ -. ~- ---~ ~ 4 3 2 It IO q/ ,. ~i ' 9 P~TALL FIELD INLET \ \-\ ~ / 1 2A-b PDC SNEET I ~ LG50-12 OF PHASE a Ihf'ROilE1~IT s ,; 12` HDFE 50 a. V}~G~4NT SOT / .,. POT~NTI~4L FUTURE t ~ I R~ STA~T1 ON i ,~ .{ i FLOOR DRAIN FOR TE, LONHEOT TO 55 ,1 M1 -~ 9-~i 20'X55'. FIRE AGLf55 - n'ER LFG TABLE DI05.4 ~ // -G TURNARgJND tS NOT / j,.J ~. .. i ~ REQUIRED FOR 150' DR. LE55) r_~ ...~.•.~•. -~~. jam'..-.- 4 ,. ~.. s ,~ .;, p ; . '~. ~. ~ .. ., ~_ . ,: .~ ~ W. ~ ~ .: Q. I~~--, ~.~r^ - ,~.: .. :, , ti. .. . . .. ` • C ~\ • ~ ~ , J Conceptual Grading/Utility Plan SGALE: I" = 20' ~2 PARKING GRITERiA u aDS A+DRraNe s~saN) B TEACr~RS PER SE5510N n2 KIDS/fEAGt>ER PER TmE 22 DN.12, LHAPSER U k PARKING SPALES 0 STALL PER 5 KIDS} 8 PARKINb SPAGES n STALL PEIe reACNERI i PARKING 5PALE (I STALL FOR ADMINlMiSW 23 TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED PBt DUDLIN ORDMWILE B.'fb.000D 27 STALLS PROVIDED nNG. Z HG 5TALLS PER L@G LHAP IIB) SITS DATA: N t7 S1TE AREA, 24,2P15P. T- TOTAL FLDOR AREAS 12Q65 S.F. R FLOOR AREA RATIO, 5 ALLOWFPLE l X 2417 SP. x 5. 12}005 55`. 1~'1 LANDSLAPG 9;500 SF. n45%1 ---~ GRADING = 51TE HA5 BEE1! bRADED TD PAD GRADE. YN ARE EXISTINb I v ~ RADED. ' C :# ~~ ~ ~y Y School of Imaginafiion 877-KIDS-TLC, Exfi 716 DISCOVERY DESIGN GROUP Date 02119/10 43~5~- ~4~ 5~ ~~~~-0.. u'-a° aa'~ in^ 5o'-z In° ' I ~~ • ____~_ ~_~ ~r--i ~~-i>~ i LI__ ''~,, LI scea_nnu ', '~, ~34'-0k]5'-0~ 24'fik17'-0' ~ ~'~,, '.' ~~'.~ OFFIGE '. 6'-0'x9'-0' . I ~ ~' ~ UTILITY OFFICE ~, m ~ ~~. rJ_aeernroA ~: 41~Y ;t ~ 21'-Sk6'3~.. ~ - ~~ SQUARE FOOTAGE i~~-ekio-e• -- - - ~-~ I ~I - - '~ ~~ 1~ ~~ ' FIRST FLOOR b,486 SF ' `,~~ `, ~ ~ ' SECOND FLOOR 5,519 SF TOTAL AREA 12,065 SF NALL ,' - ~ ' _ (ffia~t ~~ -'- -•-•-'- ~I ', ~ ~_-'-~ ~ ~ ~' 02468 Ib n ,-. ~ ~ ' L4~Y KtIfdl~ ~ 92tlPJ, ° ` _ , ~ I I I ' ~~ L I GLA65ROOM ~.i eec~nnu ra s_~cnMM ' 2S'-Ok]S~0' I 7S'd'~'-0' I 73'-O'x75'-0• _ I I N ~ VF~+TIAIA F ._ y ..~;i r I I I V ~. o _ __ _ < School of Imagination 877-KIDS-TLC. Ext 718 u'-a° la'-u• ba~-a° _-- _ ____-- T_ _.___,___ _.__ _._, _ _ ~~_~____ ________.~__ __: DISCOVERY DESIGN C First Floor Plan GROUP J Date 02/19/10 I 4~~ 5y- ~ 4 _ III'-0" _ I I II'-4" 49'31/2' --.---- -~`- 50'-21/2" -- I ~ -- ', I I i I 'I~pMy ' CJ ~SSRMM ~[~L ' I ~~ I I I I I ~~ OFFIGE I '~ I IS'-Ok4'-0' i I~ I ~!, OFFIGE ry, ', it g,-0°~,-0, _ m 5745 OFFICE ~ ~'~,~ ~ II'-~k14'-3' ~~ ~ 7 I >~ i _~ ' '; SQUARE FOOTAGE ~ h ~i ~~' ~~`I'--~ FIRST FLOOR 6,486 SF °N ~ ~ !. _.._.___.___... 'I-~-- -- `-} I SECOND FLOOR 5,E"19 SF ~ ~ TOTAL AREA 12p65 SF ~~ 1 I \ ' ply, i>~~LL _~ , ~7 L_ i ~ - ~; O 2468 Ib N i d@I10 E8LY1 4FFIGE OFFICE OFFICE 4FFIGE 4ffIGE 'I ~b, II'-6k14'-b' ~. OFFICE MP. 5181 - __ I ~ >: IIf ~' ~ . I ~ ..,....z I " 4 N ~ I ~ ~; rl I x, sg~, , I _ _ _ _ . _ ___- ______ --- ._- ' -- _ - -- --- ~~----------~r--------~1---------t1--------- '~ '' School of Imagination 877-KIDS-TLC. Ext 718 I I I -4 1411° -- --I ~~~ _ _ .. - - --- DISCOVERY / DESIGN L~ Second Floor Plan GROUP U Date 02/19/10 I ~5,~s.~ ~-~~ 5y ~o~-0. 0 0 I ___~ R~>~R ELEVATION FLOOR PL>~N SIGHT ~ LEFT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION ~,. s~ ,r~ ~, __ ' ~ s TF~~SH ~N~;~c~~U~~ N.T.S. DISCOVERY ~ DESIGN Q GROUP o Date 02/12110 School of Imagination 877-KIDS-TLC. Ext 718 --~V- ~~ ~~ <$ ~~ w~ ~~~ 8 ~~~ ~p~ ~~~ ~ ~o o~~ ~ ~ ~_ ~~~$> C ~ }W ~ ~ g ~ ~ r~9~~~~~ z ~~~~~~~ ~ _ ~ ~~ ~~"~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g~=~~~ a ~~~ ~~o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ gN~~~ ~ z ~~~~ ~~o~~~ ~~~ ~~o~~ ~~ o~~~ ~~~~ - ~~~ wa ~ n m z ~C ~. „ o~y~ - ~ X ~ ~~ ~y~1~+9~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P ~ ~ ~~yg`~LL~~~~ U-I ~~~u~~ubb~bu~ ~ m m ~sF~m ~ ~ ~u7d~wm~~~ o ~m ~ ~ ~~ w z a t ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ V O ( ~7 O N 1 y ,~ ¢ j ~ ~ ~ ~~[[ J W d ;i A A C7 O ~ ~ o~o l . o o " ~ ~ ~ Z ~ - o ~ A v H s W ~ ~ ° J ~ ~ " ~ ~~ ~x w U1 ~~LL ~ ~m~~ ~ ~~~~ ~$ ~~~~~ ~: ~w~ }~ m ~~~s~ ~~~ LL ~ ~~~ u ~~ ~~~ a~ ~ ~<~ ~ ~ ~ h ~i~~ rim ~ ~"~ ~~} o ~ u : ~ry~ ~s~ ~~°~ ~ ~~~ q~Q~ ~v Q~~~ ~~ ~`~~» ~m ~~~ ~(~(~CC~ Q QF~ -~ti ~ s ~i ~i 4 v ~~ ~~ a ~a LL h ~' I Q s~ ~Z ~~ ~~ nm ~~ ~~ _~ _ _~ ~" ~~ ~g ~~ z J J IL . ~ 4 lL ~ y Q 8 ..~ ~~ m ~~ ~~~ ~~g n~~~ :~~ s~3~~~ ~dn~~~ ~Qm~x ~~n~g ~~ ~ d' 1~ ~~ rr^~ Vl 49~5~ 5~c~5!f t ,, I~, ~ `®` _ , I ooh ,~ ~L 101 ~ i ~ alj ~ / / sum 102 10'1 / ~u NET ~REA FoR RCOMS ~~ 106 1 10'i • 1,706 SF / 1,206 SFn ~P •172 OCOUPANT5 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN x~:,~..,,-0. GREATEST DIAGONAL DIMB~ISION: IROOFEi 106 1 10'11 51'-0' / ] . 28'-6' ~ (i611~ S1'-0' / 3 • 19'-0' (I/9 w/ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTENV 108 DI5TAN0E EETYE~N 2 EXITS: 129:3. 2 35'-0• I - , L , of -, 105 ~,b' I ~~ ~ 103 ~ -~ ~_ '~ - I !@IDL bl ~ ~ / 102 1d.6:1lBdJ ~ fd~ ~ / b6 I 10'1 / 108 I~ / TOTAL NET AREA FOR ROOMS ~ 107 / 108 a 140 5F I ~ i 1~4o GFn SF . m occrrPANrG PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN xALe: u6' , rc• GREATEST DIAbONA1 DIMENSION: (ROOMS 10'i / 100) 55'-0' / 2.21'-6' 55'-0' / 3 • 18'-4' (I/'3 w/ FIRE SPRINKLER SY5TEMU DISTANOE BETNEEN 2 EXITS: 23'-6° I 0 ,..,.ro School of Imagination 877•IQOS-TLC. Ext 718 DlscovexY DESIGN Gxoue Date 02/19!10 Sheet 3 of 4 sc o~s.~ ,~ ,~ 105 -, 109 ,_, ~~ ~~ KCSi 101 ~ ~ ~~ 101 ~I I ~~ / / TOTAL NET AREA FOR ROOMS / I 106, 107 1 106 • IRIS SF I / I 1,616 5FR 5F • 160 OOCUPANTS PARTIAL FIRST PLOOR PLAN SWdE: I/B' • Ib' ~ I/ ~ 115 ~ 216 / TOiA1 NET ARE4 FCR ROOMS 215<116.1~51 SF 1~2 5Fli SF .176 OOGJPANi5 1- ~• IS-b~ i f~fi 114 f~Ci 111 1E1 , PARTIAL SEGOND PLOOR PLAN bRE~TEST DIAbONA1 DIMENSION: (BOONS 106, 10'1 t 100) 7B'-6' / S • 16'-]' Oi5 w/ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM) DISTANOE BETYEEd ]EXITS • 57'-6" GREATEST DIAGONAL DIMIEN'SION: (RGOMS 115 t 116) 55'x• / 1.17' 7-1n' 55'x' / 3 • 16'-5' (I!d N/ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSIEM7 DISTANOE HEIYffEN 1 EXITS: IS'-6' it ~1 :.'.' ..'r ".. School of Imagination 877-KIDS-TLC. Ext 718 DISCOVERY DESIGN GROUe Date 02/19/10 Sheet 4 of 4 sZ~,S~ ROOF BODY I BODY 2 BODY 3 TRIM FASCIA ELK PRESTIQUE FRAZEE FRAZ=E FRAZ'cE Ff<AZE= FRAZEE WEATHERED WOOD b211W SANDY LANE GL 2Zb4D 5TARDUST 1155D TANNERY b70OW °OW~JERING 5NOW b125A GOAGH FlOU5E 5choo) of Imagination en-Laos-nc~rna ~_~ n~ ~E~E~VE~ c~ FtB 2 3 2010 Date 10123109 ~lJ~f~IN I'I.~NNIN~ U CULOR ~ MATERIALS BARD 53~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 10- 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AND WITH A STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SCHOOL OF IMAGINATION LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND SCHAEFER RANCH ROAD (APN 941-2832-027) PA 10-004 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Discovery Builders, submitted an application fora 0.56-acre project area located within a portion of the Western Extended Planning Area. The application includes a request for a PD Rezone with a Stage 2 Development Plan. The proposed project includes a building, playground and related site improvements, collectively referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Applicant also submitted an application for a Site Development Review Permit to allow the construction of a 12,065 square foot building with playground and related improvements on the project site; and WHEREAS, the Project is located in a portion of the Schaefer Ranch Development at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Schaefer Ranch Road, and the property is currently vacant; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a General Plan Amendment (Resolution 77-96), Planned Development Rezone (Ordinance 15-96 and Resolution 78-96), and certification of an Environmental Impact Report (Resolution 76-96) on July 9, 1996; and WHEREAS, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6765 was adopted on August 11, 1998 (Planning Commission Resolution 98-38) portions of which were subsequently reconfigured; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Stage 2 Development Plan on August 1, 2006 (Ordinance 11-06): and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved a Site Development Review on June 27, 2006 (Resolution 06-17); and WHEREAS, the City Council approved PA 08-005 by adoption of an EIR Addendum (Resolution 203-08), General Plan Land Use Amendment (Resolution 204-08), Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 37-08) and a Development Agreement (Ordinance 38-08) for the portion of the project located south of Dublin Boulevard on November 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8000 for the area on October 14, 2008 (Resolution 08-31); and ATTACHMENT 5 ..+~€P ~~ WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted a complete application which is available and on file in the Planning Division for a Stage 2 Development Plan for the Project; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act, City and State Guidelines require projects to be reviewed to determine their impacts on the environment; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment and Planned Development District Overlay Zone (SCH #95033070) which anticipated public/semi-public land uses on the project site, and was certified by the City Council on July 9, 1996 by Resolution 76-96. The City Council also adopted Findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and a Mitigation Monitoring Program with this Resolution. All of these documents are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted an Addendum to the EIR (Resolution 203-08), which is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the impacts of the current proposal have been adequately addressed in the 1996 EIR and 2008 Addendum to the EIR and no further environmental review is required; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated March 9, 2010 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the PD Rezone with related Stage 2 Development Plan actions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the Staff Report at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on March 9, 2010 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission, based on the findings in the attached draft Ordinance, recommends that the City Council approve the Ordinance attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, which Ordinance approves a PD Rezone and related Stage 2 Development Plan for the School of Imagination project (PA 10-004). PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9t" day of March 2010 by the following vote: AYES: King, Brown, Swalwell, Wehrenberg, Schaub NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Planning Manager G:IPA#120101PA 10-004 School of ImaginationlPlanning Commission 3.9.101PC Reso PD.DOC 2