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4.02 Dublin Sports Grounds
STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ❑V©©-❑© DATE: April 6, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Dublin Sports Grounds — Phase IV Authorization to Bid Contract #10-03 Prepared By: Rosemary Alex, Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is seeking City Council authorization to bid Capital Improvement Project #95830, which will renovate the Dublin Sports Grounds turfgrass and irrigation. This is Phase IV of an overall plan and the project covers approximately 5.0 acres east of the lighted soccer field. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total cost for Capital Project 95830 as presented in the 2008 -2013 Capital Improvement Program is $1,021,508, which includes project design as well as the cost for the improvements. The costs were planned to be spread over two fiscal years (with design in 2009/10 and construction in 2010/11). The project is scheduled to be funded entirely from the $1,021,508 provided by East Bay Regional Parks District Measure WW Bonds. Based on the project plans the following is the estimated construction costs that will be part of this bid: Available WW Funds for Construction $909,784 Landscape Architect's Estimate $858,600 Add 5% Contingency for Construction $42,930 Total Construction Estimate $901,530 Estimated Amount under Budget $8,254 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize Staff to advertise Contract #10-03, Dublin Sports Grounds Phase IV. i) A Submitted by: Parks and Community Services Director Reviewed by: Administrative Services Director Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. `I - Z DESCRIPTION: As approved in the 2008-2013 Capital Improvement Program, design of Dublin Sports Grounds Phase IV began Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and construction will conclude in Fiscal Year 2010- 2011. The project entails removal of existing turfgrass, grading, soil preparation, sand-channel drainage, irrigation system and re-seeding of approximately 5.0 acres as shown in Attachment A. The project is funded by the East Bay Regional Parks Measure WW Bond Program passed by voters in November 2008. The schedule for the project is as follows: 1) Authorize to Advertise for Bids April 2010 2) Award Contract June 2010 3) Project Construction July 2010 -March 2011 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Staff has communicated with sports user groups to coordinate the timing of construction in order to minimize impact on league schedules. With the opening of Fallon Sports Park this summer much of the impact is mitigated with the new facility. Advertisement of project will be listed as a public notice in the Tri-Valley Herald; in addition plans and specifications will be submitted to plan rooms throughout the Bay Area. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Diagram of Renovation Area 2. Plans and Specifications will be available at the meeting Page 2 of 2 E]7URYPEIE lPLQAFI11RN21 Phase 1V-.Scope of WorkArea EROSION CONTROL LEGEND ' ~hi I \ ~r } ~~~ ~ ~ ` 1 LMrtoPFt7a {Z~ 121`~~ ~ i ~~ H~~ 1 I ~ ~ ~ ! i 1 . ~ ~ 1 ~ ~'1 , ' . . sxcm I 1 i, ~~~I~~~1 ~ _.~_"_' Reiaa Z i~ ~~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ I,~~,I i~ F I l t ' 1 11-~'~1 ~,.° ~ i' If__.~ ~+~ i. i ~ fl ~I' 'a ;, ,i I ~991i i~, ' sxcex ~' I 1~51~~ _ ~i 1 ` ~ r~4 W I~ I` '~i~'.~ , I i' .. III`. .. ,. l ~ V~'I ,~ ~ '~.,, _,. I; .; ~h~,`,~13i`: ~~ /: 1 ~ max ~ 7'S ~ ~i ~ - . .~~ ~ v.y _ 11~'' ~ wI,~~~~~4,~ yl i ---,.:____ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ J _ ~ _~` -- ~~~>d~ - a',~ma, ~ .. Rla salvo- e• r~ ssm cwcua a,~¢aa.i~,w2 ,~ e• MSAH ~_ stows ccwraenon eaR/.w.e p5fNLfl9.R a'JLL MPPGR SO'WKX bA1YCR PWOR TO StAat GF 6'C®'Cf 1'AEER<Si1E 9MP a!lIAEA /G11Yf11PJ :Ji ~ ~, ~f/ /~ I A/ f ~~/ iy. ~. -, -lea 1 :~ ~~ •-- esrHU r<wmrrcwisr~m rwrerauwwFrs.~eurwnuranma ' raeexvsesrwmrucxmsrAaa rcia>araalwmn~m Aarcr rxizm~s cL-s V~TGI?91PACl CPWNS! ~Wf d'ICPf ~, _ Y ., ... P. 51~ ~i i'•..~ /-^ Y Y SttlAl and uvr® ` MiWSPoM ~_?7mmxw uvRSUaE mml as aem our l ~ 1' X I" SJAXF I IDACE r-f• OC lYA ~. !. f7BER fiblL P6TACU7RN REO/dPES lIk' fUCEMINf AND SECURE SiWlhC OF 7NF .F0f! PI A IRSAYJE Y-5' -ffo DUC CN CGW7WR RUfG'F MUST M7f @£ AUDY/ID R/ RUN LNCE4 OA AROWD ,Po(L ' z roMR~~EZr DmnrAe ca aR sew NMET anR f1dER RVW >AND.r A90UI ENas. 1. 1FJMDRNY f79FR R@LS MCAT dE PU[TD AGCWO 5(CWE C-NId/Ri I. RfdA7eE RBfR MHL d SAKE Gt]MPtE/E Ar ACC2PTANf~ (F MWRFN44[E PL4iL'A RfPA97 CRACF AND SEED gSNR9ED AREI S EIDER RD(L /2'CaRID fR7 NDRK OUPp,C a,7-6fR lS7H 1MfU APRK IS7N. n FIBER ROLL EROSION CONTROL . ` ~ Ni5 ' ~ - 50 b0 I50 ' ,._ ~, z DESIGNED HY -RAWN BY cxECxED BY ~ ~,~ By. ~ CITY OF DUBLIN DRAwws Nc. FEF Pm 1PEF .`pow, ~ ~°Dp~, PUBLIC WpRKS DEPARTMENT ~~~ ffi PLAN9 PREPARID UNDER SUPEINISICN OF // „~, 9 CITY OF DUBLIN PUBISC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEEf; n br ~6~ ,~ REGISTERED ~sCAPE ARCHITE°T ~1~) // Attachment A cw~°~ WIIS.IAM E. F c ~\ ~/ / a1T aa~e,, tao ade aw., mnuv, rduad. wsea Ia~No.nueoa-af DATE os/lA/02 RLA ND. 2537 AtDbBPS ""11i1°'P"~°`"°j"""°`1°'I°}°° DATE ~,I . h1C89t11E 2114 I71X0.EA ,~~~ ~~~ x}-40 -10