HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 PA 07-006-Grafton Plaza GPamendOF STAFF REPORT 1 i PLANNING COMMISSION IFOR DATE: April 13, 2010 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PA 07-006 Grafton Plaza, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan, and Mitigated Negative Declaration (Legislative Act). J Report prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner and Martha Aja;` Environmental Specialist EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Grafton Plaza is 25.33 acres located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. The proposed Project includes a request to amend the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would modify the existing land use designations from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office flexible land use designation. Approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan would expand the allowable uses on the site and permit up to 50% of the development area be comprised of residential uses. Development of the site could include one of two options: Option 1 would allow a Mixed Use development and Option 2 would allow a Campus Office development. The southern portion of the site (approximately 11 acres) is improved with an existing Water Quality Control Basin and no further development or modifications are proposed to this portion of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; 5) Adopt the following Resolutions: a) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration; b) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution approving amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for Grafton Plaza; c) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance rezoning the Grafton Plaza project site to the Planned Development Zoning District and approvinq a related Stage 1 Development Plan. Submittd By Mike Porto, Consulting Planner & Martha Aja, Environmental Specialist COPIES TO: Applicant File v e d By Planni Manager ITEM NO.: Be I Page 1 of 12 G:1PA#12007107-006 The PlazalPlanning Commission 4.13.101Grafton Plaza Staff Report.doc DESCRIPTION: Background: The proposed Grafton Plaza project has been significantly altered and reduced from the original project proposal (21-story "Towe," project proposed in 2007). The current project proposal includes a request to create a new land use designation to allow the project to develop as either a mixed use project or a campus office project. Under the current project proposal, the development on the site would not exceed 496,519 square feet of development, as approved in 2000. The project site is bounded on the north by Dublin Boulevard, on the west by Grafton Street, on the east by a planned local street and on the south by 1-580. Surrounding land uses include high density residential to the north (thE) Terraces complex) and an approved but not yet constructed commercial project (the Promenade, which includes a Club Sport fitness facility), the 1-580 freeway to the south, vacant land to the east (owned by Kaiser Permanente and anticipated to be developed with a hospital and medical offices) and the Grafton Station commercial center to the west, which contains a Lowe's home improvement store and smaller retail commercial pads. Please refer to the Vicinity Map below. The southern portion of the site (approximately 11 acres) has been graded and landscaped for the water quality treatment basin, which provides treatment for a substantial portion of the run- off from Dublin Ranch. The northern portion of the site, where development is proposed, has been mass graded. The site is flat and consists of non-native grass and other low vegetation. VICINITY MAP The project site is located within Area H of Eastern Dublin (parcels highlighted in red on the map above). Area H is 70.8 gross acres (including the Dublin Boulevard right-of-way). Area, H has two land use designations, General Commercial (Lowes/Grafton Station) and Campus Office 2of12 (Project Site and Kaiser Hospital Parcel). The Grafton Plaza Project site is currently designated as Campus Office. Entitlement History: In February 2000, the City Council approved a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Area H. The Grafton Plaza project site, which includes the Water Quality Basin, is located within Area H as illustrated in the vicinity map on the previous page. The City Council approved an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone for Area H. The Initial Study analyzed all of the environmental topics required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based on additional site-specific analysis of light and glare, biological resources, cultural recourse, hydrology and water quality, traffic and circulation, supplemental Mitigation Measures were adopted by the City. These Mitigation Measures continue to apply to the project. Water Quality Pond } In October 2005, the City Council adopted an Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Development Plan that rezoned the southern portion of the Grafton Plaza site (approximately 11 acres) to allow the construction of a wa-:er quality pond. The pond was subsequently constructed and is now operational. Project Proposal: In 2007, the City received a request for the Grafton Plaza development project, which consisted of a multi-story mixed use development that included 4 IOW to mid- rise podium buildings, 3 residential towers combined with office uses, shopkeeper and live/work units, luxury condominiums, a boutique hotel, day spa and associated open space recreational areas. The 2007 proposal included three residential towers, which ranged from 19 to 21 stories. The low to mid-rise podium buildings ranged from 6 to 8 stories. On August 14, 2007, a joint City Council/Planning Commission Study Session was held to discuss the 2007 project proposal. Topics discussed at the joint Study Session included the 3of12 appropriate location for a mixed use project, height/massing, density/intensity, affordable housing and parks/open space. The Applicant subsequently modified the project proposal to include the development of four low to mid-rise building ranging from 6 to 10 stories in height. The proposed uses included a boutique hotel, spa, retail, office and up to 470 residential dwelling units consisting of live/work units, shopkeeper units and condominiums. The project included 1,128,000 square feet of development, of which 50% were residential uses and 50% were non-residential uses. The City determined that a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was required to analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with the revised project. On April 23, 2008, the City of Dublin held a Scoping Meeting to gain input from interested agencies and individuals. In 2009, the Applicant further revised the Grafton Plaza project. This revised proposal is what is currently before the Planning Commission. Current Proposal: The Applicant requests approval of General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments to re-designate the site from Campus Office to a new flex land use designation, Mixed Use 2/Campus Office. Additionally, the Applicant requests approval to amend the PD - Planned Development zoning. The proposed PD zoning would allow for two development options, which include a mixed-use project or a carnpus office project. ANALYSIS: The proposed General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and PD rezoning are discussed below. Staff's analysis is broken up into several sections which describe each component of the project. General Plan & Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment The Applicant is requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment to modify the land use designation on the site from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office designation, and to create a new Specific Plan subarea (Grafton Plaza). The proposed Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation is proposed as follows: This designation provides for a mix of uses including residential, live-work and shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurants, hotel and entertainment facilities or Campus Office uses consistent with the Campus Office land use designation. The floor area ratio applies to both development options (Mixed Use and Campus Office) and is for the combined commercial and residential uses, if residential uses are incorporated, or for commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The residential component shall not exceed 50% of the development square footage. Gas stations are not permitted. The combined Mixed Use 2/Campus Office designation does not currently exist and would be added to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office flex land use designation gives the Applicant the opportunity to develop the 25.33 acre site with a project that includes uses that are consistent with the either a Mixed-Use 2 land designation or the Campus Office land use designation. In both instances, the maximum amount of development on the site would not exceed 496,519 square feet, as approved in 2000. 4of12 Residential uses, including shopkeeper and live-work are only allowed under the Mixed Use 2 designation and could comprise up to 50% of the FAR for the project site (248,259 square feet). The Applicant also proposes to redefine the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan subarea from Tassajara Gateway to a new "Grafton Plaza" subarea for the project site. The goal of the Grafton Plaza subarea is to develop a circulation pattern that promotes and accommodates the pedestrian while maintaining adequate vehicular circulation, promotes a lively and vital retail venue, and provides an inviting sense to place. The subarea builds off the adjacent Promendade and Grafton Station projects to establish a residential, commercial and hospitality destination. The proposed Grafton Plaza Subarea is shown below. Proposed Figure 4.2 Planning Subareas A Tmsajara GalewAy B Tvwn Cenw • 0ornrnerr,al C Town C.efe rater - Residential D F ation Gmeway F VZJt04 V111,3go ;7r-Iller F Tinr..-N.ara Vi lla?,? tL, tl- G rot>v, I Res?o?, .gal ki County Certter I fWdenda Gateway J lrarrsls centcv K Grafton Roza The request includes amendments to various figures, texts and tables in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the documents. The following is a summary of the proposed amendments. Please refer to Exhibit A of Attachment 1 for a complete list of the proposed amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Table 2.1 of the General Plan in addition to Table 4.1 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Add 25.33 acres of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office; o Add 496,519 SF and 260 SF/employee; o Remove 25.33 acres & 496,519 SF of Campus Office & adjust jobs column accordingly; and o Add footnote regarding how the chart will be amended if the project develops as a mixed use project with residential units. Table 4.2 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Add 25.33 acres of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office; o Add 496,519 SF and 260 SF/employee; o Remove 25.33 acres & 496,519 SF of Campus Office & adjust jobs column accordingly; and 5of12 o Add a footnote regarding how the chart will be amended if the project develops as a mixed use project with residential units. Table 4.3 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Add a footnote regarding how the chart will be amended if the project develops as a mixed use project with residential units. Table 4.4 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Remove 25.33 acres and square footage (0.96 msf) from Campus Office. Add new text and Table (Table 4.14) to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to identify the new Grafton Plaza subarea. Appendix 2 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended to include the Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation, which includes a list of anticipated uses. Appendix 3 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Remove 25.33 acres & 496,519 SF of Campus Office from the Tassajara Gateway; and o Add new subarea (Grafton Plaza) to the table. Appendix 4 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would be amended as follows: o Revise #19 (Pao Lin Areas F, G & H) land use summary by removing 25.3 acres & 496,519 SF of Campus Office. o Add 25.33 acres to Mixed Use 2/Campus Office with 496,519 SF. o Add a footnote regarding how the chart will be amended if the project develops as a mixed use project with residential units. A Resolution recommending the City Council approve a General Plan Amendment and an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for the Grafton Plaza project is included as Attachment 1. Stage 1 Planned Development Rezoning A Stage 1 Development Plan is proposed in accordance with Section 8.32.140 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Stage 1 Development Plan includes the following: (1) permitted, conditionally permitted and accessory uses; (2) Stage 1 site plan; (3) site area and proposed densities; (4) maximum residential square footage; (5) phasing plan; (6) master landscaping plan; (7) General Plan & Eastern Dublin Specific Plan consistency statements; and (8) aerial photo. The proposed Stage 1 Development Plan allows for two options of development. Option 1 would allow a Mixed Use development and Option 2 would allow a Campus Office development. The project proposes an FAR of 0.45 for a maximum of 496,519 square feet of development within the project area (which includes the adjacent water quality basin), which is consistent with the maximum amount of development approved by the City of Dublin in 2000. The FAR of 0.45 applies to both development options. 6of12 The current proposal expands the commercial and residential land uses for the site, such as but not limited to meeting/function rooms, spa, out patient health facilities, indoor recreation, live- work units and shopkeeper units. If the project develops as a mixed use project, it is anticipated that there will be approximately 235 residential units. The number of units may increase or decrease, as long as the overall residential square footage does not exceed 248,259 square feet (50% of the allowable development). Option 2 represents the currently approved land use for the Project site and would allow a project with all Campus Office uses. A maximum of 496,519 square feet would be permitted for uses such as office, and ancillary supporting uses including retail, food establishments and similar uses (residential uses would not be allowed under the Campus Office development scenario). The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Campus Office land use designation currently allows for mixed-use developments with up to 50% residential under special circumstances (e.g. where a mixed-use development would decrease potential peak-hour traffic generation, meet a specific housing need, encourage pedestrian access to employment and shopping or create an attractive, socially-interactive neighborhood environment). On October 4, 2005, the City Council adopted Ordinance 26-05 approving a Stage 2 Development Plan for the water quality basin. The existing water quality pond is permitted pursuant to Ordinance 26-05. No changes are proposed to the existing water quality basin within the project site. Table 1 below summarizes the amount of Campus Office development permitted on the Grafton Plaza site under the existing Stage 1 Planned Development zoning. Table 1: Existina Staae 1 Development Plan Land Use Gross Net FAR Residential Units Designation Acres Acres S.F. 0.45 avg. Up to 50% of development, Campus Office 25.33 23.4 65 max 0 subject to meeting conditions . . outlined in the General Plan Table 2 below summarizes the potential development program on the site under both options. Table 2: Pronosed Staae 1 Planned Develonment Land Use Gross Net FAR Designation Acres Acres (0.45 average) Option 1 Non-Residential Residential (Mixed-Use Residential Development) 25.33 23.4 248,260 S.F. 248,259 sq. ft. max. (+/-235 Residential Units) Option 2 Non-Residential Residential us Office (Cam 25 33 23 4 p . . Development) 496,519 S.F. NA 7of12 A Resolution recommending the City Council approve a Planned Development (PD) Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan and for the Grafton Plaza project is included as Attachment 2. Semi-Public Facilities Policy In 2004, the City Council adopted a Semi-Public Facilities Policy. (See Attachment 3). The policy applies to "residential amendments involving 150 or more Single-Family Density Housing units and/or 250 or more Medium Density or greater density housing units, or increments and combinations thereof." The purpose of the policy is to increase the opportunities for semi-public facilities by designating lands for such purposes on the City's general plan map. The policy requires that Applicants for applicable general plan amendments identify semi-public facility sites at the ratio of 1 acre net per 1000 residents. The Applicant has not identified any semi- public facility sites within the project area. The Applicant believes that the policy does not apply to its project because the general plan amendment proposed does not increase the number of residential units authorized for the site. The Applicant believes that the policy should not apply unless a particular general plan amendment proposes additional units. Staff agrees with the Applicant that the policy should only apply to general plan amendments that authorize additional residential units. Accordingly, staff recommends that no additional semi-public facilities be required on the site. CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN & ZONING ORDINANCE The proposed Grafton Plaza project includes a request to amend the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan from the existing Campus Office land use designation to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office flexible land use designation. The project proposal includes related amendments to the various figures, texts and tables in the City's General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the document. Additionally, the project includes a proposal for a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan to expand the allowable uses on the site and permit up to 50% of the development area be comprised of residential uses. The proposed project allows for two options of development, which include either a mixed use development (Option 1 - Mixed Use) or a campus office development consistent with the current land use designation of the (Option 2 - Campus Office). A Stage 1 Development Plan as defined by Section 8.32.030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance will establish the land use pattern for the Grafton Plaza project. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project. Additional land use entitlements, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review and possibly a tentative map, will be required prior to future development of the project site. It will be at this time that Conditions of Approval will be placed on the project. The various applicable departments and agencies will review subsequent planning applications for Grafton Plaza. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed Proiect in addition to an extended area and an interested parties 8of12 list. A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On May 10, 1993, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 51-93, certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Eastern Dublin EIR, SCH #91103064). The certified EIR consisted of a Draft EIR and Responses to Comments bound volumes, as well as an Addendum dated May 4, 1993, assessing a reduced development alternative. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 53-93 approving a General Plan Amendment and a Specific Plan for the reduced area alternative on May 10, 1993. On August 22, 1994, the City Council adopted a second Addendum updating wastewater disposal plans for Eastern Dublin. For identified impacts that could not be mitigated to a less than significant level, the City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for cumulative traffic, extension of certain community facilities (natural gas, electric and telephone service), regional air quality, noise, and other impacts. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted by the City to encourage orderly growth of the Eastern Dublin area. Because the Eastern Dublin project proposed urbanization of the almost completely undeveloped Eastern Dublin area, the Eastern Dublin EIR also analyzed conversion of agricultural and open space lands to urban uses. These impacts together with visual and other impacts from urbanization were also determined to be significant and unavoidable. Where the Eastern Dublin EIR identified impacts that could be mitigated, the previously adopted mitigation measures continue to apply to implementing projects such as Grafton Plaza, as appropriate. The Eastern Dublin EIR was a Program EIR and evaluated the potential environmental effects of urbanizing Eastern Dublin over a 20 to 30 year period. As such, the Eastern Dublin EIR addressed the cumulative effects of developing in agricultural and open space areas and the basic policy considerations accompanying the change in character from undeveloped to developed lands. Since certification of the EIR, many implementing projects such as Wallis Ranch (Dublin Ranch West), Fallon Crossing, Vargas, and Pinn Brothers/Silvera Ranch, Dublin Ranch and Fallon Village have been approved, relying on the Program EIR. In February 2000, the City Council approved an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone for Area H. The City, as the Lead Agency, prepared an Initial Study to determine whether there would be significant environmental impacts occurring as a result of the current project beyond or different from those already addressed in the Eastern Dublin EIR and 2000 MND. Based on the project description, the Initial Study determined that the project could result in additional significant but mitigatable site-specific impacts. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared in accordance with CEQA laws and regulations. The project assessed in this MND includes, amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (including revised land uses), and rezoning to Planned Development (PD), with the related Stage 1 Development Plan. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the project and circulated for public review from January 8, 2010 to February 8, 2010 (Exhibit A to Attachment 4). During the public review period, the City received 11 comment letters, which include the following: 9of12 • Office of Planning & Research, dated January 12, 2010 • California Department of Transportation, dated February 8, 2010 • City of Dublin Police Services, January 8, 2010 • City of Dublin Parks & Community Services Department, dated January 14, 2010 • Dublin San Ramon Services District, dated January 20, 2010 • Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District - Zone 7, dated January 28, 2010 • Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District - Zone 7, dated January 29, 2010 • Alameda County Public Works Agency, dated February 5, 2010 • Chris Didato, January 18, 2010 • Gabrielle Blackman, dated February 8, 2010 • Jon Brattebo, dated February 8, 2010 Although not required by CEQA, the City prepared responses to the various comment letters, providing the City's good faith reasoned analysis as to the environmental issues raised in the comments (Exhibit B to Attachment 4). NEXT STEPS: Additional entitlements are required prior to development occurring on the project site. A comprehensive site plan, development program and design and development standards for Grafton Plaza would be submitted with future planning applications, which would include a Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review Application. Project details would be submitted to the City as part of future applications, including but not limited to building footprints, pedestrian and vehicular access, site and architectural design guidelines, parking ratios, building height/stories, architecture and more detailed landscaping as required by City Standards. CONCLUSION: The Applicant's submittal package is included as Attachment 5 of the Staff Report. The proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would modify the existing land use designation from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office flexible land use designation. Approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan would expand the allowable uses on the site. The proposed entitlements would allow development of the site under one of two options including either a mixed use development with up to 50% of the development consisting of residential uses, or a campus office development. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the Grafton Plaza project. This document includes mitigation measures to reduce environmental impacts of the projects to a less than significant level. 10 of 12 ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to change Grafton Plaza from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office flex land use, with the draft Resolution attached as Exhibit A. 2) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza, with the draft City Council Ordinance included as Exhibit A. 3) Semi Public Facilities Policy 4) Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Grafton Plaza, with the MND included as Exhibit A, the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B and the Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program as Exhibit C. 5) Grafton Plaza booklet. 11 of 12 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT/PROPERTY: OWNER LOCATION: ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: SURROUNDING USES: Jim Tong Charter Properties 4690 Chabot Drive, Ste. 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588 South of Dublin Blvd., east of Grafton Street & north of 1-580 985-0061-010 & 985-0061-004 Campus Office (existing) Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (proposed) Eastern Dublin Specific Plan LOCATION ZONING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE CURRENT USE OF PROPERTY North PD High Density Residential High Density Residential Terraces South N/A N/A Interstate 580 East PD Campus Office Vacant (owned by Kaiser) West PD General Commercial Grafton Station Commercial Center 12 of 12