HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 1, Exh A ResoAmendGPforGraftonPlazaRESOLUTION NO. XX-10
GRAFTON PLAZA PROJECT (APN 985-0061-010& 985-0061-004)
PA 07-006
WHEREAS, Jim Tong/Charter Properties submitted applications for a 496,519 square
foot project on approximately 25.33 acres between 1-580 and Dublin Boulevard, east of Grafton
Street. The Project proposes future development of either Campus Office uses, or of a mixed
use residential/retail and office project with up to 50% residential uses. The Project includes
applications for General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments to create a new
"flex" designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office, to create a new Grafton Plaza subarea in the
Specific Plan, and to slightly expand the mixed uses to include shopkeeper, live/work and other
uses; a PD-Planned Development rezoning and related Stage 1 Development Plan to allow
future development under either the Campus Office or residential mixed use options. The
applications are collectively known as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, the Project site slopes gently from north to south. The northerly portion of
the site is vacant and has previously been graded and filled; the southerly portion of the site is
developed with a water quality basin; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would
create a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation and apply it to the Grafton Plaza
site. This flex-designation would allow the Project site to develop in the future as a Campus
Office project, or as a mixed use residential/office and retail project, generally consistent with
the development options in the current Campus Office land use designation. The new
designation slightly expands the permitted uses under the mixed use residential option to allow
shopkeeper, live/work and other uses. The Project would also amend the Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan to add a new Grafton Plaza subarea; and
WHEREAS, consistent with Government Code section 65352.3, the City obtained a
contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission and
notified the tribes of the opportunity to consult with the City on the proposed General Plan and
Specific Plan amendments. None of the contacted tribes requested a consultation within the 90-
day statutory consultation period and no further action is required under section 65352.3; and
WHEREAS, on April 13, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 10-XX
recommending that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Grafton
Plaza project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at
City Hall during normal business hours; and
WHEREAS, on April 13, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 10-XX
recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan and Specific Plan
amendments, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at
City Hall during normal business hours; and
WHEREAS, a staff report, dated May 4, 2010 and incorporated herein by reference,
described and analyzed the Project, including the proposed amendments to the General Plan
and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, and the Mitigated Negative Declaration and for the City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project,
including the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments, on
2010 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, on , 2010, the City Council adopted Resolution XX-10 adopting a
Mitigated Negative Declaration, Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the City Council considered the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and
prior environmental documents, and all above-referenced reports, recommendations and
testimony to evaluate the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct
and made a part of this resolution.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that the Grafton Plaza Plan
amendments, as set forth below, are in the public interest and that the General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as amended will remain internally consistent.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the following
amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan.
General Plan Amendments:
A. Chapter 1: Background, Section 1.8.1 Land Use Classifications, Eastern Extended
Planning Area, add the following definition:
Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (FAR: 0.45)
This designation provides for a mix of uses including residential, live-work and
shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurants, hotel and
entertainment facilities or Campus Office uses consistent with the Campus Office land
use designation. The floor area ratio applies to both development options (Mixed Use and
Campus Office) and is for the combined commercial and residential uses, if residential
uses are incorporated, or for commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The
residential component shall not exceed 50% of the development square footage. Gas
stations are not permitted.
B. Amend the Land Use Map (Figure 1-1 a) of the General Plan as shown below:
D U B L I N G E N E R A L P L A N (Figure 1-1a(
L A N D U S E M A P as amended through February 12, 2008
,T Revised May 2009
Rcvued April 201D
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C. Amend Table 2.1 in the General Plan as follows:
TABLE 2.1 *
Amended: Resolution 223-05, 58-07, 37-08, 210-08, 176-09
Classification Acres Intensity** Units Factor Yield
RESIDENTIAL Du's/acre Du's Persons/du Population
High Density 69.9 35 2,447 2.0 4,894
Medium-High Density 132.4 20 2,616 2.0 5,232
Medium-Density*** 558.2 10 5,582 2.0 11,164
Single Family******** 848 4 3,392 3.2 10,854
Estate Residential 30.4 0.13 4 3.2 13
Mixed Use**** 96 2.0 192
Rural Residential 567.3 .01 6 3.2 19
TOTAL 2,206.2 14,143 32,368
Acres Floor Area
(Gross) Square Feet
(millions) Square Feet /
General Commercial 347.9 .35/.25 4.228 510 8,290
General Commercial/Campus Office***** 72.7 .28 .887 385 2,303
Mixed Use 6.4 .3/1.0 .083 490 171
Mixed Use 2/Campus Office********* 25.33 .45 .497 260 1,910
Neighborhood Commercial 57.5 .35/30 .819 490 1,671
Campus Office 164.03 .75/35 2.644 260 10,168
Industrial Park****** 114.7 .25/.28 1.329 590 2,253
T6TAL: 788.6 11.772 26,766
City Park 56.3 1 park
Community Park 97.0 2 parks
Neighborhood Park 47.1 8 parks
Neighborhood Square 16.6 6 parks
Regional Park 11.7 1 park
TOTAL: 228.7 18 parks
Public/Semi-Public 101 .25 1.120 590 1,899
Semi-Public******* 13.1 .25
Elementary School 63.2 5 schools
Junior High School 25.2 1 school
High School 0 0 school
School Subtotal 88.4 6 schools
TOTAL: 202.5
- Campus Office (including ancillary retail 38.3
- High-Density Residential 31.5
- Park 12.2
- Public/Semi-Public Transit-Related 8.7
.*****"'The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with residential land uses comprising up to
50% of the project's development area (248,259 square feet) or an all Campus Office project (with no residential uses) with up to 496,519
square feet of development. Table 2.1 has been amended to reflect a Campus Office project. If the project is developed as a mixed-use project
with residential uses, the table shall be amended at that time to reflect that.
All of the other footnotes continue to apply to this table. For simplicity purposes, only the footnote added for this project is shown on
the various tables that are being amended as part of the Grafton Plaza General Plan and Specific Plan amendments.
D. Amend Appendix A of the General Plan as follows:
Add this project to the list of Amendments and Approvals
Grafton Plaza, Resolution No., Date Adopted & GP updated
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments
E. Amend Chapter 3 Summary, 3.3.3 Land Use Categories of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
(pg. 17 - Commercial, first paragraph) by adding the following:
Through the Grafton Plaza amendment in 2010, the Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (MU2/CO)
flex designation was established in the Specific Plan Area.
F. Amend Table 4.1 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows:
(Amended Per Resolution No. 66-03,47-04,223-05, 58-07,37-08,210-08,176-09)
General Commercial 356.8 acres .25-35 FAR 4.122 MSF
General Commercial/Campus
Office 72.7 acres .28 FAR .887 MSF
Industrial Park* 61.3 acres .25-.28 FAR .747 MSF
Neighborhood Commercial 61.4 acres .30-35 FAR .871 MSF
Mixed Use 6.4 acres .30-1.0 FAR .083 MSF
Mixed Use 2/Cam us Office***** 25.33 .45 FAR .497 MSF
Campus Office 167.33 acres .35-.75 FAR 3.236 MSF
Subtotal 751.3 acres 10.443 MSF
High Density 68.2 acres 35 du/ac 2,387 du
Medium High Density 144.5 acres 20 du/ac 2,858 du
Medium Density" 511.3 acres 10 du/ac 5,113 du
Single Family**** 855.8 acres 4 du/ac 3,423 du
Estate Residential 30.4 acres 0.13 du/ac 4 du
Rural Residential/A ric. 554.2 acres .01 du/ac 6 du
Mixed Use 6.4 acres*** 15du/ac 96 du
Subtotal 2,170.8 acres 13,887du
Public/Semi-Public 98.2 acres .24 FAR 1.027 MSF
Semi-Public 9.3 acres .25 FAR
Subtotal 107.5 acres 1.027 MSF
Elementary School 66.5 acres 5 schools
Junior High School 21.3 acres 1 school
Subtotal 87.8 acres
City Park 56.3 acres 1 ark
Community Park 97.0 acres 3 arks
Neighborhood Park 49.0 acres 7 arks
Neighborhood Square 16.7 acres 6 arks
Subtotal 219 acres 17 parks
Open Space 734.8 acres
TOTAL LAND AREA 4,071.2 acres
***** The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with residential land uses comprising up to
50% of the project's development area (248,259 square feet) or an all Campus Office project (with no residential uses) with up to 496,519
square feet of development. Table 4.1 has been amended to reflect a Campus Office project. If the project is developed as a mixed-use project
with residential uses, the table shall be amended at that time to reflect that.
All of the other footnotes continue to apply to this table. For simplicity purposes, only the footnote added for this project is shown on
the various tables that are being amended as part of the Grafton Plaza General Plan and Specific Plan amendments.
G. Amend Table 4.2 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows:
Amended Per Resolution No. 47-04, 223-05, 58-07, 37-08,176-09)
Land Use Designation Development S Ft/Em to ees Persons/du Population
Industrial Park .747 MSF 590 1,266
Office* .887 MSF 385 2,303
General Commercial 4.122 MSF 510 8,082
Commercial .885 MSF 490 1,806
Mixed Use** .083 MSF 490 171
Mixed Use 2/Campus
Office**** .497 MSF 260 1,910
Campus Office 3.233 MSF 260 12,436
Public/Semi Public 1.027 MSF 590 1,740
Semi-Public 590
TOTAL: 11.481 MSF 29,714
High Density 2,387 2.0 4,774
Medium High Density 2,858 2.0 5,716
Medium Density 5,113 2.0 10,226
Single Family*** 3,423 3.2 10,954
Estate Residential 4 3.2 13
Mixed Use** 96 2.0 192
Rural Residential/A ric. 6 3.2 19
TOTAL: 13,887 31,894
****The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with residential land uses comprising up to 50%
of the project's development area (248,259 square feet) or an all Campus Office project (with no residential uses) with up to 496,519 square feet
of development. Table 4.2 has been amended to reflect a Campus Office project. If the project is developed as a mixed-use project with
residential uses, the table shall be amended at that tirne to reflect that.
All of the other footnotes continue to apply to this table. For simplicity purposes, only the footnote added for this project is shown on
the various tables that are being amended as part of the Grafton Plaza General Plan and Specific Plan amendments.
H. Amend Table 4.3 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows:
Add a footnote to the chart which states the following:
The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with
residential land uses comprising up to 50% of the project's development area (248,259 square
feet) or an all Campus Office project (with no residential uses) with up to 496,519 square feet of
development. At this point it is assumed that the project will be a Campus Office project, if the
project is developed as a mixed-use project with residential uses, the table shall be amended at
that time to reflect the increase in residential units and the decrease in jobs.
I. Amend Chapter 4 Land Use, 4.8.2 Land Use Categories (commercial) of the
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan by adding the following:
Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (MU2/CO) (FAR: 0.45):
This designation provides for a mix of uses including residential, live-work and shopkeeper
units, and non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurants, hotel and entertainment
facilities or Campus Office uses consistent with the Campus Office land use designation.
The floor area ratio applies to both development options (Mixed Use and Campus Office)
and is for the combined commercial and residential uses, if residential uses are incorporated,
or for commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The residential component shall
not exceed 50% of the development square footage. Gas stations are not permitted.
J. Amend Table 4.4 (Tassajara Gateway Subarea) by removing the project site:
Designation Acres Density Development Potential
General Commercial 52.7 .25 FAR .574 msf
Campus Office 65.67 .35 FAR 1.001 msf
Open Space 6.9 ----- -----
Semi Public ----- ----- 0
TOTAL 125.2 ----- 1.575 MSF
K. Add Table 4.14 and text to identify the new subarea Mixed Use 2/Campus Office:
The Grafton Plaza subarea is located between Dublin Boulevard and Interstate 580 and east of
Grafton Street. (Refer to Figure 4.1)
The Grafton Plaza subarea is intended to provide a vibrant Mixed Use and urban village or
Campus Office project that is pedestrian friendly, human scaled, and creates an active
environment permitting an opportunity for residents to live, work, and play in a place currently
not provided for in the area. This subarea builds off the adjacent Promenade and Grafton
Station retail projects and adjacent medium-high and high density residential communities to
establish a residential, commercial, and hospitality destination.
The subarea will allow a maximum of 496,519 square feet of development (0.45 FAR), and the
residential use, if utilized as part of a mixed use development, shall not exceed 50% of the
project square footage. No residential is permitted under the Campus Office development
option. Usable and attractive open space areas will be incorporated into the project to provide
unique public spaces.
The architecture and landscape character will be governed by design guidelines and standards
to ensure an attractive and cohesive project and establish a framework that encourages public
activity, human scale, and high quality design and materials.
Table 4.14 - Mixed Use 2 Subaroa Development Potential
Land Use
Designation Gross
Acres Density Development Potential
Mixed Use 25.33 0.45 248,259 s.f. max. for +/-235 Residential
2 with residential Units/248,260 minimum s.f. non-residential
uses uses. Total project not to exceed 496,519 sf.
(Option 1)
Campus Office with 25.33 0.45 Campus Office
no residential uses 496,519 s.f. non-residential uses
(Option 2)
L. Amend the Land Use Map (Figure 4.1) of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows:
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M. Amend Figure 4.2 (Planning Subarea Map) - remove project site from
Tassajara Gateway and add new Grafton Plaza subarea:
N. Amend Appendix 2 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as follows:
Mixed Use 2/Campus Office
Anticipated uses include, but are not limited to:
¦ neighborhood serving commercial uses (both retail and office);
¦ entertainment and cultural facilities;
¦ restaurants and bars;
¦ high density housing - including shopkeeper & live-work units;
¦ hotel and spa;
¦ professional and administrative offices;
¦ administrative headquarters;
¦ research and development;
¦ business and commercial services;
¦ limited light manufacturing, assembly and distribution activities; and
¦ ancillary uses (restaurants, convenience shopping, copying services, branch banks, etc.)
O. The Tassajara Gateway Planning Subarea portion of Appendix 3 in the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan will be amended as follows, with all other portions of
Appendix 3 remaining in full force and effect:
Planning Subareas
Land Use Cate o
S uare Feet
Tassajara Gateway
General Commercial 52.7 .25 573,903
Campus Office 65.67 .35 1,001,205
Open Space 6.9
Total 125.27 1,575,108
P. Appendix 3 of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan will be amended to include the following:
Planning Subareas
Land Use Cate o
Square Feet
Grafton Plaza - (Option 1) 25.33 0.45 496,519 SF, +/- 235 units
which includes (max. 248,259
minimum 248,260 SF)
sf of non-
residential uses
Grafton Plaza - (Option 2) 25.33 0.45 496,519 SF non- 0 units
residential uses
Q. Appendix 4 in the Eastern Dublin S ecific Plan will be amended as follows:
Owner/Land Use Cate o Acres Densit __Square Feet Units
#19 PAO-LIN Areas F, G & H
General Commercial' 26.9 .25 292,941
Neighborhood Commercial 22.0 .35 230,000
Campus Office 18.57 .45 364,009
Mixed Use 2/Cam us Office2 25.33 0.45 496,519
Public/Semi-Public 7.0 .25 76,230
High Density Residential 25.0 35 876
Medium High Density
Medium Density Residential 68.9 10 689
Single Family Residential 22.7 4 91
Neighborhood Park 12.3
Neighborhood Square 4.5
Elementary School 10.0
High School 30.6
Open Space 4.2
Total 304.2 1,459,699 2,184
2. The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows for either a mixed use project with residential land uses comprising up to 50% of
the project's development area (248,259 square feet) or an all Campus Office project (with no residential uses) with up to 496,519 square feet of
development. Appendix 4 has been amended to reflect a Campus Office project. If the project is developed as a mixed-use project with
residential uses, the table shall be amended at that time to reflect that.
All of the other footnotes continue to apply to this table. For simplicity purposes, only the footnote added for this project is shown on
the various tables that are being amended as part of the Grafton Plaza General Plan and Specific Plan amendments.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of , 2010 by the following vote:
City Clerk
G:\PA#\2007\07-006 The Plaza\Planning Commission 4.13.10\cc reso approving gpa_spa for grafton plaza.DOC