HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Attch 5 GPA&Stage 1 Planned Dev RezoneGRAFTON PLAZA GENERAL PLAN/EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT & STAGE 1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE -I, pper,, 1 ?J r -1 _ ,i-• IIn -i I r; ?- _? L' ^?_1 - 1 •, ' a• __ 7.__.__. INTERSTATE 580 C r? 'r RECEIVED APRIL 13, 2010 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING APR -6 2010 0U,BLIN PL.ANNIN6 ATTACHMEN'T' g GRAFTON PLAZA TABLE OF CONTENTS VICINITY MAP PLANNING APPLICATION FORM ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM SITE PHOTO KEY AND VIEWS GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION GENERAL PLAN/SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT AND EXHIBIT AMENDMENTS LAND USE COMPARISON PLAN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE STAGE 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN MASTER NEIGHBORHOOD LANDSCAPE PLAN CONCEPTUAL UTILITY PLAN uouN?Y RN C051 pC0 CO p? N O R T H pL F R SON DUBLIN RANCH o ? x p DUBLIN ? WON WAY DRIVE w a 0 OLE?OND F N DRIVE OLb E N CENTRAL PARKWAY C z PARKWAy DUBLIN BOULEVARD U ? DUgLM OULEV S a 0 a0 1-580 I-580 GRAFTON PLAZA .°P PG P 0 d L ?? 0? 5 0 0 a 0 O° 2 5 4 3 PLEASANTON VICINITYMAP GRAFTON PLAZA MUKAY & SOMPS ND PUNNING;LAND SURVEYING N N R NG GI I CIVIL E EE .tA PI-M., CA (925) - 225-0690 April 2010 1603412 Page 1 3-31-2010 09:24:53 1911d1Ue P:\1603 4-12-Ni.W-UU\ ,.KNts\K,i.ily-Wp.Ewg of DpR' ~ ?!y CITY OF DUBLIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Application Form Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. Some of the items listed might not apply to your specific application. Please print or type legibly. Attach additional sheets, if necessary. If you are currently working with a Planner on a pre-application project, please schedule an appointment with the planner prior to submitting your application. I. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Pre-application Review [Any type] Sign/Site Development Review [SIGN/SDR] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Master Sign Program [MSP/SDR] Site Development Review [SDR] X Planned Development Rezone [PD REZ] Variance [VAR] Rezone [REZ] Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] X General/Specific Plan Amendment [GPA] IT. GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property: South of Dublin Blvd, East of Grafton Street and North of Interstate 580. B. Brief Description of Project: Grafton Plaza Mixed Use 2/Campus Office proiect including, but not limited to residential, live-work, shopkeeper, retail, hotel, spa and office uses. C. Assessor Parcel Number(s): 985-0061-010 and 985-0061-04 D. Site Area: 25.33 acres E. Zoning: PD F. General Plan Designation: Campus Office G. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: Vacant Land and Water Quality Control Basin, Mixed-Use 2/Campus Office project including residential, live/work, shopkeeper, retail, hotel, spa and office uses. H. Existing Uses of Surrounding Properties: Lowe's and other commercial uses (Grafton Station) approved, built and unbuilt to the west; The Promenade mixed-use project approved to the north; High density residential and live/work residential projects approved and built to the north; Vacant land/future Kaiser Hospital campus to the east, and I- 580 to the south. 1. Within 1,000 feet of a military installation (Camp Parks)? No J. Military Notification Required? No III. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. (Note: All Property Owners must sign if property is jointly owned) Name: James Tong Capacity: Property Owner/Agent Company: Stanforth Holding Company, LLC Phone: (925) 463-1666 Email: jim(a)charter-properties.com Fax #: (925) 463-1861 Address: 4690 Chabot Dr., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588 Signature: Date: B. APPLICANT (OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER): In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained written authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Company: Email: Address: Signature: Title: Phone: Fax #: Date: Page 2 PAI6034-12-Mixed-Use\office\Submittals\ALT BPD 1\07-MUP_Grafton Plaza-Planning Applicationcg4.DOC 3/31/2010 Application Name: Grafton Plaza-General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment, Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone, and Development Agreement Initial Study (ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM - PART 1) (To be completed by Applicant pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines Section 1.6) Date Filed: April 2010 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Name and address of authorized representative of property owner: James Tong Stanforth Holding Company, LLC 4690 Chabot Drive, Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588-3355 2. Address of Project: South of Dublin Boulevard, East of Grafton Street and North of I-580. 3. Name, address and phone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: Martin Inderbitzen Dave Chadbourne Attorney at Law Land Plan Associates P.O. Box 1537 450 Main Street, Suite 205 Pleasanton, CA 94566 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (925) 485-1060 (925) 846-0084 4. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone, Site Development Review, Regional Water Ouality Control Board-NPDES Permit, and Section 401-(Clean Water Certification) 5. Existing Zoning District: PD 07-MUP_Env1nfoForm-cg expanded1doc Page 3 6. Description of Project: (Include site area, uses, size and number of buildings, parking, number of dwelling units, scheduling, and any other information necessary or helpful to understand project. This attached description must be complete and accurate. Exhibits or photographs should be identified and attached.) 7. Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked (attach additional sheets as necessary). Refer to the Attachment for clarification of the items checked "Yes" below. Yes No x 1. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. x 2. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or roads. x 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. x 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. x 5. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in the vicinity. x 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. x 7. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. x 8. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent (10%) or more. x 9. Use of disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. x 10. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). x 11. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). x 12. Relationship to larger project or series of projects. 07-M1JP_EnvInfoForm-cg expanded1doc Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: 8. Briefly describe the project site as it exists before the project, including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. If necessary, attach photographs of the site. See DEIR for Eastern Dublin GPA/Snecific Plan, panes 2-2 and 2-3, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, pages 5 and 6, and Dublin Ranch Area H (PA 98-070) Mitigated Negative Declaration, February 15, 2000. Also refer to attached photographs of affected land areas for data reeardine existing site conditions. 9. Briefly describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects and the type of land use. Refer to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, pages 5 throueh 7, DEIR for Eastern Dublin GPA/Specific Plan, paces 2-2, and Dublin Ranch Area H (PA 98-070) Mitigated Negative Declaration, February 15, 2000. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: Signature Print Name/Title 07-MUP_EnvInfoForm-cg expanded1doc Page 5 ATTACHMENT 7. Discussion of Applicable Items 2. Change in view or vistas from existing residential areas, public lands or roads. Views into the site from existing residential areas, existing and future commercial development, I-580 and adjacent roads will change as the land use transforms from undeveloped land into urban uses. Nearly half of the site (the southern portion along the freeway) will remain undeveloped and the views from I-580 of the hills towards the north will be less obstructed than if the entire site were developed, as with providing a character of open space along the freeway due to the foreground water quality pond. The EDEIR assumed and analyzed intensive urban use on the Project site based on the Campus Office land use designation. Future development will be clustered in the northerly portion of the site. Views across the southern portion of the site (existing water quality control basin) would continue to be unobstructed. A portion of the Project site is located within 700 feet of the I-580 scenic corridor; therefore, that portion of the site is subject to the City's scenic corridor policies that emphasize maintaining views of scenic ridgelands to the north. Compliance with these policies will be reviewed through future Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review submittals. 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. The existing parcel has been mass graded in anticipation of future development. As the Project Site is transformed by urban development, the scale, character, and pattern of development at the site will increase and change from that of vacant land. The EDEIR assumed and analyzed intensive urban use on the site based on the Campus Office land use designation. The project includes a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Rezoning to expand the potential range of uses which could change the pattern and scale of the proposed Project, but retains the existing Floor Area Ratio previously approved in 2000. 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. As the development project is constructed and inhabited, solid waste and litter will increase from the existing condition, even with the implementation of construction recycling and homeowner/commercial recycling of green waste, paper, metal, glass and plastics. Amador Valley Industries currently provides residential and commercial solid waste pick-up and recycling services in the City of Dublin. Impacts related to solid waste disposal were analyzed in the Eastern Dublin EIR and mitigation measures were developed for solid waste planning and diversion. No new or more severe significant impacts would result with regard to the topic of solid waste than those previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin EIR or 2000 MND. 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. As the existing development parcel is transformed by urban development, a change in existing drainage patterns and water quality and quantity will be affected due to the increase of impervious surfaces. 07-MUP_EnvInfoForm-cg expanded1doc Page 6 The project developer is required by Eastern Dublin Mitigation Measures to prepare a storm drainage master plan and other studies in conjunction with development proposals to ensure that adequate on-site downstream drainage facilities can or will be provided to accommodate any post-construction increases in storm drainage from the site. The Project proposes the same amount of development intensity as approved in 2000 and would, therefore, not create a substantial increase in the quantity of stormwater run-off. Implementation of adopted mitigation measures ensures that development on the project site would be safely accommodated in drainage facilities. 7. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. A temporary increase in noise and vibration levels from the existing condition will be caused by the Project during construction. The project is required to adhere to Construction Noise Mitigation Measures included in the Eastern Dublin EIR to minimize impacts of construction noise. These Mitigation Measures require project developers in the EDSP area to prepare and adhere to a Construction Noise Management Program, which requires limiting grading and other noise generating activities to the shortest period of time as possible. 10. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) The EDSP contains financing programs and policies that address the provision of municipal services. The Project Applicant has entered into a Development Agreement as part of a previous application on this site with the City that reflects these policies and helps to ensure that the rate of service provision is in relation to timing of development. It is anticipated that a future Development Agreement will be entered into for this Project. Fire, police, school, and utility services were previously evaluated, and are continually evaluated by the City and affected agencies as development within the area continues. The developer will install joint trench and main line sewer, water, and storm drain systems for the project that do not exist at time of project construction. The site is currently vacant with the exception of the water quality pond, and approval and construction of the proposed development Project could result in an increase in the number of calls for service for fire, rescue and emergency services, and police services since there would be an increase in the number of residents, employees and visitors to the site from current conditions. The project would not increase the potential amount of development beyond that analyzed in the 2000 MND. The project Applicant is required to meet existing Eastern Dublin EIR Mitigation Measures relating to fire and police services. With adherence to the Mitigation Measures, there would be no new or more severe impacts to fire or police services than previously analyzed in other CEQA documents. 11. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). The Eastern Dublin EIR identified the consumption of non-renewable resources as a significant and unavoidable impact when approving the underlying Eastern Dublin project. No new or more severe significant impacts would result with regard to the topic of increased fossil-fuel consumption that those previously analyzed in the Eastern Dublin EIR or 2000 MND. 07-MUP_EnvInfoForm-cg expanded1doc Page 7 View 1: View to southeast 'F s west corner of the site IM View I View to northeast from southwest corner of the site SITE PHOTOS GRAFTON PLAZA MUKII U CM ENGNIESM-LMD PW-A. (A April 2010 1603412 Page AUK View 3: View to northwest from southeast corner of the site ?Sy ( 3 - =y S S l K r K ''f ? L t ? 1 ,E.. ?3 l'?s4 fit.. '- I1 X. ?. # 1 ?• . 5 . .:...^,r?.? ? f? ..? Vii: YIi: JtYu ?.. ?1 3,.f . ?, tYr r"v aS? View 4: View to southwest from northeast corner of the site SITE PHOTOS GRAFTON PLAZA MMMU ? CW OWNEIVIOd M R/NNO.IalO 9tiYEYllfi Pk ..WA- ON (+? - zM-QW April 2010 16034-12 Pagc 2i h SITE PHOTOS GRAFTON PLAZA CM ENCKEFIIO.UIb PlNN10.INp F a ??- April 2010 16034-12 Pagc 11 2010 GRAFTON PLAZA GENERAL PLAN/EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS INTRODUCTION The Grafton Plaza site consists of approximately 25.33 gross acres, including the existing water quality basin (which encompasses 11 gross acres of the total site area). The southern portion of the property has been graded and landscaped for the water quality treatment basin, which is currently providing treatment for a substantial area of Dublin Ranch. The northern portion of the Project Area, where development will occur, has been mass graded. The site is flat, with drainage falling towards the southwest. Non-native grass and other low vegetation are present on the site; however, no trees or structures exist. The property is located within Area H of Dublin Ranch and is in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The Project site is located within the City of Dublin, bordered by land zoned General Commercial (approved for the Grafton Station Retail Center including a Lowe's store and up to seven additional pads to accommodate other retail uses) to the west; The Promenade (approved as part of the Dublin Ranch Area G Village Center project that includes a fitness facility, smaller retail, restaurants, and office uses) and high density neighborhoods of Dublin Ranch Area G across Dublin Blvd. to the north; 1-580 freeway and Northside Drive to the south, and land zoned Campus Office (owned by Kaiser Permanente and anticipated for a hospital campus) to the east. The proposed Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation allows greater flexibility in land use combinations; therefore, amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are needed to provide internal consistency and accommodate the proposed development concept. The amendments are being requested to redesignate the land use classification of the site from Campus Office to a new flex land use of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office and redefine the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan subarea for the Project Site from Tassajara Gateway to Grafton Plaza. The introduction of a Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation will permit uses such as shopkeeper, live/work, residential, office, hotel and spa integrated with retail and office. A Stage I Planned Development Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 12 2010 and an application for a Development Agreement have been submitted concurrently to provide consistency and support this application. The Project proposes two program options under the new flex designation of Mixed Use 2/ Campus Office (MU2/CO), which includes a combination of mixed uses (Mixed Use 2) or an all Campus Office project to create a range of uses and maintain flexibility to respond to market conditions. However, the preference of the Applicant is to provide a mixed use urban village on the site. Grafton Plaza is intended to create a vital center and proposes an average intensity of 0.45 FAR (floor area ratio) for a total of 496,519 square feet for development within the Project Area (which includes the existing water quality basin parcel) regardless of the ultimate program selected. The final design and land uses of the Project will be determined with the submittal of Planned Development Stage 2 Rezone and Site Development Review applications. Fvielinn C+nna 1 Pn/('Zanarnl PinnXrvztPrn r)i ihlin Cr-sarrifir• Plnn Land Use Gross Net Gross Density FAR Residential Units Designation Acres Acres S.F. 0.45 avg. Up to 50% of development, 0.60 max. Campus Office 25.33 23.4 subject to meeting conditions 496,519 S.F. outlined in the General Plan (at average FAR) Pr^nneeA C+rvrtic 1 Plr,nncrl rla\ralnr?man+/ (;anarnl PInn/Prvztarn N ihlin Cr\ar ifir Plnn Land Use Gross Net Gross Density FAR Designation Acres Acres (0.45 average) Mixed Use Non-Residential Residential Units 2/Campus Office 25.33 23.4 248,259 S.F. max. (Option 1) +/-248,260 S.F. +/-235 Residential Units Mixed Use 2/ Campus Office Residential Units Campus Office 25.33 23.4 (Option 2) 496,519 S.F. NA Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 13 2010 General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments and a Stage 1 Planned Development approved by the City in March 2000 placed a Campus Office (CO) designation on the Project Area with an average FAR of 0.45. The PD approval specifically permitted mixed use developments under the CO designation including residential uses subject to a Stage 2 PD provided that certain conditions were met. Those conditions included meeting a specific community housing need; not exceeding established traffic service levels; creating a pedestrian oriented attractive environment; maintaining consistency with the Specific Plan intent without resulting in adverse environmental or service impacts; and capping residential uses at not more than 50% of the developed area. Grafton Plaza, as currently envisioned, meets these conditions to incorporate residential uses into the Project as part of this application and approval. To further these Project goals, the Applicant proposes to redesignate the property to a new flex land use classification entitled Mixed Use 2/Campus Office to provide flexibility, as well as emphasize and support the vision of the development. Two program options are proposed as part of this Project to create a range of uses and maintain flexibility to respond to market conditions. • The first program option (Option 1) proposes a mixed use (Mixed Use 2) project with a maximum amount of residential square footage established. A maximum of 50% of the total building area (248,259 square feet) can be allocated to approximately 235 residential units including the residential portions of shopkeeper and live/work units, and various multi-family configurations, and the other 50% (248,260 square feet) is associated with non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurant, the work portions of shopkeeper and live/work units, and hotel related uses. This option does permit the ability to integrate fewer or greater units so long as the total square footage of residential uses does not exceed 248,259 square feet. If less than 248,259 square feet is assigned to residential uses, the difference may be assigned to non-residential uses, as long as the overall project square footage does not exceed 496,519 square feet. • The second program option (Option 2) proposes a project with all Campus Office uses. A maximum of 496,519 square feet is permitted for uses such as office, and ancillary supporting uses including retail and food establishments. Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 14 2010 For clarification purposes, the calculation of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is based on gross site area (i.e.: 25.33 acres, which includes the existing water quality basin). Surface parking and parking structures are not included as part of the FAR calculation in accordance with past practice by the City of Dublin. The overall allowable average floor area ratio is 0.45, which is the same FAR as approved for the Project in 2000. To provide flexibility in the development program, the individual building parcels may be developed to a FAR higher than 0.45 FAR as long as the average of all uses on the 25.33 gross acre site does not exceed 0.45 FAR or 496,519 square feet. The preferred option has a total of 496,519 square feet of mixed use development within the Project site. Of this total, up to 50% of the square footage may be allocated to residential uses. A Mixed Use 2/Campus Office designation allows uses such as office, hotel, restaurants and retail spaces to be creatively and effectively integrated with residential, live/work and shopkeeper units. Commercial, live/work, and shopkeeper units fronting on the peripheral streets will offer a new type of business and living option. A residential unit is defined as a permanent living space and excludes temporary living situations, including long term stay, such as hotel and related facility rooms; common areas such as hallways, lobbies, mechanical rooms and leasing offices. It also includes only the residential use square footage of live/work and shopkeeper units. It is not intended that non-residential square footage within these units accumulates as residential square footage. Commercial areas do not include the residential portion of live/work and shopkeeper units. Text and map amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan are included with this submittal and can be found in the following documentation. Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 15 2010 FINDINGS STATEMENT The following information is provided to support the necessary findings of the approval per the City's application submittal requirements. a. List the proposed changes to General Plan/Specific Plan designations and policies, as needed. 1. Create a new flex land use designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office for both the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to enable this new flex use designation that will allow two program options-Option 1 which includes a combination of mixed uses (Mixed Use 2) or Option 2 which is an all Campus Office project-- to create a range of uses and maintain flexibility to respond to market conditions. 2. Create a new planning subarea: Grafton Plaza in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan within the text and on Figure 4.2- Planning Subareas. b. Reasons for proposing General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments. 1. While the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan currently have a Mixed Use designation, their criteria for proposed land uses are not appropriate to this Project. As such, a new flex designation, Mixed Use 2/Campus Office, is needed to permit the option for a mixed use project with shopkeeper, live/work, medium, medium high and high density residential, office, hotel, and commercial uses generally arranged to create a livable and walkable community, interspersed with attractive streetscapes, public plazas and open spaces. This land use concept will provide places to shop, stroll, and meet family and friends in a vibrant, comfortable and contemporary setting. In addition, a second option permits an all Campus Office scenario. In both options, the pedestrian realm will be highlighted within the project to reinforce the social and public emphasis of the project and provide a variety of active and passive areas for people watching, dining, and relaxing. c. How will the General Plan/Specific Plan Amendments benefit the City of Dublin. 1. The proposed land use revisions will create a project that is compatible with and builds off existing adjacent uses. 2. These Amendments will encourage the incorporation of mixed uses that relate to near by uses, service requirements, and promote smart growth principles by creating a place where people live, work and play that would create active and livable communities and reduce vehicle trips and resulting noise, green house gas emissions, and air pollution. Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 16 2010 3. The project will allow for a potential extension of the City's identified Dublin Ranch Area G Village Center, The Promenade, to create a unique and exciting shopping, employment, and living destination. 4. Grafton Plaza will create additional employment opportunities for the City, thereby improving the city's overall jobs/ housing balance. 5. Additional tax revenues will be generated by Grafton Plaza. 6. The addition of residents within the project will strengthen the customer base for on-site and adjacent commercial areas. d. Address each element of the General Plan and policy of an applicable Specfc Plan of the City of Dublin and describe how each element/policy will be affected by the proposed amendment. The following are the elements and policies that would be affected or supported by the proposed amendments: Applicable General Plan Elements: Land Use Element • Revises and adjusts land use designations within project area. • Revises and adjusts land use program in terms of uses, square footage, and units on site. Applicable Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Policies: Land Use Policies • Revises and adjusts land use designations within project area. • Revises and adjusts land use program in terms of uses, square footage, and units on site. The Project will maintain a reasonable balance in residential and employment-generating land uses for all employment generating land uses by adhering to the proposed distribution of land uses and those depicted in Figure 4-1, Land Use Map (Policy 4-1). The proposed project creates an environmentally oriented alternative to the Specific Plan by mixing uses and thus reducing vehicle trips. The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office Project encourages higher density residential development within convenient walking distance of shopping areas, employment centers, transit stations/stops, and other community facilities (Policy 4-2). Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 17 2010 Residential development is concentrated in the less environmentally constrained portions of the plan area, and cluster development is encouraged and integrated as a method of reducing or avoiding impacts to constrained or environmental sensitive areas (Policy 4-5). Innovative approaches to site planning, unit design, and construction to create housing products for all segments of the community including single parent families, the elderly, extended nuclear families, first-time buyers, empty nesters, and non-auto households will be welcomed into Grafton Plaza (Policy 4-6). Regionally oriented commercial uses identified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) continue to be concentrated south of Dublin Blvd. and near freeway interchanges where convenient vehicular access will limit traffic impacts to eastern Dublin, and therefore do not affect the EDSP intent (Policy 4-11). Commercial uses are developed within Town and Village centers to create vital mixed use, compact, walkable and pedestrian oriented shopping districts and communities, provide ease of transit use, reduce daily vehicle trips, and contribute to the identity and character of outlying residential areas (Policies 4-12 and 4-14, 4-16 to 4-18). The Project provides for mixed uses, street activation, employment generating uses with a broad range of job types and salaries, and encourages high-intensity office and other employment near freeway interchanges where developments can take advantage of convenient access and high visibility (Policies 4-19 and 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25, 5-1). Grafton Plaza balances the housing potential in relation to the employment generating potential within the planning area and works towards improving the City's job/housing balance (Policy 4-26 and -27). Grafton Plaza proposes to pay in lieu fees to meet its affordable housing, school and park dedication requirements (Policies 4-7 to 4-10, 4-29). Convenient sidewalks and trails will be provided for interconnected pedestrian and bicyclist circulation (Policies 4.-31, 5-16, 5-17). Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 18 2010 e. Describe how the proposal will be compatible with surrounding land uses, enhance the development of the general area, and create an attractive and safe environment. The property is surrounded by a range of approved and built retail, office, and high density residential uses. To the south is Interstate 580. To the west is Grafton Station, comprised of Lowes and other mid-sized box users, retail and restaurant spaces. The Promenade, a mixed use village center project, and existing High Density Residential projects up to approximately 60 units/acre are located to the North. To the east is approved Campus Office land owned by Kaiser Hospital anticipated for a new hospital campus. The proposed project will expand upon and enhance these same uses. The site plan for the project will adhere to the intent of the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan's goals and policies as amended, ensuring that the project will be compatible, both in terms of land use and physical design, with adjacent development. The proposed mix of commercial and residential development and open space will blend with the neighboring developments to create a safe, attractive, livable and cohesive project. f. Discuss the physical suitability of the site for the type and intensity of the land uses proposed. The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of land use designations being proposed. The project area has already undergone initial grading, is generally flat, and is adjacent to constructed streets and utilities. No heritage trees or other substantial vegetation exist on the site. Existing soil conditions are suitable for development, and no landslides or earthquakes are present on site. The site is not within a 100 year flood zone. g. The potential of the property where the project is proposed located to contain a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5). An environmental records search was conducted of the State of California's Department of Toxic Substance Control database to determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substances areas. The results of this search indicated that the property is not listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks. An earlier Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted on the property found no registered hazardous waste or substance sites known to exist on the property, nor was any hazardous materials discovered within or near the project site. Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 19 2010 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT The following text and map exhibits have been prepared to amend the Dublin General Plan to facilitate the Grafton Plaza project. Where new text related to the project revises or supplements existing text of the General Plan, the new text is shown as underlined and the current text that is being updated or removed is shown in d4keeut Page 10- Includes a new land use designation and definition as follows: Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (FAR: Averaae of 0.45) This desianation provides for a mix of uses includina residential. live-work and shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurants. hotel, and entertainment facilities or all campus office for the Grafton Plaza site. The floor area ratio is for the combined commercial and residential uses. if residential uses are incorporated. or for commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The residential component shall not exceed more than 50% of the overall allowable sauare footaae for the Project. Page 15- The Dublin General Plan Land Use Map (Figure 1-1a) has been updated to change the designation for the Grafton Plaza site from Campus Office to Mixed Use 2/ Campus Office. Refer to Figure 1-1a for the updated exhibit. Pages 19 and 20 - Table 2.1 Land use Summary: Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment Area. Update to reflect the proposed Project options permitted under Mixed Use 2/Campus Office. Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 20 2010 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT The following text and map exhibits have been prepared to amend the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to facilitate the Grafton Plaza project. Where new text related to the project revises or supplements existing text of the Specific Plan, the new text is shown as underlined and the current text that is being updated or removed is shown in seeut. Page 31 - Update Table 4.1 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Summary to reflect the proposed Project options permitted under Mixed Use 2/Campus Office. Page 43- Table 4.2 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Population and Employment Summary will be updated to reflect the proposed Project's two options. Page 44- Update Table 4.3 City of Dublin Projected Jobs/Housing Balance to reflect the proposed Project Area. Page 48- Inserted the following new land use designation and definition: Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (MU2/CO) (FAR: Average of 0.451 Accommodates various uses includina residential. live-work and shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses such as office. retail. restaurants. hotel, and entertainment facilities for the Grafton Plaza property. The floor area ratio is for the combined commercial and residential (if utilized) uses. The residential component shall not exceed more than 50% of the overall sauare footage. Page 51- Table 4.4 Tassajara Gateway Subarea Development Potential will be revised to remove the proposed Project Area. Page 62- Add new text as listed below to identify the new subarea Grafton Plaza. Create a new table and description to provide for the proposed Mixed Use 2/Campus Office project. LOCATION The Grafton Plaza subarea is located between Dublin Boulevard and Interstate 580 and east of Grafton Street. (Refer to Fiaure 4.1) Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 21 2010 LAND USE CONCEPT The Grafto n Plaza subarea is intend ed to provide a vibr ant mixed use and urban villa ge or cr'!!'r pus o ffice proiect that is ped estrian friendly. hum an scaled. an d creates an a ctive environme nt permittina an opport unity for residents t o live. work. a nd plav in a place currently n ot provided for in the a rea. This subarea b uilds off the a diacent Prome nade and Graft on Station retail projects and adiacent mediu m-hiah and hia h density resid ential communiti es to establish a residenti al, commercial. and hospitality dest ination. The subarea will a llow a n averag e FAR of 0.45. and the residential use. if uti lized. shall not exceed 50% of th e proje ct sauar footage. Usable and attractive open sp ace areas will be incoroorat d i nto the proiect t o provide uniaue p ublic spaces. The architecture and lands cape char acter will be aoverned by desian auidelines and standards to ensure an attr active and cohesive pr oiect and establish a framework that encouraaes public activity. human scal e. and_hiah a uality desian and materials, Page 63- Updated Figure 4.1 Land Use Map to change the Grafton Plaza site from Campus Office to Mixed Use 2/ Campus Office. Refer to this exhibit to see the revised use. Page 64- Figure 4.2 Planning Subareas was revised to change the site from Tassajara Gateway to Grafton Plaza. Refer to this exhibit to see the revised and new subarea boundaries. After Page 172- Insert the following new section for the Grafton Plaza subarea: v and ac commo date s the ped estria n while maintain ina ad eauat e vehicu lar cir culation. promot es a lively an d vital retail ven ue, and provides an invit ing se nse of pl ace to live and work fo r both its resid ents a nd vi sitors alike. T his subare a build s off th e adiace nt The Pro menade and Graft on S tatio n proiec ts to esta blish a reside ntial, co mmerc ial. and hospita lity destin atio n unlik e any oth er curre ntly found in the T ri-Vall ey area. FORM • -Development shall be desianed with interconnected pedestrian and vehicular Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 22 2010 • -Development should be urban and compact, with activated uses encouraged along the around floor spaces of public and private streets. BUILD ING SITING • B uildinas with dominant archit ectural styles and/or areater heiaht at the Grafton Plaza G ateway (intersection of Graf ton Street and Dublin Blvd.) shall be placed to emphasize t he importance of this entry t o Grafton Plaza. in relation to Grafton Station and The • Corners of buildinas at Grafton Plaza should include vertical elements. uniaue architectural features. upper story balconies._ towers, or related features that aid in creatina a sense of arrival and place. • Buildings should he culled to the street with minimal setbacks to frame and create a well defined street edge. • Active uses of the Buildinas shall orient to the adjacent streets. BUILDING MAS SING AND DETAILIN G • Buildinas sh all be desianed to provide a sense of scale and enclosure. • Buildings a long Dublin Blvd. s hould step back at a base height to relate to the scale of • B iu Iding massina should be varied to provide interest and diversity. This can be achieved by varvina the story heiaht. • Buildinas should be appropriately scaled and include facade treatments such as multi- Consistent desian auality materials and detailing and buildina massina of the • Stree t level ar chitecture shal l be human s caled and posse ss a hiah level o f detailina. • The massina o f individual bui ldinas shall be broken into thr ee or more prim ary forms throu ah chan aes in features such as volu me, wall heiahts, roof forms. para pet heiahts. and offsets in wall planes. LANDSCAPE/ OPEN SPACE • An entry plaza at the Grafton Str eet/Dublin Blvd, intersection shall be pr ovided to create a sense of arrival. This spac e shall permit a ctive uses an d orient to adiacent Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 23 2010 • Internal plaza spaces for public use shall be provided that allows a range of activities includina outdoor dinina. seatina. and other events. The space shall incorporate elements such as clardens. fountains. and public art. . Public and private spaces shall be incomoratedinto the project to incomorate • The development shall be linked with the adiacent water auality basin trail and open • Pedestrian areas shall be furnished with benches, trash receptacles, lighting. bike parking, and other attractive and creature comfort elements. ENTRIES • Buildina entries shall be located in convenient locations and front the streets and/or r)ublic spaces to activate the street and provide eves on the street. . Buildina lobbies shall front streets or public spaces to provide convenient access and be visually identifiable. • Buildings should not tum their backs to public streets. Where this is not practical. the b iu Idina shall b desianed to activate the street and provide pedestrian level features such as entries, windows. or commercial spaces. PAR KING • Primary parkina shall be intea rate d into parkina structures or surface lot s. Surface lots are to be scree ned from off-si te vi ews as feasibl e. On street parkina sp aces should be provided to p ermit conveni ent short term o arkina, provide scale, and a buffer between the sidewalk/pedestrian zone and the street. • Shared oarkina concepts may be incorporated into the proiect to reduce the impact of the vehicle and limit the amount of space deleaated to automobiles. • The use of public transit and other modes of transportation shall be encouraaed. CI • RCU Cir LATIO culati N on sha ll be d esiane d to p rovide inte rcon nected stre ets and ped estrian routes. • On -site s treets shall b e des ianed to mi nimiz e th e impact of the autom obile upon the pe destri an-orie nted moiec t. Th is can be acc omplished by narrowin a curb-to-curb wid ths o rovidi na rou ndabo uts, c orner bump out s and other traffic calmi na features. • Sid ewalk s and plaza s shou ld be desia ned wit h wider dim ensions to accommodate ou tdoor seatin a win dow sh oodn a, hu man i nter action. and pedestrian circulation. Util ize th e existi na bus stop alona Dublin Blvd ... Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 24 2010 Appendix 2, Page A2-2- Inserted new land use designation and anticipated uses as follows: Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (Averaae of 0.45 Floor Area Ratio) Anticipated uses include. but are not limited to a combination of uses: • medium, medium-hiah. and high density residential • live-work and shoo keer)er units • office • retail • restaurants and bars • hotel • sga • entertainment facilities Residential uses shall not exceed more than 50% of the total square footage of the uses. Appendix 3, Page A3-1- Revise Tassajara Gateway Planning Subarea Land Use Summary to reflect the proposed Project's two options available under the Mixed Use 2/Campus Office designation. Appendix 3, Page A3-4- Add a new Grafton Plaza Planning Subarea Land Use Summary to reflect the proposed Project's two optional land use programs available under Mixed Use 2/Campus Office. Appendix 4, Page A4-5- Revise #19 Pao Lin (Areas F, G & H) Land Use Summary by Land Owners to reflect the new proposed Project options . Grafton Plaza General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Page 25 00 m C? 0 tip o 0 N N N CL Q aJ N N L v LL V O L ,1°d Q? QU E m ti Z 10 N - sa ? SSE - pF? s .F 5?uc4sa 21A_,.?s_ise3?s'sw??sses?es-Xs?C?2S tiJ w W w 0 a z ?y V ? V v T E?9 s 2c ? C ii Yy XEr- ? LL+ elf cc;--c? I];11 ???i E ;..l s',5?? ti ? ?z•.t 3 #yp C fjj$ 7 ? ?r?5 1,?,?+ ??? gag tZr- m m s _r5,j545 e.-.. Z a Q C Q C r' C 'c v) C M cv C C c Q a v ++ C C _ u w U a O O C J C C u c n E ti ti aa-. M X .0 C . L- L X LLJ ] Q > W C Q c ` 0 N 1 w LA Ol Y ti :: O a O O O c CL 3 G d ,A j U U U C w d a u u Q C a N a _ C U 0 ? m Ln ? 3 rv v u V rr, O ? V M O ti U ?j t a co O p a` vi N i d T O O .? a N 7 ti ti w C u ^ ` O LL •C C Q a a -a C C in ? C N 72 ? 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(XD Q o 0 0?0 ?o @ S N u, n rn x w O O m o c? ? D O N w O O (D Z :p ? ]p D O O O „ D C)O.Cn O O 0? Z D -O cQ c i? r-n o Z m o Q C/) 3 Q Z Z o O O .? . cQ D C n n Lnn ---f n Q z ° O C ) D G? 0 0 0 A. Ck) C. m D rn O w ca l m 7° D P ? Z \ I+ C/)/) O O` U p 00 p 0, D m z ? p O 70 `? ' • Z m o N C p 0 n co n N o Z ?Q D O O cn Z O O iU C N mrn D X 0 0 rn z rn D D Z rn m 70 Z 2 z T z 70 0 0 rn D rn rn D D Z rn cDn m O r- rcn T D Z ¦ 0 W A N 4 D 0 0 W g n z TD p W r r z 0 r D ? n r r D Z D ?••? Z 0 Do 8 z? DD 22 Clz Dn ?f z ? D 0 z o _ 7 7O A D 2010 G RA FTO N PLAZA STAGE 1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE AMENDMENT THE VISION Grafton Plaza is designed to create a destination that is active, pedestrian scaled, and surrounded by a diverse mix of uses. The proposed land uses are intended to provide places to shop, stroll, and meet family and friends in a vibrant, comfortable and contemporary setting. The pedestrian realm will be highlighted within the project to reinforce the social and public emphasis of the project. Since few mixed use projects are currently available in the Tri-Valley area, a shift towards this combination of land uses will raise the bar for community design and create a demand for new services. Viewed within the context of the surrounding developments, both the existing and proposed location and nature of Grafton Plaza will make this a unique cornerstone and focus for the Dublin Ranch community and the City of Dublin. This Project will anchor a key corner of the Grafton Street and Dublin Blvd. intersection, blending and uniting with the other adjacent commercial and residential projects of Dublin Ranch. The Project proposes two program options under the Planned Development (PD) zoning amendment (which corresponds to the new General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use flex designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (MU2/CO)). This includes a combination of mixed uses including residential, as well as an all campus office option to create a range of uses and maintain flexibility to respond to market conditions. The preference of the Applicant is to provide a mixed use urban village on the site. Grafton Plaza is intended to create a vital center and proposes an average intensity of 0.45 FAR (floor area ratio) for a total of 496,519 square feet of development within the Project Area (which includes the existing water quality basin parcel) regardless of the ultimate program selected. The final design of the Project will be determined with the submittal of Planned Development Stage 2 Rezone and Site Development Review applications. PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT The intent of this application is to provide maximum opportunity for land use development in keeping with the theme and nature of the Grafton Street area and The Promenade as a Destination Urban Village central to Dublin Ranch. A mixture of uses such as office, retail, Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 30 12010 hospitality, shopkeeper, live/work, residential, open space amenities, and the ability to integrate residential activities in a higher density setting is an essential part of achieving this goal. While the economic and social success of the retail activities is often based on the synergy and mix of tenants, it is also dependent on the number of residential units within close proximity that support the retail uses on a daily basis. The long-term goal is to attract a larger regional audience by making Grafton Plaza a unique destination place, but also to be a vital shopping area by supporting the needs of the local community in which it is located. INTRODUCTION A Stage 1 Development Plan as defined by Section 8.32.030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance will establish the land use type and pattern for the Grafton Plaza Project. A concurrent General Plan/ Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment application is also a part of this submittal to rezone the property to PD (with the General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan flex land use designation of Mixed Use 2/Campus Office (MU2/CO)). The Project site consists of approximately 25.33 gross acres, including the existing water quality basin (which encompasses 11 gross acres of the total site area). The southern portion of the property has been graded and landscaped for the water quality treatment basin, which is currently providing treatment for a substantial area of Dublin Ranch. The northern portion of the Project Area, where development will occur, has been mass graded. The site is flat, with drainage falling towards the southwest. Non-native grass and other low vegetation are present on the site; however, no trees or structures exist. The property is located within Area H of Dublin Ranch and is in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. The Project site is located within the City of Dublin, bordered by land zoned General Commercial (approved for the Grafton Station Retail Center including a Lowe's store and up to seven additional pads to accommodate smaller retail uses) to the west; The Promenade (approved as part of the Dublin Ranch Area G Village Center project that includes a fitness facility, smaller retail, restaurants, and residential uses) and high density neighborhoods of Dublin Ranch Area G across Dublin Blvd to the north; 1-580 freeway and Northside Drive to the south, and land zoned Campus Office (owned by Kaiser Permanente and anticipated for a hospital campus) to the east. Grafton Street exists immediately to the west of the Project site and will provide primary access into the site and its uses. A secondary access point into the site is located at the east side of the Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 31 2010 property, off Dublin Blvd. It is anticipated that an east/west street will be located immediately north of the water quality basin to provide site connectivity and adequate access. PROPOSED LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT A Stage 1 Planned Development approved by the City in March 2000 placed a Planned Development zoning district with a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designation of Campus Office (CO) on the Project Area with an average FAR of 0.45. The PD approval specifically permitted mixed use developments including residential uses subject to a Stage 2 PD provided that certain conditions were met. Those conditions included meeting a specific community housing need; not exceeding established traffic service levels; creating a pedestrian oriented attractive environment; maintaining consistency with the Specific Plan intent without resulting in adverse environmental or service impacts; and capping residential uses at not more than 50% of the developed area. Grafton Plaza, as currently envisioned, meets these conditions to incorporate residential uses into the Project as part of this application and approval. To further these Project goals, the Applicant proposes to maintain the property's Planned Development zoning district, but amend the PD and redesignate the site with a new land use classification entitled Mixed Use 2/Campus Office under the General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to provide flexibility, as well as emphasize and support the vision of the development. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 32 12010 Due to the proposed redesignation of this site to Mixed Use 2/Campus Office to permit greater flexibility in land use combinations, amendments to the General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and an application for a Development Agreement have been submitted concurrently with this Stage 1 Development Plan to provide consistency and accommodate the proposed development concepts. Two program options are proposed as part of this Project's PD rezone amendment to create a range of uses and maintain flexibility to respond to market conditions. However, it is the preference of the Applicant to provide a mixed use urban village on the site. Regardless of the ultimate program, the Project will create a vital center, and proposes an average intensity of 0.45 FAR (floor area ratio) for a total of 496,519 square feet of development within the Project Area (which includes the existing water quality basin parcel). The final design and land uses shall be determined with the submittal of a Planned Development Stage 2 Rezone and Site Development Review applications. • Grafton Plaza's first PD program option (Option 1-Mixed Use 2) proposes a mixed use project with a maximum amount of residential square footage established. A maximum of 50% of the total building area (248,259 square feet) can be allocated to approximately 235 residential units including the residential portions of shopkeeper and live/work units, and various multi-family configurations, and the other 50% (248,260 square feet) is associated with non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurant, the work portions of shopkeeper and live/work units, and hotel related uses. This Option does permit the ability to integrate fewer or greater units so long as the total square footage of residential uses does not exceed 248,259 square feet. If less than 248,259 square feet is assigned to residential uses, the difference in square footage may be assigned to non-residential uses, as long as the overall project square footage does not exceed 496,519 square feet. • Grafton Plaza's second PD program option (Option 2-Campus Office) proposes a project with all Campus Office uses. A maximum of 496,519 square feet is permitted for uses such as office, and ancillary supporting uses including retail and food establishments. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 33 2010 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM In Mixed Use developments, the primary design intent of the development program is that buildings should have ground floor activation and different supporting uses that will complement one another. For all Campus Office, the primary design intent of the development program is that buildings complement one another to create vital and usable spaces with appropriate commercial ancillary uses. With any of the program options, spaces between the buildings should create public open spaces. Pedestrian and vehicle circulation and parking will be provided to serve each building and provide connectivity between the different buildings. On-site structured parking will be integrated into the project with higher intensity and mixed use developments. Fire and emergency access to all of the buildings will be a key consideration in finalizing the ultimate building designs. For clarification purposes, the calculation of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is based on the gross site area (25.33 acres, which includes the existing Water Quality Basin). Surface parking and parking structures are not included as part of the FAR calculation in accordance with past practice by the City of Dublin. The overall allowable average floor area ratio is 0.45, which is the same FAR as approved for the Project in 2000. To provide flexibility in the program, the individual building parcels may be developed to an FAR higher than 0.45 FAR as long as the average of all uses on the 25.33 gross acre site does not exceed 0.45 FAR or 496,519 square feet. The preferred option has a total of 496,519 square feet of mixed use development within the Project site. Of this total, up to 507o of the square footage may be allocated to residential uses. A residential unit is defined as a permanent living space and excludes temporary living situations, including long term stay, such as hotel and related facility rooms; common areas such as hallways, lobbies, mechanical rooms and leasing offices. It also includes only the residential use square footage of live/work and shopkeeper units. It is not intended that non- residential square footage within these units accumulates as residential square footage. Commercial areas do not include the residential portion of live/work and shopkeeper units. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 34 2010 Fxistinn StnnP 1 PlnnnPrt DPvPlnnment Land Use Gross Net FAR Residential Units Designation Acres Acres S.F. 0.45 avg. Up to 50% of development, Campus Office 25.33 23.4 0.60 max. subject to meeting conditions outlined in the General Plan 496,519 S.F. Prnnnspel StnnP 1 Plnnnt-d F)PvplnnmPnt Land Use Gross Net FAR Designation Acres Acres (0.45 average) Planned Non-Residential Residential Development Option 1 25.33 23.4 248,259 S.F. max. (Mixed Use with +/-248,260 S.F. +/-235 Residential Units Residential) Planned Non-Residential Residential Development 25.33 23.4 Option 2 496,519 S.F. NA (Campus Office) A more comprehensive site plan, development program, and design of Grafton Plaza will be submitted with the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone per the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8.32 and Site Development Review. This will include building footprints, pedestrian and vehicular networks, site and design guidelines, site development criteria including parking ratios and building heights/stories, architecture, and more detailed landscaping. PHASING Grafton Plaza is intended to be an integrated mixed use project. Projects like this tend to be built in phases, which allows for flexibility in constructability, staging and market conditions. Currently, specific development phasing is unknown and would be subject to market and economic conditions. A more detailed phasing plan shall be developed for the Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone submittal. In addition, the phasing plan shall also include existing and proposed land uses, major features of the circulation system; including any Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 35 12010 existing and proposed arterials and collector streets; other infrastructure requirements including water supply, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal and drainage systems. Utility, access, grading and emergency services will be provided to meet the resulting needs of the ultimate phasing to implement the project. The desired intensity of the buildings shall not exceed the square footages and unit counts as described in the previous sections. Of the proposed total building area, no more than 50% (248,259 square feet) shall be allocated as residential square footage. PARK DEDICATION I AFFORDABLE HOUSING I SEMI-PUBLIC FACILITIES Although a public plaza and various other open spaces are anticipated to be incorporated into the design of the project, at this point there is no clear indication whether these features will meet the City's parkland dedication requirements. The current proposal is to pay in lieu fees as established by the City's Public Facilities Fee Program at the time of development covering the requirements for neighborhood and community parks. This will be discussed during project review and finalized through the establishment of a project Development Agreement. The current Grafton Plaza development program proposes all residential units to be market rate units and does not include incorporating affordable housing units within the project. The Applicant is proposing to pay in lieu fees under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations to meet the affordable housing requirement for this project. This will be considered in the course of project review and approval by the City Council and will be finalized through the establishment of a project Development Agreement. The City of Dublin adopted a Semi-Public Facilities Policy in February 2004 requiring certain residential projects to "increase the opportunities for Semi -Public Facilities by increasing the locations of lands designed Public/Semi-Public Facilities on the General Plan land use map". Through the years, the Dublin Ranch project has provided many Public, Semi-Public, and Public/Semi-Public sites that total 10.4 acres net. The Grafton Plaza Project does not specifically incorporate Semi-Public facilities or land, or Public and Public/Semi Public uses, within the development since Dublin Ranch, as a whole, has already provided an overage of Public, Semi-Public, and Public/Semi-Public lands amounting to 4.5 additional acres as determined by the formulas provided in the Semi-Public Facilities Policy. This excess acreage will decrease slightly when the ultimate number of residential units approved with this project is backed out from the overall Dublin Ranch Public, Semi-Public, and Public/Semi-Public acreage reserve. This accounting and determination that no additional acreage is required due to the existing overage has been verified in the course of project review, and will be Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 36 12010 approved by the City Council and included in the project Development Agreement. Additionally, Public and Semi-Public uses are permitted or conditionally permitted in the Project as designated below. PERMITTED & CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USES Grafton Plaza is intended to be a mixed use project, which can integrate both commercial and residential uses together, or be a completely non-residential project. Some of the integration is to be a horizontal mixed use design within buildings. Vertical integration for mixed use design is desirable, but may be limited to the restraints caused by practical design. The ultimate master plan developed for the project should provide a variety of uses and opportunity for businesses and residents to thrive and interact. It is desirable that the combination of the different uses be compatible with one another, as well as adjacent uses, but does not require these uses to be directly related. Key Permitted P Conditional Use Permit CUP Temporary Use Permit TUP Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 37 2010 MIXED USE 2 (Option 1) The Permitted, Conditionally Permitted, and Temporarily Permitted land uses allowed under Grafton Plaza's Planned Development zoning district for Mixed Use 2 (Option 1) include, but are not limited to, the following: Commercial Use Type Office/Service - Offices and professional service establishments uses including, but not limited to: P CUP TUP Copy, fax, mail box or supplies x Bank, Savings and Loan, Financial Services x Real estate/ Insurance x Professional and administrative offices x Travel agent x Legal services, accounting, escrow services, etc x Medical and dental offices x Architect, engineer, design services x Employment agency x Hair/ Beauty salon/Nail salon/Tanning Salon/Similar Personal Services x Day Spa (massage services not to exceed 49% of total square footage of tenant space) x Tailor x Tutoring/Educational Consulting Services x Internet cafe and other similar technology access centers x Hotel and spa x Meeting/Function Rooms (part of another permitted use, and with or without food and/or alcohol service) x Sports Club/Fitness Facility x Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 38 2010 Office/Service Uses Continued: P CUP TUP Parking lot x Meeting/Function Rooms (not part of another permitted use, and with or without food and/or alcohol service) x Indoor Recreation (yoga, aerobics, martial arts, dance, etc.) X Shoe repair x Public and semi-public facilities x Private Community Facility X Out patient health facilities x Arts and crafts fair x Festival/ street fair x Farmer's Market X Construction trailer x Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 39 April 2010 Retail - Community-serving retail uses including, but not limited to: P CUP TUP General merchandise store, including specialty food x Antiques X Audio, Computer, and Electronic equipment x Bookstore X Bicycle shop x Clothing and Accessories X Drug store x Eating and drinking establishments: Full-service, sit down restaurant x Quick-service/high turnover restaurant x Specialty Eating and Drinking Establishments - sit down or take away, with no table service, including such uses as a coffee house, delicatessen, bakery, ice cream shop, smoothie shop, sandwich shop, or other similar uses x Micro-brewery X Outdoor dining associated with an eating and drinking establishment x Wine or liquor bar, cocktail lounge, etc x Florist X Gifts/ Specialty store x Hobby/ Special interest store x Jewelry and cosmetic store x Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 40 2010 Retail Uses continued: P CUP TUP Music Store x Liquor/Wine Store x Pet Supplies with/without grooming x Office supply store x Shoe store x Toy store x Home Furnishings x Dry Cleaning/Laundry Services (no plant on premises permitted) x Parking lot x Permanent Kiosks, News pa per/Magazi ne Stands and other similar outdoor retail sales associated or not x associated with an existing business Community Care Facility- Large2 x Free standing newspaper and magazine stand/kiosk x Temporary outdoor sale (sidewalk sale) 3 x Temporary outdoor sale (sidewalk sale) 4 x Construction trailer x 1 Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter. 2 As licensed by the State Department of Health Services. 3 Not related to on-site established business. CUP to be approved by Community Development Director. 4 Related to on-site established business. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 41 2010 Retail - Prohibited uses including, but not limited to: Drive through establishments of an e Gas/Service Stations Convenience Stores Shopkeeper Use Type Shopkeeper Unit is defined as a commercial based residential unit, vertically separated by occupancy with commercial and residential uses having separate entries. Both residential and commercial spaces shall be owned by the same owner. The commercial component is best suited for specialty retail, modified retail or small employee based businesses (sole proprietorship with 2-5 employees). The commercial space can be subleased. One residential unit is permitted by right per Shopkeeper unit. The residential unit may be rented. Residential uses located within the residential portion of the Shopkeeper unit shall conform to those permitted and conditional uses listed under the Residential Use Type. In addition, uses applicable to Shopkeeper units shall be in accordance with those listed or other uses found to be consistent by the Community Development Director. Shopkeeper Local retail and craft related uses and services including, but not limited to : P CUP TUP Art gallery x Artist, graphic designer x Bookstore X Clothing/ Apparel/ Accessories X Indoor dining x Medical or dental offices x Tutoring/Educational Consulting Services ' X Dry cleaners, Drop-off and pick-up only x Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 42 12010 Shopkeeper Uses Continued: P CUP TUP Florist X Photography studio/ Supply store x Pet supplies with/without grooming x Picture framing shop x Professional offices and services including: Advertising, Appraisal, Accounting, Architectural, Engineering, Insurance, Legal, Optometric, Psychology, X Real Estate, Travel Agency, Miscellaneous consulting services, etc. Sale of food and/or beverages, prepared or not prepared on premises x Home occupation per Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance in the Residential portion of the Shopkeeper X Unit Parking lot 2 X Computers/ Electronic equipment and repair x Outdoor dining x Craffsperson shop (woodworking, furniture making, x ceramics, etc) 3 1 Subject to occupancy limits as noted under Prohibited Uses. 2 Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter. 3 Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 43 2010 Shopkeeper Prohibited Uses include, but are not limited to: Any occupancy classified as an H occupancy by the International Building Code Adult businesses Vehicle maintenance or repair Welding or any open flame work Machinery-related uses or activities Activities involving any biological or chemical substances Storage of flammable liquids/ hazardous materials (that are not normally associated with normal residential use) Breeding, training, boarding, or raising of any animals for profit Veterinary services including animal hospitals, kennels or associated services Repair shops, fix-it shops, plumbing shops, with the exception of those uses specifically permitted or conditionally permitted above Dance / night club Teaching of organized classes totaling more than six (6) persons at a time Dry cleaners, where process is conducted on premises Fortune telling, astrology, palmistry, and similar uses Any other activity or use, as determined by the Director of Community Development to not be compatible with residential activities and / or to have the possibility of affecting the health and safety of residents, because of potential for the use to create dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, fumes, odor, smoke, vibration, electrical interference or other impacts, or would be hazardous because of materials, processes or wastes. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 44 2010 Live/ Work Use Type Live/Work Unit is defined as a unit where the commercial and residential uses share both vertical and horizontal circulation and space, and will provide a working environment within the residence. The commercial component cannot be sub-leased as it is considered to be a part of the residence. The work area is located on the ground floor and this use is best suited for a home based office. The number of employees shall be limited to the resident plus not more than 2 additional persons at any one time. One residential unit is permitted by right per Live/Work unit. The total residential/commercial unit may be rented as one unit. Residential uses located within the residential portion of the Live/Work unit shall conform to those permitted and conditional uses listed under the Residential Use Type. In addition, uses applicable to Live/ Work units shall be in accordance with those listed or other uses found to be consistent by the Community Development Director. Live/ Work Home Office and Service Establishments including, but not limited to : P CUP TUP Artist, Artisan, or photography studio x Counseling services ' X Desktop publishing x Employment agency/ executive search consulting x Financial services (mortgage broker, financial planner, etc.) X Pet supplies with/without grooming x Professional offices and services including: Advertising, Appraisal, Accounting, Architectural, Dental, Engineering, Insurance, Legal, Medical, Optometric, X Psychology, Real Estate, Travel Agency, Miscellaneous consulting services, etc. Tutor/ Educational consultant/ Instructor ' X Writer/ Technical advisor x Sale of food and/ or beverages, prepared on premises; X includes catering Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 45 12010 Live/ Work Uses Continued P CUP TUP Parking lot 2 X Outdoor dining X 1 Subject to occupancy limits as noted under Prohibited Uses. 2 Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter. Live/ Work Prohibited Uses include, but are not limited to: Any occupancy classified as an H occupancy by the International Building Code Adult businesses Vehicle maintenance or repair Welding or any open flame work Machinery-related uses or activities Activities involving any biological or chemical substances Storage of flammable liquids/ hazardous materials (that are not normally associated with normal residential use) Breeding, training, boarding, or raising of any animals for profit Veterinary services including animal hospitals, kennels or associated services Repair shops, fix-it shops, plumbing shops Dance / night club Sale of food and or beverages, other than those items prepared on premises Teaching of organized classes totaling more than six (6) persons at a time Dry cleaners or laundromats fortune Telling, astrology, palmistry, and similar uses Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 46 2010 Live/ Work Prohibited Uses continued: Any other activity or use, as determined by the Director of Community Development to not be compatible with residential activities and / or to have the possibility of affecting the health and safety of residents, because of potential for the use to create dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, fumes, odor, smoke, vibration, electrical interference or other impacts, or would be hazardous because of materials, processes or wastes. Residential Use Type Residential units proposed for this project are intended to be for-sale units. The size and arrangement for the residential dwellings should reflect the attitude of luxury, creativity and urban lifestyles. Residential Permitted uses including, but not limited to : P CUP TUP Multi-family dwellings x Condominiums X Community facilities (pool, spa, fitness room, small theater, etc.) x Community clubhouse (event area for small gatherings, kitchen, etc.) x Home occupation per Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Zoning X Ordinance Parking lot' x Community Care Facility- Large X Family day care home per Chapter 8.08 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance- Large x Sales office/ model home complex x 1 Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 47 2010 CAMPUS OFFICE (Option 2) The following are the Permitted, Conditionally Permitted, and Temporarily Permitted land uses allowed in Grafton Plaza's Planned Development zoning district for Campus Office (Option 2), as established in the Dublin Ranch Area H Planned Development District and Development Plan (PA 98-070) approved in March 2000. Campus Office Office and ancillary uses including, but not limited to : P CUP TUP Accessory and incidental amenity uses to offices, including but not limited to employee cafeterias, employee fitness centers, day care centers, and X employee training facilities. Administrative headquarters X Ancillary uses which provide support services to businesses and employees including but not limited to: restaurants, convenience shopping, copying services, blueprinting, X printing and branch banks Business and commercial services X Business, corporate, professional, technical, and X administrative offices Cellular and wireless communication facilities, minor, X subject to Site Development Review Laboratory X Research and development X Storage and sale of material, limited to 25% of floor area X Sales and leasing office X Sports Club/Fitness Facility X Broadcasting stations or studios, excluding sending and X receiving towers Health services/clinics X Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 48 2010 Campus Office Office and ancillary uses Continued P CUP TUP Hotel/motel X Hospital/medical center X Limited light manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and distribution activities (uses that do not produce noxious X odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noise) Other uses that could meet the intent of the Campus Office land use designation as determined by the X Community Development Director Recreational facility/indoor (yoga, aerobics, martial arts, X dance, etc.) Arts and crafts fair X Festival/street fair X Temporary construction trailers and ancillary construction X facilities Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 49 2010 POTENTIAL FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE & SUBSTANCES An environmental records search was conducted on the State of California's Department of Toxic Substance Control database to determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substances areas. The results of this search indicated that the property is not listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks. FINDINGS STATEMENT The following information is provided to support the necessary findings of the approval per the City application submittal requirements. A. The proposal will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area. Development of the Project will be harmonious with and relate to existing and future development. The development plan will adhere to the amended General Plan's and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan's goals and policies. This compliance will ensure that the project will be compatible, both in terms of land use and physical design, with adjacent development. Proposed land uses will complement adjacent uses and may provide unique uses not currently found in the City of Dublin. Project development will be governed by design guidelines and standards to ensure that building massing and placement acknowledges and respects adjacent uses. B. The site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of zoning districts being proposed. The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of zoning being proposed. No landslides, earthquake faults, flood zones, or inadequate structural soil properties are known to exist on the site. Utility and street connections exist or can be easily extended to the property. An environmental records search was conducted of the State of California's Department of Toxic Substance Control database to determine if the site was included on a list of hazardous waste and substances areas. The results of this search indicated that the property is not listed as a hazardous site, hazardous material generator or transporter, or known to have underground storage tank leaks. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 50 2010 C. The proposal will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, as amended, with respect to public health, safety, and welfare. The project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, nor will it be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Additionally, no noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noises will be produced by the uses proposed for this project. D. The proposed uses for the site are consistent with the elements of the City of Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as amended by this project. Refer to these documents for additional detail. E. The orroiect satisfies the purpose and intent of a "Planned Development" as outlined in Chapter 8.32 of the Municipal Code. • The proposal is planned as a comprehensive and distinct project and will have development standards tailored to the specific needs of the site. • Grafton Plaza will provide interconnected pedestrian and vehicular circulation, interspersed with public plazas and open spaces. This layout, in addition to the designated land uses and design guidelines, will provide places to shop, stroll, and meet family and friends in a vibrant, comfortable and contemporary setting. Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Amendment Page 51 I ¦ 1 oo?nS m z p Dn(D:5 Q (D Q Cfl T c? -2 c? p N nS n. o o 330 s. ::??' 3 3 m n Q flQ Q' Q p C R U D 3 ) 3 - `? X `"' 0- cm Z p m N D n (,? m X CJ fl 0 ? W (? L ^ V , D n cn -i w O O Q D rn ? ? 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