HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 Proc Bike to Work~~~~ OF pp~~~2 ~9\~~~/z STAFF REPORT CITY C L E R K `~~~L~ ` ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^® !0©-~® DATE: April 20, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: 2010 Bike to Work Day Prepared By: Erin Steffen, Administrative Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bike to Work Day is an annual regional event organized by the East Bay Bicycle Coalition to promote the use of alternative modes of transit. This presentation is intended to update the City Council on the City's involvement with Bike to Work Day events taking place in Dublin and in the Tri-Valley area. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds to sponsor the Bike to Work Day regional ad campaign at the $1;-500 level and to host a Bike to Work Day Energizer Station with the City of Pleasanton, Hacienda Business Park, Dublin Cyclery, and Alameda County Department of Public Works at the $1,000 level. The total Bike to Work Day budget of $2,500 will be funded by Measure B Funds, not the City's General Fund: RECOMMENDATION: Receive the presentation and approve the proclamation declaring May 13, 2010, as Bike to Work Day in the City of Dublin. Submitted By Revi w d By Administrative Analyst Assistant ~ y Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 3 ' 2 ~, DESCRIPTION: On July 17, 2007, the City Council adopted the Bikeways Master Plan. One of the elements of the Plan states that, "Bicycle promotional and educational events, such as Bike to Work Day...should be planned and managed by the responsible departments. The City should coordinate public outreach and involvement with adjacent cities." Bike to Work Day (BtWD) is a one-day annual regional event held to encourage the use of alternative modes of transit during the commute to work by the Bay Area workforce. Entering its 16th year, BtWD is organized in Alameda County by the East Bay Bicycle Coalition (EBBC). This year, the City of Dublin will help host an Energizer Station at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, consisting of refreshments and other giveaways for commuters who choose to commute via bicycle or other alternative modes of transportation. Letters soliciting giveaways from local businesses were distributed in mid-March 2010. The City will contribute money pouches displaying the City logo and a weblink to the City's bikeways webpage (www.ci.dublin.ca.us/bikeways) to the items distributed to bicyclists who visit the Energizer Station. EBBC continues to promote cycling in daily life with two new banner ads in its regional ad campaign. The ad campaign will appear on buses, billboards, bus shelters, and on street pole banners throughout Alameda County. The City has maintained the level of contribution to the ad campaign at $1,500, which will be used to increase the number of street pole banners in Dublin from 15 to 18. The banners will be displayed throughout the City from May 1 through May 22. As a result of the sponsorship, the City of Dublin's logo will appear on promotional materials as a sponsor for BtWD. Additionally, EBBC has expanded upon the number of bicycling events taking place in the month of May to include Bike to the Market Day on May 22. Safeway has agreedto participate in the event, where cyclists are encouraged to visit grocery stores and farmers' markets throughout Alameda County to receive discounts and giveaways. Other events, such as Bike to School Days and Bike to the Movies Night, will also take place throughout Alameda County during May. The City of Dublin is promoting Bike to Work Day through a number of events scheduled throughout April and May, including bicycle safety education classes and the semi-annual bikeways workshop. Other regional events include a Team Bike Challenge hosted by the EBBC to promote bicycle commuting for the month of May. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: City staff will work with East Bay Bicycle Coalition to prepare and distribute press releases regarding Bike to Work Day and its related events to local media. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2010 Bike to Work Day Proclamation Page 2 of 2 ~~f ~. A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF D UBLIN CALIFORNIA ~ ~~~. ~ "Bike to Work Day" ~ !`~ t+tl1 lr~~S ~-~- <~ °= ~; WHEREAS, the City of Dublin acknowledges that cycling to work as a successful rideshare mode to alleviate ~ ~ , ~ ,~~ ~~ ,; , -~` traffic congestion, reduce air pollution and decrease fuel consumption; and ~ `~~~iti~, ,, J ~ ~ >,~, r WHEREAS, bike-to-work days are effective in converting drivers into bicyclists, educating citizens about the '; ,'~'`I4'E~r J ~~::~ ~' ( ~'~} ~ `'~ ~~ environmental importance of biking to work regularly and promoting the health benefits of cycling; and _ WHEREAS, Kaiser Permanence, Sll.org and the East Bay Bicycle Coalition along with other re Tonal and ~ e `j` ~ local sponsors are promoting May 13th as Bike to Work Day in the San Francisco Bay Area; and ~ ~. '~ ~' WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has contributed $2, 500 to help promote Bike to Work Day and encourages all ~ s, ~ -, C ~.~ ~, ~~ ~~"~ ~"` of its residents to consider bicycling on that day; and ~,,,'~,,3k ~ ~~' ~~ ~ ~ ~ BART Hacienda Business Park Dublin C cler and ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ y , n~ WHEREAS, the cities of Dublin and Pleasanton, ~ Y Y ~;,'•_~,, fR~ r { '~~ Alameda County Public Works Agency are hosting an Energizer Station at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART ~ a,;, '~, ~,,, ~,, station on Thursday, May 13th to greet and reward bicyclists with refreshments and sponsored giveaways. ~ j, ~~ ~~.~-) I ~~1 ~~ Lt ~ `` iii r : -J > ~~ .~ '~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tim Sbranti, Mayor of Dublin, on behalf of the entire ~ "~ B ~~ ?~~ ~I, City Council, do hereby proclaim the day of May 13, 2010, as "Bike to Work Day" in the City of Dublin, and ;~, ,'t ss, ~~"`# ~ /~ 'a -~f; I call upon all citizens and civic organizations to consider bicycling for a day, to get registered to win great `r ~ °,_~ ~~- .. ~~,~,,, prizes, and to visit the Dublin Energizer Station. ~ ~ i _ i$( 1<_~~,~s511 ~'~~' ~'~ ~' DATED: April 20, 2010 '~ X~ ~~r •~I Mayor Sbranti Vice MayorHildenbrand I; ;, ~~~~~ :~,f;3 ~, iii.,: llt f ~~• •~ ; - ~ ~~~ Councilmember Scholz Councilmember Hart Councilmember Biddle I-, .. 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