HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.05 G&Os and CIP StatusG~~~ OF DU~~~ 111 19 ~ ~`82 STAFF REPORT CITY C L E R K ~`` ~ ~~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~O Op _®~ DATE: April 20, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives Status Report and Capital Improvement Projects Status Prepared By: Joni Pattillo, City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a report on the status of the adopted Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives and Capital Improvement Projects. The report includes the status of the adopted objectives, proposed new objectives, and anticipated start and completion dates for the objectives. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: (1) Approve priority for two new objectives; (2) Approve deletion for one objective; and (3) Receive the report. Su fitted By Budget Manager Reviewe y Assistant Ci anager Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. /~ , DESCRIPTION: On June 23, 2009, the City Council adopted the Goals and Objectives Program for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. In order to keep the City Council. informed of progress toward the assigned objectives, Staff has prepared a quarterly status report for the period ending March 31, 2010 (Attachment 1). As of March 31, 2010, a total of 36 of 130 (27.7%) high priority objectives have been completed. Of the 130 objectives, there are 60 objectives categorized as multi-party or multi- year projects. The removal of these objectives from the total count provides a more accurate reflection of the progress made on high priority objectives; therefore, a total of 36 out of 60 (60.0%) high priority objectives have been completed as of March 31, 2010. The five columns on the right side of the chart identify each objective as: • Single Year -objective will be completed in one fiscal year; . Multi-Year -objective will be completed in more than one fiscal year; . City Control -City has authority over completion schedule of objective; • Multi-Party Control -completion schedule is not within exclusive authority of City; and • Legal Requirement -completion of objective is a legal requirement. As part of the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Goals and Objectives Program, two (2) additional objectives have been proposed during this reporting period based upon direction given by the City Council at prior meetings. Staff requests these additional objectives be assigned a high priority designation. The objectives are as follows: G&O Ref # Pro osed Additional Objectives # As part of the Green Initiatives Taskforce, develop green initiatives for the 1. Cit Council to consider. Cit Council Meetin -Februa 2, 2010. I.F.12 2. U date First Time Homebu er Pro ram. (Staff Initiated -March 2010. 11.6.7 Staff recommends the deletion of one objective as it is no longer necessary based upon City Council action. The objective is as follows: - G&O Ref '' # _ Proposed Deletion of Ob'ective # Proceed with a Request for Proposal for Audit Services. (City Council 1. Meetin -Februa 2, 2010.) 1.6.3 One objective has been moved to an alternate reporting area to better reflect the goal and Staff responsible. The objective is as follows: 1 __ G8~0 Ref # Moved to Alternate Section # Create Climate Action Plan. (Moved from II.A. Community Development: 1. Plannin I.F.13 All changes made since the last quarterly update are highlighted in gray in the attached status report. Page 2 of 3 Capital Improvement Program Projects In June 2009, the City Council approved an update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Fiscal Years 2008-2013) and appropriated funds for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The attached CIP schedule lists 38 projects that received funding in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 (Attachment 2). The schedule shows the status for each project and also identifies an estimated start and completion date. The schedule only includes a time frame for those projects that are funded in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Subsequent phases and future projects included in the Five Year CIP, but not funded in Fiscal Year 2009-2010, are not listed on the schedule. An additional schedule has been included in this update, which provides more detailed information for the Eastern Dublin Arterial Street Improvements project. Seven (7) projects have been completed since the Five Year CIP was approved in June 2009. All changes since the last update have been underlined in the schedule (Attachment 2). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Not Applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Goals and Objectives Status Report as of 03-31-10 2. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Improvement Program as of 03-31-10 Page 3 of 3 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS 8~ OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETElNO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADM INISTRATI ON To ensure the smooth and efficient fanctionin of those services provided to the common' . 1 High 2007 Work with the Dublin Unified School September 2007 TBD UNDERWAY -School district District and Dublin Partners in selecting appropriate staff to work Education to develop a Local with the City. Government Career Da . x x 2 High 2007 Implement recommendations from the December 2007 TBD UNDERWAY -Draft conceptual plans Civic Center Workspace Programming reviewed and returned; card reader Study. design underway, draft due to City A ri12010. x x 3 High ' 2009 Undertake voter opinion research to August 2009 June 2010 COMPLETE tPhase 1) -Results of determine community support fora survey were presented to City revenue measure targeting resident Council February 2, 2010. valued enhancements. UNDERWAY (Phase 2) -Community feedback efforts and communications program are being developed with assistance from the consultants. Distribution of information and presentations will begin in April 2010. x x 4 High 2009 Explore establishment of election ethics August 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Staff collecting ro ram. information from other'urisdictions. x x 5 High 2007 Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on August 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY- Presentation to City both City projects and private Council on December 1, 2009, with development (i.e., pre-qualification, direction given to complete study. project labor, apprentice programs, Staff met with union representatives etc.). on March 10, 2010 to discuss study arameters. x x 6 High 2009 Apply for the National Civic League's COMPLETE -March 2010. All-America Cit Award. 7 High 2009 Explore'the feasibilityof creating. an COMPLETE. annual. Elected Officials Summit. -~ ~ ~ '`~ ..C. ~ ~ Page 1 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS. & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 # COUNCIL PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP STATUS: UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO SINGLE YEAR MULTI YEAR CITY CONTROL MULTI PARTY LEGAL REQ 8 High 2009 Work with the Cites of Livermore, July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Phase I Complete: Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town Agreement with Jordan & Associates of Danville to explore the acquisition of for federal lobbyist services approved Federal and State lobbyist services. by City Council on July 21, 2009. x x 9 High 2006 Conduct comprehensive update to August 2006 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Forty-five (45) Ci 's Munici al Code. Cha ters com lete to date. x x 10 High 2009 Work with PG&E to determine the COMPLETE - Report to City Council potential costs of undergrounding all in late March 2010. existing above ground electric utilities within the Cit of Dublin. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ADMINISTRATION B. FINANCE To e ffective ) manage the City's financial resources, maximize revenues,. eantrol expenditures and develop an adequate informations stem. 1 High 2006 Implement combined finance I permit 1 December 2008 December 2010 UNDERWAY -Project phased in by licensing software. individual module. Training and implementation of the budget module was completed this quarter. Web Permits, Mobile Inspections, Fixed Assets, Contract Management, Executive Dashboard, and Report Writing are to be scheduled far implementation in FY 2010 -2011. x x 2 High 2009 Undertake a review and modification of September 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Budget -Formats Financial Reports (budget, monthly have been researched and Staff are reports, etc.) to enhance the sharing of looking at options to incorporate with key pieces of information. the new software system. Monthly Reports - Income Statement Report has been reprogrammed based on the new software. Researching formats used by other agencies. Simplified "Cash Balance Report" is under development with new software vendor (Tyler-Eden). x x_ `~ Page 2 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS Z3< OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYlCOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 3 #~- 2009 Council authorized u QELETE -Cit p y Delete #eF-Audi-SeaFises: to a two year extension with the firm of Caporrici & Larson at the City Council meeting on February 2, 2010. 4 High 2009 Select a consultant to assist with a Fee November 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Began drafting Update to be implemented in Fiscal Request For Proposal (RFP). Year 2010-11. Distribution of the RFP has been delayed due to Staff Resources focused on the Bud et. x x 5 High 2007 Complete five-year financial forecast. October 2007 June 2010 UNDERWAY - New financial system has resulted in changes to the account numbers. Project has been delayed due to Staff resources re uired for the Bud et. x x 6 Medium 2009 Evaluate opportunities and costs NO PROGRESS -Funding not associated with the use of third party included in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 investment managers for a portion of budget. the Cit 's ortfolio. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES FINANCE W CT;. Page 3 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ C. INTERGOVERN MENTA L RELATIONS To work with other a encies on problems of area wide concern and keep abreast of'le isla6on that impacts the C i . 1 High 2009 Explore funding opportunities through January 2009 TBD UNDERWAY -Staff has submitted the American Recovery and several improvement projects for Reinvestment Act. consideration for federal stimulus dollars. Committed funding; $692,000 to $865,000 for street revitalization projects (to improve segments of Dougherty Road and Dublin Blvd} - fundingwill be filtered through the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority; $186,000 from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Black Grant; $36,760 from the Community Development Block Grant Program -funding will be used for sidewalk replacement of curb ramps throughout the City; $34,654 from the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program; $5,000 from the Association of Bay Area Governments for installation of trash capture devices in the City. x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS D. PUBLIC RELATIONS T o effectively communicate and solicit input from the community re ardin g City services and. activities. 1 Hi h 2009 Produce a Cit ide Newsletter. COMPLETE. 2 High 2009 Update the City's website and include August 2009 September 2010 UNDERWAY - Website consultant an element of community involvement selected. Work underway. in the rocess: x x Page 4 '~ off. ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 # COUNCIL PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP STATUS: UNDERWAYICOMPLETElNO SINGLE YEAR MULTI YEAR CITY CONTROL MULTI PARTY LEGAL REQ 3 High 2008 Explore options for a listserv system to January 2009 September 2010 UNDERWAY -Working first on inform the community of City meetings, website firms to determine whether news, and events. services can be provided through one source for ush technolo x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES PUBLIC RELATIONS 4 High 2009 Implement City Council Communication August 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Website consultant Plan. under contract, work continuing on other as ects of the Ian x x E. CON TRACT AD MINISTRATION To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the City's contract service providers. 1 High 2009 Police Services Contract Evaluation. August 2009 UNDERWAY - Draft contract under develo ment. x x 2 High'' 2008 Animal Services Contract Evacuation. January 2010 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Draft contract under develo ment. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION F. ENVIRONMENT AL PROGRAMS To maintain and promote the efficient use of energy, water, and material resources, to maintain and improve t he health of the environment for present 1 High 2009 Work with property managers of November 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Signage has been multifamily dwellings (MFD) to update developed and Staff is working to enclosure signage to indicate which complete installation at appropriate items can be placed in recycling locations. containers. x x 2 High 2009 Implement afood-scrap, cash-incentive April 2010 September 2010 UNDERWAY -City has been program for single family residential approached by Stopwaste.org to customers. conduct an incentive program from June to September to not only cover food-scraps, but also recycling at the expense of the Authority. x x Page 5 ~1 ADOPTED 2009.2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 3 High ' 2009 Develop a recycling and garbage COMPLETE -January 2010. service notification program fornew Brochures and media have been Dublin multifamily dwelling residents. developed and distributed; Process for replenishing supplies is in place. 4 High 2008 Engage and analyze Dublin's COMPLETE. 'urisdictional partners' (DUSD, Camp Parks, Santa Rita Jail, etc.) diversion efforts and recommend improvements. 5 High 2008 Investigate opportunities and July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Staff Report. regarding implement solutions for paperless options and request for City Council Council Meetings. direction scheduled for May 2010. x x 6 High 2009 Create a Green Initiatives Taskforce. COMPLETE -Taskforce members a ointed Februa 2, 20T0. 7 High 2009 Explore the feasibility of a mandatory April 2010 June 2010 NO PROGRESS. requirement for the installation of sustainable features, like solar power building infrastructure for future installation, for new residential and non- residentialdevelopment projects and look at ossible incentives. x x Page 6 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS 8~ OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYlCOMPLETElNO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ ADDITIONAL OBJ ECTIVE S ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS 8 High 2009 Modify the City's smoking pollution COMPLETE. control ordinance to prohibit smoking on the total property area of licensed childcare centers. 9 High 2009 Install junk-mail recycling bins at COMPLETE -February 2010. Of 25 mailbox locations at apartment and eligible locations, 19 apartment and condo housing complexes. condo complexes now have collection bins available for recycling ~unk mail 10 High 2009 Explore the feasibility of a volunteer December 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY. clean-up day in the fall. x x 11 High 2009 Adopt a compostable utensils policy for COMPLETE. City events that serve more than 2,000 persons per day. 12 High 2'009 As part of the Green tnitiatives March 2010 Apri12010 UNDERWAY -the Taskforce has Taskforce, develop green initiatives for held three meetings to date. the City Council to consider. x x 13 High 2009 Create Climate Action Plan. (Moved October 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Draft report nearly from II.A. Community Development: . complete. Planning) x x IL COM MUNITY DEVELOP MENT A. PLA NNING To develop plans for future rowth and development; administer the zonin ,subdivision and sign ordinances; anal ze environmental reports and rovide assistance to 1 High 2004 Implement residential planned December 2002 TBD UNDERWAY -Camellia Place, development and investigate Village Green, and Elan complete; opportunities to create a new village in Avalon Bay under construction; Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Metropolitan in redesign; Site C, Avalon Bay, Study Session with Plannin Commission com lete. x x Page 7 V `~ ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS; SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYfCOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 2 High 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces January 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Industry Day was Training Area (Camp Parks) General held; Army has announced master Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. developer, Sun Cal; Preliminary meetings underway with Sun Cal; Proposals received for preparation of Specific Plan; Developer has asked for pause in project work while they work on agreements with the Army. x x 3 High 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART December 2006 September 201.:0 UNDERWAY - Specific Plan draft and San Raman Specific Plans into one almost complete, two Joint Study comprehensive Plan that addresses the Sessions scheduled for May 10th and entire Downtown Area, June 29th. x x 4 High 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. September 2006 TBD COMPLETE (Phase I) - Phase II will not be initiated until Camp Parks General Plan Amendment is com lete. x x 5 High 2008 Participate in 2010 Census. July'2008 December 2010 UNDERWAY - Census formsfiave been distributed. x x x 6 High 2009 Examine Zoning Ordinance'to identify July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Changes to Indoor changes to streamline entitlements for Recreation and Large Family Day businesses seeking to locate in Dublin. Cares and associated parking issues complete, restaurant and outdoor seating will be considered in April 2010. x x 7 High 2007 Complete Grafton Plaza General Plan October 2007 May 2010 UNDERWAY - Project redesigned by Amendment and Specific Plan Applicant, environmental review Amendment. almost complete, scheduled for City Council in Ma 2010. x x 8 High 2008 Complete General Plan Amendment on November 2007 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Preparation of Final Nielsen property. Environmental Impact Report almost complete. Scheduled for City Council in Ma 2010. x x 9 Medium 2007 Develop policy requiring play areas in TBD TBD NO PROGRESS. walking distance of new homes in new subdivisions. x x O~: Page 8 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 # COUNCIL PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP STATUS: UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO SINGLE YEAR MULTI YEAR CITY CONTROL MULTI PARTY LEGAL REQ 10 Medium 2009 Amend the Streetscape Master Plan to TBD TBD NO PROGRESS. include enhanced entry-feature designs at Gatewa s. x x 11 Medium 2009 Hold City Council Study Session to TBD TBD NO PROGRESS. review parking standards and re- evaluatethe Parkin Ordinance. x x 12 Low 1996 Update City's General Plan. TBD TBD NO PROGRESS -Funding not included in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 bud et. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES PLANNING B. HOU SING To work toward providing housing opportunities for all incomelevels of the commun ity. 1 High 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential COMPLETE. renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housin site. 2 High 2009 Process 15 First Time Homebuyer July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Five applications Loans. processed, 2 loans funded, 2 withdrawn and 1 denied. x x 3 High 2009 Develop a Program to assist large November 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Research on employers interested in locating within alternatives has begun. Dublin with Housing for their employees in tandem with the Economic Incentive Program under development. x x 4 High 2007 Update Housing Element - FY 09-10, COMPLETE -City Council approved approval and certification by State project at the March 2, 2010 meeting. Department of Housing and Community The Element has been submitted to Development. the State for certification. Page 9 '~ ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 5 High 2009 Develop a procedure to combihe the .July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY= Masfer Calendar Community Grant Process and the prepared, Standing Committee Community Development Block Grant reviewed Grant Applicants and made Process.: recommendation to City Council. x x 6 Low 2009 Develop a new Homebuyer Incentive TBD TBD NO PROGRESS -Funding not Program. included in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 bud et. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES HOUSING 7 High 2010 Update First Time Homebuyer Pragrarn March 2010 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Draft changes almost com lete. x x C. BUILDING & SAFETY Administer and enforce the City's Buil ding, Plumbing, E lectrical, Mechanical, Housin and Zoning Codes to ensure the safe cons truction and maintenance of 1 High 2006 Implement real-time electronic field December 2008 December 2010 UNDERWAY - EDEN Project inspection system. phased in by individual module. Basic Permits module went live November 2009. Mobile Permits for real-time inspection will be scheduled for implementation in 2010. x x 2 High 2009 Develop and implement program for on July 2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY - EDEN Project line inspection scheduling. phased in by individual module. Basic Permits module went live November 2009. Web Permits for on line inspection requests will be scheduled for implementation in 2010. x x 3 High 2009 Develop and implement program to July 2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY - EDEN Project begin accepting on-line building permit phased in by individual module. applications for over the counter Basic Permits module went live permits. November 2009. Web Permits for on line permits will be scheduled for implementation in 2010. x x Page 10 ` -~.J ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 031-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 4 "High ' ' 2009 Evaluate service improvements to - Ju1y2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY - Transfer to Business License processing. ' Community Development almost complete. Beginning Amendments to Munici al Code. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES BUILDING & SAFETY D. ENGINEERING To provide IocaCreview of subdivision and parcel maps; erform trans ortation plannin and recommend solutions to traffic safe pro blems and d eli nand ins ct 1 High 2009 Examine parking requirements to August 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Amendments streamline development review and completed for Indoor Recreation, encourage businesses to locate within Large Family Day Care, City Council the City of Dublin. meeting on amendments relating to restaurants scheduled for April 2010. x x 2 High 2007 Prepare an alignment for Central TBD TBD NO PROGRESS- Progress Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak dependent upon development RdlDublin Blvd. communit . x x 3 High 2008 Develop and implemenfa storm water COMPLETE -Inspection, reporting, action plan and budget far the new and response protocols are in place. Municipal Regional Permit (MRPj, Pilot trash capture project has been completed with funding for a larger project in place. Funding for Staff time to continue implementation has been determined. Permit compliance is ongoing in accordance with the permit. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ENGINEERING Page 11 ADOPTED 2009.2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ E. ECO NOMIC DEVELOP MENT To ascertain and fulfill the economic needs of the City b attracting desired commercial, industrial 1 High 2008 Work with the owners of National Food July 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff met with Lab on new development opportunities. National Food Lab ownership in March 2009 to discuss options for the property in terms of future uses; Staff continues to engage the property owner's broker on options for the site. x x 2 High 2008 Work with the owners of the Chevron July 2008 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Three tenants are property on new development proceeding with appropriate opportunities. permitting to occupy the space, including Alameda County Fire, an indoor go-cart racetrack, and an indoor soccer field. x x 3 High 2003 Work with Dublin Place Shopping July 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff is talking with Center to facilitate new improvements Home Depot Expo's real estate to the Center. representatives, as well as with the leasing agent for Mervyn's regarding tenantin of the s aces. x x 4 High 2007 Work with property owners in West July 2007 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff continues to Dublin BART Specific Plan area to refer interested parties to West identify development opportunities. Dublin BART property owners; Staff has also submitted several improvement projects in this area for consideration for federal stimulus dollars as well as for the next federal transportation appropriation process. x x 5 High 2007 Work with property owners in Santa July 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff is marketing the Rita area to identify new office City Council-adopted Sales Tax useslusers. Reimbursement Program as an incentive for office users with brokers representing properties in the area. x x Page 12 0 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 6 High 2008 Work with property owners to tenant July 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff is working with vacant buildings on Village Pkwy. the property owners regarding leasing of space with several new tenants opening up in the past few months. x x 7 High 2008 Work with property owners at the July 2008 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff continues to Promenade to identify development discuss retail and tenant options with opportunities. the Promenade property owner. x x 8 High 2008 Examine appropriate locations to permi December 2009 May 2010. UNDERWAY - Stafi researching automotive repair businesses within the possible locations. Cit . x x 9 High 2008 Develop Economic Incentive Program. COMPLETE. 10 High 2009 Formalize Business Visitation Program. COMPLETE -January 2010 11 High 2009 Work with Chabot !Las Positas to find August 2009 TBD UNDERWAY - Staff working closely location for District OfficelLearning with representatives for the college Center, on site selection rocess. x 12 High 2009 Explore the feasibility of afarmers' COMPLETE - Staff corrtpleted the Market. community survey and received direction from the City Council to pursue a farmers' market event at Emerald Glen Park in 2011. 13 High 2008 Enhance presence of automobile COMPLETE. dealers in the Scarlett Court Specific Plan area. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 13 "~ ~' ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31.10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ III. CULTURE ~ LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES To enhance the quali of life for all residents b pravidin recreational and others ecial interest. pro rams; improve the utilization of existin 1 High 2008 Undertake development of design and July 2008 TBD NO PROGRESS -Project deferred construction documents for Emerald by City Council for one year due to Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex, lack of funding. x x 2 High 2009 Develop Program Pricing and Cost September 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Staff collecting Recovery Policy. policies and researching best ractices of other a encies. x x 3 High 2009 Expand preschool program to offer COMPLETE. classes at both Shannon Community Center and Emerald Glen Activity Center for the 2009-2010 school year. 4 High 2009 Expand use othhe Senior Center on July 2009 June 2010.. UNDERWAY -Programs and Saturday mornings for programs and classes began in September 2009 classes. and have included Jazzercise, Line Dance, Polynesian Dance, Ukulele, AARP Driver Safety, Senior Exercise, Ping Pong, and caregiver workshops. x x 5 High 2009 Expand ftness and wellness classes July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Twelve new classes (aerobics, yoga, pilates, cardio, outdoor offered from fall through spring recreation, etc.) and create flexible quarters. artici anon o bons. x x 6 High 2009 Expand cooking and nutrition classes. July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Fourteen new classes offered from fall through s rin , uarters. x x 7 High 2009 Offer babysitting programs during key October 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Staff evaluating hours to encourage participation in options to staff with Recreation classes and programs by adults with Leaders or contract the service. children. x x 8 High. ' 2008 Continue to look for locations in' City Ongoing TBD UNDERWAY - Several rtew teen public facilities that will aNow teens to events and classes are planned for gather in a welcoming environment. the new Shannon Community Center. New summer "Teen Circuit" program will provide two teen events per week at City and private facilities. x x Page 14 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETE/NO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 9 High 2009 Study the feasibility of developing a COMPLETE -Report presented to Lacrosse team, classes, or training for City Council in March 2010. outh. 10 Medium 2004 Assess potential forjoint projectlfacility Ongoing TBD UNDERWAY - District compiling a improvements at Dublin High School list of projects for City consideration. and other Dublin Schools as a ro riate. x x 11 Medium 2004 Work with EBRPD (East Bay Regional December 2002 TBD UNDERWAY - EBRPD has annual Park District) to complete negotiations contact with property owners; for land acquisition or obtain however, there is not a willing seller conservation easement to provide at this time. public access in the western hills for an 0 en S ace Area. x x 12 Medium 2004 Identify and secure sources of funding July 2004 TBD UNDERWAY - Altamont Open for land acquisition in the western hills Space funding is available. for an Open Space Area. x x 13 Medium 2004 Upon completion of land acquisition in TBD TBD NO PROGRESS. the western hills, complete an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. x x 14 Medium 2006 In cooperation with the DUSD, update October 2006 June 2010. UNDERWAY - Draft Agreemenf' the existing agreement regarding use o under review. facilities between the City and DUSD. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES III. CULTURE & LEISURE B. HERITAGE ~ CULTURAL ARTS To reserve the cultural herita a of the cammuni ~ enhance the uali of life for alt residents 1 High 2009 Upon re-location of the Kolb properties April 2010 October 2010 NO PROGRESS. to the Dublin Historic Park, complete furnishing of buildings and cataloguelaccessioning ofthe collections of the Kolb family. x x Page 15 V' C~ ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETElNO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 2 High .2009 Establish facility operations,. policies '..September 2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY - Research of similar and fees for public use of the Kolb historic facilities being conducted to properties at the Dublin Historic Park, review policies and procedures. x x 3 High 2004 Work with the developer to locate July 2004 March 2011 UNDERWAY -Artist selected and significant works of art in two key work on conceptual designs has places of the Dublin Transit Center, the begun. Campbell Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. x x 4 High 2009 Expand core class offerings in the arts COMPLETE. and strategically schedule classes to best meet the needs of the community. 5 High 2007 Implement a self study and peer review COMPLETE - Public Dimension for the Phase 11 Museum Assessment Assessment Report received in Program (MAP) -Public Dimension January 2010 and reviewed by Assessment for theDublin Heritage Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Center. in March 201.0. 6 High 2008 Facilitate the selection of public art as a January 2008 TBD NO PROGRESS -Public Art condition of approval for two (2) Private requirement waived for Positano Development projects. Phase I due to adoption of ordinance temporarily suspending requirement for residential development. The Green at Park Place on-hold. x x 7 High 2009 Expand the current volunteer/docent COMPLETE. program for the Dublin Heritage Center b 30%. 8 High 2009 Develop and publish a booklet about July 2009 April 2010 UNDERWAY - Text and pictures for the history of the Kolb family for sale to booklet being developed and edited. the ublic. x x 9 High 2009 Conduct apark/facility dedication event January 2010 October 2010 NO PROGRESS. for the Dublin Historic Park, Phase L x x 10 High 2009 Work with Camp Parks to preserve its July 2009 TBD UNDERWAY - Camp Parks Museum history during the redevelopment of the closed by U.S. Army and museum facility. items moved into Army building off Dougherty Road; DHPA assessing next ste s. x x Page 16 U~ v ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31.10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETElNO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 11 High 2009 Obtain and: preserve. the oral histories COMPLETE - Program developed; of Dubiin seniors and Long-time four Oral Interviews completed by residents. trained volunteers.' 12 Medium 2004 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Jufy 2006 TBD NO PROGRESS -Project deferred Public ArtiBus Shelter Project until FY 2011-2012 due to including, design, fabrication and implementation of the LAVTA RAPID installation of student art murals. Bus Shelter ro~ect. x x 13 Medium 2004 Work with BART to incorporate high July 2004 TBD NO PROGRESS. quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project provided fundin is available. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE To deter crime, respond to calls, apprehend criminals, enforce traffic re u-ations and educate the public to enhance community safe and securi . 1 High 2009 Prepare and conduct an Open COMPLETE. HouselStatic Display event at Dublin Police Services to be held in conjunction with the "National Night Out" campaign in cooperation with the Fire De artment. 2 High 2009 Explore the feasibility of acquiring or COMPLETE. producing a crime prevention video for distribution to targeted audiences within the community and determine the best means of delivery. Primary focus would be on minimizing risk of being a victim of ro ert crimes, 3 High 2009 Work with local Police Departments to COMPLETE. explore a collaborative effort in creating a crime prevention community service broadcast. 4 High .2008 Provide "Critical Incident Response July 2008 _- April 2010 UNDERWAY - Training scheduled Training" for Officers arrd DUSD for April 5th and 8ttr 2610. ersonnel x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES POLICE Page 17 ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYlCOMPLETEINO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ B. ANIMAL CONTROL To ensure public health and safe by providin animal licensin ,enforcement, shelter services and vector control No Ob'ectives for FY 2009-2010. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES ANIMAL CONTROL C. FIRE SERVICES To reduce the loss of life and property due to emergency incidents by providin g effective fire protection and emerg ency med ical res onses. 1 High 2009 Provide at least three (3J opportunities COMPLETE. for the Community to attend an event at Dublin Fire Stations. Event shall provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the Fire Department, Fire Safety or provide other community benefits. 2 High 2009 Establish a pilot program for providing 'January 201,0 December 2010 UNDERWAY -EDEN Project. phased "Over the Counter" fire plan check and in by individual module. Basic permits. Permits module went live November 2009. Web Permits for on-line permits will be scheduled for im lementation in 201.0. x x 3 High 2009 Develop three (3) pre-fire plans for August 2009 May 2010 UNDERWAY -Two are complete and apartment buildings and target hazards one additional is in progress. in Dublin. x x 4 High 2009 Study the feasibility of the City November 2009 May 2010 UNDERWAY - Staff is preparing final establishing a process that would report. require business participation in the Alameda County PAD (Public Access Defibrillation ro ram. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES FIRE SERVICES D. DISASTER PREPARED NESS To ptan, prepare and train emergenc personnel and the communi ty to handle disasters in an effective and expeditious manner in ord er to protect 1 High .2009 Conduct Citywide disaster.exercise. February 2010 Apri12010 UNDERWAY -Exercise scheduled forA ~i12010. x x 2 High 2009 Provide City Staff with Emergency COMPLETE. 0 erations Center trainin . Page 18 ~? ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL # PRIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYICOMPLETE/NO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 3 High 2009 Work toward integrating the Dublin July 2009 April 2011 UNDERWAY -Site has been. Emergency Operations Center with ' identified and plans are being other Communit Service Facilities. reviewed. x x 4 High 2009 Participate in two (2) large facility October 2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY -Staff is recruiting emergency preparedness drills. facilities for participation. Due to the economic downturn many businesses have closed or cut their safety budgets and staff. Therefore, staff has not been able to secure any large facilities et. x x 5 Hi h 2008 Conduct Cit ide disaster exercise. COMPLETE. 6 High 2008. Update the City's Comprehensive COMPLETE. Emergency Management Plan, includin a et evacuation rotocol. 7 High 2008 Develop a template for preparation of COMPLETE. emergency plans far facilities with vulnerable o ulations. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 8 High 2009 Develop a Local Hazard Mitigation July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY -Mitigation strategies Plan. developed and presented to the City Council and the community in September 2009 and forwarded to ABAG for review. ABAG is developing the regional template plan for use in ado tion. x x Page 19 ~~'' ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03-31-10 COUNCIL PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR # 9 PRIORITY Hi h YEAR 2009 ACCOMPLISHING GOAL Work ith Al d C EST START EST COMP STATUS: UNDERWAYICOMPLETEINO SINGLE YEAR MULTI YEAR CITY CONTROL MULTI PARTY LEGAL REQ g w ame a ounty Public Health to provide a point of dispensing site for the H1 N1 flu vaccine for the City of Dublin. COMPLETE. TO High 2009 Provide the City Council with disaster re aredness trainin . COMPLETE -City Council training was held March 16 2010 , . E. WASTE MANAGEMENT To coordinate the provision of garbage collection and rev cling activities including the implementation of new pro rams to meet the statuto requirements No Ob~ectives for FY 2009-2010 ADDITI ONAL OBJ ECTIVE S WASTE MANAGEMENT V. TRANSPORTATION A. MAINTENANCE. To maintain and improve the overall quali ,condition and appearance of public facilities and prope 1 High 2009 Implement five (5) new community July 2009 June 2010 UNDERWAY - Working with several volunteer projects. volunteer groups on potential ro'ects. x x 2 High 2007 Conduct assessment of the storm drain September 2007 June 2012 NO PROGRESS -The 200812009 system and develop an appropriate assessment has been completed. replacement schedule. Funding not included for FY 200912010. x x ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES MAINTENANCE B. TRA NSPORTAT ION To plan for the City's. future traffic circulation and public transportation needs. 1 High 2009 U date Tri V ll T t i 2 igh 008 p - a ey ranspor at on Development Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan together with the other six 6 a envies n.the TVTC. Work with the Con esti M July 2009 December 2010 UNDERWAY - Strategic Expenditure Plan Subcommittee working to establish ratings for project riortization. x x g on anagement Agency on the Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. COMPLETE. Page 20 'U ADOPTED 2009-2010 GOALS & OBJECTIVES QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT AS OF 03.31-10 # COUNCIL P PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR STATUS: SINGLE MULTI CITY MULTI LEGAL RIORITY YEAR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL EST START EST COMP UNDERWAYlCOMPLETE/NO YEAR YEAR CONTROL PARTY REQ 3 Hi h 2004 A t f th GP g s par o e A for Parks Reserve January 2008 TBD NO PROGRESS - (See G&0 II.A.2). Forces Training Area (RFTA), evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. 4 High 2008 Stud need for si li i B i x x y gna z ng r ghton and COMPLETE. Amador Valle Blvd. 5 High 2007 Usin the Tri-Valle Tri l St d g y ang e u y, August 2007 TBD UNDERWAY - An update to the Tri- work with the Tri-Valley Cities to Valley Transportation Development develop a strategy to pursue project Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan is fundin in the re ion. underwa . x x 6 High 2007 Work with the region's transportation July 2007 TBD UNDERWAY - The Project Study partners to develop projects for the I- Report (PSR) for the I-580 / I-680 580 Corridor that will minimize impacts Interchange has been finalized. to the Civic Center Complex and Funding has not been secured for the businesses. next phase of environmental review. 7 High 2002 Work with Plea t d Li x x san on an vermore to September 2005 TBD UNDERWAY - Draft agreement develop a cost sharing agreement for approved by Livermore; Agreement the ultimate improvement of the I- pending Pleasanton's approval. 580/Fallon Road Interchan e. 8 High 2009 Conduct a stud th t i x x y a exam nes COMPLETE. otential traffic calmin measures. ADDITI ONAL OBJE CTIVES (TRANSPORTATIONI GiG80~2010-2011 G80 • Strategic PIan1Bi-Monthly UpdateslQuarlerly Master as of 03-31-1o ris Page 21 ~_ >`` ~V H t -~ L (Tt . f~.> t ~~ CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2009-2010 CIP STATUS AS O F 03/31/2010 GENERAL ID Project Name Status Start Finish 2010 1 TV30 Studio Remodel No progress - To be determined. Wed 7/1/09' Wed 7/1/09 Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb MarA r Ma :Jun ~ 2 Network and S stem U y pgrad e UNDERWAY -Installation of equipment to improve Senior Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 ,~ , -, .-- ~ ----~ --- ----- ---~- .r---, ---~-----~ ° ~-~ 'Center connection complete Consultant reports received for', , -° '° ; ®", °" ®; 'design and eaupment specifications' remote access ~ ; 'wireless network: Internet redundancv~ network back-up ' ~ ' ',strategies and server needs. 3 Combined Finance /Permit UNDERWAY -Major systems are now operational City is Wed 7/1/09 Fri 12/31/10 ----'- ;--- ---' - --' .r -; --~-----~ ' System ,working with vendor on customizations and development of "" ; ; , ',reports. Subsidiary modules (Web Permits Web Licensing; Mobile Permits: etc.) are being scheduled for ' 'implementation in FY 2010-2011. ~ ' 4 Geographic Information UNDERWAY -Current year scope was to complete an Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 ' System (Phase III) aerial survey. City Council authorized agreement February ~ , ',16 2010 for aerial flight and survey in cooperation with ' ~ ' 'other a encies. Photo rah to be com lete b June 30 ~ ; .2010. ' 5 Fire Station 16 Kitchen COMPLETE. Wed 7/1/09 Mon 11/30/09 -- -,- -,- °'"~""~`~•'~--~ ~~_ - I Remodel , --- -- , 6 Fire Station 18 Roof Repair ',COMPLETE' Wed 7/1/09 Sun 8/30/09 ^°-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 7 Maintenance Yard Facility UNDERWAY -Property negotiations pending review of Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 -- -- ' --- ---. ~~'~• ' Improvements o tp ions' - y 8 Civic Center Mod. Design UNDERWAY -Draft conceptual plans reviewed and ', Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/1 LL , - - --- .t ~ -------~ 0 ~"__. W_ . ?°._ ~ .°- . Svcs & Construction .returned: card reader design underway draft due to Citv ~ , 'Apri12010. 9 ADA Transition Plan ,COMPLETE -Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Curb Ramps Wed 7/1/09 Sun 1/31/10 - - - - - - completed in January 2010. ~ - , 10 City Facility Energy Efficient :COMPLETE. Wed 7/1/09 Mon 11/30/09 ----- °°~ ~ Window Treatment _ _,~_ _..:., ; ;: ; 11 Automated Document UNDERWAY -Phase 3 (Completion of Records Retention Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 ~---~ Storage & Retrieval System Plans. Policies and Procedures) of 5 Phases completed ~ ~- - , February 2010. ~ ; 12 Public Facility Fee Study UNDERWAY -Draft report under review. Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 '- - ' Update ~ . _.._ Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 1 (}~`~ 'V CITYOF DUBLIN FY 2009-2010 CIP STATUS AS OF 03/31/2010 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS ID Project Name Status Start Finish 2010 Jul Au Se Oct :Nov Dec Jan Feb :Mar A r Ma Jun 1 Sidewalk Safety Repair UNDERWAY -Improvements to begin early Wed 7/1/09', Wed 6/30/10 "'°""' ~ '"""""°`"'T" "'' April 2010 and completed by June 2010. ', 2 Transit Center Art UNDERWAY -Artist selected and work on Wed 7/1/09' Thu 3/31/11 ~... ""~ "'°°"~""°""'~'-"-'~' _ °°° ~~' conceptual designs has begun. Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 2 W ~. CITYOF DUBLIN FY 2009-2010 CIP STATUS AS OF 0 3/31/2010 PARKS ID Project Name Status Start Finish 2010 Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A r Ma Jun 1 Dublin Historic Park Development UNDERWAY -Construction of Phase I began January Wed 7/1/09 Fri 7/30/10 '~'~°~"'""""° ''°"" """ """"` '2009. 2 Passatempo Park 'NO PROGRESS -Consultant selected; project delayed due ' Wed 7/1/09 Wed 7/1/09 ~ ~ ; ',to slowdown in adjacent development. 3 Park Play Area Renovations UNDERWAY -City Council authorization of contract ', Tue 12/1 /09 Wed 6/30/10 ___ ~ __ ~ considered Aoril 6. 2010. ' ; ` ~ " ~ 4 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 'COMPLETE - Restroom /snack bar renovation. Wed 7/1/09 Thu 3/31/11 '' mm' "- ',UNDERWAY;City Council authorization to bid April 6, 2010. 5 Fallon Sports Park 'UNDERWAY -Construction of Phase 1 began April 2009. Wed 7/1/09 Fri 7/30/10 "~" ' ° "-"" ~"'-'~"' 6 Dublin Swim Center Heater Re air UNDERWAY -New parts installed. Com letin additional Mon 3/1/10 ' Wed 3/31/10 °~- ..repairs. , „ Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 3 'V ~_ ~. CITYOF DUBLIN FY 2009-2010 CIP STATUS AS OF 03/31/2010 STREETS ID Project Name Status Start Finish ~_-T 2010 _ Jul Au Se ~ Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb !Mar A r Ma Jun 1 Tri-Valley Transportation 'UNDERWAY - A payment of $1.25 million will be Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 _- _ -` - . ~----'~~~°~ °°:.. . ^ . _..`~--- ~' Development Fee Regional advanced to BART when the new station opens. ', ', ____ _____ ~ ; m___~__ __ ~, Transportation Projects .The TVTC is updating its strategic expenditure plan ', to include additional projects. ' ' ; ' 2 Dublin Blvd Improvements .UNDERWAY -Consultant is developing design Wed 7/1/09. - -- ----- - -r------ ---= ------- Wed 6/30/10' '~'~ --. - M^^^' - Silvergate to Hansen ',documents; Approved EIR to be reviewed and ', .updated as needed. ' ~ ~ ;; 3 East & West Dublin BART UNDERWAY -Construction continues on the Wed 7/1/09' ' Wed 6/30/10`. - °~ . Station Corridor 'sidewalk and median improvements near Dublin ' , : _ , . , „ , Enhancement -Dublin Blvd 'Blvd. and corner of Donlon Wav. from Hansen Dr to ', ', ', j Tassajara Rd ' ' ' ; 4 Dublin Blvd/Amador Plaza NO PROGRESS -Proiect put on hold pending Wed 9/1/10 Thu 6/30/11; ' Rd Intersection 'completion of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Improvements 'Amendment: Proiect engineering is anticipated to ; ',begin in fall of 2010. ; ; ~ ; 5 Eastern Dublin Arterial ;UNDERWAY -Ongoing project dependent upon ', Wed 7/1/09' Wed 6/30/10 - 'Street Improvements schedule of individual developments. ' ' ; , 6 I-580 & Fallon Rd Freeway ,COMPLETE - February 2010. ' Wed 7/1/09' Sun 2/28/10.-" .. ' ~ ~----~~° -°-- ° °-°~ Interchange Improvements ', ' ', , - Phase I ', ', ; 7 I-580 Westbound Auxiliary ',COMPLETE - February 2010. ' Wed 7/1/09 - --- -- 'E --- I ---, Sun 2/28/10i'" " ~ ° -~ ~-~°~_~' -- ~ Lane Improvements ' ; ; ; , 8 Downtown Dublin Roadway ,UNDERWAY - On-going Staff support of ' Wed 7/1/09' __ , Wed 6/30/10 ~-°~°-- ~_: ~ Improvements ??ransportation Impact Fee (TIF) implementation. ' i ; ',An update to the fee program has been suspended ; ',pending completion of the Downtown Specific Plan. ', ; 9 Annual Street Overlay ',UNDERWAY -Bid to be distributed April 2010 and Wed 7/1/09' Wed 6l30/10i:"" °---' °" ~~ ~•~^^~^^---~~- -~-~-~---- ' Program improvements anticipated to begin in May 2010. ' __ ; ; 10 Annual Slurry Seal 'UNDERWAY-2009 improvements complete, Wed?/1/09 Frio/30/10" ~--~_..'--~-~ --f ---"----' -- -'---- ' - Program punchlist work underway. 2010 slurry seal design to ', '~ ~ ~ '"""" ',begin in the Spring. 11 Alamo Canal Trail Under 'UNDERWAY -Preparation of NEPA (National ' Wed 7/1/09' Sat 12/31/11 t.^..~_, -~-~ -- ~ -580 :Environmental Policy Actl document by EBRPD i ; ;, - , '.underway Waiting for California Transportation ', j j ' Commission approval of $1 02 million. ' I 12 Bike Lane -Amador Valley .UNDERWAY -Final striping to be completed in Wed 7/1/09'. Wed 6/30/10 Blvd Corridor 'Spring 2010. .~..__.,..~„_ _._.. ~ w,_._.._..~...~..,,_ _. ___..__,~ i -; ; ; 13 _ Village Pkwy - AVB .UNDERWAY -Cooperative agreement with Wed 7/1/09', Fri 12/31/10 ~ Stormwater Treatment CalTrans and design contract approved March 16 ', ' ,..----..~ _..~... _ __ ~..._._ a ., _.: _...._ , ; !2010. Design undeway: construction to begin in ', ; 'summer 2010. 14 St Patrick Way -Regional .UNDERWAY -One of the two parcels acquired; Wed 7/1/09 --, Thu 6/30/11 ~°~ -°-~----~=-~-~=^-°-~ -- St to Golden Gate Dr 'settlement discussions on second parcel ongoing; ', ; ; ;- ; , '.Private residential construction has been postponed ', ', ; due to economy. ' Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 4 ~V ~~ b 'V CITYOF DUBLIN FY 2009-2010 CIP STATUS AS OF 03/31/2010 EASTERN DUBLIN ARTERIALS ID Project Name Status Start Finish 2010 1 Installation of improvements on 'UNDERWAY -Tassajara Rd/Fallon Rd intersection Wed 7/1/09' Wed 6/30/10 _ Jul Au~ Se ~cw Dec :Jan Feb 4 p _ - ~------ Mar A r Ma i Jun . ~.,.. Tassajara Rd along Silvera :realignment complete; Easterly frontage improvements and _ Ranch and Fallon Crossings thru lanes complete from Silvera Ranch Dr to Fallon Rd; f , developments between Silvera .!Frontage improvements along Fallon Crossings under design , Ranch Dr and Moller Creek. completion anticipated summer 2010. ~ ; 2 Installation of improvements on UNDERWAY -Fallon Rd improvements complete except for Wed 7/1/09 Wed 6/30/10 Fallon Rd th h th S . f roug e ilvera final pavement lift and striping from Silvera Ranch Dr to ~ -- Ranch development from ',Cydonia Ct; Improvements between Cydonia Ct and Dublin ~ ~ Tassajara Rd south to the Dublin Road boundary are delayed due to inactivity /financial issues 1 Ranch boundary. ,with Pinn Bros. 3 Completion of grading for the COMPLETE-Januarv2010 Wed 7/1/09 Sun 1/31/10 "" ""'~- ~'"""" ""~^ ""°;,,,,,,,,~ -~- ~ --- '--- Fallon Rd bridge crossing of --- ; Moller Creek. ~ ' 4 Completion of Fallon Rd COMPLETE -March 2010. Thu 7/2/09 Wed 3/31/10~ ~ -~ T "-"~"'" '~"~"-'-~°~- ~ --- ' i mprovements through Dublin Ranch between Signal Hill Dr and '. , Silvera Ranch. ', ' ~ ; _~ Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 5 '"