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4.07 Livable Communities Funding
G~~~ O~ Dp~~JL ~// \~~~12 STAFF REPORT CITY C L E R K ``c~,~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # Di D©0-®D DATE: April 20, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers -~ FROM: . - Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEGT:~ Resolution of Local Support -Federal Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) 2010 Capital Program Funding Prepared By: Frank Navarro, Senior Civil Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Dublin is proposing a joint application with the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for Transportation for Livable Communities grant from the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) for the West Dublin BART Golden Gate Drive Streetscape Enhancement project. The TLC program is administered locally by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). In order to be eligible to receive these funds, the City is required to approve a resolution authorizing the filing of an application for federal funding, committing the necessary local match for the project, and stating the assurance by the City to complete the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The grant request is for up to $1,049,000 in design and construction costs. The City is required to provide a 20.0% local match ($209,800) to construct the project. If awarded, the federal and local match funds will be identified in .the appropriate fiscal year in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Resolution Authorizing The Filing Of An Application For Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) And/Or Congestion Mitigation And Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Funding And Committing The Necessary Non-Federal Match And Stating The Assurance To Complete The Project. Submitted By Senior Civil Engineer ~.~~ Reviewed by Administrative Services Director Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. 6 ~ DESCRIPTION: In 1998, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) initiated the Federal Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) program. Since then, the MTC has awarded over $96 million dollars to local projects that support multimodal travel and more livable neighborhoods. The program was later expanded in 2001 to include a Housing Incentive Program (HIP) which rewards federal funds to local governments that build high density housing near transit hubs/stations, based on project density, project size, and the number of affordable units. The completion of the Dublin Transit Center housing development at the East Dublin BART Station allowed the City to qualify fora $3.1 million HIP grant which is currently being used to fund the construction of the Dublin Boulevard Corridor Enhancement project. The 2010 TLC Capital Program is the 7th regional call for projects. BART has proposed submitting a joint grant application with the City of Dublin for two projects that would construct numerous transportation related enhancements at the West Dublin BART Station and along the Golden Gate Drive corridor leading to the station. The BART project proposes to construct a pedestrian plaza area and other pedestrian, transit, and bicycle facility improvements at the West Dublin BART Station. The City project, known as the West Dublin BART Golden Gate Drive Streetscape Enhancement project, would provide new bike lanes, improved sidewalk, accent paving, traffic calming features, decorative lighting and landscaping along Golden Gate Drive from Dublin Boulevard to the traffic circle at the end of Golden Gate Drive (Attachment 1). The project would also include monument, median marker, and wayfinding signs consistent with the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan (Attachment 2). One of the requirements of the TLC Program is that each local entity must state its support of its proposed project through a Resolution (Attachment 3) adopted by its governing body, in this case, the City Council The Resolution includes the following five required statements: 1) The commitment of necessary local matching funds of at least 20.0% ($209,800); and 2) That the sponsor understands that the Surface Transportation Program /Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funding is fixed at the programmed amount, and therefore any cost increase cannot be expected to be funded with additional STP/CMAQ funds; and 3) That the project will comply with the procedures specified in Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, revised); and 4) The assurance of the sponsor to complete the project as described in the application, and if approved, as included in MTC's TIP; and 5) That the project will comply with all the project-specific requirements as set forth in the PROGRAM. The selection process with MTC is expected to take approximately 3 months. If the grant is awarded, it would take up to 2 years to program the federal funds for construction. Staff would propose to work with BART to identify the necessary matching funds for this grant. Page 2 of 3 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A copy of this Staff Report has been sent to the MTC, and if the Resolution is approved, it will also be transmitted to the MTC. ATTACHMENTS: 1. West Dublin BART Golden Gate Drive Enhancements Project Limits and Design Exhibit 2. Adopted Streetscape Elements 3. Resolution Authorizing the Filing Of An Application For Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) And/Or Congestion Mitigation And Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Funding And Committing The Necessary Non-Federal Match And Stating The Assurance To Complete The Project. G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIVATE\West Dublin BART Station\stffrpt WDB Golden Gate TLC App.doc Page 3 of 3 Windstar Search ~Db ~ West Dublin BART Golden Gate Drive Streetscape n ancement Pro ect ,~ ~ Y Limits l h err .. ~ ~ x` ~i'~~ '.:. ,Y 'w,,.rr ~,' `N ~ w .: s/"'~ .! ~ x~ ~,,..,a~a, ~ ,~ ~ *,l ~1'C'~ ~~' ;~ r'41" f 1 F?tip: ":`~C1k,% • L ~ -Y ff . ~ qtr. -~1 ~' fij ~ n ~. y ' N { y~F'C`~~ yl ~~ ~ ~ .Sf Y' 7 } x~ Ifs ".. i ~ S "` r '_ ~ ~ 4 -- '~ ~i~~.~P431£l1S ~ i, ~ < Y. l:,:i~~ f' ~ r ~ 3~J1 • 1 *' - ~~; r: ,~,~~ ss,,n • ~~ _ ~ II .,et, ~~,,,.. ~ i.. ~ '~- :1Ft;i:. ~ '~~~ r fit: _ ~e~'}f:~, ..f ~~ . L,... f(,r,+-"y- rr.~ L i ~-~ eta}~ -j r ~ 3 ~ ' ~T lY~.yG 1 LW ~ '.. q. ~ M'. add __ l ~ i S ~ ~~ ~~~~ .w r'' fir. Z~M ~.~ ~I-La- -d ATTACHMENT ~ http://gisdata/mapguide/mapviewernet/printablepage. aspx?SESSION=O TO ST PATRICK WAY DUBLIN. BLVD ,2 $` h PROPOSED CLASS II BIKE LANES (TYP) 1'\ `• A ~~ l~~ 1\, ~~ PROPOSED 1C' SIDEWALK (TYP) STRIPING •4ND SIGNING IhAPROVEA•1ENTS (TYP) `LANDSCAPING (TYP) - MEDIAiJ IDENTITY MARKER (TYP) '~NAYFINDING SIGN (TYP) r /- h~1EDIAN ISLANDi PEDESTRIAMf~EFUGE f'r EA TRAFFiGCALt••~11NG FEATURE (BULB OUT ANU CURB RAMP) TRAFFIC CALMING FEATURE ` ~ (TR•4FFIC CIRCLE} J 6 '~~" QQ ~\ O i ~/ p DESIGN EXHIBIT ~ ~ ~ `BART GARAGE STORh1 DRAIN WEST DUBLIN BART IMPROVEh4ENTS(TYP)-' GOLDEN GATE DRIVE ENHANCEMENTS l STAT~~N ENTRANCE _•,~'~ PROPOSED ON•SITE A IMPROVEMENTS U'l`~ (CIIANNELIZATION ISLANDS) ~) a a C7 T Z -~ w N N~~ RESOLUTION NO. - 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ***~~*** AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (STP) AND/OR CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (CMAQ) FUNDING AND COMMITTING THE NECESSARY NON- FEDERAL MATCH AND STATING THE ASSURANCE TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (herein referred to as APPLICANT) is submitting an application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for $1,049,000 in funding from the federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) and/or Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program for the West Dublin BART Golden Gate Drive Streetscape Enhancement Project (herein referred to as PROJECT) for the MTC Resolution, No. 3925, New Federal Surface Transportation Act (FY 2009-10, FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12) Cycle 1 STP/CMAQ Program: Project Selection Criteria, Policy, Procedures and Programming (herein referred to as PROGRAM); and WHEREAS, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA) (Public Law 109-59, August 10, 2005) authorized the Surface Transportation Program (23 U.S.C. § 133) and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) (23 U.S.C. § 149) through September 30, 2009; and WHEREAS, SAFETEA has been extended through December 31, 2010 pursuant to Public Law 111-147, March 18, 2010 and may be subsequently extended pending enactment of successor legislation for continued funding; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SAFETEA, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, eligible project sponsors wishing to receive federal Surface Transportation Program and/or Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds for a project shall submit an application first with the appropriate Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), for review and inclusion in the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the MPO for the nine counties of the San Francisco Bay region; and WHEREAS, MTC has adopted a Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, revised) that sets out procedures governing the application and use of STP/CMAQ funds; and WHEREAS, APPLICANT is an eligible project sponsor for STP/CMAQ funds; and WHEREAS, as part of the application for STP/CMAQ funding, MTC requires a resolution adopted by the responsible implementing agency stating the following: 1) the commitment of necessary local matching funds of at least 20.0%; and 2) that the sponsor understands that the STP/CMAQ funding is fixed at the programmed amount, and therefore any cost increase cannot be expected to be funded with additional STP/CMAQ funds; and nrrer.NMFNr z 5~ b 3) that the project will comply with the procedures specified in Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, revised); and 4) the assurance of the sponsor to complete the project as described in the application, and if approved, as included in MTC's TIP; and 5) that the project will comply with all the project-specific requirements as set forth in the PROGRAM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the APPLICANT is authorized to execute and file an application for funding for the PROJECT under the Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) of SAFETEA, any extensions of SAFETEA or any successor legislation for continued funding ;and be it further RESOLVED that the APPLICANT by adopting this resolution does hereby state that: 1. APPLICANT will provide $209,800 in non-federal matching funds; and 2. APPLICANT understands that the STP/CMAQ funding for the project is fixed at the MTC approved programmed amount, and that any cost increases must be funded by the APPLICANT from other funds, and that APPLICANT does not expect any cost increases to be funded with additional STP/CMAQ funding; and 3. APPLICANT understands the funding deadlines associated with these funds and will comply with the provisions and requirements of the Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, as revised); and 4. PROJECT will be implemented as described in the complete application and in this resolution and, if approved, for the amount programmed in the MTC federal TIP; and 5. APPLICANT and the PROJECT will comply with the requirements as set forth in the program; and therefore be it further RESOLVED that APPLICANT is an eligible sponsor of STP/CMAQ funded projects; and be it further RESOLVED that APPLICANT is authorized to submit an application for STP/CMAQ funds for the PROJECT; and be it further RESOLVED that there is no legal impediment to APPLICANT making applications for the funds; and be it further RESOLVED that there is no pending or threatened litigation that might in any way adversely affect the proposed PROJECT, or the ability of APPLICANT to deliver such PROJECT; and be it further RESOLVED that APPLICANT authorizes its City Manager, or designee to execute and file an application with MTC for STP/CMAQ funding for the PROJECT as referenced in this resolution; and be it further RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution will be transmitted to the MTC in conjunction with the filing of the application; and be it further RESOLVED that the MTC is requested to support the application for the PROJECT described in the resolution and to include the PROJECT, if approved, in MTC's TIP. 6gta PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 2010, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk G:IDEVELOPMENT, PRIVATEIWest Dublin BART StationlRESO of Local Support WDB Golden Gate Drive Enhancement.DOC