HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.06 Fallon Road Accpt ImprovG~~~ O~ Dp~lr~ 19' ~.._-~,82 \~~~~1/ ~ ~ ~ ~'ILIFOR~~~ STAFFREPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~^C7-0~ DATE: May 4, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Acceptance of Improvements for Fallon Road North and Approval of Regulatory Traffic Control Devices Prepared By: Mark Lander, City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Sierra Land Development Corporation has constructed the improvements for Fallon Road North in accordance with the Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North. It is now appropriate for the City to accept these improvements. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will be accepting public roadway improvements constructed by the developer estimated at a value of approximately $3.5 million. Sierra Land Development Corporation has provided Warranty Bonds issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the total amount of $834,000.00 (Bond Numbers 555000S, 555001 S and 555004S) to guarantee the improvements associated with Fallon Road North for one year. The City will incur annualized maintenance costs for these improvements estimated to be $ 41,000 for landscaping, street sweeping, and streetlighting (monthly costs), slurry seal (every five years), and asphalt concrete overlay (every 20 years). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution Accepting Improvements for Fallon Road North and Approving Regulatory Traffic Control Devices. ~ ,, ~ Sub ~ ed By City Engineer Assistant Cityl~llanager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~~U DESCRIPTION: The Lin Family and the City of Dublin entered into an Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North dated February 6, 2001 (City Council Resolution 9-01) to construct the Fallon Road North improvements as required under the Condition of Approval for Dublin Ranch, Area A. The conditions required the construction of Fallon Road to the north property line of Dublin Ranch (Attachment 1). The Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North was amended on January 20, 2004, by Resolution 14-04, to include Sierra Land Development Corporation as a Party to the Agreement. Sierra Land Development Corporation provided four bonds issued by the Developers Surety and Indemnity Company to secure the grading and improvements, conditioned upon faithful perFormance and the payment for labor performed and material furnished under the terms of said Agreement. The Fallon Road North, Phase 1 grading, secured by Bond No. 555003S in the amount of $224,400 was released in January 2009 (City Council Resolution 4-09). Sierra Land Development Corporation has completed construction of the improvements for the Lin Family in accordance with the Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North except for closing the median opening opposite the golf course maintenance driveway. Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution accepting the improvements and regulatory traffic control devices (Attachment 2). Traffic regulatory devices consist of "No Parking" signs on both sides of the road. The median opening opposite the golf course maintenance driveway is needed for access to the golf course maintenance road driveway until Fallon Road is completed to the north by the Silvera Ranch development and the roadway is open to traffic. The Lin Family has submitted $20,000 to the City to satisfy their obligation to close this median opening (Attachment 3). The $20,000 is sufficient for the City to have this median opening closed by others. Any amount of the $20,000 not use by the City to complete the median is to be returned to the Lins. The Lins may also elect to complete the work, and have the entire deposit returned. The remaining bonds in the amount of $3,152,106.00 (Bond No. 555004S) for the Phase 1 improvements, $165,948.00 (Bond No. 555001S) for the Phase 2 improvements, and $20,400.00 (Bond No. 555000S) for the Phase 2 grading may now be released in accordance with the authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code. Sierra Land Development Corporation has provided Warranty Bonds (Attachment 4) issued by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America in the amount of $788,000.00 (Bond No. 555004S) for the Phase 1 improvements, $41,000.00 (Bond No. 555001 S) for the Phase 2 improvements, and $5,000.00 (Bond No. 555000S) for the Phase 2 grading. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Resolution for the Acceptance of Improvements for Fallon Road North and Approval of Regulatory Traffic Control Devices 3. Copy of Lin Deposit 4. Copy of Warranty Bond G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIVATE\Dublin Ranch\Infrastructure\Fallon Rd North\Staff Report accept imp.DOC Page 2 of 2 REFERENCES: (R-i) ~coRO or sum~r ao. ioos, Fl~n vEaawxr i,issa, BK. I6 F.0.5., PG. 37-51, N?AIED~ CWNtt. (R-2) 7RICT 71~1 BK 279 MMS PG 68, NNAFIH CWMY. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BA515 OF BFMINGS SHOWN HEREON, IS THE IJNE BETWEEN USCYGS TRWIGIIUTON STATIONS'FPLLOIf PNU 'A10UNT DIABLO TOWFIY. 7HE GRID BEARING CALCUUTED FROM PUBUSHED CCS 27 ZONE 3 GRID COORDINATES FOR THIS LINE IS TAKEN AS NORTH 75'4~'21" WEST. ABANOONMENT NOTE: %1RSUANT TO MTICtE 2, SECTNIN 66434(q) OF THE SUBONISION 4AP ACT 7HE FNJNC OF MIS AIAP SIULL CqNSIITIJIE THE I&WDONYENf W Ii5 EMIREtt OF IHE IRREWC/~BIE OFFER OF DFDIGTI(N! OF FILLON Fp1D PopR OF WAY AS OFFEqED FOR DfDICAlION W DEID RECORDEO fEBRUARY 14, 2002 IN SEPoES N0. 2002071321, OFFICNL RECOROS OF N.WEW COUNf'!. i~ \~ / NO7E: ` / PDJUSiED NORTH lME i0 COINCIDE WITH / N89°37'IB~W SOl1TN BOUNDARY OF iRACT 7441(R-2) ~ o.~~ . \ N89'37'18'W ~\ 1 2572.24' BNDY. ( ` 1288.94' i v~~ 0.31' I ~ p> R.l ~ FND NAIL k TAC ~ \ }~\Q' ~ W/1AC L5.~3344 ~~ \ e'O~ ~~ ON i0P OF 4'%6' ~ j FENCE CORNER ~ ~ ~~ ~w P~Si PER B4 / ~ ^~ P.IA. 40 / ~ ~ F __~~ /I _i , PARCEL 'A' hi Z ~ ~;~ o ~ ~n Z m ~ j ° ~~~ ~ ^ Y I ~ ~-~ ' ~ rn ~; ~; ~ -- ; - ------- --------- in i rn ~, i 1~ i c z ^ ~ ~ ~^ ~i ~ ~ i 4I ~ ~ ~ LEGEND: ~ SET CffV Of DUBl1N STANDARD SiFtEEf 40NUMENT S7WPED W/ L.S. 5412 ~ FOUND Cltt OF DUBLIN SfANDPRD STREET YONUMEM S7AMPE~ W/ L5. 5~12 ^ FWND MONUMENT AS NOIED / FOUND 3/1' IP W/LS/6l41 PER (R-1), UNLE55 NOlEO OTHERWISE • fOUND I' IP W/LS/4233 PER (R-1), UNLESS NOIID OTHERWISE ~-- ANCLE POINT BOUNDPRY LINE PPRCEL L1NE ---•- MONUMENT L1NE -------- ~DJACEM PROPERtt LINE EASEMENT UNE -- ---- SECTON LINE (R~ RADNL BEMING M-M MONUMENT TO MONUMENT DISTMICE M-PL MONUMENT TO PROPQttt LME SDE STORM DRNN EASEYEM BNDY. BOUNwRY l1NE MiA D.S.R.S.D. DU8l1N SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICf CURVE TABLE CURVE / RAqUS OELTA LENGiH L1 BNUY. 155.00' 2720'21' 60.47' C2 BNDY. 175.00' SE05'21' 171.31' C3 BNDY. 265.50' 2p25'19" 94.fi3' C4 BNDY. 165.00' S8'S5'07 169.67' C5 BNDY. 585.00' 32'23'04' 330.65' C6 BNDY. 235.00' 48'42'44' 199.79' C7 BNDY. 210.00' S2'S7'4Y 194.12' C9 BNDY. 560.00' 3723'04' 316.52' C9 BNDY. 190.00' S8'S5'0Y 195.38' C10 BNDY. 240.50' ppp5~~g' 85.72' Ci1 BNDY. 150.00' SGOS'21' 146.84' C12 BNDY. 180.00' 8'S4'11' 27.97' C13 8N0Y. 175.00' 1728'35 41.16' PARCEL MAP 8327 A SUHDIVISION OF RESULTANT PARCEL 2 OF IAT LINE ADJUSTMENT L-03-OS AS DESCRIBED IN THE GRANT DEED FILED FOR RECORDATION SEPTEHBER 10, 2003 IN SER[ES N0. 2003-535755, AND D&S[GNATED REMAINDER AREA N0. 2 OF TRACT 9195 FILED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 259 OF MAPS AT PAGES 57 T}IItU 83, ALAYEDA COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF DUBLIN '- ~~ ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA i~/ \\`~ NO~EMHER, 2005 / ~ / aE.\''~~~ ~ ~~~n ry* / N8Y~0'28'W q~~' N89'40'26'W ~ / \ ..~lfYM^ ~ ~O~ 12033.38' BNDY. ee; ~ 1856.45' BNDY. `siiei"x`~wox"'o~"..`auswruri"u~wsmcnsiiis=avo ~ •+~~' ~ ~~ D.S.R.S.D. ROAD~ I ' 1 g5°;% ~ ' 8 SGRIGS NO. ( I ~ ~, ~qlR N 2004 1 551 1 7/I TRACf 7A41 I~ HONG LIEN LIN et dl \~ U G ~~ j l79~. 03 ~;^W ~ ~ , REC.: 12-15-99 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ w-~/'~ `~l., jl ~ ~ SERIES No. 1999-445131 `; ~~ - ~ I ~\ I•=. _~ ~" ^\ LOT 'A3' ~~ ~ ~ Ii~N S~~ N89°40'16"W 22.fi5' A/-A1 ' ,, yfi11.85' I/! COF i0 1/4 COR ~` ~. ' ~~ ~`. ~ ~~ 9~ ~~ ?4' BNDY. ~ a......~~.-~ F o ~ _ _ ~ .......as N89'40'TCW 2033.38' BNOY. ~ `T~~tr'r ~NO ,- ,.P. P A R C E L w/rac is.Iaaa~ 50.725 t A~ v[a aa P.AI, 40 0.27' EAST OF BOIINDARY LINE , P.G.kE. iRAN5MI5510N UNE EASEMENT PER BN. $707 O.R. PG. 93 ~~ ......., LTANf ARCEL I P 4R~cS ~ ~ = S -~ '~RIE N 2003535756 ~-.. 'N86'JS'44' 105 ' ~ ~ 5.00 BNDY '?ARCEL E' IPARCEL 'R' 7RAC ~S~ ~ ~ ;TRACT 6964_ 242 M. 85-9! 6960 M E2~ ' ~-~" 35-95~ z53 i ~ ~ ~ ~ SE DETAII '~! ~ ~ 01~ SHEET 3 ~ ~` 1 ` --' 1 ~ ~ ` ~ :i2:~e0 Mse a:\IfiOJa-2Nea ane\ ~ ~~ O l~~~ i ~ ~'~~'rsrF'9 Lc ; /~~.~ `~T~ ~\ / ~ /~aPPRO%IMA7E O,d.. j ~ _ =0G110N OG ~ ~ ''~ _ 7 NATUR~~ =REEN ~ 1 N)Ssc.... _ PARCEI_ C 7RACf 725_7 263 M. 63-68 / ~ ~ ~. ,8~ 1 ~+~~ y ~ ~'~' S~~ ~'_ ~k ~, ~~y'•w~'c~' ~, '',. ~`° ;,~ sx ~(~',~' ~S P R ~' a~` , o ~~`~, \~ ~ c~ ~,~ ~~, `~~~~~~ 4 ` ,~'; ~ 1~ :~~1 `N00'35'1SE 43.98' BND~ ~ _,yooor ~. ~4`i'-TEAIPORAFY SiORAI ~R ORWN FASE4EM TO 1 i~~ O.S.R.S.D., SEy R-IES / i !"., N0. 2004156 73 ~ ~ I_.°~•, ~ 1 . .Cti+ seo~ e=sa~az~4d ~_~ ze~ eNOV.R C E L H~9'12'28'E N- R-~eo~ 78.874 i AC. s: i N5006'3!` R R-f81.83~ ; ~R~~ei.~s~ e=1736~u ~-iezss~ er~or.~~ - --------- -_-_ --: -: ,-_,_-~, , ;~ Ns~' ~or. s~,~, ; ' r+sr~o~~'w z~s.sz' BNDY. ~ ~9~.17'- - - - ~ ~S N4Y00'00"E 28.46' BNDY. ~~-SERIES No. ~~ o N4gpp~pp'W 47.00' BNDY. " c+ 4~;~ ~ 99-037504 ~ 1'99 Ng0°pp'pp'E 120.00' BNOY.,, ~ ~\~".\y~ ~ ~"~~,~ N49'00'Od'W y' ; ~~,',~,~'Z I ~ ~ 124.00' BNDY:~~~ ~ ~ y~ \~n~ j0 ~ 310.00' BN .,A~. , ~ r~~~~ ~$~ g ~ D.S.RIS.D. N9o'oo'oo'~ LS -G~ ~• ~j.^~~ \ 2~\y! "g~,o7g ~ SERIES No.~ 2001060788 ; ' N00'00'00 ~ z~~ o~~ o ~ ~ N49'00'00'W -~ 528.67'. 8 ~iy~'_' \~q \~ a ~OZ"~ ~---~--~100.85' BNDY ~ \1~\1 o A \~; J~ 1~ -~l90'00'a ' ~ `~IG ~~ PARCcI F %~ ~/ / \ ' ~g, ti TRACT 7253 i~~ ,~lal ; ~c I 263 M. 73-72 ~t 4i~,~j. ~f?53~- ~1 ~ ` } L-S~cn'9L p„_ ~ ~%~w ~~ ,o's9 '~` N1T NOY45'07E~ ~_~ ~~ \• I ' l,r.i 1W.9P'4-Y ' ~ ~ ~'E~ ~~D,S.R.S.D. ROAD~~o ~ ~ SERLS N0. ~ ~~2004 1 561 1 7 ~~ ra sm. usc t a uok w/t enus asc a~am xl, t~ a~ace~ wa eav couaues xrn~ nur romaa ov s~ctaN aen ov n~e i,wo SURJEYORS' ICT~ WHICH STATES:'ON Ofl MFR JMi1W~' 1~ Y995. WHEN SfAIE PtANE \~ ~c i 0.8' SGMPm'FNLdN-19K' N.442J89.03, ~`,~ COORpIL1TE5 ME USm ON NfA' SURYEYS AND NEW NWPW~ WWJECIS~ 7HE USE SHALL c~ ~ E7.610.047.54. 2ND ~~OROEF 7R4NCUlAlION ~~ / gE IIYRED TO IXS &Y. BEING 7FWT R IS A CONTINUAIqN ~1F RECORD OF SUHVEY N0. ~--- STA1qN CCS 27. ZON€ 1~- -00'!9'31' ~, [ 1005 (R-1) MAfH SEVEAIL CONMON BOUNW21E5, 11#REF(NE, THE COORqNATE 515fp1 6 ~~ fl45m UPON TH5 ORIGINPL SUfNEY CCS 27, ZONE 3. ~ .~ _« ~~ 2 ~ ~NJY51'40"WfR~ „j~ SLOPE EASEAIENT i0 y~ ~ O.S.R.S.D., SERIES N N N0. 2004156121 r = ~ / ~ 157.50' BNDY \ wl?l ~ ~g I I / i i i i / / ACACIA PARTNcRS II (u!CU: Doolen We~( A~~oc.) 5'cR1=5 No. ~6-321121 1656.45' BNDY. N00'09'11'W 235.96' BNDY. 4.~^' b ~~,G ~ ~~ti \~~~ ~~~~,.~ 0 ``~ ~ 2 ~`~4~ C~ , ~~ , \ ~ \p ~\ ~ \ ` \ ~ ~P~' ~ ~\ -N- o• 300' soo• ~ SCALE: 1"=300' SHEET 2 OF 3 16034-2f ~ ~ ~ ! 0 RESOLUTION NO. - 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ****~*,~*~ ACCEPT OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR FALLON ROAD NORTH AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Lin Family and the City of Dublin entered into an Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North dated February 6, 2001, Resolution 9-01, to construct said roadway improvements in accordance with plans on file with the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North was amended on January 20, 2004, by Resolution 14-04, to include Sierra Land Development Corporation as a Party to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the improvements associated with Fallon Road North are complete in accordance with said plans, and any approved modifications thereto, except for the median opening opposite the golf course driveway, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the median opening opposite the golf course driveway cannot be cornpleted until the Fallon Road improvements to the north are completed by others; and WHEREAS, certain regulatory traffic control devices have been installed as part of these improvements; and WHEREAS, the Performance Bond, and the Labor and Materials Bond can be released, in accordance with the authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, and replaced with a Warranty Bond to guarantee the completed work for a one-year period following acceptance; and WHEREAS, Sierra Land Development Corporation has provided Warranty Bonds to guarantee the improvements for a one-year period; and WHEREAS, the Lin Family has deposited $20,000 with the City in fulfillment of their obligation to close the median opening opposite the golf course maintenance yard driveway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements associated with Fallon Road North are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period; and 2. The original PerFormance Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $3,152,106.00 for the Phase 1 improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555004S) be released; and 3. The original Labor and Materials Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $3,152,106.00 for the Phase 1 1 ATTAC z HMENT 3 ~g ~ improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555004S) be released; and 4. The original PerFormance Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $165,948.00 for the Phase 2 improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555001 S) be released; and 5. The original Labor and Materials Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $165,948.00 for the Phase 2 improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555001 S) be released; and 6. The original Performance Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $20,400.00 for the Phase 2 grading associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555000S) be released; and 7. The original Labor and Materials Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $20,400.00 for the Phase 2 grading associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555000S) be released; and 8. The submitted Warranty Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $788,000.00 for the Phase 1 improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555004S) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year warranty period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 4th day of May, 2011. 9. The submitted Warranty Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $41,000.00 for the Phase 2 improvements associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555001 S) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year warranty period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 4th day of May, 2011. 10. The submitted Warranty Bond issued by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company in the amount of $5,000.00 for the Phase 2 grading associated with Fallon Road North (Bond No. 555000S) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year warranty period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 4th day of May, 2011. 11. The $20,000 deposit provided to the City by the Lin Family be accepted as fulfillment of their obligation to close the median opening opposite the golf course maintenance yard driveway. The City shall return to the Lin Family any portion of the $20,000 deposit not needed to complete the closure. 12. The tra~c regulatory devices installed by the developer are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, said regulatory devices to include the following: a) "No Parking Anytime" traffic control devices have been installed on both sides of Fallon Road befinreen Signal Hill Drive and the northerly boundary of Dublin Ranch. 2 /~ ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 2010, by the following vote: YES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIVATE\Dublin Ranch\Infrastructure\Fallon Rd North\Reso release improvements.doc ~ , ,~.~ oF D~;~ ;!~j'` ~ `\\;1 is ndVV~~82 (~,~V i ~!;,;~ \~~ ~ ~i/ ~'qt~~o~~l `' PA # CITY OF D UBLI~N Planning /Public Wos•ks Fee/Deposit Slip Control ~ ~ l~' Title/Description: Location: ~~d ~~ ~ ve Received From: d/Ccr~2eS `rlOi? Address:~._____ Phone: _ _ TYPE OF APPLICATION FEE AMOUNT DEPOSIT AMOUNT Conditional Use Permit (CUP) R-i -$1939 Other (PC) - $1000 Other (ZA) - $750 N/A Conditional Use Permit Minor Amendment (CUP MA $646 N/A Environmental Assessment EA $25/u N/A General Plan Amendment GPA T& M $10, 000 Master Si n Pro ram MSP T& M $7000 Site Develo ment Review SDR $140 + T& M Varies Site Develo ment Review Waiver SDRW $2S0 N/A Planned Develo ment PD T& M $10,000 Standard Rezonin Rezone T& M $10,000 Si n/Site Develo ment Review SDR $129 N/A Tentative Ma TM T& M $10,000 Tentative Parcel Ma (TPM N/A $10,000 Temporary Use Permit (TUP) Minor -$200 Major - $200 + T & M N/A Variance VAR $1939 N/A Zonin Clearance ZC $50 N/A Other - Plannin Gradin Permit Fee/Ins . De ./Com . Bond Encroachment Permit Fee/Com letion Bond Pvt. Devel. Plan Ck. Final Ma ; Im . Plan Subdivision Ins ection De osit Lot Line Ad'ustment/Lot Mer er $70 N/A Parkland In-Lieu Fee N/A Monument De osit Traffic Im act Fee N/A Other - Pvblic Works 20 D 00 . Oa TOTAL: Received By: G:~Forms & Documents~Applications-Project Forms~FEESLiP.DOC 6/20/06 Date: ~ f~ . /O MENT 3 ATTACH _ ~ ~ /8 4. - ~ ._ , . Bond No: 555001S-M WARRAN7Y BOND Know aIl men by these presents: that we, Sierra Land Development Corporation, as Principal, and the Developers Surety and lndemnity Company, a corporation licensed to do busineSs in the State of California, as Surety, are hetd and firmly bound unto the City of Dublin, as Obligee, in the full and just sum of forty one thousand dollars ($41,000.00), lawful money of the United States of America to the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that, whereas the principal has entered into an Improvement Agreement for Fallon Road North with the Obligee that includes the constructian of Phase 2 improvements for Fallon Road to the north property line of Dublin Ranch in the City of Dublin. AND WHEREAS, Said Agreement provided that the Principal guarantee against defective materials and workmanship in connection with said Improvements for a period of one year following acceptance of said Improvements. NOW, THER~F~RE, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanshlp whlch become apparent during the period of one year from and afte~ acceptance of said improvements by Obligee, then this obligation shal{ be void; otherwise it shall be in full force and effect. A!I suits at law or proceedings in equity to recover on this bond must be instituted within one year after the expiration of the maintenance period provided for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above named, this 2nd day of February , 2010, Sier BY: Devel ers Surety and Indemnity Company ~ BY: ~'v ~ - rl,~ ay u ic --Attorney-in-Fact ATTACHMENT y 7 l~ ~' POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND IIVDLMNiTY COMPANY tNDLMNITY COMPANY OF CAGIFOItNIA PO BOX 19725, IRVINB, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 KNOW ALL MEN 9Y THESE PRESENTS. t6at ezcept u a~praaly limited, DEVELOYERS SURE7'Y AND (NDEMNITY COMPANY u~d INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, do esch, horobY m~ka coos6arte aod appoint ***Wayne M. Rudick, .leanne A. Winter, Margaret D. Hottfng, iointly or severally*** n their une aod Lwthl Attomey(e)-in-Fact, to nuke, execute, deliver aod aclcnowled~e. fa aod on behatf of said co~porstiaos, o suretid, bond~, ~adeetakingi ~ed oontraces of ~m~rshiP P~i ~ 9~i ~mto wid Atlo~oey(~}in-P~t IGU po.ver ~od wthority to do ~od oo Perform o~ery sct np~ary'~ ra~luisib K p~ope[ to be dane in coanection thae~vith as oach of ~sid corpwuions could do, but rose~ving 1o ach ot spd oorpocstioo~ fn11 powa of auMtitutioo ~nd rcvoc~tiao. aod ill o[tl~e aca of stid Attaaey(t}io-Pact, punu~nt to thae preuua, ue haeby ntified and ooa5rmad. 'lLit Power of Attomey it Semtted md it ~igned by ficsimile ~mder aed by wthority ot th~ followioa neolutioas adoptd by tl+~ rwp~otive Bo~rd of Direolon of DEVEIArERS SIlR~TY AND INDENII~fITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALiFORN[A, e9'ective ~ ofNcvember 1, 2000: RESOLVED. th~t tl,e Ch.'um.u oitbe Bo.rd, ehe Pe+esidenc and my Y,oe President of the corponlicn be. aod tlu~ ach of dkm harby ia, awlwrized w acoa0e Po~as of Atlotney~ WeliA'in~ the momey(s) n~e~ed in the Porvers of Attaney to acoaue. on belnlf o[ Ibe uxpoa6ona. bonds. uidwtings and omu+~ar of wrdyihip; aad th~t the Secretary or ~y Assistant Sasefary of the coryaations bo, wd ach of t6~m bereby is, authorizod b mat t6e anaation of aoy wch Powa ofAtto~ney; RESOLVEd, FURiHER, that tlie ~i~ahue~ of euc6 officae nuy be sftiued to my auch Powar of Attomey or W~ny certi6cate rclatioa t6m~ato by fiaimile, aod ~ay aeb Power of Auorney or catifiate bwring suc6 facsimile d~tuny r6e11 be valid and bindiay upoa t6e oorpaadoa Mbea w aftued ~nd in d-o fuqao wil~ ro~pect to my bond, undaWcin~ or oontract of suretyahip to wbich it u aKached. IN WITNE53 WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND WDEMNITY COMPANY aad JNDEMNRY COMPANY OF CA[.[FORNIA luv~e sevaally cq~ed tliae p~aeats w be aigned by dKir re~poetivc racavuve vxx Praident and attatcd by thar napeclive Secraaty tl~u 1 a day of Dectmbor, 2005. 8Y~ David H. Rhodet, Exxutiva vico-Prraideat --- 4~~_/_"~a~_ G~~~rn\'~ , 4 ~_ o~ OCT. By: . o~ 1lSI Walter A. c}owell, Sornetar~' 70 !Ow~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE d~ Decemba 1. 2005 beforo me. Gio~ L. C}arna. (Mre insert ean~e aod otle of tbe offica~ Pe~~1Y ~PP~ avid H. Rhodet wd Waloer A. Cmwell, persoovly knowa to me (or proved to me on t6o b~i~ of atie6ctory evidenoe) b bc the persoo(~) whoae name(sj ia/er~ arboen'bed 1o the wi~6in inpramseat and aetnoMled~od w me th~t 6elihdtl~ey esauoed tbe wne in hisThaltheQ authoriaed capacity(iee). md thu by hiaJhu/flreir sigiubme(~) on the ia~Onaneat the pet~oo(~}, ot tho endty npon be6~Uf of w6ich the persan(~) acfeq e~cauted tde iasattqtait. WCENESS my iand end otGcial ual. GM~IA L QARNER C~'~na ~ L~ GOMN. # 156~61 s~a~e ~e._ (SEAL) r~nu~r ~uc cu~o~- 011AqQE 00lMfTY oMMk 1~lOOf CERTIFICATE 76e m~dati~ned, as Assialmt Seaduy, of DEVELOPF.RS SIJRETYAND QJDEAINI7Y CON~ANY and IIVAEI-Ud11Y COI~DAIVY OF CAL~ORMA. doa baeby oatib that 16e foreQoinQ Powa of AuumeY rpntina in !Wi foree and hu oot beer revolced, anA inrtMnncxe, tlut 1he provisions of the raolntioer of t6c tapective Bo~rds otDi~ectors of aaid capoiadons set far~h in the Powa ofAttaoey~ are ia fa+oe as of the daee oftlus Certifiat~. 'tuia Ceniacsoe ic exxueed ia ~he Ciry ot[rvix, Glifani~, fhe 2nd day ef February 2010 ~//d~"//•~.s~"~~ J~d~vK.~~fA++-~ ~ AIbeA Hillebnad, Auishat Secretary II~338~(Rev. 1?JOS) gb ~ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of F11Gti~M~G~Q On ~ . ~v~ ~~~~ before me, Dat personaliy appeared rQOt L- ~ ~5 - ar ~u.~~l . , Here I~sert Na and Title of the er ~1Y1 ~, (Yl •~v~~ c ~:. ~ Name(sl of Sianer(sl who proved to me an the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name~Q'are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~e sqeLtliey executed the same in~'He~l9eir authorized capacity~, and that by ~'i4e+~#~3eif signature,Q~ on the instrument the persor~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~j acted, executed the instrument. MbREA 4 H~1S~t CommNNon ~ i 7liS~TS ~ Nolai~ A~b~c - CaNlomo Atonwdo CourN~r IN!-Comn~. DtpMes Juf 4b. 2011 Place Notary Seal Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS y hand and official sea . Signature ~ ~ Signature of NoWry Public OPT/ONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title orType of Document: ~/L,~Qrr~.'n~l~A ~DV~ Document Date: ~Q.1r~ . L7~ _~ V~ V Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ~y~'~1~. ~ I~~, 1 G~ Sig 's Name: ^ Individual ^ Indivi I ^ Corporate Officer - Title(s): ^ Corporate~cer - Title(s): ^ Partner - ^ Limited ^ General ^ Partner - ^ Li ~ ed ^ General ~` Attorney in Fact ~ • ~ •~ ^ Attorney in Fact ~ • ~ • ^ TCUSt2B Top of thumb here ~ Trustee Top af thumb here ^ Guardian or Conservator .,, „. ^ Guardian or Conserv r ^ Other: I:: ~_.. - I ^ Other: Signer Is Representing: 1-k~nn5al 1-- Signer Is presenting: ~ ~2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • ChaLSworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.NationalNOtary.wg Item #5907 Reorder: Call Toll•Free 1-800-876-6827 lg ~l8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of R~I~MF OA;- ) On ~ ~ 3~ t u before me, Mf Gl~c_ [ a.Nl~ µ~A~v Pt1~3u c~ (insert name and title o the office ) personally appeared rTR~ut.~S T~~Qr- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persory~8~'Gvhose nam~s/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s~~l'~ xecuted the same in his/Fyeflt~~ authorized capacity(~e~j~and that by his/ #~i~l~ signatur on the instrument the perso , or the entity upon behalf of which the perso~cted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CoAM~Mion I 1»1~N _. _ ~ Nolay NNfNe - GdllernW # ' Aton~do CouMY Signature (Seal) ~00"~"~'~~~`~~ + /o ~ Ig B~irid N4: 555~OS-M tNARRAN'f'~f BQND Know all men by #he~ pr~enta: fhsE ~e, Si~cra I~and 'Develcpma~rt;Qorp~ti~ns ~s ~ipal,. ar~d '~he- ~evelvpera ~u~aty and :tndamntty Cornpar~y, a corparaktc~n '~d t~ ct~ busi~ess in' thQ Sta~ of ~alifomra, ;as 3urefy, are held and flrrt~r bound url#4 the Gity of D~bAn, as Ubti~e, in the €~l and just ~um o# ikrs:thousand dol]ars {~~~titQO.OQj, lawful mone~ o~f`~te Unifeii St~s of Amesrica b#hc }~arrr~nk ofwhioh ~um, w~~ ~rnd trn[y to'be rnadr~, tha Prinoip~.l.~hd tKn ~uroty bin~l themsetves, their successors and ass~gns, jo~ttly and s~u~rall~r, firmly f~y tt~sse p~ents The c~n~l~ton of this 4bii~adon is euch that, wh~rees th$ priru~at has ent~red itrto an ~nprr-uement Ag~e~erri~nt f~^ Fallon Raae! N~ wlth the Oblig~e that Int~les the R~as~ ~ ~radin~ far Fallnn itoad,#a the narEh prop+erty Ht-e of Dubiin Ra~h in ~e ~ityr of D~~lin, ~4N~# WN~RP~S. ~ f~g[~emqrtt prowided tha~:the Prurc~~at~l guar~ntea a~aihst.defective ma~rwiab endi workmansh)p in cbnr~eCtion vu~t~ s~td 'Imprb~emer~s for a p~rlod of 4ne year folbwfig acxeptance a# sakt ~mprovements. NO~V, TH~~i~FORE; ii tlas Prinoipal aha11 intlemt~fy #~e Obli~ee ~q~° s~i loea ttyat Obii~ majr austain by Ceas~n of an~ :d8~tiva materiaks or workma~tship which 'bec~m~ ~rent durtng tf~ p~d at one year frc~rn ~nd a#tar acceptanc~ of said impmvemer~ta by Obli~ee; th~~n. tttis vbligatic~n snait pe vo~; ntnerwise ~t srran ne in ruu rarce ana ert~r~, Aii sults at law or p'roceec~irtgs in er~~1t~+ to ~v~r an thta bond musk !5~ trt~tltute~id w~h1n ane yesr aft~r the expiration of the maintenance p~tind prov,ided for her~in. IN WITNESS 1NHEREt3F, #ltiis instrurnsnt has been du~ e~cecuf8d by the Pr~ncip~l ~nd Surety above_ rtamed, this 2nd ~y a~ ebruary ,~010. [~lo ra ~u:~s~y a~ti~ Inde~~ty Gdmpany ~~: ~ ~ ~~ : ~~ ~~ ~~ Rt,tdick -~-f~Crtey~kl-FaGt / ~ /g ~~ POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFOIWIA PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, C;A 92623 (949) 263-3300 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESBNTS, that except es txpre,ssly liroited, DEVBLOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY wd INDEII~IITY COMPANY OF CALffOIt1~1A. do aach. herabY m~ke, cooatiwte aod appomt ***Wayne M. Rudick, Jeanne A, Winter, Margaret D. Hotttng, joint~y or severaily*** ae their true ~od lawfnt Aumoey(s}in-F~ct, to make, execuu, deliva and ~ckno~rlod~e. fa wd a~ bedlf af said w~poradaa:, ~:ur~ia, boo~t, aodertatin~ ~d ooetrac4 of wrWps6iP iPVio~ od grotiea w~b a~id Aerorory(~}in-Fact Rill pow•er ~od awhorily to do md b P~~ ~~7 ~~7~ ~4~~b ur popor b ba done in c~oe ~iih a~ orch of aid corporatia~u coald do, but raervmg w e~ch ot s~id corpo~wtiaos Rill powa of eab6tudoo m~ rc~va~atia4 ~nd tU of the acu of atid Aaorney(s}ia-Pact. pu~wnt to d~ae Prc~ats. ue hercby ntified and ooa6rn~ed. 7tis Power of Attomey is ~nted ~nd is si~ed by f~ccimile under a~d by autho~iry of 11K followins ~raolutioos ~doped by eFM r«peotive Boud of Dirootori of DEVELOPE[tS SUREIY AND INDEMNf CY COMPANY aad iNDBMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, effxtive ~s of Nmember l. 2000: RESOLVED. th~t 9n Ch~um~n of tlie Bard. the President atid my Yoe Presideat of the ~otpontian be, aod th~t ach of tbm~ `aoby it, authorimd to exo~rooe Po~aa of AttomoS: Watityia~ tbe attaaey(s) n~cd 'm 16e Powen of Auorney to acocWe. on behalf o[ We capaatiaes. 6o~dc. midctakinB~ md cantr~c~ of wietyship; md th~t t6e 3a~etary or aty Asasant Sea~elary of t6c co~paa6oes be, and ach of tlum hereby is, authaized to aKat the execWion o[ any aoch Powa ofAttuney; RE30LVED, FURiHER, that the signaaua of such ot'ficers may be affixed to by wc6 Powa of Attanry or b~ny ccrti6cate ~ehtioa t6meto by ficsimile, aod sny woh Power of AtW~riey or cenifie~te barieg such ficsimile si~qup ~dall be velid and biodiag upon the oacpontioa wheu so ~tfixal ~d in 16e [uturo witb rapect to any bond. uod~i or coatract of wretya6ip W w6ich it is atbchod RV WITNES3 WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY emd iNDEA~IRY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have sevaally caused thae praenta to be ugao0 by tl~r ~+apeclive ~xa~dve vice Pra~deat and attettod by qseir rapecdve Sarauy this 1 st day of Docamber, 2003. HY- Dr~vid H. W~od~t, Exaa~dve Vico-Pt~esident By: <<~ waoe~~. aowe», s«.,~vr STATE OF CALIFORMA COUN7Y OF ORANGE Qo Decemba 1. 2005 bef«e me. Gina L. Ch~mer, (ha,e insert nw~s aad Htle of dro o~`ica~ P~Y ePP~'~ D~rid H. Rhode~ tnd Wtl~or A. Crowell, P~~Y Irnown ~o me (or proved to me on the b~si~ of a~tis(sctory evideioce) b be tbe pet~ton(~) who~e name(s) i~larc aub~enbed b tho ~vitMa intOrameet ud acimoMbdjed to me thK he/~/they exauted 1Le nme in hiaJhedtheir a~rtborined ceP~city(ia), md dwt by hi3lbedtbeir sig~upve(aj on the ins~ument 16e paaa~(t~ or tho mdty npoo bChali of which Me Peraun(s) acaed. ezeaitod tl~e insmtment W[TNFSS rtry hnid aid otticW seal. OINA L OARNER C~r~GL ~ L~ ~:011M. ~ 154Na1 Si~,.ume u-~. (SEAL} MOmMY Pll~1~c CX~O~N~ ORAl10E OOINfT11 eMiM~ 1~. ~Of CERTII~ICATS The imda:i~ ~ Assis~nt Saaetaey, of bEVELOPERS SURE7'Y AND QJDEbINITY C0l1~ANY aod INDEMNITY COMPANY OF C~-LffORMA, doa he~ebY cirtily td~t 16e foroQoin~ Power of Attoruey ratn~int in full foree and !us ad ban rcvnked, anA tnethermo.e, t6a ~he provi~ions of the resoh~tioa~ of tbe napective Boud: dDiiecoon of eaid corporatia~s set fat6 io tbe Pawer of Attot~oe~; arc in faree q of the d~te of dpt Certifiate. n,is C«~iticaee u axx~ced ~~e Cicy ortrvine, catieoru~a, ~ne 2nd ~p o f February 2010 ~~~~~L ~ Albat Hillebread, Asiistaot Secretary ID-1380 (Rev. f 2/05) l~ ~ /~ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of I-~~arn~a J On . d~ o ~~ ~ before me, ~ ~ l.-~ ~ ~ ~S ~ ' -C , Date ~ _ _~` Here Insert Name Title of the Offic personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name~f i~ xe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he s~ief#+iey executed the same in ~i /Iqe~f~eif authorized capacity(~e~, and that by~ signature(a@~ on the instrument the persor~', or the entity upon behalf of which the person~l": acted, executed the instrument. ~ At~D~il1 ~ Gon~~Mon ~-176~.17b Nolaiy hwc - Cdlo~rilo Alan~rJO Ca~rM~r M-caiwa~.Mn~~Ot Place Notary Seal Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS hand and offici I seal. ~ ' Si n t r ~j--~'N~ g aue Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, ii may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: r ~ l\ r~(/1 Document Date: ~ . L~_~~1..' ~, Number of Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Y~ ~C~ Si r's Name: ^ Individual ~~~a\~ ~ Indivi ^ Corporate Officer - Title(s): _ ^ Partner - ^ Limited O General ~.~ Attorney in Fact ^ Trustee ^ Guardian or Conservator ^ Other: Signer Is Representing: ~ '. Top of thumb here = ~~~:::;. * 4,.. ;~:^. ^ Corporate O - Title(s): ^ Partner - 0 Limite er ~ Attorney in Fact ^ Trustee ^ Guardian or Con ator ^ Other: :~ Representing: ~2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.NationalNOtary.org Item #5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free t-800-876-fi827 l3 ~g ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of A~Fta~~~~- ) On a ~:~ 1 lo before me, NLIG~~ `"~~tr- + -~' P~n~t L (insert name and title of the offi er) personally appeared ~ MF a~{ tf who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person wh se name~s/ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ e/~xecuted the sa~ his/~fjl~el'r authorized capacity(i , and that by his/ r/ signature~n the instrument the person~,s~!or the entity upon behalf of which the perso acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ H~E~ telNll~b~bn • 1771 ~~/~ ~ No1Mr Iyblic - Caplomla ~ Als~n~da Cow~t1- Signature (Seal) ~~ w ~~~~~} I ~~ ~g CITY OF DUBLIN Public Works Department City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin California 94568 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2010 TO: Jim Templeton MacKay & Somps (via pick-up) FROM: Terry M. Alcantara SUBJECT: $20,000.00 Deposit for Fallon Road North Attached is the receipt for check #3333 in the amount of $20,000.00 covering the work to close the median opening opposite the golf course maintenance yard driveway. Please deliver this receipt to James Tong at your earliest convenience. l5 ~~ I g Bond No: 555004S-M WARRANTY BOND Know all men by these presents: that we, Sierra Land Development Carporation, as Principal, and the Developers Surety and Indemnity Company, a corporation licensed to do business in the State of California, a5 Surety, are held and firmty baund unto the Clty of Dublin, as Obligee, in the full and just sum of seven hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars ($T88,000.00), lawful money of the United States of America to the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that, whereas the principal has entered into an Improvement Agreernent for Fallon Road NoKh with the Obligee that includes the constructlvn of Phase 1 improvemenEs for Fallon Road to the north property line of Dublin Ranch in the City of Dublin. AND WHEREAS, Said Agreement provided that the Prinoipal guarantee against defective materials and workmanship in connection with said Im~rovements for a period of one year following accsptance of said tmprovements. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship which become apparent during the period of one year frnm and after acceptance of said improvements by Obligee, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall be in full force and effect. All suits at law or proceedings in equity to recover on this bond must be instituted within one year after the expiratian of the maintenance period provided for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above narned, this 2~d day of February , 2010. Sier BY: Dev opers Surety and Indemnity Company 1 !"-~ BY: ~'~ ~.~a~ 1c_ Wayn Rudick -Attorney-in-Fact /~ a~ 1 ~ POWER OFATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND IIVDEMNITY COMPANY INDLMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92613 (949) 263-3300 tQVOW ALL MEN BY THE3E PRESENTS, th~t except ts a~prc,sily 1'vnited, DEVEiAPERS SURE'IY AND INDBMNITY COMPANY ~nd INDF.II~fITY COI~ANY OF CAL~ORNIA. do aach. baabY md~a ~iarte aod appoint ***Wayne M. Rudick, ]eanne A. Winter, Margaret D. Hotting, jointly or severally*** a their true and lawl4l Attorney(a}in-Fact, bo make, exxuu, deliver aod ~clmowledae, fa aod ~ bd~lf of uid c.ixuponnUaos, ~ sureti~a, bond~, andeetakin~ ~ed ooahaces of wsaly~6iP P~~i ~ 6~~E ~m1u s~id Atbmcy(~}in-F~ct f4U pawcr ~od aalhorify bo do ~od eo P~~ ~~+Y ~~~+7~ ~4uisib ur popac b iw dooe in com~ection the,re~vi~h a~ each of aid ooiporuiooo~ coeld do, Dut raerving ~o ach of s~id corpocatiaos ihll powa of ~4tudaa ~nd rcvoaitioo. ~od ~Ii of ~e aca of taid Attaney(s}m-Aact, p~uswmt to thae preranls, are hveby ntified aad oonfirmed. 'lLit Power of Attomey is gnnted ~sd 'u sigeed by fic~imile under aad by autLo~iity of the followina nsoliuiooe adopt~d by th~ ~wp~odve Bo~rd uf Direolon of DEVEIATERS SURS'1'Y AND INDfiMNf i7' COMPANY and 1NDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNU, e8'ective n of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED~ th~c the ~ of t6e Board, tl-e Prosideet end say Yoe Praident of t6e corpotaticn be, aod ~et ach of tbem 6aoby it, wtAorined o0 ate~vte Po~ras of Aelomef: 9~~~ ~ a~an~Y(s) ant~od ia t6e Powes of Attanry to acectt~e. on bel~lf of Ibe capaationt. Dads. m~de~kinga ~d cmhwch of autityship; aod th~t t6e Sexretary a my Aasiatant Saa+efsry of the cotpontiau be, end eac6 of t6em baeby u, wfhorized ro mea ~he exxatioa ot aay ach Po~w~ ofAttpney; RESOLVED, FURTHEIt. tl~t tbe si~unvee of such officaa mty be aN'ixod to my ew~ Powa of Attorney or b~ny carti5cite reWioQ tiereto by 6~caimil0. ~ad ~ay tucb Powa ofAtWrney or catificau bwieg such facsimile ciya~purs ~bell be valid and biadiag uipon tbe ca~po~atioa when ~o ~Efued and in d~e [uhae w~ith ~e~pect to ary boad, undertstin~ or coatract of wn~tyohip to w6ich it is ~etached. IN WITNES3 WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNIITY COMPANY and IWDEMN(TY COMPANY OF CAL[FORNIA dave sav~atlty c~od Wae praeat~ W be ~igned by tlinr rapecuive l+acecu~ve vxx Praident and anested by tdar tapective 5ecroury this 1 a day of Decemba, 2005. er: ~..!r"_'"~'~.. ~ _~..'_~.. ` David H. R)w~kc, Execwive Vico-Araideat By: ~~~ Walter A. Crnwell, ~' S?ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANQE On Decemba 1, 2005 beforc me, c,io~ L. Ci~mer, (has iweit name and title of rbe o~iar~ P~ur+DP~d D~vid H. R6odes aW Wdler A. Guwc14 P~~Y I~+own W me (or proved to me on tbe b~si~ of s~tistsctory evidma) ~ be tbo paaon(t) who~e oame(s) uhrc sub~cn'bed b the within inth~mnent and aclmorwlod~ad W me thst Ldtlxlthey exacuted the ~me in his/hedd~e'v aWboriaed capacity(ies~ snd thst by bisAktltheir rig~upQe(~) on the imftumeot 16a penoo(~~ or tho rntiry upoo behalf of which thc Persoe(s) ~cte4 exdeuted the iastruma~~ W[7NESS my hwd and official teal. ~IA ~. ~ARNER COYM. # 1~6~61 si~a~ne ~ (SEAL) MGiAl11- FU~UC CAL~pM~ll- ONAl10E COI~ITY ewwk t~.~oo~ CERTIFICATB T6e uodeni~ ~ Aecist~ot Seaetuy, of DEYELOPERS SURETY AND WDF.IN~f1TY COMPANY aad llYDEIWdTiY G~OMPANY OF CAI.]FORNIA, doei berebY oettit~ tlNt fLe laeQotnQ Power of Atta~pey rom~ios in fult force ~nd 6as eat been rcvoked, ~nA 1MttMrmar., tFpit 1he provi~ioes of the rewh~tioor of the rapectiv~e Bouds of Di~cton of aid cocporadons set forth in 16e Power ofAaaney, a~e in facc ea of Ihe d~oe of dtis Cmtifiate. This Ceru6ceoe i~ exxu~ed in d~e Ciry otltvine, Califani~ ~e 2nd ~y of February 2010 /~~~~~~ BY Albwt Hillobrmd, Astiataat Secrctary m-1380 (Rev.11J05) 1 ~ ~ lg CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ~r-10.rY1~Gt (~ ~ i ` On 1' ~~ ~ before me, ~(l~ Q l~ -~'tS ~ ~I DaF ere In ert Name and le of the Ofticer personally appeared ~A ~Q1.~~.~ I ~ 1 •' ;~1~k who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(~')whose nameQ~j i~ce subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~~ief~ey executed the same in~eif-authorized capacity~J, and that by ~~ signature~ on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person{~;acted, executed the instrument. M~~~l. HLf ComM~lon ~ i 7~ _ ~yh~.~ ~ Monrdo CasMr MI-Com~~. E~t.An~ ~Ol Place Notary Seal Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS hand and official seal. ~ Signature ' ' Signature of Notary Public OPT/DNAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent /raudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Title or Type of Document: ~Ql'( rGZ-Y~'~'~l ~~'~ Document Date: ~~_ ~~I ~ Number of Pages: ~ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ~ •~~IC~ ^ Individual ^ Corporate Officer - Title(s): _ ^; artner - ^ Limited ^ General ttorney in Fact ^ Trustee ^ Guardian or Conservator ^ Other: Signer Is Representing: . Top af thumb here ^ Indivi I ^ Corporate icE ^ Partner - ~ L ^ Attorney in Fact ^ Trustee ^ Guardian or Coi ^ Other: Signer Is - Title(s): _ :ed ^ General ~ 2007 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 •Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.NationalNotary.org Item p5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-B00-B76-6827 ~~ ~~ ~~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of A~RMF~~- ) On ~~~ ~1o before me, M G ~ r~lr NuC ~ ~ ~ C~ (insert name and title o the office personally appeared _ '~~vt Tar~lr- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persor~whose name~s3'i"s/~ce~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/~bclfjyey~~xecuted the same in his/I t~e~Fauthorized capacity~and that by his/Fya1'/~ signature~n the instrument the ~ person~ r the entity upon be alf of which the person~ cted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ ~ Co~MNMMo~ / lf71N! ~ ~ ~ °"b'"° ~ Signature (Seal) ~`OD1"'"~~ a~ ~~