HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 Art Bus Shelter Relocate~ ti ///~~ ~ 1 ``-C~s ~~ I STAFFREPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ~C~^~ DO-~00 DATE: May 4, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Follow-up Regarding the Relocation of Art Bus Shelters as part of LAVTA's BRT Project Prepared By: Jaimee Bourgeois, Senior Civil Engineer (Traffic) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Construction for the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority's (LAVTA) Bus Rapid Transit (RAPID) project is underway. As part of the project, three existing Art Bus Shelters created by artist Dan Dykes located along Dublin Boulevard will be relocated so that RAPID-branded shelters and amenities may be installed in their place. On May 5, 2009, the City Council considered several bus stops along Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway for the possible relocation of the Art Bus Shelters. The selected locations were the north side of Amador Valley Boulevard east of Regional Street, the east side of Village Parkway north of Brighton Drive, and the east side of Village Parkway north of Amador Valley Boulevard. Because LAVTA has not been successful at negotiating an agreement with the adjacent property owner on the east side of Village Parkway north of Amador Valley Boulevard to encroach upon private property for the installation, a revised location is being considered. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with this item, as the cost of the RAPID project and the relocation of the Art Bus Shelters will be paid for by LAVTA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council direct Staff to coordinate with LAVTA to relocate the Art Bus Shelter to the east side of Village Parkway south of Davona Drive instead of north of Amador Valley Boulevard. ~~yt,~-' Submitted B Sr. Civil Engineer Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. ~ DESCRIPTION: BackQround As part of the RAPID project, the three existing Art Bus Shelters created and installed by artist Dan Dykes in 2004 at Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway (one shelter) and Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive (finro shelters) will need to be relocated to other locations within the City. On May 5, 2009, the City Council considered several locations for the Art Bus Shelters along Amador Valley Boulevard, Regional Street and Village Parkway (Attachments 1 and 2). The City Council unanimously approved the following three locations (Attachment 3): the north side of Amador Valley Boulevard east of Regional Street (westbound direction); the east side of Village Parkway north of Brighton Drive (northbound direction); and the east side of Village Parkway north of Amador Valley Boulevard (northbound direction). Following approval of the locations by the City Council, LAVTA's consultant prepared construction drawings for each of the shelter relocations and identified that, at each location, the shelter would need to be partially installed on the adjacent property in order to provide sufficient clear space on the sidewalk to satisfy requirements set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Agreements to do so have been executed with Shamrock Village and Dublin Unified School District; however, LAVTA has not been successful at securing the necessary agreement with the ARCO property owner at Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard. As such, identification of a new location for the third shelter is being requested. Discussion LAVTA's consultant and City staff have reviewed the other possible relocation sites that were considered at the May 5, 2009, City Council meeting in greater detail. Each is discussed briefly below. Site 1: East side of Villaqe Parkwav north of Tamarack Drive (northbound direction) There exists a shelter at the existing bus stop. The sidewalk and existing bus shelter pad are 7' wide. To accommodate the Art Bus Shelter and satisfy ADA clearance, a minimum sidewalk width of 9'-6" is required. Therefore, additional right- of-way of approximately 2.5 feet would be required. Because a fence and flood control channel are located immediately behind the sidewalk, encroachment is likely not feasible. Page 2 of 4 ITEM NO. Site 2: East side of Village Parkwav south of Davona Drive (northbound direction) At this existing bus stop, there currently is a bench for transit users to sit while waiting. The existing sidewalk and bench pad are 12'-6" wide. Reconstruction of the concrete pad and placement of the Art Bus Shelter in place of the bench could occur without further encroachment onto the adjacent property, which is the Dublin Swim Center owned by Dublin Unified School District (DUSD). Site 3: East side of Regional Street north of Dublin Boulevard (northbound direction) The sidewalk at the existing bus stop is 7'-6" wide. To install an Art Bus Shelter with adequate ADA clearance, encroachment of approximately two feet would be required, as well as modification to the property owner's landscaping and irrigation. Site 4: West side of Regional Street north of Dublin Boulevard (southbound direction) Similar to Site 3, the sidewalk at the existing bus stop is 7'-6" wide. To install an Art Bus Shelter with adequate ADA clearance, encroachment of approximately two feet would be required, as well as modification to the property owner's landscaping and irrigation. Site 5: South side of Amador Vallev Boulevard east of Regional Street (eastbound direction) At Site 5, the sidewalk at the existing bus stop is 8'-9" wide. To install an Art Bus Shelter with adequate ADA clearance, an approximate 9" encroachment would be required, as well as modification to the property owner's landscaping and irrigation. Page 3 of 4 Artist Dan Dykes has been contacted and is not opposed to any of the proposed locations. At the May 5, 2009, City Council meeting, it was commented that Village Parkway would provide better visibility of the shelters. For this reason, and because it would have minimal impact on the adjacent property owner (DUSD) because the shelter would be installed at the same location as the existing bench, Site 2 is recommended. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: At the writing of this report, LAVTA was not yet able to discuss with representatives from DUSD the possible relocation of the Art Bus Shelter to the proposed location at the Swim Center. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report from May 5, 2009, City Council meeting, without attachments 2. Meeting Minutes from May 5, 2009, City Council meeting 3. Map of Bus Stop Locations G:\TRANSPORTATION~Regional~L,AVTA BR"Ilstaff rpt Art_Shelter Relocation_Followup_050410.doc Page 4 of 4 ti~ \ J ~ , .,_~_,~ ~~~ ~ ~d ~~~ CiTY CLERK File # I^~~ O~-aa AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MayS, 2009 SUBJECT: Follow-up Presentation of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project Report Prepared by.• Jaimee Bourgeois, Sr Civil Engineer (Traffic) and John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager ATTACHMENTS: (1) ~2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ~~) ~g) August 19, 2008, Staff Report, excluding attachments Excerpt from August 19, 2008, City Council Meeting Minutes Route Map Basic Stop and Standard Stop Layouts and Amenities Photograph of Existing Art Bus Shelters Proposed New Locations for Existing Art Bus Shelters Dublin Public Outreach Contact List Powerpoint Presentation to be presented at Council Meeting by LAVTA's Consultant RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the presentation from Staff and LAVTA's consultant and direct Staff to (1) coordinate with LAVTA to relocate the Art Bus Shelters from Dublin Boulevard to Village Parkway (Preferred Option) or Amador Valley Boulevard/Regional Street (Second Option); (2) discontinue or defer the Downtown Public ArtBus Shelter Project CIP #94252; and (3) grant LAVTA a variance for the bench and receptacle color from the green identified in the Streetscape Master Plan to silver to maintain consistency with the RAPID branding. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Additional Sta.ff time is required to meet with LAVTA representatives to finalize design and implementation of the project. There aze no additional costs associated with the project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: Joseph Rye, LAVTA Dan Blomquist, Kimley-Horn and Associates ,( ~' ~'1 ~~ ~ ,~- '~'~' ~ a Page 1 of 7 ATTA C H M E N T I ~ ~ ~~~ ~ DESCRIPTION: On August 19, 2008, Staff introduced to the City Council the concept of Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority's (LAVTA's) Bus Rapid Transit Project. Attachments 1 and 2 include the Staff Report (excluding attachments) and meeting minutes from the August 19, 2008, City Council meeting. The Project, referred to as RAPID, would run a similar route to LAVTA's existing Route 10 but would offer more direct and efficient service between Livermore, the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station and the Stoneridge Mall. Efficiencies would be achieved by following a shorter route, using transit signal priority (TSP), and increasing spacing between stops. The buses would run more frequently, thus reducing passenger waiting times. New buses would be purchased and used for the service, offering a more comfortable ride, and real-time information signs displaying the arrival time of the ne~ bus would further enhance the passenger experience. Staff also presented to the City Council the proposed bus stop locations and the proposed bus stop amenities for Basic and Standard stops, as well as introduced several issues that would require further coordination between LAVTA and the City. Those issues included a maintenance agreement, bus stop layouts, relocations of the existing ART Bus Shelters, and public outreach. The purpose of this report is to reintroduce the RAPID project to the City Council and to follow up on unresolved issues. Following a brief overview of RAPID, each issue is discussed below. RAPID Overview On August 4, 2008, the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) Board, including then Mayor Lockhart and then Councilmember Hildenbrand, approved the Draft Operations and Capital Plan Report for the Route 10 Rapid Bus Program Deployment (dated July 15, 2008). Planning efforts for the project began in 2005 based on the concept that such a service could help mitigate the impacts of the I-580 Widening Project. With an initial plan to run the service between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Downtown Livermore, Downtown Pleasanton, and the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, the route was modified eazlier this year to exclude Downtown Pleasanton. The modified route would enter the City of Dublin via Fallon Road, travel westerly via Dublin Boulevard to San Ramon Road with a diversion to the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, and continue into Pleasanton via San Ramon Road to the Stoneridge Mall and the West Dublin/Pleasanton BART station. The bus would then return to Livermore via the same but reversed route. Attachment 3 includes the RAPID route map within Dublin. LAVTA's existing Route 10 travels between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Downtown Livermore and the Livermore Transit Center, Downtown Pleasanton, and the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, and then continues via Dublin Boulevard to San Ramon Road and into Pleasanton to the Stoneridge Mall. The existing headways within Dublin are 15 minutes during the peak periods and 30 minutes during the non-peak periods. Elements of the RAPID service that improve efficiency over existing Route 10 service include: • Faster and more reliable service with a reduced route length, use of transit signal priority (TSP) and queue jumping technology, and increased stop spacing, resulting in a 20% reduction in the end-to-end travel time; Page 2 of 7 ,3 a-~ ,~D • More frequent service with buses operating every 10 minutes during peak hours reducing passenger waiting time. Off-peak headways would be limited to every 15 minutes; • More enjoyable service with new buses that are smoother, quieter and with more comfortable seats; and • Better information through the use of real-time information signs displaying the arrival time of the next bus. 'The total length of the RAPID route is 17 miles and includes 49 stops. In total, there are 20 RAPID stops within Dublin (10 westbound and 10 eastbound), including the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station. The Map in Attachment 3 also illustrates the locations of five (5} non-RAPID bus stops for informational purposes. Of the 20 RAPID stops, 15 are existing stops to remain in the same location, 2 are existing stops to be relocated slightly, and 3 aze new stops. Table 1 provides a summary of the 20 stops. TABLE 1 RAPID BUS STOPS WITAIN DUBLIN Bus Stop Location EB = Eastbound WB = Westbound Location Status E = Existing Stop R= Proposed Relocated Stop N= New Sto EB: East of Re ional E EB: West of Golden Gate E WB: West of Golden Gate E WB: West of Villa e E EB: West of Clark E WB: West of Clark E EB: East of Civic Plaza E WB: West of Sierra R move from east of Sierra EB: West of Dublin Ct E WB: East of Dublin Ct E EB: East BART Station E WB: East BART Station E EB: East of Hacienda N WB: West of Hacienda E EB: East of John Mone o E WB: West of Gl nnis Rose ' R move 250 feet east EB: East of Grafton N tem until develo ed WB: West of Grafton E EB: East of Kee an N tem until develo ed WB: West of Kee an E LAVTA has secured over $13.7 million for capital improvements from local, state (Prop 1B) and Federal Small Starts funds. This will cover the full capital cost of the project. Page 3 of 7 ~ ~~ io The initial implementation of RAPID service will include two tiers of bus stop types, including Basic Stops and Standard Stops. Basic stops will provide minimal amenities such as a shelter, trash and recycling receptacles, wayfinding signage, and a flag sign. Within Dublin, the stops on eastbound Dublin Boulevard at Regional Street and at the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station will be Basic stops. Standard stops will provide the full range of amenities, including those provided at a basic stop plus additional benches outside of the shelter, bike parking, and a decorative lighting fixture outside the shelter. Aside from the basic stops listed above, all other stops within Dublin will be designed as standard stops. Attachment 4 includes illustrations of typical Basic and Standard stop layouts, as well as the bus shelter and amenities to be used. LAVTA has agreed to use the bus shelters, benches and trash receptacles identified in the City's Streetscape i1~Iaster Plan for the RAPID stops. Maintenance Agreement There is currently no formal maintenance agreement between LAVTA and the City of Dublin. For existing bus stops, LAVTA maintains all shelters and amenities. LAVTA has agreed to cover all maintenance, including utility costs associated with the decorative lights, for the RAPID stops. Staff plans to pursue development of a general maintenance agreement with LAVTA for existing and future bus stops City-wide. Bus Stop Lavouts Public Works Staff has reviewed the conceptual design plans for each bus stop and met in the field at each proposed location with LAVTA representatives to discuss the design of each. Details regarding the exact placement of the shelters and amenities will be finalized through the design process. Since the August 19, 2008, meeting it has been determined that Tolar, the manufacturer of the shelters identified in the Streetscape Master Plan, offers a modified, longer version. This modified shelter will be used at the Standard stops so that consistency can be maintained between the style of shelter identified in the Streetscape Master Plan and the longer shelter style used at the RAPID Standard stops outside of Dublin. As stated previously, of the 20 RAPID stops in Dublin, 15 are existing stops to remain in the same location, 2 are existing stops to be relocated slightly, and 3 are new stops. The two relocated stops are both on westbound Dublin Boulevard. One would move the existing stop from the east side of Sierra Court to the west side of Sierra Court, as bus stops located on the far side of an intersection are more desirable for safe and efficient passenger pick up and drop off. The second relocation would move the existing stop located west of Glynnis Rose Street easterly approximately 250 feet (closer to Glynnis Rose Street). Moving the stop closer to the intersection would provide for more efficient access for the commercial developments near Glynnis Rose Street. The three new locations are eastbound east of Grafton Street, eastbound east of Ke.egan Street and eastbound east of Hacienda Drive. The first two would be constructed as temporary stops until adjacent development occurs. The third location is proposed so that improved service could be provided for passengers visiting Hacienda Crossings. Bus Shelter CIP Proiect # 94252 Prior to the LAVTA RAPID deployment, the City Council, in March 2008, directed Staff to proceed with the Downtown Public ArtBus Shelter Project CIP #94252. The City Council authorized a Contract Services Agreement to hire an Art Consultant to coordinate the project under Staff direction, at a cost of $8,000. An initial sum of $800 was paid to the Consultant to begin recruitment of student artists, creating Page 4 of 7 5~ lD design elements for the murals and coordinating activities with the Livermore LAVTA. At this time, no additional funds have been expended. The ArtBus Shelter project had identified eight bus shelters for replacement and enhancements with student art murals with funding coming from three separate CIP projects. Replacement of seven shelters on Dublin Boulevard was to be funded through a Housing Incentives Program (HIP) Grant and the funds are included in CIP #96011 (West Dublin BART Station Corridor Enhancement - Dublin Boulevard- Hansen Drive to Clark Avenue) and #96012 (East Dublin BART Station Comdor Enhancement - Dublin Boulevard-Tassajara Road to Clark Avenue). Replacement of an eighth shelter on Amador Valley Boulevard as well as the art murals for all eight shelters were to be funded by the General Fund and is included in CIP #94252 (Bus Shelters). The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget allocates $35,250 from the General Fund for the project. Deployment of the RAPID project with RAPID branded shelters and amenities will essentially dismantle the original intent of the Bus Shelter CII' Project which was to enhance the downtown corridor with student inspired bus shelter art murals. The only three shelter locations that are not part of RAPID on Dublin Boulevard are on the east part of town (near Scarlett Court, Hibernia Drive and Myrtle Drive). Additionally, if Staff attempts to relocate the Bus Shelter CIP Project to another part of town, the City will not be able to take advantage of the HIP grant funding which is paying for seven of the eight shelters as the grant is specific to Dublin Boulevard; consequently, Staff would need to allocate additional money from the General Fund to the Bus Shelter CIP to pay for new shelters. Therefore Staff recommends that the City Council either discontinue or defer the Bus Shelter CIP Project. This would save generai fund dollars at a time when they are sorely needed. Relocation of Art Bus Shelters bv Dan Dvkes As part of the RAPID project, the three existing Art Bus Shelters created and installed by artist Dan Dykes in 2004 at Dublin Boulevazd and Village Parkway {one shelter) and Dublin Boulevard and Golden Gate Drive (two shelters) will need to be relocated to other locations within the City (see Attachment 5 for a photograph of these shelters). The artist has been contacted and is not opposed to relocating the shelters or the relocation options as outlined below. LAVTA has agreed to pay for the removal and re-installation of the three shelters. Staff has investigated possible locations for the shelters with LAVTA and suggests the following preferred option (See map on Attachment 6): Village Parkwav Corridor (Preferred Option~ Any three of four locations, all along the northbound side: • Village Parkway north of Amador Valley Boulevard northbound ~ Village Parkway at Tamarack Drive northbound (existing LAVTA shelter) • Village Parkway at Brighton Drive (DHS) northbound • Village Parkway at Davona Drive northbound A second option is as follows: Amador Valley Boulevard/Re~ional Street (Downtown Dublin) Any three of four locations: Page 5 of 7 ~~I~ • Regional Street north of Dublin Boulevard northbound • Regional Street north of Dublin Boulevard southbound • Amador Valley Boulevard east of Regional Street westbound • Amador Valley Boulevard east of Regional Street eastbound Staff had considered a third option near the new Shannon Community Center, but service to Shannon Park is limited, ridership is light, and service may be cut further in the coming months according to LAVTA. Additionally, there are only two shelter locations on Shannon Avenue with no third location within the vicinity. Public Outreach The August 19, 2008, City Council Staff Report also identified "Public Outreach" as a topic to be discussed at a future City Council meeting. Two public meetings have since been held. LAVTA held a public meeting on January 7, 2009, as required by the environmental review process. They held a second meeting on Apri12, 2009, as requested by the City of Dublin, to inform the Dublin community about the project. Adjacent residents, property owners and business owners were notified (see Attachment 7). A special notification was provided for residents and property/business owners immediately adjacent to the relocated bus stops. There were no attendees at this meeting. As such, there is no community feedback to provide to the City Council at this time. LAVTA ReQUest to Change Streetscape Color One of the key features of recently implemented Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) bus systems around the country is the development of a consistent "look" for the system's buses and for the bus stops at which the BRT service is available. The successful "Rapid" service in Los Angeles is a good example of this approach. Creating such a consistent look for a BRT service is often referred to as"branding" and intended to create a clear distinction between a service provider's common, slower routes and its premium, faster services (BRT). The branded look of a stop communicates to transit riders where the premium service is available. In order to provide such a consistent look for LAVTA's RAPID service, all R.APID buses will have the same exterior design. In addition, all bus stops along the RAPID route are proposed to have the same physical appearance, including bus stop design elements, such as bus stop signage, shelters, trash receptacles, benches, and lighting. Painting these bus stop elements the same silver color is an integral component of LAVTA's approach to the branding of its RAPID service. However, LAVTA recognizes that its desire for a consistent appearance of its RAPID stops requires coordination with the City of Dublin's vision for the "look" of Dublin Boulevard as expressed in the City's Streetscape Master Plan for Dublin Boulevard. This document includes specifications for streetscape furnishings, such as trash receptacles and benches as well as bus stop shelters. For the Iength of Dublin Boulevard, LAVTA has therefore decided to modify its branding for Standard RAPID stop design to include the specific bus shelter, trash receptacle, and bench models identified in the Master Plan. The only variance from these specifications requested by LAVTA is with regard to the color of two of these design elements. LAVTA is requesting permission to change the color of trash receptacles and benches at its RAPID stops from the Master Plan's green to silver. Modifying the color of these elements to fit with LAVTA's color scheme for all remaining Standard RAPID stops will help to maintain the minimum level of design consistency needed to create a generally Page 6 of 7 ~ ~~ /o coherent look of all RAPID stops across the communities of Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton. LAVTA has expressed their hope that the members of the City Council agree that this request is reasonable and that it represents a compromise that meets both the City's goals for Dublin Boulevard as a special corridor within Dublin as well as LAVTA's goal to bring a new kind of bus service to Dublin that can be readily recognized through the consistent appearance of its stops. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the presentation from Staff and LAVTA's consultant (see Attachment 8) and direct Staff to (1) coordinate with LAVTA to relocate the Art Bus Shelters from Dublin Boulevard to Village Parkway (Preferred Option) or Amador Valley Boulevard/Regional Street (Second Option); (2) discontinue or defer the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project CIP #94252; and (3) grant LAVTA a variance for the bench and receptacle color from the green identified in the Streetscape Master Plan to silver to maintain consistency with the RAPID branding. Page 7 of 7 g b~, ~a The City Couneil and Staff discussed the possible use of LED lighting in more City equipment once a better LED light was developed for specific equipment. Cm. Biddle stated he had recently attended an Energy Climate Control Conference. This fit in with what was discussed at the conference. Cm. Biddle asked about the proposed makeup of the Taskforce. City Manager Pattillo stated, if the City Council approved the formation of a Taskforce during the Goals and Objectives, Staff would bring forward to City Council, a proposed Taskforce makeup and its work plan. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she would like to be considered as a member of the Taskforce if there was a place for a Councilmember(s) on the Taskforce. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Hart and by unanimous vote, the City Council directed Staff to develop a proposal for a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target and a proposed work outline to develop a Climate Action Plan as part of the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Green Initiatives Taskforce proceedings, which would include evaluating the preparation of an Environment Impact Report (EIR) as an economic stimulus measure for the development community. • Follow-Up Presentation of the Livermore Amador Vallev Transit Authoritv's Bus Rapid Transit BRT) Proiect 8:06 p.m. 7.4 (1060-20) Traffic Engineer Jaimee Bourgeois presented the Staff Report and advised that this presentation would re-introduce the City Council to the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority's (LAVTA) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and present several issues that needed to be addressed by the City Council. Dan Bloomquist, representative of Kimley Horn & Associates, provided an overview of the route and stop locations, public outreach activities and the branding and bus stop improvements. He introduced Joseph Rye of LAVTA, Deputy Executive Director, and Thomas Kronemeyer, Associate Planner from Community Design Architectur~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ VOLUME 28 REGULAR MEETING pTTAC H M ENT ?- May 5, 2009 ~' /n '~ Cm. Biddle asked if the proposed plexiglass bus shelters were resistant to graffiti. Mr. Bloomquist stated the shelters would have an anti-graffiti coating on them. The City Council and Staff discussed the differing looks of the local-only bus stops and those stops that included the "Rapid" service. Vm. Hildenbrand stated the purpose of the look and branding was so that people would recognize the "Rapid" stops, regardless of being in different cities. Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager John Hartnett stated the Downtown Public Art Bus Shelter Project had identified eight bus shelters for replacement and enhancement with student art murals with funding coming from three separate CIP projects. The deployment of the "Rapid" shelters and amenities would essentially dismantle the original intent of the bus shelter project. Staff was seeking new locations for three current bus art shelters. Mayor Sbranti asked if the proposed bus shelter maintenance agreement with LAVTA, mentioned in the Staff Report, would come back to the City Council for approval. Ms. Bourgeios stated yes, it would come back to the City Council for approval. The City Council discussed where to relocate the current art bus shelters. They would be more visible on Village Parkway. If the goal was to have. them in the Downtown, they should be moved to the Regional and Amador Valley locations. They could locate two on Village Parkway and one on Amador Valley Boulevard. On motion of Mayor Sbranti, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council directed Staff to coordinate with LAVTA to relocate the Art Bus Shelters from Dublin Boulevard to the west bound side of Amador Valley Boulevard, east of Regional, and Amador Valley Boulevard and Village Parkway, and Brighton Drive and Village Parkway; defer the Downtown Public ArtfBus Shelter Project CIP No. 94252 for two years; and grant LAVTA a variance for the bench and receptacle color from the green identified in the Streetscape Master Plan to silver to maintain consistency with the RAPID branding. ~ DUBLIN CITY COiTNCIL MINUTES lo VOLUME 28 REGULAR MEETING G~ May 5, 2009 '~~~~j~~ G'11.rrr~oN~ ~lI ~1 / r City of Dublin Bus Shelter Locations Apri12010 e 0 o.i25 o.zs o.s Miles Q Bus Shelters - Dan Dykes 0 Existing Shelter Village Parkway +^ ^• Bus Routes ~ Downtown ~ Village Parkway ~ ~_; Parcels ~ City of Dublin ATTACHMENT ~