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~~c~~L,~ ~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~0~-~~,~
DATE: May 4, 2010
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJE : Dublin Housing Committee's Accomplishments and 2010 Housing Opportunities
Prepared By: John Lucero, Housing Specialist
In recognition of East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO) Affordable Housing Week, May 7-
May 16, 2010, the City Council recognizes the Dublin Housing Committee members and Tri-
Valley Housing Opportunity Center for their outstanding service to the Dublin Community.
There is no financial impact.
Staff recommends that the City Council recognize the Dublin Housing Committee members with
Certificates of Appreciation for their outstanding service to the Dublin Community and the Tri-
Valley Housing Opportunity Center with a proclamation that the week of May 7- May 16, 2010
is "Housing Opportunities Week" in the City of Dublin.
ubmitted By eview d By
Community Development Director Assistant City ager
Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. ~J• ~ ~
Dublin Housing Committee
At the March 21, 2006 City Council Meeting, the City Council established a Housing Committee
(Committee) as a pilot program for two years. The Committee consisted of seven (7) members
from the profit and non-profit housing development, business and residential community, and a
non-voting liaison member from the Planning Commission.
The purpose and scope of the Committee was to:
• Provide recommendations on new housing policies and programs;
• Provide recommendations on any amendments to the City's Inclusionary Regulations;
• Other matters that may be assigned by the City Council.
At the April 1, 2008 City Council Meeting, the City Council approved an extension of the
Housing Committee to the conclusion of the preparation of the updated Housing Element.
Therefore, the term of the Housing Committee concluded with the adoption of 2009 - 2014
Housing Element Update at the March 2, 2010 City Council Meeting.
During their tenure the Housing Committee members were responsible for three major
1. Update to the Housing Element
The Housing Committee participated in Joint Planning Commission/Housing Committee
Study Sessions and Community Workshops.
At the March 2, 2010 City Council Meeting, the City Council adopted a General Plan
Amendment for the 2009-1014 Housing Element update.
2. Smoke-Free Mu/tifamilv Dwellinq Taskforce Recommendation
The Housing Committee reviewed the recommendations from the Smoke-Free
Multifamily Dwelling Taskforce. The Housing Committee recommended approval to the
City Council.
At the December 2, 2008 City Council Meeting, the City Council adopted a Resolution
establishing Smoking Pollution Control in the City's rental housing complexes.
3. Amendments to the Inclusionarv Zoninq Requlations
The Housing Committee recommended approval of Amendments to the Inclusionary
Zoning Regulations to the Planning Commission.
At the November 18, 2008 City Council Meeting, the City Council adopted a Resolution
amending the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations.
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Staff is recommending that the City Council recognize Kathy Avanzino, Ronald De Diemar,
Ramoncito Firmeza, Dale Garren, Christine Kaehuaea, and Mary Rose Parkman for their
service on the City's Housing Committee.
Tri- Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC)
Staff is also requesting that the City Council proclaim the week of May 7-16, 2010 as "Housing
Opportunities Week" in Dublin (Attachment 1) and recognize the efforts of the Tri-Valley
Housing Opportunity Center to help educate and assist homebuyers in the Tri-Valley. The Tri-
Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC) provides asset development education; early
delinquency and pre-foreclosure counseling and workshops; homebuyer pre- and post-
purchase education; information regarding private sector lender and down payment assistance
programs; and helps to match those in need with programs and services which benefit them
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Housing Opportunities WeekProclamation
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WHF..RF.A.S, housinc~ that is decent and safe is one af the basic necessities of life and is of uital importance to the heaCth and ivell
heing of all residents of the City of Dublin, and
WHERF.fI.S, the t..'ity of Dztblin has been successfiil tTt developing active and innovative housing ~rograms b~ participating in
the development of over 1,00o Below 1Vlarket Rate Units, both rentals and ownership housing, and
WI3ERF.AS, homeoivnership is the housing choice of many Americans which ts why the Dieb(in C;`ity G'ouncil has supported,
along with t1~e other 1'ri-Valley cities, the creation of the '1'ri-Vrzlley Housing Opportunity Cente~~ to provide education ai2d
assistaizce tv interested homebuyers, anc~
[WHEIZF:A.S, tl~e I~ub(in Citij Council szepports the ability of residertts and residerzts' children to purchase and remain in the C;4t~
of I~ublin, and
WHEI2.F.,A.S, the City of Dublin First Time Hvmebuyer Loan 1'rogram provic~es finaneial assistcznee to residents, residents'
children und new families mouing to Dublin in the pw~chuse of t/ieir first home in Dublin, and
WHEI2F:AS, the First 1 i~ne Homebuyer Loan Program will augment the C'ity s existing housing pro~rams to further improve
the qualit~ and uariety of housing programs offered by the Ci:ty of Dublin, and
LL'HEIZEAS, the Dublin City Council, as evidenced by the variety and quality of the City's Housiny Programs, has a strong
commitme~~t to pla~miny for housing for eueryone in the community.
NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT I~ESOLVED that I, 7'im Sbranti, Mayor o,f Dt~bli~t, on behalf of the entire Cit~j Cauncit, herebl~
proclaim the week of May ~- i6, 2vlv as "Housing Opporturtifies Week" in the C'ity of Dttblvt, partic,ipatiny in aciz:L~ities
held thr~oughout the week to commemorate this observance.
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DATED: May 4, 2oio
1'Vlayor ,Sbranti
Councilmember .Scholz ('ouncilmember Hart
Vice Mayor Hildenbrand
Councilmember Biddle
Attachment 1