HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.2 New Website DesignG~~~ OF Dp~~~ ~ /// ~,_ ~ _ 1~1 1``~~~//Z STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K `c~~l,~~l DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~00-0~ DATE: May 4, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: . Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJ T: Review and Approve the New City Website Design Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Assistant to the City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council adopted a City Communications Plan in 2009 that included an objective to redesign the City's website. The City hired CivicPlus, a website design firm, to develop the new website. At this time, Staff is bringing forward three design options, with a recommendation from the City Council's ad-hoc Communications Committee, for City Council direction and consideration. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Review the website design options and approve the Communications Committee's recommendation of website design Option 1. ~ ~~ ,.t ° Submitted By Revie ed y Assistant to the City Manager Assistant City anager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. 7 2-- DESCRIPTION: In September 2009, the Dublin City Council adopted the City's Communications Plan, which included five objectives to improve the City's public relations efforts. One of items to complete was the redesign of the City's website. On March 2, 2010, the City Council approved an agreement with CivicPlus to redesign the City's website. Staff has been working with the consultant on different design concepts and is presenting the City Council with three design options for consideration (Attachments 1-3). Staff presented these three design options to the City Council's ad-hoc Communications Committee on April 19, 2010 to receive policy guidance and direction. The Committee agreed with Staff's recommendation and is recommending Option 1(Attachment 1), with minor modifications to the design of the City calendar area. Each of the options represents a significant transition from the look and functionality of the City's current website. The home page is easy to navigate while providing quality information in a clear and concise manner. Each option also provides greater visual interest and uses flash imaging to feature and showcase Dublin's greatest assets. As it relates to the use of social media, each of the options also highlights opportunities to participate in Twitter, the Share function, and other methods of information dissemination, including RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed and the eNotify me function. In recommending Option 1, the Committee believes that the design, including the color and layout, best represent Dublin's identity. The Committee liked the use of the spotlight feature, enabling the City to highlight certain events and activities that are of great interest to the community. Staff is seeking direction and/or approval on the Committee's recommendation on the design option for the City's new website. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Staff has held two focus group events to seek input on the needs for the new City website, including one with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Committee, and one with the participants of the Dublin 101 (Leadership Academy Program) late last year. Staff intends on hosting another focus group in the near future to get additional general community feedback on ways to improve the information contained within the City's new website. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Website Design Option 1 2. Website Design Option 2 3. Website Design Option 3 Page 2 of 2 ~p+~ D ~ I ~ _w ~ U~ 1 ~ ~z ~ ~ a J ~ '~ KEFORT AN ISSUE h-w C'ar W~ =f~:I~~ I ~~ NOTIFY ME ~ .`~itzi~ tsi i~~he; k"N,.^i4: I ~ '~ NEW5LETTER `>~+~•, 'r?'~e 7- ~t. T WITTER ~ rr*f(C4V t/~;i GOlNG ON IN t', /L ~~~~~~` ~ Dublin St. Patricks Day Celebration! Cartie be Irish at our annual St. Patricks Day Fesiivities! Join us March 13rii ar-d 14th at ihe Dublin Civic Center... ~~~$~YR~ • nnuniapa~code IIUBLIN NEWS ,~~.. :.~_ ~.I i r ~.HLti'vuHn .__ ~ City Council 5ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus ~~ AP~ 17 Vdupta pematir fix~it consequ~riur nuHa pariaUu qui culpa enim Eiusmod Inaddurrt Architecb ~ Parks 8 Recreation mirrim nuNa pariatur mintn archilecbo ndlaa... Read Cm ` -~ -- ii<i ~Y~rir~ ~' ~ -,_s<k .e . . Apr 21 ~~b~~ Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem 01 42 03 04 05 ~JS UNamco Laboris Qui I~inim Vduptate lauda~un brem ipsum dolor co~secbed~r duis aute reprehenderft errm pariatur nisi sed do architecto. 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A Great Place for Cammerce ~~" ~,~ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ` ", ~~ verdinut oorpus. Mandum -- ~~``: voiuptat etam c~sectetuer {-; ° a~piscing_ Elit mori7i au Nun illutat. Lesm Mwe. DUBLIN DATES TO KNOW VEEW ALL Apr. 11 Larem Ipsum Dodor Sit Amet Apr. 13 Verdinut Ccxpus Mandum Voiupfat Etam Apr. 18 ConsectetuerAdipiscing Elit Morbi Au 100 Civic Plaza Dubpn, CA 94568 Ph: (925) 833-6~ ,~+ _ O ~ ' ~ c~ ~"f"t D n ~ - Parks & Recreakion - Recreation Activity - Municipal Code - S~ecial Events - City Council - Employment Morbi in massa ut risus congue adipiscing, Nulla in au ~rna orci, vel laoreet ipsum. Ut quis sed blandit sed magna ac arcu scelerisque eu pulvanar pellentesque au Read on ~~~ C:I1Y CALtNUAR z~ 29 01 42 03 oa os os a~ os as ~o 11 12 13 ~ 16 16 17 ~ 19 20 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 ~ 29 30 W Ew ALL Apri) Y4 Incididunt Labore Dolore Ai~chitecto April 18 Lor•em Ipsum dolororque Ape~ii 28 Exceptefur ~int Occaecat ~ ~ a ~1 ~,. ~ s l~ ~ C)UBLIN NEWS Nullam faucibus massa, non pede. 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