HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.02 Grafton Plaza PD RezoneG~~~ OF Dp13~2
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June 1, 2010
Honorabie Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJECT: PA 07-006 Grafton Plaza:
Stage 1 Development Plan.
Report prepared by Mike
Environmental Specialist
Planned Development Rezone with a related
Porto, Consulting Planner and Martha Aja,
Grafton Plaza is 25.33 acres located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. Approval of a
Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan would expand the
allowable uses on the site and wou~d conform to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendments approved by the City Council on May 18, 2010. Development of the site
could include one of two options: Option 1 would allow a mixed use development and permit up
to 50% of the development area be comprised of residentiaf uses and Option 2 would allow a
campus office development.
This project poses no financial impact to the City.
Staff recommends that the City Council waive the reading and adopt an Ordinance approving a
PD Planned Development Rezone and a related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza
(APN 985-0061-010 & 985-0061-004) PA 07-006.
S mitted By
Community Development Director
COPIES TO: Applicant
evie d By
Assistant C' y Manager
Page 1 of 3
G:IPA#12007107-006 The PlazalCC Mt. 6.1.101Grafton Plaza Staff Report 2nd reading.doc
ITEM NO.: I • ~
The proposed Grafton Plaza project has been significantly altered and reduced from the original
project proposal (21-story "Tower" project proposed in 2007). The current project proposal
includes a request to create a new land use designation to allow the project to develop as either
a mixed use project or a campus office project. Under the current project proposal, the
development on the site would not exceed 496,519 square feet of development, as approved in
The project site is bounded on the north by Dublin Boulevard, on the west by Grafton Street, on
the east by a planned local street and on the south by Interstate 580. The project site is
highlighted in yellow on the vicinity map below.
The southern portion of the site (approximately 11 acres) has been graded and landscaped for
the water quality treatment basin, which provides treatment for a substantial portion of the run-
off from Dublin Ranch. The undeveloped northern portion of the site has been mass graded.
The site is flat and consists of non-native grass and other low vegetation.
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The Applicant's request includes a General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment to change the land use designation of the site from Campus Office to a new flex
land use designation, Mixed Use 2/Campus Office. The Applicant also requests approval to
amend the Stage 1 Development Plan to expand the allowable uses on the site. Development of
the site could include one of two options: Option 1 would allow a mixed use development and
permit up to 50% of the development area be comprised of residential uses and Option 2 would
allow a campus office development.
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On May 18, 2010, the City Council approved the General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment, and waived the reading and introduced the Ordinance approving a
PD Planned Development Rezone and a related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza.
Please refer to the May 18, 2010 City Council Staff Report for a complete discussion of this
Ordinance (Attachment 1). The City Council is currently requested to waive the second reading
and adopt the Ordinance (Attachment 2).
ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Staff Report dated May 18, 2010 (withoui
2. Ordinance approving a PD Planned Development Rezone and
a related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza (APN
985-0061-010 & 985-0061-004) PA 07-006.
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19'~~~~ STAFF REPORT C 1 T Y C L E R K
\~~~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNGIL File # ^~~~-~~
y`~ "30
DATE: May 18, 2010
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattiilo, City Manager
SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PA 07-006 Grafton Plaza: Planned Development
Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan, and Mitigated Negative
Report prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner and Martha Aja,
Environmental Specialist
Grafton Plaza is 25.33 acres located within the Eastern Dublin Spec~c Plan Area. The
proposed project includes a request to amend the General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific
Plan. The proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would modify
the existing land use designations from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office
flexible land use designation. Approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage
1 Development Plan would expand the allowable uses on the site. Development of the site could
include one of two options: Option 1 would allow a mixed use development and permit up to
50% of the development area be comprised of residential uses and Option 2 would allow a
campus o~ce development. The southern portion of the site (approximately 11 acres) is
improved with an existing Water Quality Control Basin and no further development or
modifications are proposed to this portion of the project site.
This project poses no financial impact to the City.
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the Public
Hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the pubiic; 4) Ctose the pub{ic hearing and
deliberate; and 5) Take the following actions: a) Adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated
Negative Declaration, Statement of Over~iding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program; and b) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance approving a PD-Planned
Development Rezone and Related Stage 1 Development Plan for the Grafton Plaza Project (PA
~ ~
Su mitted By
Community Development Director
. ,.__ . _,....... . .. . _ _ .
COPIES TO: Applicant
Revi d By
Assistant City Manager
Page 1 of 10
G:1PA#12007107-006 The PlazalCC MtQ 5.18. f 01Gralton Plaza St~If RepoRcf.doc
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The proposed Grafton Plaza project has been significantly altered and reduced from the original
project proposal (21-story "Tower" project proposed in 2007). The current project proposal
includes a request to create a new land use designation to allow the project to develop as either
a mixed use project or a campus office project. Under the current project proposal, the
development on the site would not exceed 496,519 square feet of development, as approved in
The project site is bounded on the no~th by Dublin Boulevard, on the west by Grafton Street, on
the east by a planned local street and on the south by Interstate 580.
Table 1: Surrounding Land Uses
North High density residential (Terraces) ~ approved, but not yet constructed ;
commercial ro'ect Promenade, which includes a Club S ort fitness facili . i
South Interstate 580
East Vacant land (owned by Kaiser & anticipated to be developed with a hospital
8~ medical offices
West Grafton Station commercial center (Lowe's home improvement store 8~
smaller retail ads)
The southern portion of the site (approximately 11 acres) has been graded and landscaped for
the water quality treatment basin, which provides treatment for a substantial portion of the run-
off f~om Dublin Ranch. The northern portion of the site, where development is proposed, has
been mass graded. The site is flat and cansists of non-native grass and other low vegetation.
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The project site is located within Area H of Eastern Dublin (parcels highlighted in red on the map
above). Area H is 70.8 gross acres (including the Dublin Boulevard right-of-way). Area H has
two land use designations; General Commercial (Lowes/Grafton Station) and Campus Office
(Project Site and Kaiser Hospital Parcel). The Grafton Plaza Project site is currently designated
as Campus Office.
Entitlement History:
In February and March 2000, the City Council approved a General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 Development Plan and
an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Area H. The 2000 approvals
established the maximum square footage of development for Dublin Ranch Area H, including a
maximum of 860,528 square feet and an average density of 0.45 FAR for Campus Office
parcels, which includes an allowable development of 496,519 square feet on the Grafton Plaza
project site. The Initial Study analyzed all of the environmental topics required by the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Based on additional site-specific analysis of light and glare,
biological resources, cultural resources, hydrology and water quality, traffic and circulation,
supplemental Mitigation Measures were adopted by the City. These Mitigation Measures
continue to apply to the project.
Project Proposal:
In 2007, the City received a request for the
Grafton Plaza development project, which
consisted of a multi-story mixed use
development that included 4 low to mid-rise
podium buildings, 3 ~esidential towers combined
with office uses, shopkeeper and live/work units,
luxury condominiums, a boutique hotel, day spa
and associated open space recreational areas.
The proposal included three residential towers,
which ranged from 19 to 21 stories. The low to
mid-rise podium buildings ranged from 6 to 8
On August 14, 2007, a joint City
Council/Planning Commission Study Session
was held to discuss the 2007 project proposal.
Topics discussed at the joint Study Session
3 of
In October 2005, the City Council adopted an
Ordinance approving a Stage 2 Development
Plan for the southern portion of the Grafton
Plaza site (approximatety 11 acres) to allow
the construction of a water quality pond. The
pond was subsequently constructed and is
now operational.
F~~; Water Quality Pond s
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included the appropriate location for a mixed use project, height/massing, density/intensity,
affordable housing and parks/open space.
The Applicant subsequently modified the project proposal to include the development of four low
to mid-rise buildings ranging from 6 to 10 stories in height. The proposed uses included a
boutique hotel, spa, retail, office and up to 470 residential dwelling units consisting of live/work
units, shopkeeper units and condominiums. The project included 1,128,000 square feet of
development, of which 50% were residential•uses and 50% were non-residential uses.
The City determined that a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was required to
analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with the revised project. On April 23,
2008, the City of Dublin held a Scoping Meeting to gain input from interested agencies and
In 2009, the Applicant further revised the Grafton Plaza project. This revised proposal is what is
currently before the City Council.
Current Proposal:
The Applicant requests approval of Generat Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendments
to re-designate the site from Campus O~ce to a new flex land use designation, Mixed Use
2/Campus Office. Additionally, the Applicant requests approval to amend the Stage 1
Development Plan. The proposed PD zoning would allow for two development options, which
include a mixed-use project or a campus office project.
The proposed General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Spec~c Plan Amendment and PD
rezoning are discussed below. Staff's analysis is broken up into several sections which describe
each component of the project.
Generat P/an 8 Eastern Dublin Speci~c P/an Amendment
State law limits General Plan amendments to four per General Plan Element per calendar yea~.
This approval would be the second amendment to the Land Use Element for 2010. In order to
avoid amendments in excess of the number permitted by State Law, General Plan amendments
for specific projects can be grouped together and adopted by one resolution. Therefore, this
proposed General Plan Amendment has been grouped together with the proposed Nielsen
General Plan Amendment as a separate item to be heard later on the same agenda and
approved with one action (Resolution). AI! approvals under this agenda item will not become
effective until the General Plan Amendment item is approved and effective.
Specific Plan amendments are not limited to four per year; however, the proposed Specific Plan
amendments have been grouped together with their companion General Plan amendments.
Although the General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan amendments will be acted upon
later at this meeting, much of the analysis is repeated here in order to fully understand the
The General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use
designation is proposed as follows:
This designation provides for a mix of uses including residential, live-work and
shopkeeper units, and non-residential uses suc/~ as office, retail, restaurants,
hotel and entertainmenf facilities or Campus O~ce uses consistent with the
Campus O~ce land use designation. The floor area ratio applies to both
development options (Mixed Use 2 and Campus Offrce) and is for the combined
4 of 10
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commercial and residential uses, if residential uses are incorporated, or for
commercial uses if commercial is used exclusively. The residential component
shall nof exceed 50% of fhe development square foofage. Gas stafions are not
The combined Mixed Use 2/Campus Office designation does not currently exist and would be
added to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Mixed Use 2/Campus Office
flex land use designation gives the Applicant the opportunity to develop the 25.33 acre site with
a project that includes uses that are consistent with the either a Mixed-Use 2 land designation or
the Campus Office land use designation. In both instances, the maximum amount of
development on the site would not exceed 496,519 square feet, as approved in 2000.
Residential uses, including shopkeeper and live-work are only allowed under the Mixed Use 2
designation and could comprise up to 50% of the FAR for the project site (248,259 square feet).
The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Campus Office land use designation
currently allows for mixed-use developments with up to 50% residential under special
circumstances (e.g. where a mixed-use development would decrease potential peak-hour traffic
generation, meet a spec~c housing need, encourage pedestrian access to employment and
shopping or create an attractive, socially-interactive neighborhood environment).
The Applicant also proposes to redefine the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan subarea for the project
site from Tassajara Gateway to a new "Grafton Plaza" subarea. The land use concept of the
Tassajara Gateway subarea encourages development of uses that will benefit from their
location at the area's two major east-west travel corridors (Interstate 580 and Dublin Boulevard)
with the major north-south corridor (Tassajara Road).The project site is approximately 2,000
feet east of the Tassajara Road/Dublin Boulevard intersection and therefore it is appropriate to
remove the project site from the Tassajara Gateway subarea.
The goal of the Grafton Plaza subarea is to develop a circulation pattern that promotes and
accommodates the pedestrian while maintaining adequate vehicular circulation, promotes a
lively and vital retail venue, and provides an inviting sense of place. The Grafton Plaza subarea
builds off of the adjacent Promenade and Grafton Station projects to establish a residential,
commercial and hospitality destination. The proposed Grafton Plaza Subarea is shown below
and identified with a "K'`.
Figure 4.2
P~anning Subareas
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The request includes amendments to various figures, texts and tables in the General Pian and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to ensure consistency throughout the documents. Please refer to
Exhibit A to Attachment 1 of the Staff Report for the Grafton Plaza and Nielsen General and
Specific Plan Amendments (a separate agenda item).
Sfage 1 Planned Development Rezoning
A Stage 1 Development Plan Amendment is proposed in accordance with Section 8.32.140 of
the Dubfin Zoning Ordinance. The Stage 1 Development Plan includes the following: (1)
permitted, conditionally permitted and accessory uses; (2) Stage 1 site plan; (3) site area and
proposed densities; (4) maximum residential square footage; (5) phasing plan; (6) master
landscaping plan; (7) General Plan 8~ Eastem Dublin Specific Plan consistency statements; and
(8) aerial photo.
The proposed Stage 1 Development Plan allows for finro options of development. Option 1 would
allow a mixed use development and Option 2 would allow a campus office development. The
project proposes a FAR of 0.45 for a maximum of 496,519 square feet of development within
the project area (which includes the adjacent water quality basin), which is consistent with the
maximum amount of development approved by the City of Dublin in 2000. The FAR of 0.45
applies to both development options.
Under the current proposal, Option 1 would expand the commercial and residential land uses for
the site, such as but not limited to meeting/function rooms, spa, out patient health facilities,
indoor recreation, live-work units and shopkeeper units. If the project develops as a mixed use
project, it is anticipated that there will be approximately 235 residential units. The number of
units may increase or decrease, as long as the overall residential square footage does not
exceed 248,259 square feet (50% of the allowable development)~and the overall project does
not exceed 496,519 square feet.
Option 2 represents the currently approved land use for the Project site and would allow a
project with all Campus Office uses. A maximum of 496,519 square feet would be permitted for
uses such as office, and ancillary supporting uses including retail, food establishments and
similar uses (residential uses would not be allowed under the Campus Office development
Table 2 below summarizes the potential development program on the site under both options.
Table 2: Proposed Stage 1 Planned Development
Land Use Gross Net FAR
Designation Acres Acres (0.45 average)
Option 1 Non-Residential Residential
(Mixed-Use 2
33 4
Development) . .
248,260 S.F. 248,259 sq. ft. max.
~+/_235 Residential Units)
Option 2 Non-Residential Residential
(Campus Office 25
33 23
. .
Development) 496,519 S.F. NA
~ ~, ~>
On October 4, 2005, the City Counci! adopted Ordinance 26-05 approving a Stage 2
Development Plan for the water quality basin. The existing water quality pond is permitted
pursuant to Ordinance 26-05. No changes are proposed to the existing water quality basin.
An Ordinance approving a Planned Development (PD) Rezone with a related Stage 1
Development Plan for the Grafton Plaza project is included as Attachment 1.
Semi-Public Facilities Policy
In 2004, the City Council adopted a Semi-Public Facilities Policy (Attachment 2). The policy
applies to "residential amendments involving 150 or more Single-Family Density Housing units
and/or 250 or more Medium Density or greater density housing units, or increments and
combinations thereof." The purpose of the policy is to increase the opportunities for semi-public
facilities by designating lands for such purposes on the City's General Plan Map. The policy
requires that Applicants for applicable General Plan amendments to identify semi-public facility
sites at the ratio of 1 acre net per 1,000 residents. The Applicant has not identified any semi-
public facility sites within the project area. The Applicant believes that the policy does not
apply to its project because the General Plan Amendment proposed does not increase the
number of residentia! units authorized for the site. The Applicant believes that the policy should
not apply unless a particular General Plan Amendment proposes additional units. The Campus
Office land use designation under the General Plan and Specific Plan cuRently allows for mixed-
use development with up to 50% residential (if certain conditions are met), which is consistent
with the project proposal. Staff agrees with the Applicant that the policy should only apply to
General Plan Amendments that authorize additional residential units. Accordingly, Staff
recommends that no additional semi-public facilities be required on the site.
The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Senrices
and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project. Additional land use
entitlements, including a Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review and possibly a
Tentative Map, will be required prior to future development of the project site. It will be at this
time that Conditions of Approval will be placed on the project. The vario~s applicable
departments and agencies will review subsequent planning applications for Grafton Plaza.
In accordance with State law, a Public Notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the proposed Project in addition to an extended area and an interested parties
list, which includes the Dublin residents that commented on the Mitigated Negative Declaration.
A Public Notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations
throughout the City.
On May 10, 1993, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 51-93, certifying an
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Eastem Dublin General Plan Amendment and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Eastern Du61in EIR, SCH #91103064). The certified EIR consisted
of a Draft EIR and Responses to Comments bound volumes, as welt as an Addendum dated
May 4, 1993, assessing a ~educed development alternative. The City Council adopted
Resolution No. 53-93 approving a General Plan Amendment and a Specifrc Plan for the reduced
area alternative on May 10, 1993. On August 22, 1994, the City Council adopted a second
D ~~
Addendum updating wastewater disposal plans for Eastern Dublin. For identified impacts that
could not be mitigated to a less than sign~cant level, the City Council adopted a Statement of
OveRiding Considerations far cumulative traffic, extension of certain community facilities
(natural gas, electric and telephone service), regional air quality, noise, and other impacts.
The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan was adopted by the City to encourage orde~ly growth of the
Eastern Dublin area. Because the Eastern Dublin project proposed urbanization of the almost
completely undeveloped Eastern Dublin area, the Eastern Dublin EIR also analyzed conversion
of agricultural and open space lands to urban uses. These impacts together with visual and
other impacts from u~banization were also determined to be significant and unavoidable. Where
the Eastern Dublin EIR identified impacts that could be mitigated, the previously adopted
mitigation measures continue to apply to implementing projects such as Grafton Plaza, as
The Eastem Dublin EIR was a Program EIR and evaluated the patential environmental effects
of urbanizing Eastern Dublin over a 20 to 30 year period. As such, the Eastern Dublin EIR
addressed the cumulative effects of developing in agricultural and open space areas and the
basic policy considerations accompanying the change in character from undeveloped to
developed lands. Since certification of the EIR, many implementing projects such as Wallis
Ranch (Dublin Ranch West), Fallon Crossing, Vargas, and Pinn Brothers/Silvera Ranch, Dublin
Ranch and Fallon Village have been approved, relying on the Program EIR.
In February 2000, the City Councit approved an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
(MND~ for a General Plan Amendment, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment and Stage 1
Planned Development Rezone for Area H.
The City, as the Lead Agency, prepared an Initial Study to determine whether there would be
significant environmental impacts occurring as a result of the current project beyond or different
from those already addressed in the Eastern Dublin EIR and 2000 MND. Based on the project
description, the Initial Study determined that the project could result in additional significant but
mitigatable site-specific impacts. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was
prepared in accordance with CEQA laws and regulations. The project assessed in this MND
includes, amendments to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (including revised
land uses), and rezoning to Planned Development (PD), with the related Stage 1 Development
A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the project and circulated for public review
from January 8, 2010 to February 8, 2010. During the public review period, the City received 11
comment letters, which included the following:
. Office of Planning & Research, dated January 12, 2010
. Califomia Department of Transportation, dated February 8, 2010
• City of Dublin Police Services, January 8, 2010
• City of Dublin Parks 8~ Community Services Department, dated January 14, 2010
• Dublin San Ramon Services District, dated January 20, 2010
• Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District - Zone 7, dated January
28, 2010
~ ~ ~~~
. Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District - Zone 7, dated January
29, 2010
• Alameda County Public Works Agency, dated February 5, 2010
. Chcis Didato, January 18, 2010
. Gabrielle Blackman, dated February 8, 2010
. Jon Brattebo, dated February 8, 2010
Although not required by CEQA, the City prepared responses to the various comment letters,
providing the City's good faith reasoned analysis as to the environmental issues raised in the
A Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaratian, a Statement of Overriding
Considerations and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program with the Mitigated Negative
Declaration included as Exhibit A and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B, is
included as Attachment 3.
P/anning Commission Action:
On April 13, 2010, the Planning Commission heid a public hearing to review the Grafton Plaza
project. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussed the proposed Mixed Use
2/Campus Office land use designation and the types of uses that would be allowed, the
proposed Grafton Plaza subarea and the reasoning behind creating a new subarea, and
concerns raised by Dublin resident Ms. Blackman. Ms. Blackman addressed the Planning
Commission and spoke in opposition to the project during the Public Hearing. The Planning
Commission Agenda Statement is included as Attachment 4 and the draft minutes of the
Planning Commission meeting are inc{uded as Attachment 5.
The Commission deliberated and approved the following resolutions by a 4-0 vote (1 absent):
• Resolution 10-15, recommending that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative
Declaration for Grafton Plaza (Attachment 6);
• Resolution 10-16, recommending that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the Grafton Plaza P~oject (Attachment
• Resolution 10-17, ~ecommending the City Council approve a Planned Development
Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan (Attachment S);
Additional entitlements are required prior to development occurring on the project site. A
comprehensiv~ site plan, devetopment program and design and development standards for
Grafton Plaza would be submitted with future planning applications, which would include a
Stage 2 Development Plan and a Site Development Review Appiication. Project details would
be submitted to the City as part of future applications, including but not limited to building
footprints, pede~trian and vehicular access, site and architectural design guidefines, parking
9 of 10
I~ ~~ ~~~
ratios, building heighUstories, architecture and more detailed landscaping as required by City
The Applicant's submittal package is included as Attachment 9 of the Staff Report. The
proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments would modify the existing
land use designation from Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus O~ce flexible land use
designation. Approval of a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development
Plan would expand the allowable uses on the site. The proposed entitlements would allow
development of the site under one of two options including either a mixed use development with
up to 50% of the development consisting of residential uses, or a campus office development.
A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the Grafton Plaza project. This document
includes mitigation measures to reduce supplemental environmental impacts of the project to a
less than significant {evel.
1) Ordinance approving a PD - Planned Development Rezone with
a related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza.
2) Semi Public Facilities Policy.
3) Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration,
Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation
Monitoring and Repo~ting Program for the Grafton Plaza Project,
with the Mitigated Negative Declaration included as Exhibit A
and the Response to Comments included as Exhibit B.
4) Planning Commission Agenda Statement, April 13, 2010
(without Attachments).
5) Draft Planning Commission meeting minutes, April 13, 2010.
6) Planning Commission Resolution 10-15 recommending that the
City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Grafton
7) Planning Commission Resolution 10-16 recommending that the
City Council adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan and
the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to change Grafton Plaza from
Campus Office to a new Mixed Use 2/Campus O~ce flex land
8) Planning Commission Resolution 10-17 recommending that the
City Council adopt an Ordinance approving a Planned
Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 Development Plan
for Grafton Plaza.
9) Grafton Plaza booklet.
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// ~~ ,~>
(APN 985-0061-010 & 985-0061-004)
PA 07-006
Section 1. RECITALS
A. The Grafton Plaza project site is located in Dublin Ranch Area H. Through Ordinance 6-00,
the City Council adopted PD-Planned Development zoning and a related Stage 1 Development
Plan which, among other approvals, established the maximum square footage of development
for Dublin Ranch Area H, including a maximum of 860,528 square feet and an average density
of 0.45 FAR for Campus Office parcels.
B. The approved Stage 1 Development Plan designated the Grafton Plaza project site as
Campus Office, and allowed campus office uses, conditional uses (e.g., hotel/motel), temporary
uses, and residential uses (on no more than 50% of the developed area} subject to specified
C. The Grafton Plaza project formalizes the residential mixed use and campus office
development options that have long been in the Campus Office land use designation. Through
Resolution No. 76-10, the City Council approved a new Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use
designation in the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the Grafton Plaza site.
This is a flex designation that allows future development of the site as a mixed use residential
project or as a campus office project.
D. The Grafton Plaza Stage 1 Development Plan, as set forth below, provides for future
development of Option 1 as a mixed use residential project or Option 2 as a campus office
project. Future developers may choose either option through approval of a PD-Stage 2
Development Plan and related Site Development Review.
E. The Planning Commissiorr recommended adoption of the PD-Stage 1 Development Plan
through Resolution 10-16 following a properly noticed public hearing on April 13, 201 Q.
F. The City Council considered the Planning Commission recommendation at a properly
noticed public hearing on May 18, 2010 at which time all interested parties had the opportunity
to be heard. The City Council considered the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and prior
environmental documents, and all above referenced reports, recommendations and testimony to
evaluate the Project, including the PD zoning.
l~ ~~ ~~
Section 2. FINDINGS
A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as
The Grafton Plaza Planned Development Zoning, including a Stage1 Development
Plan, meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it maintains the character
and density of the previously approved development plan while providing the potential
for a more diverse mix of uses through the residential mixed use option. The
development plans maintain a desirable use of land that complements surrounding
land uses, in particular that provides office and other non-residential uses in close
proximity to residential uses and anticipated retail uses in the Promenade
development to the north of the site.
2. The PD rezone with Stage1 Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible
with existing and pofential development in the surrounding area in that the Project
continues to reflect and implement the type and scale of development envisioned in
the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Project is generally similar to
the character and density of the previously approved PD Stage 1 Development Plan.
It provides attractive and interesting development on a visible site and maintains
pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to anticipated retail uses nearby and to nearby
residential development.
B. Pursuant to Section 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council
finds as follows:
The PD rezone with Stage1 Development Plan will be harmonious and compatible
with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that the Project
continues to reflect and implement the type and scale of development envisioned in
the General ~Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Project is generally similar to
the character and density of the previously approved PD Stage 1 Development Plan.
It provides attractive and interesting development on a visible site and maintains
pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to anticipated retail uses nearby and to nearby
residential development.
2. The Project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district
being proposed in that the site contains no significant physical constraints. It slopes
gently from north to south and has previously been graded and filled. The Project
maintains the general character and density of the previously approved PD Stage 1
Development Plan and will implement all Project and previously adopted CEQA
mitigation measures related to potential environmental impacts associated with
development of the site. With four street frontages the Project site is highly
accessible and provides for extensive pedestrian and bicycle mobility.
3. The PD rezoning with Stage1 Development Plan will not adversely affect fhe health or
safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or be detrimental to the public
health, safety and welfare because the Project will comply with all applicable
development regulations and standards and will implement all applicable mitigation
measures in the Project MND and the prior EIR and MND.
~ ~~ ~~
4. The PD rezoning with Stage 1 Development Plan is consistent with fhe Dublin General
Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in that the development plan is consistent with
and implements the newly created Mixed Use 2/Campus Office land use designation.
C. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, on May 18, 2010 the City Council
adopted Resolution No. 75-10 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Statement of
Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the
Grafton Plaza project.
D. All of the above referenced resolutions and ordinances are incorporated herein by
reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours.
Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code, the Dublin Zoning Map is
amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a PD-Planned Development
25.33 gross acres; APN 985-0061-010 & 985-0061-004.
A map of the rezoning area is shown below:
/~ ~3~
The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the subject
property are set forth in the following PD-Stage 1 Development Plan, which is hereby approved.
The PD-Stage 1 Devetopment Plan identifies two development options. Option 1 is for mixed
use, commercial and residential development in accordance with the specified standards.
Option 2 is for campus office development (with no residential units} in accordance with the
specified standards. Future developers may choose to pursue either option, pursuant to
approval of a PD-Stage 2 Development Plan and related Site Development Review. Any
amendments to the approved PD-Stage 1 Development Plan shall be in accordance with
Section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code.
The PD-Stage 1 Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below.
1. Statement of uses. Option 1: Mixed Use Residential Development
The Permitted, Conditionally Permitted, and Temporarily Permitted land uses allowed under
Grafton Plaza's Planned Development zoning district for Mixed Use 2(Option 1) include, but are
not limited to, the following:
Permitted P
Conditional Use Permit CUP
Temporary Use Permit TUP
Commercial Use Tvpe
Office/Service - Offices and professional
service establishments uses including, but not
limited to:
Copy, fax, mail box or supplies X
Bank, Savings and Loan, Financial Services X
Real estate/ Insurance X
Professional and administrative offices X
Travel agent X
Legal services, accounting, escrow services,
etc X
Medical and dental offices X
Architect, engineer, design services X
Employment agency X
Hair/ Beauty salon/Nail salon/Tanning
Salon/Similar Personal Services X
15 ~ ~~~
Office/Service Uses Continued: P CUP TUP
Day Spa (massage services not to exceed
49% of total square footage of tenant space) X
Tailor X
Tutoring/Educational Consulting Services X
In~ernet cafe and other similar technology
access centers X
Hotel and spa X
Meeting/Function Rooms (part of another
permitted use, and with or without food
and/or alcohol service)
Sports Club/Fitness Facility X
Parking lot' X
Meeting/Function Rooms (not part of another
permitted use, and with or without food
and/or alcohol service)
Indoor Recreation (yoga, aerobics, martial
arts, dance, etc.) X
Shoe repair X
Public and semi-public facilities X
Private Community Facility X
Out patient health facilities X
Arts and crafts fair X
Festival/ street fair X
Farmer's Market X
Construction trailer X
Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface
parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site
Development Review (SDR} or as amended thereafter.
i~ ~ ~~
Retail - Community-serving retail uses
including, but not limited to: P CUP TUP
General merchandise store, including
specialty food X
Antiques X
Audio, Computer, and Electronic
equipment X
Bookstore X
Bicycle shop X
Clothing and Accessories X
Drug store X
Eating and drinking establishments:
Full-service, sit down restaurant X
Quick-service/high turnover restaurant X
Specialty Eating and Drinking
Establishments - sit down or take
away, with no table service, including
such uses as a coffee house,
delicatessen, bakery, ice cream shop,
smoothie shop, sandwich shop, or
other similar uses
Micro-brewery X
Outdoor dining associated with an
eating and drinking establishment X
Wine or liquor bar, cocktail lounge, etc X
Florist X
Gifts/ Specialty store X
Hobby/ Special interest store X
Jewelry and cosmetic store X
Music Store X
Liquor/Wine Store X
Pet Supplies with/without grooming X
Office supply store X
1~~~ ~~
Retail Uses continued: P CUP TUP
Shoe store X
Toy store X
Home Furnishings X
Dry Cleaning/Laundry Services (no plant X
on premises permitted)
Parking lot' X
Permanent Kiosks, Newspaper/Magazine
Stands and other similar outdoor retail X
sales associated or not associated with
an existing business
Community Care Facility- Large2 X
Free standing newspaper and magazine X
Temporary outdoor sale (sidewalk sale} 3 X
Temporary outdoor sale (sidewatk sale) 4 X
Construction trailer X
1. Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface
parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site
Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter.
2. As licensed by the State Department of Health Services.
3. Not related to on-site established business. CUP to be approved by Community Development Director.
4. Related to on-site established business.
Retail - Prohibited uses including, but not limited to:
Drive through establishments of any type
Gas/Service Stations
Convenience Stores
Shopkeeper Use Type
Shopkeeper Unit is defined as a commercial based residential unit, vertically separated by
occupancy with commercial and residential uses having separate entries. Both residential and
commercial spaces shall be owned by the same owner. The commercial component is best
suited for specialty retail, modified retail or small employee based businesses (sole
proprietorship with 2-5 employees). The commercial space can be subleased. One residential
unit is permitted by right per Shopkeeper unit. The residential unit may be rented.
Residential uses located within the residential portion of the Shopkeeper unit shall conform to
those permitted and conditional uses listed under the Residential Use Type. In addition, uses
applicable to Shopkeeper units shall be in accordance with those listed or other uses found to
be consistent by the Community Development Director.
1~ ~~ ~>
Shopkeeper Local retail and craft
related uses and services including, but P CUP TUP
not limited to :
Art gallery X
Artist, graphic designer X
Bookstore X
Clothing/ Apparel/ Accessories X
Indoor dining X
Medical or dental offices X
Tutoring/Educational Consulting Services ' X
Dry cleaners, Drop-off and pick-up only X
Florist X
Photography studio/ Supply store X
Pet supplies with/without grooming X
Picture framing shop X
Professional offices and services including:
Advertising, Appraisal, Accounting,
Architectural, Engineering, Insurance, X
Legal, Optometric, Psychology, Real
Estate, Travel Agency, Miscellaneous ~
consulting services, etc.
Sale of food and/or beverages, prepared or X
not prepared on premises
Home occupation per Chapter 8.84 of the
Dublin Zoning Ordinance in the Residential X
portion of the Shopkeeper Unit
Parking lot 2 X
Computers/ Electronic equipment and X
Outdoor dining , X
Craftsperson shop (woodworking, furniture
making, ceramics, etc) 3
Subject to occupancy limits as noted under Prohibited Uses.
Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface
parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site
Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter.
Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance.
~ c~~ ~t~
Shopkeeper - Prohibited Uses include, but are not limited to:
Any occupancy classified as an H occupancy by the International
Building Code
Adult businesses
Vehicle maintenance or repair
Welding or any open flame work
Machinery-related uses or activities
Activities involving any biological or chemical substances
Storage of flammable liquids/ hazardous materials (that are not
normally associated with normal residential use)
Breeding, training, boarding', or raising of any animals for profit
Veterinary services including animal hospitals, kennels or
associated services
Repair shops, fix-it shops, plumbing shops, with the exception of
those uses specifically permitted or conditionally permitted above
Dance / night club
Teaching of organized classes totaling more than six (6) persons at
a time
Dry cleaners , where process is conducted on premises
Fortune telling, astrology, palmistry, and similar uses
Any other activity or use, as determined by the Director of
Community Development to not be compatible with residential
activities and ! or to have the possibility of affecting the health and
safety of residents, because of potential for the use to create dust,
glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, fumes, odor, smoke, vibration,
electrical interFerence or other impacts, or would be hazardous
because of materials, processes or wastes.
Live/ Work Use Type
Live/Work Unit is defined as a unit where the commercial and residential uses share both
vertical and horizontal circulation and space, and will provide a working environment within the
residence. The commercial component cannot be sub-leased as it is considered to be a part of
the residence. The work area is located on the ground floor and this use is best suited for a
home based office. The number of employees shall be limited to the resident plus not more
than 2 additional persons at any one time. One residential unit is permitted by right per
Live/Work unit. The total residential/commercial unit may be rented as one unit.
~a ~~ ~~~
Residential uses located within the residential portion of the Live/Work unit shall conform to
those permitted and conditional uses listed under the Residential Use Type. In addition, uses
applicable to Live/ Work units shall be in accordance with those listed or other uses found to be
consistent by the Community Development Director.
Live/Work - Home Office and Service
Establishments including, but not limited P CUP TUP
to :
Artist, Artisan, or photography studio X
Counseling services' X
Desktop publishing X
Employment agency/ executive search X
Financial services (mortgage broker, X
financial planner, etc.)
Pet supplies with/without grooming X
Professional offices and services
Advertising, Appraisal, Accounting,
Architectural, Dental, Engineering, , X
Insurance, Legal, Medical, Optometric,
Psychology, Real Estate, Travel Agency,
Miscellaneous consulting services, etc.
Tutor/ Educational consultant/ Instructor ~ X
Writer/ Technical advisor X
Sale of food and/ or beverages, prepared X
on premises; includes catering
Parking lot Z X
Outdoor dining X
1. Subject to occupancy limits as noted under Prohibited Uses.
2. Conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface
parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site
Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter.
~1~~ ~z~
Live/ Work Prohibited Uses include, but are not limited to:
Any occupancy classified as an H occupancy by the International
Building Code
Adult businesses
Vehicle maintenance or repair
Welding or any open flame work
Machinery-related uses or activities
Activities involving any biological or chemical substances
Storage of flammable liquids/ hazardous materials (that are not
normally associated with normal residential use)
Breeding, training, boarding, or raising of any animals for profit
Veterinary services including animal hospitals, kennels or
associated services
Repair shops, fix-it shops, plumbing shops
Dance / night club
Sale of food and or beverages, other than those items prepared on
Teaching of organized classes totaling more than six (6) persons at
a time
Dry cleaners or Laundromats
Fortune Telling, astrotogy, palmistry, and similar uses
Any other activity or use, as determined by the Director of
Community Development to not be compatible with residential
activities and / or to have the possibility of affecting the health and
safety of residents, because of potential for the use to create dust,
glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, fumes, odor, smoke, vibration,
electrical interference or other impacts, or would be hazardous
because of materials, processes or wastes.
Residential Use Type
Residential units proposed for this project are intended to be for-sale units. The size and
arrangement for the residential dwellings should reflect the attitude of luxury, creativity and
urban lifestyles.
Residential Permitted uses including, but P CUP TUP
not limited to :
Multi-family dwellings X
Condominiums X
Community facilities (pool, spa, fitness
room, small theater, etc.)
Community clubhouse (event area for X
small gatherings, kitchen, etc.)
Home occupation per Chapter 8.84 of the X
Dubtin Zoning Ordinance
Parking lot' X
Community Care Facility- Large X
Family day care home per Chapter 8.08 X
of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance- Large
Sales office/ model home complex X
c;onducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. The location and timing of temporary surface
parking lots shall be allowed as designated on the Phasing Plan that is approved as part of the Project Site
Development Review (SDR) or as amended thereafter.
Statement of Uses. Option 2: Campus Office Development
The following are the Permitted, Conditionally Permitted, and Temporarily Permitted land uses
allowed in Grafton Plaza's Planned Development zoning district for Campus Office (Option 2),
as established in the Dublin Ranch Area H Planned Development District and Development
Plan (PA 98-070) approved in March 2000.
Campus Office - Office and ancillary p CUP TUP
uses including, but not limited to :
Accessory and incidental amenity uses to
offices, including but not limited to
employee cafeterias, employee fitness X
centers, day care centers, and employee
training facilities.
Administrative headquarters X
Ancillary uses which provide support
services to businesses and employees X
~~ ~ ~3
Campus Office - Office and ancillary
uses Continued : P CUP TUP
including but not limited to: restaurants,
convenience shopping, copying services,
blueprinting, printing and branch banks
Business and commercial services X
Business, corporate, professional, X
technical, and administrative offices
Cellular and wireless communication
facilities, minor, subject to Site X
Development Review
Laboratory X
Research and development X
Storage and sale of material, limited to X
25% of floor area
Sales and leasing office X
Sports Club/Fitness Facility X
Broadcasting stations or studios, X
excluding sending and receiving towers
Health services/clinics X
Hotel/motel X
Hospital/medical center X
Limited light manufacturing, assembly,
warehousing and distribution activities
(uses that do not produce noxious odors, X
hazardous materials, or excessive noise)
Other uses that could meet the intent of
the Campus Office land use designation
as determined by the Community X
Development Director
Recreational facility/indoor (yoga,
aerobics, martial arts, dance, etc.) X
Arts and crafts fair X
Festival/street fair X
Temporary construction trailers and
ancillary construction facilities X
~y~~ ~>~
2. Stage 1 Site Plan.
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3. Site area, proposed densities. The gross area of the site is 25.33 acres; the net area of
the site is 23.4 acres. The density for the site is 0.45 FAR.
a. Mixed-Use Residential Development:
Total amount of development. Based on the 0.45 FAR, the maximum of amount of
development is 496,519 square feet, including residential and non-residential development.
Allocation of development. The residential component shall not exceed 50% of the
developed area; i.e., shall not exceed 248,259 square feet. The balance of permissible
square footage is allocated to non-residential uses.
b. Campus Office Development:
Total amount of development. Based on the 0.45 FAR, the maximum of amount of
development is 496,519 square feet and shall include uses that are consistent with the
Campus Office land use designation and shall not include residential uses.
;~~ ~° ,~~Z~
4. Grafton Plaza Siting and Design Standards & Guidelines:
Construction of Grafton Plaza will include a circulation pattern that promotes and accommodates
the pedestrian while maintaining adequate vehicular circufation, promotes a lively and vital retail
venue, and provides an inviting sense of place to live and work for residents and visitors.
Development in Grafton Plaza is intended to complement the adjacent Promenade and Grafton
Station projects to establish a residential, commercial and hospitality destination. The following
standards and guidelines shall be reflected in future PD-Stage 2 Development Plans and Site
Development Reviews.
• Development shall be designed with interconnected pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
. Development should be urban, with activated uses encouraged along the ground floor
spaces of public and private streets.
. Buildings with dominant architectural styles and/or greater height at the Grafton Plaza
Gateway (intersection of Grafton Street and Dublin Blvd.) shall be placed to emphasize the
importance of this entry to Grafton Plaza, in relation to Grafton Station and the Promenade.
• Corners of buildings at Grafton Plaza should include vertical elements, unique architectural
features, upper story balconies, towers, or related features that aid in creating a sense of
arrival and place.
• Building heights should step back from Dublin Boulevard.
• Active uses of the buildings shall orient to the adjacent streets.
• Buildings shall be designed to relate to pedestrian scale on the ground floor and to provide a
feeling of enclosure for common open areas.
• Building heights should step back from Dublin Boulevard.
• Building massing should be varied to provide interest and diversity. This can be achieved by
varying the story height.
. Buildings should be appropriately scaled and include fa~ade treatments such as multi-storied
and/or stepped facades.
• Consistent design quality, materials and detailing, and building massing of the architecture
shall be applied to all facades.
• Street level architecture shall be human scaled and possess a high level of detailing.
• The massing of individual buildings shall be broken into three or more primary forms through
changes in features such as volume, wall heights, roof forms, parapet heights, and offsets in
wall planes.
~~ ~ J~
. An entry plaza at the Grafton Street/Dublin Boulevard intersection shall be provided to create
a sense of arrival. This space shall permit active uses and orient to adjacent uses on-site
and those at Grafton Station and the Promenade.
• Internal plaza spaces for public use shall be provided that allows a range of activities
including outdoor dining, seating, and other events. The space shall incorporate elements
such as gardens, fountains, and public art.
. Public and private spaces shall be incorporated into the project to incorporate landscaping
and outdoor use.
. The development shall be linked with the adjacent water quality basin trail and open space
located to the south.
. Pedestrian areas shall be furnished with benches, trash receptacles, lighting, bike parking,
and other attractive and creature comfort elements.
• Building entries shall be located in convenient locations and front the streets and/or public
spaces to activate the street and provide eyes on the street.
. Building lobbies shall front streets or public spaces to provide convenient access and be
visually identifiable.
. Buildings should not turn their backs to public streets. Where this is not practical, the
building shall be designed to activate the street and provide pedestrian level features such
as entries, windows, or commercial spaces.
. Parking shall be integrated into parking structures or surface lots. Surface lots shall be
screened from off-site views as feasible. On street parking spaces should be provided to
permit convenient short term parking, provide scale, and a buffer between the
sidewalk/pedestrian zone and the street.
• Shared parking may be incorporated into the project to limit the amount of space delegated
to automobiles.
• The use of pubtic transit and other modes of transportation shall be encouraged.
• Circulation shall be designed to provide interconnected streets and pedestrian routes.
• On-site streets shall be designed to minimize the impact of the automobile upon the
pedestrian-oriented project e.g., narrowing curb-to-curb widths, providing roundabouts,
corner bump outs and other traffic calming features.
a~~~ ~>~
• Sidewalks and plazas should be designed with wider dimensions to accommodate outdoor
seating, window shopping, human interaction, and pedestrian circulation.
• Utilize the existing bus stop along Dublin Boulevard.
• Space for resident, employee, and shopper pick-up and drop-off should be integrated into
the street design.
• Loading spaces should be located in places that do not impact primary pedestrian spaces or
site circulation and should be screened from view where feasible.
• Safe, convenient and attractive pedestrian uses and circulation shall be provided for
between buildings.
5. Phasing plan.
Grafton Plaza is intended to be an integrated mixed use project. Projects like this tend to be built
in phases, which allows for flexibility in constructability, staging and market conditions.
Currently, specific development phasing is unknown and would be subject to market and
economic conditions. A more detailed phasing plan shall be developed for the Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezone submittal. In addition, the phasing plan shall include existing and
proposed land uses, major features of the circulation system; including any existing and
proposed arterials and collector streets; other infrastructure requirements including water
supply, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal and drainage systems. Utility, access,
grading and emergency services shall be provided to meet the needs of the project.
The intensity of the buildings in any phasing plan shall not exceed the square footages as set
forth in the previous sections. Of the proposed total building area, no more than 50% (248,259
square feet) shall be allocated as residential square footage.
~~ ~
6. Master neighborhood landscaping plan.
7. Statement of Consistency with General Plan and Specific Plan.
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The PD rezoning and related Stage 1 Development Plan is consistent with the General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as amended through Resolution No. 76-10, approving the
companion General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendments.
8. Inclusionary zoning regulations.
The current Grafton Plaza development program proposes all residential units to be market rate
units and does not include incorporating affordable housing units within the project. The
Applicant is proposing to pay in lieu fees under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations to
meet the affordable housing requirement for this project. This will be considered in the course of
project review and approval by the City Council through an Affordable Housing Agreement to be
considered in conjunction with a Stage 2 Development Plan and Site Development Review.
~~ ~
9. Aerial photo.
10. Water quality pond. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, the existing
water quality pond is permitted pursuant to Ordinance 26-05.
This ordinance supersedes Ord. 6-00 as to the Grafton Plaza site only.
Section 6. Pursuant to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, section 8.32.060.C, the use,
development, improvement, and maintenance of the Project area shall be governed by the
provisions of the closest comparable zoning district (Campus Office, C-O) as determined by the
Community Development Director and of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance except as provided in the
Stage 1 Development Plan.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of
its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at
least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the
Government Code of the State of California.
~ ~ ~~~
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 1St day
of June 2010 by the following vote:
City Clerk