HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 AB 434 ApplicationCITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: August 24, 1992 SUBJECT: Application for Assembly Bill (AB) 434 Funding Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution 2) Applications for AB 434 funding RECOMMENDATION: /~ In/~l Adopt Resolution authorizing Staff to apply for AB 434 ~j ~~~ funding for attached projects. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: AB 434 funding would reduce the City's cost for implementing the Trip Reduction Ordinance (TRO) and payments to one Public Works Inspector for mileage reimbursements. DESCRIPTION: In October 1991, Governor Wilson signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 434 {Sher). This bill provides authority for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to impose up to a$4.00 surcharge on motor vehicle registration fees within its jurisdiction. The surcharge fees are to be used to implement specified transportation control measures that are included in the BAAQMD '91 Clean Air Plan (CAP), developed and adopted pursuant to the requirements of the 1988 California Clean Air Act. The District Board approved a$2.00 surcharge on October 16, 1991 and will consider raising the surcharge to $4.00 in September 1992. AB 434 provides funding to projects that will reduce air pollution from motor vehicle use. The BAAQMD's objectives for administration of these funds are: (1) to fund transportation programs and projects that most effectively achieve emission reductions from motor vehicles, pursuant to the California Clean Air Act of 1988 and the '91 CAP; (2) to administer AB 434 funding as efficiently as possible within the constraints of the law; and (3) to maintain accountability of the expenditure of AB 434 funds. The application process is intended to result in the selection of projects that (1) are beneficial for the region's air quality, (2) are cost effective, and (3) will educate the public about ways to reduce the air quality impacts of their transportation decisions. BAAQMD is seeking a high quality, high profile AB 434 program for the Bay Area. Cities and counties can compete for 60$ of the funding and the remaining 40~ will go directly to city projects based on population. The City of Dublin's share of the 40~ is $10,000. Staff has already applied for $10,000 to hire a part-time staffperson to implement the Trip Reduction Ordinance (TRO). This agenda statement proposes to apply for $5,335 to purchase materials for this TRO, and also apply for $30,000 to purchase one electric car for one of the City's Public Works Inspector positions. The electric car would improve air quality and eliminate the cost to the City for mileage reimbursements to one Inspector. This car does also have very low maintenance and energy costs. The cost for maintenance and energy of electrical cars is approximately 6 to 8 cents per mile. This includes 1 to 3 cents per mile for the cost of electricity, 2 cents per mile for the battery replacement (at about 3 years), and 3 cents per mile for maintenance. At this time the City pays 28 cents per mile to reimburse employees for mileage. The resale value of electrical cars is reportedly better than that of conventional cars. Staff contacted three public agency electrical car owners and all were pleased with the operation and maintenance of their cars. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution authorizing Staff to apply for AB 434 funding. ~ CITY CLERK FILE / b ~ ~ 9 ~ . ,, . ~ _ __~ Tmn~,r nrr~ ~ ~ n~nTCC m~ RESOLUTION NO. -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED FUNDING APPLICATION (EXI3IBIT B) TO THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, AB 434 (Sher; Statutes of 1991) permits the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (District) to levy a fee to be used to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles; and WF~REAS, 60~ of the funds collected by the District would be allocated to those public agencies that have qualifying programs or projects; and WF~REAS, the District's staff anticipates that available funding will not be sufficient to fund all the applications received; therefore, applications will be ranked by District's staff; and Wf~REAS, each program or project must be cost-effective and result in reduction in motor vehicle emissions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin authorizes the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to submit the attached funding application (Exhibit B) to the District. BE IT FURTHER RESOL~7ED that this list of projects meets the criteria for funding adapted by the District and is anticipated to help reduce motor vehicle emissions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this th day of , 1992, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a:~reso\ab434app . . , . >p:q ~3 ~ ~ i 'd .. . .,...~ w, .~ J....r .J .~~ ._...._....._...^ ,. . ..:.:...: a8 .434;F~NDING::APPLICF,Ti~ . , `.;:: _ ~ I Agency Name: CITY OF DUBLIN Contact Person: Mehran Sepehri Phone No.: 5( 10 ) 833 = 66.s~ Address: 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 I I I PROJECT DESCnIF i lON FundinG is needed for materials and cosi: of the Public Information Program for the Trip Reduction Ordinance CTRO). The purpose of the TRO is to reduce trips from employers having more than 100 employees. ~ ~ ~~ INFORMATION FOR. ESTl~v1ATiNG E~:1ISSIG~VS ~~DUCTION (S22 instruCtions) The City of Dublin has plans to hire 1/2 fu11-time staffperson to work the TRO. As part of the TRO, the City needs to purchase and make materials to be distributed between Dublin's employers having more than 100 employees. The cost of materials is approximately ~5,335. („ddi(ior.alp2ges can ~e ar:~cre~) ~ IV FUNDING A6 434 Fundina (request2d) S 5, 335 . 00 Other Fundina S Sourc:.: .. ~ S S Total ~ 5,3~S.QQ __ I ~ I U OTi-fER (Attac;h documcnia~ic~n fc~r c:;~:i ,~~,c~, r~z~:c~n.c.) Y~s ;:~ VJiti itie prepesed prcjec! be wide!y us~d cr s~en by the pubiic? X Is th~s th2 first tim2 a oroj2ct cr this type has ~~~n p,cpos=d for inplementatic~ in t: ~e Ea;~ Ar2a? ~ Does prooosed prcje~t nave the pot~ntial icr brc~d apciicaticn c; r2sult;? ~• ls ~~~oos2d prcjec: c~nsist~nt ~vitn Ceunty Cc,~c~sticn M~nae~:.~ent Pr,^gram? ~ _ Dees 4he propesed r^,fC)°Ct ~'1Q~D IfilC~2~'~12~1( c't'U~^iL~(1~~~ Of U11G'~r~und2,^. "F°,~i~,'c~" T~.~ti~~ _ ~ , Is the oroposed prcject a PubliciFriv~te F~rtr:r;n~o? ~ _ Does the prooosed prcjec; include tne involvemenc or ME~:WlE~? _ ~ I Does your agency have peiicies demcnstrati^c 2 Cl2an Air Planning Commitment? ~ _ I Is a c~py oT resoluti~n Trom Governing Eczrd z:.~tnorizing this appiication attacned? ~ _ yr . -~;•3 ~ ~:Y 1--. ~ E - -!• ~J E~.AOMD AB ~3, Fundrng Applic~:ren , ,' ~ ~: `' ~t ~ ~ ~, ~_ _. `;~. ~.. :.. > _:_:: .~ :3 ~.. .~ . ' _,_. ... .. . ,,. .. . ... . : ~;:~;::>:.; »>:~:>::>;:.;:;:<:;~;::;;:;:~;:;>; :;:::;:.;:;:>:::::::::;::::;::;::>:::::>::>::::::;::::>;. ~ ; . :.. : . :.:::...: A6 434 Fv N Di N G ~A r . _ . , .::.:::: ::: PF_ICATf~N Agency Name: CITY OF DUBLIN F;cject;Prcgrm iitle: TRO Materials Cost ADDIT(ONAL INFORMATION ~Use this paoe to prov~ae additicnai intormation as requeste~ in =~:~s (f, Itl ; and V of the applicat~on form. Additicnal pag=s may be us~~.; Materials for the Trip Reduction Ordinance will be widely used and seen by employees. Most of the materials wi11 be given to employers to distribute between employees. The TRO is consistent with the County CMP. This project needs cooperation and partnership with public and private firms. The City of Dublin has an Ordinance to reduce the trips and improve trafLic and air quality. . ..:.:..........AB::434::F~NDING:APPLICA~, ~J: 1 Agency Name: CITY OF DUBLIN Contact Person: Mehran Sepehri Phone No.: 510 833-b635 Addr2sS: 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 I I I PROJECT DESCRIPTION Purchasing electrical car for alternative fuel vehicles for City's Public Works Inspector. ~ I I I INFORMATION FOR ES i Iti1AT1NG E~~1ISSIGNS ntDUCTION (S2e instruCtions) See reverse side. I (Add;tionalpaces can De arracr,ed) ~ IV FUNDING AB 434 Fundinq (requested) S 30 , 000 . 00 Other Fundina S Source: ~ S S Total S ~~ ~ ~~~ . ~~ ~ I I V OTHER (A[tac7 do~umcnt~tic~n -~c~r c:+rh ~~~~,~, r~<~~nn.~.) Yes N^ - Will the prcoesed prcjec! be widely used cr s=~n by the oublic? x Is this the first tim2 2 proj2ct c~f this type has b:.~n oreposad for implementation in t, ~e 6ay Area? Does prooosed preject have the potentiaf rcr b;cad apolic~tion e~ results? ~ ~ Is propos2d prcject ccnsistent ~vith Ceunry Ccrccstian M~raq2ment Frogram? ~ Does the proocs~d project he!p imp!em2nt an~u,~runded or und2rrunded "F~deral" TC~tit? Y Is the propo52d preject a Pubtic; Frivat= Pcrtr=r,,~~p? - X Does the proposed prejec; include the involv~ment of MEc:W6E? x - Does your Ggency have peiicies demcnsu~einc a Clean Air Planning Commitment~ X ~ Is a copy or r2solution trom Govemrnq Eoarc a:.~t~7orizing this aoplication att2c~ed? ~ _ B~A0~~1D AB ~;< Funding Application ' Proaram Ye=r ; ~~ 2-o~ _ ;, ,, .: . _ .. ~: ~> : <>::;;::>::::::: »:::::;::: ~>~:<~::~>:~:>;:~;:;~ :: < . . : :::~ <::::;::>:>:::>::::::::::<:::::::>::<::::::::::: ~6'~?~:.FUNDiNG APPL1GATlON . Agency Name: CITY OF DUB~~N FrcjectPrcgram Title: Electrical Car _ ~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOk~~ (Use this page ro proviae ~dditicnal iniormation as requesied ir =a^s II, III and V of the apolicaUOn form. Ad~'iticnai pages may be us~d.) At this time, the Gity's Public Works Inspectors drive their own vehicles to go ~he job sites. Depending on the job 1oad, inspectors must drive to 7 to 10 job sites. At any job site, they will stop the car, inspect the job, and then drive to the next job site. On each job site they have to turn the car off ~:~~ and then back on. It should also be noted that inspectors may visit the same job site 2 or 3 times per day. Inspectors usually drive between 35 and 50 miles per day. Normal vehicle speed on the job site is 5 to 10 mph and an average of 35 to 40 mph on City streets. The City has plans to install a sign on electrical car to advise the public that the vehicle is being used to improve air quality and encourage them to do the same. The use of an electrical car by a Public Works Inspector is the first time this is being implemented in the Bay Area. It is hoped that they will be eventually used by the rest of the Bay Area cities and private firms. This project meets CMP requirements to reduce trips and improve air quality. The City of Dublin recently adopted an Ordinance to reduce trips and improve air quality. The City will also highlight this vehicle project in the newsletter and notify the local press. The company from which the City plans to purchase the electrical car is a minority- owned business. Aq .,~J+ C„n.-l;,,., A.,.,~~.~orfnn P:n~ r^r