HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.6, Attch 4 10 yr Strategic Plan 08-09 or oU~l f~ ~9~ ~82 CITY OF DUBLIN / TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN / ~ ~~LIFOR~~~ ~ 1'rcliminary 2008-2009 UPDATE STRATEGIES PARIfS & COMMUNITY SER vICES S'I'I2A'TF,GY #1: Establish villages within the City of Dublin. STRA'CEGIC GOAL #11 A: Develo a villa e conce t(COMYLETE) STRA`I'LGIC GOAL #113: Identify o ortunities to create new villa es. I S1'IZATEGIC GOAL #1C: Work with property owners to strengthen the identit of existin villa es. S'C12A"1'GGY 142: I+acilitate and encourage continucd investment in Downtown Dublin. STIZATEGIC GOAL 42A: Continue to stren then the identit and aesthetic a eal of the Downtown. S1'RAZ'L'GIC GOAL #2I3; Continue to work with rivate ro ertowners to renovate or update retail areas. S"I'RA'1'EGY #3: Develop a transportation system that facilitates else of movement throughout the City S1'RAT~GIC GOAL 0A: Yartner with ncighboring communities to develop strategies to mitigate impacts of re ional traffic on local streets. STRATEGIC GOAL 11313: Ensure a wide ran e of trans ortation o tions for the communit . STRATEGIC GOAL #3C: 1'lan and implement a street network that comiects the City's major h•ansportation corridors. S1'RA"TI;GY #4: Create an open space network that ensures environmental protcction and provides public xcccss whcrc appropriatc. [2. G&O Ref # PROPOSGD OI3JI:CTIVL FOR ACCOMPUSHING S"1'RATL-'GIC GOAL Il1.A.12 Work With I:t3RPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open S ace Area. III.A.13 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. 3. IILA.14 U on com letion of land ac uisition in the western hills, com lete an O en S ace Master Plan 1 ATTACHMENT 4 and appropriate CEQA documents. STRATEGIC GOAL #413: Create o en s ace connections and trails where a ro riate. STRATEGIC GOAL #4C: Implement open space policies of the Eastern Dublin GPA/Specific Plan. STRATEGY #5: Continuc to dcvclop a community that provides a balancc of jobs, housing, and scrvices in a fiscally sound manncr. STRATEGIC GOAL #SA: Develo a Master Plan for Cam Parks. STRATEGIC GOAL #5I3: Continue Implementation of Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. ~ STRATEGIC GOAL #SC: Im lement Housing Element. STRATEGIC GOAL #SD: Work with property owners to optimize underutilized properties outside of the downtown. STRATEGIC GOAL #SE: Develop plans to assure that the provision of City services keeps pace with service demands and available revenues. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. IILA.7 Gvaluate options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen AcYivity Center following the (New) o enin of the new Shannon Communit Center. S7'RATI;GY #6: Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural cxpcricnccs in thc rcgion. STRATEGIC GOAL #6A: Ex and and enhance Dublim Historic Park. STRATEGIC GOAL #613: Develo a state-of-the-art recreation/a uatic com lex. # G&O Ref ll PROPOSGD O[3JGCTIVC POR ACCOMPLISHiNG STRATEGIC GOAI. 1. III.A.6 Undertake development of design and construction documents for Gmerald Glen Rea•eation and (New) A uatic Com lex. STItATEGIC GOAL #6C: Identify opportunities for development of a unique passive park/recreation facilit . 2