HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 Summer2008QuarterlyReport L 19 -182 AGENDA STATEMENT ~c I ~ PARKS AND COMMUIVITY SERVICES COMMISSION - MEETING DATE: October 20, 2008 SUBJECT: Summer 2008 Quarterly Report Report by Paul McCreary, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services ATTACHIVVIENTS: 1) Leisure Classes Registration Report 2) Senior Center Attendance Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive report ' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The Parks and Community Services Department develops and implements quality programs that strengthen community image, provide recreational experiences, encourage healthy lifestyles and preserve the City's heritage. This is accomplished by providing innovative recreation programs in the azeas of playgrounds, preschool, teens, sports, special events, leisure classes, seniors and aquatics. Following is a summary of suminer 2008 programs and events. LEISURE CLASSES Various leisure classes and specialized camps are offered in the summer. The classes and camps are taught by contracted instructors. There were 89 leisure classes and specialized camps offered this summer. These offerings provided a positive recreational experience to the participants and an opportunity to enhance their health and well being. The main mazketing tool for classes is The Guide, which is mailed to every household in Dublin and available at City facilities. Also, a specialized Summer Camp brochure was created to specifically market summer camps. This brochure was distributed to a11 schools in Dublin. There were a total of 591 registrations for Leisure Classes this summer, which is a 15% increase over last year. Following is a summary of registration for Leisure Classes. Leisure Classes Registration Gomparison Registration 00: 00 006 005 2004 Resident 502 433 344 284 516 Non-Resident 89 84 60 60 128 Total 591 517 404 344 644 Classes Held 69 59 49 43 75 Avg. Registration per Class 8.6 8.8 8.3 8.0 8.6 Classes Offered 89 68 80 59 108 Cancellation Rate 23% 13% 39% 27% 31:6 COPIES TO: ITEM NO.: 8.2 GAPARKS C0MMISSI0N\AGNDSTMT12008\10-20 Summer 2008 Quarterly Report.doc Popular adult classes included Cazdio Tennis, Pilates, Golf Lessons, and Hatha Yoga. Popular children's classes and camps included Judo; Driver's Education, Golf, Filipino Martial Arts, Ice Skating, Bowling, Gymnastics and the Mad Science Camps. SENIOR CENTER The Dublin Senior Center provides a variety of activities that invigorate the mind, body and spirit of the senior community. Following is the summary of attendance during the 2008 summer quarter. Attachment 2 is a detailed attendance report. Senior Center Attendance Comparison Attendance 00: 007 2006 00 004 Drop-In 1,547 11122 934 1,272 454 Programs and Activities 9,556 7,977 7,980 6,318 6,152 Total 11,103 9,099 8,914 7,590 6,606 Avg. Daily Attendance 168 140 137 152 102 Total Volunteer Hours 3,532 3,305 2,869 2,208 2,074 This summer there was a 22% increase in attendance compared with last summer. T'he lunch program grew served an additiona1326 meals, which was a 26% increase. Attendance at the bridge program grew by 246 (41%), while the Line Dance classes increased by 200 participants (23%). The Bingo program which is sponsored by the Senior Foundation grew by 180 participants (52%). There was an increase in attendance at the Fitness and Pilates classes of 177 participants. Several new activities were offered including the Art Studio, Bunco, Ping Pong, Games Night, Ukulele Lessons and Hula Dance. PRESCHOOL TENDERFOOT DAY CAMP Tenderfoot Day Camp is for children three to five yeazs of age held at the Emerald Glen Activity Center. This camp assists children to become more independent and interested in going to preschool or kindergarten. Eight one-week sessions were held, each revolving around a special theme and included a daily craft, lots of play, stories, and water play. Themes for the 2008 camp included "Dinosaurs- Jurassic Park", "Space- Explore the Universe", "Circus- Under the Big Tent," "Science- Mad Science Week," Fairy Tales and Fantasy, "Sports- Let's Get Physical", "Cook- Kitchen Creations," and "Wild, Wild West". In the past the City offered four two-week sessions with camps in the morning and afternoon; while this year there were eight one-week sessions, with camps in the morning and afternoon. Due to high demand for the program, an additional afternoon camp was offered when space was available at the adjacent Activity Center. As a result during 2008 there were 418 registered participants, which was a 75% increase over last summer when factoring in there were twice as many sessions this year. This may be due to the change in session length which may have corresponded better with household vacation schedules. Tenderfoot Registration Comparison Registration 00: 007 2006 00004 Resident 362 108 112 127 107 Non-Resident 56 13 4 4 5 Total Registration . 418 120 116 131 112 Page 2 of 10 , PLAYGROUND PROGRAMS Fun in the Sun Fun in the Sun provides participants entering first through fifth grades with the experience of summer camp without the overnight stay. It provides a fun and healthy alternative to spending the summer in front of the television playing video games. The program provides a safe environment for youth to play games, make new friends, learn new skills and stimulate their creativity. Fun in the Sun took place Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Emerald Glen Park, Mape Memorial Park, and Kolb Park. The Dolan Pazk site was cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. Weekly themes inciuded Company Picnic, Flashing Lights, Out of this . World, All Star MVP's, Backyard Fun, H2-OOOh!, Summer Blues, and Aloha. The program also included weekly special events and excursions based on the theme. A two-hour "Summer Enrichxnent" component was offered each week at each park focusing on science, art, music and nature. This summer there were a total of 388 registrants for the program, which was a 10% decrease compared to last summer and a five year low. This may be attributable to the fact that the Dolan Park site was cancelled. For next year, Staff will be analyzing the best locations based on customer input to conduct Fun in the Sun. Following is a summary of registration. Fun in the Sun Registration Comparison Registration 008 007 2006 005 2004 Full Summer 150 173 144 176 196 Individual Weeks 238 258 285 241 214 Total Registration 388 431 429 417 410 Camp Emerald Glen Camp Emerald Glen provides participants with a full day summer camp experience without the overnight stay. Camp Emerald Glen is held at The Emerald Glen Activity Center for children entering first through fifth grades. Participants enjoyed a variety of activities which included sports, enrichment classes, and local excursions. This provided them with an opportunity to make new friends and participate in safe and healthy activities which improved their physical well being as well as their emotional health. Ten one week sessions were offered and there were a total of 243 registrations, which was a slight decrease from last year. Following is a summary of registration for the program. Camp Emerald Glen Registration Comparison Registration 00: 007 2006 00004 Resident 220 238 214 230 239 Non Resident 23 11 3 14 30 Total Registration 243 249 217 244 269 Exiended Care Reg. 95 89 65 129 116 TEEN PROGRAMS Total Recreation Live (TRL) Camp TRL is a siunmer-camp program which features sporting events, enrichment activities, and exciting excursions to local venues. TRL is for teens entering sixth through ninth grades. The program consisted of eight one-week sessions, held Monday through Friday from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Participants enjoyed a variety of activities which included sports, enrichment classes, and local excursions. TRL provided teens an opportunity to make new friends and experience unique recreational activities. Excursions included Sony Metreon- SF, Super Franks, Regal Cinemas, Boomers, Eazl Anthony Bowl, Ice Skating, and Oakland A's game. Also, on Thursdays the Teens went to the Dublin Swim center and enjoyed the day Page 3 of 10 participating in water activities. Fridays the teens barbecued and participated in outdoor games at Kolb Park. This summer there were 99 registered participants, which was a 47% decrease compared with last summer. This may be attributable to the addition of several other camps this summer geared towards teens. The camps held at the Swim Center were particularly popular with younger teens. The swim camps were full-day which many parents indicated is stiil a need for working households with children entering sixth and seventh grade. Following is a summary of registration for TRL. TRL Camp Registration Comparison • 007 007 2006 00 0~~ Resident 96 174 160 125 62 Non Resident 3 13 22 16 4 Total Registration 99 187 182 141 66 Junior Leader Program The Junior Leader Program provided teens ages 13 to 16 with an opportunity to learn valuable job skills while volunteering with Parks and Community Services camp programs. Junior Leaders received instruction in resume writing, mastering the interview, searching for a job, self esteem, "what is a volunteer", safety and the value of teamwork. These topics were instructed by Department Staf£ The Junior Leaders assisted Recreation Leaders with conducting camp programs at Gamp Emerald Glen, Fun in the Sun, Tenderfoot Day Camp, and Sports Camp. This summer 26 Junior Leaders volunteered between 8 to 20 hours per week at a specific camp site. They assisted site staff with the organization and implementation of activities. The Junior Leaders gained valuable experience through this program which enhanced their social, intellectual, physical and emotional development. The Junior Leaders also gained lifelong leazning skills which they will use throughout their educational and professional experiences. Following is a summary of participation in the program. Junior Leader Program Participation Comparison Registration 008 007 2006 005 2004 Resident 25 22 21 24 17 Non Resident I 6 4 3 7 Total Registration 36 28 25 27 24 Total Volunteer Hours 2,314 2,496 2,156 2,592 2,034 Teen Website The goal of providing the website www.dubtownteens.com is to provide a means for "getting the word ouY" to teens about the many things to do in Dublin, from recreational and entertainment activities to jobs and volunteer opportunities. The teen website will provide information on teen issues, events, job postings, feature stories, and any other information the Youth Advisory Committee believes important to communicate to the youth of Dublin. Following is a summary of the use of the website by the public. Teen Website Usage Comparison otia i: 11 Total Visitors 6,863 3,784 Total Number of Hiu (Clicks) 83,045 41,665 Page 4 of 10 ADULT SPORTS Bocce Leagues Two Coed leagues were held on Wednesday and Friday evenings with a total of eight teams participating. Only one league was conducted during this quarter last year. The leagues began in July and ended in September. Two bocce courts are located at Emerald Glen Park. Adult Bocce League Registration Summary Teams 00: 2007 Coed 8 5 Softball Leagues During the summer quarter, one Coed/Business Coed softball league was conducted with a total of 10 teams participating. The men's league did not reach its minimum and was cancelled. Games were held at the Dublin Sports Grounds on Thursday evenings. The league began in July and will conclude in October. Adult Softball League Registration Comparison Registration 000 007 2006 ii 004 Coed / Business Coed 10 10 7 7 5 Coed "D" 0 0 0 0 5 Men's "D" 0 6 0 4 10 Total Registration 10 16 7 11 20 Open Gym Basketball Open Gym Basketball was conducted at Stager Community Gym on Wednesday evenings. The program ran for eleven weeks. Open gym was not conducted when Stager Gym was closed for maintenance for two weeks in August. Average attendance was comparable to the same period last year but overall attendance was up due to more weeks being offered. Open Gym Participation Comparison 008 200006 005 2004 Total Attendance 175 125 95 145 222 Avg. Daily Attendance 16 16 12 15 22 Volleyball Tournament The 81h Annual Dublin SpikeFest Doubles Volleyball Tournament was held at Emerald Glen Park on August 16 and 17. Men's and Women's Grass doubles were held on Saturday and Reverse Coed doubles were held on Sunday. Attendance was down 26% from the last year's event. According to Volleyzoo, the sanctioning organization, overall attendance by teams from the East Bay has been low at other tournaments this season. Volleyball Tournament Registration Comparison Registration 008 007 200. 005 2004 Men's II 16 19 24 13 Women's 7 5 20 8 3 Reverse Coed 10 17 22 17 9 Total Registration 28 38 61 49 25 Page 5 of 10 YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAMS City Sports Camps All sports camps are one week programs. Pee Wee and Peanut Sports Camps are designed for children ages four to five (Pee Wee) and children in first through third grades (Peanut). The camps provide basic instruction in basketball, soccer and teeball. Individual sports were conducted for 40 minutes each day. The camps were held at Emerald Glen Park, Stager Community Gym and Ted Fairfield Park. The Emerald Glen Park site experienced the highest overall attendance. Attendance was up 7% in the Pee Wee sports camps and set a five year high. Attendance was up 62% in the Peanut sports camps compared to last year. Pee Wee Sports Camp Registration Comparison Registration 008 007 2006 005 2004 All Sports 0 0 0 0 28 Basketball 35 31 33 33 0 Soccer 48 39 30 45 0 Teeball 43 48 36 40 0 Total Registration 126 118 99 118 28 Peanut Sports Camp Registration Comparison Registration 008 007 2006 005 2004 All Sporu 0 0 0 0 17 Basketball 28 17 15 39 0 Soccer 30 18 13 38 0 Teeball 28 18 12 28 0 Total Registration 86 53 40 105 17 Contracted Youth Sports Programs Each quarter the City offers several youth sports programs by utilizing contracted instructors. Contracted camps and classes offered during the summer included Challenger Soccer, Club VIP Volleyball, Dublin Basketball, Kidz Love Soccer (program and camp), Make Me a Pro, Skyhawks Sports Academy, U.K. International Soccer and West Coast Sports (International Multi-Sports). This sutnmer, Arora Tennis and Dublin Ranch Golf were added to the offerings. T'here was a 22% increase in registration for Contracted Youth Sports Programs this summer. The increase came primarily from Make Me a Pro and Skyhawks Sports Academy. There were 639 children registered for summer sports programs, which was a five-year high. Contract Youth Sports Registration Comparison Camp/Program 008 007 2006 005 2004 AIl West Lacrosse - - 42 66 64 Arora Tennis 97 - - - - Challenger Soccer 31 34 - - - Club VIP Volleyball 19 24 8 18 - Dublin Basketball 45 47 47 31 19 Dublin Ranch Golf 15 - - - - East Bay Roller Hockey - - 14 12 25 Home Courc Tennis - 128 27 160 - Kidz Love Soccer 139 163 154 102 88 International Multi-Sports 9 - - 12 - Make Me a Pro 79 14 - - - Skyhawks Sports Academy 190 97 94 76 111 Tri-Valley Cricket - - 6 - - UK International Soccer 15 16 40 18 24 Total Registration 639 523 432 495 331 Page 6 of 10 Senior Drop In Sports Several senior drop-in sports activities were introduced in the summer of 2008. Bocce open play (13 dates) was held at Emerald Glen Pazk. Golf outings (3 dates) were played at Dublin Ranch Golf Course. Softball open play (2 dates) was held at the Dublin Sports Grounds. Tennis mixers (3 dates) were held at Emerald Glen Park and Kolb Park. A total of 119 senior sports participants attended these events. The tennis and golf events were the best attended. Staff will focus on these sports in the upcoming year. SPECIAL EVENTS Father's Day Picnic On Sunday, June 15, the City of Dublin hosted the 2"d annual Father's Day Picnic at Emerald Glen Park. The event featured carnival games, make & take Father's Day gift craft items, and activities such as a Hipity Hop Horse Race, a Bear Walk, and Kick-Croquet as well as live musical entertainment provided by Rock Explosion. Although this event received rave reviews from the 175 attendees (several people even called and emailed after the event) overall attendance was down 10% from 2007. Dublin Community Golf Tournament if: I~ Total Registration 175 194 Dublin Community Golf Tournament (New) The inaugural Dublin Community Golf Tournament was held at Dublin Ranch Golf Course on Tuesday, June 24. The event was intergenerational in nature, combining teens, adults and seniors on teams to compete in a scramble style tournament. There were 34 groups totaling 130 golfers. The event was sold out. The tournament featured golf, a dinner banquet, a putting contest and a silent auction. Pinn Brothers Fine Homes was the Founding Sponsor for the tournament. Dublin Community Golf Tournament Registration 2008 Adulu 35 Seniors 84 Teens II Total Registration 130 Family Campout T'he Family Camp Out provided the opporhxnity for participants to experience outdoor camping with their families without traveling a long distance. Only minutes from their homes yet it felt like miles away. A variety of activities and entertainment were planned as well a barbeque dinner and light continental breakfast. The Camp Out took place Saturday July 12 & 13 at Alamo Creek Park. 175 participants enjoyed a variety of activities which included kick ball, dodge ball, relay games, basketball, street hockey, arts and crafts, storytelling, visit from the Police Department crime dogs, s'mores and camp fue songs. Families had an opportunity to make new friends. The Camp Out event also helps strengthen community image and sense of place for the participants. Family Campout Attendance Total Registration 175 159 Page 7 of 10 Outdoor Family Movie Nights This summer, three Family Movie Nights ("Movies under the Stars") were held on Friday evenings on August 15, August 29 and September 12 at Emerald Gien Park. The movies began at approximately 8:15 P.M. (dusk). Movies included "Bee Movie", "Ghost Busters", and "Surfs Up". Admission was free, and concessions such as popcorn, candy and soda/water were available at a nominal cost. Outdoor Movie Night Attendance 00: 007 200. Total Attendance 2,800 2,600 1,000 AQUATIC PROGRAMS The City operates the Dublin Swim Center, which is located next to Dublin High School. The facility features two pools, a waterslide, diving boazd, group picnic area, heated showers and locker rooms. The main pool consists of a free-form shallow area, 25-yazd lap lanes, and a diving area. A one-foot deep wading pool is also available for toddlers and parents. Following is a summary of the programs and classes offered at the Swim Center during the summer. Recreational Swimming The Swim Center is open for recreational swimming Monday through Thursday from 1:00 to 4:30 P.M., Friday through Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M., and on Monday and Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Total attendance for recreational swimming increased by 8% in the summer of 2008. There was an increase in all admission types except group admissions. Group admissions had a 10% decrease due to the difficulty some groups experienced obtaining transportation to the Swim Center. The summer of 2008 had 16 days with a temperature at 95° or higher as compazed to 10 days in 2007 and 26 days in 2006. Extremely hot days cause the daily attendance to jump significantly. A separate marketing piece was created and distributed to help promote the Swim Center and City aquatic programs. Recreational Swimming Attendance Comparison A. . 00: 007 2006 00004 Preschool Admission 874 690 858 1,106 1,098 Youth Admission 4,165 3,940 5,283 5,125 5,119 AdultAdmission 2,245 1,844 2,485 2,354 2,281 Senior Admission 151 . 97 133 121 113 Punch Pass Use 291 258 273 348 432 Family Pass Use 1,481 789 1,820 2,013 2,854 Group Admissions 4,705 5,241 4,764 4,905 6,930 Total Attendance 13,912 I 2,859 15,616 15,972 18,827 Learn-to-Swim Lessons The Learn-to-Swim Program offers group and individual inshuction for infants, preschoolers, youth, teens and adults. T'he classes are based on the American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim program. Participation in the Learn-to-Swim program decreased 2% this year. The decrease was primarily in the preschool and Parent/Infant classes. Learn-to-Swim Registration Comparison Level 008 007 2006 005 2004 Parendlnfant 165 189 109 197 262 Preschool 442 466 439 927 861 Youth 671 640 567 401 405 Adult & Teen 34 22 25 20 27 Private Lessons 73 85 81 104 595 Day Care Group Lessons 385 394 354 357 363 Total Registration 1,770 1,796 1,575 2,006 2,513 Page 8 of 10 Springboard Diving Lessons Participants aze taught the basics of proper diving, including the approach and takeoff, as well as various dives from the one-meter springboazd. There was an increase in lessons due to the diving structure being operational all summer. In 2007, the diving structure was closed for repair during part of the summer. Springboard Diving Registration Comparison _ 00: 00 006 005 2004 Resident i l 5 13 12 9 Non-Resident 0 0 3 0 0 Total Registration 11 5 16 12 9 Fitness Programs The City's fitness programs include Water Aerobics, Lap Swimming and Water Walking. Water Aerobics classes were offered Tuesday/"Thursday at noon and Tuesday/Thursday in the evening. All classes were taught by certified instructors. Water Aerobics participants could pay a daily admission fee or register for the whole session at a discounted rate. There was a 24% decrease in attendance. This can be attributed to the cancelling of the Monday/Wednesday noon class due to low enrollment. Lap Swimming and Water Walking are drop-in programs and included morning and evening sessions on weekdays. Participants could pay a daily admission fee or purchase a punch pass at a discounted rate. There was a 159% increase in lap swimming attendance, which is primarily attributed to the Tri-Va11ey Aquatics swim team using lap swim passes for their swimmers. Lap Swimming Attendance Comparison . 00: 007 2006 005 2004 Daily Adult Admission 122 106 91 99 I 63 Daily Senior Admission 13 30 40 14 20 Lap Pass Uses 470 98 121 175 204 Total Attendance 605 234 252 288 387 Water Aerobics Attendance Comparison . 00: 00 ii. ii 004 Daily Adult Admission 94 82 0 0 12 Daily Senior Admission 22 114 0 0 50 Full Session Registration 41 47 - - - Aerobics Pass Uses 28 0 0 0 42 Total Attendance 185 243 0 0 104 Dublin Green Gator Swim Team . The Dublin Green Gator Swim Team was open to any child who had not reached their 19`h birthday by June 1. The Green Gators participate in the Tri-Va11ey Swim League and the team is dedicated to improving stroke technique, building endurance, creating teamwork, and providing a fun experience to boost swimmer self-esteem. Practices aze held daily from Memorial Day through the first week in August. The season culminates with the league championship meet. This season the Green Gators finished with the best record in team history, with five wins and two losses. In the process, the swimmers established 19 new team records. Swim Team Registration Comparison Registration 008 20000. 005 2004 Resident 113 115 116 121 120 Non-Resident 26 28 20 16 18 Total Registration 139 143 136 137 138 Page 9 of 10 JuniorAquatic WaterSafety (JAWS) After completing the American Red Cross Guard Start course, participants entering the seventh grade or higher were eligible to volunteer at the Dublin Swim Center during the Learn-to-Swim program. The total numbers of volunteer hours was reduced this year as JAWS volunteers were not requested to volunteer during recreational swim hours. This summer, three first year lifeguards had previously participated in the JAWS Program. JAWS Volunteer Comparison 008 007 2006 005 2004 New Volunteers 15 14 12 10 21 Returning Volunteers 5 10 21 16 9 Total # of Volunteers 20 24 33 26 30 Total Volunteer Hours 1,130 1,870 2,011 2,026 2,338 Party Program Families or groups can reserve the group picnic area at the Swim Center to hold a party during recreational swimming hours. T'here is a$25.00 feE to reserve the party date and the admission fees are the same as Recreational Swim fees. This summer, the number of parties increased by 12% setting a five year high, although the total attendance decreased by 3% from 2007. Party attendance is determined by the party host. Party Program Attendance Gomparison 00: 00 006 00S 2004 Number of Parties 38 34 28 24 23 Total Attendance 715 736 505 356 384 Private Pool Rentals Community groups, businesses and individuals can rent the pool for private functions. T'he pool is available for private rentals when it is not open for programs or recreational swimming. The number of pool rentals increased by one and the total number of participants increased by 17%. Both figures set five year highs. Private Pool Rental Attendance Comparison 008 007 2006 005 2004 Number of Parties I I 10 7 8 7 Total Attendance 1,258 1,075 900 647 972 Swim/Sports Camps The City contracted with Club VIP to offer two swim/volleyball camps, and Staff conducted three other various swim/sports camps. Campers received morning sports instruction. After lunch, the group took a chaperoned walk to the Swim Center and spent the afternoon participating in Recreational Swimming. Under the supervision of the Aquatic camp leader, the participants also learned about water safety and enjoyed organized games in the water and on dry land. The camps were one week in length. Swim/Sports Camp Participation Summary Total Attendance 103 36 Number of Camps 5 2 Avg. Daily Attendance 21 18 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Pazks and Community Services Commission receive the report. 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